Download - New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1859-01-27 [p 5]. · 2017. 12. 19. · wfaich ti untTT.f\ ». tat ül/lW.Mm*Will ihow hy H/ii-'.»»hi-wi opportunity offer*. It is «tat« .1

Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1859-01-27 [p 5]. · 2017. 12. 19. · wfaich ti untTT.f\ ». tat ül/lW.Mm*Will ihow hy H/ii-'.»»hi-wi opportunity offer*. It is «tat« .1

wfaich ti untTT.f\ ». tat ül/lW.Mm* Will ihow hyH/ii -'.»»hi -wi opportunity offer*.

It is «tat« .1 sutbonuiiTelr th*t lb*- üwuth.'rnand Weitem Democrat* vi] res st, tty every Con-

etitiitnaal ripedieof. any em.rt t > cba;x- toe l'ar.tT.fco f»r from tbe KVpnb!iaaM aVBBrBBJ to etan- ofl

action «>n this question, they will insi-t that to»-

rereneei be improved befo'.- the enormous

eipooditures deuiiin''ed b* the Administration are

tofed. Ite-y ttifl »iso oppOBB aew loan*, lniiaciagthat Government »ball pt) as it pass,Douglas's organ in'tis city. 7>e Aar**, wh.>«.

editor, Mr., *»«« fToagla*** ssaoYafeatial ad-riser in the recent anValty witn Mr. r'-t'-b,declares this evening that there is no longer *

D'morratic partv, and orte*, in proof of its asser

tion, the iisaesttoa betweea PiaaaaVal Daehaoaiand 8«-cret»r> Caaa aa the que«t;..n of Bqatttsi Benreignty, b*twetB I'.u'-banaii and Floyd Ofl t5e qoss-tion ot the Pacific Ra'lrnad. and between. Buchananand (,'ohbon the /miff {asatasa. It sa)s that on

HO eiDgle issue is there OOflOOrd in the party, andasserts that bat er nMisi m of Babel was not equnlto the pr*»ent dm-ord* of tbe Democracy. TUeStutti beirg undeietuod Ui BiprCM tt;e vie -vi of

Judge Douglas, the article attracts creat a'ten-

tion.The inten»! uWurii of the Democracy burst

forth ar.b great fury in ¦ dsbatl today which

sprang up in tie HeflM oa the hls»e trade. It was

tbe hottest debate of ttie session, being a real de¬

bate, and not the mere readingofaaaaya, and rtgedalmost entml) in IBB ranks of the Administra'ion,the Republican!, with one or two . x Mtaaai, lo.ik¬ing on arid laughing.A leading Democrat, Mr. Ilrar.' h of North Ctr-

clina, tried to »top it, aaybaj that, if it went on, itwould lead to aaaa]thing Worse than tne slave-trace. He meant that it would smash up thejiarty.Tbe testimony thai far taken before Mr. Sber-

BBBa'i Int» stigatiuk Committee labatentiate*ererjaiVgaiioa upon w>b h the up, oil tmeol of the ( oai.

juittee was predicated; ami, still niore, I under-*tar.d it bwplioBtOB alreadi ia gr*os eorraptioa oac

Democrat, h'ah in pajblifl sta'mn, whose name,

alien divulged, will cause much iiint'oii. Coin-BBraWfl Koarae) will bt. eiamined by the Commr-tee to-morrow.Tbe paity vote of tr>e fv-nate, refusing the cour¬

tesies <if the floor to the BOBto*ting Indiina Sena-tori ii unparalleled la f'on.'ressional history. Alltbe aelf-styli d Biete*' Rights Domm-mt« joined in

this deliberate UBHÜI to » sovereign State. Messrs.I.nne and Mct.'a rt hv have filed a legal brief withthe Judiciary Committee, the point* Of which an

imai sweruble.I* tiie A ..or lab ii Pr N

Wasaiai row, Wedoeeday, Jaa. 88, is&i.The Hi.ii-e Committee on VV,v< ami Means ha'l a

protracted aad eeiwat' I awatiag tail taoratag ob M .¦

liibi. < t ol th. tnrifl. Mr. Plata* of Mi - ajfj laid be¬tör. Iboh a bill t".ii. |a e.. otdJaoo* wi'h tne aaggw-tBOBBofthahoorYtaryol to* rraasary Mr. tforrillofVermont pn**at*d oaa. iBfpcrtid by tha two otherOf.posiiii.ii Bwaabara, hlr. Howard .¦! If.chigaa aadIBr. Iia vie of MaiyUnc, <. rataiaiag pr beipally cp> ciflcduties, ooaapooBood aad aaaatial with aa v*Jore*irates.Mr. IM iBipi of Pet n-vlvanir. batrodaooa a MB, has. I

tm the lanff ol IBfB, hi'!, | ibotl *f ipei IflC dnt:e-.Bad retaiaiag tbo priadpal part td tbofro* bat oi tneact of ISS7,blotooeofthaoBprojeet*aaa. to beooo*pt*bbi to

tbe iiihjonty of the Ooawiitteo. Meeara Latabar,DawdeU, aad CbawautO baiag apfioaad to aog ohaagaof tbo taaiaT at tins tboa,A* hw* taaa o aaaJoiH* eaaaol aaab* ft formal re¬

port, th* pwbaoihty ia that aothiog on thts eutij- -tWill b* report, il from tl'e (' «n* M> thi**< laiOB, Tileabavo-aawad biOa aiar, how. \. r, b* bi rgbl late theJlotise bpooortaay, oitatai *i*wol obtalaiag a de-«ision ot, tioir s« patat* an lit*. The C tnioittoe bar*B**a*>dth*ywillroaotia* Laaahiil, aioaBt wi'h ¦revision ol the tariff attached, atnl have ti\.-.| thatBBMoal at tareaty-Bsr* Btloooa, to food th* Treat \ryMot** aud pay the intaia*! tbarooB th* loan lo beJjajali'i- at plenei r* bfier two yean ami DOttM*?ix. AB parttV* are ia a qaaadary aHoot tne tariff.It seen s lo be Baderttood that taa bVipabbeaa* andJ'. ni n l\mna DaOMwrst* gererally snll eiipportt Bo daltes, bot 'I I majority M the Dmboi rats, ra'nertbaa do Ihi*, will let the tariff ataad at it 1*, ovaa iilb*j have to com to direct tuatioa to Mpport tb*Goran aarat,Sucb at leaet ii> tb* report of ger.tle nen who have

given eloee BttMlioa t.. tb* ^nvi.-. '.. Tba result maybe the passage of * $ 55,01 0,000 loan b II, and BOthtBgmore, for the relief of the Qomtbbwb* daring the Bedfis< a! year.The eoet of th* 000*1 RUT** for the thirteen vears

enciiit- ait* 1856, was B3,710.000, aad tor tbe n ilf* >« ar

tf l-.'.Tit va* f^o8,000, atahlag a ?otal, added to thefacilities rrtaiahad bv th* Navy, offt 811 ,«mm>.

XWVth CONGRESS....Second Session.SENATE....Washibotob, Jaa 26, 1859.

A ioint reaohittoB oai tatrodoead, aakiee for t oaatydays'? xtet sum of t"e LagWattU* t Kansas. K.--lerreil to the 1' uuti .It. .¦ on l', riitorie-.Mi. HAM I IN pr< leDted to-1 ndootiali of Mr. Kea-

eeureii fte B*aatOt fiom M -tine for oil J cur* fr >m Marctii_ext.

Mr. MA\AKI) Baad* a BMtiOB t-. BOBait V - -

l^ine MaiCaMl'V, cKiimi c to be 8*OOtOr* fromiLii.eiia, to lb* privilege of afaiiBaioa ob the Boot|n-i ilitj^ tl ¦ decieioa opt i Ibeir laima,

BJr. TRIMBULL apohe aaramtl) m IbTorofth*adaoaiiaa, a< a bopad tbi* a ot euortaay wo* .1 kaBkaadad aitbooi aMcoMioo, A r.: ual aoaid b*Ba*<reel i I fill to tl e S'ile of Ii .loit.t.

Tie aoottauB b--it'g put abethel to take aj> the roao-lutiotj, the May* bad >t wneteapoa Mr. IVEBSJMitiegos'ed timt it bo tahaa ap aao *rob to lie no thelal'le, to pn v. til us .ui. g .-p a,... u .'.a.iy BBtll tb*erd ».( the m wksa.

At. niiii at. ,1 detiate *B*aed.Mr. MAM>N maaed to tt.e mbJael on the table.Mr. BKWABO m reJareeei t.< vtr. Ia****a't re»

tt.aik, said ti e s-intir hjiw Q*iagl* ha*W bliil BlifllokaUy wed to k> oa that h* |8eaar* «as the las' msuto appeal, by loctl ni appo*ttbia, fron aay w*B ¦*¦ttired .loci.lot. of the Baaalo. Tb* faaatfoa oai tocrant to two gern!« BM u OiaOaOag to he N-a-ttors fromIn laae tb* priaihrg* to ataad behii t baobaofth*twoparooaawhooocopj tha ii.airs whichtBoyohabato N- tl eir own.

lie bad seen the Haagaitaa patriot, foreiaro minis¬ters, and multitude.- td f .**, gh n the pix.r priv.I. k-.

Ot s'an.l ng riKUii a* tUi loot. « .,::<. BthtOMIB OUVl n-

|aa tahowBaatan acd ahom tr.« Judiciary CooMOat-|a* may at any n obm t * ti port tfl t'< th-' v eritable Seti-aaOaa. BI* rblaaod the number ot square foat theyWoi.'j ia Bopy,Mr. BAiASD Dal ipohi ¦CBlasttb* idailiaioa,Tb* diect.eeton hav;iu re^px-p, ,i th,- pnrellr! CaBB e>f

rtalbot* and Ubol*oa, in t: .¦ WVtf t *rgBBaa,Meens. UK1.I. and I) A VIS dBM*a«*ad thatsobjeet.IbafaaBBBriaataooef favor, r-nat . latterbboppa4>tion to tbe adtiiirsiu of the ladt taa deltaeat*,h'tnaiu ti e r**olotiua wa* i >: tab**' ToaiIt. M tart B Pitch i ot rothTha PaeiBe Railroad bi'l waa taheiMr. u iUod sau er.-u.ei t ofwhiohtbi aasJa rbatarat

Bi* a Bond of In i . t gta**ra to lo it* ti e tairtnfoorth aad forty- Matoad paralleis,*ras lost Yeas, ill, finv*. 83Mr l>avi* » aaaroii toeut. r> inj the subetitute pro-

pesesi brj taa nit.ritv ,.f t Con* ttee, the* ro-t une.1, and was lo**. i*aa, 18] Najra, IMr Pugb s ainendii.erjt, that tbe niilroad stop at the

east, rt bot adat) ol Cahfofi t waa ab .. it l*i vs.

