Download - Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

Page 1: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.
Page 2: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

Objectiveso Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815o Describe the Reign of Terroro Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected France and Europe

Page 3: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

King Louis XVIo Absolute monarchy – the king had complete power

o Called “Louis, by Grace of God, King of France” – believed it was his divine right to rule (believed that his authority came from God)

o Unhappiness with this system was leading the people of France closer to a revolution

Page 4: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

How are divine right and absolute monarchy related?o the idea that monarch’s power to rule comes from God helps to justify the ruler’s actions

Page 5: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

1789 France:The Three Estates (Social Classes)o First Estate: Catholic clergy (people who perform religious services)

o Second Estate: Aristocracy (members of noble families)

o Third Estate: 98% of the population (merchants, lawyers, craft workers, peasants)

Page 6: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

The different members of the Third Estate had two things in common:

o paid taxeso had no say in how they were governed

Page 7: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

Recap: Who made up the first estate? Second? Third?o First: clergyo Second: nobleso Third: 98% of the population – everyone else

Page 8: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

Which of the estates had law-making power?o None of them – that power lay in the hands of the monarch

Page 9: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

Who influenced the Third Estate French people in the late 1700s?


Page 10: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

What happened in America in the late 1700s that so greatly influenced the French?o The American Revolution

o One French woman said:

“The American cause seemed our own; we were proud of their victories, we cried at their defeats, we tore down bulletins and read them in our houses. None of use reflected on the danger that the New World could give to the Old.”

France had given millions of dollars to support the American colonies in their war against the British.

Page 11: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

The King needed more money……so he taxed the Third AND Second Estateo How do you think the nobles felt when they were suddenly taxed?


o Demanded a meeting of the Estates General

Page 12: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

The Estates Generalo a group made up of representatives from each of the three estates

o met near the king’s palace in Versailles

o Third Estate wanted equal rights

o began writing a constitution and formed a new lawmaking body called the National Assembly


Page 13: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

What unexpected consequence grew out of the meeting of the Estates General?o The Third Estate demanded political power and set out to get it by writing a constitution, forming the National Assembly, a new government body, thus leading to the Revolution

Page 14: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

Storming the Bastilleo On July 14, 1789, 800 people gathered in Paris and marched to the big stone prison fortress called the Bastille

o hoped to gather weapons there

o 98 people died, but the marchers captured the Bastille

o “Bastille Day” is still celebrated every July 14 - it showed an army that did not support the king

Page 15: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

End of the Monarchyo August 1789 – The National Assembly issued a statement called the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

o the Declaration said all men were “born and remain free and equal in rights”


Page 16: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

How would you contrast France’s government before 1789 with the spirit of the Revolution?o Before: absolute ruling power in the hands of a monarcho After: ordinary people began believing in liberty and equality

Page 17: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

The Declaration of Independence (United States)VERSUS

The Declaration of the Rights of Man (France) Similarities:

o Both were created by movements that started because of high and unfair taxes

o Both were created by rebellious groups that were not officially part of any government (America- Sons of Liberty; France- National Assembly)

o Both were influenced by the Enlightenment ideas (freedom of speech, equality, freedom of speech, etc.)

o Both complained about same things (high taxes, unfair tax/ taxation without representation)

Page 18: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

The Declaration of Independence (United States)VERSUS

The Declaration of the Rights of Man (France) Differences: o America- Wanted to break away from Great BritainFrance- Wanted to change government

o America- Wanted to create a separate and independent government for itselfFrance-Wanted to redefine current government

o America- Emphasized freedoms and being independent moreFrance- emphasized equality and fairness more

o America- America would be its own nation with its own government (does not say how)France- Stated specifically how their government should be run or changed

o America- General statement saying that America would be independent with rights GB did not allowFrance- specific statement on how government should be run

Page 19: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

New Rulers in Franceo At first, the king was still the leader of the government, but the National Assembly had most of the power

o King Louis and Queen Marie Antoinette tried to escape after approving the Declaration

o Disguised themselves as tourists

o They were caught, the monarchy was abolished, and France became a REPUBLIC

Page 20: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

The Reign of Terroro Assembly angered many by taking land away from the Catholic Church

o Maximilien Robespierre, a Revolution leader, became the most powerful man in the new government

o Waged war against enemies of the revolution by EXECUTING SUSPECTS

o Time of cruelty = Reign of Terror

Page 21: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

The Reign of Terror Continued…o Robespierre’s weapon was the GUILLOTINE (a machine with a steel blade that chopped off people’s heads)

o King Louis and Queen Marie Antoinette were executed by the guillotine in 1793

o Aristocrats and nobles were targeted for death, but no one was safe

o When the Reign of Terror ended in 1794, 25,000 French citizens had been killed

Page 22: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

What would you say was the cause of the bloodshed?o the terrible anger of the Third Estate, people who had been oppressed under absolute rule

Page 23: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

The Revolution Endso The army gained more power

o NAPOLEON BONAPARTE became extremely popular

o Crowned himself (at age 26) Emperor Napoleon I

o Barely 10 years after the execution of Louis XVI, France had another absolute ruler

o The French Republic was OVER.

Page 24: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

Why it Matterso Napoleon expanded French power across Europe (Holland, Germany, Italy, Belgium)

o France had a monarch, but the three estates were gone forever

o Napoleon’s empire collapsed in 1815

o “Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood” sparked freedom movements around the world

What a nice guy, eh???Don’t worry France, it eventually gets better.

Page 25: Objectives o Trace the changes in France’s government from 1789 to 1815 o Describe the Reign of Terror o Identify Napoleon and analyze how he affected.

Checking for Understandingo Who made up the Three Estates?o Why was a meeting of the Estates General called in 1789?o List three reasons for the discontent among many French people before the Revolution.o What effects did the American Revolution have on France?