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Inside Secrets to Profitable Newspaper Advertising Campaigns


Inside Secrets To Sponsoring MLM Distributors With Newspaper AdvertisingBy Dale Calvert Page 3

The 7 Vital Components of a Newspaper AdBy Marte Cliff Page 5

5 Newspaper Advertising Myths RevealedBy James Burchill Page 8

Top Four Newspaper Advertising MetricsBy Sam Miller Page 12

Newspaper Inserts - Smart, Low-Cost AdvertisingFlyer Printing and Newspaper Advertising - What You Must KnowBy Chris Barr Page 14

Run Your Newspaper Ads Cheaper Than Everyone ElseBy Michael Senoff Page 18

Reaping an unfair Advantages of Newspaper Classified AdvertisingBy Carael Knight Page 20

Tricks Of The Trade - 14 Newspaper Advertising Tips From America's Busiest Ad Copywriter! By Phil Autelitano Page 22

Newspapers - The Premier "Opt-in" AdvertisingBy Kate Pauly-Schlentz Page 27

How to Drive Traffic to Your website Using NewspapersBy Sean R Mize Page 29

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Inside Secrets To Sponsoring MLM Distributors With Newspaper AdvertisingBy Dale Calvert

It seems that every week, I have a customer or client ask me, Can you really sponsor new MLM distributors using newspaper advertising?

My response is always the same. Absolutely! The 2nd mlm program I ever joined, my sponsor found be from an add that I responded to in our local paper. Over the next 4 years my organization earned him nearly ½ million dollars. How do you think he would answer that question?

Over my career I have sponsored well over 100 new distributors with effective newspaper advertising campaigns, and added well over 1000 members to my team, by duplicating these effective campaigns throughout my organization.

From time to time I hear statements like:

“My upline says running ads to sponsor distributors is a waste of time” or “I tried to recruit with newspaper ads and it didn’t work for me”

My response is always the same, who taught you to recruit with newspaper advertising. Nine times out of ten, they just tried it on their own, with absolutely no education or training from someone who had successful newspaper advertising campaigns.

There are several small nuances that make the difference between a advertising campaign that works and one that bombs. Let me share a couple of those with you.

#1 Always run your advertising into a voice mail box. The worst thing in the world that can happen is for a good prospect to respond to your advertisement and you not be mentally ready for the call.

What if you are in the middle of changing the diaper of your screaming child, or grandchild? What if you and your spouse are in the middle of a heated discussion?

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All ads should be run into a voice mail box. That way, WHEN YOU ARE READY, you can sit down and get your head together and call all your leads one after another with a clear, focused, mind.

#2 Take control of the conversation with questions. The person asking the questions is in control.

Why did you respond to the add?

What are you looking for?

Do you have any leadership or management abilities?

These are all good questions to ask your prospect. Then after a serious of questions, a great statement to wrap things up is:

“Based upon what you have shared with me, I would like…

(Whatever your play 2 is) I would like to invite you to listen in on our corporate conference call. I would like to invite you to be my quest at our business overview.

I would like to mail you a DVD that will give you an overview of our company, and the type of person we are looking for, after watching the DVD if you have an interest and you feel you are the type of person we are looking for we can go to the next step.

Just these two concepts alone will make a drastic positive difference on your newspaper recruiting campaigns.

Send all prospects to a voice mail box and take control of the call with questions. If you would like to learn more tips for running successful newspaper campaigns just follow the information in the resource box below.

Dale Calvert is the CEO of Calvert Marketing Group, a training, consulting, coaching and seminar company for the Network Marketing Industry. He specializes in how to create leads for your business. You can find a directory of his websites at and information on his best selling How to Recruit Distributors with newspaper advertising course at

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The 7 Vital Components of a Newspaper AdBy Marte Cliff

Why do you advertise in the newspaper? To get more customers, or to let your present customers know about a sale, a new product, or maybe to remind them to come in more often. Right?

And yet, some newspaper advertising looks like a typical phone book entry. It merely says "I'm here." Sometimes it doesn't even give a reason for being there. Its only purpose is to put your name in front of anyone whose eyes happen to fall upon it as they read the paper. And of course, with no compelling headline, it offers them no reason to stop - so they don't.

Consider the usefulness of an ad I saw in our local newspaper this week. It had a company name, then on the next line it said "Engineers." Then the address and phone number were listed.

I'm not in the market for an engineer - at least I don't think I am. But, if I knew what these engineers did, I might find that I do indeed need them. Seems to me there are many different kinds of engineers!

