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Page 1: News report volume 9, issue 2

27 October 2014

US drops weapons and ammunition to help Kurdish fighters in Kobanê

The US military has dropped

weapons, ammunition and

medical aid to Kurdish forces

defending Kobani against Is-

lamic State (Isis) militants, while

Turkey has said it will allow

Iraqi Kurdish fighters to rein-

force the Syrian border town.

Following several weeks of air

strikes by the US-led coalition in

and around Kobani, the air

drops were the first time weap-

ons and ammunition had been

provided to loAccording to Lahur

Jangi Talabani, director of the

intelligence agency of the Kurd-

ish regional government in

northern Iraq, 24 tons of small

arms and ammunition and 10

tons of medical supplies were

delivered to Kobani in three US

C-130 cargo planes on Sunday.

cal Kurdish forces. The weapons

were all supplied by the autono-

mous Kurdish authorities in


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John Kerry says it would be ‘morally very difficult’ not to support Kurds as Turkey allows

fighters from Iraq to help defend town from ISIS.

Volume 9, Issue 2

Ottawa shootings: Soldier killed and city on lockdown

A gunman shot and killed a soldier at a war memorial in Ottawa, before police

engaged in a gun battle inside the parliament building.

Police confirmed a gunman was

shot dead, but Canada's capital

remained on alert through much

of the day. On Wednesday morn-

ing, two soldiers guarding the me-

morial came under fire from a

man carrying a rifle.

One soldier, Cpl Nathan Cirillo,

died of his injuries.

Three other people were treated in

hospital and released by evening.

Minutes later, dozens of shots

were fired inside the parliament

building. On Monday another sol-

dier was killed in a hit-and-run

attack by a Muslim convert.

There is no confirmation any of

this week's attacks are linked to

ISIL or the new military cam-


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Britain will have to pay extra €2.1bn

into EU budget by December

Spain’s unemployment rate

fell to its lowest in almost

three years between July

and September. It slipped

to 23.7 percent from 24.5

percent in the previous

quarter, as the key

services, industry and

construc t ion sec tors

expanded, while agriculture

recorded a fall. Euronews/

October 23, 2014

Britain's opposition Labour

would crack down on

immigration if elected next

year, its leader Ed Miliband

said on Thursday. Reuters/

October 23, 2014

EU leaders have reached a

landmark deal to cut

greenhouse gas emissions

by 40% by 2030, compared

with 1990 levels.

Correspondents say the

final deal is a compromise

between countries that rely

heavily on coal, and those

willing to instil greater

emissions cuts. BBC/

October 24, 2014

Kosovo pitches peace treaty, recognition to old

master Serbia Kosovo urged old master Serbia on Thursday to recognize it as independent during the first visit

to Belgrade by a foreign minister of the ex-Serbian province that showed how relations have

evolved from open hostility to functional co-existence.

Enver Hoxhaj said recognition should come in the form of a peace treaty, speaking on the sideliners of a

European Union-sponsored gathering of Western Balkans government min-

isters that was deliberately short on formality to avoid any diplomatic up-

sets between Serbia and Kosovo. Serbia continues to reject sovereignty for

its former southern province, which declared independence in 2008 almost

a decade after a NATO air war to halt the killing and expulsion of ethnic

Albanians by Serbian forces waging a counter-insurgency. There was no

immediate response from Serbian officials to Hoxhaj's comments. Reuters/

October 23, 2014

Britain has been told it must pay an extra €2.1bn (£1.7bn) into the

European Union budget by the end of next month because the UK

economy is doing better relative to other European economies.

The demand is certain to be used against David Cameron by the growing

camp who want the UK to quit the EU. British and European commission

officials confirmed that the Treasury had been told last week that budget

contribution calculations based on gross national income (GNI) adjust-

ments carried out by Eurostat, the EU statistics agency, had exposed a

huge discrepancy between what Britain had been asked to contribute and

what it should be paying, because of the UK’s recovery. While the €2.1bn

bill is theoretically due by 1 December, the amending budget also has to be

endorsed by the 28 governments of the EU and by the European parlia-

ment, meaning it could run into resistance if Britain is able to marshal

enough allies and given that there are many European governments reluc-

tant to hand an easy victory to those campaigning to take the UK out of the

EU. The Guardian/ October 24, 2014

Ukraine's PM warned on Thursday of possible attempts by Russia to dis-

rupt an election in Ukraine at the weekend, a vote being held against a

background of Russian support for separatist rebels and an unresolved row

over gas. Sunday's poll is the first parliamentary election since street pro-

tests last winter drove Moscow-backed leader Victor Yanukovich from office

and ushered in a pro-Western leadership.

