Download - NOVEMBER 17, 2014 REGULAR MEETING · 11/17/2014  · Proposal for Michael Shedwick’s Reptile World Program at Kilmer Middle School o. Proposal for Jubilee Children’s Entertainment

Page 1: NOVEMBER 17, 2014 REGULAR MEETING · 11/17/2014  · Proposal for Michael Shedwick’s Reptile World Program at Kilmer Middle School o. Proposal for Jubilee Children’s Entertainment







a. Proposal for ESL Newcomer Program at Robbins Elementary School b. Revised Proposal for American Red Cross Professional Development at Princeton University c. Proposal for SMI Professional Development d. Proposal for Wilson Elementary School Students to Perform at Board of Education Meeting on

December 15, 2014 e. Resolution Recognizing American Education Week f. Resolution Recognizing Education Support Professionals Day 1-1 SCHOOL SUPPORT

g. Student Study Trips h. Resolution to Approve the Purchase of Site Licenses from for Robbins Elementary

School i. Resolution for Professional Services Contract with Standard Solutions for Robbins Elementary

School j. Resolution for Services from Gail Given Williams/Simply Fitness at TCHS Main k. Revised Proposal for Trenton Education Dance Institute at Mott Elementary School l. Resolution for Continuation of Achieve 3000 Literacy Program at Monument Elementary School m. Resolution for Continuation of Lexia Reading Program at Monument Elementary School n. Proposal for Michael Shedwick’s Reptile World Program at Kilmer Middle School o. Proposal for Jubilee Children’s Entertainment at Jefferson Elementary School and P. J. Hill

Elementary School p. Proposal for After School Clubs at Jefferson Elementary School q. Proposal for Professional Development at Gregory Elementary School r. Proposal for Shiloh CDC After School Enrichment Program at Gregory Elementary School s. Proposal for Minding Our Business Spring Program at Hedgepeth Williams Middle School t. Revised Proposal for AM/PM Supervision at Jefferson Elementary School u. Resolution and Proposal for Kidsbridge Tolerance Museum at Monument Elementary School v. Resolution and Proposal for Trenton Thunder Reading Assemblies at Monument Elementary

School w. Resolution Approving the Revised Self-Assessment for Determining Grades Under the Anti-

Bullying Bill of Rights Act – Stokes Early Childhood Center x. Resolution to Approve TBOE and High School Based Personnel to Serve as Issuing Officers for

Working Papers 1-2 SPECIAL EDUCATION

y. Resolution and Proposal for Professional Services and Consultation from the State of New Jersey:

Learning Resource Center – Central z. Resolution and Proposal for Professional Development from Functional Academics Consulting aa. Home Instruction for Students bb. Resolution and Proposal for Translation Services from Certified Languages International

2. HUMAN RESOURCES a. Retirements b. Resignation c. Termination(s)

Page 2: NOVEMBER 17, 2014 REGULAR MEETING · 11/17/2014  · Proposal for Michael Shedwick’s Reptile World Program at Kilmer Middle School o. Proposal for Jubilee Children’s Entertainment





d. Emergent Hire(s) e. Emergent Hires – Rescind f. Appointment(s) g. Leave(s) of Absence h. Extended Leave(s) of Absence i. Return from Leave(s) of Absence j. Transfer/Re-Assignment k. Salary Adjustment(s) l. Contractual Entitlements m. Professional Development(s) n. Professional Development Revision(s) o. Before/After School Program(s) p. Volunteer(s)

3. FINANCE & FACILITIES a. Appropriation Transfers – September 2014 b. A-148 Secretary’s Report – September 2014 c. A-149 Treasurer’s Report – September 2014 d. Staff Travel e. Facilities Report – November 2014 f. List of Bills g. Joint Transportation Agreement with Ewing School District h. Joint Transportation Agreement with Ewing School District i. Revised Resolution Authorizing Approval of Application and Acceptance of the IDEA Entitlement

Grant for the Period July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 j. Resolution to Approve Professional Development Activities for Non-Public School – The Garvey

School/Egun Omode Shule under NCLB Title II, Part A Funds k. Resolution to Approve Professional Development Activities for Non-Public School – Islamic

School of Trenton/Albayaan under NCLB Title II, Part A Funds l. Professional Services Contract – Performance Learning Systems 3rd Learning for P.J. Hill

Elementary School m. Approval of [Aramark] Food Services Management Contract Addendum for the 2014/2015 School


Page 3: NOVEMBER 17, 2014 REGULAR MEETING · 11/17/2014  · Proposal for Michael Shedwick’s Reptile World Program at Kilmer Middle School o. Proposal for Jubilee Children’s Entertainment







a. Proposal for ESL Newcomer Program at Robbins Elementary School BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Proposal for ESL Newcomer Program at Robbins Elementary School for the period December 1, 2014 to June 1, 2015 at a cost not to exceed $3,617.00. This Saturday program will provide extra linguistic, academic and social support for ESL students who are at the beginning levels of learning English as a second language. Account Code: 20-245-100-109-0009-14-82 and 20-200-200-0000-14-82

b. Revised Proposal for American Red Cross Professional Development at Princeton University BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Proposal for American Red Cross Professional Development at Princeton University on November 18-21, November 24 and December 3, 2014 at a cost not to exceed $12,960.00. The American Red Cross will provide Athletic Coaches and Physical Ed Teachers with water safety instruction, which is needed for certification. This program was originally approved by the Board on September 22, 2014. The revision is to change the location from TCHS Main to Princeton University, to reduce the cost and to change the dates of service. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. Account Code: 11-402-100-330-0000-00-55

c. Proposal for SMI Professional Development BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Proposal for SMI Professional Development for the period November 18, 2014 through June 1, 2015 at a cost not to exceed $5,198.00. Math Leaders and Turnkey Trainers will receive professional development on implementing and using the SMI reports for student intervention. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. Account Code: 20-275-200-101-0009-14-82

d. Proposal for Wilson Elementary School Students to Perform at Board of Education Meeting on December 15, 2014 BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Proposal for Wilson Elementary School Students to Perform at Board of Education Meeting on December 15, 2014 at a cost not to exceed $100.00 for transportation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. Account Code: 15-000-270-512-0000-00-31

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e. Resolution Recognizing American Education Week Whereas, the National Education Association, U. S. Department of Education and national organizations including the National PTA, the American Legion, the American Legion Auxiliary, the American Association of School Administrators, the National School Boards Association, the American Federation of Teachers, the American School Counselor Association, the Council of Chief State School Officers, the National School Public Relations Association, the National Association of State Boards of Education, the National Association of Elementary School Principals, and the National Association of Secondary School Principals are co-sponsors of American Education Week; and Whereas this week is observed in all communities annually for the purpose of informing the public of the accomplishments and needs of the public schools and to secure the cooperation and support of the public in meeting those needs; and Whereas American Education Week is celebrated this year from November 16-22, 2014; and Whereas the Trenton Board of Education wishes to embrace this wonderful opportunity to celebrate public education and honor individuals who are making a difference in ensuring that every child receives a quality education; now Be It Therefore Resolved; that the Trenton Board of Education does recognize and celebrate American Education Week from November 16-22, 2014.

f. Resolution Recognizing Education Support Professionals Day Whereas, Wednesday November 19 has been designated Education Support Professionals Day as part of American Education Week; and Whereas education support professionals include members of the Trenton Paraprofessionals Association, the Trenton Educational Secretaries Association and the Trenton Business & Technical Association; and Whereas education support professionals perform vital functions contributing to the operation of our schools and offices; and Whereas education support professionals are valued team members in the shared goals of school improvement and increased student achievement; and Whereas education support professionals play an important role in the education and growth of children in elementary, middle, and secondary schools in the City of Trenton; and Whereas we must continue to encourage and support and recognize those who have a positive impact on Trenton students and the Trenton School System; now Be It Therefore Resolved; that the Trenton Board of Education does hereby celebrate Education Support Professionals Day on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 to recognize our education support professionals for all they do to help our children learn and succeed.


g. Student Study Trips BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the following field trips:

Agenda   Applicant   School   Destination   Purpose   No.  of  Stud-­‐  ents  

Date   Funds   Cost   GAAP  Code  

Nov. 17 Norberto Diaz Wilson CSB Auditorium Performance at Board of Education Meeting

40 12/15/14 Board $100.00 15-000-270-512-0000-

00-31 November 17, 2014

Barbara Hayes, Mrs. Monard, Miss Ingram,

Mrs. Lombardy, Mr. Bonds and

Columbus Drumthwacket Program

Princeton, NJ

Students will have an opportunity to witness

firsthand the Governor’s mansion and learn what goes

40 2015 March 4

$0 No Cost to Board

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Mr. Johnson on there

November 17, 2014

Lauren Imbalzano, Nadia

Ramcharan, Carmen Sanchez, Ashley Haszko, Aricia Joasil, Jay Kiernan, Brian Exner, Joanna Bohnel, Pamela Hughes, Walter

Kelly, John Dunston, Francine

Stockton, Joseph Karkowsky, Ariel Rivera, McKenzie Madreperl, Brian Feehan, Joseph

Hankins, Katherine Kuzma-

eck, Joanna Bohnel, Allison

Finnery, Charlotte Gallagher, Robert Lee, Robin Srand,

Regina Smith Jared Pasko and Regina Brown

Dunn Baltimore National

Aquarium Baltimore, MD

Students will be able to discover how different kinds of living things have adapted to life in

oceans, rainforest, northern Australia

and even the Chesapeake Bay

through explorations of the aquarium

250 2015 June 3

Board $8,140 15-000-270-512-0000-


November 17, 2014

Lauren Imbalzano, Jenny

Featherston, Carmen Sanchez,

Antonio Ruiz, Ariel Rivera,

Regina Brown, Pamela Hughes,

Lauren Imbalzano, John

Dunston, Francine

Stockton, Yeta Phillips, Jared Pasko, Joseph Karkowsky,

Davon Rogers, Robin Strand, Brian Exner, Olivia Russo, Susan Lipera,

Nathan Cohen, Robert Morales, Milca Hernandez and Susan Nielsen

Dunn Medieval Times Lyndhurst, NJ

Students will be able to discover how different kinds of living things have adapted to life in

oceans, rainforest, northern Australia

and even the Chesapeake Bay

through explorations of the aquarium

200 2015 June 11

Board $2,167.50 15-000-270-512-0000-


Revision to Sept. 22, 2014 Agenda

Sheree Dublin Hedgepeth/Williams

Rowan University Tour/Students will become aware of the

academic requirements needed

for enrolling in a college or university

100 2014 November


Board $243.08 15-000-270-510-0000-


November 17, 2014

Talithea Briggs, Oliver, Dublin,

Hoover, Clark and Neal


Mill Hill Playhouse

Students will be able to recognize the

cultural influences and traditions in African drumming and dance and think analytically

45 2014 December


Board $731.92 15-190-100-590-0000-

00 ($500)


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about how past and present interactions of people, cultures, and

the environment shape the African-American


00 ($231.92)

November 17, 2014

Sheree Dublin, Ted Hoover, Ms. Neil, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Gramer, Mrs.

Campbell, Mrs. Allen, Ms.

Anderson, Mr. Harris, Mrs. Rawis, Mr.

Gabriel, Mr. Clarke, Mrs.

Naggy, Dr. Lynn Ms. Johnson and

Ms. Langford


Mercer County College Tour

West Windsor, NJ

Students will become aware of the academic requirements needed

for enrolling in a college or university

120 2015 February


Board $380 15-000-270-512-0000-


Revision to

October 14, 2014 Agenda

Michelle Liwacz, Ms. Booker, Valarie Hoff,

Danny McEaddy, Ellen Decker and

Danielle Larca

Jefferson Grounds for sculpture

Trenton, NJ

Students will be able to write/explain

descriptive piece about artwork

44 2014 November


Board $338 15-000-270-512-0000-

00 15-190-100-590-0000-

00 November 17, 2014

Danny McEaddy, Mrs. Cekoric,

Mrs. Williams, Mr. Carmichael, Mrs. Bethea, Ms. Townsend, Mr.

Omilian and Mrs. Kate-


Jefferson Franklin Institute Philadelphia, PA

Students will be able to describe

environmental impact of humans, understand

that pollution is harmful to our planet and all living things

132 2014 December


Board $1,389.75 15-000-270-512-0000-

00 ($714.75)


00 ($675)

November 17, 2014

Danny McEaddy, Mrs. Cekoric,

Mrs. Williams, Mr. Carmichael, Mrs. Bethea, Ms. Townsend, Mr.

Omilian and Mrs. Kate-


Jefferson Philadelphia Zoo Philadelphia, PA

Students will observe animals and

understand the connection between

diet and habitat

132 2015 April 2

Board $714.75 15-000-270-512-0000-


November 17, 2014

Danny McEaddy, Mrs. Cekoric,

Mrs. Williams, Mr. Carmichael, Mrs. Bethea, Ms. Townsend, Mr.