Newspaper ad reps will tell you that it is important to be there all the time. Just once won't do it. That's true - you do need to remind customers often about how you can benefit their lives. The newspaper reps, of course, don't mention that you should use a variety of methods to do that!

But back to repetition - if they see your name over and over and it is not connected with any benefit to them - what's the point? Is repeating a name that offers no benefit to your prospects over and over going to make them call you or come in to your store? I don't think so.

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If your budget allows for 8 tiny ads, I think you'd be better off to use the money to place 4 - or even 2 - larger ads with the space and the copy to show the readers a reason why they should care about your products or services.

Get value from your advertising dollars by making sure that every ad you place has these basic parts:

1. A headline - Your company name, by the way, is not a headline. A real headline consists of words that attract enough interest to make your prospects read the rest of the ad.

2. A reason why someone should call you or come in to your business - what is in it for them?

3. A reason why they should do it today: / this week / by next Tuesday

4. If you want them to come in - your address (amazing how often this is missing!)

5. Your phone number, and possibly e-mail and web addresses 6. Your business name 7. If you're a one-person or one-couple enterprise - your own


Some of those points seem obvious, but they are often missing from newspaper advertisements. If your company name, for example, happens to be A-1 Plumbing, it gives no indication of who you are. You may think that doesn't matter, but for consumers who have had a bad experience with plumbers in the past, it matters a great deal. They don't want to call and take a chance that you are that plumber whose carelessness caused the leak that flooded the basement, etc. etc.

So - they'll keep looking until they see a name that is different from the person who did such a poor job last time. Pity the poor consumer who can't find a name on a single ad!

By the way, if you have a good reputation, you want your name on everything you put out, including your business cards, ads, web site, and letters. Some people will remember your company name, while others will remember your name. If your customers love you, they've been telling their friends, so don't hide behind a company name!

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Before you send your ad for publication, make one final check to be sure you've answered your prospect's primary question: "So what?" Don't fall into the trap of leaving your ads for the last minute or letting the newspaper reps write them for you. If you absolutely can't find the time or feel unsure of your ability to write a good ad, hire a copywriter.

Good advertising takes a bit of time and thought - and when you fail to give it that time and thought, your advertising dollars might be better spent going out to dinner and a movie.

Marte Cliff is a Freelance Copywriter who specializes in making people feel good about buying products or services - or donating to worthy causes.

She has extensive experience in writing search engine optimized web copy, direct sales letters, postcards, space ad copy, press releases, and more. She is also available for marketing plan creation and editing services.

You can visit her at . While you're there, sign up for her marketing ezine. When you do, you'll also get access to reports that will help you get better results from your own writing.

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5 Newspaper Advertising Myths RevealedBy James Burchill

What I'm about to reveal are myths that most people think are 'true.'

They seem set in stone yet they are deadly to the advertiser.

I'm certain you'll be surprised. Certainly you may even doubt what I reveal to you. But I've discovered that these myths must *NEVER* be followed - unless of course you like throwing your hard earned money down the drain!

There are essentially five common 'Newspaper And Magazine Advertising Myths'…

Before I go any further I have a proviso to what I'm about to reveal to you about advertising. Here it is…

Everything I talk about here has one goal: To help you make more money - substantially more, with your marketing, sales, and advertising.

If you're looking for 'pretty' advertising or advertising that looks good without getting you leads and orders then you should look elsewhere.

So when you're reading through these advertising myths and facts, be aware that I'm only talking about newspaper and magazine advertising that makes money - plain and simple!

So let's get started…

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Advertising Myth 1: Your ad must first 'look good' before it is placed in any publication


Many people (not your prospects by the way!) judge newspaper and magazine advertising on the 'look and feel' of the ad. In fact one of the mysteries of the modern world is having advertising awards for aesthetically appealing ads. That's just plain nuts!

It doesn't matter how good your ad looks. What counts is how much money you made from the ad!

Of course I'm not saying your ad cannot look good. What I'm saying is your number one objective is to get the sale (or at least a response.

Never forsake this goal for creating a good looking ad!


Advertising Myth 2: Your company name needs to be prominent in the ad


Regardless of how familiar your company or service is to your prospects you should always place your company name at the bottom of the ad. Never ever put your company name at the top of the ad.


Advertising Myth 3: You should never use a reply coupon because it looks 'unprofessional'


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Many design agencies frown on response coupons because once again they don't look 'good.' A coupon has the ability to *double* your response instantly.

