Download - New York Colony Presentation

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Kristen Helinski

Joshua Powers

Collean Toupin

New York

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1524 – New York harbor visited by Verrazano

1609 – Hudson River first explored by Henry Hudson


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1624 – Dutch settled permanently & ruled over the colony of New Netherland for 40 years

1664 – Colony conquered by English & renamed New York in honor of the Duke of York

July 9, 1776 – New York declared it’s independence

1777 – New York adopted its first constitution


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Hudson saw great opportunity for merchants on the Hudson river (easy access)

Fertile soilAbundant

valuable furs for little cost


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Merchants pitched cabins on South Point of Manhattan Island


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The first government of New York State grew out of the Revolutionary War

In June 1777, while the war was going on, an election for the first governor took place

George Clinton was elected and inaugurated as Governor at Kingston

First Government

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New York City was the first capitol of the new nation

Albany became the capitol of New York in 1797

The Capitols

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Tolerant of many religionsExample of tolerance: Lutheran church on

Long IslandHad many different types of religions:

Jewish synagoguePresbyterianLutheranAnglicanCongregationalBaptistRoman Catholic


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New York City described as having a social life of “elegance and polish.” Met at taverns.

The Dutch population had a very “rustic” lifestyle. Men farmed and women sewed and took care of the family.

Played card games, backgammon, dice. Had many outdoor games (hunting, fishing, etc.)

Beach parties, quilting parties, sewing parties First race course in the United States was built in Long Island in 1668. The

Huckleberry Frolic was an annual event held at the race course featuring horse races, mule races, comedians, fire eaters, gymnasts and wild beasts.

Social Life & Entertainme


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Architecture was very traditionalExample: The Dutch built their houses and

buildings in their settlements just as they had before they came to North America


Page 11: New York Colony Presentation"New Amsterdam." U*X*L Encyclopedia of U.S. History.

Sonia Benson, Daniel E. Brannen, Jr., andRebecca Valentine. Ed. Lawrence W. Baker and Sarah

Hermsen. Vol. 6. Detroit: UXL, 2009.1124-1127. Gale U.S. History In Context. Web. 30 Jan.