Omilian and Mrs. Kate-


Jefferson Camden Aquarium

Camden, NJ

Students will observe marine animals,

identify and understand the

purpose for survival and defense traits

132 2015 June 4

Board $2,456.75 15-000-270-512-0000-

00 ($714.75)


00 ($1,742.50)

November 17, 2014

Carla Millner Kilmer Franklin Institute Philadelphia, PA

Students will be able to identify common

organs found in animals and humans and participate in a

dissection class

22 2015 February


Board $790.65 15-000-270-512-0000-

00-24 ($285.90)


00-24 ($503.75)

November 17, 2014

Lynn Vogel, Susan Trimble,

Courtney Skudalski, Rhonda

Berry, Nicole

Monument Kidsbridge Tolerance Museum

Ewing, NJ

Students will be able to create awareness,

tolerance of those who are different than we are and learn to be an

49 2015 January

13 & 14

$0 No Cost to Board

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Lowery and Janet Ciaccia


November 17, 2014

J. Ayling and L. Tindall

Robbins The Kelsey Theatre at Mercer

County Community

College West Windsor,


Students will be able to attend a production of the story “T’was the

Night Before Christmas”, compare and contrast the book

to the professional performance

40 2014 December


Board $560 15-1900-100-590-

0000-00-28 ($320)


00-28 ($240.64)

November 17, 2014

J. Ayling, L. Tindall, S. Estada

and K. Ryan

Robbins Buttinger Nature Center – Stony

Brook-Millstone Watershed Association

Pennington, NJ

Students are learning to identify the

different types of trees during an exploratory

walk and how to provide food/shelter

in forest

45 2015 February 18 &19

$0 No Cost to Board

November 17, 2014

Laurie Tindall, J. Ayling, K. Ryan, and S. Estrada

Robbins Jenkinson’s Aquarium

Students will be able to recognize the

habitats that animals live in and how they


80 2015 May 6

Board $989.28 15-000-270-512-0000-

00-28 ($481.28)


00-28 ($580)

November 17, 2014

E. Beaston, E. Brown, Ms. Lewis

and Ms. Headley

Stokes Schafer School of Gymnastics

Lawrence, NJ

Students will demonstrate gross

motor manipulation skills and balancing


30 2015 January


Board $365 20-218-100-500-0000-

00-59 ($270)


00-59 ($95)

November 17, 2014

E. Beaston, E. Brown, Ms. Lewis

and Ms. Headley

Stokes Howell Living Farm

Titusville, NJ

Students will experience life on a

working farm

30 2015 May 6

Board $392.50 20-218-100-500-0000-

00-59 ($250)


00-59 ($142.50)

November 17, 2014

E. Beaston, E. Brown, Ms. Lewis

and Ms. Headley

Stokes Jenkinson’s Aquarium

Point Pleasant Beach, NJ

Students will be able to name sea animals and their habitats

30 2015 June 3

Board $455.64 20-218-100-500-0000-

00-59 ($215)


00-59 ($240.64)

Revision to

October 27, 2014

Christina Forshey Trenton High Main


McCarter Theatre Center

Princeton, NJ

Students will be able to evaluate a

professional theatre production based on informed personal


22 2014 October


Board $149.63 15-000-270-512-0000-


November 17, 2014

John Forte, Benjamin Falsetti, Major Irvin, Ms. Verdini, Dr. Ioffe,

Mr. Dillard, Alaina Galambos,

Pia Kauffman,

Trenton High Main

Trenton High West

Trenton, NJ

Students will gain information about EOF Programs at various colleges

144 2014 November


$0 No Cost to Board

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Annie Coleman

November 17, 2014

Bridget McManus,

Margaret Woolf, Scott Monroe, Barry Conboy,

Marsha Martin, Nathan Mayfield

Trenton High Main

Trenton High West

Trenton, NJ

Students will gain information about EOF Programs at various colleges

144 2014 November


$0 No Cost to Board

November 17, 2014

Countess D. Irvin, Terry A. Troup

Trenton High Main

Pleasantville High School

Pleasantville, NJ

Attending this event measures the cadets

level of discipline and competence in a

hands-on competition with other schools in

which they are awarded trophies

45 2014 November


Board $730.85 15-190-100-590-0000-

00-05 ($150)


00-05 ($580.85)

November 17, 2014

Nicole R. Hamlet, Mr. Trinidad

Escalante, Mr. Adam Behr

Trenton High Main

City Hall Trenton, NJ

Students will travel to City Hall to

participate in a general debate

21 2014 December


$0 No Cost to Board

November 17, 2014

Nicholas J. Cirillo, Mr. Hoppe,

Ms. Courtney, Ms. Molnar-Port,

and Ms. Brown

Trenton High Main

City Hall/City Council Chamber

Trenton, NJ

Students will view a public debate (TCHS against the College of

New Jersey)

60 2014 December


$0 No Cost to Board

November 17, 2014

Deirdre Brown, Mr. Cirillo,

Ms. Rodriguez, Mr. Hoppe,

Mr. Conboy, and Mrs. Courntey

Trenton High Main

City Hall/City Council Chamber

Trenton, NJ

Students will view a public debate (TCHS against the College of

New Jersey)

23 2014 December


$0 No Cost to Board

November 17, 2014

Ms. Molnar-Port, Mr. Cirillo, Mr.

Hoppe, Ms. Rodriguez, and Ms. Courtney

Trenton High Main

City Hall/City Council Chamber

Trenton, NJ

Students will view a public debate (TCHS against the College of

New Jersey)

7 2014 December


$0 No Cost to Board

November 17, 2014

Ms. Martin, Mr. Muzon, Mr.


Trenton High Main

AT&T Bedminster, NJ

Students will gain an understanding of and experience in carrying

out specific departmental roles and responsibilities

40 2014 December


$0 No Cost to Board

November 17, 2014

Countess D. Irvin, Terry A. Troup

Trenton High Main

Delsea High School

Delsea, NJ

Attending this event measures the cadets

level of discipline and competence in a

hands-on competition with other schools in

which they are awarded trophies

45 2014 December


Board $730.85 15-190-100-590-0000-

00-05 ($150)


00-05 ($580.85)

November 17, 2014

Joseph Pucciatti and Ted Plunkett

Trenton High Main

Dunn Middle Trenton, NJ

TCHS Orchestra will perform holiday music

25 2014 December


Board $142.50 15-000-270-512-0000-

00-05 ($71.25)


00-10 ($71.25)

November 17, 2014

Joseph Pucciatti and Ted Plunkett

Trenton High Main

Kilmer Middle Trenton, NJ

TCHS Orchestra will perform holiday music

25 2014 December


Board $142.50 15-000-270-512-0000-

00-05 ($71.25)


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($71.25) November 17, 2014

Joseph Pucciatti and Ted Plunkett

Trenton High Main

St. Mary’s Cathedral

Trenton, NJ

TCHS Orchestra will perform holiday music

25 2014 December


Board $201.88 15-000-270-512-0000-

00-05 November 17, 2014

Joseph Pucciatti and Ted Plunkett

Trenton High Main

St. Mary’s Cathedral

Trenton, NJ

TCHS Orchestra will perform holiday music

25 2014 December


Board $201.88 15-000-270-512-0000-

00-05 November 17, 2014

Countess D. Irvin, Terry A. Troup

Trenton High Main

Colts Neck High School

Colts Neck, NJ

Attending this event measures the cadets

level of discipline and competence in a

hands-on competition with other schools in

which they are awarded trophies

45 2015 February


Board $639.58 15-190-100-590-0000-

00-05 ($150)


00-05 ($489.58)

November 17, 2014

John Pollock, Monica Morris

and Nicole Akromas

Trenton High Main

Chinatown/Fortune Cookie Factory Philadelphia, PA

Broaden student awareness of world cuisine and culture


40 2015 March 31

Board $1,852.50 15-190-100-590-0000-

00-05 ($1,425)


00-05 ($285)

November 17, 2014

Michelle Purvis, Donna Warn and Monifa Harrison

Trenton High Main

University of Penn

Franklin Field Philadelphia, PA

Students will view, explain and

understand various events and be able to complete a written assignment to be

graded at end of trip

45 2015 April 24

Board $694.95 15-000-270-512-0000-

00-05 ($334.95)


00-05 ($360)

November 17, 2014

Melda Grant, Joy Walker,

Corey Laramore, Guerline Pierre

Trenton High Main

Raritan Valley Community

College Branchburg, NJ

Select students of the (SBYSP/TOP) will

participate in the Planned Parenthood

of Central and Greater Northern New Jersey

Inc., 2014 Teen Conference

36 2015 May 7

Board $2,000 20-470-200-890-0000-


November 17, 2014

Melda Grant , Corey Laramore,

Gary Nelson, Dana Williamson,

DeManuel Edmondson

Trenton High Main

Arcadia University

Glenside, PA

Male students of the (SBYSP) to attend the

9th Black Male Development

Symposium 2015 – Purpose is to help

young men ages 12-21 to improve social,

academic, and professional lives

30 2015 May 9

Board $2,900 20-470-200-890-0000-


November 17, 2014

Melda Grant, Joy Walker

Trenton High Main

Princeton Marriott at Forrestal

Princeton, NJ

Students of the Trenton SBYSP PLO

and FATHER programs will have

opportunity to participate in the

Prevent Child Abuse NJ Annual PLP

Family Empowerment Day Conference –

Focus: Strengthening parenting skill,

preventing child abuse and neglect, fostering

10 2015 May 21

$0 No Cost to Board

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wellbeing of children and promoting life skills development

Revision to

October 14, 2014 Agenda

Nicole Marino Trenton High West

The College of New Jersey School

of Science Ewing, NJ

Event to celebrate the accomplishments of our women students

and encourage them to continue toward a career in Science

5 2014 October


Board $285 15-190-100-590-0000-


November 17, 2014

Joel Merkin, Jocelyn Francis-

White, Ryan McCamy, James Korten and Kira


Trenton High West

Holocaust Museum

Washington, DC

Students will acquire the knowledge and

skills to think analytically and

systematically about how past interactions

of people, cultures, and the environment affect issues across

time cultures

40 2015 January


Board $1,500 15-190-100-590-0000-


November 17, 2014

Linda Alexander, Lisa Cannon,

Patricia Reis, A. Thomas, T.

Holton, B. Tillery

Washington Johnson’s Corner Farm

Students will be able to learn where and how animals live

75 2014 December


Board $1,408.28 15-000-270-512-0000-

00-30 ($473.28)


00-30 ($935)

November 17, 2014

Linda Alexander, Lisa Cannon,

Patricia Reis, A. Thomas, T.

Holton, B. Tillery

Washington Philadelphia Zoo Philadelphia, PA

Students will be able to learn where and how animals live

75 2015 April 16

Board $473.28 15-000-270-512-0000-


h. Resolution to Approve the Purchase of Site Licenses from for Robbins

Elementary School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for a Purchase of Site Licenses from for Robbins Elementary School for the 2014-2015 school year at a cost not to exceed $2,550.00. Robbins will implement EasyTech, a proven web-delivered literacy curriculum that integrates technology and 21st century skills into math, science, language arts literacy and social studies. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. Account Code: 20-235-100-600-0000-15-82

i. Resolution for Professional Services Contract with Standard Solutions for Robbins Elementary School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for a Professional Services Contract with Standard Solutions for Robbins Elementary School for the 2014-2015 school year at a cost not to exceed $4,000.00. Professional development and in-class support will be offered to teachers in grades 3-5, administrators and staff on the rigor and challenges of PARCC and how classroom lessons can be designed and implemented to meet the new assessment expectations.

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BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. Account Code: 20-235-200-300-0000-15-82

j. Resolution for Services from Gail Given Williams/Simply Fitness at TCHS Main BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for Services from Gail Given Williams/Simply Fitness at TCHS Main on December 16, 2014 at a cost not to exceed $150.00 for one hour of service. Ms. Williams will provide health information and low impact fitness activities to TCHS students participating in the School Based Youth Services Program (SBYSP), and their families, during the annual SBYSP Winter Family Fun and Fitness Night. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. Account Code: 20-471-200-390-0000-15-05

k. Revised Proposal for Trenton Education Dance Institute at Mott Elementary School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Revised Proposal for Trenton Education Dance Institute at Mott Elementary School for the 2014-2015 school year at a cost not to exceed $10,000.00. This program was originally Board approved on September 8, 2014. The revision is to change the GAAP Codes for Mott School only. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. Account Codes: 15-401-100-110-0009-00-26, 15-000-270-512-0000-00-26, 15-190-100-590-0000-00-26 and 11-240-100-320-0000-00-81

l. Resolution for Continuation of Achieve 3000 Literacy Program at Monument Elementary School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for Continuation of Achieve 3000 Literacy Program at Monument Elementary School for the 2014-2015 school year at no cost to the Board. The web-based program addresses the need for enhanced technology and literacy skills for students.

m. Resolution for Continuation of Lexia Reading Program at Monument Elementary School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for Continuation of Lexia Reading Program at Monument Elementary School for the 2014-2015 school year at no cost to the Board. The web-based program includes intervention options of varied intensity that can be linked to the specific learning needs of Tier 2 students experiencing difficulties.

n. Proposal for Michael Shedwick’s Reptile World Program at Kilmer Middle School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Proposal for Michael Shedwick’s Reptile World Program at Kilmer

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Middle School on December 16, 2014 at a cost not to exceed $1,475.00. The travelling exhibition introduces students to the class Reptilia by using living animals and teaching the ecology and natural history of reptiles. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. Account Code: 15-190-100-320-0000-00-24

o. Proposal for Jubilee Children’s Entertainment at Jefferson Elementary School and P. J. Hill Elementary School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Proposal for Jubilee Children’s Entertainment at Jefferson Elementary School and P. J. Hill Elementary School for the period November 16, 2014 to June 30, 2015 at a cost not to exceed $8,000.00. Students will attend a series of assemblies with a focus on promoting academic, social and emotional development through Character Impact Themes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. Account Code: 15-190-100-320-0000-00-14 and 15-190-100-320-0000-00-32

p. Proposal for After School Clubs at Jefferson Elementary School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Proposal for After School Clubs at Jefferson Elementary School for the period January to March 2015 at a cost not to exceed $7,180.00. The following clubs will meet: Gardening/School Beautification Club, Chorus/”Glee” Club, Tutoring Club and Safety Patrol. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. Account Codes: 15-190-100-610-0000-00-14 and 15-401-100-110-0009-00-14

q. Proposal for Professional Development at Gregory Elementary School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Proposal for Professional Development at Gregory Elementary School for the period November 16, 2014 to June 30, 2015 at a cost not to exceed $13,400.27. All instructional staff including teachers and paraprofessionals will attend monthly PD sessions on the Turnaround Principles for Priority Schools. Account Codes: 15-120-100-101-0009-00-21 and 15-190-100-106-0009-00-21

r. Proposal for Shiloh CDC After School Enrichment Program at Gregory Elementary School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Proposal for Shiloh CDC After School Enrichment Program at Gregory Elementary School for the period November 24, 2014 to April 17, 2015 at no cost to the Board. The program will provide students in Grades 3-5 with mini-workshop lessons in Literacy. All costs will be covered by Shiloh CDC in kind.

