Download - Norwegian Embassy June 15 2015 - Davide Follador

Page 1: Norwegian Embassy June 15 2015  - Davide Follador

Briefing  on  IPR  policy  &  procedures  in  China  

 Nordic  Chambers  

 Royal  Norwegian  Embassy  Beijing  –  June  15,  2015  

 Davide  Follador  

[email protected]  

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Summary  Chinese  InnovaFon  Policy    

Overview  of  Chinese  Intellectual  Property  System  

Patent  ProtecFon  &  Recent  News  

Foreign  Investments  &  IP:  case  scenario  

IP  &  Technology  Transfer  

Trademark  ProtecFon  &  Recent  News  

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Is  Chinese  economy  “Innova@on”  driven?  

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Patent Applications: China grows domestically

Infographic:  World  Intellectual  Property  Office  2014  

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Interna@onal  Patent  Applica@ons  

Infographic:  World  Intellectual  Property  Office  2014  

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China   Japan  

GDP  &  Patents  

Asian  Compe@@on  

Infographic:  World  Intellectual  Property  Office  

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China   USA  

GDP  &  Patents  

The  two  sides  of  the  Pacific  Ocean  

Infographic:  World  Intellectual  Property  Office  

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China   Germany  

GDP  &  Patents  


Infographic:  World  Intellectual  Property  Office  

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China   India  

GDP  &  Patents  

Between  developing  countries  

Infographic:  World  Intellectual  Property  Office  

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China   South  Korea  

GDP  &  Patents  

Patent  “powers”?  

Infographic:  World  Intellectual  Property  Office  

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Finland   Norway  Sweden  

GDP  &  Patents  

Just  between  us…  

Infographic:  World  Intellectual  Property  Office  

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Gross  R&D  expenditure  (OECD)  

Infographic:  OECD  

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Chinese  IP  system  in  place  

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The  different  types  of  IP  (I)  

Legal  right   What  for?   How?  

Utility models New inventions

Copyright Original creative or artistic forms

Exists automatically

Patents   New  invenFons   ApplicaFon  and  examinaFon  

Application and registration

EPO/OHIM                Intellectual  Property  Teaching  Kit  -­‐  IP  Basics  

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The  different  types  of  IP  (II)  

Trade  marks   DisFncFve  idenFficaFon  of    products  or  services  

Only  by  registraFon  

Registered  designs   Registration

Trade  secrets  

External  appearance  

Valuable  informaFon  not  known  to  the  public  

Reasonable  efforts  to  keep  secret  

EPO/OHIM                Intellectual  Property  Teaching  Kit  -­‐  IP  Basics  

Legal  right   What  for?   How?  

Registered  designs   External  appearance  Registered  designs   External  appearance  

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Copyright  §   So^ware  §   User  manuals  §   Ringtones  §   Start-­‐up  tone  §   Images  

One  product  -­‐  many  IP  rights  

Designs  §  Form  of  overall  phone  §  Arrangement  and  shape  of  bu`ons  §  PosiFon  and  shape  of  screen  

©  Nokia  CorporaFon  

Trade  secrets  §  Some  technical  know-­‐how  kept    "in-­‐house"  and  not  published    

Trade  marks  §   NOKIA  §   Product  "208"  §   Start-­‐up  tone  

Patents  and  u@lity  models  §  Data-­‐processing  methods  §  OperaFng  system  §  OperaFon  of  user  interface  

EPO/OHIM                Intellectual  Property  Teaching  Kit  -­‐  IP  Basics  

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What  is  a  patent?  

•  A  legal  @tle  which  grants  the  holder  –  the  exclusive  right  to  prevent  others  from  

making,  using  or  offering  for  sale,  selling  or  imporFng  a  product  that  infringes  his  patent  without  his  authorisaFon  

–  in  countries  for  which  the  patent  was  granted  (China)  

–  for  a  limited  Fme  (up  to  20  years).  •  In  return  for  this  protec@on,  the  holder  has  to  

disclose  the  inven@on  to  the  public.  

Reveal  invenFon  (disclosure)  

Get    exclusivity  (patent)  

Patents  are  granted  in  nearly  every  country  in  the  world  and  in  China  as  well!  

EPO/OHIM                Intellectual  Property  Teaching  Kit  -­‐  IP  Basics  

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What  are  trade  secrets?  

•  InformaFon  that  

–  is  not  generally  known  or  easily  discovered  –  has  a  business,  commercial  or  economic  value  

(actual  or  potenFal)  because  the  informaFon  is  not  generally  known  

–  is  subject  to  reasonable  efforts  to  maintain  secrecy  

•  Unlimited  life,  provided  the  informaFon  does  not  become  public  knowledge.  

