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  • 7/31/2019 Nursing Jargon


    The HYPERKALEMIA"Machine" - Causes of Increased Serum K+M - Medications - ACE inhibitors, NSAIDSA - Acidosis - Metabolic and respiratoryC - Cellular destruction - Burns, traumatic injuryH - Hypoaldosteronism, hemolysis

    I - Intake - ExcesssiveN - Nephrons, renal failureE - Excretion Impaired

    MURDER- Signs and Symptoms of Increased Serum K+

    M - Muscle weakness

    U - Urine, oliguria, anuria

    R- Respiratory distress

    D - Decreased cardiac contractility

    E - ECG changes

    R - Reflexes, hyperreflexia, or areflexia


    HYPERNATREMIA"You Are Fried"

    F - Fever (low grade), flushed skinR- Restless (irritable)I - Increased fluid retention and increased BP

    E - Edema (peripheral and pitting)D - Decreased urinary output, dry mouth

    Can also use this one:


    S = Skin flushedA = AgitationL = Low-grade feverT = Thirst

    S/S of Hyponatremia

    S tupor/comaA norexia, N&VL ethargy

    T endon reflexes decreasedL imp muscles (weakness)O rthostatic hypotension

    S eizures/headacheS tomach cramping

    "CATS" of "HYPOCALCEMIA"C - ConvulsionsA- Arrhythmias

    T - TetanyS - Spasms and stridor

    Think BEEP to remember the signs of minor bleeding:B: Bleeding gumsE: Ecchymoses (bruises)E: Epistaxis (nosebleed)

    P: Petechiae (tiny purplish spots)serum sickness.F: FeverA: ArthralgiasR: RashM: Malaise

    ESP for skin biopsy? The three different techniques Excision, Shave,or Punch used to secure a skin biopsy specimen.

    To remember the four causes of cell injury, think of how the injurytipped (or TIPD) the scale of homeostasis:T: Toxin or other lethal (cytotoxic) substanceI: InfectionP: Physical insult or injuryD: Deficit, or lack of water, oxygen, or nutrients.

    Use the ABCD rule to assess a moles malignant potential:A: Asymmetry--Is the mole irregular in shape?B: Border--Is the border irregular, notched, or poorly defined?C: Color--Does the color vary (for example, between shades of brown,red, white, blue, or black)?D: Diameter--Is the diameter more than 6 mm?

    To remember the difference between transudate andexudates, focus on the prefixes

    Trans- means across as in the transcontinental railroadEx- means out of as in exhale

    To remember the difference between aerobic and anaerobic,think of jogging When you jog an aerobic activity, your bodyneeds oxygen or air- aerobic meansoxygen is required.Anaerobic means without oxygen.

    To remember what allergies to ask your patient about beforea CT scan that required contrastmedium, think SICShellfishIodineContrast media (prior sensitive reaction)

    To remember the sign and symptoms of hypersensitivityreaction to contrast media, think PURRPruritus (itching)

    Urticaria (hives)RashRespiratory distress

    To remember what to assess when evaluating a skin lesion,think of A, B, C, DA for asymmetryB for borderC for color and configurationD for diameter and drainage

    To remember that cones are cells in the eyes that respond tocolor, think of brightly colored icecream cones.

    To remember which direction to move the syringe when youwant to slow down the flow through

    the tube, think ofLower is slower, orSlow DOWN

    To remember the progression of ARDS, think ofAssault to the pulmonary systemRespiratory distressDecreased lung complianceSevere respiratory failure

    To remember the meaning of myasthenia gravis...Think of grave muscle weakness.

    To remember the progression of signs and symptoms of Lymedisease LIME

    Lesion, lymph node swelling, like the flu (stage 1)Innervations problems, such as meningitis and peripheralneuropathy (stage 2)Movement problems, such as arthritis (stage 3)Everything else, such as myocarditis and arrhythmias (stage4)

    To remember the difference between depolarization andrepolarization, think ofthe R in repolarization as standing for Rest. Repolarization isthe resting phase of the cardiac cycle.When performing an assessment, remember this CAUTIONfrom the American Cancer SocietyChange in bowel or bladder habitsA sore that doesnt heal

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    Unusual bleeding or dischargeThickening or lumpIndigestion or difficulty swallowingObvious changes in a wart or moleNagging cough or hoarseness

    To remember the four causes of cell injury, think of how theinjury tipped (or TIPD) the scale of homeostasis

    Toxin or other lethal (cytotoxic) substanceInfectionPhysical insult or injuryDeficit or lack of water, oxygen, or nutrients

    When combining insulins, to remember which to draw firstthink of clear before cloudy.Who doesnt prefer a clear day to a cloudy one?Remember this jingle when converting inches tocentimeters2.53, thats 1 inch and no more.Remember that X factor is often used to describe a person orevent that could causeunexpected, or unknown, outcomes.Keep in mind when performing dosage calculation and youllremember that X represents theunknown part of a ratio or fraction.

    To remember the condition that affect the length of patientstay, think of FOCUSFunctional skill (and disabilities)Other diseasesChronicityUrgency of needsSupport of systems

    To remember yourself of the need to check and adjust flowrates, remember the following tonguetwisterFight fickle flow with frequent follow-up.19.

    To remember which drugs can be given safely through anasogastric tube, think of ALEAtropineLidocaine


    To remember which drug should be inhaled first think aboutyour ABCsA Bronchodilator comes before a Corticosteroid.When using IN-LINE nebulizer, remember toconnect it to the IN-spiratory side of the ventilatory circuit.

    4 F's...CholecystectomyfemalefairfatfortyTreatment of CHF, think UNLOAD FAST:

    U sit UprightN NitroL LasixO OxygenA AminophyllineD Digoxin

    F Fluids- decreaseA Afterload - decreaseS Sodium - decreaseT Tests: dig level, ABG, K+

    Assistive devices -- Canes:C CaneO Opposite

    A AffectedL LegSigns of a Cholinergic Crisis, think SLUD:

    S SalivationL Lacrimation

    U UrinationD DeficationHeart sounds:S3= Heart fail-ure (3 syllables)S4=Hy-per-ten-sion (4 syllables)

    And the effects of anticholinergics:Can't seeCan't peeCan't spitCan't defecatemurmur like on Mitral regurgitation you hear it on systole.


    ARD = Atrial regurgitation diastoleASS = Atrial stenosis systoleMRS = Mitral regurgitation systoleMSD = Mitral stenosis diastoleParkinson's Medications: "Ali Loves Boxing Matches"

    A-AmantadineL- LevodopaB- BromocriptineM-MAO inhibitors

    The 4 H's that invalidate a neuro exam:

    HypotensionHpoxiaHypoglycemiaHypothermia*Pinpoint pupils: Drugs, drops & nearly deadDrugs: opiatesDrops: meds for glaucomaNearly dead: damage in the pons area of the brainstem

    Dilated pupils: Fear, Fits & Fast LivingFear: panic, extreme anxietyFits: seizures

    Fast Living: cocaine, crack, phencyclidine (PCP)

    The pathophysiology ofARDS:Assault on the respiratory systemRespiratory distressDecreased lung compliance

    Severe respiratory failure

    Diagnostic criteria ofARDSAcute onsetRatio (PaCO2/FiO2)

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    Causes vasoconstriction when stimulated whichincreases afterload

    dobutamine (Dobutrex) stimulates beta 1 receptors (increasecontractility & CO/CI)

    Treatment of all acute coronary syndromes (unstable angina,NSTEMI or STEMI):OADHOpen coronary arteriesAnticoagulate & antiplatelet[B]D[B]estress the heart (with beta blockers; limited activity

    for 12h)Hemodynamic stability

    Complications of thrombolytic therapy: The 3 B'sBleedingBrady's (dysrhythmias)Bloodclots (d/t excessive thrombin)

    Complications of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB): The 3 H'sHypothermia (to decrease O2 consumption)...Effects SVR(vasoconstriction) and causes myocardial depression(decreases contractility)Hemodilution (to improve macrocirculation)...fluid shifting(third-spacing), e-lyte imbalances (K+, Mg+ & Ca++ oftenneed replacing!)

    Heparinzation (to prevent clots in circuit)...monitor aPTT.