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s. Proposal for Minding Our Business Spring Program at Hedgepeth Williams Middle School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Proposal for Minding Our Business Spring Program at Hedgepeth Williams Middle School for the period February 3 to May 8, 2015 at a cost not to exceed $5,000.00. The program will advance the personal and vocational development of Trenton youth through entrepreneurial education and mentoring. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. Account Code: 15-190-100-320-0000-00-08

t. Revised Proposal for AM/PM Supervision at Jefferson Elementary School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Revised Proposal for AM/PM Supervision at Jefferson School for the 2014-2015 school year at a cost not to exceed $12,922.00. This program was originally Board approved on June 23, 2014. The revision is to add a GAAP Code and decrease the total cost. Account Codes: 15-421-200-110-0009-00-14 and 15-190-100-106-0009-00-14

u. Resolution and Proposal for Kidsbridge Tolerance Museum at Monument Elementary School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution and Proposal for Kidsbridge Tolerance Museum at Monument Elementary School on January 14 & 15, 2015 at no cost to the Board. Students in Grade 4 will attend anti-bullying/character education programs to learn diversity and tolerance. The museum has offered free admission and buses for our students to attend these programs.

v. Resolution and Proposal for Trenton Thunder Reading Assemblies at Monument Elementary School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution and Proposal for Trenton Thunder Reading Assemblies at Monument Elementary School on January 16, 2015 at no cost to the Board. All students in Grades K-5 will benefit from the appropriate grade level activities from this non-profit organization that inspires children to think, read and write.

w. Resolution Approving the Revised Self-Assessment for Determining Grades Under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act – Stokes Early Childhood Center BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Revised Self-Assessment for Determining Grades Under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act – Stokes Early Childhood Center, to be submitted to the NJ State Department of Education. (Attachment 1-W)

x. Resolution to Approve TBOE and High School Based Personnel to Serve as Issuing Officers for Working Papers Whereas, all minors under the age of 18 who work in New Jersey must have an employment certificate, also called “working papers” or a special permit (for agriculture, newspaper carrier, or theatrical employment), and;

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Whereas, the person employing such minor shall procure an employment certificate issued by the designated school Issuing Officer(s) of the school district in which the child resides, or of the district in which the child has obtained a promise of employment if the child is a nonresident of the State, and; Whereas, the following individuals have been appropriately trained by the NJ Department of Labor, or have received turn keyed training, to serve as designated Issuing Officers of Working Papers at the following TBOE and TBOE high school locations: Daylight Twilight High School: Ronald Edwards, Vice Principal Trenton Central High School Chambers: Adrienne Hill, Vice Principal Countess Irvin, JROTC, Instructor Trenton Central High School West: Lawrence Parker, Vice Principal TBOE: Wilfredo Ortiz, Supervisor of School Support Therefore, be it resolved that the Trenton Board of Education approves the above listed TBOE and High School personnel to serve as Issuing Officers of Working Papers at their respective TBOE sites.


y. Resolution and Proposal for Professional Services and Consultation from the State of New Jersey: Learning Resource Center – Central BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution and Proposal for Professional Services and Consultation from the State of New Jersey: Learning Resource Center – Central for the 2014-2015 school year at no cost to the Board. The training offered in partnership with the Learning Resource Center will establish a common understanding of various co-teaching configurations along with the considerations necessary to implement and evaluate an effective co-taching program for both administrators and teachers.

z. Resolution and Proposal for Professional Development from Functional Academics Consulting BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution and Proposal for Professional Development from Functional Academics Consulting for the period December 2014 through June 2015 at a cost not to exceed $2,500.00. Facilitator Michael Jones of Functional Academic Consulting will train Austistic Support Teachers at Grant, Monument and P. J. Hill Schools in how to use The Styer-Fitzgerald Program for Functional Academics in order to begin classroom implementation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. Account Code: 20-275-200-101-0009-13-82

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aa. Home Instruction for Students

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves Home Instruction for Students as follows:

Student Home Instruction Dates Home Instructor K.E. Oct. 20 – Dec. 19, 2014 Trinidad Escalante C.M. Oct. 22 – Dec. 19, 2014 Francine Conyers J.W. Oct. 22 – Nov. 22, 2014 Chantel Wooten K.J. Oct. 27 – Nov. 14, 2014 Michelle Lutrell D.M. Oct. 22 – Dec. 12, 2014 Lila Sidhoum

S.R-M. Standby 8 days Andrea Harris J.T. Ongoing PESCI Organization J.F. Oct. 22 – Dec. 19, 2014 Brittany Litteral A.N. Oct. 22 – Dec. 19, 2014 Marta Rivera N.W. Oct. 22 – Dec. 19, 2014 Rhonda Berry J-S.T. Oct. 28 – Jan. 29, 2015 Gloria Wilson-Wilkerson D.H. Oct. 10 – Feb. 27, 2014 Trinidad Escalante M.C. Nov. 10 – Dec. 4, 2014 Rhonda Berry C.C. Nov. 10 – Dec. 4, 2014 Nicole Lowery P.C. Nov. 10 – Dec. 4, 2014 Sharonda West M.C. Nov. 10 – Dec. 4, 2014 Sharonda West J.J. Nov. 11 – Jan. 30, 2014 Meredith Milligan C.J. Nov. 10 – Jan. 15, 2014 Maria Rodriquez

C.L-P. Nov. 18 – Jan. 30, 2015 Rotanda Davis

bb. Resolution and Proposal for Translation Services from Certified Languages International BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution and Proposal for Translation Services from Certified Languages International for the period November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015 at a cost not to exceed $5,400.00. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. Account Code: 11-000-219-320-0000-00-84

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a. Retirement(s) BE IT RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent

of Schools, approve the following retirement(s):

1. Mr. Conrad Purnell – 34 years of service – Computer Teacher – Washington Elementary School, effective January 1, 2015.

2. Ms. Rosemary Ohanian – 17 years of service – Speech Language Specialist – Special Education,

effective February 1, 2015.

3. Ms. Usha Kachroo – 25 years of service – Science Teacher – Daylight/Twilight High School, effective January 1, 2015.

b. Resignation BE IT RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent

of Schools, approve the following resignation :

1. Ms. Wildania Cabrera – Paraprofessional –One on One – Stokes Elementary School, effective November 5, 2014.

c. Termination(s) BE IT RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent

of Schools, approve the following terminations : 1. Mr. Daquaye Gilchrist – Custodian – Trenton High School-West , effective November 18, 2014. NOTE: Failure to obtain boiler license – two week notification. 2. Ms. Linda Torres – Custodian – Washington Elementary School, effective November 18, 2014. NOTE: Reason on file in Human Resources - two week notification

d. Emergent Hire(s) BE IT RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendations of the Superintendent

of Schools, approved the following emergent hires:

1. Ms. Alexa Cawley – Sheltered Language Arts Teacher – Dunn Middle School – at the salary of $52,200 – BA, Step 1 – TEA, effective on or about December 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015, pro-rated. NOTE: Filling a vacancy.

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2. Mr. Gene Zannetti – Senior Accountant - Grants and Funded Programs – Business Office – at the salary

of $51,405 - Step 1 Guide A, effective on or about December 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015, pro-rated. NOTE: Replacing M. Pitts who resigned.

3. Ms. Deborah Brown – Mathematics Teacher – Daylight Twilight High School – at the salary of $52,200- BA, Step 1- TEA, effective on or about December 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015, pro-rated. (15-140-100-101-0000-00-35) NOTE: Due the retirement of J. Jackson.

4. Ms. Edie Brody Greenberg – School Nurse – Jefferson School – at the salary of $52,200 – BA, Step 1 – TEA, effective on or about December 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015, pro-rated. (15-000-213-104-000-35-14) NOTE: Replacing C. LeBon who was reassigned.

5. Mr. Edward Heplock Jr. – Social Studies Teacher – Trenton Central High School – Chambers – at the

salary of $52,200 – BA, Step 1 – TEA, effective on or about November 20, 2014 through June 30, 2015, pro-rated. (15-140-100-101-0000-00-05) NOTE: Replacing R. Daux who resigned.

6. Ms. Liliana Barreto – Sheltered Science Teacher – Dunn Middle School – at the salary of $52,200 –

BA, Step 1 – TEA, effective on or about December 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015, pro-rated. (15-000-213-104-000-35-14) NOTE: Replacing C. Sanchez who was reassigned.

7. Mr. Anthony Cianciarulo – Mathematics Teacher – Rivera Middle School – at the salary of $52,200-BA,

Step 1-TEA, effective on or about December 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015, pro-rated. (15-130-100-101-0000-00-15)

NOTE: Replacing H. Rice who resigned. 8. Ms. Patricia Mazzuca – Interim Principal – Stokes Elementary School, at the salary of $124,739 Step 1, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015, pro-rated. (20-218-200-103-0000-00-59) NOTE: Replacing E. Downing who was re-assigned. e. Emergent Hires - Rescind BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approve the rescinding of employment for the following emergent hires:

1 . Ms. Mia Moore Seals - Mathematics Teacher - Rivera Middle School - at the salary

of $52,200- BA, Step 1- TEA, effective September 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (15-130-100-101-0000-00-15) NOTE: Administratively approved July 17, 2014.

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f. Appointment(s) BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approve the following appointments:

1. Ms. Mykeema Ford – JV Girls Basketball Coach – Trenton Central High School - Chambers – at

a stipend of $5,871.00, effective November 24, 2014 through March 1, 2015. (11-402-100-101-0009-00-55)

2. Mr. Walter Pitts – Social Studies Teacher – Trenton Central High School – Chambers (STEM Academy), at the salary of $52,200 – BA, Step 1 - TEA, effective November 11, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

NOTE: Replacing Jack Washington who retired.

3. Mr. JeffreyDrake – Assistant Football Coach – Trenton Central High School - Chambers, at a stipend of $6,524.00, effective November 18, 2014 through December 2, 2014. (11-402-100-101-0009-00-55)

g. Leave(s) of Absence BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent of Schools, approve the following leave(s) of absence:

1. Ms. Johnette McBride – Paraprofessional – Dunn Middle School – medical leave of absence with pay, effective September 28, 2014 through October 23, 2014; and without pay, effective October 24, 2014 through January 28, 2015.

2. Ms. Kiya Green – Kindergarten Teacher – Robeson Elementary School – medical leave of absence with

pay, effective October 29, 2014 through January 30, 2015.

3. Ms. Stephanie Abramowitz – Health & Physical Education Teacher – Grant Elementary School – medical leave of absence with pay effective January 5, 2015 through February 13, 2015; and without pay, effective February 14, 2015 through May 11, 2015.

4. Ms. Lissette Davila – School Nurse – Grant Elementary School – medical leave of absence with pay,

effective October 29, 2014 through November 11, 2014.

5. Ms. Sybil Trotta – Manager Policy/Labor Relations/Negotiations/Legal Affairs- Legal Department – medical leave of absence with pay, effective November 3, 2014 through December 3, 2014.

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6. Ms. Gwendetta Jones – Administrative I Secretary – Dunn Middle School – medical leave of absence with pay, effective October 30, 2014 through December 20, 2014.

h. Extended Leave(s) of Absence BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent

of Schools, approve the following extended leave(s) of absence:

1. Ms. Darlene Justice – Paraprofessional – Hill Elementary School – extended medical leave of absence with pay, effective October 23, 2014 through November 12, 2014; and without pay, effective November 13, 2014 through November 22, 2014. NOTE: Original leave of absence September 19, 2014 through October 22, 2014.

2. Ms. Lisa Constantino – Music Teacher – Washington Elementary School – extended medical leave of absence with pay, effective November 24, 2014 through January 2, 2015. NOTE: Original leave of absence October 10, 2014 through November 21, 2014.

i. Return from Leave(s) of Absence BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent of Schools, approve the following return from leave(s) of absence:

1. Ms. Maria Canals – Bilingual Elementary Teacher (Gr.1) – Robbins Elementary School – return from medical leave of absence, effective October 29, 2014.

j. Transfer/Re-Assignment BE IT RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools, approve the following transfers/re-assignment:

1. Ms. Doris Capo – from: Bilingual Teacher Grade 1- King School, to: World Language Teacher – Hedgepeth Williams School, at the salary of $53,700 ($52,200 + $1,500 dual certification) – BA, Step 1 – TEA, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. NOTE: Filling a vacancy.

2. Ms. Luz Castillo – from Bilingual Teacher, Kindergarten - Robbins School, to: Bilingual Teacher,

Grade 1 – King School, at the salary of $68,050 ($66,550 + $1,500 dual certification) – BA+30, Step 12 – TEA, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. NOTE: Replacing Doris Capo who was reassigned.

3. Ms. Inez DeJesus – Fiscal Specialist – from: Early Childhood Department, to: Business Office, at the

salary of $63,058 Step 8 Guide A (no change in salary), effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. NOTE: Administrator reporting change.

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4. Mr. Roy Fullard – Computer Teacher – from: Hill Elementary School, to: Trenton High School – Chambers, at the salary of $86,150 ($84,650 –BA+30, Step 15 + $1,500 dual certification) no change in salary, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. NOTE: Replacing M. Kantner who resigned.

5. Ms. Colleen Rand – from: Elementary Teacher Gr 1– Franklin Elementary School, to : Elementary

Teacher (Rosetta Stone), King Elementary School, no change in salary, effective November 12, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

NOTE: Due to an decrease in enrollment. 6. Ms. Shannon Shepsko – from : Elementary Teacher Gr 2 – Jefferson Elementary School, to:

Elementary Teacher Gr 1 - Franklin Elementary School, no change in salary, effective November 12, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

NOTE: Due to an decrease in enrollment. 7. Ms. Debra Crudup – from: Elementary Teacher Gr 3 – Gregory Elementary School, to: Computer Teacher – Washington Elementary School, no change in salary, effective November 12,

2014 through June 30, 2015. NOTE: Due to an decrease in enrollment. 8. Ms. Amanda Short – from: Elementary Teacher Gr 2 – Gregory Elementary School, to: Elementary Teacher (Rosetta Stone), Columbus Elementary School, no change in salary, effective

November 12, 2014 through June 30, 2015. NOTE: Due to an decrease in enrollment. 9. Ms. Danita Christmas – from: Elementary Teacher Gr 1 – Gregory Elementary School, to: Elementary

Teacher (DRA) – Curriculum Department, no change in salary, effective November 12, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

NOTE: Due to an decrease in enrollment. 10. Ms. Jamie Lewis – from: Elementary Teacher Gr 1 – Hill Elementary School, to: Elementary Teacher Gr

5, Hill Elementary School, no change in salary, effective November 12, 2014 through June 30, 2015. NOTE: Due to an decrease in enrollment. 11. Ms. Jennifer LiVolsi – from: Elementary Teacher Gr 2 – Hill Elementary School, to: Computer Teacher,

Hill Elementary School, no change in salary, effective November 12, 2014 through June 30, 2015. NOTE: Due to an decrease in enrollment. 12. Ms. Arlana Arrington – from: Elementary Teacher Gr 4 – Washington Elementary School, to :

Elementary Teacher (Rosetta Stone) – Washington Elementary School, no change in salary, effective November 12, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

NOTE: Due to an decrease in enrollment.