41  EPO/OHIM                Intellectual  Property  Teaching  Kit  -­‐  IP  Basics  

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Recent  news  and  expected  changes  in  the    Chinese  Patent  system  

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New  DraZ  Patent  Law  

•  The new draft proposes to allow methods for the diagnosis or for the treatment of disease for farmed animals as patentable subject matter

•  Design protection now possible for a for a portion of a product

•  Term of protection of designs extended to 15 years •  Statutory damages for willful infringement

increased to 3 ml RMB •  Increased powers of investigation for

administrative enforcement authorities  

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Service  Inven@ons  

•  Recently  reformed  (April  2015)  •  Provides  rules  for  awards  and  remuneraFons  of  invenFons  realized  by  employees  

•  Applies  in  the  absence  of  private  agreements  •  Scope  of  “service  invenFons”  •  If  no  agreement:  at  least  two  month  salary  (award)  

•  If  no  agreement:  at  least  5%  operaFng  profits/0,5%  revenues  from  IPR  (remuneraFon)  

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SAIC  regula@on  on  abuse  of  IPRs  to  restrict  compe@@on  

•  SAIC  RegulaFon  is  expected  to  enter  into  force  on  August  1,  2015  

•  Target:  companies  [IPR  holders]  in  predominant  market  posiFon  and  “use”  of  IPRS  aimed  at  creaFng  monopolies    

•  Relevant  market  is  broadly  idenFfied  •  PresumpFons  of  exclusion  might  not  be  sufficient  to  

exclude  sancFons  •  Fines  can  be  quite  high  •  The  NDRC  has  iniFated  dra^ing  Guidelins  for  the  AnF  

MonopolisFc  Intellectual  Property  Rights  Abuse,  which  should  further  clarify  many  points  

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Is  China  a  good  place  for  innova@ve  companies?  

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Patent  filings  in  China:  foreign  applicants  

Data:  State  Intellectual  Property  Office  of  China  *2015  data  are  projecFons  

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Foreign  Investments  &  IP  

•  2015  reform  of  the  Foreign  Investment  Industry  Catalogues:  relaxaFon  of  requirements    

•  “Encouraged”  investments  list  focus  on  high-­‐tech  •  IP  remain  an  essenFal  element  in  foreign  investments  to  China  

•  Post-­‐registraFon  reports  might  pose  IP  concerns  •  Regulatory  barriers  with  potenFal  impact  on  IP  

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Technology,  know-­‐how  transfer  &  Intellectual  Property  issues  

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Tech-­‐Transfer  &  Licensing  in  China      Legal  Framework    

•  Patent  Law  •  Contract  Law  •  Corporate  Income  Tax:  tax  credits  related  to  tech-­‐transfer  •  AnF-­‐Monopoly  Law  &  SAIC  RegulaFon  on  abuses  of  IP:  abuses  

of  IPRs  to  eliminate/restrict  market  compeFFon  •  Foreign  Trade  Law:  again  on  abuse  of  IPRs  that  restrict  

compeFFon  •  AdministraFon  of  Prohibited  and  Restricted  Import  of  

Technologies:  the  royalty  rate  •  Law  on  Chinese-­‐Foreign  JVs  

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Foreign  Engineering  Company  in  China    

Business  Model  1  


Panda Ltd China WFOE

Plant owner EPSQ    Grade  2    Design  company  qualificaFon    Past  performance  track  record    IniFally  only  small  scale  projects  

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News  on  the  protec@on  of  brands  

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Online  counterfei@ng  &  e-­‐commerce  

•  Currently “hot topic” •  Legal framework for liability of e-commerce


•  Weakness of the “notice & take down” practice •  New e-commerce law under drafting •  “Soft law” strategies & Memorandum of


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IP  Key  is  co-­‐financed  by  the  European  Union  and  the  Office  for  HarmonizaFon  in  the  Internal  Market  (OHIM)  under  the  framework  of  the  new  EU-­‐China  CooperaFon. It  is  implemented  by  the  Office  for  HarmonizaFon  in  the  Internal  Market  (OHIM)  in  cooperaFon  with  the  European  Patent  Office  (EPO).  The  contents  of  this  publicaFon  are  the  sole  responsibility  of  the  project  implementaFon  team  and  can  in  no  way  be  taken  to  reflect  the  views  of  the  European  Union.     本出版物是在欧盟的支持下制作,但本出版物的内容是项目实施小组的单独职责,决不反映欧盟的观点。欧洲内部市场协调局

(OHIM)  实施并部分资助

IP  Key  Technical  Expert  Team  Room  2480.  Sunflower  Tower 37  Maizidian  West  Street Beijing,  China  1000125 Telephone:  +86  10  8527  5705    IP  Key  Backstopping  Team   Office  for  HarmonizaFon  in  the  Internal  Market  (OHIM) ICLAD  (Special  Projects-­‐IP  Key) Avenida  de  Europa,  4, E-­‐03008  Alicante,  Spain Telephone:  +34  965  139  100 IP  Key  技术专家团队 中国北京⻨麦⼦子店⻄西街37号盛福⼤大厦2480室 邮编:100125 电话:+86 10 8527 5705

IP  Key  ⾏行动⽀支援⼩小组 欧洲内部市场协调局 国际合作及法律事务部⻔门(特别项⺫⽬目– IP Key) ⻄西班⽛牙阿⾥里坎特欧洲⼤大道4号 邮编:E-03008 电话:+34 965 139 100 [email protected]