You must therefore have a very good reason not to use a coupon in your ads. (By the way I've never come up with a good enough reason - unless of course you're restricted to space!).


Advertising Myth 4: You should use a design agency to create your ads


Like all professions there are good and bad design agencies. However only use a design agency that uses 'direct response' advertising principles.

All other design agencies will never get the results you should expect with your newspaper and magazine advertising.

In almost every case you are better equipped to create your own advertising rather than using a design agency.

You'll save thousands of dollars and almost certainly make more money from the advertising you create.


Advertising Myth 5: Your ad must not have too much copy (words) and have lots of white space


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This is the number one mistake people make with their newspaper and magazine advertising.

You cannot ever hope to get a high response to your advertising if you don't give people a reason (or several reasons) to respond. This means that your ad needs to be *FULL* of copy.

Contrary to popular belief an ad crammed full of relevant and benefit written copy always *substantially* wins over an ad without lots of copy.


So there you have it. If you want more sales and more success from your newspaper and magazine ads you must step outside the box.

You must break from tradition. You must forget about creating good looking ads. Do this and I promise your sales and profits will soar!

JAMES C. BURCHILL is a 20-year veteran entrepreneur and information technology executive who now provides strategic marketing consulting services to a select group of clients. He is a published author, a passionate advocate of technology and the Internet, as well as an avid study of classical advertising and marketing strategies (which he uses during ‘Internet alchemy’ experiments.) James is an expert in information and data management, Internet marketing and online networking. A self confessed 'information and technology enthusiast', James brings a wide range of valuable skills to any venture. Of singular note is James' ability to assimilate complex subject matter and produce clean clear 'easy-to-understand' messages. James has been interviewed many times and caused quite the media buzz when a client ‘double-dog-dared’ him to prove you can get front page coverage for $0. The details and that ‘dumb stunt’ are now part of EBay legend. Currently James lives in Ontario, Canada with his wife and family, their Siamese cat and one very nervous fish. Visit for details.

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Top Four Newspaper Advertising MetricsBy Sam Miller

There is no question that advertisement brings results and as such, newspaper advertising metrics were created to guide companies what makes an advertisement effective. Simply putting one's brand name and product on a piece of paper does not guarantee results. Thousands of companies also advertise through newspapers, and yet, not all of them get the expected results. Depending on the purpose, one can follow several guidelines or checklists to ensure that the advertising goal is achieved.

It should then be a given fact that for every metric measured, there are corresponding key performance indicators involved. This is a way of seeing the results of the advertising effort of the company. It is always a necessity for companies to measure how well and how effective an advertising project is. With the science of statistics now, this will not be difficult to achieve. There are many ways to find out if the brand name is popular or not. This does not only apply to small companies.

As observed, even big names in any industry do not stop advertising not only in print, but also in television, billboards, and other means of advertising, such as distribution of pamphlets. This is because advertising is a sure shot of putting one's product on the map.

As always, the first thing that a company should consider is the size of the advertisement. Newspapers offer several sizes to fit the existing advertising budget of many institutions. One company can occupy the entire page or just half of it. Some only take a fourth or an eighth of the page. It need not be mentioned that the size of the advertisement is an indicator of how it will be seen. The smaller the size, the less likely it is that people will be aware of the advertisement. It is a common behavior that people do not read everything that is in the newspaper.

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Another factor that should be included in newspaper advertising metrics is the location. Sometimes, advertisements placed on the front page are a lot more expensive. Some newspapers offer a classified ads section and the pricing is different. This is based on studies focused on what people often read. If the advertisement is placed in the show business section, the price is also likely to be different, especially if there is a hot gossip item going around. The hotter the news, the more expensive the ads will be.

Next in line for newspaper advertising metrics is the design. Should it be colored or black and white? Many companies attest to the fact that colored advertisement on a black and white newspaper is favorable. This catches the attention of readers and there is a guarantee that the advertisement will be scanned, if not read.

Lastly, what newspaper? Advertising on newspaper is a shared investment. The newspaper company earns through the advertisers and advertisers use the newspapers to have their products seen. There is no sense in putting an advertisement in a newspaper that no one reads. There is also no essence in putting a product advertisement in a newspaper that does not embody the product's nature. These are the newspaper advertising metrics that one should always keep in mind.

If you are interested in newspaper advertising metrics, check this web-site to learn more about newspaper advertising roi.

