Download - Newsletter Chemical Engineering USC Vol-1 Issue-3 · PDF file(ii) J. Ocon y G. Tojo (1967). Problemas de ingeniería química (Vol I y II). Editorial Aguilar, Madrid. Department of

Page 1: Newsletter Chemical Engineering USC Vol-1 Issue-3 · PDF file(ii) J. Ocon y G. Tojo (1967). Problemas de ingeniería química (Vol I y II). Editorial Aguilar, Madrid. Department of

1. The Origins (1950-1960) The incorporation of Prof. Joaquín Ocon in 1950, the first Professor of Industrial Chemistry at University of

Santiago de Compostela (in Spain there were only seven professors of Industrial Chemistry by that time) marks

the beginning of the adventure of Chemical Engineering in Galicia. In a moment close to the end of World War II,

the activity of Industrial and Inorganic Chemistry was oriented to process analysis, production and purification of

minerals such as Cassiterite, Wolframite and Scheelite with the Santa Coma and San Fins mines. Professor Ocon

builds the first distillation and rectification facilities that allow the development of the first two Doctoral Thesis in

the Area of Chemical Engineering: Dr. Gabriel Tojo (1953) and Dr. Fidel Mato (1955).

2. Dpt. of Industrial Chemistry (1960-1970) In 1960 the Department of Industrial Chemistry was created, with the aim of implementing teaching and research

units. Prof. Ocon makes the opening speech of the academic year in 1962 with the title: "Around the chemical

engineering". The structure of the Department was very small because the teaching was initially limited to two

subjects, taught in the 4th

and 5th

academic years of the Degree of Science (Chemistry Section). The teaching

program was focused on material and energy balances, applied thermodynamics and unit operations.

During this period, USC takes outstanding leadership in

chemical engineering in Spain and Latin America, by the

publication of two books:

(i) A. Vian, J. Ocón (1957). Elementos de ingeniería

química. Editorial Aguilar, Madrid

(ii) J. Ocon y G. Tojo (1967). Problemas de ingeniería

química (Vol I y II). Editorial Aguilar, Madrid.

Department of Chemical Engineering

History of Chemical Engineering in Galicia


Volume 1 - Issue 3 2014

INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1. The Origins (1950-1960)

2. Dpt. of Industrial Chemistry


3. Degree in Chemistry (1970-


4. Degree in Chemical

Engineering (1994-2010)

5. European Higher Education

Area (2010-2014)

6. Research in Chemical


7. List of PhDs in Chemical

Engineering (USC)


• “MSc in Environmental Engineering” is ranked 2nd

in the field of

Environmental Management in the Ranking of the top 250 Masters

by El Mundo newspaper (June 2014).

• In July 20 high school students from different Autonomous

Communities of Spain have conducted research in our Department

under the "Summer Science Campus -2014" program funded by

the MEC.

• The Head of the Department has been elected as a member (July

3rd) of the CODDIQ organization

• AENOR reported "positive evaluation" for the OHSAS 18001 annual


• The "Celtalga" spin-off promoted by Marivel Sanchez and Jorge

Sineiro has been awarded.


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School of Engineering E-15782 Santiago de Compostela Spain


Page 2: Newsletter Chemical Engineering USC Vol-1 Issue-3 · PDF file(ii) J. Ocon y G. Tojo (1967). Problemas de ingeniería química (Vol I y II). Editorial Aguilar, Madrid. Department of

3. Degree in Chemistry (Specialization in Industrial Chemistry) (1970-1994)

In the 70s an important change takes place. The Degree in Chemistry is developed in different intensification

areas (1973), defining the specialty of Industrial Chemistry. The curriculum included a compulsory subject in the


year and two mandatory ones in the 4th

year. The most significant was the creation of chemical engineering

elective subjects such as Industrial Economics, Industrial Chemical Processes and, especially, Chemical Reaction

Engineering (identifying the skills of a chemical engineer).

