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  • 7/29/2019 Newsletter #384



    The Citizen Newsletter

    The Conserv at ive Vo ice o f Henry Coun t y

    In This Issue:

    Page Feature

    2 Gird Your Loins:Stockbridge

    4 Residents Seek Ordinance Change5 Marines Conduct Urban Training5 GA Sheriffs Support 2nd Amendment6 Accountability: Georgias Senators7 Henry County Voters, Mike Moon8 John Douglas for US Congress9 Retailers Closing Stores

    Over 67,000 reads at

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    Issue # 384 February 5, 2013

    I highly recommend T & K FIREWOOD, TobySpiers and Kenny Byrom. Reach them [email protected] or (678) 772-9946

    I went to Craig's List and sent emails to a coup

    of local sellers. Within 5 minutes I got a call baWithin 2 hours Kenny arrived, unloaded andstacked the wood. I bought a stacked truck loa(about 3/4 cord) for $75. I paid an extra $25 fothem to unload & stack in my back yard. Greatdeal!

    When Steve Kroft of CBS News finally got arounto asking

    President Obamand Secretary oState Clintonabout the terrorattacks inBenghazi resultin the death offour braveAmericans,President Obamdecided it would

    be a good time to go for laughs. One thing I canguarantee you is that at this moment, somewhesomehow, somebody in the federal governmentscrewing up." It's disgusting to write-off thecomplete and total failure in Benghazi as nothinmore than "someone in the federal government

    screwing up." REMEMBER BENGHAZI

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    Gi r d your l o ins: Stockbr idge Hires Ousted Henr y Chairman BJMathis as City Economic Development Officer BY JOAN I E SCOTT, Proof of Right

    It is the trend in Henry County. When a person cannot win elections, such as the recent

    appointment to the Development Authority by new commissioner Gary Barham - or a politicalpayoff from members of the Stockbridge city council, we are stuck with people the citizenshave already soundly rejected!!~ The Citizen

    Stockbridge Mayor Mark Alarcon has announced the hiring of ousted former Henry County Chairman BJ

    Mathis as its new Community and Economic Development Officer.

    This makes Mark Alarcon unfit to be Mayor.

    Either Alarcon is aware of ethically challenged Mathis history of abusing taxpayer funds and approves of

    foisting her corrupt behavior upon the residents of Stockbridge.

    Or, he is painfully negligent in his oversight of City Administrator David Milliron who hired Mathis without

    any knowledge or input from City Councils members. They only learned of the hiring at the same time th

    public did in an email sent Thursday by Alarcon.

    And, lets face it; it would be an insult to our common sense for Alarcon to claim he was not involved in

    the selection of Mathis for this position.

    From what I gathered during last years campaign, it was common knowledge that Mayor Alarcon

    supported Mathisreelection. Additionally, Alarcon

    s wife was the vice president of a political organization

    Conservative Republican Women of Henry County, which held a fundraiser for Mathis reelection effort.

    That group is led by Sahar Hekmati who was recently arrested for disorderly conduct. Hekmati and Mayo

    Alarcon are both officers of the Georgia GOP 13th District whose convention was thrown out for flagrant

    rule violations by the Georgia Republican Party at their statewide convention last year.
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    Mayor Alarcon chooses in his press release to try and glowingly justify hiring Mathis based on her

    experience as Chairman of the Henry County Board of Commissioners. But the truth is, her record in tha

    position is exactly why he should not her any decision making authority over taxpayer funds.

    Mathis facilitated Henry Countys purchase of a $17 million dollar airport which directly benefited its

    adjacent landowners who contributed more than $15k to her campaign coffers. Her biggest donor from

    this group was none other than Billy Abbate whom was also appointed to the County Board of Health

    during Mathis reign of terror. He is currently in jail awaiting trial on 24 counts related to child molestatio

    Mathis oversaw the purchase of property for the new 911 Emergency facility in which the-Zoning Board

    Chairman Terry Echols profited $34k in taxpayer money for payment of a real estate commission on the

    deal. If thats not bad enough, after being investigated by the District Attorney, it turned out Echols was

    not even a licensed real estate agent. He pleaded guilty to charges and was FORCED TO RESI GN FROM THE


    Mathis signature appears on the purchase agreement which falsely identified the seller of a property in

    order to hide the fact that disgraced Zoning Board Chairman Terry Echols uncle was the actual seller wh

    absconded with $380k of taxpayer funds.

    In the same exact vote in which she spent $4 million to purchase land from the nephew of the police ch

    after his zoning request was denied, she also spent $3.2 million to purchase 123 acres for a vacant lot in

    Kelleytown from her crony real estate developer and former president of the Henry Council for Quality

    Growth after his zoning request was also denied.

    Mathis I LLEGALLY APPROVED the appointment of former District 2 Commissioner Fred Auletta as County

    Manager when former manager Butch Sanders resigned last year. The County clearly stated Auletta was

    ineligible for the position yet she allowed it anyway.