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Newspaper Inserts - Smart, Low-Cost AdvertisingBy Chris Barr

Whether you own a pizza restaurant, a medical practice, or a home improvement business - print advertising can help you grow your business. Most small business owners struggle to find new customer acquisition strategies that work. Many business owners are even scared to try new things due to past failures with "fool-proof" advertising strategies.

Although no advertising method guarantees a set return on investment (ROI), there are things you can do to increase your chances of success and continuously develop a more effective marketing program.

Here are some tips for effective marketing with newspaper inserts:

Market one demographic at a time. Create a customized newspaper insert for each targeted marketing campaign and emphasize the key reasons customers should buy from you. What are the benefits for them? Make their benefits clear. Use newspaper inserts frequently. Repetition is everything. People will become familiar with your company as they see your name and offers on a weekly basis. This will create more interest in your services and also lend valuable credibility to your business. Color is not an option, it is a must. According to the Newspaper Association of America, color ads score sixty-two percent higher than black-and-white ads. The slightly higher costs will more than pay for themselves when the results come in. Include a coupon or special offer that is specific to each newspaper insert. By incorporating a coupon or special offer you will be able to track the overall effectiveness of your marketing campaign and simultaneously give customers an incentive to call. Newspaper insert advertising is based on a simple concept:

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Potential customers need to know how, why, and where to buy your product.

If you don't actively market your business, customers won't activelyseek it. Newspaper inserts leave a lasting impression on people, create a positive company image, and encourage prospects to take action immediately.

So go ahead, start a newspaper insert marketing program. Revitalize your business and achieve your goals and more. Print and Deliver is ready to help you every step of the way.

Chris Barr is an experienced marketing professional and graduate of Christopher Newport University. Mr. Barr specializes in print advertising, business development, web business strategic positioning, and technical writing. For the lowest prices on printed flyers, newspaper inserts, brochures, menus, and postcards please visit

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Flyer Printing and Newspaper Advertising -What You Must KnowAccording to the Wikipedia, a flyer is an advertisement used by small business as a "small scale method of community communication." Although this may be true for some business owners, flyers are capable of doing a lot more work than they are given credit for.

Did you know that a full color flyer can be used as a newspaper insert and distributed to the zip codes of your choice? Did you know that you can easily turn a flyer into a door hanger by folding the flyer and stapling a rubber-band to the corner of it? Did you know that the average newspaper insert or flyer typically remains in the home for up to four days?

Although you may only target a small demographic of potential customers, your flyers have potential to be alot more than a "small scale" marketing campaign. Many restaurants and retail stores depend almost entirely on menus or brochures to advertise and promote their products. Some takeout restaurants use as many as 10,000 flyers or menus every week and depend on their performance to generate revenue. The importance of flyers extends to other industries as well -automotive, furniture, medical, grocery, etc.

Flyer and Insert Usage - The Facts

57% of adults who look at flyers or inserts prefer to receive ads on Sunday Adults overwhelmingly prefer to receive ads on regular sized paper (8.5x11) 61% of adults prefer to receive ads on glossy paper 65% of adults list newspaper as their preferred source of receiving flyers 60% of adults who visited newspaper website still prefer printed flyer over online

ad 53 % of adults used newspapers to make a purchase decision in previous 30 days

Source: Consumer Usage of Newspaper Advertising Report. Prepared by Mori Research

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Now that much of the initial digital-age dust has settled, and it is clear that the world is still using both print and digital media on a regular basis, it may be time to rethink your business' advertising strategy. Flyer printing is more affordable than ever and one of the most cost-effective and proven methods of advertising available. Full-color printing on glossy paper is what your potential customers demand -and now you can print full-color advertisements for less than four cents per copy. By utilizing both digital and print advertising vehicles your business will generate more revenue and cast a wider net.

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Run Your Newspaper Ads Cheaper Than Everyone ElseBy Michael Senoff

Several weeks ago I had an absolutely fascinating conversation with a newspaper advertising expert.

He laid out some of the best newspaper ad tips I'd ever heard. Tips that can save anyone money and make things go a lot more smoothly.

And one of the best secrets he told me -- which sounds really obvious, but is still a secret to most people -- is when you’re looking at buying newspaper advertising, one of the things you should do is form a relationship with a representative.

In other words, deal with one person and get to know them, let them know you and what you're doing, and try to have a real business relationship with the person.

Ideally, this person should be a supervisor or manager of the department. But either way, that representative that you have a relationship with is going to be your best ally to get you great pricing. And will keep you abreast of anything that may help you out.

