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  • 7/30/2019 Obstetric and Gynecology Exam


    Obstetric and Gynecology exam. 2008: ( assessment and final(

    MCQs + essays & short notes + OSCE

    Done by : Dana Maarafi & Dalia Sadeq

    1-high level of testosterone and DHEA in women is produced in:

    a- ovary

    b- adrenal gland

    c- dysgerminoma

    2-Indication of C/S in Kuwait is

    a- repeat C/S

    b- failure to progress

    c- cephalopelvic disproportion

    3-What is NOT true about chorioamionitis:

    a- usually extremely sensitive for chemotherapy

    b- usually extremely sensitive to radiotherapy

    c- frequently found to secrete - feto protein

    4-genetic screening is indicated in next pregnancy if abortion


    a- polyploidy

    b- trisomy

    c- monosomy

    5-chrionic viili detects:

    a- trisomy 13

    b- trisomy 18

    c- trisomy 21

    6-what is NOT true about HIV:

    a- C/S if membrane not ruptured , prevents vertical transmission

    to fetus

    b- 15% of new born will have the disease at 6 months

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    c- not transmitted by breast feeding

    d- can be transmitted to fetus before birth

    e- it is a retrovirus

    7-spasm at introitus during sexual intercourse:


    8-45yr old female complaning of irregular bleeding, endometrial

    histology : benign prolifrative epithelium, she is suffering from hot

    flashes , Best treatment is:

    a- OCP

    b- sequential contraceptive pill

    c- progesterone

    d- unconjugated equine estrogen/ progesterone

    9-45yr old female has grade IIA cervical cancer , best treated by:

    a- radiotherapy

    b- hysterectomy

    c- hysterectomy and bilateral opherectomy

    d- hysterectomy with bilateral salpingoopherectomy

    10-60yr old female has complex hyperplasia with atypia ,

    treatment of choice is:

    a- TAH-BSO


    11-most likely to develop endometrial carcinoma is:

    a- simple atypia

    b- complex atypia

    c- adenomysis

    12-in rheumatic heart disease . maximum rist is at

    a- 1st trimester

    b- 2nd trimester

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    c- 3rd trimester

    d- 1st stage labor

    e- 2nd stage labor

    13-pregnancy is unlikely in

    a- Vit B12 deficiency

    b- TTP

    14-during antenatal visit , while examining a lady. She became

    hypotensive. What is the 1st step to do:

    a- O2 mask

    b- turn on lateral side

    15-which one of the following is diabetogenic in pregnancy:

    a- progesterone

    b- HPL

    16-average age at menarche : ( not sure(

    a- 7-9

    b- 11-12

    c- 12-13

    17-ovarian tumor present bilaterally more likely metastasize to

    a- LN

    b- lung

    c- liver

    d- brain

    18-risk of cervical cancer less in

    a- early age at 1st sexual intercourse

    b- late age of 1st intercourse

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    c- multiple partners

    19-all indicate poor prognosis n cancer except:

    a- menopause

    b- low grade tumor

    20-PID is


    21-PCO causes all except:

    a- infertility

    b- menorrhagia

    c- dysmenorrheal

    22-Tx of endometriosis:

    a- danazol


    23-increase risk of ectopic in:

    a- reversal of sterilization

    b- bergoline

    c- clomphine citrate

    24-Tx of amenorrhea:

    a- clomiphine citrate

    b- low dose progesterone

    25-placenta site in mother invaded and lined by : intermediate


    26-all are true of deceleration except:

    a- change position

    b- give O2

    c- prepare mother for C/S

    d- give oxytosin*

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    27-bladder instability:

    a- can be first seen after colposuspension

    b- caused by MS

    c- pelvic floor exercise has no rule in management

    28-about TVTO:

    a- rate of success is 100% if with anterior corporrhaphy

    b- may cause urinary retention post op

    c- can cause bladder instability

    29-vaginal secretion in 10 yr old not puberty yet, all except:

    a- systemic steroids

    b- foreign body

    c- ring worm

    d- dysgerminoma

    e- ectopic ureter

    30-all of the following can cause PID except:

    a- tooth extraction

    b- IUCD

    c- multiple partners

    d- female circumcision

    31-adenomyosis , all true except:

    a- cause bleeding

    b- diagnosed by endometrial biopsy

    32-in non pregnant uterus , all true except:

    a- endometrium has 2 layers

    b- has cervix and body

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    c- 7.5 cm in length

    d- supplied by ovarian and uterine arteries

    33-which is true about implantation:

    *a- 1 wk after fertalization

    b- 2 wks after ovulation

    c- 2 days after ovulation

    34-which is true about menstruation:

    a- 10 days after LMP

    b- take place if no fertilization*

    c- occurs in an ovulatory cycle

    35-test used to detect ovulation:

    a- day 10 estradiol

    b- day 14 LH

    *c- day 21 progesterone

    36-5 for reductase is:

    a- enzyme converting testosterone to DHT for development of

    male external genetalia*

    b- not present in women

    37-signs of respiratory distress in newborn:

    a- grunting

    b- subcostal reccession

    c- nasal flaring

    d- B& C

    )the correct answer should be all of the above but was

    not a choice(

    38-in Rh isoimmunization , all are true except: ( another Q with

    more than 1 answer( !

    a- it occurs in O- mothers only

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    b- 2nd attack less severe

    c- occur after prophylaxis

    39-dose of HRT of progesterone:

    a- 150 l/ day

    b- 30 l/ day

    c- 350 l/ day

    d- 150 ml/day

    40-ovarian tumor with tubal lining:

    a- serous cystadenoma

    b- mucinous cystadenoma

    c- brenner tumor

    41-not a risk factor for osteoporosis:

    a- sedimentary life

    b- black race

    c- early age of puberty

    42-most specific test to insure placenta is normal:

    a- U/S

    b- Doppler flow in umbilical artery

    43-TORCH is : toxoplasma, rubella, CMV, herpes

    44-not true about semen:

    *a- normal amount is 10 ml

    b- 40 or more immobile = asthenozoospermia

    c- normal count of sperms is 20-250 millions

    45-hysteroscopy is contraindicated n : PID

    46-regarding iron deficiency anemia , all true except:

    a- causes PPH

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    b- contraindicate epidural

    c- mAcrocytic hypochromic anemia

    47-all of the following may occur as complication in pregnancy


    a- TTP

    b- HELLP syndrome

    c- B12 deficiency

    d- fatty changes of liver

    48-GTD all true except:

    a- 20% progress to malignancy

    b- complete mostly xx46

    c- rate of 2nd molar is 2%

    49-in asymptomatic bacteria, all true except:

    a- 5% have it

    b- more in multigravida

    c- 3% have congenital anomalies

    d- 30% progress to pyelonephritis

    50-pain during intercourse = dysparunia

    51-not a component of bishop's score:

    a- fetal position

    b- head station

    c- cervical consistency

    d- effacement

    52-true about placenta accreta:

    infiltrate myometrium to peritoneum making it impossible to


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    53-contraindication for vaginal delivery after C-section:

    a- previous 2 or more c-section

    b- previous T incision

    c- previous classical incision

    d- previous rupture

    e- all of the above

    54-absolute contraindication for ECV:

    *a- previous 3 C/S

    b- PIH

    55-fetal lie : spine of baby parallel to mother spine

    56-causes of high head:

    a- previous uterine surgery

    b- small pelvis

    c- deflexed head

    57-commonest uterine neoplasm is:

    *a- lieomyoma

    b- endometrial cancer

    c- MMT

    d- liemyosarcoma

    58-ectopic pregnancy:

    a- causes post coital bleeding*

    b- seen in postmenopausal

    c- is a true ulcer

    59-causes of candidal vagintis , all except:

    a- broad spectrum antibiotic

    b- COC

    c- systemic steroids

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    60-regarding prevention in HIV positive women:

    a- encourage to have monogamous relationship

    b- use condom with spermaticide

    c- donate blood generously

    d- a & b

    61-which is not a thrtapeutic indication of laproscopy:

    a- entdometriosis cautary

    b- lysis of adhesions

    c- peritoneum culture*

    62-which of the following 2 organisms commonly caused PID:

    clamydia & gonorrhea


    63-19yr old no puberty , inguinal mass : testicular feminzation

    64-2months no peiod after an abortion : no abnormalities

    65-50yr old with amenorrhea : menopause

    66-30yr old with amnorrhea premature menopause

    67-women with galactorrhea : CNS tumor

    68-which is not true : first step in repairing perineal tear is suturing

    the muscl

    69-patient has hip pain, anemia, jaundice, pregnant and not

    improving with iron supplement . what to do?

