Download - News Bulletin-Issue 23-Sept

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Dr. Gayle MacDonald, Dean of Research Josephine Adda, Proposal Support Officer

Danielle Connell, Office Assistant

Research News September 2011: Issue 23

Please visit the Research website for information on internal and external funding opportunities,

upcoming book launches, the Research Ethics Board, and policies, guidelines and deadlines.


FUNDVANTAGE The Research Office has purchased a one year subscription to FundVantage. FundVantage helps us be more successful in our effort to find the right funding opportunities for you. FundVantage provides current intelligence on numerous funding programs. It tracks nearly four hundred Canadian funding agencies. We can target unpublicized funding programs and get insights such as success rates where available. If you are interested in having the Research Office perform a search for you, please let us know.

NBIF Research Assistantships Initiative - St. Thomas University re-allocated $25,000 The Research Office is pleased to announce that St. Thomas University has been approved to re-allocate almost $25,000 of left-over NBIF funds from previous grants held by STU faculty to fund five new Student Research Assistantships for the 2011-2012 academic year. The goal of the NBIF Research Assistantship Initiative (RAI) program is to help train students in education and labour settings. We’ve used these this year to balance the demands of research work, which requires many different kinds of support. Whether it’s organizing data or performing technical tasks, funding from the RAI can put our best students to work. Provided together with the New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training & Labour, the RAI is beneficial for both professors and the students. The recipients of these funds are:

$10,000 to the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Narrative to employ two students as a) Research Conference Assistant and b) Online Research Resource Assistant

$5,000 to Marc Gionet and the Atlantic Human Rights Centre to employ a student as Research Conference Assistant

$5,000 to Mike Houlihan in the Psychology Department to employ a student as Research Lab Technical Assistant

$5,000 to Clive Baldwin to employ a student as Research Software Specialist The Research Office would like to thank Dan Hurley for supporting this initiative. The 2011 RAI competition is open and faculty are encouraged to apply. Deadline for applications is January 31, 2011.

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Second Call for Research Associates for STU’s Global and International Studies Initiative If you wish to be a Research Associate of the Global and International Studies Initiative and you have not yet identified yourself as being interested, please contact Dr. Shaun Narine (Acting Director) at [email protected] by Monday, September 26, 2011.


New STU Faculty Publication "Humor, Stress, and Health" Authors: Dave Korotkov, Mihailo Perunovic, Marvin Claybourn, & Ian Fraser Published by Nova Science Publishers

General Information & News from the RO

Upcoming Research Office Events Graduate Funding Workshops

Master’s SSHRC/ CIHR Workshops October 17 & 18 Book Launches

Carey Watt Debbie van den Hoonaard October 21 November 25

Publishing & Writing Workshop December 9 & 10

Check out our website! The Research Office continues to showcase faculty research and their commitment to the work they do, via our website. Handy Admin Links - commonly used administrative links such as:

Campus Telephone Listings Academic Calendar Reimbursement Form

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Expenditure Policies (Travel, Per Diem, Mileage) Access Copyright Guidelines for STU faculty

And, be sure to bookmark our Immediate Funding Deadlines page:

Call out to STU Researchers to become CIHR & SSHRC REVIEWERS This is your opportunity to make a contribution to advancing research by offering your expertise to SSHRC and CIHR as part of their peer review teams. Following the SSHRC to CIHR transition for some researchers within the social sciences and humanities disciplines, CIHR has expressed interest to university research offices to nominate peer reviewers to assist in the review of applications. SSHRC has extended a similar invitation to research offices to nominate prospective reviewers. If you would like to be considered for nomination or have questions regarding this, kindly contact the STU Research Office at [email protected].

Grant Success Rates Disappoint

There’s disappointment in Canada’s research community after the

latest announcement of grant awards from the federal government’s research funding agencies.

“Despite an outcry over the state of research funding, success rates for grants have declined over the past decade,” said

CAUT executive director James Turk. “The results speak volumes for the struggles agencies face with inadequate

funding.” Read more….

Research Ethics

Panel on Research Ethics – Maritime Regional TCPS 2 Educational Event TO BE ANNOUNCED – Stay tuned

TCPS 2: New guidelines released on Ethics for Research Involving Humans - Online Tutorial Contact the RO for your bound copy.