    Signs and symptoms of cardiac tamponade (Beck's Triad): TheThree D'sDistant heart soundsDistended jugular veins

    Decreased pulse pressure (think of a narrow pulse pressure asopposed to a wide one)

    Atrial Arrhythmias: ABCDEAdenosine/amiodorone or anticoagulate (if Afib/Flutter hasbeen present >48h)Beta blockersCalcium channel blockersDigoxinElectrocardiovert (if

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    Some Lovers Try Positions That They Cannot Handle.--Bones of the wrist

    Slowly Lower Tilly's Pants To The Curly Hairs

    Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate,


    Randy Travis Drinks Cold Beers.--Brachial plexus

    Robert Taylor Drinks Cold Beer

    Roots, Trunks, Divisions, Cords, Branches

    Oh Oh Oh To Touch And Feel Virgin Girls Vaginas And

    Hymens--cranial nerves

    On Old Olympus Towering Tops, A Finn And German Viewed Some Hops

    You have I nose. You have II eyes.I - Olfactory; II -- Optic

    LR6 (SO4) 3--extraocularmotor muscles

    LR6--Lateral rectus--> VI abductens

    SO4--Superior Oblique--> IV Trochlear3--The remaining 4 eyeball movers = III

    Some Say Marry Money, But My Brother Says Big Bras Matter

    More--what cranial nerve is Motor, Sensory, or Both

    Ten Zebras Bought My Car--branches of facial nerve

    Ten Zebras Bit My CockTwo Zulus Buggered My Cat

    To Zanzibar By Motor Car

    Temporal, Zygomatic, Buccal, Masseteric, Cervical

    c345 keeps the phrenic alive--innervation of phrenic nerve

    c345 keep the diaphragm alive

    c5-6-7 raise your arms to heaven

    nerve roots of long thoracic nerve innervate serratusanterior

    The duck is between two gooses.

    duck = thoracic duct

    2 gooses = azyGOUS and esophaGOUS

    A lady between tow majors.

    Pectoralis major attaches to lateral lip of bicipitalgroove, the teres major attaches to medial lip

    of bicipital groove, and the latissimus dorsiattaches to the floor of bicipital groove. The

    "lati" is between two "majors."

    Parasympathetic puts it up; sympathetic spurts it

    out.--innervation of penis

    Point Shoot Score

    Parasympathetic, sympathetic, somatomotor

    Lateral is less, medial is more.Lateral pectoral nerves goes through pectoralis major

    while medial pn goes though both pec major and minor


    *A*ortic arch gives off the *B*racheiocephalic trunk,the left *C*ommon Carotid, and the left *S*ubclavian artery

    Granpa Shagging Grandma's Love Child.--Layers of the epidermis

    Brent Spiner Gained Lieutenant Commander

    Germinativum or Basale, Spinosum, Granulosum, Lucidum, Corneum

    Seven French Tarts Sit Naked In Anticipation--Things going through Orbital


    NAVEL--order of things in thighnerve, artery, vein, empty space, lymphatics


    In the Phasted State PhosphorylatePhosphorylation cascade active when blood glucose low.

    Exons expressed, Introns in the trash.--DNA expression into

    mature mRNA

    Pyrimidines are CUT from purines.

    Pyrimidines are Cytosine, Uracil, Thiamine and are one

    ring structures.

    Purines are double ring structures.


    Morphine excites men, but sedates cats.

    One heart two lungs--beta receptor activity

    Beta-1 primarily on heart; airway is beta-2 receptors


    GET SMASH'D.--Causes of Acute pancreatitis

    Gallstones, Ethanol, Trauma, Steroids, Mumps,

    Autoimmune(PAN), Scorpion bites, Hyperlipidemia,Drugs(azathioprine, diuretics)

    Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia

    MEN I is a disease of 3 P's (pituitary, parathyroid,

    and pancreas) plus adrenal cortexMEN II is a disease of 2 C's(carcinoma of thyroid and

    catacholamines[pheochromocytoma]) plus parathyroid

    for MEN IIa or mucocutaneous neuromas for MEN

    IIB(aka MEN III)

    Acute pneumonia caused by Pyogenic bacteria--PMN infiltrate

    Acute pneumonia caused by Miscellaneous microbes--Mononuclear infiltrate

    Takayasu's diz = pulseless diz, therefore when you haveTakayasu's, I can't Tak'a yu pulse.

    CAGE--alcohol use screening

    1. Have you ever felt it necessary to CUT DOWN on your

    drinking?2. Has anyone ever told you they were ANNOYED by your


    3. Have you ever felt GUILTY about your drinking?

    4. Have you ever felt the need to have a drink in the

    morning for an EYE OPENER?

    P-Q-R-S-T--eliciting and HPI and exploring symptoms

    P--palliative or provocative factors for the painQ--quality of pain(burning, stabbing, aching, etc.)

    R--region of body affectedS--severity of pain(usually 1-10 scale)

    T--timing of pain(eg.-after meals, in the morning,


    Argyll-Robertson Pupil--syphilitic pupilAccommodation reflex present, Pupillary reflex absent

    The five W's--post-operative fever

    Wind--pneumonia, atelectasis

    Water--urinary tract infectionWound--wound infections

    Wonderdrugs--especially anesthesia

    Walking--walking can help reduce deep vein thromboses

    and pulmonary embolus

    Anna Cycled Immediately Downhill--Gell & Goombs

    classification of hypersensitivity reactions


    Type I Anaphylaxis

    Type II Cytotoxic-mediatedType III Immune-complex

    Type IV Delayed hypersensitivity

    "The duck is between 2 gooses"

    "duck" = thoracic duct"2 gooses" = azyGOUS and esophaGOUS

    "Lateral is less, medial is more"

    (re: The lateral pectoral nerves goes through the pectoralis major whilethe medial pn goes through both the pec major and minor)

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    "a lady between two majors."

    The pectoralis major attaches to the lateral lip of the bicipital groove,the teres major attaches to the medial lip of the bicipital groove, and the

    latissimus dorsi attaches to the floor of the bicipital groove.

    The "lati" is between two "majors"

    "ABC'S"The *A*ortic arch gives off the *B*rachiocephalic trunk, the left *C*ommon

    Carotid, and the left *S*ubclavian artery.

    "C3,4,5 keep the diaphragm alive" Innervation of the phrenic nerve

    "Some Say Marry Money, But My Brother Says Big Bras Matter More" Forremembering which cranial nerves are Sensory, Motor, or Both:

    Re: facial nerve

    Two = Temporal

    Zulus = Zygomatic

    Buggered = BuccalMy = Masseteric

    Cat = Cervical

    "S2, 3, 4 keep the penis off the floor",

    which refers to the innervation of the penis by branches of thepudental nerve which are derived from spinal cord levels S2-4

    Cranial nerves in order:

    "Oh oh oh to touch and feel virgin girls vaginas and hymens"

    Layers of the epidemis:

    "Granpa shagging Grandma's love child"(from the dermal/epidermal junction upwards: Germinatibum; spinosum;

    granulosum; lucidum; corneum)

    (Multiple endocrine neoplasia) Each of the MENs is a

    disease of three or two letters plus a feature. "MEN I" is a disease of the three

    Ps (pituitary, parathyroid and pancreas)

    plus adrenal cortex.

    "MEN II " is a disease of the two Cs (carcinoma of the thyroid andcatacholamines [pheochromocytoma]) plus parathyroid for MEN IIa or

    mucocutaneous neuromas for MEN IIb (aka MEN III).

    "Robert Taylor Drinks Cold Beer"

    Brachial Plexus: Roots, Trunks, Divisions, Chords, Branches

    "One heart Two lungs"

    for beta receptor activity. Beta-1 receptors are primarily on the heart, and theairway is Beta-2 receptors.

    "ACID" or "Anna Cycled Immediately Downhill"

    Hypersensitivity reactions - Anaphylactic, Cytotoxic, Immune-complex,


    Cranial Nerves

    1. Olfactory Oh Some Sensory2. Optic Oh Say Sensory

    3. Oculomotor Oh Marry Mixed

    4. Trochlear To Mary Mixed

    5. Trigeminal Touch But Both

    6. Abducens And My Mixed7. Facial Feel Brother Both

    8. Acoustic A Says Sensory

    9. Glossopharyngeal Good(?) Bad Both

    10. Vagus Vein(?) Business! Both

    11. Accessory Ah Marry Mixed12. Hypoglosseal Heaven Money Mixed



    The way to remember which cranial nerves are sensory, motor or mixed:

    Some Say Marilyn Monroe But My Brother Says Bridget Bardot Mmm,


    Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase. = "People Meet And Talk."

    Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone: Serotonin, Histamine, Muscarinic, Opioids,


    Sara Hates Men On Drugs

    Tonsil Arteries: Tonsilar, Maxillary, Pharyngeal, Facial, Internal

    Carotid Branch

    Tim Made Peter Faint In Class

    Aortic Regurgitation and Mitral Regurgitation

    Fast, Full, Loose

    Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve:

    Think of exercising muscle for a rightward shift: Exercisingmuscle is Hot, Acidic (Lactic Acid), Hypercarbic, Benefits from

    oxygen unloading and has an increased 2,3 DPG. Also think Bohr

    effect with a rightward shift(_CO2 = _O2). Realize that the

    Haldane effect means (O2 =CO2 carried by Hgb).

    Cholinergic Crisis-Parasympathetic Stimulation:


    Salivation, Lacrimation, Urination and Defecation.

    Sympathetic nervous system: Fight or FlightParasympathetic nervous system: Rest and Digest

    C3-C4-C5 keeps the diaphragm alive.

    Spinal Meds: Lidocaine, Bupivicaine, Procaine, TetracaineLittle Boys Prefer Toys.

    Go Glomerulosa Make Mineralcorticoids

    Find Fasiculata Good Glucocorticoids

    Rex Reticulata Sex Hormones

    F L A G T O P Hormones of the Anterior Pituitary

    F: Follicle Stimulating HormoneL: Lutinizing Hormone

    A: ACTH

    G: Growth Hormone

    T: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

    O: MSHP: Prolactin

    President Kennedy had Addisions disease: He always had a great

    tan. A president would need cortisol to respond to stress and hypoglycemic.

