Download - New Ten ANDOVER UNDERGOES CAPT. BRUCE BAIRNS.. VARSITY … · 2008. 9. 9. · encounter with the Harvard Fresh- griiid of qtuidying hliz WOrks.

Page 1: New Ten ANDOVER UNDERGOES CAPT. BRUCE BAIRNS.. VARSITY … · 2008. 9. 9. · encounter with the Harvard Fresh- griiid of qtuidying hliz WOrks.


ANDOVER UNDERGOES Calendar of Events CAPT. BRUCE BAIRNS.. Mr. Renn'ie Smith Speaks VARSITY SOCCER TEAMSERIOUS DEFEAT AT ~Far the- Coming Week FTEWILECUETO Members Of Faculty DEFEATS WORCESTER'i sOF DEAN TEAm N\edne-'Iay. Octpobcr29,, ., - IEET RSA NIH Lat onay night Air. Ren- BY THREE 10T O THNDAI~~~~U~~~ 1~:30 ;p. m. Footl~ail games: -HREOTHIYNIHT 1as tolRo! an11 vs. Grecks onl Field - inic Smith, a labor member ofStrong Dean 'Team Scores Two Ol Won Fame During The WVat' As ParlIiament, gave-a lecture to the Slippery Field- Prevents The

Touchdowns in First QuarherOfiilCronsFr Tem FomPangAAgainst Andover .Sa- ins vs. Gauls on FMdI OfcAll CArtooiest o memlbers ofdthe Faculty and their Teams iro Plaist A-~~~ All Armies w~~~~~~%ives. Mfr. Smith wvas secured TerBs

KINQ MAKES GOOD KICKS Thursda1 v. October 30 WL AKO EPN AP olcuehr eod ii e LESILUDFAE8:lI; p. M. George Washing- WL AKO EPN AP olcuehr eod ii e LESILUDFAEBird And Barclay Play Well For ton H-all, Captain Bruce Origina.tor Of Old Bill called "The cause of the popularity of his TeTreCa*FrAdvrMdAndover; Sherry And Twitchell Blaircifather will- give his - Man Who Made The World Laugh talk last year to the entire stu- BY Allis, Gordon, And

For Dean ~~~~fanmuus lecture, "Keep Smil- In Its Darkest Hour" dent body onl America's attitudeUpo

Last Saturday the Deant Acad- ing'. th evenionhgLegu offNations.y.\Aldover's 7 llefeated socceremny football team conquered An- 0 ctber 30th. at 8:15 ir't'he audi- tearn splashed through the mud last

-dnver by a score of 18-9 Th HLIS ''0 toriuln of George WVashin-tont Ilall,'hJQRE INLA trla to etXocetr -0amwsplayed in very had wveath- PHLISBLLELII.1 Captain Bruce. Bairn~fathr, who REUa h an hchcniudtruher, as there was a driving rain and RCNL ULSE .a neit'dcdt nadec IN CLUB FOOTBALL ouit the gaqic, made the Old Cam-

