Download - NORTHMINSTER RESBYTERIAN THE NORTHERN LIGHTThe Northern Light is published monthly September thru May with one summer issue. If there is an omission or an error, please contact the

Page 1: NORTHMINSTER RESBYTERIAN THE NORTHERN LIGHTThe Northern Light is published monthly September thru May with one summer issue. If there is an omission or an error, please contact the




400 Villa Road

Springfield, Ohio 45503

PHONE: 937-399-0838

FAX: 937-629-0881

[email protected]


Dwight McCormick II, Pastor W. Franklin Sparks, Pastor Emeritus

_______________________CHURCH STAFF

Deana Knotts Office Manager

Gay Steiner Financial Secretary

Bill Harrison Treasurer

Greg Veith Custodian

Mike Ahern Music Director

Jim Townsend Choir Director

Joan Generous Presbyterian Women June Hughes

Nancy Jean Graves Parish Nurse

Ruth George Librarian

The Northern Light is published

monthly September thru May with one summer issue.

If there is an omission or an error, please contact the editor so a

correction can be made. Thank You

Deana Knotts, Newsletter Editor

A word from the pastor . . . Did you know the 12 Days of Christmas is more than just a song about impractical gifts? Christmas is actu-ally 12 days of celebration beginning on December 25th and ending on January 6th when we Christians rec-ognize Epiphany. We will observe Epiphany during worship on January 5th since we will not be in church on Monday the 6th. "Epiphany" comes from the Greek word Epiphania, and means "to show, make known, or reveal.” This refers to the revealing of the Christ child to the “wise men from the East.” We often see three wise men in a nativity set alongside the angels, shepherds, animals, Mary, Joseph, and Je-sus. We likely made it three wise men because there are three gifts mentioned that they brought to Jesus, gold, frankincense and myrrh. We really don’t know how many there were. It is also likely that the wise men didn’t arrive until Jesus was already two years old. I wonder what the terrible twos were like for Je-sus? When he walked around saying, “MINE! MINE! MINE!” Technically the earth is the Lord’s and eve-rything in it so he was right. So did Mary and Joseph bother correcting him? Who knows? The point is that the sign (the star in the East) of Jesus’ birth and our celebration of it conclude the SEASON of Christmas that lasts for 12 days. I will be speaking more about Epiphany from the pulpit Sunday January 5th so please join us in worship that Sunday if you are able. There are folks willing to drive you to worship if you don’t have a ride. Contact me and I’ll help make arrangements.

I pray God’s blessings upon you for 2014 and look forward to what God is going to do through the minis-try of Northminster Presbyterian Church. Happy New Year!


Page 2: NORTHMINSTER RESBYTERIAN THE NORTHERN LIGHTThe Northern Light is published monthly September thru May with one summer issue. If there is an omission or an error, please contact the


Happy Birthday to: LeaAnn Hoefer January 2

Denise Molnar January 4

Norine Kmett January 5

Gary Molnar January 7

Butch Dodds January 10

Frank Sparks January 10

Russell Des Combes January 15

Wayne Maurer January 17

Jean Myers January 17

Phoebe McCormick January 18

Elise Spriggs January 18

Barb Aker January 20

John Roberts January 21

Clyde Fromm January 22

Jim Griffin January 22

Cindy Chesnut January 27

Mindy Twiggs January 29

Janet Digel-Koerner January 30

Annual Report Dates and Deadlines Annual Congregational Meeting The deadline for individual committee reports for the Annual Report will be Monday, January 6, 2014. The Annual Congregational Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 19th immediately following worship. The purpose of the meeting is to: Receive reports of the boards, committees and organizations of the church.

_________________________________ Deacons’ News The Deacons hosted a brunch for the congregation following worship on Sunday, December 15th. The meal consisted of French toast, scrambled eggs, sausage and breakfast pastries.

Communion was served during the Christmas Eve service.

New officers were elected at the December meeting.

Moderator: Nate Smith Co-Moderator: Ruth George Treasurer: Dee Ahlm Secretary: Emily Aldinger

The next meeting will be Tuesday, January 14th at 6:30 p.m.

__________________________________________ Presbyterian Women News P.W. Board will meet on Monday, February 3, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. in the church library.

Women’s circle meetings will resume in February.