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13. Ms. Angelia Curtis – from: Elementary Teacher Gr 2 – Monument Elementary School, to: Computer Teacher, Monument Elementary School, no change in salary, effective November 12, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

NOTE: Due to an decrease in enrollment. 14. Ms. Tisha Miragliuolo - from: Kindergarten Teacher – Monument Elementary School, to: Elementary Teacher Gr 1 - Monument Elementary School, no change in salary, effective November

12, 2014 through June 30, 2015. NOTE: Due to an decrease in enrollment. 15. Ms. Bernadette Alexander – School Nurse – from: Daylight/Twilight High School, to : Mott Elementary

School – no change of salary, effective on or about January 5, 2015 to June 30, 2015. (15-000-213-104-0000-35-26)

NOTE: Replacing T. Martyeneko who retired. 16. Ms. Cara LeBron – School Nurse – from: Jefferson Elementary School, to: Daylight/ Twilight High

School, no change in salary, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. NOTE: Due to an ADA accommodation. 17. Mr. Rehan Majeed – from: Special Education Teacher (Resource Room), Hill Elementary School, to:

Special Education Teacher (MD), Hill Elementary School, no change in salary, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

NOTE: Filling a vacancy. 18. Ms. Catherine Dixon – from: Special Education Teacher (Inclusion), Hill Elementary School, to:

Special Education Teacher (Resource Room) Hill Elementary School, no change in salary, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

NOTE: Due to collapsing of classes – replacing R. Majeed who is being re-assigned. 19. Ms. Everene Downing – from: Principal – Stokes Elementary School, to: Principal on Assignment – various schools, no change in salary, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

k. Salary Adjustment(s) BE IT RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendations of the Superintendent of Schools, approve the following salary adjustment(s):

1. Mr. Joseph Blay – Special Education Teacher – King Elementary School – from: $54,600 – MA, Step 2

– TEA, to: $56,100 ($54,600 – MA, Step 2 – TEA + $1,500 dual certification), effective October 20, 2014 through June 30, 2015, pro-rated. (11-213-100-101-0000-00-84) NOTE: Submitted proof of dual certification.

2. Ms. Regina Brown – Music Teacher – Dunn Middle School – from: $52,700 – BA, Step 2 – TEA, to:

$53,400 – BA + 30, Step 2 – TEA, effective October 27, 2014 through June 30, 2015, pro-rated. (15-130-100-101-0000-01-10) NOTE: Submitted proof of 30 additional credits.

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3. Ms. Doris Capo – Bilingual Elementary Teacher (Gr.1) – King Elementary School – from: $53,700

($52,200 – BA, Step 1 – TEA + $1,500 dual certification), to: $59,350 ($57,850 – BA, Step 9 – TEA + $1,500 dual certification), effective September 2, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (15-120-100-101-0000-00-27) NOTE: Submitted proof of previous experience.

4. Ms. Lissette De Los Santos – Bilingual Elementary Teacher (Gr. 3) – King Elementary School, from:

$54,500 – BA, Step 6 – TEA, to: $56,000 ($54,500 – BA, Step 6 – TEA + $1,500 dual certification), effective October 21, 2014 through June 30, 2015, pro-rated. (11-240-100-101-0000-00-81) NOTE: Submitted proof of dual certification.

5. Mr. Jeffrey Drake – Health/Physical Education Teacher – Trenton High School – Chambers – from:

$52,700 – BA, Step 2 – TEA, to: $54,200 ($52,700 – BA, Step 2 – TEA + $1,500 dual certification), effective October 20, 2014 through June 30, 2015, pro-rated. (15-140-100-101-0000-01-05) NOTE: Submitted proof of dual certification.

6. Ms. Emily Johnson – Paraprofessional – Monument Elementary School – from: $42,358 – Step 14/60

credits, to: $44,030 – Step 14/90 credits, effective October 22, 2014 through June 30, 2015, pro-rated. (15-190-100-106-0000-42-25) NOTE: Submitted proof of 90 credits.

7. Ms. Narayany Kesava-Iyer – Special Education Teacher – Daylight/Twilight High School – from:

$55,100 ($53,600 – MA, Step 1 – TEA + $1,500 dual certification), to: $55,500 ($54,000 – MA, Step 2 – TEA + $1,500 dual certification), effective October 27, 2014 through June 30, 2015, pro-rated. (11-202-100-101-0000-00-84) NOTE: Submitted proof of previous experience.

8. Ms. Suzette Lyons Robinson – School Psychologist – Rivera Middle School and Cadwalader Elementary

School – from: $79,576 ($71,050 – MA, Step 13 – TEA + 12%), to: $80,248 ($71,650 – MA + 30, Step 13 – TEA + 12%), effective October 23, 2014 through June 30, 2015, pro-rated. (11-000-219-104-0000-00-84) NOTE: Submitted proof of 30 additional credits.

9. Ms. Ivelucy Rosario Thomas – Bilingual Kindergarten Teacher – Wilson Elementary School – from:

$55,800 – MA, Step 6 – TEA, to: $57,300 ($55,800 – MA, Step 6 – TEA + $1,500 dual certification), effective October 24, 2014 through June 30, 2015, pro-rated. (11-240-100-101-0000-00-81) NOTE: Submitted proof of dual certification.

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10. Mr. Christopher Tatro – Music Teacher – Hill Elementary School - from: $55,500 – MA + 30, Step 4 – TEA, to: $60,100 – MA + 60, Step 4 – TEA, effective October 27, 2014 through June 30, 2015, pro-rated. (15-120-100-101-0000-01-32) NOTE: Submitted proof of 30 additional credits. 11. Ms. Mary Webster – Light Cleaner – Trenton High School – West - from $46,679 - CUS,

to: $47,379 ($46,679 + $700 stipend) effective July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. NOTE: In accordance with the Custodians contract - Perfect Attendance stipend for the 2013-2014 school year.

12. Mr. Michael Wheary – Elementary Teacher (Gr. 4) – Franklin Elementary School – from:

$55,400 – MA, Step 5 – TEA, to: $59,300 – MA, Step 9 – TEA, effective October 28, 2014 through June 30, 2015, pro-rated. (15-120-100-101-0000-00-19)

NOTE: Submitted proof of military experience. 13. Longevity

Name Years of

Service Amt. Due Eff. Date Bargaining

Unit Lillie Hawkins 10 $750 10/26/14 CUS Henry Marshall 10 $750 9/1/14 CUS LouShawna Hill 15 $600 11/1/14 TESA

l. Contractual Entitlements BE IT RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools to approve the following contractual entitlements:

Name Unit # Sick Days # Vacation Days Amount

Mary Cook TEA 94 0 $45,563.68 Migdalia Rodriguez TEA 52 ½ 0 $24,908.10

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m. Professional Development(s) BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approve the following professional development(s):

1. Approve the following Teachers – AMAO Related Initiatives – Bilingual/ESL – Various Locations – at the rate of $42.00 per hour (facilitators) and $36.00 per hour (participants), effective September 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (11-240-100-101-0009-00-81) NOTE: Originally approved September 22, 2014 –Names Omitted - Not to exceed $100.00 per Teacher.

Tara Gillins Debra Yellen Lajuana Fogg Erica Haradon-Brooks Lauren Redmond

2. Approved the following Teachers and Leaders – After School Professional Development for

Mathematics Teachers and Leaders – Various Locations – at the rate of $36.00 per hour, effective November 28, 2014 through December 19, 2014. (20-275-200-101-0009-15-82) $486.00

(20-275-200-200-0000-15-82) $37.00 NOTE: Not to exceed $523.00 total.

Erika Bosco Bridget Golding Kimberly Marcucci Lorraine Brozena Lenora Hines Susan Mayo-Brown Lynda Finlay Nora Linton Lisa Pulliam

3. Approve the following staff – School Test Coordinators/Literacy Coaches/Math Coaches – edConnect

Data Module Training – Central Administration – at the rate of $36.00 per hour, on December 16, 2014. (20-275-200-101-0009-15-82) $1,080.00 (20-275-200-200-0000-15-82 ($83.00 FICA) NOTE: Not to exceed $1,163.00 total.

School Testing Coordinator Literacy Leader Mathematic Leader Gregory Shavonne Carter Cassandra Holcomb Sarah Stillwell TCHS - (9th Grade Academy)

Paul Lakarosky Lindsay Rogers Michael Yaris

TCHS – (V&P Arts) Ronald Wallace Pia Kaufman Nandita Bhattacharya TCHS – (Communications)

Kathy Mulcahey Mia Verdini Ahmed Benjanni


Nathan Mayfield Susanne Hoban Deidre Brown

Hedgepeth/Williams Sheree Dublin & Theodore Hoover

Leslie Sanders Michael Braverman

Mott Donna Miller Stephanie Gammone N/A TCHS West Gerard Fennell Rebecca Schwartz Janet Winthrop Columbus Laura Colvin Heather Lieberman Dawn Hendryx

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Kilmer Stacey Weiss Marva Baird Tara Conrad Robeson Monique Gamboa Jeanne Ternowchek TBD Daylight/Twilight High School

Jamie Delaney Jamie Delaney Wayne Fisher

King Linda Wyatt-Simpson Melissa Wyatt Brian Tobin PJ Hill Delores Anthony-Musa Dawn Howlen Delores Anthony-Musa Franklin Schaeffona Robinson-Gentry Kia Johnson N/A Parker Miriam Toro-Maldonado Gayle McClure N/A Wilson Denise Smith Leslie Septor Hugh Donaghy Dunn Lauren Imbalzano Francine Stockton John Dunston Jefferson Ellen Decker Mary Tomilin David Phillips Robbins Brian L’oiaseu Christine Masterson N/A Monument Barbara Wolfson Zebbie Belton Karen Leno Grant Ed Butler Nancy Livesay Bonita Johnson Rivera Howard Marks Martha Higginbotham Melanie Taylor

4. Approved the following Teachers – Novice Teacher/Provisional Trainings – Kilmer School/Various Locations, at a rate of $36.00 per hour, effective October 2, 2014 through December 19, 2014. (20-275-200-101-0009-15-82) ($1,944.00) (20-275-200-200-0000-15-82) ($149.00 FICA) NOTE: Originally approved September 22, 2014 –Names Omitted - Not to exceed $2,093.00 total.

Weily Lin Loredana Polizzi Kathleen Jackson Antonella Russo Stephanie Metal Norma Villaneuva

5. Approve the following Teachers – Mentor Workshops – Kilmer School/Various Locations, at a

rate of $36.00 per hour, effective October 1, 2014 through December 19, 2014. (20-275-200-101-0009-15-82) ($432.00)

(20-275-200-200-0000-15-82) $34.00 FICA) NOTE: Originally approved September 22, 2014 –Names Omitted - Not to exceed $466.00 total.

Daisy Herrera Adrienne Mack Melanie Taylor

6. Mr. Nicholas Barbato – Teacher – edConnect Assessment Admin and Data Modules- Technology

Intervention Specialist – Central Administration, at a rate of $42.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through December 19, 2014. (20-275-200-101-0009-15-82 - $84.00) (20-275-200-200-0000-15-82 - $6.00 FICA) Note: Not to exceed $90.00 total.

7. Approve the following Computer Teachers – Computer Teachers Meetings – Central Administration, at

a rate of $36.00, effective November 18, 2014 through December 19, 2014. (20-275-200-101-0009-15-82 - $4,320.00) (20-275-20-200-0000-15-82) ($33.00 FICA) Note: Not to exceed $4,650.00 total.

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School Specialist Robbins Michael Kurlander Columbus Bryce Carmichael Franklin Vondalyn Fanin Grant Edward Butler Gregory Carol Houghton Jefferson Claudette Jones King Christopher Awad King Joann Davis Monument Sharonda West Mott Lorcha Lewis Parker Sharon Hamm-Graves PJ Hill Steve Stallone PJ Hill Roy Fullard Robeson Shani West Washington Conrad Purnell Wilson Hussain Haqq Dunn Thomas Lambright Dunn David Schappell Hedgepeth/Williams Donna Rawls Kilmer Robert Meluso Kilmer Robert Pawson Rivera Rene Lintz TCHS STEM/HRTB Karen Barksdale TCHS V&P Arts Andrew Seabert TCHS 9th Grade Academy James Jones TCHS West Debra Cunningham TCHS West Nancy Kanka Harvey Daylight Twilight Jaime Maniatis Central Services PD Nicholas Barbato Central Services PD Kathryn Graf

8. Ms. Joan Tucker – Math Turn Key Teacher – Wilson School, at a rate of $36.00 per hour for planning, paperwork, and non-student contact time; and at a rate of $42.00 per hour for facilitation, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (20-275-200-101-0009-15-82) ($1,140.00) (20-275-200-200-0000-15-82) ($87.00 FICA) NOTE: Not to exceed $1,227.00 total.

9. Ms. Karen Delgado –– Math Turn Key Teacher – Wilson School, at a rate of $36.00 per hour for planning, paperwork, and non-student contact time; and at a rate of $42.00 per hour for facilitation, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (20-275-200-101-0009-15-82) ($1,140.00) (20-275-200-200-0000-15-82) ($87.00 FICA) NOTE: Not to exceed $1,227.00 total.

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10. Ms. Sharonda West – Special Education Teacher – iPad Training – Central Administration, at the rate of $36.00 per hour, effective October 28, 2014. (20-275-200-101-0009-15-82) ($54.00) (20-275-200-200-0000-15-82)($4.00 FICA) NOTE: Originally approved August 25, 2014 – Name omitted – Not to exceed $58.00 total.

11. Ms. Julie Simpkins – Art Teacher – Content Area Professional Development Series: Visual & Performing Arts – Central Administration – at the rate of $36.00 per hour, on November18, 2014. (20-275-200-101-0009-15-82 - $54.00) (20-275-200-200-0000-15-82 - $4.00 FICA) NOTE: Not to exceed $58.00 total.

12. Approve the following staff – Reflex Math Professional Development – Jefferson School, at a rate of $36.00 per hour, effective November 20, 2014 through December 19, 2014. (20-235-200-200-0000-15-82 - $128.00 FICA) (20-235-200-101-0009-15-82 - $1,674.00) NOTE: Not to exceed $1,802.00 total.

Carrie Epifan Tia Townsend Renee Bailey Bree Williams Roxanne Henry Robin Indeddi Laura Perez Denise Mylowe Susan Zavada Joyce Williams Robin Hall Shirley Williams Maria Spirito-Iavarone Adrienne Agnoli Shannon Shepsko Danny McEaddy Elena Stremlo Doreen Harmon Lidia Durling Lisa Katz-Ballman Andrea Guiliani Ellen Decker Tammy Harris Don Dixon Jennifer LaGrassa Jason Hui Alakee Bethea Tore Hanssen Byron Carmichael Claudette Jones Marzell Munnerlyn Brown Danielle Larca Carol Cekoric Michelle Liwacz

13. Approve the following Teachers – Collaborative Planning – Dunn Middle School, at a rate of $36.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 15, 2015. (20-235-200-101-0009-15-82) ($37,260.00) (20-235-200-200-0000-15-82) ($2,850.00 FICA) NOTE: Not to exceed $40,110.00 total.