Now, if you can't seem to get along with the first person you deal with, you should literally ask, “Who else can I work with? I want to spend some money with you. Who can I work with?” If they won't help you with that, go above their head and talk to their boss.

Really, the higher up you can go in the chain the better. They will be more likely to be able to get you better deals, or make exceptions for you. Especially if you are a good customer and are spending money with them on a regular basis.

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So the bottom line is this: If you do newspaper advertising -- or are planning to -- start trying to form relationships with the newspaper sales representatives of the publications you are planning to run your ads in.

It takes a little bit of time and effort, but it will be more than worth it for you in the long run when you see the savings and advantages that result.

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. For a limited time he is giving away free over 120 hours of in-depth audio interviews with some of the richest and most successful marketers, copywriters and business experts in the world at his famous website

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Reaping The Advantages of Newspaper Classified AdvertisingBy Carael Knight

Unlike other marketing tools, newspaper classified ads bring forth a number of options for consumers, through the large classified advertising opportunity that they present. As a result, a consumer can make a decision after considering all the newspaper classified ads. From the point of view of an advertiser newspaper classified advertising has the potential of reaching a very wide audience. As a result, placing a classified ad in a newspaper is beneficial for both the consumers and the advertisers. You can gather the classified advertising info and details of various packages that are offered by different newspapers through consultants or even by carrying out an online search.

Planning a targeted classified advertising campaign After gathering classified advertising info and selecting the suitable newspaper that you would like to advertise in, it is important to plan out the complete strategy. Entrepreneurs who plan on selling products using classified ads need to understand that just newspaper classified advertising would not be sufficient to reap results and if the strategy is not planned out properly, all their efforts would be wasted. As a result, it is important for them to plan out a targeted classified advertising campaign. In fact even if they are considering free classified advertising, until and unless the campaign is researched and well designed, all efforts of selling products using classified ads would be futile. A targeted classified advertising campaign helps in bringing forth the USP of the product, enlists the benefits that it offers over similar products, and at the same time taps the right segment of the market that would actually consider buying the product. Your campaign must clearly define all the advantages that a consumer would incur by selecting your product. One can even plan a blind campaign that merely entices a consumer to find out more about the benefits that you are offering. These campaigns usually garner a much higher response than other campaigns, but the response might not necessarily convert to consumers.

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This further stresses on the fact that an entrepreneur must understand the aim of the classified ad campaign before floating it. In fact, selling products using classified ads is actually quite easy if you can plan out a unique classified advertising campaign that stands out from the rest of the ads and at the same time communicates all the important detailsof the product.

Tapping the scope offered by free classified advertising Nowadays, a number of print mediums are offering the opportunities for free classified advertising; as a result the consumers are bombarded with numerous choices. The problem with free classified advertising is that most times the advertisers get lured by the free package that is offered, but, audience is not right and as a result the free classified ad does not bring any returns. On the other hand, a well-researched and targeted classified advertising campaign, even if it is a free classified ad, holds the potential to tap the right nerve of the market and create a market even where it does not exist. In fact in the current scenario, it is imperative for an advertiser to have a thorough market understanding before placing a classified ad.

Ensuring a response – Classified advertising tips There are certain classified advertising tips that an advertiser should keep in mind to ensure that he comes up with a unique classified advertising campaign. Firstly an advertiser needs to understand how the classified ad information especially in a large classified advertising medium, like a newspaper, is sorted so that he can place his ad on the top, as these ads usually get the maximum response. Usually there are a number of similarities in the way newspapers and other mediums sort and format the classified ad information, but it is essential to understand this in order to enjoy the benefits of classified advertising.

In order to design a truly unique classified advertising copy, one must ensure that it is direct, yet at the same time should interest the reader and entice him to find out more. In a large classified advertising medium, especially if it offers the opportunity for free classified advertising, it is essential to keep these classified advertising tips in mind, so as to ensure a response.