16; Ney». '.S.A aalat af *«oar tbaa anaa, Teeaoraay iaEiaew

ttToanaioa, oaaaaabj. ; iods t .<. ipooial urdafflor ti Jay. at '.' p mTie ^,'a.leriee were aicordt.-'y e'..'ar>,-i to BBMMBM

Whether they w- nlil l the - ltd MOOT, or i OBbmhho aaaaanMaa ot tba Pai ». it tili >ad IOa ir.e r.op-t. i £ ..f tin uoor«, tu> üm ..-."ion 00 the

P*1 .tic K»iiri>a.l bi I wa* reeomiMr BILL etM ke oa tl»»riotir.aniensliti. hS bBBBBBaj the ,.te ictn>Jt>cod

.>» Mr. htca for the Northern root*, "t r- voted .>u ar>llo»tMr. HAMMOND moved tolav tv.- bi'i on th- tab**,

* iii ?M^ 1,"t hJ T< « ''1 N¦ . *

au tbe flBBaaaaaaaa btbag aaa u>pi»^»dor, taoaor*row, at i a'chaah, is aop,,u,ud tor a vote on kin BaalP*"«aeof th* bOL A.ij i.rn ,1.

HOl'SK oi" BEPRKSKN1 ATIVE&u rnite Waiamci >a Jml. 186*.Blr. CKAlt. ^\\ fruaj ijou-uutter on tb- IMap

< Mb.*, rejM>rt»d * lull p«ev»d»rir tmt Hu» tr n«**por< ,.

f ti a « tM.rn IM A'UnOr t« to« a**eioY r i»t.

Mr. ENGLISH Ta i u m th- aaaev Committee.rer* rN-r*" * tob tlata Ii antat,Mr. CLARK H T.) Mi** CmMMM f»i J>

oinarv. mve an advera» t-t»>x\ on the I,A t am«»v!t act etUbbabnag tM C«vart of CUiMl, mM tB pae>mh creditors lo «ae th« Government. <»o ir»»*J a ofMr. (;|<'»W Ux iwpcrt »Tai ref rred "-.the C jk-jl-.U*,.f »he W'. u <,r th« Blaca -.f the I"r.i..n.

.Mr. ( BAPMAN Pa.) fr«¦ tbaGoaMtteeea JmMi .nty, Tma* r'wl a b U pu.irh i ¦ ti el -r^tog and r » ii.ier-.. lit* ol u arj r.>ijijtv land wirrait-, < -rtiticate« oflt»eanoa er pavebaaa, A .., or kn'.v n«!y c^not <.ri reolatiagtba taata,by la.pri-onn.ent r»»t leaatbaatbf'-t" a--r BOtC 'liaii tat y.ajti. ¦ Iba t\ K.nry.

Mr. ( ti.j.nat eaBerl attaatka to taa ImpTTaamof ti <. b .1, aaj 1| that it bad received tne uuiotnonaa, probation «.f tU C juicite* on tb« JadltUiy. Therei- Lot a htik'n'^ nt thi. tun« t pun -ta B0, ;¦, B0 oiTeoa-,a . for forging Treasury oot.;.*.

1 ba bl 1 waa parted.Mr. WHITELET DaL fron Iba Cinaiaillaa ot

Agricoltarv», raatatad Joan raaolatliiai de.ia-.Lir thatb M tba data erthaQoeatMM al u» ua>- a . itauoaatllutioeal, dipieenetk aadcoaMBerebal powan t.. ptaoaraf" i foretcI QoratMBM a a modification «.f tba r i>Ti"-t»m of ravai te in re*t» 11 to A-nencm toheeea, with a

Tkwtatbe icnmtti! of tr* peaaeta MrtiiatlaMi aodthattaaliaelaaaaoaabi t<> \>~ greM by the Kx<". ui:\e

tooerecsaalar aad oomaaeieial Bfeaie, tuat tm a

deniable reaaM may be prtriuced.Mr. O IRNET \'a objected to that portkia of the

roaoratauoa, whico, io oit opmioa, looked toiatabat rjCU'U-f.Mr. WHITELEY replied that t: tit wjiE ri r-

.er tioo.Mr. MORRIS Pa wi-h^d Am- rietn iron and albM

BtOwBCa included in t.'.e ,,rip. r*l protection, f.iileaoroJjot propoaod ipecial praUctiM to tftbicoa tail.Mr. STEPHENS 'Ja did n >t ee« aryttiitig ,'ika pn-

t»< loa ii. the raae attnaa, wbuh merely coutcmplatod.l e removal ».f re»uietiota.Tr e Itm latfnf " were pa--' 'I.Mr REL8RT If. V. katTodaeed th? Hou'-qt.-ad

bin, wbtek «m raiarraa la the Qaaa tat of t'u>\v bob) on ti. State of tbe Uaaoo.Mr. (.HOW I'a.; aakl a aimilar bill h"d Iwlee

j a«», d tte Iloii.e hi .1 1,-1 a-often be< n defeated m»i e Basale. A- ti ¦ labfeel had t»en aobatad for thelart otfbl venrr-, he n.-w merely wnb'-l ta r.-nu, 1

MB'lema bat tbe gaa/afamaatl ibaaH b.- broughtfar k to ü v Kroad pr m iyle of |i gialation la d d.'Wn byOti. Jaebaoa. tuat tba pabak laadoabooMoeaaatobe « aoerea of raeeaae aad f*» tat aparr f..r the home*ot aetoel aetliara. Ho trnated Coagieaa would eanr-

tioi ! n prioi 'pie, ar.d put no end t.> cp*. uUtion andl»nri Beaopoly. Tba laitat baa bcoo triad in the aidworld, ami Pi fru'ta are oilHai in the tetra of thej*ople. I t.- riieia'e* of hnaia' ity and a i- loin rerjuu-Iba pobiic laada to madtapowd af id aaok a way aa

aill t>»rd proaaotC tba peterul w. ifnre hu.l elevat*- tndeonoi le the brasea raee« He gave aoi . that heWould to BMUTOW t«h « vote, aid in tMltl Tt MOOBt 1to be '. wei. rui eoMonoi a,

I he Uoure yerfdved into Committee of th.- W !rdeob tbi State of tha Uafoa oa tba Coaoalar aad Dipb>nmtic bill.

'It' Coradttaa rajeetod th« peridoig anendinent,wbieb ta to the effeöl that no moaey ahall b» ev-

j,< i Of it 'i. rapport und for tha eita mtaM od Iba recap-Trir. il Atrien «.

Mr. LRAVTFORD Oa rerad ho amaadbaaai,redociag the propeaM |7o,0M) tfl eoabb»the Preaiocnt to carry ntr) the Ih»- «.i 1816, f.. 145,000, Herobt« ad« ti i bei tlie Pn ki.i. nt bad i .> oatbonty la ooa*ttnet with tb* Aawrioaa Coioaiaativa Society lor theedoeation aad aoppurt of tbe AfTteaoe ol tbe Eebo.Mr BTEWARf M*. 'aid, if it was leaaaoaij, in

earryii k ooi ttie aot of 1819, to ctipuinte fur ti ehredn-i a loa aad nipport, ao obj*oth)0 ooaU be m hie to th«rotitroel aotaräd lato by the PreakaMt. ToeMorthtunke war in the Pieeideal for eoforcing tbt FugitiveB ' ve law. ami. if tt> Pn tei.t tafOreea tb- low forthe Dpprvaaioo oi the ilaee-trade, tbe Soatb makewr.r ot 'o. II- wa« o| pooed to tbli ol'raiMii.Mr. MOORE Ala adodtted there on piaoadaabi

f< r tb« PieekieBt'e actioo, t ut there aar a qatatlMabove that. It Wae wl e'tier tbie (iovernmeot «hotildcoi i.. (t rteelf with tt a at hi a t oi the ('..lou cotkaa Seciety. aod bolater op that rottea c oieero in Liberia,whii h I at provf .1 a failBfO and an abortkaa.Mr. MILLS* »N (Va») axpreaaad hat tarprka at the

Kiaitteeaeaa ej bibitad t>y got Ueflata a ho heliev« thatto eoottema tie tlaTedraoek to reproacl v '.very.He t id oot ki ow what Ue tue Frehid-ot eool l havedoae relativ, to Ii I Mtaptarad Atnt-ana.Mr. CASE lad »aid he ooaM oot aoe bow thar

Dueld. ooaaiateatl*. vota moaey to adocale theaa Afn-bi i in Ltbaela, when t! a adMattoa itl ne«r>.H^ m taaSlave Btataa ik n.« le n arlailaal off.-noe. T.i'k about;t.e hoirorr of ti e middle, ji.'tfeage, -ie h id read no a l-

rortiaeaaeat of a raaaway rigbt aadar our ImiMdlatofiew who. it wa* rtated. eoald be idaatiflad by hia(-Tint hatvda ard baeb. Hobm, for tbe take of con-

datetey, trey ahoold ttriha oattheproviaion of thetill l ow oadi i l otirui. ration.Mi. KE1T1 v c u. reply to Mr. MJUtM, aaid Sootkern ».' ath u en baa meraly proveated njainatbit I! v it to. i t, full ii.minted on an Ai.ti 8 avery11 ti ei.t. ruling down the reotriolaOBI oi law. Tne

Pit mient no light to make a e. n'ra. t for the mmm

port aad moiateaaaea ot tba tiegro«-« of the Reha.I'be chuity of tbu GvTeraaaat hM boea prooMa^adto opbeleiag the Cokaoiaotioa StekttT, which fpruogup If. ;n n rpurn Dt *ei in . single night,and whieb leoatvta ita lapputt iroui old ¦okhi IMJilapidaJed pobtiotaae, wtw ooloaise oe^r.Htr iron a

a au< !iu humanity. TbU in what the rToeideot batlol.e.Mr. BONHAM 8. C ptopoaed and advrK-atad an

in bdtuctt ooitfioiag tbe appn<priatloa to the totat1819, tad >triK11 a: out the worda, " ar.d any mibae-¦04 i.t at ta ao* in force."Mr. bEWARD too io. ked on tb- laws f ir the

|>roy»a*fc.b aaO toppreetioa ol the al a re trade aa in

lioiMuii ot th.- CuaolilaUoo. He wanted Oeoegjiaii.d toe i th«r Southern st^iea to buttle tue matter forimmm .vea.