John Kiernan Ariel Rivera Carmen Sanchez Mitchell Sealtiel Lauren Imbalzano Heather Fogarty Francine Stockton John Dunston Walter Kelly Joseph Karkowsky Jacob Plasky Kathleen Hartmann

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Kathryn Wolden Kari Pettorini Susan Lipira Olivia Russo Lynda Walsh Allison Finnerty Katherine Kuzma-Beck Leslie Spear-Youngblood Joyce Kovnat Samir Soyral Weily Lin Robert Rubino Christina Guido Curtis Aubry Susan Neilson Brian Feehan Joseph Hankins Ashley Hasko Robert Kripinski Sarah Royal Rupa Bhattacharya Kathlee Dzubryk Regina Smith Joseph Trask Brian Exner Robin Strand Ernst Delma Antonio Ruiz Robert Morales Milca Hernandez Adekemi Bankole Joanna Bohnel Liza Caby Richard Genevie Elena Gonzalez Kiran Little Caroline Oyefeso Yeta Phillips Kulbhushan Sharma Sharon Ward Laney Williams Brian Greaves Laura Pekata Aricia Joasil Monica Aponte Lianne Braconi Iris Figueroa Charlotte Gallagher Norma Paul Maria Fromnic Maria Eiras Ethan Schlamm Erin Duffy Regina Brown Nathan Cohen Joshua Suslak Thomas Lambright David Schappell David Pekarek Jared Pasko Orlando Southerland Shante Francis Patricia Chiesa Mitzi Hightower-Teel Daniel Riely Hilda Diaz-Castillo Jennifer Featherston Nadia Ramcharan Donna Green Noha Saleh Davon Rodgers Andrea Smith-Robinson

14. Approve the following Staff – Instructional and Classroom Management Strategies – Administration Building, at the rate of $36.00 per hour, effective November 20, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (20-275-200-101-0009-14-82 - $3,024) (20-275-200-200-0009-14-82 - $ 232 FICA) NOTE: Not to exceed $3,256.00 total.

Michelle Begonja Richard Rivera Matilda Smith Sheryl Reid Beverly Smith Donna Miller Karen Cassell

15. Approve the following Staff – Literacy Strategies, RTI Strategies, Data & School Culture, and Checks for Understanding Technology Implementation, and Community Engagement, Washington Elementary School, at the rate of $36.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (15-120-100-101-0009-00-30) NOTE: Not to exceed $6,750.00 total.

Linda Alexander Lisa Cannon Patricia Reis Dana Holton Lori Byrne Nia Austin Mandy Morrison Bulbul Roy Diana Swainson Myra Washington Natasha Boyd Lisa Tucker Debra Embert Arlana Arrington Marilyn Eure Virginia Foose Lisa Lombardelli Donna Lombardo Lori Barstow Conrad Purnell

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16. Approve the following Teachers – Progressive Science Initiative Training – Rivera and Dunn Middle School, effective November 18, 2014 and December 16, 2014.

Name Location Michael Piwonski Rivera Andrew Harter Rivera Marc Rubinstein Rivera Linda Davis Rivera Mary Smart Rivera Prahba Attavane Rivera Robert Kripinski Dunn Kathleen Dzubrick Dunn Sarah Royal Dunn Rupa Bhattacharya Dunn Regina Smith Dunn Caroline Oyefeso Dunn

17. Approve the following Staff – Read 180 Professional Development - Dunn Middle School, on November 18, 2014.

Name Location Charlotte Gallagher Dunn Milca Hernandez Dunn Monica Aponte Dunn Aricia Joasil Dunn Norman Paul Dunn Sharon Ward Dunn Joseph Karkowsky Dunn Marie Catana Daylight/Twilight Sheryl Hassan Daylight/Twilight Danielle Inducci Daylight/Twilight Yulet Richards Daylight/Twilight Amy Scott Daylight/Twilight Richard Smersky Daylight/Twilight Joseph Misnick Daylight/Twilight Deetra White Daylight/Twilight Debra Downing-Forston Daylight/Twilight

18. Approve the following Teachers – Progressive Science Initiative Training – Kilmer and Hedgepeth Williams School , effective December 9, 2014 and December 16, 2014.

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Name Location Carla Milner Kilmer Walter Walko Kilmer Joan Yoon Kilmer Mariah Foster Kilmer Jonathan Gaffin Hedgepeth/Williams Dawn Langford Hedgepeth/Williams Lauren Gregorio Hedgepeth/Williams

19. Approve the following staff –– EdConnect Master turn-key Trainers/Facilitators – Wilson Central

Administration, at a rate of $42.00 per, effective November 18, 2014 through December 19, 2014. (20-275-200-101-0009-15-82 - $168.00)

(20-275-200-200-0000-15-82)($13.00 FICA) NOTE: Not to exceed $181.00 total.

Lorcha Lewis Steve Stallone Barbara Episale John Guindon Patrick Sharkey Elemer Arreaga Hussain Haqq Christopher Awad Michael Kurlander

20. Approve the following staff – Co-Teaching Lesson Planning Program Development, Central

Administration, on November 19, 2014. NOTE: No cost to the board. Training to be held during the workday.

Name School Bettina Franz Rivera Namrata Grover Rivera Brittany Green TCHS-West Joseph Melone TCHS-West Gilbert Ambeu TCHS-West Clyde Haynes TCHS-Chambers Ahmed Benjaani TCHS-Chambers Magnolia McGlothen TCHS-Chambers Bin Yu TCHS-Chambers Johnson Chacko Daylight/Twilight Narayany Iyer Daylight/Twilight

21. Approve the following staff – Math Professional Development for Math Leaders, Administration Building,

effective November 18, 2014. NOTE: No cost to the Board. Training during the workday.

Karen Delgado Janet Winthrop Brian Tobin Joan Tucker Rosalind Friday Carmen Reyes

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22. Approve the following staff – Water Safety Instructor Certification for Middle and High School Swimming

Teachers – Princeton University, at a rate of $36.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through December 3, 2014. (11-402-100-101-0009-00-55)

NOTE: Not to exceed $12,960.00 total.

Tiffany Messinger Christopher Perry Jason Sabol Patricia Chiesa Shante Francis Mitzi Hightower-Teel Orlando Southerland Jared Pasko Andrea Cortese Bloom Michael Pandolfini Rob Butka Michelle Dice

23. Approve the following staff – Curriculum Writers and Professional Developers, Administration Building, at

a rate of $36.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (11-000-221-110-0009-00-81)

Heather Liberman Kathleen Mulcahey Jamie Delaney Cassandra Holcomb

24. Approve the following staff for Afterschool Enrichment Program for ESL/Bilingual Teachers,

Administration Building, at the rate of $36.00 per hour without students; and $42.00 per hour with students, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

(20-245-100-101-0009-15-82 Title II Initiative) NOTE: Previously approved – Names Omitted - Not to exceed $200,000.00 total.

Jennifer Featherston Rasheeda Robinson Antonio Ruiz Andrew Dorman Katherine Kuzma-Beck Glinys Caceres Ruth Ramos Kathryn Wolden Danielle Inducci

n. Professional Development Revision(s) BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approve the following professional development revision(s):

1. Approve the following Teachers – Turnkey Trainers – Central Administration – at the rate of $36.00 per hour, effective October 29, 2014 December 19, 2014. (20-275-200-101-009-15-82) ($8,640.00) (20-275-200-200-0000-15-82) ($661.00 FICA) NOTE: Effective dates changed – previously approved October 27, 2014.

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Michael Kurlander Crystal Adam William Chick Sarah Stillwell Carol Fierabend-Houghton Elmer Arreaga Christopher Awad Joann Davis Cheryl Ross Lorcha Lewis Jonathan Grom Steve Stallone Roy Fullard Hussain Haqq Frances Willever Nadia Ramcharan Noha Saleh David Schappell Barbara Episale Donna Rawls Leslie Sanders Robert Meluso Jodi Glashow John Guindon Patrick Sharkey Mia Verdini Dan Monzon Nancy Lee Renard Kardhashi Jaime Maniatis Fateema Nelson Nicholas Barbato Kathryn Graf

o. Before/After School Program(s) BE IT RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approve the following before/after school program(s):

1. Approve the following Teachers – Club Advisors – Dunn Middle School – at the rate of $42.00 per

hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (15-120-100-101-0009-00-10) NOTE: Not to exceed $34,710.00 total.

NAME CLUB Walter Kelly Student Government Lauren Imbalzano Student Government Nathan Cohen Band Katherine Kuzma-Beck Art Richard Genevie Chess Davon Rodgers Student Government Regina Brown Chorus Robin Strand Debate

2. Ms. Noha Saleh – Teacher – Yearbook Club Advisor – Dunn Middle School, at the rate of $42.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (15-120-100-101-0009-00-10) NOTE: Not to exceed $2,000.00 total.

3. Ms. Olivia Russo – Teacher – Multi-Cultural Club Advisor – Dunn Middle School, at the rate of $42.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

(15-120-100-101-0009-00-10) NOTE: Not to exceed $2,000.00 total.

4. Approve the following Teachers – AM/PM Intervention – Dunn Middle School – at the rate of $42.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (15-421-200-110-0009-00-10) NOTE: Not to exceed $30,576.00 total.

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Carmen Sanchez Daniel Riely Ariel Rivera Antonio Ruiz

5. Approve the following Teachers – AM/PM Supervisors – Hill Elementary School – at the rate of $42.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (15-421-200-110-0009-00-32) NOTE: Not to exceed $23,000.00 total.

Rehan Majeed Ottamease Bethea Patrice Fuller Ronald Sanasac

6. Approve the following Paraprofessionals – AM/PM Monitors – Hill Elementary School – at the

rate of $29.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (15-421-200-110-0009-00-32) NOTE: Not to exceed $2,900.00 total.

Tennyson Lewis Theresa Edwards Irene Olp (Substitute)

7. Ms. Prudence Hill – Paraprofessional – AM/PM Monitor – Robbins Elementary School – at the rate of $29.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (15-421-200-110-0009-00-28) NOTE: Not to exceed $5,220.00 total.

8. Ms. Melissa Powell – Admin II Secretary - School Leadership Team – Trenton Central High School

– Chambers – at the rate of $42.81 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 2014 to June 30, 2015. (15-000-240-105-0009-00-05) NOTE: Not to exceed $1,440 total.

9. Ms. Yvonne Diaz – Senior Secretary – School Leadership Team – Trenton Central High School –

Chambers – at the rate of $27.35 per hour, effective November 18, 2014, 2014 to June 30, 2015. (15-000-240-105-0009-00-05)

NOTE: Not to exceed $1,440.00 total.

10. Mr. Vincent Blasse – In School Suspension Teacher –Detention Advisor – Trenton Central High School – Chambers VAPA Academy– at the rate of $42.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

(15-140-100-101-0009-00-05) NOTE: Not to exceed $2,478.00 total.

11. Ms. Rogenia Butler-Johnson – In School Suspension Teacher – Detention Advisor – Trenton Central High School – Chambers 9th Grade Academy, at the rate of $42.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

(15-140-100-101-0009-00-05) NOTE: Not to exceed $4,956.00 total.

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12. Ms. Dorothy Godwin – In School Suspension Teacher - Detention Advisor – Trenton Central High School – Chambers HRTB/STEM Academy at the rate of $42.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (15-140-100-101-0009-00-05) NOTE: Not to exceed $2,478.00 total. 13. Mr. Patrick Sharkey – In School Suspension Teacher – Detention Advisor – Trenton Central High School – Chambers HRTB/STEM Academy – at the rate of $42.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (15-140-100-101-0009-00-05) NOTE: Not to exceed $2,478.00 total. 14. Mr. Aldo Tonti – In School Suspension Teacher – Detention Advisor – Trenton Central High School –

Chambers Communications Academy– at the rate of $42.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015.

(15-140-100-101-0009-00-05) NOTE: Not to exceed $2,478.00 total. 15. Ms. JoEllen Martinez – Paraprofessional – AM/PM Monitor (Bus Duty)– Grant School, at the rate of $29.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 23, 2015. (15-421-200-110-0009-00-20) NOTE: Not to exceed $2,366.00 total. 16. Ms. Laurel Jones –Teacher – Student Government Advisor – Trenton Central High School – Chambers, at the rate of $42.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (15-401-100-110-0009-00-05)

NOTE: Not to exceed $1,680.00 total. 17. Mr. William Pyper –Teacher – Student Government Advisor – Trenton

Central High School – Chambers, at the rate of $42.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (15-401-100-110-0009-0-05) NOTE: Not to exceed $1,680.00 total.

18. Ms. Nancy Lee – Class of 2015 Advisor – Trenton Central High School – Chambers, at the rate of $42.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (15-401-100-110-0009-00-05) NOTE: Not to exceed $3,150.00 total. 19. Ms. Ambalika Mukerherjee –Teacher – Environmental Club Advisor – Trenton Central High School – Chambers, at the rate of $42.00 per hour, effective

November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (15-401-100-110-0009-00-05) NOTE: Not to exceed $1,680.00 total. 20. Approve the following Paraprofessionals – Assistant Instructors - Family Literacy Night – Robbins School, at a rate of $29.00 per hour, effective December 1, 2014 through

June 30, 2015. (20-235-100-106-0009-15-82 - $435) (20-235-200-200-0000-15-82 - $33 FICA) NOTE: Not to exceed $468.00 total.

Cedry Cappas Miriam Lopez Prudence Hill Jannine McClendon Dishea McBride

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21. Approve the following Teachers – Instructors - Family Literacy Night – Robbins School, at a rate of $42.00 per hour, effective December 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (20-235-100-106-0009-15-82- $840) (20-235-200-200-0000-15-82 - $65 FICA) NOTE: Not to exceed $905.00 total.