Period where specific contents of Chemical Engineering are included


Mass and Energy Balances

Unit Operations


Graphic Design

Chemical Reactors

Industrial Economics

Industrial Chemical Processes





Transport Phenomena

Simulation and Optimization

Process Control

Materials Science

Elasticity and Strength of Materials

Design of Industrial Equipment

Environmental Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Industrial Processes

Final Project

In the mid-70s Colleges in the cities of Vigo, La Coruña, Orense and Lugo were created which were later the bases

for the Chemical Engineering Units in the University of La Coruña and Vigo after the division of the USC in 1991.

During the 80s a large number of professionals were graduated from USC, who today occupy senior positions in

the industrial sector. For example, Mr. Luis Llamas is the Director of the Repsol Industrial Complex in A Coruña

(, Mr. Luis Castro is the director of the Foresa

Industria Química del Noroeste in Caldas de Reis ( Mrs. Raquel Vázquez is the

Director of the Alcoa factory in San Cibrao (


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School of Engineering E-15782 Santiago de Compostela Spain


Page 3: Newsletter Chemical Engineering USC Vol-1 Issue-3 · PDF file(ii) J. Ocon y G. Tojo (1967). Problemas de ingeniería química (Vol I y II). Editorial Aguilar, Madrid. Department of

4. Degree in Chemical Engineering (1994-2010)

The degree of Chemical Engineer started in the University of Santiago de Compostela in 1994 under the direction

of Professor Juan M. Lema, being the only one offered in the Galician region.

“The main objective of the degree curriculum was to

produce professionals with the highest level of

knowledge, training, ethical values and working

culture and with the best technical skills to design

and optimise with safety, environmental

responsibility and efficient use of resources, those

natural and industrial process that involve

transformations of mass, momentum and energy”

The needs of these new studies as well as the willingness to enhance the technological spirit of the Campus

Santiago determined that USC's strategic plan considered the creation of a new building. Thus, on May 24, 2002,

the “Diario Oficial de Galicia” published the creation of the School of Engineering (ETSE) and in April 2003 all

educational activities and the transfer of research groups from the laboratories in the Faculty of Chemistry was

the starting point of Department of Chemical Engineering in the School of Engineering. Two other significant

events in 2010 were the election of Prof. Juan J. Casares as Rector of the USC and Prof. Juan M. Lema as President

of the CODDIQ.

Among the different issues focus of interest, internationalization has been one of the key aspects which has been

reflected in the mobility of students and the accreditation by IChemE. In 2010 the degree achieved accreditation

from the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), which allows significant professional benefits for graduates

in the program. In Spain there are only two degrees with this accreditation: University of Santiago de Compostela

and University of Valladolid ( universities.aspx).


Web: E-mail: [email protected] Twitter: @EnxQuim_USC

School of Engineering E-15782 Santiago de Compostela Spain


First Promotion of the Chemical Engineering

degree at USC in 1999-2000










2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12



er o

f stu




From USC


Exchange students (Erasmus, Sicue and Bilateral Agreement) and

countries participating as partners

IChemE accreditation at Master


Page 4: Newsletter Chemical Engineering USC Vol-1 Issue-3 · PDF file(ii) J. Ocon y G. Tojo (1967). Problemas de ingeniería química (Vol I y II). Editorial Aguilar, Madrid. Department of

With the implementation of the degree in Chemical Engineering in different Spanish universities, the procedure

for professional recognition of Chemical Engineer in Galicia and Spain started. In the specific case of Galicia, the

first actions dating back to October 1999 when the graduates of the 1st

promotion created the Galician

Association of Chemical Engineers (AGaEQ). In October 2001, in collaboration with other associations of several

Spanish universities, the Spanish Federation of Chemical Engineering (FEIQ - was

established. Finally, in December 2007 the “Diario Oficial de Galicia” published the creation of the Galician

Professional Association of Chemical Engineers: “Colexio Oficial de Enxeñeiras e Enxeñeiros Químicos de Galicia”