Mr. BARK8DAI4E Miaa.) iadjened Mr. S ward'*..ii iiik-, hia regarded tin* diacoaaioo a* out oi plnce.Mr. BURNETT (Ky.) had Utteoed with aurprl-a

.ui teilet to tto ditcoaaiva on the tab|*ot of reopMng the tlava-lrade. 11.. r-.g-rd-d it uDtortnaata faabtaaeetkoof tie ouMtrj ia tbaaama of woioebe ,

entered hi- proti .-t ui:aio-t theee procee liog* aa caloo-ated to pi tee it io a fallt poahkta. Wiu n tba t ow<>u « e to roive the probleui, tln u will lx- the tiuie forBoatbera geatleoara to move in tbia ma t-r. Hetl'ooght tl e law of 1819 conferred 1 n the P|» i-ib nt tbe

power to So what he bad aoaa in raatrawoe to theset roea of tl. K« bo.Mr. SINGLETON Mkt UMpltiMd of a fora

eoattiuctioo h mg *tiven lo tue law. 8upj>one tnererl. :. be i. I'd k RV ; ibBOM Pl< riden', bit part -aoa

atoeld cuiy «.nt the praoeabrnl ooa aot^ght to be a '.tod taba aaoaay oot of tie Tiaoewrato an uuhuit-ddmooot for aimiUr purpoatt. Will the Itomtvraticparty pat a eoaatrt m tbe law which will operateagaiatl Bl IO the future The .safety of the S utO, itbail u' t«. the miaorky, attpaadt on a atii : t laatrai Inauf tae Cor-ttitt ivka.Mr. Ill OBER Ind. bud licteoeJ with iaUfmt, but

oof ¦itboiil t tir) r.»t acd re^nt. to th.a dkvooteOB,Mr. OaRTMeLL <;i raialy appealed I geatke

Bftta to a vote ard «'i-p ee of tutu bill.Mr JOHN COCHRANE N. Y.J and t!. dabata

ati ¦are eaoktiag than lattiafitlre He folly agreeda Ith tha gi Dthanta oa bit ride of tbi Hoaae, tbattftie faeetwa propeaed waa to be oaadküy aad mao-

Mty, it taaaM ba ataM on tee iaeue abatliti thetlave-trada ^iould I.. Mtaaibttad or perarittril. tadLot in a debate, OoUatnraltj, on tlie phraseology ot an

»PI ropriation bill. The qaeatieaaowia wbatnar, aa-dar txtatfaag lawe, certain acta have b.-^n parforai Iboaaairj aad at g«»«.d faita bf the PTtatBaat, amiabetharthi lapraaaBtattaae af tba j .¦,. vr

tl« appropriation ehouid be mvle to defray theMpeaeee haoarred by the Adu.ini.*:rati. o. No patBMitbere to proaotaaea ta any albtc pofaal t'.ao Urie. Atto tb--rlave-trMe connri.» froa the North b.v wonllhe ready, al the p*oper lime, fairly and maofu.iy totaba bit pj titioa when the lasoa ¦* raka i.Mr. GROESBECK I' I tatd Ikj Bot I

p. ttpoaeaatat of tM irtue. He waa raedy t > bmb! Inow. It was more 1 kely that an act Baal i be ]>v-*edu t Iba more laitbfal aaacatbaa of the pre-tu: 1»»».

tl an tl at ib>e«' on ttc itatu'.e bi»>k a !', hi reg aled.He expreaeed regret at tbe occurrence of toi* debate,aadtaal a humane act on tbe part of the PeH It ihad u«-t with ruch rtrrn abJaefSMi Bt approvedeaiaylhhMj tba Piaabdaat bad done ic tht vaaa,

Thia coBnlry wodki aave riMajarad t. r ;.! .: theeea : - bad b*. ti baraed adrift aid bb| i ¦'¦ 1 bar n

tt r thoreeef A rica. He. ne a tkOMarat, t jaokedtbe Piattatal.¦ h« tna&ked him fer hia buuianity ia

tre inuie ot the l at ion

Mr. HCGHES (lad. ix n.-urred in every word Mr.Orotabeth kad attatad. He had always said tue

!». too. rat" party aaa aat a secti<»oal party, and that

Iba Coaatrf itxaj k it.* platform in letter and apir.t-He had a>^)r ladaowaaka, il that final nation ltn-

t.H-. ,1 M o. g.-otre he wat for it «Uli. be?aa»e

: a tv the Coaatkotkaj of hi* eoaotry. Tr.e Consuto-;. p hr :mpitcitioo IM duty Oi t I

aappmiaioa of tne tlat e-tr«d»; ar.fl If tha time ahoalJa*t« r oew w h<-n at y eOMkaV raSle partbOO of the l*ex-aaatle partv ^ball l y indu-ection propose to fa^'en and

aaeaaragi thai traee, the Putattrtlifi patty canaottv.*rt that it is a ontiooal party, aa H ooa :a. He waa

leadj tar aayet Mb hNJM.Mr. S1NGLKTOX Mi.**, remarked that ha had

eaateaaed t rWakM a* to tne ala ve-trade.Mr Bl K.NKrr k^ a«ud that it wa.- cot th- duty

el ..«..,..- Ragbka OaäeiraBa, aad tt.aba!..> Btriel ruaalnatakiaktla.ladtteaei "C th-' peadiagbill qO' BtkM o'tmn t<-i aiih tr .. AtrijM hkttw»Tfaahi.He yirliic*! to ».> ma* io bu adhei Mb ta tIf -'hi* ttI,. St.iUa, am v.ea it: r e-ij to r .. tthftifrom any q-*rt<r.


Mr BAKKsUALK M m wa* mi tied Phot IBBPt rl-**r*. ir Mnairj the Afri» im nftr-? bark Echo.kail Tb.fofed law. Th.-re wa* .«. .v.tin r'.r 'it !frf>MMniI l'rl >.mi ¦..¦) j;- etrg i».-»r-\er t..«*. kkB1*1.1 ..: t -. ' !. .. ; 'fot n -a 1. wa. : tpn-parfd :o rot Ieinn Lim. I'aJ. r proper nr<in-Hants, be abeeJ i U- prep '-i t«. uk»-* \,... t -a i1

tke leopenog '( tke .Vart-tra ie atd m .'e fever. T. *

»*!..> f tl" N' t"- t.r.'i v. ;s .! a j-J S f ;slbffkfl. .vc ti. r of lb* laai.Mr. M( IH'l.s f>| raid th* leh*t***l the .; .-

Me *B**d*d bia* Beach »rrat fa aftäaa, t t *B*Mtim Ithere woe mo Batch ot a poo* rh-rs». If t^rao-'!flrraer.t tc take the tote or s'nkirjr oat the »ev-

BSB ui..-r .¦ b*i*V ra;.«. o. L... boJmttoi it oeflU bo th*Lot t! bag th.y *ol so.

I.. id ar<1 .-'arre-t erlei for " TT- T*-t.. t. |Mr. ct.AV Ky MMtooty*d<ulayhebadsetssl n

to rtmcik that L. a a* <pfn.f i to ail law» on 10*etetute hook ia r-fMiio- tn«- -. . v--*r*i i II \

plait-.1 trat *e ¦ ar war- it" .-¦ DOfMM .¦ to r«»per.i*a*tttha: he wsj. sod ;t ti.: 1 bt v i be w»« *u»:*.-

hy Li» i oi sti .. 1! ii pre-!-tt l;,w. ji'tr.ts'in ;to* elav' -Uace a» piracy were to R-ver. tu«t they««.nl<l sol t-* toiort'-.l. o'jj.-r p.-aaitiini.t.t t<epas*bud. B*dkl Botbeliere a watt* nun could bebanged frrit «Itb< r ;n th* Boot! or fa Boatao. IIwas appsssd to the sighth recQos of the tnaty -4Wa.-; !¦_: t. n- it we- aa . :.!«:.k.:t> w.:i

0r*atBritaia aatl eoassd sota . . ct tha An riMag. Be hoped] thai Botioe neon be gtaao to GreatBntaii topotaa eedtetis* tr. tty,m thai wc BMjprr-t IT* our owr, poSe* ot tb» fen"-.Mr. Ill KN I T I. Are }on not ir favor of eaforcit-sf

tl e !«w- »:. \ -..

Mr. t i.A\ . I11. Mil KS .s c mi lbs war that bktnoaathrog

a aantbnsl rtL. He et»^> 1 hire a hoethasa mirr»ptc.ei !.tk- ;. pal' a »< v. r- «.t .xaU. I hey-of tb*8otitbcer.rxt lo.: be leottcaal, b cause they tnu t tx>ubi°- 11¦>'( h't'ail. t, >r .¦ vs. Ik ¦«..»..'- Liw itir. t!.i Ihm < rath) .".t k-. If onebi seit* with th*Det&ocrate wheri : .. c. bt so so tuosefa Brlooity sadro&irttctlT. bavinc retcrecce to hie State and »acta >n. |When t; -y rahed ore«u i in to *>pat half of a hair a jkveadtk froa bis priacipli ,L w *ld tara kia kocfc SBtttA Imt* thasi fa* Be waa act coty i'iaparad toadvr<-«te the r.op^riig >4 tbe s'ave-'^ide bnt theawe* pitaway u Oil laue at.. Btaarpod his b*b>¦tataetta a? pirate*, aid plaeod u «ugma oü Soa'.herclattital .