    Treatment of Malignant Hyperthermia

    Some Hot Dude Better Give Iced Fluids Fast!!!

    S: Stop all triggering agents, give 100% O2H: Hyperventilate

    D: Dantrolene 2.5mg/kgB: Bicarbonate

    G: Glucose and Insulin

    I: IV Fluids, Cooling Blanket

    F: Fluid Output; Furosemide

    F: Tachycardia, be prepared to treat V Tach

    Regarding what to do in case of syncope:

    If the face is red, raise the head. If the face is pale, raise

    the tail!

    Nothing beats the old classic list for remembering the branches

    of the superior thyroid artery:

    MAY muscular

    I infrahyoidSOFTLY superior laryngeal

    SQUEEZE sternomastoid

    CHARLIE'S cricothyroid

    GIRL glandular

    More seriously: "LR6SO4 rest 3" (lateral rectus=3rd cranial,

    superior oblique=4, rest of ocular muscles are 3rd cranial)

    Robert Taylor Drinks Cold Beer for:

    Roots, Trunks, Divisions,Cords, Branches (how the nerves are organized along the brachial

    plexus from the neck to the fingers).

    Real Texans Drinks Coors Beer: See above

    The branches of the facial nerve are:

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    "Two zulu's bugging my cat"

    two temporal

    zulu's zygomaticbugging buccal

    my mandibular

    cat cervical...

    "9 O P" ninth cranial nerve innervates the parotid gland by wayof the otic ganglion.

    Things that pass through the Supraorbital fissure:

    Luscious Lacrimal nerve (V1 branch of trigeminal nerve)

    French Frontal nerve (V1 branch of trigeminal nerve)Tarts Trochlear nerve (CN IV)

    Sit Superior branch of Oculomotor nerve (CN III)

    Naked Nasociliary nerve (CN V1 branch of trigeminal nerve)

    In Inferior branch of Oculomotor nerve (CN III)

    Anticipation Abducens nerve (CN VI)Of Ophthalmic veins

    Sex Sympathetic nerves

    "RL6SO4 taken 3 times" converts to:

    Rectus Lateralis: 6th cranial nerve (abducens)Superior Oblique: 4th cranial nerve (trochlear)

    All other muscles(medial rectus, superior and inferior recti,

    and inferior oblique): 3rd cranial nerve (oculomotor)

    Oculomotor Reflex is the 5 & dime reflex:

    Afferent: Trimenimal V and Efferent: Vagus X

    Back Pain: DISK MASS

    D == Degeneration: DJD, Osteoporosis, spondylosisI == Infection: UTI, PID, Potts, osteomyelitis, prostatitis, Injury/fractur

    e, compression fracture.

    S == Spondylitis, ankylosing

    Spondyloarthropathies (rheum. arthritis, Reiters, SLE)

    K == Kidney stones/infarction/infection (pyelo/abscess)

    M == Multiple myeloma

    Metastasis from breast, prostate, lung, thyroid, kidney CA

    A == Aneurysm Abdominal pain referred to the back (see acute abdominalpain)

    S == Slipped disk, spondylolisthesis

    S == Strain, scoliosis/lordosis

    Skin: herpes zoster._________________________________Kenny Liu (213) 382-7854 USC School of Medicine


    Some Lovers Try Positions That They Cannot Handle.--Bones of the wrist

    Slowly Lower Tilly's Pants To The Curly Hairs

    Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate,


    Randy Travis Drinks Cold Beers.--Brachial plexus

    Robert Taylor Drinks Cold Beer

    Roots, Trunks, Divisions, Cords, Branches

    Oh Oh Oh To Touch And Feel Virgin Girls Vaginas AndHymens--cranial nerves

    On Old Olympus Towering Tops, A Finn And German Viewed Some Hops

    You have I nose. You have II eyes.

    I - Olfactory; II -- Optic

    LR6 (SO4) 3--extraocularmotor muscles

    LR6--Lateral rectus--> VI abductens

    SO4--Superior Oblique--> IV Trochlear

    3--The remaining 4 eyeball movers = III

    Some Say Marry Money, But My Brother Says Big Bras Matter

    More--what cranial nerve is Motor, Sensory, or Both

    Ten Zebras Bought My Car--branches of facial nerve

    Ten Zebras Bit My Cock

    Two Zulus Buggered My Cat

    To Zanzibar By Motor CarTemporal, Zygomatic, Buccal, Masseteric, Cervical

    c345 keeps the phrenic alive--innervation of phrenic nerve

    c345 keep the diaphragm alive

    c5-6-7 raise your arms to heavennerve roots of long thoracic nerve innervate serratus


    The duck is between two gooses.

    duck = thoracic duct2 gooses = azyGOUS and esophaGOUS

    A lady between tow majors.

    Pectoralis major attaches to lateral lip of bicipital

    groove, the teres major attaches to medial lipof bicipital groove, and the latissimus dorsi

    attaches to the floor of bicipital groove. The

    "lati" is between two "majors."

    Parasympathetic puts it up; sympathetic spurts itout.--innervation of penis

    Point Shoot Score

    Parasympathetic, sympathetic, somatomotor

    Lateral is less, medial is more.

    Lateral pectoral nerves goes through pectoralis majorwhile medial pn goes though both pec major and minor

    ABC'S*A*ortic arch gives off the *B*racheiocephalic trunk,

    the left *C*ommon Carotid, and the left *S*ubclavian artery

    Granpa Shagging Grandma's Love Child.--Layers of the epidermis

    Brent Spiner Gained Lieutenant CommanderGerminativum or Basale, Spinosum, Granulosum, Lucidum, Corneum

    Seven French Tarts Sit Naked In Anticipation--Things going through Orbital


    NAVEL--order of things in thigh

    nerve, artery, vein, empty space, lymphatics


    In the Phasted State PhosphorylatePhosphorylation cascade active when blood glucose low.

    Exons expressed, Introns in the trash.--DNA expression into

    mature mRNA

    Pyrimidines are CUT from purines.Pyrimidines are Cytosine, Uracil, Thiamine and are one

    ring structures.

    Purines are double ring structures.

    PharmacologyMorphine excites men, but sedates cats.

    One heart two lungs--beta receptor activity

    Beta-1 primarily on heart; airway is beta-2 receptors


    GET SMASH'D.--Causes of Acute pancreatitis

    Gallstones, Ethanol, Trauma, Steroids, Mumps,

    Autoimmune(PAN), Scorpion bites, Hyperlipidemia,

    Drugs(azathioprine, diuretics)

    Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia

    MEN I is a disease of 3 P's (pituitary, parathyroid,

    and pancreas) plus adrenal cortex

    MEN II is a disease of 2 C's(carcinoma of thyroid andcatacholamines[pheochromocytoma]) plus parathyroid

    for MEN IIa or mucocutaneous neuromas for MEN

    IIB(aka MEN III)

    Acute pneumonia caused by Pyogenic bacteria--PMN infiltrate

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    Acute pneumonia caused by Miscellaneous microbes

    --Mononuclear infiltrate

    Takayasu's diz = pulseless diz, therefore when you have

    Takayasu's, I can't Tak'a yu pulse.

    CAGE--alcohol use screening

    1. Have you ever felt it necessary to CUT DOWN on yourdrinking?

    2. Has anyone ever told you they were ANNOYED by your


    3. Have you ever felt GUILTY about your drinking?

    4. Have you ever felt the need to have a drink in themorning for an EYE OPENER?

    P-Q-R-S-T--eliciting and HPI and exploring symptoms

    P--palliative or provocative factors for the pain

    Q--quality of pain(burning, stabbing, aching, etc.)R--region of body affected

    S--severity of pain(usually 1-10 scale)

    T--timing of pain(eg.-after meals, in the morning,


    Argyll-Robertson Pupil--syphilitic pupil

    Accommodation reflex present, Pupillary reflex absent

    The five W's--post-operative fever

    Wind--pneumonia, atelectasisWater--urinary tract infection

    Wound--wound infectionsWonderdrugs--especially anesthesia

    Walking--walking can help reduce deep vein thromboses

    and pulmonary embolus

    Anna Cycled Immediately Downhill--Gell & Goombs

    classification of hypersensitivity reactions


    Type I AnaphylaxisType II Cytotoxic-mediated

    Type III Immune-complex

    Type IV Delayed hypersensitivity

    "The duck is between 2 gooses""duck" = thoracic duct

    "2 gooses" = azyGOUS and esophaGOUS

    "Lateral is less, medial is more"

    (re: The lateral pectoral nerves goes through the pectoralis major whilethe medial pn goes through both the pec major and minor)

    "a lady between two majors."

    The pectoralis major attaches to the lateral lip of the bicipital groove,

    the teres major attaches to the medial lip of the bicipital groove, and thelatissimus dorsi attaches to the floor of the bicipital groove.

    The "lati" is between two "majors"


    The *A*ortic arch gives off the *B*rachiocephalic trunk, the left *C*ommonCarotid, and the left *S*ubclavian artery.