The results are expected to turn a political bloc

supporting President Petro Poroshenko into the

leading force in parliament, where pro-Russian

influence will be greatly diminished. Reuters/

September 25, 2014

Ukrainian PM warns Russia may try to

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The shooting came hours after Canada raised its terror threat level and announcement of plans to join

the US-led campaign of air strikes against ISIL militants in Iraq. But Mr Harper, said the attack would

strengthen Canada's resolve in the fight against extremism alongside its allies.Later, Ottawa police lifted

the lockdown which placed in the vicinity of central Ottowa as well as all University of Ottawa, local

police buildings and the US embassy, but said the investigation continued on Parliament Hill, which was

closed to the public.

US President Obama condemned the attacks and reaffirmed the two

nations' close friendship.The elevated terror threat level came in response

to an increase in online "general chatter" from radical groups including ISIL

and al-Qaeda, officials said. BBC News/ October 23, 2014

Governor quits over missing

Mexico students

Blackwater guards found guilty in Iraq shootings

American security officials

said Thursday that they

were looking into a new

report that Islamic State

mi li tants had used

chlorine gas as a weapon

against Iraqi police officers

last month near Balad,

north of Baghdad. The

New York Times/ October

23, 2014

Senior US officials have

said they are considering

an Iraqi request for more

American military advisers

to help Iraqi security forces

in their campaign against

ISIL. Al Jazeera/ October

22, 2014

A series of leaks from the

investigation into the

shooting of Michael Brown by a police officer in

Ferguson has been

condemned by the United States Justice Department. Euronews/ October 24,


Ottawa shootings: Soldier killed and city on lockdown

Four former Blackwater security guards were convicted Wednesday in

the 2007 shootings of more than 30 Iraqis in Baghdad.

The incident inflamed anti-American sentiment around the globe and was

denounced by critics as an illustration of a war gone horribly wrong. The

men claimed self-defense, but federal prosecutors argued that they had shown “a grave indifference” to the carnage their actions would cause. All

four were ordered immediately to jail. The federal jury found Nicholas

Slatten guilty of first-degree murder, the most serious charge in a multi-count indictment. The three other guards — Paul Slough, Evan Liberty and

Dustin Heard — were found guilty of multiple counts of voluntary

manslaughter, attempted manslaughter and gun violations. Washington Post/ October 22, 2014

The governor of Guerrero, the Mexican state where 43 students vanished last

month in Iguala, has said he is stepping aside from his position.

On Wednesday, thousands marched through Mexico City and other cities in protests

over the disappearance of the students and the failure to find them. Angel Aguirre

said his decision would create a "political climate which allows attention to these

matters and their solution". Besides, officials have ordered the arrest of Jose Luis

Abarca, the mayor of Iguala, his wife and an aide,

alleging they masterminded the attack leaving six

students dead and the 43 missing. Abarca is ac-

cused of giving police the order to confront the stu-

dents, so that they would not derail a public event

being held by his wife. Al Jazeera/ October 24,


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Unending Hell in Nigeria

Nigeria is one of few countries where torture is a part of daily life. Unfortunately, these are not just my

words. They are Amnesty International’s words as well. The reason why Amnesty International and I

claimed like this is that in Nigeria, there has been horrible things taking place such as deaths, rapes and

tortures. The one who is responsible for this is not only the terrorist organisation Boko Haram but also

the Nigerian government. I cannot claim anything new about Boko Haram because what I am going to

claim has already been said by other people. In the end, we are talking about an unremitting terrorist

organization which kidnaps and rapes women and children and kills many people. Therefore, what we

need to discuss should be the Nigerian government since it is the only thing that can save people of Nige-

ria from Boko Haram, which experiences hell, without making any discrimination. Not too long ago, the

Nigerian government stated that they are going to do their best to find and protect our girls. Normally, a

statement came from the government itself make people comforting. Sadly, it did not help me to feel any

kind of relief. Nigeria is a state which is facing with a huge corruption and cannot find a solution for the

corruption. On the top of it, even though Nigeria has the biggest oil resource in Africa, it is still dealing

with poverty. Thence, the state's words were unreliable for me. Lack of time between the Nigerian govern-

ment’s statement about reaching a settlement with Boko Haram and the kidnaps of new girls took me

right. Apparently, there will be more posts written about this topic and more discussion about getting our

girls back.


