Download - Nottinghamshire’s Public Sector Compact

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Public Sector Compact

Using Procurement to Integrate

Employment and Skills

Nigel Jackson February 2009

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A Taster The Main Event is taking Place on 25th March at the Nottingham Ice Centre


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Public Procurement

- The Potential -

Definition – “The ways in which the Public Sector Obtains Goods and Services for Itself and the Constituency it Serves”

A Position of Strength – Public Sector is the Biggest Employer and Provider of Services. It has Tremendous Economic Clout and Leverage.

Potential – Procurement can bring Considerable Added-Value over and above Value for Money.

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Added-Value for

Employment and Skills

Public Sector Contracts can Include:

• A Commitment to Workforce Development and Apprenticeships (the Skills Pledge)

• The Training and Employment of Local People and Those Furthest Away From the Job Market (LEPs/Jobs Pledge)

• The Use of Local Supply Chains to Increase the Positive Impact for the Local Area of Every Public Pound Spent

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The Multiplier EffectIncluding Skills and Employment Outputs in Public Sector Contracts can make a Major Contribution to the Prosperity of Local People and the Success of the Local Economy. How?• Improvements in the Skills of Local People• A Reduction in the Number of IB Claimants• A Reduction in Poverty Levels• More Local Expenditure in Local Companies• High Quality Services• Greater Social Integration = Value for Money!