5. European Higher Education Area (2010-2014)

In 2010 the Bachelor of Chemical Engineering under Bologna directives was initiated. This Bachelor is a

cornerstone in the global strategy of courses in the field of chemical engineering who developed the School of

Engineering within the framework of the EHEA (

• BSc in Chemical Engineering (4 years – 240 ECTS). This qualification aims at obtaining a professional work

in the field of engineering, according to the professional duties detailed in the Order of the Ministry of

Science and Innovation, CIN/351/2009 (BOE 20 February 2009)

• Degree in Biological Engineering (4 years – 240 ECTS). It is the latest degree to be implemented, whose

structure has been submitted for approval in 2014

• Master in Environmental Engineering (1.5 years – 90 ECTS). It was launched in the 2006-07 academic year,

one of the first masters that were developed under the EHEA structure in the Galician University System

• Master in Chemical Engineering and Bioprocess (1.5 years – 90 ECTS). It was introduced in 2013

• Ph.D. in Chemical and Environmental Engineering. This program has a long tradition in the Department of

Chemical Engineering. The current structure, from the academic year 2012-2013, is fully adapted to the

EHEA and has received the Excellence Mention by the Ministry of Education and Culture


Bachelor of Chemical Engineering

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School of Engineering E-15782 Santiago de Compostela Spain


Page 5: Newsletter Chemical Engineering USC Vol-1 Issue-3 · PDF file(ii) J. Ocon y G. Tojo (1967). Problemas de ingeniería química (Vol I y II). Editorial Aguilar, Madrid. Department of

In these years a great effort for employment training has been made, through various actions:

I. Activities in the industry. The School of Engineering are

involved in a number of different activities with industry

and stakeholders:

a. Technical visits to industry facilities.

b. Internship program.

II. Professional Classroom. The compulsory subject

"Professional Classroom" (6.0 ECTS) is framed in the second

half of the 4th year of the degree. This activity is intended

for students to complement their scientific and technical

training with a series of activities and seminars to facilitate

their successful integration in the labour market.

III. Assessment center. About 30 students of each course are

evaluated in an "Assessment Centre" by a team of

psychologists, trying to determine their skills, capacities and

abilities, in particular, concerning cross-curricular

competencies: leadership, organization, conflict resolution,


IV. Teaching in English. There is a program for implementing

teaching subjects in English (at least one subject per

semester). The compulsory subjects are also offered in

Spanish/Galician while the elective ones are only taught in


V. Development of Safety and Occupational Risk Prevention

Culture in both teaching and research activities. Both IQNet

and AENOR certify (2012) that the School of Engineering is

the only teaching and research Faculty/School with this

certification in Galicia and maintains an Occupational

Health and Safety Management System which fulfils the

requirements of the international standard.

Web: E-mail: [email protected] Twitter: @EnxQuim_USC

School of Engineering E-15782 Santiago de Compostela Spain



Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

in the pilot plant

Facet Ibérica





Page 6: Newsletter Chemical Engineering USC Vol-1 Issue-3 · PDF file(ii) J. Ocon y G. Tojo (1967). Problemas de ingeniería química (Vol I y II). Editorial Aguilar, Madrid. Department of

6. Research in Chemical Engineering

The early research of chemical engineering in Galicia was very difficult, since the Spanish university was under

reconstruction after the Civil War. Slowly and with great enthusiasm, scientific activity is displayed in the first two

PhD theses (1953 and 1995). These theses were presented at the Complutense University of Madrid, as in other

disciplines, because the Faculty of Chemistry did not have the sufficient number of Doctors (9) to have the

ministerial authority to grant the title of Doctor. This magic number was not achieved until 1958.

The expansion and internationalization of research

activity was not achieved until the early 90s, a period

that coincides with a more effective structure based

in research groups. This increase in scientific activity

is reflected in the number of articles published in

international journals included in the Journal Citation


The USC annually analyzes the scientific output of its

departments by scoring different items, for example,

theses, books and book chapters, scientific articles,

conference publications (with ISBN) and patents.