RESEARCH ETHICS BOARD CENTRE FOR ADDICTION AND MENTAL HEALTH Getting to Yes: Facilitating Ethical Human Research Tuesday October 11, 2011 @ 9:30 am CAMH, Auditorium, Room CS- G58 College Site – 250 College Street Toronto, ON

Keynote Address: Professor Bernard Dickens, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto

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“The Ethics of Ethics Review: How Far May Ethics Review Extend?" Register by e-mail to: [email protected]

Dr. Will van den Hoonaard’s

“The Seduction of Ethics” is now

available in the Research Office

Resource Library.

Conferences and Call for Papers & Proposals


Showcase and Sharing Dialogue on Adult Literacy and Essential Skills-Dialogue September 27, 2011 STU, Convention Center, 368 Forest Hill Road, Fredericton, NB The New Brunswick Social Policy Research Network (NBSPRN), in conjunction with The Provincial Department of Post Secondary Education Training and Labour and the NB2026 Initiative on Learning invite you to participate in a “Showcase and Sharing Dialogue on Adult Literacy and Essential Skills". If you are interested in participating in this event please register by emailing [email protected] to reserve your seat. Please indicate in your email if you wish to have time on the agenda to present your research. All other inquiries can be directed to Eric Gionet at 506-447-3422 or to [email protected] Contact: Eric Gionet, 506-447-3422 or [email protected]

The 4th annual Excellence in Aging Care Symposium September 28 – 30, 2011 Centre Communautaire Ste. Anne, Fredericton, NB This event has had tremendous success with over 400 participants who work in the field of long term care, nursing and special care homes from the Maritimes. Nationally recognized speakers this year include: Dr. Richard Goldbloom, Dr. Jock Murray, David Levine, Dr. Jafna Cox, Diane Warner, author Phil Callaway and Dr. Joe Ruggeri to name a few. Registration Form

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6th Annual Qualitative Lecture and Workshop September 30 – October 1, 2011 Kinsella Auditorium, McCain Hall, STU Campus The Atlantic Centre for Qualitative Research and Analysis’ 2011 Conference keynote

speaker and workshop presenter is Dr. Jeff Ferrell from Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas. His lecture is entitled Empire of Scrounge and the workshop will discuss Autoethnography. The Friday lecture is open to the public and free of charge. Pre-registration is required for the Saturday workshop. Please click here to view the poster.

HEALTH CLAIMS INFORMATION SESSION October 12 (to be confirmed) Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia Agenda Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) will offer a health claims information session outlining the new RoadMap resource developed to assist industry with decisions on regulations. The session will be delivered by Anne Kennedy, Assistant Director of AAFC’s Food Regulatory Issues Division, and part of the Market and Industry Services Branch which leads the Health Claims, Novel Foods and Ingredients initiative. Please register by e-mailing (this form) with your name, association and address to [email protected] Information Session: Canadian Space Agency Science and Operational Applications Research Program October 18th, 2011 from 10:00 am-12:00 pm UNB Fredericton Campus Info Session for those interested in the Canadian Space Agency's Science and Operational Applications Research (SOAR) Program. Spaces are limited and the deadline to register is October 6th, 2011. Professor Brigitte Leblon email: [email protected] UNB Faculty of Forestry & Environmental Management


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AAU Teaching Showcase "Connections" October 29, 2011 Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax NS

Note from James Whitehead: These showcases are an excellent way to share and benefit from the teaching ideas of educators all around our region. Recognizing this, last year the Learning and Teaching Development Committee modified our sponsorship policy to offset registration/transport fees for not only those who are presenting, but also to those who wish simply to attend. There is a limited pool in this fund and preference will be given to those who have not attended recently. Those who wish to present are also eligible for additional sponsorship from LTD. Please check out our Moodle page at: under "Conference Grant Application Guidelines".

The New Brunswick Innovation Forum 2011 Atlantic Canada’s Fast Track to IT Opportunities November 2-3, 2011 Fredericton Convention Centre Let the New Brunswick Innovation Forum 2011 be your innovation matchmaker - connecting you with people and business opportunities you won’t want to miss! Program Register NBIF website

New Brunswick Health Research Foundation Conference November 8-9, 2011 Crown Plaza, Monton NB

Conference program and registration is expected to be available for September 1st 2011. Standard registration fee will be $175.00 and student registration fee will be $100.00.

