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Occupation, VocationSCP12 Week 13

Page 4: Occupation, Vocation?

Science today is a 'vocation' organised in special disciplines in the service of self-clarification and knowledge of interrelated facts.

Max Weber, Science as a Vocation, 1946

Page 5: Occupation, Vocation?

An occupational culture:

Similar personal characteristics, backgrounds and experiences

Social interaction, shared experience, common training and affiliation

Mutual support, associated values and norms

A distinct jargon Shapes perceptions of reality by developing classification systems to describe experiences and concepts

Johnson, Koh and Killough, 2009

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Observing the behaviour of more experienced coaches during practice and games and listening during informal periods leaves its mark on novice coaches.

It is largely through such experiences that collective understandings begin to develop, and the shared meanings about the occupational culture of coaching starts to take shape. ... much of what a new coach learns is through ongoing interactions in the practical coaching context, as well as a variety of informal sources.

Cushion, Armour and Jones, 2003

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I have always looked at reflective practice as a compass of sorts to guide teachers when they may be seeking direction as to what they are doing in their classrooms.

The metaphor of reflection as a compass enables teachers to stop, look, and discover where they are at that moment and then decide where they want to go (professionally) in the future.

Farrell (2012)

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Teacherhood must be based on a profound understanding about the influence of childhood events on teacher students’ present identity—and on their future identity as teachers as well.

Heikkilä, Uusiautti & Määttä (2012)

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Personal Performance Review