    All of this spending that Mathis undertook to reward her cronies resulted in a $10 MI LLION UNDERFUNDI N

    of the annual budget last year which resulted in a property tax increase for the residents of Henry Count

    So, that is the record Mayor Alarcon should have considered before hiring BJ Mathis. But instead of

    protecting the taxpayers of Stockbridge, hes played her same game of Reward the Cronies.

    Left to Right: Stockbridge Mayor Mark Alarcon; Accused Child Molester and BJ Mathis Campaign Donowho benefited from the airport purchase and Board of Health Appointee Billy Abbate; Ousted Chairman

    Mathis; Former Zoning Board Chairman Terry Echols who resigned in disgrace from Mathis Administratiafter pleading guilty to charges.
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    Residents seek to modify Henry County GA Ordinance

    Larry & June Stanley, Stockbridge GA, have started the process to requachange to the Henry County ULDC in regard to keeping fowl in R-1zoned areas. Currently the restriction requires a minimum of three acreand RA zoning. We are happy to work with county staff toward defininspecific requirements and authorizations for the code change.

    Note the attached spreadsheet of other Georgia counties and cities whefowl, specifically chickens, are allowed for non-commercial uses. R-1zoning currently allows multiple dogs, cats, even pigs as pets. Fowl sucas chickens, quail or ducks pose no more nuisance or public healthproblem and they do produce eggs for personal consumption.

    It is our intention to purchase three or fourAraucana chickens and house them in a coop within our fenced back yardan R-1 subdivision. The lot is heavily wooded and there is ample spacebetween neighboring houses or property lines.

    Araucana are brightly colored birds that produce blueggs. Blue-shelled eggs of Araucana chickens havhigher protein levels and lower cholesterol levels thanmarket eggs.

    We hope you will join us in this endeavor. Please contact June at [email protected].

    Learn how to become a beekeeper

    Many of the greatest beekeepers were handed this fascinating hobby or business down like a famheirloom, passed from generation to generation. What other insect do you know of that has had its product (honey) mentioned for a total of 57 times in the Holy Bible, New King James Version? Do y

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    know of any other hobby that the whole family could be involved in, learn from and share the marewards? If you are interested in starting your own generational beekeeping heirloom, then opportunity is available on Saturday, February 16, 2013 when the Henry County Beekeepers Short Cou(Basic Beekeeping) is being offered. The price for this opportunity is a mere $25.00 for adults (childrenyears old or younger can attend free with a paying adult). The course will be held at the Public SafBuilding Meeting Room, 116 Zack Hinton Parkway South, McDonough, Georgia. For more couinformation or application please go to WWW .HENRYCOUNTYBEEKEEPERS.ORG (Click on EducatioOpportunities) or call Tom Bonnell at 770-473-5434.

    M ar i nes to cond uct r eal i st i c ur ban t r ai ni ng in Jasper Co.


    The 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit will be conducting training operations as part of their pre-deploymentraining in Jasper County from Feb. 7 to Feb. 9. The realistic urban training will be conducted in Ridgelanand surrounding communities. The exercises will be conducted under the supervision of the II MarineExpeditionary Force's Special Operations Training Group.

    During the training, Jasper County citizens may see and hear military vehicles and aircraft, and spotMarines and sailors in uniform carrying weapons. The exercises will also take place during the night. Folkmay also hear audible "popping" sounds as Marines fire blank ammunition.

    Between Feb. 1 and Feb. 7, Marines will be notifying residents face-to-face and door-to-door that thetraining will be occurring near their property or residence. They will also provide a handout and contactinformation if citizens have questions or concerns about safety and noise. Although there is no directdanger, civilians are advised to stay away if they see training occurring. Law enforcement will also bepresent to help aid in this process.

    Georg ia Sher i f f ' s Associa t ion aga ins t s t r i c te r gu n

    c o n t r o lWSB-TV Action News

    The Georgia Sheri ff 's Associat ion , a group that consists of the more than 100 elected sheriffs fromaround Georgia, said stricter gun control measures won't stop mass shootings.

    The GSA's position on the gun debate, which is posted on the homepage of the GSA website, is as follow

    "The sheriffs took an oath to support the Constitution and will stand by the 2nd Amendment. The sheriffwill aggressively oppose federal or state legislation which infringes upon law abiding citizens' right to beaarms. The sheriffs further agree to support any legislation that would effectively penalize criminals whouse firearms in the commission of crimes."

    Putnam County Sheriff Howard Sills is president of the GSA.

    He told Channel 2's Shae Rozzi that that one way to reduce gun-related crime would be to ensure that
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    felons served their full sentences, insisting that lax sentencing of one felon cost a Clayton County officerhis life in December.

    "If he'd served his time, that officer wouldn't be dead today," Sills said. "But he'd been released on parotwice. He'd been convicted before of what? Shooting somebody in the head."

    "We have other issues besides just trying to ban weapons," Coweta County Sheriff Mike Yeager told Roz"We have big mental health issues that need to be addressed across this whole country and I think that'one of the bigger problems."

    Yeager said his wife is a longtime school teacher and he said he feels for the victims of the Sandy HookElementary School shooting in Newtown, Conn.