    *a- Hb electrophoresis

    b- fragility tst

    c- comb's test

    d- G6PH level

    70-signs of separation of placenta include:

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    a- soft uterus

    *b- visible lengthening of cord

    c- impalpable fundus

    d- membrane visible at introitus

    71-which one is not a manifistation of fibroid:

    a- menorrhagia

    b- recurrent abortion

    c- infertility or subfertility

    *d- genuine stress incontinence

    72-absolute contraindication of OCP:

    *a- recent DVT

    b- diabetes

    73-regaring liemyosarcoma , all true except:

    a- fleshy texture

    b- arise from one cell type ( not sure about choice(

    c- mitosis < 5-10 / high power field

    74-hypertion bfore 20 weeks can be caused by : GTD

    75-placenta has : 20 -25 segments

    76-bleeding n post-menopausal women can occur in al except:

    a- 6 months use of trivial

    b- continuous HRT*

    77-women after miscariage should take OCP after : 2 weeks

    Written exam: assessment

  • 7/30/2019 Obstetric and Gynecology Exam


    Essay 1 : 30 yr old P0+1+0+1 delivered by emergency C-section at

    36 wks for fetal distress. Now she is 37 week pregnant . discusse

    her management (fetus was breech but not sure(

    Essay 2: 68 yr old diabetic on oral hypoglycemic , presented with

    cystic mass arising from the pelvis with ascitis . discuss her


    Shot Notes:

    1-what is recurrent abortion ? outline the management

    2-what is stress incontinence ? list differential diagnosis , outline


    3-list indications, prerequisite and complication of forceps

    4-list 5 causes and complications of peurpural pyrexia and how to

    prevent them

    5-list 5 indications, complications and the procedure of D&C

    6-what is HELLP ? outline management

    7-list 5 causes of STD and management of 1 of them

    8? -

    Written exam : final

    Essay 1: a nurse P 0+0+ 4 + 0 recurrent miscariages at 14-16 wks

    gestation. how to manage.. ?

    Essay 2: 72 yr old teacher complaining of 3 days of bleeding per

    vagina for first time , LMP 10 yrs ago , no abdominal pain , no

    swelling, no change in bowel habit, no weight loss. Discuss


    Short notes:

    1-informed consent of tubal ligation

    2-breast feeding : advantages for mother and baby


    4-laproscopy : indications, procedure complications

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    5-uses of MgSO4 in gyn

    6-medical management of ectopic pregnancy

    7-chronic pelvic pain : etiology and management

    8-pain relief during labor

    OSCE: final exam

    1-endometriosis : clinical presentation, 2 theories, 4 treatments

    2-lady pregnant in her 26 wks (LMP was given only) symphysis fundal

    hight was 31. Pic of U/S shown

    So >> , large for gestational age + pic of polyhydraminous ( U/S(

    Name of A: LGA . list of cases

    B: polyhydraminous.

    how to diagnose B in U/S (list 2 ways(

    3-induction of labor set : name of each, indications, which one is used if

    bishop's score is 4?

    4-multile fibroids : presentation + 4 treatment

    5-semen analysis: list 4 abnormalities , 4 Tx, 2 complication to spouse ,

    how to prevent them

    6-contraception : name each, effectivness of each, advantage of OCP, C/I

    of IUCD, in emergency contraception what to use?

    7-trichomonas vaginalis pic shown ( wet test(

    Question about vaginal secretion

    Name condition, 4 differentials, how to differentiate between them , list2 of them STDs, manage 1

    8-scenario of lady with GDM after delivery of baby's head , difficulty in

    delivery rest of body

    Pic of macrosomic baby was shown

    Name condition : shoulder dystocia

    List risk factor, how to manage ( 4 intial steps) , complication ( 2 for

    mother, 2 for baby(

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    9-case of iron deficiency anemia : 4 abnormalities in lab test, name

    condition , Tx, 4 investigations