Download - Obra De Teatro Thanks Giving (Piligrims And English)

Page 1: Obra De Teatro Thanks Giving (Piligrims And English)



Family 1 (lucia, Gustavo; pedro y mariana)

Mom: hi honey, how was your day at work?Dad: Hi Darling; it was fine, i just arrived to our thanksgiving dinner; did you call to your sister?

Mom: Ups, I forgot; let me call her; ..Cristina; how are you? Are your coming tonight to our classic thanksgiving dinner?

Sister Mom: Yes, I’m ready and my husband too. Ok. What things do you need?

Mom:Please bring the corn and the pumpkins; and the wine of curse.

Sister mom: ok. See you then.

At night: Dad: Welcome to our traditional thanksgiving dinner; please boy and girl brint the turkeys…Mom and dad No. 2(Cristina and Gustavo) say: Thank you, here they are the ingredients for our dinner!

Turkey 1: The Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock on December 11, 1620. Their first winter was very hard. But the next fall they had a good harvest from the seed they had planted. They decided to celebrate with a feast, including the Indians who had helped them survive their first year.

Turkey2: The men went hunting to get meat for thefeast. It is not certain that wild turkey was a part of their feast since they used the term“turkey” for any kind of wild birds.

Pumpkin: Another food that we almost always have at Thanksgiving is pumpkin pie. The supply of flour had been used, so there was no bread or pastries of any kind. Pumpkin was plentiful because it grew here wild and they ate it boiled.

Corn: the Corn was unknown to the pilgrims before they met the Indians. Indians gave them seeds and taught them how to grow it. Today we grow more acres of corn than anyother grain.

Boy Pedro: I’ll get the turkey; and my sister the other turkey…

Mariana: I’m busy I’m writing about the thanksgiving day;

The other boy says: Please tell us the story; ok. Pay attention! Once upon a time… (Todos se sientan alrededor de la mesa viendo hacia el público y el escenario).

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HORA: Otoño, 1615.

Escenario: subasta de esclavos en la plaza del pueblo español.

EN ASCENSO: CAZA DEL CAPITÁN y SLAVE TRA |Q1WDER, introduzca el derecho del Estado, empujando INDIA

   Bravos y Squanto, que están atados con cuerdas. FRAILE entra en la etapa a la izquierda.

NARRATOR: Thanksgiving began long before the Pilgrims and Indiana sat

down to dinner at Plymouth Colony. The year is 1615. We are

witnessing a slave auction. Indians, cruelly seized from the coast of

New England, are being sold in Spain as slaves.

SLAVE TRADER (Monturas caja, con acento español, cruelmente): Srs,

what am I bid for these fine savages, recently captured in the wild

lands of America? Twenty reales (re-AL-es)? Ten reales? Who will make

the first bid? (Pauses, then gestures to CAPTAIN HUNT.) This is the

sea captain who brought them from the New World.

CAPTAIN HUNT : Indians have strong backs. They work hard in the

fields. One of them, this Squanto (Points), can even speak English.

These slaves are worth a great deal of money.

FRIAR (enojado): Why do you bring such evil on these

poor heathen savages? Don't you care for their immortal souls? Here

(Excavaciones para la bolsa de dinero), I will purchase them. (Cuenta con las monedas y

   da a SLAVE TRADER.) here are eight reales for each Indian. (Lider

   Squanto y los indios a la izquierda del escenario, capitán Hunt y salida SLAVE TRADER.) Be seated, good braves. (Squanto INDIOS se sientan. Mientras hablaba, FRAILE se desatan.) You are free now. We will take care of you. Together we will serve Jesus at the monastery.

SQUANTO: That wicked captain took us from our homes and families.

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Why are you so kind?

FRIAR: We try to be like our Master, Jesus. He is the Son of God.

SQUANTO: I want to be like this Jesus who makes you so kind.

FRIAR: We died for all our sins because He loved us. Now we can have

everlasting life and go to heaven when we die.

SQUANTO: I want to know about this Jesus and His heaven. Tell me all

about Him . . . (todos dejan el escenario.)

* * * * *

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Día: junio de 1619.

Escenario: Sarasota en la playa en la bahía de Plymouth.