The next meeting for Esther Circle will be Monday, February 10th at 6:30 p.m. at the church.

The next meeting for Ruth Circle will be Thursday, February 13th at 11 a.m. at the church.

Watch the weekly bulletin announcements and the newsletter for a start-up date for the bazaar workshop.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness;

only light can do that.

Hate cannot drive out hate;

only love can do that.”

-Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Monday, January 20th

Page 3: NORTHMINSTER RESBYTERIAN THE NORTHERN LIGHTThe Northern Light is published monthly September thru May with one summer issue. If there is an omission or an error, please contact the


Session Highlights The Session met in regular stated meeting December 17, 2013. Rev. Dwight McCormick opened the meeting at 7:05 PM, with prayer and a devotional reading.

The Pastor reported that he will take vacation time December 25 through January 2. The Rev. Dr. Lisa Hess will preach on December 29, and Rev. Ray Stewart will be on call for pastoral care.

Finance Committee:

• Elder Kevin Creager discussed the printed financial report and balance sheet for November, which shows that total in-come for January through November was $161,011 and total expenses were $174,590, producing a deficit of $13,579. The figures show that pledge receipts are still behind schedule and that the interest income is less than was expected.

The 2014 budget was presented, discussed, and approved. Copies will be available to congregation members before the annual meeting in January.

Elder Susan Dersch, chair of the Mission Committee, reported that the Christmas gift shop for the residents of Forest Glen (made possible through donations from the congregation) was a success. The residents and staff of Forest Glen were very ap-preciative of our efforts.

Property Committee reported that the contractor can’t begin work on the leaking canopy at the front entrance until spring. The open-ended estimate for repair is about $5000; the contrac-tor can’t give a firm quote until he starts work and sees how much has to be done.

Session set January 12, 2014 for the ordination/installation of the class of 2017 deacons and elders and set January 19, 2014, immediately after worship, for the annual congregational meet-ing. The purpose of the annual meeting is for the congregation to receive the 2014 budget and staff and committee reports for 2013, as well as any other business duly placed on the agenda.

The next stated meeting of Session is January 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM.

Please continue to pray for the Pastor and Session as we try to serve this congregation and our Lord Jesus Christ.

- Lois Shroyer, Clerk


President Kent Sherry Vice President Bill Carpenter Clerk of Session Lois Shroyer Treasurer Bill Harrison __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Elders Class of 2015 Kevin Creager Susan Dersch

Diana Schneider Bob Triebelhorn

Class of 2016

Carl Ahlm Julie Griffin Terry Rigio

Charles Vanarsdall

Class of 2017 Judy Heaton

Denise Molnar Eileen Reeves

Kate Smith Deacons

Class of 2015 Mark Brush

Ruth George June Hughes

Class of 2016

Dee Ahlm Emily Aldinger

Joe Stalder

Class of 2017 Rob Adams

Lindy McMahon Nate Smith

Nominating Committee

Congregation-at-Large Members 2014

Ruth Martin Lois Shroyer Adam Stout

Deacon Representative 2014

Nate Smith

Northminster’s Purpose Statement

Northminster Presbyterian Church will develop disciples of Jesus Christ

and learn how to follow the way of Jesus.

Page 4: NORTHMINSTER RESBYTERIAN THE NORTHERN LIGHTThe Northern Light is published monthly September thru May with one summer issue. If there is an omission or an error, please contact the


An Update Concerning The Memorial Project The Memorial Console project continues to move carefully but certainly toward completion. Yet, fortu-nately, the project has introduced the Task Force to additional technological advancements and alterna-tives for illuminating the worship area. Granted, improvements for this area were recently accom-plished. However, the present considerations will continue to build upon those improvements.

First, what is the present situation? Presently, all of the illumination in this area uses incandescent light bulbs. The reality is that incandes-cent light bulbs are rapidly going the way of “the buggy whip.” Some of the bulbs that Northminster has previously used are no longer available. The reasons are numerous. They are outdated technol-ogy. They are inefficient. Much of the electrical energy is wasted as heat is produced. In addition, their life span is limited compared to modern technology. Replacement costs for a 250 watt bulb are about $25. Furthermore, maintenance costs, especially for replacing high and hard to reach bulbs calls for spe-cial equipment and skills. This means that bulb replacement is often delayed until numerous bulbs have burned out so as to justify the high cost of replacing hard to reach bulbs.