The Effects of Sport Organizations in Politics Especially in Kosovo, Serbia and Albania have had a lot of troubled relationship since Yugoslavia dis-

integrated. Last problem occurred in a football match last week. Serbia's Euro 2016 qualifying match

against Albania in Belgrade, did not complete because of strange fighting. Trouble started when an Alba-nian nationalist flew a Albanian flag above the pitch. Then it was caught by a Serbian player. Albania

players tried to take flag before attendance entered into pitch. After of all, clashes started in stadium and

these countries. For example, some establishments belong to Albanians were destroyed by Serbian in Vo-jvodina.,A huge fight also broke out in a high school in Montenegro, Although Montenegro was not play-


It must never be forgotten that sport events cause politic crisis. The match which was between Dinamo Zagreb and Red Star Belgrade led to disintegrated of Yugoslavia. It can be another example about that

opening Catalonia flag in Barcelona match cause some problems in Spain. Some rivalry have politic di-

mension such as Glasgow Rangers-Celtic,St. Pauli-Hansa Rostock, Partizan-Red Star. Different from

these examples, sport events rarely lead good events. As we know, The United States and China relations played in a ping pong match.Despite U.S government sanctions ,Muhammad Ali rejected to join army in

Vietnam War.I think this match between Serbia and Albania shouldn’t have been played by UEFA. There

are a lot of examples such as Armenia-Azerbaijan, England-Gibraltar cannot play in formal international match. As a well-known example, in Gezi Protests, three major sport clubs supporters come together and

acted an important role in resistance. Then, Turkish Football Federation and Ministry of Youth and

Sports brought a new system as e-bilet. They claim this new system will finish hooliganism and everyone will go to the match safely but most of people believe that the main goal of this system is ending anti-

government rhetoric in sport areas. Gaining importance of sports industries and increasing hooliganism

incidents led undesirable events and it seems to continue increasingly. I wonder a sport event whether enkindle Balkan fever again and time will decide whether sport organizations will occur nice results or


Yusufcan TOPRAK


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New Turkey- Old Story

In the 70s and 80s it is told that people have found dead birds on the streets because of the air pollu-

tion in Turkey. Soon after they witnessed people being murdered by some others on the exact same

streets. It's been decades after those awful times, however we cannot say that things have changed.

We still unfortunately see people, being killed by police force or the others. I say "the others" because

I 'm almost sure that these dark faces will never been revealed. Even if they are revealed, we know that

state and law will protect those killers. The reason why is that states almost always favor the right of

those to murder, to beat people or even the ''sacred right to have an undamaged ATM'' over the right of

some people to life. Especially in our country we know people get really absurd punishment if they kill

women, LGBTs, protesters, journalists, immigrants or workers.

Then the question coming to mind is, what should be done from now on? Where and how will we ask

the rights of 41 citizens to life -the ones who were killed while protesting their relatives being killed in Ko-

bane-? Will we get used to people being targeted and murdered on the streets again like the deliveryman

of Kurdish newspaper Azadiya Welat?

It's sad to think but 'the new Turkey' definitely seems well-known and it is leaking blood of our own

citizens. It seems like the new version of Turkey is no different from the one of the 30 years before.



Brave woman who can change the world

Malala Yousafzai is the youngest person in the world who received the Nobel Prize of Peace. She is only

17 years old. Maybe she was the image that all the people were looking for or maybe she is really worth

receiving it, still either way it does not change that she has an impressive story.

In early 2009, when she was 11, she was writing a blog for BBC to tell her life under Taliban occupa-

tion. On her blog, she was always very sincere about her views about education for female at the times

that the education for girls was banned by Taliban. On the afternoon of 9th of October, 2012, on her way

to school, a gunman in the school bus asked her name while he was pointing a pistol to her. Then he

fired three shots. She had a very serious vital situation that she was unconscious. When the vital risks

disappeared she was sent to Birmingham, England. She had got lots of support from Islamic front and

also it took the attention of lots of national and international authorities. When she was healed, Malala

devoted herself to human rights advocacy for education and women. With the story and the aim she had,

she became very famous. This is the reason why I assume her as an image that we were looking for and

why she got the Nobel Prize. She was on the newspapers, magazines and so on. The Nobel Prize is not the

only prize that she received, she was honored much more times by lots of authorities like universities or

even the states themselves.