Luz Castillo Anne Grant Nora Linton Pauline Kothare Lenora Hines Lloyd Burwick Florance Louis Eman Nassif Lauren Redmond Maria Lissette Rodriguez Deborah Yellen Natasha Agrawal Maria Canals Debra Gagnier Marissa Esposito Jocilyn Fitts Stephanie Pisabaj Mia Christie Erica Hardon - Brooks Angela Guagliardi Lajuana Fogg Christine Masterson Sandra Estrada Jessica Bernstein Karen Ryan Sylvia De Leon Jennifer Ayling Diana Riukas Laurie Tindall Michael Kurlander Sandra Soles Susan Mahde Ana Vasquez John Casalino Karen Delgado Alvina Platt-Gregory Tara Gillins Alexander Hager

22. Approve the following Teachers – Kindergarten and First Grade Spanish Literacy Program – Robbins School, at a rate of $42.00 per hour, effective December 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (20-235-100-106-0009-15-82 - $6,048) (20-235-200-200-0000-15-82 - $463 FICA) NOTE: Not to exceed $6,511.00 total.

Luz Castillo Anne Grant Nora Linton Pauline Kothare Lenora Hines Lloyd Burwick Florance Louis Eman Nassif Lauren Redmond Maria Lissette Rodriguez Deborah Yellen Natasha Agrawal Maria Canals Debra Gagnier

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Marissa Esposito Jocilyn Fitts Stephanie Pisabaj Mia Christie Erica Hardon - Brooks Angela Guagliardi Lajuana Fogg Christine Masterson Sandra Estrada Jessica Bernstein Karen Ryan Sylvia De Leon Jennifer Ayling Diana Riukas Laurie Tindall Michael Kurlander Sandra Soles Susan Mahde Ana Vasquez John Casalino Karen Delgado Alvina Platt-Gregory Tara Gillins Alexander Hager

23. Approve the following Teachers – Preparation/Planning - Family Literacy Night – Robbins School, at a rate of $42.00 per hour, effective December 1, 2014 through

June 30, 2015. (20-235-100-106-0009-15-82 - $72) (20-235-200-200-0000-15-82- $6 FICA) NOTE: Not to exceed $905.00 total.

Luz Castillo Anne Grant Nora Linton Pauline Kothare Lenora Hines Lloyd Burwick Florance Louis Eman Nassif Lauren Redmond Maria Lissette Rodriguez Deborah Yellen Natasha Agrawal Maria Canals Debra Gagnier Marissa Esposito Jocilyn Fitts Stephanie Pisabaj Mia Christie Erica Hardon - Brooks Angela Guagliardi Lajuana Fogg Christine Masterson Sandra Estrada Jessica Bernstein Karen Ryan Sylvia De Leon Jennifer Ayling Diana Riukas Laurie Tindall Michael Kurlander Sandra Soles Susan Mahde Ana Vasquez John Casalino Karen Delgado Alvina Platt-Gregory Tara Gillins Alexander Hager

24. Approve the following Parent Liaisons – Parental Involvement Activities – Districtwide – at the rate of $22.00 per hour without children; and $29.00 per hour with children, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (20-235-200-173-0009-15-82 - $10,440) (20-235-200-200-0000-15-82 - $800 FICA) NOTE: Not to exceed $11,240 total.

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Name School Lorenzo Gonzalez Columbus Dawn Reyes Dunn Damaris Passerella Franklin Yolanda Rodriguez Grant Darlene McKnight Gregory Regina Jenkins Hedgepeth-Williams Alexia Takell P.J. Hill Leora Booker Jefferson Eris Tunstall Kilmer Eunice Perez King Aliyah Mitchell Monument Gloria Olmeda Mott Patricia Planter Parker Crystol Dyous Rivera Alexandra Barrera Robbins/Robbins Annex Mack Patterson Robeson Glendi Alcantara Washington Freddy Albarran Wilson

25. Approve the following Teachers – Teacher for Parent Tutoring Program – Robbins School, at a rate of $36.00 per hour, effective December 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (20-235-100-101-0009-15-82 - $1,080) (20-235-200-200-0000-15-82 - $83 FICA) NOTE: Not to exceed $1,163.00 total.

Luz Castillo Anne Grant Nora Linton Pauline Kothare Lenora Hines Lloyd Burwick Florance Louis Eman Nassif Lauren Redmond Maria Lissette Rodriguez Deborah Yellen Natasha Agrawal Maria Canals Debra Gagnier Marissa Esposito Jocilyn Fitts Stephanie Pisabaj Mia Christie Erica Hardon - Brooks Angela Guagliardi Lajuana Fogg Christine Masterson Sandra Estrada Jessica Bernstein Karen Ryan Sylvia De Leon Jennifer Ayling Diana Riukas Laurie Tindall Michael Kurlander Sandra Soles Susan Mahde Ana Vasquez John Casalino Karen Delgado Alvina Platt-Gregory Tara Gillins Alexander Hager

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26. Approve the following Teachers – Teachers for Reading & Writing Intervention Program – Robbins School, at a rate of $36.00 per hour, effective December 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (20-235-100-101-0009-15-82 - $3,024) (20-235-200-200-0000-15-82 - $232 FICA) NOTE: Not to exceed $3,256.00 total.

Luz Castillo Anne Grant Nora Linton Pauline Kothare Lenora Hines Lloyd Burwick Florance Louis Eman Nassif Lauren Redmond Maria Lissette Rodriguez Deborah Yellen Natasha Agrawal Maria Canals Debra Gagnier Marissa Esposito Jocilyn Fitts Stephanie Pisabaj Mia Christie Erica Hardon - Brooks Angela Guagliardi Lajuana Fogg Christine Masterson Sandra Estrada Jessica Bernstein Karen Ryan Sylvia De Leon Jennifer Ayling Diana Riukas Laurie Tindall Michael Kurlander Sandra Soles Susan Mahde Ana Vasquez John Casalino Karen Delgado Alvina Platt-Gregory Tara Gillins Alexander Hager

27. Approve the following Paraprofessionals – Reading & Writing Intervention Program – Robbins School, at a rate of $29.00 per hour, effective December 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (20-235-100-106-0009-15-82)($1,044) (20-235-200-200-0000-15-82)($80 FICA) NOTE: Not to exceed $1,124.00 total.

Cedry Cappas Jannine McClendon Prudence Hill Miriam Lopez Dishea McBride

28. Approve the following Paraprofessionals – “I am Getting Ready for PAARC” Program – Robbins School, at a rate of $29.00 per hour, effective December 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (20-235-100-106-0009-15-82)($1,160) (20-235-200-200-0000-15-82)($89) NOTE: Not to exceed $1,249.00 total.

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Cedry Cappas Jannine McClendon Prudence Hill Miriam Lopez Dishea McBride

29. Approve the following Teachers – “I am Getting Ready for PAARC” Program – Robbins School, at a rate of $42.00 per hour, effective December 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (20-235-100-106-0009-15-82 - $6,720) (20-235-200-200-0000-15-82 - $514 FICA) NOTE: Not to exceed $7,234.00 total.

Luz Castillo Anne Grant Nora Linton Pauline Kothare Lenora Hines Lloyd Burwick Florance Louis Eman Nassif Lauren Redmond Maria Lissette Rodriguez Deborah Yellen Natasha Agrawal Maria Canals Debra Gagnier Marissa Esposito Jocilyn Fitts Stephanie Pisabaj Mia Christie Erica Hardon - Brooks Angela Guagliardi Lajuana Fogg Christine Masterson Sandra Estrada Jessica Bernstein Karen Ryan Sylvia De Leon Jennifer Ayling Diana Riukas Laurie Tindall Michael Kurlander Sandra Soles Susan Mahde Ana Vasquez John Casalino Karen Delgado Alvina Platt-Gregory Tara Gillins Alexander Hager

30. Approve the following Paraprofessionals – Student Care Services - Parent Training for Common Core – Robbins School, at a rate of $29.00 per hour, effective

December 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (20-235-100-106-0009-15-82 - $580) (20-235-200-200-0000-15-82)($44 FICA) NOTE: Not to exceed $624.00 total.

Cedry Cappas Jannine McClendon Prudence Hill Miriam Lopez Dishea McBride

31. Approve the following Teachers – Parent Training on the Common Core – Robbins School, at a rate of $36.00 per hour, effective December 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (20-235-100-101-0009-15-82 - $720) (20-235-200-200-0000-15-82)($55 FICA) NOTE: Not to exceed $775.00 total.

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Luz Castillo Anne Grant Nora Linton Pauline Kothare Lenora Hines Lloyd Burwick Florance Louis Eman Nassif Lauren Redmond Maria Lissette Rodriguez Deborah Yellen Natasha Agrawal Maria Canals Debra Gagnier Marissa Esposito Jocilyn Fitts Stephanie Pisabaj Mia Christie Erica Hardon - Brooks Angela Guagliardi Lajuana Fogg Christine Masterson Sandra Estrada Jessica Bernstein Karen Ryan Sylvia De Leon Jennifer Ayling Diana Riukas Laurie Tindall Michael Kurlander Sandra Soles Susan Mahde Ana Vasquez John Casalino Karen Delgado Alvina Platt-Gregory Tara Gillins Alexander Hager

32. Approve the following Teachers – Read 180 Morning Program – Robbins School, at a rate of $42.00 per hour, effective December 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (20-235-100-101-0009-15-82)($1,134)(20-235-200-200-0000-15-82)($87 FICA) NOTE: Not to exceed $1,221.00 total.

Luz Castillo Anne Grant Nora Linton Pauline Kothare Lenora Hines Lloyd Burwick Florance Louis Eman Nassif Lauren Redmond Maria Lissette Rodriguez Deborah Yellen Natasha Agrawal Maria Canals Debra Gagnier Marissa Esposito Jocilyn Fitts Stephanie Pisabaj Mia Christie Erica Hardon - Brooks Angela Guagliardi Lajuana Fogg Christine Masterson Sandra Estrada Jessica Bernstein Karen Ryan Sylvia De Leon Jennifer Ayling Diana Riukas Laurie Tindall Michael Kurlander

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Sandra Soles Susan Mahde Ana Vasquez John Casalino Karen Delgado Alvina Platt-Gregory Tara Gillins Alexander Hager

33. Mr. Larry O’Neal – Head Custodian - Saturday Programs – Robbins School, at a rate of $40.00 per hour, effective December 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (20-235-200-101-2809-14-82) ($1,600) (20-235-200-200-0000-15-82) ($122.00 FICA) NOTE: Not to exceed $1,722.00. 34. Ms. Lynda Saganowski – Admin I Secretary – Saturday Programs – Robbins School, at a rate of $48.36 per hour, effective December 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (20-235-200-101-809-14-82)($560.00) (20-235-200-200-0000-15-82)($43 FICA) NOTE: Not to exceed $603.00. 35. Ms. Ana Nunez – Senior Secretary – Saturday Programs – Robbins School, at a rate of $29.70 per hour, effective December 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (20-235-200-101-809-14-82)($560.00) (20-235-200-200-0000-15-82)($43 FICA) NOTE: Not to exceed $603.00. 36. Ms. Barbara Francis – Admin I Secretary – Saturday Programs – Robbins School, at a rate of $32.30 per hour, effective December 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (20-235-200-101-809-14-82)($560.00) (20-235-200-200-0000-15-82)($43 FICA) NOTE: Not to exceed $603.00. 37. Approve the following Teachers - School Leadership Team, Mott Elementary School, at the rate of $36.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (15-120-100-101-009-00-26) NOTE: Not to exceed $540.00 per participant.

Lorcha Lewis Jonathan Grom Yvonne Mitchell Margaret Hopke Susan Franko Stephanie Gammone

38. Ms. Janet Montague – Paraprofessional – School Leadership Team, Mott Elementary School, at the rate of $22.00 per hour, effective, November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (15-190-100-106-0009-00-26) NOTE: Not to exceed $330.00 total. 39. Approve the following Teachers - School Leadership Team - Washington Elementary School, at the rate of $36.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (15-120-100-101-009-00-30) NOTE: Not to exceed $3,240.00 total.

Conrad Purnell Tonya Brothers Linda Alexander Marilyn Eure Myra Washington

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40. Ms. Loushana Hill – Admin I Secretary – School Leadership Team – Washington Elementary School, at a rate of $44.04 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (20-235-200-101-809-14-82 - $560.00) (20-235-200-200-0000-15-82 - $43 FICA) NOTE: Not to exceed $603.00. 41. Approve the following Paraprofessionals – PM/Monitors – Washington Elementary School, at the rate of

$29.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (15-421-200-110-0009-00-30) NOTE: Not to exceed $2,639 total.

Tiffany Holton Alfreda Thomas (Substitute) Brandy Tillery (Substitute) Glendi Alcantara (Substitute) Jazman Stroman (Substitute)

42. Approve the following Paraprofessionals – Breakfast Program – Washington Elementary School, at the rate of $29.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (15-421-200-110-0009-00-30) NOTE: Not to exceed $2,639 total.

Tiffany Holton Alfreda Thomas (Substitute) Brandy Tillery (Substitute) Glendi Alcantara (Substitute) Jazman Stroman (Substitute)

43. Approve the following Teachers - AM Supervision - Washington Elementary School, at the rate of $42.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (15-421-200-110-0009-00-30) NOTE: Not to exceed $7,644.00 total.

Lori Barstow Marilyn Eure

43. Ms. Mandy Walker – Teacher – Robotics Club Advisor – Robeson Elementary School, at the rate of $42.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (15-120-100-101-0009-00-12) NOTE: Not to exceed $3,520.00 total. 44. Approve the following staff – School Leadership Team (Alternates) – Robeson Elementary School, at the rate of $36.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (15-120-100-101-0009-0-12) NOTE: Not to exceed $1,620.00 total.