Second, what is the present focus of the Task Force? This small group, in conjunction with additional counsel from electric and lighting specialists, is moving away from focusing solely on incandescent light bulb illumination. They are now considering LEDs. LEDs are not light bulbs. They are Light Emiting Diodes. LEDs use just 10% of the wattage of a comparable regular bulb and offer ten times the life time. All electric energy goes toward illumina-tion. They produce no heat. Although LEDs are initially expensive, their usage in Northmister’s wor-ship area will nearly eliminate replacement and maintenance costs. Plus, the low wattage means that much of the previously anticipated expensive wireless equipment for regular bulbs can now be reduced to less expensive equipment because it carries less wattage. In addition, existing power company rebates for efficient lighting are being explored. It is anticipated that following the holidays, the first phase of the LED illumination experiment will oc-cur. This will concern the very high ceiling lighting for the chancel area. Again, this will be a “test” phase. Adjustments may need to be made. This will include the cross, the choir area, the pulpit and the communion table. It is a means for making observations and decisions for additional LED illumination in the worship area, provided this experiment meets expectations. It is anticipated that the illumination phase, the most expensive part of this total project, will continue to proceed as designated individual and group monetary gifts permit. Sound, visual equipment and an electrical supply will be moved to the console early in January. This will complete an additional phase and is covered under the memorial funds already received for the con-sole project.

Submitted by the Console Project Committee:

Richard Bierley Paul Good Rev. Dwight McCormick Rev. Frank Sparks

Page 5: NORTHMINSTER RESBYTERIAN THE NORTHERN LIGHTThe Northern Light is published monthly September thru May with one summer issue. If there is an omission or an error, please contact the


USHERS and GREETERS There is a very important ministry that we all can be a part of here at Northminster. Serving as ushers and greeters is a vital way in which you can be a part of our Outreach Ministry. Ushers and greeters are the first impression visitors have of our church as they enter our doors. We need your help in making this a positive first impression. There will be short meeting after church on January 12th, in the sanctuary, for anyone who would be able to be a part of this ministry. If you have already been serving as an usher or a greeter, please come for a short refresher training. If you are new to Northminster or have not served in the past, please come! We can use as many as possible to fill this need each Sunday.

We will be starting a new sign-up procedure for scheduling ushers and greeters each Sunday. Beginning im-mediately, there will be a sign-up sheet available on the table just outside the sanctuary doors. The first sign-up sheet will be for January thru March. A new sheet will be available each quarter. Please sign-up to serve as often as you are able. Your help with this ministry will be greatly appreciated.

If you have any questions, please contact Terry Rigio at 765-0347 or after church on Sundays.

Pancake Breakfast The pancake breakfast committee thanks everyone for their support in 2013, completing 13 years with only two cancellations because of bad weather.

The attendance dropped off a little towards the end of the year but we hope it was due to the weather and not because of the pancakes. As a reminder, it happens every first Saturday of the month between 8AM and 10AM and is a good time to enjoy pancakes and good fellowship. In case you wondered what happens to the donations received, this year they were used to support the Me-morial Console Project with $2000. In 2010, $4500 was used to provide the projector and screen system in the sanctuary. Good things happen when you come and eat pancakes. See you in February! Pancake Committee: Bill Carpenter Terry Dersch Ed and Joan Generous Paul and Dottie Good Chuck Mansfield

Page 6: NORTHMINSTER RESBYTERIAN THE NORTHERN LIGHTThe Northern Light is published monthly September thru May with one summer issue. If there is an omission or an error, please contact the


Rev. Dr. Lisa Hess served as our guest worship leader on Sunday, December 29, 2013.

Lisa has started a small women’s writ-ing, contemplative-circling community called Women Writing for (a) Change, Dayton, LLC.

New to Dayton, WWf(a)C extends invi-tation to a ten-week course providing time, space, and a community to sup-port the lives of women who are

Just beginning to find their voices

Writing but seeking new sources of inspiration and discipline

Transitioning in their personal or professional lives

Working in the arts who want to write to open up to new ave-nues of expression

Serving in the helping professions, leaning on writing as a way of keeping themselves awake, aware, & healthy in body-spirit-mind

This course is designed to be an alter-native reality alongside the competi-tive, evaluative writing classes in tradi-tional schooling.