The Department of Chemical Engineering has maintained an annual growth of its scientific production despite the

dramatic period of economic crisis that our country has gone through. Moreover, within the USC Chemical

Engineering has established itself as one of the areas with significant research and teaching (average data 2010-


It has not only been an increase in the number of scientific production, but also in quality. This assertion is

supported up by two indexes:

1. Average impact index of the journals, which was 2.982 in the year 2012.

2. H-index (calculated on the citations per article). The h-index of the Department for the period 1988-2014

(July) was 61 ( This value implies that USC ranks

second of Chemical Engineering Departments in Spain.


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School of Engineering E-15782 Santiago de Compostela Spain


Chem. Eng.


Points per item: Thesis (up to 10), Books Chapters (up to

5), Articles (up to 12), Patents (up to 5)

Page 7: Newsletter Chemical Engineering USC Vol-1 Issue-3 · PDF file(ii) J. Ocon y G. Tojo (1967). Problemas de ingeniería química (Vol I y II). Editorial Aguilar, Madrid. Department of

7. List of PhDs in Chemical Engineering (University of Santiago de Compostela)

1950s G. Tojo Barreiro, F. Mato Vázquez, J. Espantoso Solloso,

C. Taboada. 1960s M. Quinteiro, M. Lamela Pérez, F. Rebolleda

Varela, I. Paz Andrade, M. Bao Iglesias, L. Espada Recarey.

1970s A. Arce Arce, E. Lazo Alcalá del Olmo, J.M. Gallardo

Abuín, B.J. Marzoa Castelo, M. Gil Rodríguez, M.D. Quintela

Neira, R. Antonio Ríos López, J.M. Lema Rodicio, J.R. Bergueiro

López, A. Reguera González, J.L. Hortas Pérez, A. Blanco

Seoane, G. Antorrena Álvarez, R. Blázquez Caeiro. 1980s R.

Méndez Pampín, M.J. Núñez García, J.M. Losada Beltrán, X.R.

Novoa Rodríguez, J.C. Parajó Linares, F. Chenlo Romero, J.M.

Correa Otero, J.E. Tojo Suárez, J.M. Navaza Dafonte, M.E.

Vázquez Alfaya, A.M. Sánchez Bermúdez, P. Merino Gómez,

J.A. Alonso López, M.P. González Fernández, F. Paleo Pillado,

A.M. González Sánchez, A. Correa Otero, M.C. Veiga Barbazán. 1990s R. Chamy Maggi, M. Soto Castiñeira, A.

de Vega Martín, M.D. Tabernero Apenela, M.A. Sanromán Braga, L.M. Pan Veira, J. Rodríguez Banga, M. A.

Izquierdo Pazó, J. Pintado Valverde, L. Guerrero Saldes, I. Vidal Tato, H. Domínguez González, J.A. Souto

González, E. Rodríguez Suárez, F. Omil Prieto, E. Roca Bordello, V. Santos Reyes, E. Álvarez da Costa, A. Álvarez

Alonso, J.M. Fernández Fernández, G. Feijoo Costa, J. González Álvarez, J. Gómez Hernández, M. Pérez Casal,

A.M. Soto Campos, G. Vidal Sáez, E. Fernández Carrasco, C. Cameselle Fernández, M.P. Souza Veiga, J.L. Veiga

García, S. Villagrasa Marín, José Saa Merino, J.M. Garrido Fernández, J. Sineiro Torres, J.M. Martínez Ageitos, J.