Ms. GOOCB Mn- did* t regard this die usiusawart'oi time, at it fott shalowcd theeooia* here-jr.ft<rto bwporvood r UtiaBo -. It waaripjht ta*p. ople ^i r .Id kc w iu ft'l\ance the fOBBtaoB* theirrepueetitat v* - w !i t>e called oa to debate. Hid thepeople beta tbaa forewaia*d.hadun they eleob leer*tain ii.11.: nSJet,>h*re waoad ha*. hoeSiO sBhareaJrt-ui*. Theapptehca*io< waseipretsad hi aasathwpaa (Mr. SinaMtori es to what a Rtpabw ia Preat-Saat wooaidoh taeev tt of aacbai tbKlBoa BeMr. C.i«x aoiiii. -s;.. t at. in 1.'- optaaB*. abaömth*K< put.In »i s - .ri > to ].. *. r n.-y wo il.i K;-,e : 111law t- ': ¦< kl Vahjl two l>>inoera-.(Pmkkat* bate k^.n it.".- t-a" » eot.-truet <« i»twhich t e Hetoo rain p..rt> hate uc<piie»<ed fortotrt) jeartj they wouh not go & Hep further t 'an

pteoo. i t woaldjuatify, sopportod bi tl o opto., ua (mm ag U*BMHratti atate»aiaa. 'lie BosohpaotisigivLi by the Pn at t th* v-f IM:» it the irrtet0!Mr. ni'vvn N. ( vi r.-.e' th" do,ire thai th«

I mrx.ittt rite. To it i' I ate proOi« tare of m< t.-

ili- thaL the ii in- coteiin ft.on ot .u.a.

Th< rlaaai aadei i aatdeiatioa, ai appropriation toenable tr- Pre*id Bits cany iatosflhaaths ooatrartwill, ti..- Coii.n /al l n vi.-oty, to., wa.- .-tri. Ler. tit,bnt tl ie dot i H i fitaily ci pote of tbe tubjtit, whi. hw be v 11..-, c ,o tbt Hi bs*.The Ctoaaiittea re**, aad I BoaMaaroanBaJ,

Ihoii-.lriitnl of tlx Araso.Iaboi Duoi Wi m idaj J bt.II p. ta.

The sUau'i-lop Aia^o, beat Havie aad Sout .an.f-Isa lath la*t< hi aew da* haf aai "i pah aaao* l^r

appearaaot. Tl w at! la clear, with aBgatssoth«w*st wxd.

\on-\ri i t :il of 11 * - \i;ii»ia.ii .i vv- i eaaay, dar. M.II p. m.

The Bo}*l Mai] itcaaahlp AiaAia, ftaai Uverpooleth .!+». totiti.fer--J tul.y due at tiiii pott, b it

tL> :». fir'' fcr j*-! mi .-i|i: - of i r. Tue weather is til e

aiidtkarj ".i i Bsrth-we*t>

Tin- t»U PjfJlttBBJ lalaaBMl.^m.i Hos k. YV.deea.lav. Jan BS-4S p. in.

Tl ire i- a fire on Stat.-n I-land in tbe iHraatloB o

QaaraztJrS*. Tb* Isar** coa be *e*o riaag aboe* tb*Liii.-, yut we saaast hafl fron hire what b barahag.

The !\in^ara Onlunrd f ton ml.Bostob. Wadaeaday, Jaa. 26, 1829.

Th* It. M. tnu ip N >¦..»: . hi from het<; tltoon to day v.iih i iylit^.r. powragsrSjfbr Halifi.t andabttyfoi Lirsrpsolt aniiahasoal neatly f;^.1-»! .?>

Bp*.f onvirti'iu < f rt "»Inrtlort r.

it * i riaoBB, Wsdassdoy, .'an. S0B, IHSO.p.; Corrh so* si t. nardoror* * 4h *i Bbjd .;.

tjrai (oiivii ted tLis notrirg of morder in the first Ie-CTie.

Ksj Ti lt ui:t|>li from < ajM Ann lo1 ii i month.

BOSTOR, Wi !!r.y, Jan. 1820.TL- petitirn of T. 8. Tobey, F. O.S'oith, aud

« ktoresti i fnrt *s b> the Pianaarnasstaa L*fh>Ir.ture. f..r rr ait of ;t oorpr-rntion for the oiten-iblepn:; -. oi bt] ag a telegraph sab** fron Cap* Aao,Mi' i ;.*" t! N *. vv - i:v .-: u-.y i-

today by tie OsaaadttSS to whom it had heen re-


Iii* in Sialfoiil \- \ .

I.r i. i. PJ. T., W< Im p lay. Jan. i- ».T! e 1 it- at .1 ..f I'tlj .. Swe.t'an-i, ir

tba vil'uge of St*.tVord, coLttitir-g four asrsas, two

eowi and a large qr.eotity of (.hup were aafjfan !y SB«nun i d by l W last i git. T.ere waa n very-mall ir.-

Mir - I i.-. 11. .. i i* aot j t hat ai.

I it11* *l MattBB HnprciiHt Court.9) .. W«dae*day, Jaa. IMS >.

h'o. ( ar s Bi leeer4 vs. .¦. rk'- \. i. i Dai :¦ : 11 Ml w (»rleace Ar^uim nt coatiaaadfortt plaial ff.No. o. Tie'.-vr. Te City Mank of

riiliiinliiii iiigiianal nowTraTBCiifl for p'aintiif aadtoBticut d tot £11endax-t.'.

xnV-YOIv'K L^ISLATUREM:N'A'11:....Ai mm, Jan. :> IfSf,

Ibo Coou '.« portedegattet tbe Ml toBo*Btb* ,

tetfre "f i. Ta;tri"Ei it. tl.- u.i!;t;a, <-n tLe groundBrat it NorAi* tt aim the (oaatbiatisa.

an i - v*s-i o.To if .N vv-\ .k (;- :oiid >..-- :..'»

Baak.Tab .litat* t..c ;..mntii-r . f A^cnltors! s.a.-t--t:e*.BcRnla vf tl * theater* in Xew-^ oik. by prol .b.t-

irr» tl..- adnrTiwioa f Lo; s, when uneecompani.-d.Mr. 1 »I\ KN v. ,i« ap*«'.1 .-n-.l.e ('...nnitu. a. t:

1,'i-peal of the Mi trop itai PoImm Law.Tl Aadb r tf tha Ca a. Dapaitaaral rsportsl, :.i

r*plr t.. th resel .ti- r. ot the s. rate. »t:e.t th* beak* fthe l»epartn. t: is c- t *b0W ti.^t any lui.r.i v Ii i»

paid to the L r it. f..r tiav. i'in atteru-hgtbi Pai It .: I betwi IBInand l"'. ..Mr AMI > it.'r ia bQI topaaaah the fra-Ua

1 ia.!. . by f. :«i..- hi .. a.Mr. M \i lll.K iiriaa

coip<-rat;..i ofprirate anodatloas for the i ...dat.on ¦/aaeaila Bt tnatory A -v -

Mr. 8IX>AS int-.*- ad a bin to iatwapsisli tb*Baashlyi Maak a] A. ade ay m th *.-*p:talof *°i1" f.n . i.-ratii-n i.:-.r the aul.«s.iiptiois hatloaaWd ti'«'/»»'.

A881 MBU.Mr COXKLiMO preeaatad a psBBisa fma tl the

prbattpal pcepettj ... Varrelr*rr*. N<.w-\ork.

nga aj tkrocgk that atrcetMr. T( .y 1 'NM'N i n.i a r n rrI

re Ütto* for a tew Wa».| ft.-m potta 1 tne Ta Ifth aa INit.;, a:.. \\ sr.'.- si N- w«Yera.Ktpf *,- piCetBt'd a.-airet ! -'. :tg'.--

of 8* hocl C' u.m.»*ior»er«. Alto, agaic-t a law t ak¬ing a f- tt aodeatra Jodl hal saha aruBal peitory. Akto,. -t t: hi t-pre. i i-.itb.-.r-tl.e Co-ir: C»len-d< r with i notes.A'f iBgafaail Ibm I 1 to enforce liah.:;: i tu MBB

.: r .-.-*- r- st*>:t .. . \j r. a npant-.-s.Tb. till t" et. etc tf e ». ? t.« pt -Tftt fr»-, t or. I

obbbJ Roeaass, by t:.. fctl ':t_- tba boat so datag,as-

1: .'. -.o^ N ..:»-!'.'. '.- to a ' a* i'-nof Pet da wa* poreed to nlglaafrj ietro-

doerd by Mr. Chanler, tbe aeaeaemeat «itenoiaf BBS Ipowe: '.o altimejt l- :: ^ .-tiukcn SBta

r-;i i« ivrh ..; . id.P.y Mr. COMKLIA'G.-Torept ai e sc. bath . «:

r- intu i tt i f Ct" rf:., f td.Hy Mr. I.- viiBjtiim?.loaiaovüaaa»

aaa hold etBe* m '.: :t Stav .

fttOM At B.41CT.

AiKtvv. wTadMadhf far M?'* v ' -t." .' -';.!! .:: *t 'A-.( ::.i>:y,

fo-dat. 'o rt rTp crrpor»*'«i.i« fr« m #<:" rig ar-Mirttr

f>n»Bp»a! tndtb**torvfcrc th-m fmra paymentof tt-ti ai..! p.-v. J< I tb at al aptjvt bj r.\.,.e,.

pa! e rpora'ifr** fmm the jttdgMMt Off deBMB of

any court of t'ilfltotp awTBila1 to ttaj pro-ce« dirgp as jiif'iu eM N ifCfl '.¦ vv baad m>

urit; 1« rven. ';..'..-« con.-r. m wh.rh i.. -h. '.r . t.« n-ult-rtit, rhotiM otberw:te I root, .v.d

i?i »ue! ea.#>« an tiroier:.-' . c . ¦...'it* :i theireitff ai r^pactt; by e:tL»-r lit Mayer, » trohkr,or C»unael to the Carpotalioa, ia th'- aaaaommen behalf of »a:.i .1 ..!p»>r«t:«-n *nail t>e vai ,j for pat*[i f r )- f[ poll, I i - tri' Ii biai -.vd corpora,tioo to tl e per'ortrance "f the eOfkfjfiotll ofmXmiuniitrt.ikMe eaata, u .». iharatBM ato, ot ihVwaMO »ha11

be recovered or iaeerted bj ai v judgment apuBatmunicipal corporal "ii« italeoi ne chum rjpoe whichsuch judgment ii t eaded -im!! hn.< l» ¦.. pn maiadfor payment to tbe chief Fiscal Oficag "i nid t'or-I".ration before tbe mbbm aeaoeal ot i»'i BetkMthereon, and euch payi>l aa asaaaaajtbaa »hallbare been refuaedj BOC ia oeaet where the dlMbtl*ity oa the port of euch fi-ea! «.rfie.-r la bajaaaatatuch claim ariei i lr«>iu deb)] Legislativ, c actionon the part of tbi State or local i nth ir;f .. *.