EN ASCENSO: EL CAPITÁN Dermer y Squanto están sentados en lancha (la derecha del escenario).

NARRATOR: Squanto became a Christian with the help of the kind Friars in

Spain. After a while he made his way to England. Here Squanto was

hired as the scout and guide for a New World expedition headed by

Captain Thomas Dermer, a good and compassionate man. Four years had

passed since he had been kidnapped. After reaching America, Squanto is

eager to return to his village, his family, and his friends. The

gracious captain anchors his ship offshore Squanto's village and rows

in the longboat with the Indian, landing on the beach.

CAPT. DERMER (Dermer y Squanto salir de la lancha): Well, we're here.

Where is your village?

SQUANTO (apuntan a la audiencia): Over there. It looks deserted. Where

are my people? (SAMOSET entra por el lado izquierdo.)

CAPT. DERMER (Apunta a SQUANTO quien se aproxima): Here comes an Indian

along the beach. Maybe he can tell us.

SAMOSET (saludándose de mano): Ho, Squanto. Welcome back. Sit down,

my brother. I have bad news for your ears. (SAMOSET hace un gesto para sentarse. SAMOSET and SQUANTO se sientan cruzados de piernas. CAPT. DERMER permanece de pie.)

SQUANTO: What word have you, 0 Samoset? Where are all my people?

SAMOSET (sombrío): Two years ago a whiteman's disease came to many of

our villages. Braves, squaws, little children die.. All in your tribe

are dead. I am sorry, my brother.

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SQUANTO (Desesperado): Did not even one escape? Where is my mother, my

wife, my little daughter? (SAMOSET sacude su cabeza) They are all

dead? (Samoset asiente. Squanto, casi histérico, se arrodilla.) Lord

Jesus, what am I to do now? (Mirada hacia el cielo.) I have no

tribe. I have no people. Why should I go on living? What purpose is there for my life now? Help me, dear God! (SQUANTO se arrodilla con la Mirada al piso. SAMOSET pone su mano sobre su hombro. Se ponen de pie. Todos salen por la izquierda.)

* * * * *

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Día: 22 de marzo de 1621.

Escenario: la calle principal de la colonia de Plymouth.

EN ASCENSO: Standish, Bradford, y la etapa PEREGRINO pie derecho

NARRATOR: It is a blustery March day, 1621. Two years have passed. The

Pilgrims, who landed four months ago in the dead of winter have

already lost nearly half their number to disease. Forty-four new

graves have been dug in the cold New England ground. Despite their

hardships the Pilgrims have begun to construct buildings and establish

a colony. The new town of Plymouth is built on the very site of

Squanto's deserted village of Patuxet (paw-TUX-et).

STANDISH: Mr. Bradford, how can we ever survive? Perhaps -we should

return to England when the Mayflower sails next month.

BRADFORD: The Lord will help us, Mr. Standish. lie has not led us to the

New World just to abandon our heritage. lie must trust in God.

PILGRIM: Indians! To arms! Protect the women and children!

(SAMOSET and SQUANTO entran al scenario por lado derecho. STANDISH, BRADFORD and PILGRIM preparan sus armas--espadas y pistolas. PILGRIM dispara.)

SAMOSET (SAMOSET and SQUANTO levantan sus manos hacia arriba en son de paz): Have no

fear. I, Samoset. I bring my friend, Squanto (apunta). He lives in

this place many moons. He speaks whiteman's tongue. (STANDISH,

BRADFORD, and PILGRIM bajan sus armas.)

SQUANTO: My name is Squanto. Welcome to Patuxet (paw-TUX-et), the

village of my father and his father before him.

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STANDISH: I am Miles Standish, commander of the army of Plymouth Colony.

This is Mr. Bradford. (gestos a BRADFORD.) Do you come in peace?

SQUANTO: Yes. In peace.

BRADFORD: We also desire peace. How is it that you speak our mother

tongue so well?

SQUANTO: Twice I was taken prisoner and brought to England where I was

taught English.

BRADFORD: We are sorry for your misfortunes. We wish you no harm. Why

have you come to us?

SQUANTO: I have served as a scout and a guide on trips to the New World.