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Tricks Of The Trade - 14 Newspaper Advertising Tips From America's Busiest Ad Copywriter!By Phil Autelitano

I get a ton of emails asking me about newspaper advertising. First and foremost, most people ask me if the growth and popularity of the Internet and other forms of “new” media have made newspapers obsolete as an effective advertising medium. To that I say, no way!Newspapers are alive and well, and as powerful as ever! If they weren’t, advertisers (of all shapes and sizes) wouldn’t continue to throw billions of dollars at them! Newspapers – local and national – will always be there. They’re not going anywhere, no matter how big the Internet gets or how many forms of “new media” are introduced. They’ve stood the test of time – through radio, TV and the Internet --and they’ll always be a great place to advertise, provided your target market is within the newspaper’s demographic. Next, people are always asking me for advice on newspaper advertising. They want to know the best newspapers to advertise in, the best times to advertise, the best size ads to use, what colors work best, what to say, how to say it, etc. For those people, I’ve put together this list of my 14 best newspaper advertising “secrets.” Of course, these aren’t really “secrets” – this advice has been around for years. Unlike the Internet and other forms of “new media” which seem to change every day (creating a constant need for bigger and better marketing strategies), newspaper advertising hasn’t changed much in the past 25 years, meaning the tips and techniques that follow have proven themselves to work over and over again. Time-tested and proven – the best kind of advice!

Tip #1: Consistency is key in newspaper advertising. Whether you’re interested in community, local or national newspaper advertising, always think in terms of using it consistently no less than once a week.

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Tip #2: Certain days work better than others for certain types of advertising. Generally, the best day to run a newspaper ad is Sunday. That’s when most people spend the most time reading the paper. Let’s take a look at the other days:

Monday is good if your audience is primarily men all weekend sports are usually summarized on Monday.

Tuesday and Sunday are great days for classified ads, especially financial or business related classified ads.

Wednesday and Thursday are good days if those are the food or health days in your paper, and yours is a food or health related offering.

Friday is a good day if your business picks up on the weekends restaurants, bars, nightclubs, some retailers, concert venues, farmer’s markets.

Saturday is good because fewer advertisers use the Saturday edition, thinking it’s a bad day for readership. This means less competition for your prospects attention and money

Tip #3: Positioning your ad. To gain maximum exposure, request that your ad run in the main news section of the paper, as far forward as possible. Traditionally, you were told to always ask for a right-hand page, but recent studies have shown it doesn’t really make a difference. Half the people read the newspaper front to back, the other half, back to front. You should, however, request that your ad be positioned above the fold.

Tip #4: Dominating a page, without paying for it. To dominate a page in the newspaper, which is usually 8 columns wide by twenty-two inches high, design an ad that is five columns wide and twelve or more inches high. This is proven to have the same affect as a full-page ad, at a much lower cost.

Tip #5: Use color. You should also inquire about adding one color. The use of just one color, any color, can dramatically increase your “net exposure” (that's what I call the number of people who actually read your ad) and nearly double your response rate.

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Tip #6: Whatever you do, don t let the newspaper people design your ad for you. Have your ad professionally designed, otherwise it will look like every other ad in the paper. (I once worked in a newspaper ad department, believe me, I know!) Be sure the designer has experience in newspaper ads, too. You want your ad to reproduce properly, which means it may need a certain line-screen. Also, stay away from reverse-type white type against a black background. Keep your type clear; your headline bold.

Tip #7: Make your ad newsworthy. People read newspapers to get the news, so try to make your ad as newsworthy as possible. If your ad is small, give it a distinctive border so it creates a visual identity for your ads.

Tip #8: You’re paying for that space – use it! Be sure to give your prospects enough information to buy what you’re selling. And don’t fall into the trap of revering white space because it looks good. You’re paying for every square inch of that ad – use it. Your ads should win sales, not design awards.

Tip #9: Test, test, test! If you’re just getting started in newspaper advertising, don’t settle on just one newspaper. Test your ad in the various newspapers available to your market to figure out which one works best. Once you’ve figured out which newspapers are read (the most) by your prospects, stick with them.

Tip #10: Don’t expect it to work overnight. CARDINAL RULE: Don’t expect newspaper advertising to work instantly! (This takes us back to Tip #1: Consistency is key.) Unless you make a time-sensitive offer such as a free gift for stopping by before a certain date, or offer a discount coupon with an expiration date, don’t expect a stampede of customers through your door the day you run your ad. It won’t happen. Never does.

Tip #11: Use “tracking devices” to measure ad performance. A “tracking device” is any element you can include in your advertising that makes it easier to measure that ad’s effectiveness. Adding a number code or color code to your coupons is a good example of a “tracking device.” This will make them easier to track if you’re using more than one newspaper or advertising on different days.

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You want to know which coupons came from where, when, and how many. That way, you’ll know which newspapers work the best for you, and on which days, and even which headlines work best for those papers on those days. Get it?