I hit Bill ia... -.. ,«..» aap« aialli t«. n :.e-.- Iba t'itynf Ktw-Yorh tr> ¦ -m: .. .¦: taa Mtaoai laaaeialiltiBcultiL* underwnieh it at pre-. ; 1. , tmaan abate ;.ow rapid'v aa the iwiajaaa. No tanIran H»toitt bare b.i commenced »g..i,i*f theCorporation of New Vork * an Iba i«t el Jaaa-an iail cuo . ot uind and undoubted claim* >. in

rot one of ahirh had request of aayBMat beaamade on the Controller ptvviou* to the con.ioenc

ins of tllit. Of theae -o -»rir-. three are fat the

r-alary of an officer who had told ont hi* claim mathree portn-a* to a- many men. each of whom ea*tried tuit. triplicattaccaata on i eaabvt whicb badnever been demandeo, aad the payment ot irbiehof rourte caoaaa, utdaf th. Btaaaad ktar, be«uro«, ealui'y coi.teated. Another tbtaaa ot the billi« intended to relieve the city in neb a ctriaal aaneareaJeta, Tba ta\ hrrj not hsiag pa«se«i. tieContToDi r i- precladcd froai pa}iua aiiythinc..although thert ia ohandanfe of fumU in tbeTrtt»ur>. Withoat doiag injuttiaa t" anyhady,the Legialature tan. by the pa>N«go of thin bill,rrlif.e the c t> from the infliction of un.n ce.aaryCo-ta. Wbj tbaold t ri'vj.

'i 1 ¦ taaie faatiaBMB aieo gare Batice ol .i bill fortie BBteadakeal of i ait.."». chap, t of tbaIth Cart of" K- v. BtBtatea, ao n< to pun ab a» coin-

bbm ;h . -. tboae OBBMTB, c!< ik«, ag. lit* o! Ofbaf-¦.i -it* if auuicdyal aarpotataaaa, who now,

bj VBiMBi KaaVa, caahetile aad aoovert to tbeirewai *ethe hada tod property oi the t ity of New-lork ia paitatabir, artil iatp inity.B D 'ti l icbeBaea iur tba Citj af New-Yorfc arc I

I rerj aiach in rogaa bere, ud] if hall fie biiUiatrcdaced wan Marled tato law*, tbay iraahipeat ida tbrai oatplete aatwarb af railwaya tJuaagb*ut Iba pity, BkMJ of'them taaBtoe tlmmuh atreeU

and ' |>iaet". aBarb vv« H <l opjn r ndoiu.and ;Me it the BifbtMUB fbl the n u.ntid» r of itadaia.Wi BrCVi to-daj gj rc m t m af ¦ bill abiah

:. ..oi-porait. Koberl Uarclay, Pram * A. Pabaer,John 8, Benei fifitioiel w. Andrew*. Joeiah \Y.Baher, Andrea B. Hodget, TboBMi bf. Mayhe«ard l!- .iami'. T. BmIcJ, Urd iheir ¦llfrfiatOI Bad¦iienttora, withMtboritj to ronatraai railroadwith double track commencini; ob Taentj third»treet. at or near Iba HaBMB Kiver. IbcBM run-

nirg t" Broadway. IblBfi)alliBgITtaaaWBI lo I BBMplace, to I i IreTaity pbtee, ahiag Cniveraitjplan to 8itth itraal oc warerhM phhfBi th.e toGrifbi itreet, tl.ta Caaal, flhfaae to lettrelitr. . t a'onif C-V'tfe t" .N.'i-.ti'i. nloii^ N.i«*:iu toJohn, along John to South atoeg Boat! to Paltoa,along r ullon to Church, IhlBllgb Church t" Canal,th«.iee ... Mereer, t.. f.'.hth tl eat, IbaaMU> com .et with the tmrk ,n 1'» pi.i. e, iu.lup an} avenae wool of the Ninth oeaaae t>> tb.-ut nil aide of Forty-aecoad afreet. abaaaTec thet-orporatoi* rhall elei t to do n>.

Mr. WOOMI ft also gave ootieB of a bill for a

railtoad in Maddaoaareaae uml other itreata, ihedetailt oi at iah hat t not rai haefl made public.The to i tor the removal of Qaaraatiae ktu com.«

to a *t'no-toi ia Iba AaaaBabl) Coaiaiithre mi Caoa>meree and Navigatioa. TbeaMeial tubject, tiow-

ever. 1* being conaiderablj dfjacaaoad, both ia andout of tb.- ('.. nmittei. preparetoiy to the preeeata.tioti of a leport It la MtMbBBi here tint one

cati»e of delay it t" gi .e IBB BBWlj Bpaoiatad I otn-

Oiiaoionera, who were foaftlafd ia Natal WatBM to-

di.v, Mpperftni.ty to iu-ptct. and. perbapaauperriae the bill anaer w hich tJajj are expactodtO rCt.

It .t- ii.« to be iit.i eiaallj conceded that,for tha protoffthM Cd tue public health, it is desir-able to hate all retaelt iafectod with peUoa tbrarcome to anchor aad reBiala for dirtbtfaiag andpurification at u aaeAataga belew tba aanawBiand Iba vtat. :i UlBod int- re*t OOatoad that no

eaaea oi tcDoa terer ihoald be test haiaafhaT totu-- Ifaiiae UoepitaLTbaai rcpreMatiag tba ( bambei- af rnaiMima

object to tte ¦DCBoiage in Iba Lower Btv, on tbaaoaaaapi on that \e««eU cannot be lighter.-d andrlea.,»ed tbarorm BMMat af what hi tonaad the'* graaad aatH." Tha htea of admitting no wanreahra fererpatiMtoat tM Mario Maapital ia ab<ji clad lab] i ho*, h ho an irene t" placing »ick per¬son, on BMtbaj ho*pital*. and aim think, not with¬oat ;i ..ii rcaaoo, I aannbaa^ that there i* reallyM ngajM iroin \< Uov\-i'evi r pataaata la tba baapitalt.

Ai! d rier' c.« n* to tlie pr.. -. . o Ibe bill tor

tba moral will m doubt be nadilf fMBftaniaed. reihe bid 0» riiihliv reported to Iba Haine Crowthe Committee i-n i'ommerce anil Navigatioa, forBOpBJlilI are noituall) iatonttod in theefl' it s* removal «* tonaaakMi a* Maalbbr.


Mr JOHNSON S bill t.. pro ride toi baUBg raraaakteit. U Bapcrk i i oi ;t j r..t..In C r appatataaMt by IbaGirtaaar, :n laeuot raMBefaa, for tbe reaMae ofmLi,t^.nd irrm. pataka laaehMMaiiaipiri byrl-:. re tic- in iLtia es., i.l t the j..-.:.:.«:.« Vci.r L- xt.-';< idbag tbe t. a rd ui r aal «!..' tion, to be haed utxtafter the jappenirg of laoh vatai.ry; aadtt the u^uitt mi wi I Lot ao toon etpiia, then to BBtaala tha ti . leb «Hl t MBB bka loLti.'t. .... at of tlie

p. »t,r i .t .;. .. '-'._.:.. t.r-t 0"?m.. n. ..!.... tion

af* r tr.e" acaf> i* cira.uan.'i !>

Mr. t'fSfl brtraaMMa htJIlafatiiag that all par-M ua lroeitig GarttM fcr.-la of any plai t or vegetable,naaa > aa ia thai state, abaJi ba.. ratka or

pai> tctl on t. - p. Li;- i*. at... ; v r

tte tan e.« af t!« .-hi ra, >!a»e of t' a growtl. daaattp*tida efthe rarkaty tad wedgrM oftba aceee. it makes&;1 .'a:- uticriplMBIMhhM to ¦ Ita tot BOtadi gfC't, ir iupriioLu l: lo tMBaaktgsshi dayt.

aaw«roM < oaafaai» a.

Mr.btAJTlvBSONS bkH pro..: -- d taaebaa111! rt» i

. N-.a-Vo'k t'* < ;. * xt

. ar Ii ,V. tab! I».- ri. -hall te- ' '-i on the '.all'Jtw.tti Aidenaaa. la Liriruta abaehM not akaatmAid. rmat, the are to ba voUo fog oa a

ticket km WB BB tie « harter tu lr-t. Tbe pr»i at C »n-

-tar!-* an to baM oiEce aalfl the tipiiafiat if tnetr

t'.im.,\ « aiaa s.

Mr.IJJNGENHELT81 I all rieaaal il mataui bald <*.ii<e, mtifaOM ta.< brkrf ttctl OBi Pirst,. N j.: -. 1 b-piir-.dof tb. r.gbtto rata at

bold tli« e or %.«..!. f i-alt! -tad *e« . act »u«tltake tottt unrrcdiaie y."

i n r.vaiv. MB1 - MUta.DI i: i i. v S baQ i-> kataia .:...teri at ridtt

that titay abaDht aotaeotl the aa- *.» trutife. oruai-b -. §u an.f grrcapa aalboiHj eMrtaaaa laMm Ht o-r Pol i .

«i *11*.. .. ranMr SM N'CLK'SI - let i B)|

of OaaJletera, to ba ipaeiBted by the t;..vern.-r \< lSn: ., ; j. (_ .¦ t N"at I' ... T .- Iosf«ectol BJ

koMeaVelreyean atataiare ffl^Wayear. TbaI b. :¦ra . BBMa a b aa taa I bM Mmm1Vj>'-. tot] U r.

k:>t.j ¦ji vir -..ruifr.Mr. DUSTEi^ art au!, t th- Sic r'tCi orli a

-»..". f c n . - .v .-. .'...-. or I fitea thetalary a:


COMP! NSA11T) EM I5CIFATIOI MXUiTt,T'.a A*e c .- -.1 ¦- a s f mveatija

r I (. ct A ba: y tU hkat tl I ¦ of »0 eh | _

laca |BM ay. A: . » BMjgkB|baM ii Aa BMBBBkty

( seal-cr. Or. !S »l i rr-'l» !. .>' ua«**;.* /»"..». »«

asdn.i:Tkf «b «i t . ;y».-4at P**J H MS I II . - . ». .