While I was gone all my tribe perished from a great sickness. I alone

am left. (Suelta la cabeza, hace una pausa, y luego continúa con la convicción.) God

has let me live for some reason. Now I know what it is. I have come

to help you. This town will be my village. You will be my tribe, my


BRADFORD (Visiblemente emocionado, se quita el sombrero): Surely God's providence is great.

(BRADFORD estrecha la mano de SQUANTO. Todos salen del escenario.)

* * * * *

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SCENE IVHORARIO: Tarde en la primavera de 1621.

ESCENARIO: Campo de maíz.

EN ASCENSO: Squanto, la humildad, MARÍA, resuelto, y Samuel entrar en fase de

   derecho. Squanto comienza a cavar en el suelo con una azada, mostrando Peregrino

   a los niños a plantar maíz.

NARRATOR: Squanto proved to be a tremendous aid to the struggling

Plymouth colony. His knowledge of hunting and fishing was invaluable.

His skill at planting maize, or Indian corn, enabled the Pilgrims to grow

enough food to last them through the next terrible winter.

HUMILITY: Mr. Squanto, why did we go fishing before we came to plant corn?

What are these fish for? (gestos hacia los peces.)

SQUANTO (Apoyado en la pala): The corn is hungry. This ground has

been used by my tribe for many years. The land is tired. Without

fish, corn grows only very small. (Palear CV.) My mother

taught me how to plant corn when I was just your age.

MARY: You dug a hole. (apunta.) What do we do next?

SQUANTO: Here, take these kernels of corn and out them in the hole.

(SQUANTO le ayuda a mary a hacer el agujero.) Now, Mary,

put these fish with the seeds. (SQUANTO le da los pescados a MARY quien se inclina hacia atrás para evitar tocarlos.)

MARY: Oooo! Dead fish are so slimy!

RESOLVED (hace lo mismo): "Oooo, slimy." Girls are such sissies!

SQUANTO (se los da a Resolved): Here, great brave. You put the fish

in the hole.

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RESOLVED (se inclina hacia atras para evitar a los peces): Ah . . . Maybe Samuel should do it.

HUMILITY (altivamente): Boys are such "fraidy cats". (Se aproxima y toma los peces de Squanto.) I'll do it! (HUMILITY pone tres peces junto a los granos.)

SAMUEL (despues que HUMILITY termina): Mr. Squanto, can I go with you to

explore in the woods? (RESOLVED empieza a llenar hoyos con la azada.)

SQUANTO: Maybe when you're older. Sometimes it's dangerous. Last week

some of the men ran into a war party of Indian braves. They were ready

to attack us if I hadn't called out in their language that we came in

peace. (SQUANTO y CHILDREN escarvan y plantas las semillas.)

HUMILITY: Mr. Squanto, are you ever lonely?

SQUANTO: Yes, many times. My wife and little daughter died of smallpox

after I was kidnapped. I've told you the story, haven't I?

HUMILITY: Yes, you told us. You must really miss them. I miss my Uncle

Edward and Aunt Anne who died last winter in the "General Sickness".

MARY: I miss my mommy. (MARY empieza a llorar. HUMILITY la consuela.)

RESOLVED: My dad died, too. It's really hard. Sometimes I feel like


SQUANTO: I felt that way, too. But God helped me. And now I know why

I was spared. God kept me safe and caused me to learn English so I

help you. Today, you are my family. Now I'm not so lonely.

RESOLVED: My mom says that if it weren't for you, none of us would

survive this next winter.

SQUANTO (meditabundo): 'God really did have a plan for my life, didn't

He? (SQUANTO y CHILDREN salen del escenario). * * * * *

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HORARIO: Día de Acción de Gracias, noviembre de 1621.

Escenario: mesa repleta de comida.

EN ASCENSO: los niños entran con Squanto. Los otros vienen en grupos

   conversando en silencio. Poco a poco, todo el elenco (Pilgrim y la India

   se reúne alrededor de la mesa.)

NARRATOR: The Indian corn Squanto and the Pilgrims planted that spring

prospered and grew tall. After the harvest, the Pilgrims invited their

Indian friends to join them for a celebration of thanksgiving to God.

Chief Massasoit came to the feast with ninety hungry braves.

Fortunately, the Indians shot five deer to help feed the large company.

Governor Bradford greets the guests.