Participants can expect to spend class time:

Working toward a safe and suppor-tive workshop atmosphere


Sharing writing

Discussing outside reading that sparks creativity: stories, po-ems, articles, etc.

Learning to identify internal and external systems of silencing

Helping one another act to change these systems

Time: Thursdays 7-9:30 p.m.

February 6, 13, 20, 27;

March 6, 13, 20, 27;

April 3, 10

Text: Women Writing for (a) Change, Mary Pierce Brosmer

Place: Queen of Apostles Community

4400 Shakertown Rd.

Dayton OH 45430

Class size: limit 18

Tuition: $315 ($50 is non-refundable deposit to reserve your chair in the cir-cle; also covers cost of course text).

Facilitator: Lisa M. Hess—licensed by Women Writing for (a) Change, Cin-cinnati, and graduate of the 2013 Conscious Feminine Leadership Academy—is a companion, contem-plative, scholar, poet, wife, daugh-ter, sister, and teaching-elder (PCUSA). She serves the common good as an active leader in tradi-tional and non-traditional communi-ties of practice, bringing deeply rooted wisdom wherever it is wel-come. She has held sacred spaces for teaching & learning in the Miami Valley for over ten years, most visi-bly at United Theological Seminary in north Dayton. See

for more details. Contact her by e-mail at [email protected] or 937-427-0981 to register.

Women Writing

for (a) Change


First Name: ______________________

Last Name: ______________________

Email: __________________________

Phone: __________________________

Street Address:___________________





Mail completed registration and signed check (Made out to Women Writing for (a) Change, Dayton) by January 30th, 2014 to

Lisa M. Hess

3977 Turnberry Way

Dayton OH 45430

Page 7: NORTHMINSTER RESBYTERIAN THE NORTHERN LIGHTThe Northern Light is published monthly September thru May with one summer issue. If there is an omission or an error, please contact the

January 2014 Northminster Presbyterian Church

Springfield, Ohio

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1

New Year’s Day Office Closed

2 9:30 Mail Newsletter 6:00 Dulcimer Club


4 8:00 Pancake Breakfast

5 Epiphany

Blood Pressure Screening

Adult Forum: A Social Creed for the 21st Century

6 Deadline for Annual Report 9:30 Young Woman’s Mission Meeting


8 5:30 Christian Ed. 6:00 Bell Choir 7:00 Youth First 7:15 Choir

9 10 11

12 Baptism of the Lord

Ordination/Installation Officers Class of 2017

Usher/Greeter Meeting

Adult Forum: A Social Creed for the 21st Century

13 14 6:30 Deacon Mtg. 7:00 Property Mtg.

15 6:00 Bell Choir 7:00 Youth First 7:15 Choir


17 18 Clifton Ave. Breakfast

19 Annual Meeting Adult Forum: A Social Creed for the 21st Century

20 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day—Office Open Deadline for Newsletter

21 7a Men’s Breakfast @ Perkins N. Limestone St 6p Finance 7p Session Meeting

22 6:00 Bell Choir 7:00 Youth First 7:15 Choir

23 24 25

26 Adult Forum: A Social Creed for the 21st Century

Terra Cela Homeowners

27 6:30 Quilt Guild

28 29 9:30 Mail Newsletter 6:00 Bell Choir 7:00 Youth First 7:15 Choir

30 31

Page 8: NORTHMINSTER RESBYTERIAN THE NORTHERN LIGHTThe Northern Light is published monthly September thru May with one summer issue. If there is an omission or an error, please contact the

January 2014 January 1 New Year’s Day - Office Closed January 4 Pancake Breakfast January 5 Blood Pressure Screening January 6 Deadline for Annual Report January 12 Ordination/Installation New Officers Usher/Greeter Meeting January 18 Clifton Ave. Breakfast January 19 Annual Meeting January 20 Martin King Luther Jr. Day - Office Open January 21 Men’s Breakfast @ Perkins N. Limestone January 21 Session Meeting

On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother;

and they knelt down and paid him homage.

Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts

of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Matthew 2:11


400 Villa Road Springfield, Ohio 45503