    "C3,4,5 keep the diaphragm alive" Innervation of the phrenic nerve

    "Some Say Marry Money, But My Brother Says Big Bras Matter More" For

    remembering which cranial nerves are Sensory, Motor, or Both:Re: facial nerve

    Two = Temporal

    Zulus = Zygomatic

    Buggered = Buccal

    My = MassetericCat = Cervical

    "S2, 3, 4 keep the penis off the floor",

    which refers to the innervation of the penis by branches of the

    pudental nerve which are derived from spinal cord levels S2-4

    Cranial nerves in order:

    "Oh oh oh to touch and feel virgin girls vaginas and hymens"

    Layers of the epidemis:

    "Granpa shagging Grandma's love child"

    (from the dermal/epidermal junction upwards: Germinatibum; spinosum;

    granulosum; lucidum; corneum)

    (Multiple endocrine neoplasia) Each of the MENs is a

    disease of three or two letters plus a feature. "MEN I" is a disease of the three

    Ps (pituitary, parathyroid and pancreas)

    plus adrenal cortex."MEN II " is a disease of the two Cs (carcinoma of the thyroid and

    catacholamines [pheochromocytoma]) plus parathyroid for MEN IIa or

    mucocutaneous neuromas for MEN IIb (aka MEN III).

    "Robert Taylor Drinks Cold Beer"Brachial Plexus: Roots, Trunks, Divisions, Chords, Branches

    "One heart Two lungs"

    for beta receptor activity. Beta-1 receptors are primarily on the heart, and the

    airway is Beta-2 receptors.

    "ACID" or "Anna Cycled Immediately Downhill"

    Hypersensitivity reactions - Anaphylactic, Cytotoxic, Immune-complex,


    Cranial Nerves1. Olfactory Oh Some Sensory

    2. Optic Oh Say Sensory3. Oculomotor Oh Marry Mixed

    4. Trochlear To Mary Mixed5. Trigeminal Touch But Both6. Abducens And My Mixed

    7. Facial Feel Brother Both8. Acoustic A Says Sensory

    9. Glossopharyngeal Good(?) Bad Both10. Vagus Vein(?) Business! Both

    11. Accessory Ah Marry Mixed12. Hypoglosseal Heaven Money Mixed_____________________________________

    The way to remember which cranial nerves are sensory,motor or mixed:

    Some Say Marilyn Monroe But My Brother Says Bridget BardotMmm, Mmm!


    Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase. = "People MeetAnd Talk."


    Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone: Serotonin, Histamine,Muscarinic, Opioids,

    DopamineSara Hates Men On Drugs


    Tonsil Arteries: Tonsilar, Maxillary, Pharyngeal, Facial,Internal

    Carotid BranchTim Made Peter Faint In Class

    _____________________________________Aortic Regurgitation and Mitral Regurgitation

    Fast, Full, Loose_____________________________________

    Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve:Think of exercising muscle for a rightward shift: Exercising

    muscle is Hot, Acidic (Lactic Acid), Hypercarbic, Benefits fromoxygen unloading and has an increased 2,3 DPG. Also think

    Bohreffect with a rightward shift(_CO2 = _O2). Realize that the

    Haldane effect means (O2 =CO2 carried by Hgb)._____________________________________

    Cholinergic Crisis-Parasympathetic Stimulation:SLUD

    Salivation, Lacrimation, Urination and Defecation._____________________________________

    Sympathetic nervous system: Fight or FlightParasympathetic nervous system: Rest and Digest


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    ____________C3-C4-C5 keeps the diaphragm alive.


    Spinal Meds: Lidocaine, Bupivicaine, Procaine, TetracaineLittle Boys Prefer Toys.


    Go Glomerulosa Make MineralcorticoidsFind Fasiculata Good Glucocorticoids

    Rex Reticulata Sex Hormones

    _____________________________________F L A G T O P Hormones of the Anterior Pituitary

    F: Follicle Stimulating HormoneL: Lutinizing Hormone

    A: ACTHG: Growth Hormone

    T: Thyroid Stimulating HormoneO: MSH

    P: Prolactin_____________________________________

    President Kennedy had Addisions disease: He always had agreat

    tan. A president would need cortisol to respond to stress andhypoglycemic.


    Treatment of Malignant HyperthermiaSome Hot Dude Better Give Iced Fluids Fast!!!

    S: Stop all triggering agents, give 100% O2H: Hyperventilate

    D: Dantrolene 2.5mg/kgB: Bicarbonate

    G: Glucose and InsulinI: IV Fluids, Cooling BlanketF: Fluid Output; Furosemide

    F: Tachycardia, be prepared to treat V Tach_____________________________________

    Regarding what to do in case of syncope:If the face is red, raise the head. If the face is pale, raise

    the tail!______________________________________________________________

    ____________Nothing beats the old classic list for remembering the

    branchesof the superior thyroid artery:

    MAY muscularI infrahyoid

    SOFTLY superior laryngealSQUEEZE sternomastoidCHARLIE'S cricothyroid

    GIRL glandular_____________________________________

    More seriously: "LR6SO4 rest 3" (lateral rectus=3rd cranial,superior oblique=4, rest of ocular muscles are 3rd cranial)

    _____________________________________Robert Taylor Drinks Cold Beer for:

    Roots, Trunks, Divisions,

    Cords, Branches (how the nerves are organized along thebrachialplexus from the neck to the fingers).

    Real Texans Drinks Coors Beer: See above_____________________________________The branches of the facial nerve are:

    "Two zulu's bugging my cat"two temporal

    zulu's zygomaticbugging buccalmy mandibularcat cervical...

    _____________________________________"9 O P" ninth cranial nerve innervates the parotid gland by

    wayof the otic ganglion.


    Things that pass through the Supraorbital fissure:Luscious Lacrimal nerve (V1 branch of trigeminal nerve)

    French Frontal nerve (V1 branch of trigeminal nerve)Tarts Trochlear nerve (CN IV)

    Sit Superior branch of Oculomotor nerve (CN III)Naked Nasociliary nerve (CN V1 branch of trigeminal nerve)

    In Inferior branch of Oculomotor nerve (CN III)Anticipation Abducens nerve (CN VI)

    Of Ophthalmic veinsSex Sympathetic nerves

    _____________________________________"RL6SO4 taken 3 times" converts to:

    Rectus Lateralis: 6th cranial nerve (abducens)Superior Oblique: 4th cranial nerve (trochlear)

    All other muscles(medial rectus, superior and inferior recti,and inferior oblique): 3rd cranial nerve (oculomotor)

    _____________________________________Oculomotor Reflex is the 5 & dime reflex:

    Afferent: Trimenimal V and Efferent: Vagus X

    Back Pain: DISK MASS

    D == Degeneration: DJD, Osteoporosis, spondylosisI == Infection: UTI, PID, Potts, osteomyelitis, prostatitis,

    Injury/fracture, compression fracture.

    S == Spondylitis, ankylosingSpondyloarthropathies (rheum. arthritis, Reiters, SLE)K == Kidney stones/infarction/infection (pyelo/abscess)

    M == Multiple myelomaMetastasis from breast, prostate, lung, thyroid, kidney CAA == Aneurysm Abdominal pain referred to the back (see

    acute abdominal pain)S == Slipped disk, spondylolisthesis

    S == Strain, scoliosis/lordosisSkin: herpes zoster.


    Benzodiazepenes: drugs which decrease theirmetabolism

    "I'm Overly Calm":

    IsoniazidOral contraceptive pillsCimetidine These drugs increase calming effect of BZDs by retardingmetabolism.Show Details / Rate It---Anonymous Contributor

    Migraine: prophylaxis drugs

    "Very Volatile Pharmacotherapeutic Agents For Migraine Prophylaxis":Verpamil

    Valproic acidPizotifenAmitriptyline


    Bare bones version [eg Lippincott's two],just Migraine Prophylaxis, as above.Show Details / Rate It---Dr. Harsh Sharma BJMC, Pune, India

    MAOIs: indications


    Melancholic [classic name for atypical depression]AnxietyObesity disorders [anorexia, bulemia]Imagined illnesses [hypochondria]Social phobias

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    Listed in decreasing order of importance. Note MAOI is inside MelAnchOlIc.Show Details / Rate It---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin

    Cocaine: cardiovascular effect

    COcaine causes blood vessels toCOnstrict (unlike other local anesthetics which causevasodilation).Show Details / Rate It---Anonymous Contributor

    Microtubules: drugs that act on microtubules.