She has been so brave, being that young and under the rule of Taliban. And also, be an activist for

women’s education is not that easy in that geography as it is in Europe or in United States. For my mind,

she is worth being that famous and receiving the prize. She had been the second Pakistani to receive the

Nobel Prize and the first one to receive the Nobel Prize of Peace. As long as there are people like Malala,

there is also hope. Something can change for women.

İrem GÖL

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China-Japan talks fuel hope of

meeting to end tension

Deadly attacks hit Quetta city in Pakistan At least 13

people,most of them were

Shita,have been killed and 29 injured in attacks by

Sunni militans attacks

BBC/ October 23, 2014

US and South Korea delay troop

command transferThe US will maintain control of South

Korean troops in the event

of war with the North, the two sides say, delaying

again a long-planned

command transfer.

BBC/ October 24, 2014

U.N. investigator: North Korea should be charged

with human rights

violations. The United

Nations chairman investigating human rights

in North Korea said the

leaders in the country, including Supreme Leader

Kim Jong Un, must be held

accountable for crimes against humanity and

urged the Security Council

to bring perpetrators to the International Criminal


CNN/ October 24, 2014

Japan ministers quit over cash scandals

Two female cabinet ministers resign, dealing a blow to Prime Minister Abe's gender reform drive.

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has suffered a double setback after two female cabinet ministers resigned over

claims they misused political funds.Industry Minister Yuko Obuchi and Justice Minister Midori Matsushima quit

on Monday after days of allegations that they had misspent money in what opponents insisted was an attempt to buy

votes.Their departures reduce the number of women in the cabinet to three, after

Abe's widely-praised move in September to promote five to his administration, and

are being seen as a blow to his gender reform drive."I'm the person who appointed

the two. As prime minister, I take responsibility for this and deeply apologise for this

situation," Abe told reporters.Yoichi Miyazawa, a lawmaker and nephew of former

prime minister Kiichi Miyazawa, will replace Obuchi as industry minister, Abe said.

Aljazeera/ October 20, 2014

Relations have been strained since Chinese President Xi Jinping and

Japanese PM Shinzo Abe took Office

The countries are at odds over an island chain in East China Sea.They also

differ over Japan’s actions in China during the Second World War.The

BBC’s Martin Patience in Beijing reports that the brief meeting between the

countries’ deputies will be taken as a sign that the leaders want to improve

relations.However,it is unclear whether the two countries will agree to what

would be a politically sensitive meeting.The disputed,uninhabited islands

are known as the Diaoyu islands in China and the Senkaku islands in

Japan.The dispute has become increasingly tense over the past two years.

BBC/ October 22, 2014

Hong Kong protesters plan to hold a straw poll on government

proposals they rejected earlier as their street campaign pushing for

democracy for the Chinese-controlled city entered its fifth week.

With crowds likely to swell at the weekend, student leaders late on

Thursday announced a plan for an electronic poll of protesters on reform

proposals tabled by senior city government officials in talks on Tuesday

that failed to break the deadlock."The

government always says that the students don't

represent the people in the plaza and Hong

Kong citizens, so we are here to make all our

voices heard and we will tell the government

clearly what we think," Alex Chow, one of the

students guiding the movement, told protesters.

Reuters/ October 24, 2014

Protesters in Hong Kong to vote on

government proposals

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Continues from page 1...

Turkish media reported that the US military did not use Turkish air space for the airdrops. The US secretary of

state, John Kerry, said on Monday the Obama administration decided to airdrop weapons and ammunitions to

“valiant” Kurds because it would be “irresponsible” and “morally very difficult” not to support them. Meanwhile

the Turkish government said on Monday it would help Kurdish fighters from northern Iraq cross the Turkish

border into Syria to fight in Kobani. Sores Hesen, spokesperson of the Syrian

People’s Defence Corps in Kobani, confirmed that US military and medical aid has

reached Kobani and thanked “those that sent them”. Others were more critical.