I |e M IV tvr*rmZn*u ia tb« rhiw» <<i ..» pn « "

K t ¦ r. . r i } IWfl d "l-e» »' r ; <g> .. pr-. at »

lite t..rar ten r-pStel !.» -'ft ft I * 'mom


* St. if* »y iMtrri f' arsi t*et moir on enccat o! betrafO)f-ix tbr t,,< j n. It- t- >. i.i'jh if'i' -i '.- .> i \ .«* m II» 0 rr-rv.rra Hi -.-.». l

itt S:.;.», ;i .t t- \mtt aii autVr i(t s, », ,f at'.»» -¦. 1*. t. * pr .-.>. v- tta r'atari' if It t t. I» iftgnr*!p t in,, i . > htt »§ --j »'t la ;->»»d . »i> na .¦<i r BVvi i4\ Utk v, - ppof-lc- v tt.e r. a «a>-.¦>¦: -tt of fie ,ti -rtt tr . »t.f!. 1 » " I t ¦.. .V> : .;tea ttearvtradcd .:..--j»:.t a bataaaei u.4 by pat ti- a .dtu Rirta. 1: ee>!a u.r Settorn » <:lis>| . tW iLr t.itrftn't'ftH-nditli NirtWn trrr-yar.!. Shit :tir .».p» t.-revrnwiWt..,,. ¦'»¦»»ttri.-iMl .p It nr.. »r .V. :f.

? .-weu reibet IJ.,« tl p* *M* toeued ir.d Ml*BB*ai ill''IM J M-Pf * »:' N it) eaMel Lbei It . rv..i

voyeere arete lartetttd .tf:, UttrA Ott bedLaetad A .aher.r r'

tar ti.v ap*U A ¦-

"» b e.-t of fite S,


( 0NCRES8I0NAL Jil K< 0I1BE. .

CorreifoLdi i. I i-1 T..r N. V. Tl U R,

\\ \miim.iu\, Jaa, ItCmXSinne of the members of tlie Senate were ur-'atly

ii reiaed t< da), beeaoSB an account of thr affrayi n FiaJaj got a/iad tbreagh the prree,Theas geatlrroefl n .y .a-iiy areas' trbet tiny

term murepreieatstitrtti If bhsj wm!d mak> their(cationt puldic.

Bnt there ia DO t*Jkl fTlOjal ..! Complaint be-eauae tie detaile ol a roaj in BSIiat bessioB got our.

St cn t lentil>i « ure bold f<>r rsasssja ol -'ate.

decree) -1 ojoiostl in lalatioa t" roaiaia Boaaaaris]ill ties coootrcted aithpohlic aflaiis, Aud prtoforij. nougb. There woskJ !" sgrsat lain aiiiitj m

|iublicl> esBTsaaiof tin- private ihsistitsr sf ap-j' ioteea to ofllee. There iroah] inpfopriet) in

opt'ul) ean«anainr. delie.ite relatnim with b r> _>hcouotrii - "ii trbieha 11. atj b .ui binas. To thessaid ail i- miiar public sssesrai tin- rah oi sssraap|iertn.i ". :u d Sei.,,;.ii0 m.i) properly in»iit upon ittob-er\ saeoa

But. upon sahJeehj wholly foreign tti public af¬fair*, the obligation of -eciecy Sa&aot fairly at'acii.

And for Benatori to nake mob a poiat ol it a- asamade thia BOrafaag, i* Is exhiliit a letaefhOtMl for theriltiie of Senators whol'y u'twari tnted lit the «>c-

ea -.1 a.If a Senator, on ittofiaa a iccftt ajBBMM of tie:

' to ahieh b.* beJoBfatanwiapiatol aad thootsi brother Senator dead on the BOOT, I tike it tboremain b| memheo ireold not ftdstlp raassro the

pSS atid »ay Bathfaag ahool it, on the L'roiiiid that

they were in aeCIet «»«aion. and bound l>; Ihi .r

Oatha Hot tS di«e!ose vvhat ocenrred.So wit! '.' ry degree of p< r.i.nnl n--tttilt, down

to a ijiiam l of ti«ti or tin- b!a< hguardiaaiaf ha>4H. Ige.

[a arsay case of boh ias^ritlaal eaeoaatsr. ithaving no refereaos to ths pahtts BBOtaaaa, it ismi.ikdo to dioserof apaa avast praot^isas sf'pah-

lie dutt or prrvots shlhjatiOB a Senator BOB »I to

keepBiaraee. It it not ia rewreiieahasaohaassj".- I e.v of iB] -uch oecsrreaees, bnt Bhaadh amiwl'iyi.. .-1 IinM-e t'i t! . ;i.ib!'e b'.-ipe.n. ta.-.t In-f:ike.. i' i l..;.'.t.of| of .nlii'l !,,...,.|f ii,,..iraahi tL.nk, it tin- ^ar.i. sra log iaraaaa the bsQil d !. » I» «». '.Jt. I - .1 '. .. lot U,.l; be Ip IV

.rid thagaiaaaaarsssVredl to *ha! bun up, MiiUout'. If tl-' recreey of, eXeeliti.e ae'aioDt. So,bfsa Bssaarl er a Isreen) occiir*. or a hooeB-dk>wa

- 1 partoge at Bilhog*gate taket ptatje, no »Ajreaeoa eaa boiaherpasedl to prereat the exp»»?ttreof the tca^iLl.

Ii .t w. re o-L- rw .-e. aeeret leaaioaa mi_htaudprobabiy vobU !». Baaae the aoareaieat orcaaioo,

the part si oai Pro-Slarerj frieoda whea Me>araoka otlli or Leeempton C'ttoatitatiiioa were osthe carpet, ot piatefiag or atrhhag at their h .-nr.;

the inembers of th.s8%BSfe| r .¦ .¦ nty. TheOpasaltloa aright hp ttaeh proeeaaei hs realaeed] iu¦ aiaaA BBBaBBBBBahlB manner.

henatori btd hsa| h aru to behave thaBBSBtTOS in-erret BBssaaaa a- Oka ti .e aaaaaa] af pr»-'inai.'th-ir KpaBBBaa, and not .mitt that they hat,« *¦ .:' to t ... nwh and )e». 1*3 , xfii'i-ik ff.trtsxpssafe.The ge'.er.'i 1: dingt of CV.gresa, as

they toaM to adtaace the pakliea boaioeaa, are ha>:i iy »low. Oai ;. .. .- .u. ajhtj to BBfBBB .»tin-re .« mi hope sf i»« Iti rme tte pix-.aiiiag etoah>t on f fUaga. 1 .ree ap'aaBBr aara eaaaa do rk#»ivhalspablie haabaesaaf tbo nation it a BBrtahjaB,iatei |eaAl/ aatl soVaa^agrotailr. The three huu-dr-d .: .-ig. I . h do I a*. . |ae th e try to muddleor ai. in« : s i-ra r.a. .ad. f«.- Ii Bjost prt. BBB>

piantat Ifttr.-r aaala ia am« n. at Bic rr» .. to tkti*jiar-at. ra ia 0. IVB* BtttaOaeOoi laaiaUlij.»r 4?r trap t. e I .. taSaOaaaal mmi c- ,m tanafrra to-tat x toe it- laatat . .and ußjth him mm r»-i.etai r-1 -e ttwavatas 1 Trr Rr.. . ran t

Sectt.WattiapaDa fa; k Hat :t. JrB.r* Martha R.J...pb. <i f f . *...»!... .. , tUtry f»tbrr- v N - .« .1. > »v. .» witc ilttnpr >,,.u J npf tt.i -tt Krj i.hii.-vxula iltiaiatrl* rid r.aolTot t SUJinter, tutra wat a tutr. earn dnrioa tb» 'ifr of taa lata Joaa C.Ca oi.n. alt. r»-att. i> ac.a l ay .... awwjta*. ^- .t ti r ¦¦¦ -J eaipr. i. ia a'»4 .»»tr «,. t. r n.< ¦ ,t,.i»d. 11 . ». a tlic* .'uml4 i- .'e >.a.o atraaatrillbi . Ne id it a i«- .fir fir puna |I» a'f. I .prtk i-l. i>.itl. i *. tl at a'.b r. t. That cr»at i-a .'.nan »rat t.. t. > . f t.» h at) prr-.iDai aia ii - ,

fn-tfl Hl» attettioi L tSasaaaa ..a'VJ t"*trd thr j. ... f :..r Li ..a. i B.'oaffudti v *.a»r> in tie Dtatn. ct Co. imbn. » u' a w%» ua0"t.« :r. LPft »r L.. ri tcr, tt. t. ¦. jiitt ar.i mi' ei r ..fILat naugrr. aud ia frr-e'rit1 ' Ii pti.-i.iti m t i ra-

para atta»»U a bl Kol 'h-fra. al it.l ill.niaU r. oioTal m U,«rUlir tail * : .p ».._«¦.i .1 n :u. l) t tt> aaaka tke in«a»ir a a....thtjn mejtura. «u«t to om- hla iarturb.-o to arrv

tie bi loi it- a eoaupii»aataat ir.r....ja bntu ll .uata af iCi' I.» 11 ett-T-t. I c .i.'Itt Dt»t mteuaa ti tiat bv<ijr vi-it Wi»aioaton. tail |L. tba B«.liuni of i-otti-'i ct'al onauuBBfeaOaa b»t».tnLimar.f and . h Mui'bcta fr taOt aa ¦ BM h* Staputaa

<<|rlf. t » .npith :¦(: »¦ t»i-,.'t> I i;r«t r>

I'd' rt l ^tr'v. *»t.>r the paattal Abolition ».«aanirot trtiuBit »t.'. i.; j r..ft. .. u.a.. < ^ ii'iiaadbt'tlj tl.t r.a.'t. r. aatl tl.rblttrrataa ol tahaa taataSatai, mti mm laaataiSaMablrb it la a, pat* i tl ; »¦ tar c.o.ilif. rt matt :irt tom t»D i ei a -i '.« pr.lih!» Kr drf..a:.<» 8t: baaratar, Irioted VVaahleptoaataaatoS; a id when inmv .it iaawttetiech Mi I'a. .nit'.-; . .>' I in. i ¦! r i.i .a*