    "The MicroTubule Growth Voiding Chemicals":ThiabendazoleMebendazoleTaxolGriseofulvinVincristine/ VinblastineColchicineShow Details / Rate It---Javaid H. Wani, Ph.D. Spartan University School of Medicine

    Busulfan: features

    ABCDEF:Alkylating agentBone marrow suppression s/e

    CML indicationDark skin (hyperpigmentation) s/eEndrocrine insufficiency (adrenal) s/eFibrosis (pulmonary) s/eShow Details / Rate It---Sung Hoon Kim El Paso, TX

    Morphine: effects at mu receptor

    PEAR:Physical dependenceEuphoriaAnalgesiaRespiratory depressionShow Details / Rate It

    ---Robert Copeland Howard University College of Medicine

    4-Aminopyradine (4-AP) use

    "4-AP is For AP":For AP (action potential) propagation in Multiple Sclerosis.Show Details / Rate It---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin

    Narcotics: side effects

    "SCRAM if you see a drug dealer":Synergistic CNS depression with other drugsConstipationRespiratory depressionAddictionMiosisShow Details / Rate It---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin

    Diuretics: thiazides: indications

    "CHIC to use thiazides":CHFHypertensionInsipidousCalcium calculiShow Details / Rate It---Anonymous Contributor

    Epilepsy types, drugs of choice

    "Military General Attacked Weary Fighters Pronouncing'Veni Vedi Veci' After Crushing Enemies": Epilepsy types:MyoclonicGrand malAtonic

    West syndromeFocalPetit mal (absence) Respective drugsy:Valproate

    ValproateValproateACTHCarbamazepineEthosuximideShow Details / Rate It---Dr. Harsh Sharma BJMC, Pune, India

    Beta 1 selective blockers

    "BEAM ONE up, Scotty":Beta 1 blockers:EsmololAtenololMetropololShow Details / Rate It---Anonymous Contributor

    Tricyclic antidepressants: members worth knowing

    "I have to hide, the CIA is after me":ClomipramineImipramineAmitrptyline If want the next 3 worth knowing, the DND is also afterme:DesipramineNorrtriptylineDoxepinShow Details / Rate It---Dr. Enrique Cifuentes University Autonomus of Guadalajara

    Opiods: mu receptor effects

    "MD CARES":MiosisDependencyConstipationAnalgesics

    Respiratory depressionEuphoriaSedationShow Details / Rate It---Sung Hoon Kim El Paso, TX

    Antirheumatic agents (disease modifying): members

    CHAMP:CyclophosphamideHydroxycloroquine and choloroquinineAuranofin and other gold compoundsMethotrexatePenicillamineShow Details / Rate It---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin

    Inhalation anesthetics

    SHINE:SevofluraneHalothaneIsofluraneNitrous oxideEnflurane If want the defunct Methoxyflurane too, make

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    it MoonSHINE.Show Details / Rate It---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin

    Benzodiazepenes: antidote

    "Ben is offwith the flu":Benzodiazepine effects offwith Flumazenil.Show Details / Rate It---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin

    Teratogenic drugs

    "W/ TERATOgenic":WarfarinThalidomideEpileptic drugs: phenytoin, valproate, carbamazepineRetinoidACE inhibitorThird element: lithiumOCP and other hormones (eg danazol)Show Details / Rate It---Anthony Chan

    K+ increasing agents

    K-BANK:K-sparing diureticBeta blockerACEI

    NSAIDK supplementShow Details / Rate It---Anthony Chan

    Medication administration: short checklist


    Before dispensing medication, ensure have correct:TimeRouteAmountMedicationPatientShow Details / Rate It

    ---Lori Registered Nurse

    Enoxaprin (prototype low molecular weight heparin):action, monitoring

    EnoXaprin only acts on factor Xa.Monitor Xa concentration, rather than APTT.Show Details / Rate It---Dr. Atif Farooq Khawaja Rawalpindi Medical

    College, Pakistan, Gujranwala

    TB: antibiotics used


    PyrizinamideEthambutolShow Details / Rate It---Sushant Varma Medical student, University ofSheffield, UK

    Morphine: side-effects


    Out of it (sedation)Respiratory depressionPneumonia (aspiration)HypotensionInfrequency (constipation, urinary retention)Nausea

    EmesisShow Details / Rate It---Tony Duffy Medical Student Glasgow

    Auranofin, aurothioglucose: category and indication

    Aurum is latin for "gold" (gold's chemical symbolis Au).Generic Aur- drugs (Auranofin, Aurothioglucose) aregold compounds. If didn't learn yet that gold's indication isrheumatoid arthritis, AUR- Acts Upon Rheumatoid.

    Show Details / Rate It---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin

    Serotonin syndrome: components

    Causes HARM:HyperthermiaAutonomic instability (delirium)RigidityMyoclonusShow Details / Rate It---Anonymous Contributor

    Opiates: overdose findings

    "Cool to the touch, unresponsive to pain,

    Hunger diminished, and scars over vein.Pupils pinpointed, and blood pressure low,Urine diminished, and breathing is slow."Show Details / Rate It---Anonymous Contributor

    Etoposide: action, indications, side effect

    "eTOPoside": Action:Inhibits TOPoisomerase II Indications:Testicular carcinomaOat cell carcinoma of lung

    Prostate carcinoma Side effect:

    Affects TOP of your head, causing alopeciaShow Details / Rate It---Milixa Fortuna UAG Medical Student

    Myasthenia gravis: edrophonium vs. pyridostigmine

    eDrophonium is for Diagnosis.

    pyRIDostigmine is to get RID of symptoms.Show Details / Rate It---Samuel

    Sulfonamides: common characteristics

    SULFA:Steven-Johnson syndrome/ Skin rash / Solubilitylow

    Urine precipitation/ Useful for UTILarge spectrum (gram positives and negatives)Folic acids synthesis blocker (as well as synthesis ofnucleic acids)Analog of PABAShow Details / Rate It---David H. Chafey Ponce School of Medicine

    SIADH-inducing drugs

    ABCD:Analgesics: opioids, NSAIDsBarbituratesCyclophosphamide/ Chlorpromazine/ CarbamazepineDiuretic (thiazide)Show Details / Rate It

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    ---Anthony Chan

    Patent ductus arteriosus: treatment

    "Come In and Close the door":INdomethacin is used to Close PDA.Show Details / Rate It---Milixa Fortuna UAG Medical Student

    Lithium: side effects

    LITHIUM:Leukocytes Increased (leukocytosis)

    TremorsHypothyroidismIncreased UrineMoms beware (teratogenic)Show Details / Rate It---Marc Miller Sackler School of Medicine

    Amiodarone: action, side effects

    6 P's:Prolongs action potential durationPhotosensitivityPigmentation of skinPeripheral neuropathyPulmonary alveolitis and fibrosis

    Peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 is inhibited ->

    hypothyroidismShow Details / Rate It---Archana

    Bromocriptine [for USA gang members]

    The CRYPTS are an LA street gang that likes tosmoke DOPE.

    BromoCRYPTine is a DOPamine agonist.Show Details / Rate It---Mario Cruz Albany Medical College

    Anticholinergic side effects

    "Know the ABCD'S of anticholinergic side effects":AnorexiaBlurry vision

    Constipation/ ConfusionDry MouthSedation/ Stasis of urineShow Details / Rate It---Youngrin Kim University of Rochester School ofMedicine and Dentistry

    Lithium: side effects

    LITH:LeukocytosisInsipidus [diabetes insipidus, tied to polyuria]Tremor/ TeratogenesisHypothyroidismShow Details / Rate It

    ---Robert O'Connor and Rinku Uberoi

    Antiarrhythmics: class III members


    Show Details / Rate It---Dr. Harsh Sharma and Robert O'Connor BJMC,Pune, India and University College Dublin

    Diuretics classification in order of site of action

    "COLT Pee:"

    In their sequential site of action along the nephron:Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (at the proximaltubule)Osmotic diuretics (at the Loop of Henle)Loop diuretics (at the ascending loop)Thiazides (at the distal tubule)

    Potassium-sparing diuretics (at the collectingtubules) Diuretics make patient pee like a horse, hence "ColtPee".Show Details / Rate It

    ---Bruce Chou University of Illinois

    MPTP: mechanism, effect

    MPTP:Mitochondrial Parkinson's-Type Poison. A mitochondrial poison that elicits a Parkinson's-type effect.Show Details / Rate It---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin

    SSRIs: side effects

    SSRI:Serotonin syndromeStimulate CNSReproductive disfunctions in male

    InsomniaShow Details / Rate It

    ---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin

    Phenytoin: adverse effects

    PHENYTOIN:P-450 interactionsHirsutismEnlarged gumsNystagmusYellow-browning of skinTeratogenicityOsteomalaciaInterference with B12 metabolism (hence anemia)Neuropathies: vertigo, ataxia, headache

    Show Details / Rate It---Ram Mohan SVRR Hospital Tirupathi, India

    Clopidogrel: use

    CLOPIdogrel is a drug that preventsCLots, an Oral Platelet Inhibitor (OPI).Show Details / Rate It---Rinku Uberoi

    Respiratory depression inducing drugs

    "STOP breathing":Sedatives and hypnoticsTrimethoprimOpiates

    PolymyxinsShow Details / Rate It---Dr. Harsh Sharma BJMC, Pune, India

    Therapeutic dosage: toxicity values for most

    commonly monitored medications

    "The magic 2s":Digitalis (.5-1.5) Toxicity = 2.Lithium (.6-1.2) Toxicity = 2.Theophylline (10-20) Toxicity = 20.Dilantin (10-20) Toxicity = 20.APAP (1-30) Toxicity = 200.Show Details / Rate It

    ---Anonymous Contributor

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    Beta blockers: members

    "The NEPAL Prime Minister":TimololNadololEsmololPindololAtenololLabetalolPropranololMetoprolol

    Show Details / Rate It---Javaid H. Wani Spartan University School ofMedicine, St. Lucia, W.I.

