Download - NIslands, Port Blair-744101. - West Bengal Post...Office of the Chief Postmaster General (Postal Life Insurance) West Bengal Circle: Yogayog Bhawan (15tfir) ;Kolkata 700012. ALL UNDER

Page 1: NIslands, Port Blair-744101. - West Bengal Post...Office of the Chief Postmaster General (Postal Life Insurance) West Bengal Circle: Yogayog Bhawan (15tfir) ;Kolkata 700012. ALL UNDER

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Office of the Chief Postmaster General( Postal Life Insurance)

West Bengal Circle: Yogayog Bhawan (15t fir) ; Kolkata 700012

ALL UNDER ENTRY1. The Postmaster General Kolkata Region, Kolkata-700012.2. The Postmaster General, South Bengal Region, Kolkata-700012.3. The Postmaster General, North Bengal Region, Siliguri-734001.4: The Postmaster General, A & N Islands, Port Blair-744101.5. The Postmaster General, Sikkim State, Gangtok-737101,6. The Director, Kolkata GPO, Kolkata-700001.7. The Sr. Postmaster, Barabazar H.0.,Kolkata-7000078. The Sr. Postmaster, Alipore H.O., Kolkata-700027.9. All the SSPOs'/SPOs' under West Bengal Circle.10. All the SSRM/SRM under West Bengal Circle.11. All the In charge of Cf'Cs.12. A:IIthe Group Leaders.13. The Superintendent PSD,Kolkata- 700002.

14. The Superintendent CDS, Kolkata- 700007,15. The Superintendent Foreign Post, Kolkata- 700001.

No: PLI/M & G/Ruling VIII dated at Kolkata-12, the 15.03.2018

Subject: Gazette notification in respect of amendment made in POll Rules 2011.

Kindly find enclosed herewith PLI Directorate's communicationNo. 29-05/2011-LI dated 15.02.2018, regarding above mentioned subjects. I am directed toforward the same for kind information, guidance and taking necessary action,

Enclo: As above.

Copy to:-1. ADPS(TO), % The Chief. P,M.G, Kolkata- 700012 - for information and upload the

order in indiapost website.

2. All the SIS of PLI section, % The Chief. P.M.G, Kolkata- 700012- for information.. VI~----7I (J.K. Raut)

Asst Divisional Manager (PLI)0/0 the Chief Postmaster General

W.B,Circle, Kolkata-700012

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J {s:rVy~(J.K. Raut)

Asst Divisional Manager (PLI)0/0 the Chief Postmaster General

W.B.Circle, Kolkata-700012

Page 2: NIslands, Port Blair-744101. - West Bengal Post...Office of the Chief Postmaster General (Postal Life Insurance) West Bengal Circle: Yogayog Bhawan (15tfir) ;Kolkata 700012. ALL UNDER

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D!RECTORATE ()F POSTA..L UfE ~NSURANCEDepartment of Posts,/V\inisr,y of Communications &

Information Technoiogy, Government of IndiaChanakyapuri Pos! Office Complex, New Delhi-i 10021




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Page 3: NIslands, Port Blair-744101. - West Bengal Post...Office of the Chief Postmaster General (Postal Life Insurance) West Bengal Circle: Yogayog Bhawan (15tfir) ;Kolkata 700012. ALL UNDER

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Page 4: NIslands, Port Blair-744101. - West Bengal Post...Office of the Chief Postmaster General (Postal Life Insurance) West Bengal Circle: Yogayog Bhawan (15tfir) ;Kolkata 700012. ALL UNDER



(Department of Posts)



New Delhi, the 15th February, 2018

Fl No. 29-05/2011-LI.-,-In exercise of powers conferred vide Rule 3 of Post Office Life Insurance Rules(2011) and in pursuance of the provisions of Section 7 of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial & OtherSubsidies, iBene,fits and ServicesjAct, 2016 (18 of 2016) and under Prevention of Money Laundering (Maintenance ofRecord), Second Amendment Rules, 2017; following definition is inserted inRule 5 of Post Office Life Insurance Rules-20 II (POLL Rules 2011) :33(A): "Primary IdentifierlProof of Identity" means Aadhar number an identification number as defined in clause (a) ofsection 2 bf Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016 (18 of2016 ) for:purchase of a Postal Life Insurance (PLI) and Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI) policy.

Rble number 21(A) below rule 21 of Post Office Life Insurance Rules -20 II is inserted as under:I

21(A) : Identification of PLI/RPLI Policy holders and proposers - The Aadhaar number shall be the unique identifier forthe purpose of establishing the identity of a proposer and PLVRPLI policy holder :

Provided that where Aadhaar number has not been assigned, the proposer/ insurant shall submit proof ofapplication of enrolment of Aadhaar:

Provided further that every PLIIRPLI policy holder who has not given the Aadhaar number at the time ofapplication for such policy, shall submit his/her Aadhaar number to the Central Processing Centre(CPC)/Post officeconcerned.

These amendments shall be effective from the date of publication in Gazette of India.

B. N. TRIPATHY, Chief General Manager (PLI)


RAKESH SUKUL ~~~:'~Oli1,02.2017'Sl:11.OS')O·

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