Download - OAK CREEK COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH · 28/05/2017  · Ellen Rasmussen (7-1-2017), and their 242 members, Brown Deer is located at 5736 W Brown Deer Rd. Brown Deer, WI 53223

Page 1: OAK CREEK COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH · 28/05/2017  · Ellen Rasmussen (7-1-2017), and their 242 members, Brown Deer is located at 5736 W Brown Deer Rd. Brown Deer, WI 53223

OAK CREEK COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 9:30am Ascension Sunday May 28, 2017 *You are welcome to stand as you are able. Congregational parts in bold.


TIME OF CENTERING Please ponder this quote in your meditations as you prepare and center yourself for worship

Awesome God, we give you thanks that through your word, your creation, your people, and your love, we

have the evidence we need to help us believe. In the times where evidence is not perceived or understood,

we know with out a doubt that our faith is solid because faith is the substance of things hoped for and the

evidence of things not seen. Amen. By Lynn Hurst & Sherrell Boles

WELCOME LITURGIST Carol S (Please take a moment to register your presence on the Fellowship Pad and include each person attending

with you and all contact information. If you are visiting us this morning, welcome! We encourage you to

pick up a visitor bag on the welcome banner by the front door. Prayer cards are in the chair racks. Place

the cards in the offering plate later in the service.)


L: Clap your hands, all you people of God.

Sing praises to our Ruler, sing praises!

P: God reigns among us and far beyond us.

We celebrate the immeasurable greatness of God!

L: We are called to be witnessing people

Testify, then, to God’s loving purpose in Jesus Christ.

P: Christ is head over all things for the church.

We celebrate Christ’s resurrection and ascension.

L: Worship with eager anticipation of empowerment. Give thanks for the promised coming of the Holy Spirit.

P: This is a day for revelation and renewal.

We await the baptism of the Holy Spirit.


The United Methodist Hymnal – Red hymnal (UMH)

*OPENING PRAYER Awesome God, we give you thanks that through your word, your

creation, your people, and your love, we have the evidence we need to help us believe. In

the times where evidence is not perceived or understood, we know without a doubt that our

faith is solid because faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not

see. Amen.

*MEMORIAL DAY LITANY L: Everlasting God, before whom stand the living and the dead, we your children, whose

mortal life is but a hand’s breadth, give thanks to you: for those through whom you have

blessed our pilgrimage, whose lives have empowered us, whose influence is a healing


P: We lift up thankful hearts.

L: For the dear friends and family members whose faces we see no more, but whose love

is with us forever . . .

P: We lift up thankful hearts.

L: For the teachers and companions of our childhood and youth, and for the members of

our household of faith who worship you now in heaven . . .

P: We lift up thankful hearts. L: for those who sacrificed themselves, our brothers and sisters who have given their lives

for the sake of others . . .

P: We lift up thankful hearts. L: That we may hold them all in continual remembrance, and ever think of them as with

you in that city whose gates are not shut by day and where there is no night . . .

P: We lift up thankful hearts. L: That we may now be dedicated to working for a world where labor is rewarded, fear

dispelled, and the nations made one,

ALL: O Lord, save your people and bless your heritage. Day by day we magnify you,

and worship your name, forever and ever. Amen.

BAPTISM Arianna L S (see insert)

Mother: Nicole S & Sponsors: Alyssa S & Rebecca Z


L: And Jesus said . . .

All: Let the children come!

SONG FROM THE PSALMS Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35 UMH 792-793

CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURE 1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11 page 220/234

New Testament/Pew Bible

GOSPEL READING Acts 1:6-14 page 110/118

L: A Word for God’s people. New Testament/Pew Bible

P: Thanks be to God.

DRAMA DISCIPLES The Investigation Lynn Hurst & Sherrell Boles

Characters (FBI Agents): Mulder – Jerry B, and Scully – Christal B

Page 2: OAK CREEK COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH · 28/05/2017  · Ellen Rasmussen (7-1-2017), and their 242 members, Brown Deer is located at 5736 W Brown Deer Rd. Brown Deer, WI 53223

MESSAGE The Jesus Files Pastor Wendee

AFFIRMATION OF FAITH A Modern Affirmation UMH 885

SONG OF PRAYER Great is the Lord FWS 2022

The Faith We Sing Hymnal – Black Hymnal (FWS) SILENT PRAYER and PRAYERS FOR ONE VOICE

THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy

kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our sins*, as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into

temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. (*may also say trespasses or debts)



Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia!

Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!

Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

*WE SAY THANK YOU TOGETHER For the life you have offered, for the vision you have

granted, for the ministry of Jesus Christ that empowers our witness, we give thanks. May

these offerings of gratitude extend the positive influence of Christ’s church into parts of the

world that have not experienced good news. By the act of giving, may our own commitment

be deepened. Amen.

