Download - New Testament Gospels Empower Amy F. Davis Abdallah Ph.D.

Page 1: New Testament Gospels Empower Amy F. Davis Abdallah Ph.D.

New Testament GospelsEmpower Amy F. Davis Abdallah Ph.D.

Page 2: New Testament Gospels Empower Amy F. Davis Abdallah Ph.D.

The genealogy of Christ in Matthew 1 includes women: Tamar (3), Rahab (5), Ruth (5), Uriah’s wife (6), Mary

God is into redeeming everything

You have a role in that redemption, regardless of your background

Page 3: New Testament Gospels Empower Amy F. Davis Abdallah Ph.D.

Major NT Theme

The major NT theme is God desires to bring all things into unity in Christ The OT (Hebrew Bible) describes different kinds

of separation This is the major NT theme, and we will see

how it is revealed in the Gospels, Acts, the Epistles, and Revelation.

Page 4: New Testament Gospels Empower Amy F. Davis Abdallah Ph.D.

PoliticalBackground of the NT

The Jews in Palestine were under the control of the Roman Empire Approximately 400 years, called the “Silent

Period” had passed since the recorded events of the Hebrew Bible (OT)

Many empires had controlle Palestine (Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome) The story of the Samaritans

Page 5: New Testament Gospels Empower Amy F. Davis Abdallah Ph.D.

PoliticalBackground of the NT

The Roman Empire brought the ability to travel freely because of peace, Roman Roads, and a common language (Greek);

“Kairos” the fullness of time

The Temple was destroyed in 70 AD

Page 6: New Testament Gospels Empower Amy F. Davis Abdallah Ph.D.

SocialBackground of the NT

Life was communal and centered around family living and working together

Betrothal and marriage language “I go to prepare a place for you” “In my father’s house there are many rooms” “Behold I stand at the door and knock”

House architecture

Page 7: New Testament Gospels Empower Amy F. Davis Abdallah Ph.D.

Religious Background of the NT

The people met on Sabbath (Saturday) in the synagogue to worship (maybe music, definitely Torah reading, teaching if there was a teacher there)

The sects included Pharisees, Sadducees, Zealots, and Essenes The main reason Jesus is hard on the Pharisees is that

there are so many of them, and everyone respected them greatly.

Good male Jews attended pilgrim feasts at the temple in Jerusalem (Passover, Feast of Booths, Pentecost)

Page 8: New Testament Gospels Empower Amy F. Davis Abdallah Ph.D.

The Gospels

Matthew, Mark, Luke are Synoptic Gospels, while John is in a class by itself.

The differences between the Gospels (handout)

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Son of God and Son of man (divine and human)

Was God incarnate (conception, baby, growing up)

Was a teacher with followers

Grew up in Galilee

Page 11: New Testament Gospels Empower Amy F. Davis Abdallah Ph.D.

Jesus’ Disciples

The large group, the 12, and the three closest (Peter, James, John)

Often did not “get it,” but sometimes did

Left much to follow Jesus

Ran away when Jesus was arrested, slept as he prayed in Gethsemane

Became much more powerful after Pentecost in Acts

Page 12: New Testament Gospels Empower Amy F. Davis Abdallah Ph.D.

Jesus and Women

Women witness Jesus’ resurrection first, and were the first sent to tell of it—the Gospel

Women are disciples of Jesus (Luke 8:1-3, 10:1-17, 10:38-42—Mary and Martha, Matt 13:49-50—mother and brothers)

Jesus speaks to women and about women (John 4, Luke 15—lost coin, Matt 25—10 virgins, talents)

Women are not singled out for having little faith (Martha—John 11:20-27)

Page 13: New Testament Gospels Empower Amy F. Davis Abdallah Ph.D.

Events in the Life of Christ

Birth, presentation, teaching at temple

Baptism & temptation

Teachings: Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7) On the Plain (Luke 6:17-49), etc. On the nature of parables

Miracles: wine, physical healing, calming the storm, deliverance from demons

Transfiguration, triumphal entry

Final week in Jerusalem, followed by death & resurrection

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Connection to the Theme

The major NT theme is God desires to bring all things into unity in Christ. How do the following passages suggest this? (You read these as pre-reading for the class) John 13:1-7 John 14:1-14 John 15:1-16 John 17:1-23