Mendoza Rodríguez, J.L. Rodríguez Rodríguez, M.B. Ramos Prieto, A.M. Torrado Agrasar, R.F. Moreira Martínez,

M.T. Moreira Vilar, S. Freire Leira, M.A. Cancela Carral, M.E. Zúñiga Hansen, M. Blanco Gómez, P. Bello Bugallo,

G. Pereira Gonçalves, C. L. Palma Toloza, A. Mosquera Corral, M. Dagá Miraz, J. Mirón López, M.J. Vázquez Vila,

A.M. Puñal Fariña, E. Rodil Rodríguez, M.I. Crespo Rodríguez, T.A. Lu Chau, M. Sánchez Guerrero. 2000s J.L.

Campos Gómez, A. Guillán Andrey, M. Domínguez Gondelle, M.R. Méndez Gil, H.I. Rojas Gaete, M.C. de Castro

Miguel, M. Sánchez Barral, D. Franco Ruíz, D. Méndez Paz, I. Mielgo Iza, V. A. Oyanedel Basáez, F. López-Suevos

Fraguela, A. Beatriz Marchiaro, D. Gómez Díaz, M.B. Fernández García, A. Franco Uria, M. Pinelo Jiménez,

M.O. Rubilar Díaz, J.C. Quinteiro Díaz, O.

Rodríguez Figueiras, G. Ruíz Filippi, P.

Artiga Acuña, A. Arce Ceinos, M. Carballa

Arcos, C. López Díaz, P. Poirrier González,

A. Hospido Quintana, J. Rodríguez

Rodríguez, H. Rodríguez Martínez, B.

Sanjurjo Santar, B. Arrojo Arrojo,G. Eibes

González, A. Dapena Mora, F. José Molina

Pérez, M. Jerez Longueira, S. Suárez

Martínez, L. Chaguri Carvalho, R. Portela

Rodríguez, A. Gallego Schmid, R. Pena

Rois, L. Quintáns Riveiro, S. González

García, J.R. Vázquez Padín.

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School of Engineering E-15782 Santiago de Compostela Spain



Page 8: Newsletter Chemical Engineering USC Vol-1 Issue-3 · PDF file(ii) J. Ocon y G. Tojo (1967). Problemas de ingeniería química (Vol I y II). Editorial Aguilar, Madrid. Department of

2010s M. Francisco Casal, P. García Triñanes, C. García Diéguez, D. Iribarren Lorenzo, S. Saavedra Vázquez, C.

Silvia Blanco, I. Fernández Rodríguez, M.C. Fajardo Ortiz, M. Herva Iglesias, M.D. Torres Pérez, M. Figueroa

Leiro, R. Reif López, D. Serrano Palacios, A.I. Rodarte Morales, R.G. Ulloa Mercado, A. García Abuín, I. Vázquez

Rowe, P. Daga Miraz, M.A. Val del Río, B. Calo Fernández, L. Cristóbal Andrade, R. Taboada Puig, D.M. Buntner,

M. Dios Noceda, A. Sánchez Sánchez, A. Iglesias Obelleiro, G. Rodríguez García, T. Regueira Muñiz, S. Lago

García de Dios, L. Lloret Caulonga, J. Santos Ucha, A.M. Gayol González, M. López Abelairas, B. Rodríguez Cabo,

A.M. Pinto Castillo, N. Morales Pereira

Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering

Prof. Joaquín Ocon (1951-1968)

Prof. Gabriel Tojo (1968-1976)

Prof. Gonzalo Vázquez (1976-1985)

Prof. Alberto Arce (1976/1985-1991/2000-2004)

Prof. Juan M. Lema (1991-2000)

Prof. Juan J. Casares (2004-2008)

Prof. G. Feijoo (2008-present)

Dean of the School of Engineering

Prof. Juan M. Lema (2003-2012)

Prof. Antonio Mosquera (2012-present)

Rector of the University of Santiago de Compostela

Prof. Juan J. Casares (2010-2014)

60th Anniversary of the Department of Chemical Engineering (2010)

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School of Engineering E-15782 Santiago de Compostela Spain


Prof. Gatze Lettinga. Doctor Honoris Causa of Chemical Engineering (2013)