[rem-ril ai.I In flutter a f a pt.ii'-o hit -.templet. .1 bBt,l> inaraetN r»piled.and tie upa aitr. hi. uhaaftj I f ¦ >>.

oar. lal.ailtti- tr. aateSatit arttk wbM I:. ...>«.'. t .-

ioiic»il» Miid». w i aen aHaaaat nkaaai napteaBeaa."eeaak a to tOe triaaet ti IB rtaei Vi« ..». L .t tin* t- a-"tral aholitim ii. .. tM '. . l. . rt. to tar !¦ el _tt lad the" inter, tta ¦ f tba fotith bat put It eit.rely out of tot f >a. r for"tbapretentt ttttwptatytbtaplaOtatOlteettea,aatl i tr it" iou wlllattia* yoai N i I; ra I kadaaeta ajBateOVe tt"il«t." I r»pllrd Uat IaaraeO wOjkMaataet aotbtaaee .1 bri\.tr at prte>at,and taat I tb Ida m a. Meaat eat) wetai'.d. i br!i. rr, t-.itb nop:. ; that Uta jlrr I rr... » w aid tr

tum »Orr.'I.r pirp.1. .1 nwatno ¦.! l. ...» i. -. u..|Lt br...i.wineated. Bui .laprp defeeti whl li lied rotaateaeed Inre ».lue to Ltiai .>». a. j aa t. eetta aaaaeaipetl >i.. Ua» .-.-u

Uti.r.i to the ptrtaLl at tri aaBtaaaph tl.r moat tieeral cf the.< naatai'»in tl it ii.: ate e tad d at Ith u < <..¦ .-tnrrinto uhraiatB.(j anaj >p, to ta aiaruung aalaaa, aaalection of the coatseaOy ajaMal aaaaaer. ar.d la ¦aNa*.it l.t '¦ it t..t|. r tti. tb. p miu.t «i>aerallT,I am tot aa tretbat tali ai-lepot tot I aa ltd teeny pnat aidbetlfl pltetleal r»tl Ita- heti.r f'.. prrtnt attrrnpt ti. am/a tbeouttty. tbe wh I» .. ntrr, Ii » eBart,by PL II Mitv, Ml .-on. D itiaa, a p " ret for '. Ott/'TKtMtMij etiea. but an >.irh ea ai.. 'pation ar . aYfteil l'i r-t n t sot. but akatbet it m "" at'. tblt etoeeeeoatt, a* »miit ton r. be Boa airgt In the ut> Itebil and la the right «lr». ...on.A i.d tth. 'L» r t »: ... rHt r 11 ». B bet »t Vitt tr.- uirrit <-( fatritb.Ltaa tpaortuuOy atd a motive BjfMet Berthea4S SBtoiiattrai du cf. i mmt la a peeetaal tabB Mar tea eaa>aid.rate iif e pie11let i aatilagal tat aatloaeleapaaat t.» na-

tloial autbority. a |irat Lati. ra. oKeet, to m l. tl.e gia.'.uaJIt |. f |.v ' ii a » ta'r v .' e j i.-o .. p.-n.atiuatotbi aaater.aud providiiig a c-tirabi- taytata fat Ottt'a». iu'tat faUirilat. .t Li« l-.i. »:..-> i, »ti i.-i-getaaat id a«ay, i.y loirr mmi M.-'.-ni-r. In »i Ii an n tr pi tr, attit.ii a ciitl«. It wi.1, at I btvalaid m aa>tL.r ocaiiou, brgl.eriot:. to iu. red-ar..! if poTMrd to tba . e. it. the rleart tarirlt,rnritablr traa ti ten. Ui no pteaeeale .t. a-.d'-t - m|tie|etnei r a. I» br In In . pua v»ith t' » brlrt< laue . f i.i.r atd Irate Om event ta] taeapa »e ib. i'..l failot tea nil iteobjtctle eaataaplaaata, BUateBart taoahtt-<adto 'barm dr wn ti.» ipirBi ("«ty, ei.<f bit] t tl.e N.-rtb,t-.'c barn i.i y. i»r tht'.l ken rt.aivrd lor t rt» m »dr-( .>

truant "

c ntiderahk dissBastoa task place ai to tha pvaetbabi ity of the object c ntcmpltt.-d, aed »omeetroog

d'ttrnt flora force of tl p tttlocerevroBBSd BS BO hsstiI». Ki.phaiet Kott, B>stBt r.i!.'. Wood, Blaavr.Psaai,White and othera, trgtthef with Elba Barrilt»er of when went ots aetail n BaTrasaej t t1"

[dar a i.i re lo !!... n tbe IratIfattOaeJ>tetf < bvttitioa L lag k»1 i la tha aapaal af tha li ¦.

p re S". .n 'is- v sh a Bfi * \ ih tah BI

who waa tic fir it maa tt propsoa BBBBaaaBBaoa-"'sao>foi lUaghsTiagdsci 10 aaar tho eloss of bis s ito»i.nlcairer Whtls admütiiglast the tsoati leaapaa».-ati <t pti npciptrfion «h- o-it williont oitlieu'itien in ill

isal zat n, he woi.'-l atk. t\Lat enttrpri^e vat seat

ttt coaoelTtil that waa deToid of tbeaal Jao. 0. Vo>dtrwi il of \1rglnia flu i ght hit ,.Ia:i -.f Eu.iL;:aLt Aid801 kttss fai inon- aBBK tual, ai d othera in tl e Bad H I

coi.tit ued the discus-ion till a late hörn-. An a'jouinment waa tl.en made to Wtdntaday moiniog. whan a

»eriia of retohntions, pieparad b] a Cosaarlttes ap>|..ii fed tor tbo parpoo «¦ a!, jo. I, aad the l nti. n asjsarasd tine die

I i- ft i« a petaM »! und a ba j iraa rH<4y. If

: * ra II Hi I . 4 Wm$l l '.¦ . mi If. th« t¦ " v eoald roall) haar tha

earneat aod iaAeUtpnt attentMNB ol lie Baagdj mmt11.I h \ fTJipl. il

.if m t*. ."'Vr fiv. f...' j. -'.tie* and

!.[;!,* . BOB Ml H t ..-« Mt MMiaWvw MMMMktiara) fo derate to Üm ¦nhilioj iotonott. a BBBBMB'

i -<>' I" tt». e MVJT Pwo <>- At .? -. pe - tb*< -' mom hi) or>-.»:'.. rl Mr) ill th- t.'i Mai HIMmHI mf. ). t-. A little Wi:<;i «>« |4 done a V»v Jai t

1MB their < MP, oral Ihu i* ail.I erxenpti tad Mr, mi k,<i the «*U«'.e «tf

lite but eeeeioe ted the I' < «fic Ka:Un»l Km hadti e ftleit mt the BeMte't lime, far. in thk, aid( .... --. - -Vr. In th<- ii Übet hern huncome, rv ob* ihtee or atrofher, aba*,*a.'I the f:me.

If' th* rul-'c b\* -.-*« cetiW belctoatjob, two bjiwoehl »affca for ahaTai 1 -oe

..,1 be . aal Ii piieecer th public d-vann.i taewTatota tad I1«! ..»*. aad]bmmb

... '-i-.' . aad » «'r-.«h «¦: mm prHa I i ». tt!< !he ( ul'.-n, M« \u\i:» a-d Centra;American quealaMA

li ¦.. «. -t.t'if omI objeetii>m wool t be r\.mii bj- r, uV prareadiag, Bad t'aaBMM will

e. v. os -,\ l'r. m aaa til' tb.« 4th utMarel ->*.! i .-. rt k noa .!. Ii a hü t. -...«

aeeonplieh Nothing al all on aH the k"»*r*Mt: ,vm*-t on» before it. .». ¦»: r.

'i 1«;: Um in s i <m\\ ..! ii'mf,,,« . f Tr* atltl tr K» >W|4

I ho Judiciary fen n , irftveiyI: gagi daily -r. Ukiag t. atiajnay in tbe ImptaebaaabMet <i.:i bji lnt«a f rVeaaylvaaia. lie * :<aigea

Bgaii at the J v . « :eJ toi i giett i gbi .-: ;i. n yi araairo, bet were u... preatedat thattin.i ngi .11... ad t' .. d 1. hy byretinakg. Tbie agnemeat, I aaaorod . >t»>*a

r. ar»r» t 1 >. far t '*e.| «IIMatMtadraw up et..I eign v lii rr i.f reri^n a.» hieb ha plaaed ha tha bMBa mi a ptMBBaal mm ...i

ef the waaeylMaaa bae, to b« niM1»! to the Preai-i«tt. 1 be lettt i i at ifa petlead .i the torn) ('rtiee, b Kbafrn Um n;. atari d, .1 aaa4a-laa al the Judir*'*real there aad aiü Irea f. haha ,n'y, peaaaad-reediaga vith .> % .» t.» loipeaehaeal Bare agaiainitial« ,an4tiaatka t two hattanrei were «4 aabadtipi<r> prctt .if if rr.-i^r/vtii'B.lbe ctnrgre. e«> fat a* r»ro«»f< have be. n rHt ite»! «!.»

aal BBeaai hi " bcihary ai "bagl ertaaa, n inua^atb* j 11 rtafatly aia v try »«'ri>.u ia ttit-:r« bat.^ ;-r. tS«priaeipal charge ta tbat theJ ga bat JMidatatMhaiulbie «t <pt<ialvir\i the pi^untert Ik aeflt efbaluai bill :..-<.: i i. '.te appoiattiieatatoadhMpoa 001 * ti it n of IvabouM thata

tue te< I thai he bnt held NBalooa of tbe eoart ahaaIbcre waa n mm taity frtr thrm. ami rrttilloai tn aMahiig«'i Ibeecaitai bavbH ocearred ebai IweJadgja

