Download - Newsletter 9th October 2015

  • Mrs Isobel Dawson 33/15 9 October 2015

    Mearns Kirk Lunch and Social Club

    Mearns Kirk Lunch Club 9 October 2015 1

    We had two visitors to our club on Thursday, firstly Mrs Elizabeth Law who came along to speak to us about her time as a Nurse during the second world war. Elizabeth gave a fascinating account of her time in Africa and she had us sitting on the edge of our seats as we all listened to her amazing story.

    We have invited Elizabeth back again to give us the second episode of her story, this time based in Germany.

    Thank you so much Elizabeth for making our afternoon so interesting, we all look forward to your return visit.

  • Mrs Isobel Dawson 33/15 9 October 2015

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  • Mrs Isobel Dawson 33/15 9 October 2015

    Mearns Kirk Lunch Club 9 October 2015 3

    Our other visitor was wee Nan , a regular and very popular visitor to our club. Nan comes along well

    prepared with lots of music for us, and we enjoy singing along to her piano accompaniment.

    Nan was giving us marks as we went along, and we were delighted to receive top marks by the end of her

    programme. We look forward to seeing Nan in two weeks time.

  • Mrs Isobel Dawson 33/15 9 October 2015

    Other activities planned over the next couple of months are for Halloween and St Andrews Day. We will let you know more about these events nearer the time.

    In three weeks time we are to be shown the video of Professor Sir Roddy McSweens Investiture at Buckingham

    Palace. This video was made when Marjory and her husband attended

    the palace and we look forward to seeing it next month.

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    Next week we will be entertained by our own Arthur, accompanied by Doris, who is the Organist and Choir Mistress in the Church. We look forward to a very special afternoon with them both.