Tip #12: The “big” newspapers aren’t as expensive as you think. If you’re not happy with your local newspaper, or you’d like to hit a larger audience than just your town, look into advertising in the regional editions of USA Today, The New York Times or The Wall Street Journal, if your prospects read them. These regional editions, while more expensive to advertise in that your local newspaper, are much less expensive to advertise in than the national editions. (If you’re a local or regional business, you should NEVER advertise in the national edition. I don’t care what the ad rep tells you, don’t waste your money.)

Tip #13: The first thing people will see in your ad is your headline. This should entice the reader into wanting to learn more. I always INSIST that a headline make a meaningful or fascinating statement of benefit – or an outright offer – to the reader. For instance, “Get Your Tax Refund Today!” or “Professional Tax Preparation Only $10” are much better headlines than “Bob Jones Tax Service.” That’s pretty obvious, I know, but I can’t tell you how many people put the name of their business or product or service or worse yet, some totally worthless copy, in place of a headline and then hide the meaningful, fascinating stuff in the copy. It’s the biggest mistake in advertising! Put your main benefit or offer in the headline (and/or subheading) so even those who don’t read the entire ad will get the main point.

Tip #14: Next, people will see the visual, any subheadings, and then your name. Adding a visual can TRIPLE the “net exposure” of your ad. More people will notice it if it has a photo or image, which means more, in turn, will RESPOND to it. A photo of yourself will add instant credibility. A product image is better than a logo. Even better is an image of your product or service being used.

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Let people see it in action. Let them see how good it looks, how good it fits or how good it works. Let them see the smile on the face of a person using it.

Even in this super-high-tech day and age, any businesses still rely on newspaper advertising as their primary marketing tool. The key to success with it is to know the “tricks of the trade” I just revealed to you and to stick with it long enough for it to work its magic. (Read: Consistency is key.) The advertising graveyard is full of failed businesses that gave up on newspaper advertising before it had a chance to prove it’s effectiveness. If you’ve made up your mind to do it, whatever you do, DO IT, and don’t give up on it until it works. It will!

Phil Autelitano is a professional copywriter and marketing consultant who's been helping businesses save money, increase sales, and maximize profits -- online and off -- for over 15 years. He's been called "America's Busiest Copywriter" and "The Greatest Copywriter You Never Heard Of." He's also a bestselling author and award-winning online instructor. Visit his official website and sign-up for his free weekly newsletter "The Clicking Point" at:

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Newspapers - The Premier "Opt-in" AdvertisingBy Kate Pauly-Schlentz

I recently had a customer tell me that he stayed away from newspaper advertising because "It seems newspapers are on a downward slide and don't get viewed like they used too." Ouch!

As someone in the business, that was tough to hear. Luckily, my friends, that isn't an accurate assessment. Newspapers remain a power house in advertising. Not to say that internet marketing and other technologically driven marketing has not changed the way we spend our advertising budget. However, many marketing plans are seriously lacking by leaving out newspaper advertising all together.

With hundreds of television channels, thousands of magazines and millions of internet sites, channel proliferation has definitely changed the way advertisements are presented. With the endless amount of "opt-out" options available to viewers, including, DVRs, commercial-free satellite radio, national "do not call" lists, web firewalls and blockers, etc., getting your advertisements viewed has become a bigger challenge than ever before. Newspapers however remain an "opt in" medium, a place where consumers actively seek out advertisements rather than avoid them. Newspaper advertising remains a destination not a distraction. In fact, newspapers were the last place consumers would choose to eliminate advertising, according to Yankelovich Research, 2004.

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According to NAA's (Newspaper Associate of America) Business Analysis & Research Department, 48% of adults read a newspaper on an average weekday. That number increases to 54% on an average Sunday. In fact in a MORI study of "How America Shops & Spends," newspaper ads ranked highest as the type of ad that consumers look forward to reading. When is the last time you heard someone say that about a Pop-Up ad?

Not only do consumers actively look for and look forward to ads in the newspaper, they actually trust them more. Because of the established history of newspapers, people tend to trust newspapers more than any other advertising medium. Gaining the trust of a newspapers' audience can produce awesome results, especially given the quality of the audience.

No other media can deliver the prospects that a newspaper can. Newspaper readership increases as both household income and education levels increase. According to Scarborough Research, 2007 Release 2 (Top 50 Market Report), newspaper readership is greatest in occupations with more job responsibility, such as Management, Business, and Financial Operations.