“The question is also why it took so long to finally deliver military aid to Kobani”,

said Özgür Amed, a Kurdish journalist and activist. “Many people here wonder

about this. If such aid would have been made weeks ago, Isis would have never

been able to make it this far into the town.” October 20, 2014 / The Guardian

Tunisians head to the polls on Sunday for historic parliamentary vote,

a rare success story of the Arab revolutions, but vote takes place under

threat of violence

Tunisians head to the polls on Sunday for a historic parliamentary vote that

will push the country further along the path to democracy than any of its

Arab Spring counterparts. Nestled at the northern tip of a region engulfed in

turmoil, Tunisia stands out as a rare success story of the Arab revolutions.

Its Islamist-led government has withstood repeated political crises, learning

from the experiences of Egypt, Turkey and Libya. Yet the country is not

immune from political dynamics that have roiled the wider region. Domestic

religious extremism is on the increase, and Sunday's election pits the

Islamist Ennahda party against old regime figures who have chosen the

secularist Nidaa Tounes party as their vehicle for a political comeback. The

Telegraph/October 25, 2014

Tunisia prepares for historic

parliamentary elections

Doubts grow about government ‘truce’ with Boko Haram after dozens

are reportedly abducted and bombing kills five people.

Sixty women and girls have been kidnapped from two towns in north-east

Nigeria, according to reports, dealing a fresh blow to government claims of a

truce with the Islamist militant group Boko Haram.

Residents of the town of Wagga told Agence France-Presse that suspected

Islamist gunmen had gone door-to-door looking for young women and girls

and abducted 40 of them. Wagga is close to the town of Chibok, where

nearly 300 girls were kidnapped by Boko Haram in April, triggering

worldwide outrage and online activism. Some 219 are still missing. The

Guardian / October 23, 2014

Thousands of Iranians took to

the streets of the historic city

of Isfahan on Wednesday to

protest several acid

attacks on women. The

attacks had coincided with

the passage of a law designed

to protect those who correct

people deemed to be acting in

an “un-Islamic” way. The

New York Times / October

22, 2014

An Israel Defense Forces

officer and a soldier were

wounded on Wednesday in a

shooting incident near the

border with Egypt, the Israeli

military confirmed. Haaretz /

October 22, 2014

A three-month-old baby was

killed in Jerusalem and eight

other people wounded – one

seriously – in what Israel

police described as a “terrorist

attack” when a speeding car

drove onto a pavement

crowded with pedestrians

alighting from the city’s light

railway. The Guardian /

US drops weapons and ammunition to help

Kurdish fighters in Kobanê

Sixty more women and girls reported

kidnapped in Nigeria

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Sovereignty vs. Independence

Catalonia was about to have a referendum on 9th of November but Spanish government went to the

constitutional court and the referendum was declared unconstitutional. I do not really think that neither

Catalonia nor Spain could benefit from this break over if the referendum was done and if the result was

YES/YES. Still, the Catalan leader declared that Catalonia will vote but this time not for an official

referendum but for a non-binding consultation on its political future. Catalans are in desire of breaking

away from Spain for so long but at the end they would benefit or not?

On the one hand, they have a very clear complaint which is, Spain was in crisis but actually Catalonia

was not. Because they have more than 30% of all foreign trade in Spain but on the other hand, the trade

that they have within Spain is also huge. If they were another sovereign country, they would have to pay

taxes for their trade to Spain and that would not be really profitable. In addition, it would be harmful to

be a country that is not in European Union and Eurozone and to be rounded by the countries that have

these attributions. Entering to the European Union would be another long process again while Spain

being against it. That was the economic part but also there is a more political point of the issue.

Since the very first day, it was the sovereignty of one and the independence of other. So, if we get

involved to a deeper conversation, these are both values that are important for people. Also there are

historical realities and a real ethnic distinction which complicate the situation even more. Personally, I

think the solicitation of Spanish government to the constitutional court would not be a solution. The

Catalonian Referendum was not like the Scottish one. Catalonian referendum was to determine the

political desire of the Catalonians. It was not attacking to the sovereignty of Spanish state directly.

However, the consequences of the referendum might be more serious than only the determination of

political desire. To forecast what will happen next, we must read the process very well.

İrem GÖL

Where is Kobanê ?

