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Web design services in Oakville need to do more than design sites that just look pretty. They also have

to do more than just get your brand message across. Now, graphic design Oakville professionals know

that effective design is incorporating coding elements that search engines are weighing as part of their

quality score assessment. That quality score is going to determine where you appear in search rankings.

But wait – it gets even better – your quality score can change every day and throughout the day. This is

why so many companies are dreading Google’s mobile ranking release. This could push companies

down the ladder, and raise up others who may not be prepared.

What makes a web design a mobile ready design?

Back in the 90s all you had to do to claim your place on the mobile ready list was to purchase a dot

mobi extension. Companies then started using the m-dot child address as their designation. As mobile

devices grew more capable, search engine companies began to look at different aspects of the site to

really measure its mobile worth. Ask any graphic design Oakville professional and they will tell you

that the first thing all images and media have to be is compressed for mobile browsers. That's not just

one browser, but several. If you’re one of those people fixated on using home-screen banners/sliders,

be prepared to give them up on certain devices. This is why many of the web design Oakville

companies that work with websites are switching to responsive web design. It allows you to create an

intentional flow that re-arranges your components to meet device capacity without losing the

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information displayed, and the overall brand appearance of your site.

You must have a mobile site

Don't read this and think that mobile compatibility doesn't apply to you, because the emphasis on

mobile sites is continually increasing, growing and becoming a staple for modern web & search engine

presence. As more and more people are accessing the Internet from mobile devices, the demand for

anywhere, anytime access in the palm of your hand continues to grow. If you don't want to get pushed

down to the bottom of the search ranking ladder, be responsive to the changing pattern of user access.

Knowing how to keep the vision whole

The real thing you are looking from a graphic design Oakville company is the ability to keep your

vision in one piece – while creating a web site that can serve multiple purposes on a variety of

platforms. This is why utilizing Oake Marketing’s web design services in Oakville can help power your

brand to the top of the ladder in search results, and bring you one step closer to the exact customer’s

that are trying to connect with your services. Great web design means satisfied customers, and search

engines that rank high for accessibility, relevance and geographic location. Part of keeping the vision

whole is making sure your graphic elements support every aspect of content curation and conversion

action. Make it simple for your customers to interact, make it interesting & engaging, and you’re your

customers coming back – you will see remarkable growth in your conversion and retention rates.