Newspapers provide contact with consumers that advertisers want to reach; those with higher incomes, higher education and those that are ready to buy. Newspapers are constantly impacting buying decisions and product usage. They have proved to remain steady in a changing world, and have earned their status as the premier medium for advertisers.

Kate Pauly-Schlentz is V.P. of National Advertising at US Newspapers, a newspaper advertising agency specializing in mass newspaper advertising, statewide to nationwide.

To learn more about US Newspapers and their advertising programs, check out

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How to Drive Traffic to Your Site Using NewspapersBy Sean R Mize

This is an incredible way for generating low cost, high converting traffic to any website...

What I am about to reveal to you is something so little used and so effective that you are going to get extremely excited at the new possibilities for your business.

This isn't anything to do with online advertising or some "new trend" that is going to crash and burn just a month or two after it comes out.

This has worked for years for the very few people who have used it and will continue to do so if you follow the simple system I am going to share with you.

The secret is advertising your website in newspapers all over the nation and directing them to your website to collect their e-mails.

I know, you're probably thinking that's an extremely simple breakdown but it's the simplest explanation for what you're going to learn today. You will discover all of the hidden secrets and steps you need to take to get the maximum return from your investment without any trial and error.

Newspaper advertising works like crazy if you know how to do it right and combining it with an online lead generation method makes it produce results that you never thought possible.

Think about it. There are only a few businesses advertising their online business in newspapers and if you take notice, you'll see that it's the same businesses doing it over and over again. If they are continually running that ad, you know that it is producing profits for them.

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Another point to ponder is the fact that there is far less competition for the advertising than there is online because in this high technological age, many are forgetting about newspaper advertising and getting caught up trying to advertise online. This means that you can get better advertising at cheaper rates and with far less competition in front of those potential customers!

I've also found that you're going to get prospects of much higher quality from a newspaper because they have to exert much more effort than your regular Internet visitor. You see a visitor sees your ad in an e-mail or on a web page and clicks the link and they are in front of your offer.

An offline lead has to read your ad in the paper, go to the computer, turn it on, load their web browser and type in your web address. Only after all that do they actually arrive at your offer. This means that they are putting much more time and effort into viewing your offer and will give it much more attention than just an ad they clicked on.

One thing you might not know about is that when an ad it in the newspaper, most people associate it with news and with being "official". Anyone can go post an ad on a free message board online but if you are writing an ad, paying for it and submitting it to the newspaper, you have more credibility because you are a real person advertising in the paper, not someone hiding behind a keyboard.

I'm sure that you're probably itching to get started with advertising your own online business or website in the newspaper so you can start seeing the financial rewards the few who know about this strategy are seeing.

Please take note that you need to read everything all the way through. There are specific steps that, if missed, could make your ad bomb miserably which will result in you losing money. Advertising your business in the paper has to be done a very specific way to be profitable which is another reason people don't do it; they have tried and lost money.

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Just by reading this system all the way through, you will know the bullet proof way to making the newspaper your most profitable advertising medium yet. The best part is that it's easy, fast and doesn't require a huge investment.

There is much more to this system than just putting an ad in the newspaper that says "Go To My Website"

You need to know the best way to pull maximum eyes to your ad and even further, to get the maximum amount of them to actually visit your website. And after that, the job still isn't done because you need to convince them to take action on your website whether it be making a purchase or giving you a way to follow-up with them. I prefer and recommend the latter.

Taking your online advertising offline and using newspapers for generating traffic is an incredibly effective way to finding highly targeted prospects that you wouldn't normally have access to. This is literally an untapped barrel of prospects that you can grab and profit from.

A great benefit of advertising in newspapers is that very few people are using the newspaper to effectively promote their website which means that you have much more opportunity to make a sizeable profit. With less competition for the prospects you have a bigger share of the real estate in the newspaper pages.

You're going to be grabbing the attention of people that aren't at their computer so they aren't in "point and click" mode, which means that your ad will get more attentive review. You of course need to catch the eyes of your visitors first so you can get them to your website.

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Create The Ad

The first step in the process of creating loads of profits from advertising your website in newspapers is essential to your success.

What is this first step you might ask?

An effective, curiosity provoking advertisement that gets people reading the paper to take action and visit your website.

To clarify, we are going to be using short, concise classified advertisements to generate leads. Yes, you will learn about using space advertising and longer ads in a later section but this is where you need to start.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article writing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Writing

Do you want to learn how to build a big online subscriber list fast? Click here: Secrets of List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 9034 articles in print and 14 published ebooks

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