*CLOSING SONG This Little Light of Mine UMH 585

DRAMA DISCIPLES continued . . .


POSTLUDE + + + + + + + + + + + + + + *You are welcome to stand as you are able. Resource: Praise Now! by Lynn Hurst & Sherrell Boles

Mission Statement: Oak Creek Community United Methodist Church is a Christian fellowship whose

mission is to: worship God, love and serve all people, grow in faith and invite others to become disciples of Jesus Christ.

PHONE: (414) 762-4600 WEB SITE: EMAIL: [email protected] or [email protected]

NEWSLETTER EDITOR: [email protected] Find us on Facebook!

No matter where you are on your journey, ALL are welcome here.

Oak Creek Community United Methodist Church

May 28, 2017

Page 3: OAK CREEK COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH · 28/05/2017  · Ellen Rasmussen (7-1-2017), and their 242 members, Brown Deer is located at 5736 W Brown Deer Rd. Brown Deer, WI 53223


Assisting In Worship: LITURGIST 9:30 Carol S ACOLYTE 9:30 USHERS 9:30 Joanne M GREETERS 9:30 Michelle & Sean COUNTERS Bonnie C Cherie S UNLOCKING Jan K

Our South East District has established a

district-wide prayer connection, inviting

churches to pray for each other in a unified way. The District sends us a list showing

which church to pray for each week

This week we will pray for: Brown Deer, Ellen Rasmussen (7-1-2017), and their 242

members, Brown Deer is located at 5736 W

Brown Deer Rd. Brown Deer, WI 53223

Volunteers! There’s a sign-up sheet in the Friendship

Room to participate in tending our flower gardens. Please sign up!

Calendar Sunday – May 28 9:30am Worship/coffee hour Monday – May 29 Memorial Day - Office closed 7:00 p.m. AA Wednesday –May 31 1:00pm Last day of DBS 6:30pm Last day of DBS 7:30pm No Altar Choir Sunday – June 4 9:30am Worship/communion Coffee hour

Can you drive an older adult to a

medical appointment once a

month? Yes, only once a month!

Interfaith Older Adult Programs South Shore Regional Office is

looking for individuals to take one transport each

calendar month. We would call you a week in

advance with the driving details and you always

have a choice of saying yes or no. All we ask is

that you say yes once each calendar month.

If interested, please call Vicki, Interfaith SSR

Volunteer Coordinator.

Directories are waiting in the Friendship Room for

anyone who had their photo taken here last fall.

June is a busy month! Join us for some or all of this! Third Annual Trunk n Treasure- Saturday, June 10, 9am to 2pm. Rent a spot to sell from and/or come to shop! Graduate Recognition Sunday June 11 during the church service Ingathering - June 11 deadline for any items that will be taken to Annual Conference. New member class – June 11 after worship at 10:45am in Doyle Hall. Let Pastor know if you are interested. Wisconsin Annual Conference from Friday, June 16 through Monday, June 19. Pastor Wendee and Lynn W will represent our congregation. Douglas C will be commissioned at this conference on Sunday, June 18, at 3:30 p.m., at the Marriot Hotel, in Middleton, WI No Page Left Unturned meets on Monday, June 19, 2017, to discuss The Curious Charm of Arthur Pepper, (Phaedra Patrick). You are welcome to join them at Panera Bread on Howell. Cathedral Center - Monday, June 19. Meet at OCCUMC at 5:30pm. Check the sign-up sheets to see what food is needed. All are welcome to participate. Ageless Wonders will meet at 9:30am on Tuesday, June 20, at the Cudahy Pancake House, 4753 Packard Ave. in Cudahy. Father’s Day June 18 – Allan L will be our guest preacher and we will have the teen missions send-off. Incredible Me! One in a Minion Vacation Bible School program – Monday through Thursday, June 19-22, 5:30pm New member reception – at our worship service on June 25

MMDC This year OCCUMC is scheduled to be in Chatham, Illinois at the Midwest Mission Distribution Center the week of August 20-25. You can come for 3 days or 5 days. There are jobs for every skill level. If you are interested in being a part of this adventure, please talk to Suzy D.

Be on the look-out for more information about Vacation Bible

School. I hear that it’s

Grad Sunday - We invite all graduates to

be recognized at our worship service on

Sunday, June 11th, at 9:30am.



Monday, June 19, 2017 Check the sign-up sheets to see what

food is needed.

SCRIP cards make great gifts! A high school

graduate could sure use a gas card purchased from our SCRIP program! Order one today!

$ SCRIP cards $ are always available.

Order in The Friendship Room any Sunday morning.