29th Annual Qualitative Analysis Conference June 20-22, 2012 Memorial University in St. John's Newfoundland “Cultures of Narrative/Narratives of Culture” The goal of the conference is to explore the intersections between the cultures of our craft as qualitative researchers and the subjects and spaces we explore in the work we pursue. We therefore encourage submission of papers that span methodological, theoretical, and substantive issues in qualitative research. How do we tell the stories of our respondents? How do we weave theoretical or substantive narrative as we interpret the data our research generates? Whose story is this? How do place and space affect the construction and interpretation of data narratives? What is the narrative of your method? The stories we tell to ourselves and to others through the process of our research are crucial to understanding the importance of qualitative inquiry across a wide range of empirical settings, theoretical frameworks, and practical applications. Submit an abstract: Abstract submission deadline: Friday, September 23, 2011 Contact: [email protected]

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For those interested in qualitative research and interpretive theory, Memorial University has put together a list of related conference, association, and journal web sites, available here.


Working together to exploit Canada’s investment in data for maximum economic and social benefit [Ottawa, Ontario September 14, 2011] CANARIE, Canada’s Advanced Research and Innovation Network, is proud to be among the partner organizations supporting the Canadian Research Data Summit. More than 150 invited participants, representing leading decision-makers from academia, government, NGOs and the private sector, are gathering in Ottawa today and tomorrow to develop a shared national vision for research data management in Canada. Read more…

Getting to Green Session 2A: Case Studies in Achieving Sustainability Goals

Saturday, September 17, 11am

International panel examines the future of toxics reduction Session 3B: Toxics Reduction- What's Next?

Saturday, September 17, 1:45pm

Let's talk about Green Chemistry Session 3A: What Drives Green Chemistry?

Saturday, September 17, 1:45 pm

Where do we go from here? Town Hall Meeting: Getting from Lab to Market

Sunday, September 18, 12:30pm

Moderator: John Molloy, CEO, PARTEQ Innovations

Join the SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY SUMMIT for unique sessions


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Military and Veteran Health Research Forum 2011 November 14-16, 2011 Ambassador Conference Resort, Kingston ON The Canadian Institute for Military and Veteran Health Research (CIMVHR) is an innovative organization that engages existing academic research resources and facilitates the development of new research, research capacity and effective knowledge exchange. With a network of academic researchers from across Canada, it will serve as a focal point for all interested Canadian universities who have agreed to work together in addressing the health research requirements of the military, veterans and their families. Read more… REGISTER TO ATTEND

Canada’s R&D Partnership Conference November 20-22 Hilton Hotel in Montreal, PQ INNOVATION 2011 is a networking and professional development conference that draws from the global community of technology transfer and industry engagement practitioners from academia, industry and government as well as venture investors and other managers of Canada’s intellectual assets. The conference is a 3-day networking and education event that will build on the tremendous success of INNOVATION 2010 (program and materials available here). Partnerships with local, regional and national industry associations and others will enrich the program significantly. In addition to professional development, opportunities for networking, marketing and building relationships with key individuals and organizations in Canada’s Innovation Ecosystem are key cornerstones of the Conference.

CHERD Program for Heads & Chairs November 23 – 26, 2011 The Grand Hotel, Toronto, Ontario Expectations of universities in teaching, research and community involvement are changing and the responsibilities of individual faculty members are also changing. Who is better situated to promote growth in scholarship and personal satisfaction in that pursuit than a dedicated and competent Chair/Head? This workshop is dedicated to helping Chairs/Heads reflect together on the challenges, opportunities and responsibilities of this critical role in every university.

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DIVERSITY IN ORGANISATIONS, COMMUNITIES AND NATIONS 11-13 June 2012 University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC The Diversity Conference has a history of bringing together scholarly, government and practice-based participants with an interest in the issues of diversity and community. The conference examines the concept of diversity as a positive aspect of a global world and globalised society. Read more… The deadline for the next round in the call for papers (a title and short abstract) is 6 October 2011.

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Canadian Women Artists History Initiative Conference "Imagining History" May 3-5, 2012 Concordia University Proposals invited for 20 minute papers that address any aspect of a new history of women and art in Canada. Proposals are due October 1, 2011. Contact: Samantha Henman at [email protected] Department of Art History, Concordia University Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement (MIRCI) Spring 2012 Conference "Mothers and History: Histories of Motherhood” May 10-12, 2012 Toronto, ON We welcome submissions from scholars, students, artists, mothers and others who research in this area. Cross-cultural and comparative work is encouraged. We are open to a variety of types of submissions including academic papers from all disciplines and creative submissions. This conference will explore the nature, status and experience of mothers and motherhood in various historical, cultural and literary contexts, and examine the many ways in which mothers in different historical periods have been affected by, viewed, and/or challenged contemporary cultural norms and dominant ideologies regarding their role.