BRADFORD (les habla a todos): When we've all gathered, we will pray and

then begin.

SAMUEL (les habla a los otros CHILDREN y SQUANTO): It sure is ,great to

have all this food for a change.

RESOLVED: Yes. Turkeys and venison and corn bread . . . .

HUMILITY: and clams and eels . . .

MARY: Oooo! I hate eels. They're so slimy.

SAMUEL: You never like anything, Mary.

HUMILITY (continua): . . . and goose and berries.

MARY: I like berries the best.

SAMUEL: You would. You always . . .

SQUANTO: Now children!

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BRADFORD (grandiosamente): Before we partake of Cod's generous let us

bow our heads in grateful prayer to oar Heavenly Father. (todos forman un circulo.)

Sovereign God, we thank Thee that in Thy great providence Thou hast

preserved us through many dangers and kept T, safe unto this lay. We

thank Thee for our Indian friends. And we thank Thee for Thy bounteous

gifts of corn, fowl and animals. In Jesus' Name. Amen (AH-men) .

ALL (todos juntos): Amen (AH-men) .

MARY: And, dear God, thank you for Hr. Squanto.

SAMUEL: thank you for our Friend, Mr. Squanto.

ALL (todos juntos): Amen (AH-men).

The End

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Squanto, un indio

Capitán Thomas Hunt, un mar Inglés mal capitán



El capitán Thomas Dermer, un mar Inglés compasivo capitán

Samoset, un indio

Miles Standish, comandante militar de la colonia de Plymouth

William Bradford, gobernador de la Colonia de Plymouth, PEREGRINO

HUMILDAD, hija mayor del Peregrino

MARÍA, chica joven peregrino

RESUELVE, niño mayor del Peregrino

Samuel, niño joven peregrino

Massasoit, India BRAVES jefe indio


13 hombres, 2 mujeres, y el narrador

Tiempo de reproducción: Alrededor de 15 minutos.

VESTUARIO: Vestuario sólo deben ser sugestivos (un sombrero, una pluma, una espada) o

   más elaborados, como se desee. Los indios tienen plumas, etc JEFE

   Massasoit puede haber tocado la India completo. CAPITANES tienen hasta las tres de la esquina

   sombreros, espadas, capas superior con charreteras. FRAILE ha marrón, túnica con capucha.

   Negrero tiene la espada en la faja alrededor de la cintura, sombrero con pluma. PEREGRINOS

   han gorras o sombreros, cuellos blancos, las hebillas de los zapatos, etc

PROPIEDADES: Escena 1 - Caja, cuerda, bolsa de dinero con monedas. Escena 3 - espadas

   y el mosquete. Escena 4 - pala, azada, los choques de maíz, la cesta con maíz

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   núcleos y tres peces. Escena 5 - Tabla, cestas de alimentos.

AJUSTE: I. La reproducción, que se realiza con un mínimo de paisajes,

   y sin una cortina si es necesario. Decorado necesidad de ser sólo sugerentes.

   Escena 1 - Un cuadro de pie in Escena 2 - Proa lancha pintada en

   de cartón. Escena 3 - Opcional pintado recorte de la "Casa Grande", con

   techo de paja en el fondo. Escena 4 - Facultativo, algunos sustos de maíz,

   tal vez, para sugerir campo de maíz. Escena 5 - Mesa con mantel, cargado de

   con cestas de alimentos.

Historical Notes

The Patuxet Indian Squanto (or Tisquantum) was kidnapped in 1605 from the Maine coast, and again in 1615 from his home on Cape Cod Bay. He learned English under explorer and financier Sir Ferdinando Gorges (1605-1608) and seems to have been converted to Christianity under Spanish friars (1615). When he returned to his home in 1619 his village was completely deserted, victim to smallpox. The Pilgrims landed in November 1620. Squanto stayed with them for a year and a half, performing invaluable service to Plymouth Colony from March 1621 until his death of an Indian fever in November 1622. In his journal, William Bradford calls Squanto "a spetiall instrument sent of God for their good beyond their expectation." Squanto's last plea was for Governor Bradford "to pray for him, that he might go to the Englishmen's God in heaven." Reference: Dictionary of American Biography (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1935-36), IX, 487.