    Sills agreed that mental health is the bigger problem behind mass shootings, not the weapons that areused.

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    This is completely INSANE, CORRUPT and they need to hear about it. Then they need to voted out in the next election. Why do you send money and/or weapons to the enemy?

    NOTE: Both Georg ia Senators Cham bli ss and I sakson are l ist ed!

    Congressmen who willfully take actions during war time that damage morale and undermithe military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled, or hanged. Abraham Lincoln,


    Henry County Voters and Their Vote

    by Dr .Michael Moon

    In all the years since I can remember, Henry County voters and their vote has meant little to the peoplecharge. Usually, when the citizens vote an elected official from office that means they have either lost fain them or it was time for them to go. It is an ugly thing that continues to swirl and churn to this day.

    It doesnt matter what elected position the person held or a person tried to gain, the people who followeand became in charge ruined it all by appointing the very people who were voted from office or werenever elected. There have even been people who were hired to be certain managers or directors that welet go from that position and placed into another position that involved the citizens.

    You can leave the county administration area and go to the water department or leave as commissionersto be appointed in other areas such as zoning, development and educational.

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    What bothers many is that if a person was voted out of a position or was replaced because of lack of faiand then is placed into other jobs within the county or municipalities, then they cannot trust the governibody that has placed those very individuals. Where is the oversight? Why were they not elected? Whosought to gain their appointment? What motive is behind it? How much money is involved? These arequestions that the citizens have a right to know the answers to.

    Why would a governing body throw out its leader and appoint one of their own to that very leadershiprole? Usually, when someone either dies, retires, resigns or is impeached there is an election to replacethat individual. When the governing body replaces that individual without the citizens consent, then the

    governing body has evolved into a dictatorial form and has not given the citizens due process.

    When people are given positions within a government after they have been voted out by the citizens it clead to bad feelings, lack of trust, a vote of no confidence in that government, and further anger within community. Most of the time the people chosen for the positions are not qualified for the positions due tlack of the proper educational requirements, but in our County it has been known to lower therequirements to bring in either a friend or a former elected official. Just because they were elected to anoffice does not mean they have the education to fulfill the job they are appointed to.

    Given all that transpires in the backroom meetings where decisions affecting the citizens are usually madpeople lose trust in those people who attend those backroom meetings. Usually, it is a given thing that acertain action will be taking place to appease those involved. Conflicts of interest abound when an electeofficial has a family member on an appointed board whether it be city or county. This has occurred mantimes over the decades here in Henry County.

    Will any of this change? The answer to that is no. Nothing will change as long as there are links to thevarious individuals who seem to feel they are the only people who can do the job. There are many peopin the country who can fulfill positions and can do a quality job and not give the perception of a conflict interest. But with fore thought and a lack of malice to none, this is Henry County and one reason whythere is such a voter apathy amongst the citizens.

    Douglas for Congress

    Retired Army Officer and former GA State Senator John Douglas for Georgia's 10th Congressional DistricA stong combination of Paul Broun and Allen West, a nononsense conservative ready to take Georgia's voice to

    Washington DC.

    Douglas for Congress campaign kickoff ral ly!!

    February 7, 2013, 1:30pm, front steps of the oldNewton County Courthouse in Covington. Hel

    us work towards bringing fiscal and poli tical

    sanity to the federal government.

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    Eight Retailers That Will Close the Most Stores

    For many retailers, the sales situation is so bad that it is not a question of whether they will cut stores, b

    when and how many. Most recently, Barnes & Noble Inc. (BKS) decided it had too many stores tomaintain profits. Its CEO recently said he plans to close as many as a third of the companys locations.


    1. Best Buy > Forecast store closings: 200 to 250> Number of U.S. stores:1,056> One-year stock performance: -36.8%

    2. Sears Holding Corp. AP Photo/Alan Diaz> Forecast store closings: Kmart 175 to 225, Sears 100to 125

    > Number of U.S. stores: 2,118> One-year stock performance: 8.8%

    3. J.C. Penney REUTERS/Mike Blake/Files> Forecast store closings: 300 to 350> Number of U.S. stores: 1,100> One-year stock performance: -53.6%

    4. Office Depot Jack Dempsey/Invision for Office Depot/AP Images> Forecast store closings: 125 150
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    > Number of U.S. stores: 1,114> One-year stock performance: 50.7%

    5. Barnes & Noble REUTERS/Mike Blake> Forecast store closings: 190 to 240, per companycomments> Number of U.S. stores: 689> One-year stock performance: 8.95%

    6. Gamestop7. OfficeMax8. RadioShack

    Read about people who cannot seem to do the right things. Watch your elected officials repeatedlywaste your money and betray your trust.

    Dont just whine! Speak out. Get involved.

    The Ci t i zen New sle t t e r is provided by To Unsubscr ib e: send email to HC CitizenHenry Citizens for Responsible Government Write UNSUBSCRIBE in Subject: line

    Larry Stanley, Editor

    Please report broken links or other problems Email: HC.CI T I Z E N@HCCI TI ZEN .ORG

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