    Lead poisoning: presentation

    ABCDEFG:AnemiaBasophilic strippingColicky painDiarrheaEncephalopathy

    Foot dropGum (lead line)Show Details / Rate It---Anonymous Contributor

    Zafirlukast, Montelukast, Cinalukast: mechanism,usage

    "Zafir-luk-ast, Monte-luk-ast, Cina-luk-ast":

    Anti-Lukotrienes for Asthma. Dazzle your oral examiner: Zafirlukast antagonizesleukotriene-4.Show Details / Rate It---Oisin and Robert O'Connor UCC and UniversityCollege Dublin

    Nicotinic effects

    MTWTF (days of week):Mydriasis/ Muscle cramps

    TachycardiaWeaknessTwitchingHypertension/ HyperglycemiaFasiculationShow Details / Rate It---John Nguyen University of Texas Medical Branch

    Propythiouracil (PTU): mechanism

    It inhibits PTU:Peroxidase/ Peripheral deiodinationTyrosine iodinationUnion (coupling)Show Details / Rate It---Dr. Atif Farooq Khawaja and Mediha Farooq

    Rawalpindi Medical College, Pakistan/ Gujranwala

    Depression: 5 drugs causing it

    PROMS:PropranololReserpineOral contraceptivesMethyldopaSteroidsShow Details / Rate It---Sunu George

    Sex hormone drugs: male

    "Feminine Males Need Testosterone":

    FluoxymesteroneMethyltestosteroneNandroloneTestosteroneShow Details / Rate It---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin

    Monoamine oxidase inhibitors: members

    "PIT of despair":PhenelzineIsocarboxazid

    Tranylcypromine A pit of despair, since MAOs treat depression.Show Details / Rate It

    ---Derek Obayashi Chicago Medical School

    Beta-blockers: nonselective beta-blockers

    "Tim Pinches His Nasal Problem" (because he has arunny nose...):TimololPindololHismolol

    NaldololPropranololShow Details / Rate It---Hugo M. Rodriguez, MD University of Virginia

    Roanoke-Salem Program

    Therapeutic index: formula


    TI = LD50 / ED50Show Details / Rate It---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin

    Physostigmine vs. neostigmine

    LMNOP:Lipid solubleMiotic

    NaturalOrally absorbed well

    Physostigmine Neostigmine, on the contrary, is:Water solubleUsed in myesthenia gravisSyntheticPoor oral absorptionShow Details / Rate It---Manpreet Saini GMC Amritsar

    Antibiotics contraindicated during pregnancy


    Show Details / Rate It---Kyongbin Baek

    Anesthesia: 4 stages

    "Anesthesiologists Enjoy S & M":AnalgesiaExcitementSurgical anesthesiaMedullary paralysisShow Details / Rate It---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin

    Thalidomide: effect on cancer cells

    "Thalidomide makes the blood vessels hide":

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    Use thalidomide to stop cancer cells from growingnew blood vessels.Show Details / Rate It---Gital Karamchandani Northeastern OhioUniversities College of Medicine

    Insulin: mixing regular insulin and NPH

    "Not Ready, Ready Now":Air into NPHAir into RegularDraw up Regular

    Draw up NPHShow Details / Rate It---Adrian Hordon LVN student

    Methyldopa: side effects

    METHYLDOPA:Mental retardationElectrolyte imbalanceToleranceHeadache/ HepatotoxicitypsYcological upset

    Lactation in femaleDry mouthOedemaParkinsonism

    Anaemia (haemolytic)Show Details / Rate It

    ---Yazeed A. Oqaili King Saud University MedicalCollege

    Parkinsonism: drugs

    SALAD:SelegilineAnticholinenergics (trihexyphenidyl, benzhexol,ophenadrine)L-Dopa + peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor(carbidopa, benserazide)AmantadineDopamine postsynaptic receptor agonists(bromocriptine, lisuride, pergolide)

    Show Details / Rate It---Dr. Harsh Sharma

    Beta blockers with intrinsic sympathomimeticactivity

    Picture diabetic and asthmatic kids riding away ona cart that rolls on pinwheels.Pindolol and Carteolol have high and moderate ISArespectively, making them acceptable for use insome diabetics or asthmatics despite the fact thatthey are non-seletive beta blockers.

    Show Details / Rate It

    ---David Shprecher Lake Erie College of Osteopathic


    Muscarinic effects

    SLUG BAM:Salivation/ Secretions/ SweatingLacrimationUrination

    Gastrointestinal upsetBradycardia/ Bronchoconstriction/ Bowel movementAbdominal cramps/ AnorexiaMiosisShow Details / Rate It---John Nguyen University of Texas Medical Branch

    Tetracycline: teratogenicity

    TEtracycline is aTEratogen that causes staining ofTEeth in the newborn.Show Details / Rate It---

    Cancer drugs: time of action between DNA->mRNA

    ABCDEF:Alkylating agents

    BleomycinCisplastinDactinomycin/ DoxorubicinEtoposide

    Flutamide and other steroids or their antagonists (egtamoxifen, leuprolide)Show Details / Rate It---Sung Hoon Kim El Paso, TX

    Carbamazepine (CBZ): use

    CBZ:Cranial Nerve V (trigeminal) neuralgia

    Bipolar disorderZeisuresShow Details / Rate It

    ---Anonymous Contributor

    Beta-blockers: side effects

    "BBC Loses Viewers In Rochedale":BradycardiaBronchoconstrictionClaudicationLipidsVivid dreams & nightmares-ve Inotropic actionReduced sensitivity to hypoglycaemiaShow Details / Rate It---Anonymous Contributor

    Delerium-causing drugs

    ACUTE CHANGE IN MS:Antibiotics (biaxin, penicillin, ciprofloxacin)Cardiac drugs (digoxin, lidocaine)Urinary incontinence drugs (anticholinergics)TheophyllineEthanol

    CorticosteroidsH2 blockersAntiparkinsonian drugsNarcotics (esp. mepridine)Geriatric psychiatric drugsENT drugs

    Insomnia drugsNSAIDs (eg indomethacin, naproxin)Muscle relaxantsSeizure medicinesShow Details / Rate It---Muhammad Asif Iqbal Resident, SLU, MO

    Quinolones [and Fluoroquinolones]: mechanism

    "Topple the Queen":Quinolone interferes with Topoisomerase II.Show Details / Rate It---Samuel Atom Baek-Kim

    Benzodiazepins: 3 members that undergoextrahepatic metabolism

    "Outside The Liver":


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    TemazepamLorazepamThese undergo extrahepatic metabolism and do notform active metabolites.Show Details / Rate It---Anonymous Contributor

    Sodium valproate: side effects


    Liver toxicityPancreatitis/ PancytopeniaRetention of fats (weight gain)

    Oedema (peripheral oedema)Appetite increaseTremorEnzyme inducer (liver)Show Details / Rate It---Joshua Goh Unimas: University Malaysia Sarawak

    Beta-1 vs Beta-2 receptor location

    "You have 1 heart and 2 lungs":Beta-1 are therefore primarily on heart.Beta-2 primarily on lungs.Show Details / Rate It

    ---Anonymous Contributor

    Antiarrhythmics: classification I to IV

    MBA College

    In order of class I to IV:Membrane stabilizers (class I)Beta blockersAction potential widening agentsCalcium channel blockersShow Details / Rate It---Dr. Harsh Sharma BJMC, Pune, India

    Steroids: side effects


    Buffalo humpEasy bruisingCataractsLarger appetiteObesityMoonfaceEuphoriaThin arms & legsHypertension/ HyperglycaemiaAvascular necrosis of femoral headSkin thinningOsteoporosis

    Negative nitrogen balanceEmotional liabilityShow Details / Rate It---Rob Cambridge University

    Zero order kinetics drugs (most common ones)

    "PEAZ (sounds like pees) out a constant amount":Phenytoin

    EthanolAspirinZero order Someone that pees out a constant amountdescribes zero order kinetics (always the sameamount out)

    Show Details / Rate It---Anonymous Contributor UHS-COM

    Parasympathetic vs. sympathetic neurotransmitters

    "No sympathy for a Pair of Aces":Norepinephren is secreted in by the Sympatheticnervous system while Acetylcholine is secreted inthe Parasympathetic nervous system.Show Details / Rate It---Jimbo Vasa Pharmacy University of Illinois at


    Adrenoceptors: vasomotor function of alpha vs. beta

    ABCD:Alpha = Constrict.