2012 International Conference on Law and Society June 5-8, 2012 Hilton Hawaiian Village Honolulu, Hawai‘i (USA)

Joint Annual Meetings of the Law and Society Association and the Research Committee on Sociology of Law (International Sociological Association), co-sponsored by the Canadian Law and Society Association (CLSA), the Japanese Association of Sociology of Law (JASL), and the Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA), UK. The Call for Participation and Submission Site* will be available on October 4, 2011 Deadline for submission of proposals is December 6, 2011 Proposals for Individual Papers and Fully-Formed Sessions are welcome

NeuroDevNet e-bulletin for September 2011

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ACCT Canada Sept. 2011 issue:

Start-Ups: Creating and Sustaining Investment-quality Companies October 5-6, 2011, Canmore, AB Building Better Bridges: Creating Successful Partnerships October 25-26, 2011, Ottawa, ON

INNOVATION 2011 Canada's R&D Partnership Conference November 20-22, 2011, Montreal, QC Building on Experience November 23-25, 2011, Montreal, QC


International Drug Policy Reform Conference November 2 - 5, 2011 Westin Bonaventure, Los Angeles, California The International Drug Policy Reform Conference is a biennial event that brings together over 1,000 people from around the world, representing 30 different countries ... people who believe that the war on drugs is doing more harm than good. Conference attendees will have the opportunity to spend three days interacting with people committed to finding alternatives to the war on drugs and participating in outstanding sessions given by leading international experts.

Announcing New Music Research & Composition Network MRCN will provide a worldwide, online community for research in all areas of music research and composition studies, following the model of other subject matter networks within SSRN. It is expected that MRCN will become a comprehensive online resource for music research and composition studies, providing scholars with access to current work in their field and facilitating research and scholarship. The Network’s objective is to provide rapid, worldwide distribution of research to authors and their readers and to facilitate communication among them at the lowest possible cost. In pursuit of this objective, we allow authors to upload papers without charge. And, any paper an author uploads to SSRN is downloadable for free, worldwide. The following Subject Matter eJournals are available within MRCN. Initially, subscriptions will be free during the start-up phase until April 2012. COMPOSITIONAL TECHNIQUES eJOURNAL COMPOSITIONS FOR CHAMBER ORCHESTRA eJOURNAL COMPOSITIONS FOR CHORUS eJOURNAL COMPOSITIONS FOR SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA eJOURNAL COMPOSITIONS FOR WIND ENSEMBLE eJOURNAL ETHNOMUSICOLOGY eJOURNAL MUSIC & ETHICS eJOURNAL MUSIC & SOCIAL JUSTICE eJOURNAL MUSIC & SPIRITUALITY eJOURNAL

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MUSIC & THE MIND eJOURNAL MUSIC EDUCATION eJOURNAL MUSIC THEORY eJOURNAL MUSIC, CULTURE, & SOCIAL CHANGE eJOURNAL MUSICAL PRACTICES & REPERTOIRES eJOURNAL MUSICOLOGY eJOURNAL The Humanities Network (HUM) distributes other abstracting eJournals. You can subscribe to these eJournals through the SSRN User HeadQuarters at

Intellectbase International Consortium Academic Conference Researchers are invited to exchange ideas, share experiences on research challenges, research findings and state-of-the-art solutions. All Conceptual and Empirical Papers are very welcome. Atlanta, GA – USA October 13-15, 2011 - Submission Deadline: September 25, 2011 Sydney, NSW – Australia November 24-26, 2011 - Submission Deadline: October 1, 2011 Las Vegas, NV – USA December 15-17, 2011 - Submission Deadline: November 18, 2011 COUCH/STONE SYMPOSIUM OF THE SOCIETY FOR THE SUTDY OF SYMBOLIC INTERACTION “STREAMS OF SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISM” APRIL 20-22, 2011 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, EVANSTON, IL On the 75th anniversary of Herbert Blumer’s naming of Symbolic Interaction in 1937, this Symposium seeks to explore both the theoretical and methodological streams that have marked Symbolic Interactionism over the years, looking to the future as much as to the past. Abstract Submission Deadline: January 15, 2012

Research Resources

Recent Additions to the RO Library:

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We have also recently started to collect STU-Authored Journal Articles, so please feel free to send us the link to your work as we would like to make it available in our resource library.

Recommended Website For a great website on Grant Writing click HERE to view Jo van Every’s “Helping You Be a Better Academic”.

Please feel free to drop in during office hours (8am-4pm) to enjoy a fresh (free) cup of our Fair Trade coffee.

Best wishes with your teaching and research, The Research Office staff Gayle, Josephine, and Danielle

P: (506) 452-0647 F: (506) 452-9591 [email protected]