Is Kobanê only a battlefield where Kurdish PYD and extremist IS (IS) fight to control a village? What is

the meaning of Kobanê? Many people in Turkey may think that Kobanê is not our issue. No, this is a lie.

You can choose not to see the tragedy in Kobanê. You can choose not to understand the meaning of

resistance of Kobanê. However, Kobanê has become litmus paper for more than a month. The barricade

which YPG forces build is not only a barricade to protect Kobanê but also to protect right to self-

determination, secularism & freedom of women. Today, resisters of the Kobanê fight to protect hope,

democracy and freedom. Dr. Rıdvan Turan who is the head of the Socialist Democracy Party (SDP) said

that “Kobanê is today’s Stalingrad. We came Suruç - a village that is on the Syrian border of Turkey- for

our fight not only fight of Kurds.” That is completely true. If Kobanê falls, no one can guarantee his or her

safety because Kobanê is not final destination of IS (IS). Maybe, the next is Urfa, Hatay and somewhere

else. Stalingrad was a destination for Nazi Germany but Stalingrad was the last chance to defeat the

fascist barbarians. Then Red Army and partisans succeeded that. I believe that today’s partisans- YPG

and YPJ forces- will defeat today’s barbarians and our children will listen the heroic victory story of YPG

and YPJ forces and their friends.

Hüseyin Sinan GÜLER

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How Did IS(IS) Come onto Global Agenda?

June 10-11, 2014: On 10th of June, IS(IS) seized the second largest city in

Iraq, Musul. They took the control of government buildings, prisons and TV

stations. One day after they captured Tikrit. Refugees fled to Iraqi Kurdistan.

June 29, 2014: The Islamic State declared al-Baghdadi caliph of all Muslims.

July 19, 2014: The jihadists in Mosul give Christians still living in the city,

the choice to convert to Islam or to leave the ‘caliphate’. Thousands fled before

the deadline two days later.

August 6, 2014: Kurds join the fight against IS(IS) as militants take the city

of Sinjar, stronghold of the minority Yazidi community.

August 8, 2014: The United States military begins a series of airstrikes on IS

(IS) targets in Northern Iraq, but President Obama rules out the use of ground


August 14,

2014: Prime Minister

Nuri al-Maliki resigns.

August 31, 2014: The

German government

decides to send

machine guns and

anti-tank missiles to

Kurdish troops

fighting IS(IS) in Iraq.

This represents a

major change to

Germany's normally

pacifist international


September 8, 2014:

The Iraqi parliament approves Prime Minister al-Abadi's new government. It is

conditionally supported by Kurdistan's autonomous government as long as it

meets their demands with regards to their share of the federal budget and

Kurdistan's oil reserves.

September 10, 2014: Speaking the night before the 13th anniversary of the

September 11 attacks, President Obama gives a television address in

which he promises to "degrade and ultimately destroy" Islamic State and

announces a broader anti-terrorism strategy that will expand to include

targets in Syria.

September 23, 2014: The United States carries out airstrikes against IS

(IS). The bombing is focused on the IS(IS) stronghold of Raqqa, a city in

northern Syria.

October 4, 2014: IS(IS) entered Kobane,

the town close to the Turkish border and

populated mostly by Kurdish people,

launching street battles with YPG fight-


What is IS(IS) ?

-Founded as Jama’at al-

Tawhid wa-al-Jihad by Abu

Musab al Zarqawi

-In 2006; Renamed as the

Islamic State of Iraq

-In 2013; renamed as the

Islamic State of Iraq ash-

Sham and started fighting in

Syrian Cİvil War, captured


-In 2014; captured Mosul in

Iraq and started a now-

month-old siege in Kobanê

Where Does IS(IS)’s Arms

Come From?

Most weapons IS(IS) possesses

come from the military bases

they capured in Syria. But the

heavy arms they acquired

formerly belonged to Iraq army

as U.S. Military aid. After Mosul

fell to Islamic State, Most of the

heavy weapons and military

vehicles were captured by IS(IS).

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Kurdish reinforcements could be on the way soon to defend Kobani from ongoing ISIL attack.

Turkey’s president says a deal has been agreed to send 200 Peshmerga fighters from Iraq to the Syrian

border town via Turkish territory.Kurdish political leaders say they originally asked for Turkey to help

Syrian Kurdish forces travel to Kobani from other parts of Syria.

But Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says he opposes reinforcements from groups who are al-

lied to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), for decades in conflict

with Turkey.