11 an* n t i veil ui th» city. Kiuti m.« eeaeNBelha e I t e .. e«l f«.n- the i 11 nttu-a

t: ..t tu. 1 t«. .. ¦¦ »d ... ., potato ati apMtha.-teraea.r Bpllad i.' ,'.y a uii 1 il.n, ;li fi«eei'h totna nrimb r of t'e Jadgw't faudtr. and ihatIke] bettt i Bt< Ity p il «.v> r portioi of tl tr fee*totoeJadge biraee'f. It la a I a. natta**! IxbeetbeCaaiBwtlee thai ibeJnrJgr appitt« i bla aaa pa ia-ia* aaigati but ki .pi. v, aitbaul eaaetiadj aar

1. hat I1.1i«. «1.1 tu if i"inl aatlgl aa b .« never art-tkd a titigl 11 hankrnptee ut of n « <y 1,that wtat iato hit band*. I. ntnoi oaaaa «abage tha.' geapp« ab ! »1turntet ia bankruptcy thertkaaI e !. !..!.». , . ..'io iu tl - labil ef i'Wiij,' |«evjrht il Hei' tiit.i « t > 1 on-. < u: ;* \. \i ",. 1 e1 lUTjje tolastaiB wbkh evideaee ha* baealattedat -I, K thatti< Jndgi baa draaaoat of baob apoohkowaapiaahibank, oneyi depi iit< bj " t .¦ eourt." b< tag bat

proccedt of art r . * .1 bankrnptey and baktgtag tae iota,Tieccmpbtt'ratitt, alonpp. r'. for- th (' cjuaittee

by eoaaetl, m wePaatb 1 11 dt «irtd to Ii tradaetlettintctij toproe« ill ii » 1 ouiM*riUtyoa tbe pail «rtbeJodgo. Iba Cotawittee ih*naaad ta1. it, it, on tba proaad tbat tba CooBtttutbBl pro>-\ .. 1 the pukbneal «t iarpeaebmaal « dy fx" treaaoa. bribery, eotltai Ugh oil *w aad Mkta-ranora. 1 ba C'oi itution 1 , K fieiuut

11 tt, tad prt'icriUn tor*ui l> t oa«e of\. n 1. pat *a ii.'.. liny and nth r h aompi»«t cjr. 'Iho

. tK w*) ef reaeblt'2 tueh n »ee 1- l_> lig'-lati^nabohabiac the idace bebt by an toi unpateol ogicar.1 11 Uli bah re tbv I m ail 1. at l rieoy wit-ii< Hat aa.ut BMBÜaal uii.

1. ooireepotdtnt ol 1 1 T **y*"Additional ai*i...«.« I. .«Im n -v-m. i.<aL One

f thcae. Mi. Hay*, formrly I'n.t.d > it*.* Marthel iaIrwin'* DieM 11. teatifi« .1 tha» wb« u In Ulli d 'bat ottiea

d over to the J dg« 11 ri m of 'i. ( irb afao*t toe, 1 i|uarterly iralallioenla, al iho rate o

f I,- . » p' annntn. '11..- b. .n 1 hy n-r ol tbeJadge'«¦aa 1111, 1 erk of tbe fjoart), wao eaaw I km wubbk father, aad Bated tbat by aa agrceoMal batwaeiIham Ihit BMinat an I bo paid to the Jaega wB*eeaa jmU three laefalfaaeata to tbe Jo«lge, ader thierti 1 r.. ui.-iit iad tbea diai owtleaad 1 la m k canta ih*mn et-i-i- ... coaiplaiaiig thatbebada'l aoaah '«#ra aa aad tbea broke Bp tba arraatfaaM 1, ity tht*

a.; 1 .m .t Bat 'i ta pi >a< 11 bm i i. id b«i (,'uaitii Cbambert » called and oUar^ .1 .i.-tioat the

IStatteahea Ukerc aaeaottb« kati o*"eaal«afor tin m.

" Mr. Rel U n, ¦ proariMBl awaibet ol tha CiiuburgbBar, teatihed tint «hm k K«o tlm.'.t *.it pri--. '1 Bgafa B Ira ia 1.« Hot* < oof lote, tbeju Ija' alie«!bbmbin, placed bk «11«r ..t r*aii/i it.. :, in laa lienda,addiea^ u to the pretident of tbe L'oitad state*, ro-

ijo« -I. .I I.mi to mo th- ptoee« ul r*, und. in <a*e they¦a. DPBtettt t< tbaodon tbe pro eding unpeaeh-nvett, aotboriied bim (Mr s lo mail th- r Bgaattua

I to the !'/(riih l.t. lbe proee^utora OMBed toHi'- Biraagen 1 11, an.l tin- re- -i n'ion ir i<. ',i<Ule<l, butwu* taken cat ol lbe office a, »in l y .. -.nitdaw ofthaJafge, Mr, Bja >¦_A .tl> rrv.k.i * Li rn i .A Mr. Too n, ai^rreaik*

at Me. 91 ITttl fllitaatlh In t, aad 1 badakyaaavh. en' No. i;i EM Baeaaitt laat, i- naived a

letter oa Mt r.«lay. tbri v- alag thai if ba 4id net leave|IS0 at t place ." 1 .t !y keerik 1 :n .! ta he *e, Ha. >. i ll tern 1. Tba ktti tattd that thetrriter had 8WI mea aadi b ibeoiol eoatrol, ggdi thai«¦ y pei al t »«W>aki aattä to a a 0 .00k th.11 j y.1 aM I v.^' !..- I re. Mr. Tuorne) -.-day H\ pH 1 .0 il 1 (,' t: Pa| 1 a ii- a I

-. I »llicei I*.* nd J<>rr a N'.ut to tb« »polv. U :.)»¦. afhwi a, aad 1 ly a efatlj plw <«! $."«». ia

I billa in the aaraar daaMjaalBl, nud tbea

f;ej f n ehirj) h .'. out. A .»ort time afcer-

aard they abttrtt I 'i.i ./ la-i baei ttkaai.wr.y. ar < «t. '«.. I t! .«' '.: .1 u nave »,.-. b*ae bylom- al li .¦- aorfcM 1. iaakk tb>; boaaa. Thty ari-«r*tadJon. f.aL*, a furnitara polkter m d lockad iiioi op.BaMafiei be. < o|,..-ki d U« \.lot..' lint 1' tter, but 'trove

to pa/ Hei ae a j. be.

Tkt E »taci MaaaMMihi death <>f Mn tta>.Zeaaa FireDM, aW (ykaowaaad JaBli I ved *a

U leerttary oftba X a-T«al Uat>t.<>* I'rJoa raWk>. ii bdoraiion. Theereot001 id ia l.'^/k ya,

>. kid* raorakjf, al ra be bad b.taiaergtaMi. . ui a .' r. lya. N . 01. <j. .'. .. an 1. a terait-

I ¦ .¦ 1. ( 1;..¦; -« a*, aatil at tue more, rl 01 b.i d< *Mi.II - ¦ .1 1 w. r fait ii la Bed .. r « J.

degca, !*-t »v Magi-¦» ¦ -

7''v i rg M aei the k'- in-t. inforns* n» taa»r. rnnaway 1 I «t B|a k II ^rW a ¦'. w«3«%»¦>.".. a .li. th- haod off a rt itt mm io hi* i/«rf'k<**.It rn. , ibt aegro ooa -*e-l Ihat bad <- a um« 11'« .

I ..¦//. ;rA « t »' . ai. 1 off t.V .<-<f! m»L aatui, ... »-.«

[eaaebaini io keepiog ti e -b *i rVota fcBoaiag *

tr»«!., . ad ¦.. t trangfh 4 U t <mf ««"iori, .. a.-.t

boat' A Wb.t »iik glove aa* .1 aaa.l wUea Itwa«

Aff itriartTt nr / *»a .7* m%d vafbvir »d.wi uU mt «'«. a. tt, Mat,iblal A Law, al B. ' -.r ' " '¦ aaCwamUOaaar

af/matratw a, la » "1 timXa tt. tvnetaa, "eju. rJ«*. '>-garaaii. r< «aic-lv*i | Parnaaaa WaaBtaaB.

BBaaaai MaH Jnt. 1**Tji. 0*nrmmm: fiiaile. "tli..^ i -j 1 .» a. A.'./ # W. He ..r. .iau"« K.ia.K' .mt .k..»-:. <1 Murray ,r.. Oe«. B ¦... K -»* ~e,M'rr-- OakaaB. 1 .". Ci. t*d P».t. Ha>-«a«a a . r.C'f « l .a,'ra < t.#wnia, A t. jm 1 B (lr-»o fjrt Bt ron_

r , . /bataf 'Jw-e- Tlofa. WaH.r B K w .. IT.a., n c»iarl»tB rÄ OraUr, JfitVit 8 aVeaw, J. H. H ,»ra

aaay, taerew B. Colrvr. B '¦« « i u< Bfiiiiam ILj*t, lata l>t»Jw«aa'b Tmwmtt P.rrwaa, Cyrai r I>ml

a-- » aataa, BaBalai e Bn»<e. b«aMBB|M K.eU Jaa.C «weaater h c t a»f La»rr».,««) tM 5. , K«a(Ue-n .n . M.-,v>t. Tarvaa, Aaa« a *.uiu J a L.r IVay, B^uaalarr.

intaaiaatat raa Uota. (*-... Boatrr at raara It * r c v.Ctar 1. Maaoa, of Are«a*. Wavaa Co .+>'<*.

.ox 1. .< H-.r r Waja«Co tWvaow rl Bt an af*'ee aM, !*. Lawreo««Co. Kdwwd a Wtitrt. o.' Ho> k-.a * BrMp. hel^.Cn..1 /aaiavrabiav or tut B*vai>, Oaraaraaaa.Jaaata

Bt .^.»,rf MBMB turn. BaratoiaC uaty.Oaaiurn ¦MBaaal*-t*a*MBJ W»k\ ir, ml R .talo.

gab c&. mam*

Noriar Pt-BLic-WoJain USim, ml Moan'. M«-r . LuiaaMn Cm.

^ ^

Jaaoaav B» tai rot rat taao* .1 0r Uu»*» C (h~a of N..M H-aatra aevt mr IfUmr4m\,0*<> W rmtwnmm. otCkmaitamu, eeiicwu. «r

¦*TaJU*» fv«-i.i«-A-l»iilt-Wa4. & Qwi, gMaMMMM