    Beta = Dilate.Show Details / Rate It---Anonymous Contributor

    Bleomycin: action

    "Bleo-Mycin Blows My DNA to bits":Bleomycin works by fragmenting DNA (blowing it tobits).My DNA signals that its used for cancer (targetingself cells).Show Details / Rate It

    ---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin

    Tricyclic antidipressents (TCA): side effects

    TCA'S:ThrombocytopeniaCardiac (arrhymia, MI, stroke)Anticholinergic (tachycardia, urinary retention, etc)Seizures

    Show Details / Rate It---Anonymous Contributor

    Botulism toxin: action, related bungarotoxin

    Action: "Botulism Bottles up the Ach so it can't bethe released":Related bungarotoxin: "Botulism is relatedto Beta Bungarotoxin (beta-, not alpha-

    bungarotoxin--alpha has different mechanism).Show Details / Rate It

    ---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin

    Thrombolytic agents


    Alteplase (tPA)Show Details / Rate It---Dr. Harsh Sharma BJMC, Pune, India

    Teratogenic drugs: major non-antibiotics

    TAP CAP:ThalidomideAndrogens

    ProgestinsCorticosteroidsAspirin & indomethacinPhenytoinShow Details / Rate It---Manpreet GMC Amritsar

    HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins): side effects,

    contraindications, interactions

    HMG-CoA: Side effects:HepatotoxicityMyositis [aka rhabdomyolysis] Contraindications:Girl during pregnancy/ Growing children

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    Interactions:Coumarin/ CyclosporineShow Details / Rate It---Dr. Atif Farooq Khawaja Rawalpindi MedicalCollege, Pakistan, Gujranwala

    Narcotic antagonists

    The Narcotic Antagonists are NAloxoneand NAltrexone. Important clinically to treat narcotic overdose.Show Details / Rate It

    ---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin

    Morphine: effects

    MORPHINES:MiosisOrthostatic hypotensionRespiratory depressionPain supressionHistamine release/ Hormonal alterationsIncreased ICTNausea

    EuphoriaSedationShow Details / Rate It---Dr. Chetan Wasekar, MBBS KEM Hospital

    Beta-blockers: main contraindications, cautions


    Block (heart block)COPDDiabetes mellitusElectrolyte (hyperkalemia)Show Details / Rate It---Anonymous Contributor

    Direct sympathomimetic catecholamines


    IsoproterenolNorepinephrineEpinephrineDobutamineShow Details / Rate It---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin

    Torsades de Pointes: drugs causing


    Show Details / Rate It---Flavio Nacul Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

    Pupils in overdose: morphine vs. amphetamine

    "MorPHINE: Fine. AmPHETamine: Fat":Morphine overdose: pupils constricted (fine).Amphetamine overdose: pupils dilated (fat).Show Details / Rate It---Anonymous Contributor

    Aspirin: side effects


    Peptic ulcer disease/ Phosphorylation-oxidationuncoupling/ PPH/ Plateletdisaggregation/ Premature closure of PDAIntestinal blood lossReye's syndromeIdiosyncracy

    Noise (tinnitus)Show Details / Rate It---Dr. Chetan Wasekar, MBBS KEM Hospital

    Cisplatin: major side effect, action

    "Ci-Splat-In":Major side effect: Splat (vomiting sound)--vomitingso severe that anti-nausea drug needed.

    Action: Goes Into the DNA strand.Show Details / Rate It---Anonymous Contributor

    Benzodiazapines: ones not metabolized by the liver(safe to use in liver failure)


    OxazepamTemazepamShow Details / Rate It---Lorne Basskin Butler University College of

    Pharmacy and Health Sciences

    Nitrofurantoin: major side effects


    Neuropathy (peripheral neuropathy)Fibrosis (pulmonary fibrosis)Anemia (hemolytic anemia)Show Details / Rate It---Joshua Goh Unimas: University Malaysia Sarawak

    Captopril (an ACE inhibitor): side effects


    CoughAngioedema/ Agranulocystosis

    Proteinuria/ Potassium excessTaste changesOrthostatic hypotensionPregnancy contraindication/ Pancreatitis/ Pressuredrop (first dose hypertension)Renal failure (and renal artery stenosiscontraindication)/ RashIndomethacin inhibitionLeukopenia/ Liver toxicityShow Details / Rate It---Dr. Chetan Wasekar MBBS KEM Hospital

    Antimuscarinics: members, action

    "Inhibits Parasympathetic And Sweat":Ipratropium

    PirenzepineAtropineScopolamine Muscarinic receptors at all parasympathetic endingssweat glands in sympathetic.

    Show Details / Rate It---Derek Obayashi Chicago Medical School

    Tuberculosis: treatment

    If you forget your TB drugs, you'll die and mightneed a PRIEST":PyrazinamideRifampin

    Isoniazid (INH)

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    EthambutolSTreptomycinShow Details / Rate It---Hugo Basterrechea Ross University School ofMedicine

    Warfarin: action, monitoring

    WePT:Warfarin works on the extrinsic pathway and ismonitored by PT.Show Details / Rate It

    ---Marcus James Fidel Medical Student, University ofNew Mexico

    Propranolol and related '-olol' drugs: usage

    "olol" is just two backwards lower case b's.Backward b's stand for "beta blocker". Beta blockers include acebutolol, betaxolol,bisoprolol, oxprenolol, propranolol.Show Details / Rate It---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin

    Reserpine action

    Reserpine depletes the Reserves of catecholamines

    [and serotonin].

    Show Details / Rate It---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin

    Metabolism enzyme inducers

    "Randy's Black Car Goes Putt Putt and Smokes":RifampinBarbiturates

    CarbamazepineGrisoefulvinPhenytoinPhenobarbSmoking cigarettesShow Details / Rate It


    Hypertension: treatment

    ABCD:ACE inhibitors/ AngII antagonists (sometimes Alphaagonists also)Beta blockersCalcium antagonists

    Diuretics (sometimes vasoDilators also)Show Details / Rate It---Mr. LW Mason and Dr. Sandeep Singh 4th YearMedical Student and Not Specified

    Hepatic necrosis: drugs causing focal to massivenecrosis

    "Very Angry Hepatocytes":

    Valproic acidAcetaminophenHalothaneShow Details / Rate It---Calvin Sy University of Pittsburgh School ofMedicine

    Disulfiram-like reaction inducing drugs

    "PM PMT" as in Pre Medical Test in the PM:ProcarbazineMetronidazoleCefo (Perazone, Mandole, Tetan).Show Details / Rate It---Prashant A. Mehta

    Beta blockers with CYP2D6 polymorphic metabolism

    "I Met Tim Carver, the metabolic polymorph": The following beta blockers require doseadjustment due to CYP2D6 polymorphic metabolism:MetoprololTimolol

    Carvedilol(in patients with lower or higher than normalCYP2D6 activity)Show Details / Rate It---David Shprecher Lake Erie College of Osteopathic


    Opioids: effects

    BAD AMERICANS:Bradycardia & hypotensionAnorexiaDiminished pupilary sizeAnalgesicsMiosisEuphoriaRespiratory depressionIncreased smooth muscle activity (biliary tractconstriction)ConstipationAmeliorate cough reflex

    Nausea and vomitingSedations

    Show Details / Rate It---Sung H. Kim

    Gynaecomastia-causing drugs


    CimetidineOestrogensStilboestrolShow Details / Rate It---Nasseri University of Sheffield

    Steroid side effects


    CataractsUlcersSkin: striae, thinning, bruisingHypertension/ Hirsutism/ HyperglycemiaInfectionsNecrosis, avascular necrosis of the femoral headGlycosuriaOsteoporosis, obesityImmunosuppressionDiabetesShow Details / Rate It---Anonymous Contributor

    Ipratropium: action

    Atropine is buried in the middle: iprAtropium, so itbehaves like Atropine.Show Details / Rate It---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin

    Benzodiazepines: actions

    "Ben SCAMs Pam into seduction not by brain but bymuscle":Sedationanti-Convulsantanti-AnxietyMuscle relaxant

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    Not by brain: No antipsychotic activity.Show Details / Rate It---Sung H. Kim

    Cholinergics (eg organophosphates): effects

    If you know these, you will be "LESS DUMB":LacrimationExcitation of nicotinic synapsesSalivationSweatingDiarrhea


    Show Details / Rate It---Anonymous Contributor

    Warfarin: metabolism

    SLOW: Has a slow onset of action. A quicK Vitamin K antagonist, though.Small lipid-soluble molecule

    Liver: site of actionOral route of administration.WarfarinShow Details / Rate It

    ---Samuel Atom Baek-Kim

    Guanethidine: mechanism

    GuaNEthidine prevents NE (norepinephrine) release.

    Show Details / Rate It---Anonymous Contributor

    Beta blockers: B1 selective vs. B1-B2 non-selective

    A through N: B1 selective: Acebutalol, Atenolol,Esmolol, Metoprolol.O through Z: B1, B2 non-selective: Pindolol,Propanalol, Timolol.