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Sanadra Jimenez Latriece Mitchell Mandy Walker

45. Approve the following staff – Teachers – Twilight Program – Daylight/Twilight High School, at the rate of $42.00 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (13-601-100-101-0000-00-35)

Name Not to Exceed Amount

Michael Waluk $5,040.00 Althia Muse $5,040.00 Matthew Simmons $10,080.00 Jessica Lopez $5,040.00

46. Ms. Danita Bell – Administrative II Secretary – Registration for Twilight Program – at the rate of $47.52 per hour, effective November 18, 2014 through June 30, 2015. (13-601100-101-0000-00-35) NOTE : Not to exceed $2,520.00 total. q. Volunteers BE IT RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approve the following volunteers for the 2014-2015 school year:

NAME LOCATION Victoria Cohen King Susan Shea King Jazmin Escobar Franklin Amy Baldwin Franklin Ardella Brown Hill Debbinique McBride Hill Vilma Cotto Hill Julia Ordonez Hill Angela Gardin Hill Aaron Callahan Hill Ann Johnson Hill Nikol Carey Hill Alberta Martin Hill Dominique Bethel Hill Lakiesha Reid Hill Vashti Greene Hill Jamar Hill Dunn Thomas Heads Dunn Christopher DeJesus Dunn

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Nanci Perez Dunn Adriana Manzano Dunn Shonda Hill Dunn Joseph Richardson Ralph Funches Willie Smith

THS-Chambers THS-Chambers THS-Chambers

Kenya Mack Grant Anthony Parga Tywan Ellis Sonia Gonzalez Ebonie Stephens Shirley Reed

Franklin Washington Washington Washington Washington

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a. Appropriation Transfers – September 2014 WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A requires that the Board of Education approve appropriation transfers; and; WHEREAS, the Superintendent has authorized the budget adjusted to reflect the appropriation transfers; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, does ratify the transfers approved by the Superintendent of Schools. (Attachment 3-A)

b. A-148 Secretary’s Report – September 2014 WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A-17-9, the Secretary of the Board of Education shall report to the Board at each regular meeting but no more than once each month, the amount of total appropriations and the cash receipts of each account, and the amount for which warrants have been drawn against each account and the amount of orders and contractual obligations been drawn against each account and the amount of orders and contractual obligations incurred and chargeable against each account since the date of the last report; and WHEREAS, the Commissioner has prescribed that such reporting take place on Form A-148; WHEREAS, in compliance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11©3, the secretary has certified that, as of the date of the report(s) no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the district board of education; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education accepts the above referenced reports and certifications and orders that they be attached to and made part of the record of this meeting; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, in compliance with N.J.A.C 6A:23-2.11©4, the Board of Education certifies that, after review of the secretary’s monthly financial reports for September 2014, and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of its knowledge, no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(b), and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. (Attachment 3-B)

c. A-149 Treasurer’s Report – September 2014 WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A-17-31 et seq. boards of education are required to have the appointed position of Treasurer of School Monies; and WHEREAS, the Treasurer shall serve in trust to receive and hold all school monies belonging to the district; and WHEREAS, the Treasurer shall report to the Board of Education on a monthly basis on the Form A-149, which is prescribed by the Commissioner of Education; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, for the period ending September 30, 2014, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, adopt the A-149 and cause it to become a part of the official minutes of this meeting. (Attachment 3-C)

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d. Staff Travel BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, ratified staff attendance/participation in the following professional conferences, workshops, seminars or trainings with the requirements, that staff turn-key as required by administration those issues addressed at the approved professional development events which have relevance to improving instruction and/or operation of the school district.

Applicant Position School/ Dept. Purpose Location Date Funds Cost GAAP Code

Fiah Gussin Board Member

CSB NJSBA Mandated Training – New Board Member


Princeton NJ 1/9-11/15 $0 No cost to the Board

Micah Freeman Supervisor CSB NJ Special Education


Paramus, NJ 11/24/2014 $0 No cost to the Board

Nola Occhipinti Sch. Psych Hed-Wms NJ Assoc. of School Psychologists

E. Windsor, NJ 12/12/2014 Board $110 11-000-219-580-0000-00-

84 Deanna

Cosgrove Sch. Psych Spec. Ser. NJ Assoc. of School

Psychologists E. Windsor, NJ 12/12/2014 Board $110 11-000-219-


Suzette Robinson

Sch. Psych Spec. Ser. NJ Assoc. of School Psychologists

E. Windsor, NJ 12/12/2014 Board $110 11-000-219-580-0000-00-

84 Sanaea

Karbhari Revised from 10/27 agenda

Sch. Psych Spec. Ser. NJ Assoc. of School Psychologists

E. Windsor, NJ 12/12/2014 Board $110 Revised from $0


84 (added)

Suzette Robinson

Revised from 10/27 agenda

Sch. Psych Spec. Ser. 30 Function Based Interventions

Mt. Laurel, Nj 11/21/2014 Board $90 Revised from $0


84 (added)

Sheryl Reid Revised from 10/27 agenda

Sch. Psych Spec. Ser. NJ Assoc. of School Psychologists

E. Windsor, NJ 12/12/2014 Board $110 Revised from $0


84 (added) Arielle Bates Revised from 10/27 agenda

Sch. Psych Spec. Ser. NJ Assoc. of School Psychologists

E. Windsor, NJ 12/12/2014 Board $110 Revised from $0


84 (added) Melody

Alegria,EdD Supervisor Spec. Ed. Is it an IEP, 504

Accommodation Plan

Glassboro, NJ 1/8/2015 $0 No cost to the Board

Melody Alegria,EdD

Supervisor Spec. Ed. Standard Based IEPs in the CCSS &


Mt. Laurel, NJ 12/12/2014 $0 No cost to the Board

Dora Johnson Intervention Early Child Center for Social Emotional


Trenton, NJ 12/15&19/14

$0 No cost to the Board

Lasandra Stamper

Intervention Early Child Center for Social Emotional


Trenton, NJ 12/15 & 19/14

$0 No cost to the Board

Melissa Bridgewater

Intervention Early Child Center for Social Emotional


Trenton, NJ 12/15&19/14


$0 No cost to the Board

Sheila Polite LDT/C Spec. Ser. NJ Assoc. of School Psychologists

E. Windsor, NJ 12/12/2014 Board $110 11-000-219-580-0000-00-

84 Mindy Mann LDT/C Spec. Ser Preparing for

PARCC Monroe, NJ 12/1/2014 $0 No cost to

the Board Danielle Sch. Psych Spec. Ser. NJ Assoc. of School E. Windsor, NJ 12/12/2014 Board $110 11-000-219-

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Muhammad Psychologists 580-0000-00-84

Karla Occhipinti

Soc. Wker Spec. Ser. Classroom Management & Effective Teach

Cherry Hill, NJ 12/11/2014 Board $21 11-000-219-580-0000-00-

84 Eileen

Scarborough Soc. Wker Spec. Ser Classroom

Management & Effective Teach

Cherry Hill, NJ 12/11/2014 Board $21 11-000-219-580-0000-00-

84 Lillian Schmitt Sch. Psych Spec. Ser. Classroom

Management & Effective Teach

Cherry Hill, NJ 12/11/2014 Board $21 11-000-219-580-0000-00-

84 Lou Smith Soc. Wker Spec. Ser Classroom

Management & Effective Teach

Cherry Hill, NJ 12/11/2014 Board $21 11-000-219-580-0000-00-

84 Michelle Page Lrn. Cons. Spec. Ser. Classroom

Management & Effective Teach

Cherry Hill, NJ 12/11/2014 Board $21 11-000-219-580-0000-00-

84 Susan Mueller Teacher

Grade 2 Columbus Professional

Development provided by New

Jersey Department of Ed on Addition/ Subtraction (K-2)

Richard Stockton College

Galloway, NJ

2014 December 19

$0 No Cost to Board

Barbara Lewis Teacher Grade 2

Columbus Professional Development

provided by New Jersey Department of Ed on Addition/ Subtraction (K-2)

Richard Stockton College

Galloway, NJ

2014 December 19

$0 No Cost to Board

Marie Catana Teacher Special Ed

Daylight/ Twilight

Maximizing Essential Math

Skills/Concepts for Students with

Disabilities/Struggling Learners

FEA Conference

Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 18, & March 25

$0 No Cost to Board

Peggy Trani-Kennedy

Teacher Resource

Franklin Maximizing Essential Math

Skills/Concepts for Students with

Disabilities/Struggling Learners

FEA Conference

Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 18, & March 25

Board $35 15-190-100-320-0000-00-


Cathleen Little Teacher Resource

Franklin Maximizing Essential Math

Skills/Concepts for Students with Disabilities/ Struggling Learners

FEA Conference

Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 18, & March 25

Board $17.50 15-190-100-320-0000-00-


Bernice A. White



Franklin Maximizing Essential Math

Skills/Concepts for Students with Disabilities/ Struggling Learners

FEA Conference

Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 18, & March 25

Board $17.50 15-190-100-320-0000-00-


Edward J. Butler

Teacher Grant Preparing for PARCC: Shift into

High Gear

FEA Conference

Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

2014 December 1

$0 No Cost to Board

Nancy Livesey Literacy Leader

Grant Preparing for PARCC: Shift into

High Gear

FEA Conference

Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

2014 December 1

$0 No Cost to Board

Bonita Johnson Math Leader Grant Preparing for FEA 2014 $0 No Cost to

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PARCC: Shift into High Gear

Conference Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

December 1 Board

Jennifer Petinga-Santiago

School Counselor

Grant Preparing for PARCC: Shift into

High Gear

FEA Conference

Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

2014 December 1

$0 No Cost to Board

Natalie Tymezyszyn

Teacher Special Ed

Grant Engaging All Content Areas in

the Common Core

FEA Conference

Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

2014 November


$0 No Cost to Board

Natalie Tymezyszyn

Teacher Special Ed

Grant Maximizing Essential Math

Skills/Concepts for Students with Disabilities/ Struggling Learners

FEA Conference

Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 18, & March 25

$0 No Cost to Board

Jennifer Petinga-Santiago

School Counselor

Grant Believe in U: Empowering

Students to Change their World

FEA Conference

Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

2014 December 5

$0 No Cost to Board

Natakie Chestnut

Climate/ Culture Team

Gregory Community Reinforcement and Family Training


College of NJ Ewing, NJ

2014 November

20 & 21

$0 No Cost to Board

Natakie Chestnut

Climate/ Culture Team

Gregory New Jersey Positive Behavior Support

In Schools (PBSIS)

New Jersey Department of

Ed Trenton, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 23, & April 13

$0 No Cost to Board

Linsey Bernstein

Climate/ Culture Team

Gregory New Jersey Positive Behavior Support

In Schools (PBSIS)

New Jersey Department of

Ed Trenton, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 23, & April 13

$0 No Cost to Board

Rachel Mariano Principal Gregory New Jersey Positive Behavior Support

In Schools (PBSIS)

New Jersey Department of

Ed Trenton, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 23, & April 13

$0 No Cost to Board

Shavon Carter Climate/ Culture Team

Gregory New Jersey Positive Behavior Support

In Schools (PBSIS)

New Jersey Department of

Ed Trenton, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 23, & April 13

$0 No Cost to Board

Susannah Bergfeldt

Climate/ Culture Leader

Gregory New Jersey Positive Behavior Support

In Schools (PBSIS)

New Jersey Department of

Ed Trenton, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 23, & April 13

$0 No Cost to Board

Jacquelynn Rice

Climate/ Culture Leader

Gregory New Jersey Positive Behavior Support

In Schools (PBSIS)

New Jersey Department of

Ed Trenton, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 23, & April 13

$0 No Cost to Board

Theodore Hoover

School Counselor

Hedgepeth Williams

Preparing for PARCC: Shift into

High Gear

FEA Conference

Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

2014 December 1

$0 No Cost to Board

Theodore Hoover

School Counselor

Hedgepeth Williams

Believe in U: Empowering

Students to Change their World

FEA Conference

Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

2014 December 5

$0 No Cost to Board

Theodore School Hedgepeth New Jersey Positive New Jersey 2015 $0 No Cost to

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Hoover Counselor Williams Behavior Support In Schools (PBSIS)

Department of Ed

Trenton, NJ

January 6, February 23, & April 13


Talithea Briggs Climate/ Culture Leader

Hedgepeth Williams

New Jersey Positive Behavior Support

In Schools (PBSIS)

New Jersey Department of

Ed Trenton, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 23, & April 13

$0 No Cost to Board

Dr. Beth Lynne Teacher In-School


Hedgepeth Williams

New Jersey Positive Behavior Support

In Schools (PBSIS)

New Jersey Department of

Ed Trenton, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 23, & April 13

$0 No Cost to Board

Melissa Nagy Teacher Inclusion

Hedgepeth Williams

New Jersey Positive Behavior Support

In Schools (PBSIS)

New Jersey Department of

Ed Trenton, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 23, & April 13

$0 No Cost to Board

Armand Harris Teacher Special Ed

Hedgepeth Williams

New Jersey Positive Behavior Support

In Schools (PBSIS)

New Jersey Department of

Ed Trenton, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 23, & April 13

$0 No Cost to Board

Eric Boateng Principal Hedgepeth Williams

New Jersey Positive Behavior Support

In Schools (PBSIS)

New Jersey Department of

Ed Trenton, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 23, & April 13

$0 No Cost to Board

Bruce Williams Teacher Math

Hedgepeth Williams

New Jersey Positive Behavior Support

In Schools (PBSIS)

New Jersey Department of

Ed Trenton, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 23, & April 13

$0 No Cost to Board

James Moore Teacher Social


Hedgepeth Williams

New Jersey Positive Behavior Support

In Schools (PBSIS)

New Jersey Department of

Ed Trenton, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 23, & April 13

$0 No Cost to Board

Regina Thompson-


Parent Liaison

Hedgepeth Williams

New Jersey Positive Behavior Support

In Schools (PBSIS)

New Jersey Department of

Ed Trenton, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 23, & April 13

$0 No Cost to Board

Sheree Dublin School Counselor

Hedgepeth Williams

New Jersey Positive Behavior Support

In Schools (PBSIS)

New Jersey Department of

Ed Trenton, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 23, & April 13

$0 No Cost to Board

Sheree Dublin School Counselor

Hedgepeth Williams

Preparing for PARCC: Shift into

High Gear

FEA Conference

Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

2014 December 1

$0 No Cost to Board

Sheree Dublin School Counselor

Hedgepeth Williams

Believe in U: Empowering

Students to Change their World

FEA Conference

Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

2014 December 5

$0 No Cost to Board

Mary Ellen Tatter-Mancini

Teacher Inclusion

Hedgepeth Williams

Maximizing Essential Math

Skills/Concepts for Students with Disabilities/ Struggling Learners

FEA Conference

Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 18, & March 25

$0 No Cost to Board

Dana Oliver Teacher Inclusion

Hedgepeth Williams

Maximizing Essential Math

Skills/Concepts for Students with Disabilities/ Struggling Learners

FEA Conference

Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 18, & March 25

$0 No Cost to Board

Melissa Nagy Teacher Hedgepeth Maximizing FEA 2015 $0 No Cost to

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Special Ed Williams Essential Math Skills/Concepts for