“We can not accept reinforcements to PKK and PYD (the Kurdish Democ-

ratic Union Party in Syria) forces in Kobani. However cooperation with

Free Syrian Army and Peshmerga forces is acceptable for us,” he said on

Tuesday.This week has seen the US-led coalition carry out more air air-

strikes against jihadist targets near Kobani. euronews/ October 23,2014

A secretariat will soon be provided for the jailed leader of the

outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) to help in advancing the stalled peace process, a leading deputy of the Peoples’ Democratic

Party (HDP) has announced.

Five or six months could be enough to complete the process, including the laying down of arms by the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), HDP

Istanbul deputy Sırrı Süreyya Önder said, while cautioning that the living

conditions of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, a critical figure in the process, must be improved. Speaking in an interview with CNNTürk news channel

late on Oct. 22, Önder said a secretariat for Öcalan, who is serving a life

sentence on İmralı Island in the Sea of Marmara, will be formed while a

new monitoring team will be delegated by the Undersecretariat of Public

Order and Security. Hurriyet Daily News/ October 23, 2014

Erdogan says deal agreed on Peshmerga reinforcements for Kobani

Secretariat for Öcalan to start working

soon, HDP says

The mothers of people who have disappeared mainly at the hands of

the state in recent decades, known as the “Saturday Mothers,” met

for the 500th time Oct. 25

A large crowd, including intellectuals and politicians, attended the

meeting at the Galatasaray Square in Istanbul’s central Beyoğlu

district. The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, who served as an inspiration for the Saturday Mothers, also sent a message of solidarity to the Istanbul

gathering, saying, "We are watching with

admiration; the Saturday Mothers will be victorious in the end." The statement said

the mothers would meet for the 500th time

today, noting that the individuals responsible for the disappearances had yet

to be investigated despite the passage of

decades. Hurriyet Daily News/ October 25,


Mothers of the disappeared in Turkey

gather for 500th time in Istanbul

Packets of an unidentified

yellow powder were sent to

five Western consulates in

Istanbul on Oct. 24, officials

said, prompting security

alerts following two militant

attacks in Canada this

week. Hurriyet Daily

News/ October 24, 2014

OECD said it is “seriously

concerned” about Turkey's

ability to detect and

investigate foreign bribery,

according to a report

published on its website.

Today’s Zaman/October

24, 2014

Turkey will be removed from

the gray list of the Financial

Action Task Force (as the

country has made sufficient

improvements regarding the

relevant standards,

according to a report

recently released by the

organization. Today’s

Zaman / October, 2014

Page 11: News report volume 9, issue 2

October 28, 2014

Gece O Kadar Kirliydi ki İkisi de

Kayboldular (Theatre)

Farabi Sahnesi/ 20.00

Valentina Lisitsa (Concert)

ODTÜ KKM/ 20.30

October 29, 2014

Gri Balkon ile Oradakiler: Molly

Nilsson (Concert)

IF Performance Hall/ 20.00

Taylan Ergül Keman Resitali


Bilkent Konser Salonu/ 20.00

October 30, 2014

Redd (Concert)

IF Performance Hall/ 21.00

American Blues (Theater)

Bilkent Tiyatro Salonu/ 20.00

October 31, 2014

Tesadüfen Kadın (Theater)

Ankara Sanat Tiyarosu/ 20.00

Ezginin Günlüğü (Concert)

ODTÜ KKM/ 20.00

November 1, 2014

Yeni Türkü (Concert)

ODTÜ KKM/ 20.30

Maskeliler (Theater)

Büyükşehir Tiyatrosu/ 19.30

Novenber 2, 2014

Yaşamaya Dair (Theater)

ODTÜ KKM/ 16.00

Marquis de Sade (Theater)

Tatbikat Sahnesi/ 20.30

Politics with Cartoons



Hüseyin Sinan Güler


Deniz Perçin


Erdoğon Arabacıoğlu, Aylin Yıldız, Eyüp

Şen, Yavuz Yavuz, Ömer Faruk Aykut


Meriç Yaşar, Özge Yüksekkaya


İrem Göl, İbrahim Karaaslan


Yusufcan Toprak, Ülker Nur Onur


Tutku Zengin


Deniz Perçin, Hüseyin Sinan Güler





Page 12: News report volume 9, issue 2