    Show Details / Rate It---Amir Butt Quaid-e-Azam Medical College,

    Bahawalpur, Pakistan

    RTI: drugs to treat viral respiratory infections

    "You'd get a respiratory infection if you shootan ARO (arrow) laced with viruses into the lungs":ARO:

    AmantadineRimantadineOseltamivirShow Details / Rate It---Anonymous Contributor USC

    Vigabatrin: mechanism


    Via GABA Transferase InhibitionShow Details / Rate It---Anonymous Contributor

    Succinylcholine: action, use

    Succinylcholine gets Stuck to Ach receptor,then Sucks ions in through open pore.You Suck stuff in through a mouth-tube, and drug is

    used for intubation.Show Details / Rate It---Anonymous Contributor

    Diuretics: groups

    "Leak Over The CAN":

    Loop diureticsOsmoticsThiazidesCarbonic anhydrase inhibitorsAldosterone inhibitorsNa (sodium) channel blockers

    Note: "leak" is slang for urination and "can" isslang for a toilet.Show Details / Rate It---CY UWA

    Aminoglycosides: common characteristicsAMINO:Active Against Aerobic gram negative

    Mechanism of resistance are Modifying enzymesInhibit protein synthesis by binding to 30S subunitNephrotoxicOtotoxicShow Details / Rate It---David H. Chafey Ponce School of Medicine

    Corticosteroids: adverse side effects

    CUSHINGS BAD MD:CataractsUp all night (sleep disturbances)Suppression of HPA axis

    Hypertension/ buffalo HumpInfections

    Necrosis (avascular)Gain weightStriaeBone loss (osteoporosis)AcneDiabetesMyopathy, moon facesDepression and emotional changes

    Show Details / Rate It---Anita Dunn University of Toronto

    Pulmonary infiltrations inducing drugs

    "Go BAN Me!":

    GoldBleomycin/ Busulphan/ BCNUAmiodarone/ Acyclovir/ Azathioprine

    NitrofurantoinMelphalan/ Methotrexate/ MethysergideShow Details / Rate It---Dr. Harsh Sharma BJMC, Pune, India

    Warfarin: interactions

    ACADEMIC QACS:Amiodarone



    ClofibratesQuinidineAzapropazoneCiprofloxacinStatinsShow Details / Rate It---Andrew Fok Birmingham Medical School

    Routes of entry: most rapid ways meds/toxins enterbody

    "Stick it, Sniff it, Suck it, Soak it":Stick = Injection

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    Sniff = inhalationSuck = ingestionSoak = absorptionShow Details / Rate It---Anonymous Contributor

    Ca++ channel blockers: uses

    CA++ MASH:Cerebral vasospasm/ CHFAnginaMigranes

    Atrial flutter, fibrillationSupraventricular tachycardiaHypertension

    Alternatively: "CHASM":Cererbral vasospasm / CHFHypertensionAnginaSuprventricular tachyarrhythmiaMigranes

    Show Details / Rate It---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin

    Prazocin usage

    Prazocin sounds like an acronym of "praszz zoururine".

    Therefore Prazocin used for urinary retention in BPH.Show Details / Rate It

    ---Diljot Singh Bedi GMCH Chandigarh, India

    Osmotic diuretics: members

    GUM:GlycerolUreaMannitolShow Details / Rate It---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin

    Ribavirin: indications


    RSVInfluenza BArenaviruses (Lassa, Bolivian, etc.)Show Details / Rate It---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin

    Lupus: drugs inducing it

    HIP:HydralazineINHProcanimideShow Details / Rate It---Hodge/Gupta LSU Medicine FirmI

    Patent ductus arteriosus: which prostaglandin keeps

    it open

    kEEp opEn with prostaglandin E.Show Details / Rate It---Anonymous Contributor

    Sulfonamide: major side effects

    Sulfonamide side effects:

    Steven-Johnson syndromeSkin rashSolubility low (causes crystalluria)Serum albumin displaced (causes newbornkernicterus and potentiation of other serum albumin-binders like warfarin)Show Details / Rate It

    ---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin

    Atropine use: tachycardia or bradycardia

    "A goes with B":Atropine used clinically to treat Bradycardia.Show Details / Rate It---Anonymous Contributor

    Vir-named drugs: use

    "-vir at start, middle or end means for virus": Drugs: Abacavir, Acyclovir, Amprenavir, Cidofovir,Denavir, Efavirenz, Indavir, Invirase, Famvir,Ganciclovir, Norvir, Oseltamivir, Penciclovir, Ritonavir,Saquinavir, Valacyclovir,Viracept, Viramune,

    Zanamivir, Zovirax.Show Details / Rate It---Robert O'Connor University College Dublin

    Phenobarbitone: side effects

    Children are annoying (hyperkinesia, irritability,insomnia, aggression).

    Adults are dosy (sedation, dizziness, drowsiness).Show Details / Rate It---Afif El-khuffash Trinity College Dublin

    Asthma drugs: leukotriene inhibitor action

    zAfirlukast: Antagonist of lipoxygenasezIlueton: Inhibitor of LT receptorShow Details / Rate It---Mumtaz Ali Shah 2000 graduate, Khyber Medical College,Pakistan

    CONTRACEPTIVES:Cholestatic jaundiceOedema (corneal)Nasal congestionThyroid dysfunctionRaised BPAcne/ Alopecia/ AnaemiaCerebrovascular diseaseElevated blood sugarOral contraceptives: side effects

    Porphyria/ Pigmentation/ PancreatitisThromboembolismIntracranial hypertensionVomiting (progesterone only)Erythema nodosum/ Extrapyramidal effects

    Sensitivity to light

    all c 'sc-child birth traumac- congenital weakness-suporting tissue pelvic floorc-chronic increase of abdominal pressurec-chronic cough/constipationc-climatrix-decrease ostrogens

    T ransmural ishemia/PrinzMural?/T ransitor .S-T elevation

    ToNight pain

    ===========PeSticides /orgnoph/poisonongSmall pupilsSweating

    SalivationSad/Tears/Significant bowl soundstx atropin

    =========Iron poisoning

  • 7/31/2019 Nursing Jargon


    rusty vomitingrusty diarhia========DMD own effect-DMD ecress tissue sensitivity to insulin /5am-8am/

    D own Glucose Just in the morningD ue to grown hormon spike==============

    SOMOGY effect in DM

    SOME hormone release/Epi,Norepi,Glucagon -counter-reg.hormonsSleep bad nithmaires /Miscarriage: recurrent miscarriage causes


    Immune reactionBugs (infection)Cervical incompetenceAnatomical anomaly (uterine septum etc.)Genetic (aneuploidy, balanced translocation etc.)EndocrinePeritonitis: Complications and Sequelae

    ' RAMBO SPARED 'Think: "Rambo's too tough to be affected by peritonitis!!!"

    Respiratory infection ARDS


    Burst abdomen

    Obstrucion of intestine


    Paralytic ileus

    Abscess formation

    Renal failure

    Electrolyte imbalance

    DICCauses of right lower quadrant pain

    " APPENDICITIS " Appendicitis/ Abscess

    PID/ Period


    Ectopic/ Endometriosis




    Crohns Disease/ Cyst (ovarian)


    Torsion (ovary)

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    Peripheral vascular diseases" ABCDEF "


    Buerger's disease (TAO)

    Cyanosis/ Cold agglutinin/ Connective tissue disease

    (Raynaud's phenomenon)

    Deep vein phlebothrombosis


    inFlammation of veins

    (TAO: Thromboangiitis obliterans)Spinal levels

    L1 to S1: "Transc.End S.N.A.Ps"

    L1: Transpyloric plane

    L2: End of Spinal cord in adults

    L3: Subcostal plane

    L4: Navel (umbilicus)

    L5: Anterior Superior Iliac Spine

    S1: Pubic symphysis

    Treatment options in Breast cancer


    Hormone therapy

    Endocrine therapy Radiotherapy

    Oestrogen blockers



    Eye signs in Thyroid disease

    Eye signs in thyroid disease in the usual pattern of appearancecan be remebered as,'NO SPECS'

    No signs or symptoms.

    Only signs of upperlid retraction and stare, with or

    without lid lag and exophthalmos

    Soft tissue involvement


    Extraocular muscle involvement

    Corneal involvement

    Sight loss due to optic nerve involvement

    Eye signs in Liver disease

    " KISS "

    KF ring


    Subconjunctival hemorrhage

    Sunflower cataract

    Eye signs in Thyrotoxicosis

    Use these tips to remember eye signs.

    Stellwag's sign: 'Stellar is used to describe

    stars!'i.e., starring look.

    von Graefe's sign: 'We look down in grief!'i.e., lid

    lag, tested by asking patient to look down.

    Joffroy's sign: ''ff' resembles wrinkles!'And wrinkles

    are offin Joffroy's sign.

    Moebius sign: 'Meeting ofEye balls is Unsuccessful!


    DaLRymple's sign: 'Upper eyeLidRetraction!'

    Rosenbach's sign: 'Roses tremble in the wind!'i.e.,

    tremor of closed eyelids.

    First 4 signs to appear are:'Stella Won JoMe!'

    Serum Bilirubin: Normal range" BIlirubin "Think BI; B=2 andI=1

    Thus, the normal value lies between 0.2-1 mg/dL.Ranson's criteria

    At presentation,"LEGAL"

    Leucocytes >16000

    Enzyme AST >250

    Glucose >200

    Age >55
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    LDH >350

    Within 48 hours,"C.HOBBS"

    5Retroperitoneal structures

    "AC/DC, Rocker Kids Party Down!"

    Ascending colon

    Descending colon