Students with Disabilities/ Struggling Learners

Conference Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

January 6, February 18, & March 25


Carmen Robles Teacher

Hedgepeth Williams

Maximizing Essential Math

Skills/Concepts for Students with Disabilities/ Struggling Learners

FEA Conference

Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 18, & March 25

$0 No Cost to Board

Pamela Goff Teacher

Hedgepeth Williams

Maximizing Essential Math

Skills/Concepts for Students with Disabilities/ Struggling Learners

FEA Conference

Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 18, & March 25

$0 No Cost to Board

Carla Fisher Teacher Inclusion

Stokes Community Building


FEA Conference

Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

2014 December 1

$0 No Cost to Board

Shari Allen Teacher Hill New Jersey Positive Behavior Support

In Schools (PBSIS)

New Jersey Department of

Ed Trenton, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 23, & April 13

$0 No Cost to Board

Monica Matlock

Teacher Hill New Jersey Positive Behavior Support

In Schools (PBSIS)

New Jersey Department of

Ed Trenton, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 23, & April 13

$0 No Cost to Board

Ottamease Bethea

Teacher Hill New Jersey Positive Behavior Support

In Schools (PBSIS)

New Jersey Department of

Ed Trenton, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 23, & April 13

$0 No Cost to Board

Stacey Wiggins Teacher Hill New Jersey Positive Behavior Support

In Schools (PBSIS)

New Jersey Department of

Ed Trenton, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 23, & April 13

$0 No Cost to Board

Leah Mitchell Teacher Hill New Jersey Positive Behavior Support

In Schools (PBSIS)

New Jersey Department of

Ed Trenton, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 23, & April 13

$0 No Cost to Board

Ayanna LaFleur

Teacher Hill New Jersey Positive Behavior Support

In Schools (PBSIS)

New Jersey Department of

Ed Trenton, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 23, & April 13

$0 No Cost to Board

Lisa Brown Principal Hill New Jersey Positive Behavior Support

In Schools (PBSIS)

New Jersey Department of

Ed Trenton, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 23, & April 13

$0 No Cost to Board

Beverly Smith Guidance Counselor

Hill New Jersey Positive Behavior Support

In Schools (PBSIS)

New Jersey Department of

Ed Trenton, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 23, & April 13

$0 No Cost to Board

Cynthia Cech Teacher Hill New Jersey Positive Behavior Support

In Schools (PBSIS)

New Jersey Department of

Ed Trenton, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 23, & April 13

$0 No Cost to Board

Katherine Chrusz

Teacher Kilmer Integrating Technology and Social Media to Enhance Social


FEA Conference

Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

2014 November


$0 No Cost to Board

Barbara L. School Monument Preparing for FEA 2014 $0 No Cost to

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Wolfson Counselor PARCC: Shift into High Gear

Conference Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

December 1 Board

Mandy Sadowy Teacher Special Ed

Stokes Understanding the Role of the School

Safety Team

FEA Conference

Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

2014 December 12

$0 No Cost to Board

Lawrence Parker

Vice Principal

Trenton High West

Understanding the Role of the School

Safety Team

FEA Conference

Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

2014 December 12

$0 No Cost to Board

Jackeline Santiago

School Counselor

Trenton High West

Community Reinforcement and Family Training


College of NJ Ewing, NJ

2014 November

20 & 21

$0 No Cost to Board

Myra L. Washington

Teacher Washington Maximizing Essential Math

Skills/Concepts for Students with Disabilities/ Struggling Learners

FEA Conference

Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

2015 January 6,

February 18, & March 25

$0 No Cost to Board

Denise Watkins-Smith

School Counselor

Wilson Understanding the Role of the School

Safety Team

FEA Conference

Center –Monroe

Township, NJ

2014 December 12

$0 No Cost to Board

Zulemy Rodriguez

Speech Language Specialist

Stokes/ Special Ed

Common Core and Language


Cherry Hill NJ 2014 December 5

Board $190.00 11-000-219-580-0000-00-


e. Facilities Report – November 2014

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves Community Organizations to use Trenton Board of Education Facilities.



TBOE or Outside Usage








Dana Williamson - 9th Grade Academy School


10/23/14 Thursday TCHS - 9th Grade


3:00 PM - 7:00 PM

10602 TBOE X

Sharron Grady - High School Basketball Practices

11/24/14 - 03/15/15

Mon. - Fri. Hedgepeth-Williams

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

10429 TBOE X

Maretta Marke/Janet Nicodemus - ESL After

School Program

11/01/14 - 04/30/15

Mon. - Fri. Hedgepeth-Williams

3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

10579 TBOE X

Joseph Pucciatti - Holiday Performing Arts Festival

12/17/14 Wednesday TCHS - 544 Chestnut Ave.

3:00 PM - 9:00 PM

9289 TBOE X

Jason Klugman - Princeton University Prep Program -


10/21/14 - 06/23/14

Tuesdays TCHS - West 2:45 PM - 4:15 PM

10802 TBOE X

Addie Daniels-Lane - PTSA Parent Student Meeting and


11/04/14 12/02/14 01/06/15 02/03/15 03/03/15 04/14/15 05/05/15

Tuesdays TCHS - West 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

2517 TBOE X X

Deidre Brown - Math Family 12/06/14 Monday TCHS - 135 E. 5:00 PM - 10885 TBOE X

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Night Hanover St. 8:00 PM Dr. Kendra Johnson - TBOE

and Rider Univ. Meeting 11/10/14 Monday Administration 3:45 PM -

6:00 PM 10511 TBOE X

Janet Nicodemus - ESL Dept. Meetings and Training


02/25/15 03/11/15 03/12/15 03/25/15 04/29/15 05/13/15 05/14/15

Wed. & Thurs.

King 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

10495 TBOE X X

Regina Thompson-Jenkins - PTO Meetings/Workshop

10/21/14 11/18/14 12/09/14 01/13/15 02/10/15 03/17/15 04/14/15 05/19/15 06/16/15

Tuesdays Hedgepeth-Williams

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

10840 TBOE X

Paul Scozzari/Melissa Powell - SLC Meetings

10/29/14 - 06/24/14

1st & 3rd Wed. of each


TCHS - 544 Chestnut Ave.

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

10811 TBOE X

LaShon Encarnacion - Student Poetry Slam


11/21/14 Friday TCHS - West 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM

10704 TBOE X

LaShon Encarnacion - Senior Class Parent Meeting

11/13/14 Thursday TCHS - West 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

10452 TBOE X

Rotanda Davis - Senior Class Information Session

11/20/14 Thursday TCHS - 544 Chestnut Ave.

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

10812 TBOE X

Melda Grant - TCHS/SBYSP Annual Winter Family Night

12/16/14 Tuesday TCHS - 520 Chestnut Avenue

4:00 PM - 8:30 PM

10813 TBOE X

Mary Bailey - Board Retreat 11/22/14 Saturday Administration 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM

10645 TBOE X

LaShon Encarnacion - Senior Class Parent Meeting

11/13/14 Thursday TCHS - West 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

10452 TBOE X

LaShon Encarnacion - Senior Class Fundraiser

11/21/14 Friday TCHS - West 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM

10704 TBOE X

Rotanda Davis - Senior Class Meetings

11/12/14 12/10/14 01/14/15 02/11/15 03/11/15 05/13/15

Wednesday TCHS - 544 Chestnut Ave.

3:15 PM - 4:15 PM

10667 TBOE X

Christina Forshey - Drama Club Rehearsals

11/14/14 Tues. & Fri. TCHS - 544 Chestnut Ave.

3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

10665 TBOE X

Gary J. Taylor - Choir Rehearsal

11/10/14 - 06/20/14

Mon. - Fri. TCHS - 544 Chestnut Ave.

3:30 PM - 5:30 PM

10655 TBOE X

Rotanda Davis - Rotanda Senior Class Meetings

01/28/15 02/25/15 03/25/15 04/15/15 05/27/15

Wednesday TCHS - 135 E. Hanover St.

3:15 PM - 4:15 PM

10666 TBOE X

Lynn Jones-Sandler - Princeton-Blairstown Center

Thanksgiving Celebration

11/19/14 Wednesday Rivera 3:30 PM - 8:30 PM


Kathleen Smallwood-Johnson - Trenton Police Department

Explorer Program

11/19/14 12/03/14 12/17/14 01/07/15 01/21/15 02/04/15 02/18/15 03/04/15 03/18/15 04/01/15 04/15/15

1st & 3rd Wednesday

Grant 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM


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05/06/15 05/20/15

Kathleen Smallwood-Johnson FACE Department Holiday

Toy Giveaway 12/20/14 Saturday Hedgepeth

Williams 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM 10594 TBOE X

f. List of Bills

WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A:19.1 and N.J.S.A.18:6-31 provides for the Board of Education to authorize the payment of bills; and WHEREAS, the Business Administrator/Board Secretary has reviewed the documentation supporting the attached lists of bills; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, authorize and approve the payment of bills on the attached lists for the Monday, November 17, 2014 Board meeting in the amount of $30,863,113.19. (Attachment 3-F)

g. Joint Transportation Agreement with Ewing School District

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the 2014/2015 Joint Agreement between Trenton Board of Education and Ewing School District for the provision of transportation services for 2 students attending Allentown High School to which we already provide transportation. Ewing School District will pay Trenton Public Schools $600.00 per student for 2 Ewing Students for the 14-15 school year program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the Board President and Board Secretary are authorized and directed to execute said jointure on behalf of the Trenton Board of Education. Account Code: 11-000-270-515-0000-00-65

h. Joint Transportation Agreement with Ewing School District

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the 2014/2015 Joint Agreement between Trenton Board of Education and Ewing School District for the provision of transportation services for students attending Trenton Catholic Academy to which we already provide transportation. Ewing School District will pay Trenton Public Schools $300.00 per student for 6 Ewing Students for the 14-15 school year program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the Board President and Board Secretary are authorized and directed to execute said jointure on behalf of the Trenton Board of Education. Account Code: 11-000-270-515-0000-00-65

i. Revised Resolution Authorizing Approval of Application and Acceptance of the IDEA

Entitlement Grant for the Period July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 WHEREAS, The Trenton Board of Education has been notified by the New Jersey Department of

Education (NJDOE) that it is entitled to the following carryover funding for the 2014-2015 fiscal year under the IDEA Entitlement Grant:

IDEA - BASIC $ 229,701 IDEA - PRESCHOOL $ 34,142 Therefore be it

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RESOLVED, That the Trenton Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approve the submission of the IDEA Entitlement Grant and upon approval of the said grant application, the Board accept the above funds and that said funds be utilized for the purposes described in the IDEA application filed with the NJDOE and be administered and monitored in accordance with the appropriate state and federal regulations.

Resolution originally approved June 9, 2014. It is revised to include the FY14 carryover as approved by NJDOE on October 6, 2014.

j. Resolution to Approve Professional Development Activities for Non-Public School – The Garvey School/Egun Omode Shule under NCLB Title II, Part A Funds BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approve the Resolution for Professional Development Activities for Non-Public School – The Garvey School/Egun Omode Shule under Title II, Part A Funds for the project period July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, in an amount not to exceed $3,004.00. The Garvey School was identified by the New Jersey Department of Education to receive the allocation in support of professional development activities. Funding can be used to support consultant services, tuition and fees, staff travel costs associated with professional development, and non-instructional materials and supplies.

GAAP Codes: Various 20-275-200-300-1000-15-82 20-275-200-500-1000-15-82 20-275-200-600-1000-15-82

k. Resolution to Approve Professional Development Activities for Non-Public School – Islamic

School of Trenton/Albayaan under NCLB Title II, Part A Funds BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approve the Resolution for Professional Development Activities for Non-Public School – Islamic School of Trenton/Albayaan under Title II, Part A Funds for the project period July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015, in an amount not to exceed $2,575.00. The Islamic School was identified by the New Jersey Department of Education to receive the allocation in support of professional development activities. Funding can be used to support consultant services, tuition and fees, staff travel costs associated with professional development, and non-instructional materials and supplies.

GAAP Codes: Various 20-275-200-300-1000-15-82 20-275-200-500-1000-15-82 20-275-200-600-1000-15-82

l. Professional Services Contract – Performance Learning Systems 3rd Learning for P. J. Hill

Elementary School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for a Professional Services Contract with Performance Learning Systems 3rd Learning for PJ Hill Elementary School for the 2014-2015 school year at a cost not to exceed $3,000.00. The consultant will observe classes, provide job-embedded training relative to climate and culture, engagement, and the dynamic created when these topics interface positively on the instructional program. Furthermore, the consultant will work with principal to enhance the leadership and support structure to support this work.

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BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. Account Code: 20-235-200-300-0000-14-82

m. Approval of [Aramark] Food Services Management Contract Addendum for the 2014/2015

School Year RESOLVED, that the Board President and Business Administrator are authorized and are directed to

execute said resolution on behalf of the Trenton Board of Education. RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education approves the Management Fee and Guarantees as per

the addendum section; B. MANAGEMENT FEE(S)/GUARANTEES 1) Payment to the FSMC: a. The Local Education Agency shall reimburse ARAMARK for all Reimbursable Items (as defined in

Article II, Section B.11). In addition, LEA shall pay FSMC an allowance for its General and Administrative Expense of $0.1060 per meal served under the National School Lunch, Breakfast and After School Snacks Programs and for each Meal Equivalent served.

b. Local Education Agency shall pay to ARAMARK a management fee of $0.0264 per meal served

under the National School Lunch, Breakfast and After School Snacks Programs, and for each Meal Equivalent served (the “Management Fee”).

c. The total of such Reimbursable Items, the allowance for ARAMARK’S General and Administrative

Expense, and the Management Fee shall be referred to as “LEA’ s Financial Obligation”. “General and Administrative Expense” means ARAMARK’S allowance for the financial reporting, legal, tax and audit services, and management oversight provided to client locations by ARAMARK at the regional and corporate levels.

d. The number of National School Lunch, School Breakfast, and After School Snack Program meals

served to children shall be determined by actual count. A “Meal Equivalent” provided by ARAMARK is determined by dividing the total of cash receipts, other than from sales of National School Lunch Program meals, School Breakfast Program meals, After School Snack Program meals, or Cash Equivalents, by the Equivalency Factor. The Equivalency Factor used to determine the number of Meal Equivalents served by ARAMARK shall be the amount of $1.00.

2) Financial Guarantee (Break Even): a. Projected Break-Even Budget: ARAMARK estimates that LEA’ s Total Food Service Costs for the

Current Year shall not exceed Gross Receipts for the Current Year for those items of revenue and expense set forth in the mutually agreed upon Projected Food Service Budget attached hereto as Exhibit A.

b. Reimbursement: ARAMARK agrees to reimburse Local Education Agency for the amount, if any,

by which Local Education Agency’s actual Total Food Service Costs for the Current Year exceed Gross Receipts for the Current Year (“Local Education Agency Shortfall”)