strong wind. The team playing akt Queen's Hall, London, und~er the________with the wind behind them was -First Issue of Year Contains title, -The Mfan who %Iade the Romnans To Meet Greeks Today';puveym d'an slpradsure to) have the advantage, -since Many Article's of Interest \ol ag nIsDretilu" Saxons Will Playofouenitrtamcldpyall their kikks counted 'about twviceToSuet will give his famous lvctuire "KeelpGal at it-, best. but the Blue eleven heldas' much as their opponents. TheSmln. FrthsarresCp the advaiitage throughout the game.rain and wind also made-p~isses very MANY INTERESTING PICTURES tain Bairnsfather has had many of LINEUPS REMAIN UNCHANGED rThe team has only hbeen scored ondlifficult to complete and thus handi- his cartoons made inl" slides, and - once. and if thle improvement whichcappedboth tams seerely.Seve'ral Editorial. Included On New thsG~ili.trin'ntesre reek Team Will Attempt To Score iseietec we ep pcappe bothteam seveely.Buildings And Changes In teewl etrw ntesre Its Initial Victory In Test I vdn ahwe ep pAndover kicked off in the first C ampus by the stereopticon' lantern. Cap- With Roman. there is an excellent chance of beat-quarter wvith' the wvind against them ' - tain Bairnsfatler wonl a high repti- ing Exeter in the final game.s~o the kick dlid not go far into the Tlhe ci,'of( 'rthe Phillips Bhid- tation (luring the World \Var as ot- Th al tl od h Qhs Det heri n od hopponents' tcrritorNV. H-owever, the lefill, the school's alumnni nlews ficial cartoonist attaclie to all the seasoji in eluh football, but the Ro- gamne "'as dlivided into two periodsDe~n receiver fumbled and the ball Magazine, have again, succeeded in armis" at the frontxns 'rlclosinecothe ofrnehlhorac.isad fcame into our hands. Then King war lie cani' to the United States the Sa-tecsoayfu eid.A hiook the ball to the 20-yardexcelentisline.heToday thle Gauils will playth x- csoayfuprod Ate -took the ball tttog othan ecellenrissu.nTheand i" at the present tin(' drawving I - beginning of the game. Andover-Hfo*ever. Andover's attack w atst iiibr ndrtespe-fr anx' of our better knw u-osfrascnhie nter~s took the ball into Worcester terri-checked and Dean kicked out ofviinoDrFusadhsas- licatios game of thle season, the Gaulg jusgt torv. ancl' in a few .minutes. Allisdifficulty to our twentv~five-vard ciates. Mr. T~aradisc' .\fr. George , pan.1ueBinahri aae oba h aof yaIaEaton, Mr. Poynter. Mr. Shiels (atiIrc arsate smngdt ea h aosb a scored. Nunez.' Worcester'sline. King soon had to kick ouIt of ied.-JWIlArcil okn o n-sxt ohn cr.Teehv olepr eev t bl ndiffcult. bt th kic wa blokedand Mr. Blackmer, contains articles no n.\ec' vrin o Ai i toy e no hingescoe Thr aegakee. eevj ebl ndificuty.butthekic wa blck f inee oudrrdae serica's foremnost publications. His envryfwcatmsWa. abourt to kick wvhen Alliswhen four or five Deant men got of anerstI to un Itg Iu thsa art mnar~ le seen in such div'erse stince the last series of gamnes, be- rushed him and blocked the ballthrough the line: one of these car- i~hile obtaining. - " magazines as "judge".. "..the New cauise there was no practice onl the with his ae h hl one

__ned the ball to our 3-ydrd--line. Te; it eea I Aokr."Lf" as w ay fls 'ek h ino the, goal. Later in dhe sameAndover line held for-Tuvo plays; Th ultn eiswthsvrl fagazine". "'rute Mentor". etc. -Gaul 1Ceam hias hlad fewi chain gs. half Gordon, playing outside right.fin --

tril-o -ihsujct;abitt on iT third. Sherry took the ball IfCeioil nsc u~et s Te has appear('(las the( featured as there have bec ts no injuiries, received a pass from center aind putover through left tackle. The ex- thle nie% buildings. inclisding-the Inn attraction at matly fof the foremnost since the beginning of the season, it- in the-net fromn the side of thieamd the Dining I-all. and onl pre- etr al nEilidadA- I lowever . Pringle. may- take thle field.tra point ~'was tried-for through a prtr coltpc ngnrl etr al l t-adadAn

clvrkick eaii. utiw a nduc ater aow few Thesq 'latter subiects itidude the erica and has probably produced place of either Sophlian or Yost. the 'Thle third goal was somewvhat like(lvrkicksDe an ~i'of agan o a the tendwytwr se eain e more laughter in' his.; humorous Gaul] ?nds. Pringle ha-, been im- the 'first. WVorc~ster's goalkeeperkicks, Deawl wag off again on the ~monologue. illuctrate'l lectures, atld prov'ing all season, and made . the blockedl a f-igh kic'k with his hands'offesive Shen, ad Rieouttween iflstructors and students, the drawvings than any other artist in only score of the game last w~eek and Upton. leaping into the air.offenive. Sher3' an Ridout erits of the College Brioird exam- tesm il with the Romnang. The Saxons.proved danigerous in off-tackle intos tndewetherictfieldn. - topped the ball wvith his chest, andplays, in two of which they gained jrGegeIavnPtm

2.5 yards. A 30-yard pass f rom c~aid of himn: .cbanges in their line or back-fieldl. tIn'( score 3-0. and it remained thie-Sherry put the ball on our.10-vard The finial editorial re-ificrs over Ex- , Ti ritla~pae h i-ln aeipoe biul since same to the end of the game. Tneter's most useful recent imp-rove- "Thistartist tae placednthe civ-cbut have improvedkobviouslyline, and'it was passed over the goal nin.arbitstetetrn h iliz&d world inl his debt." Captainth arofhessn.ecd

line by Sherry and completed byI'~ lairrnsfather. who (luring the war The Romanshbave a I-reat-advan- ing the oipponents' goal. but fine_____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ town.

(Contnuedon Pge 3 Folowingthe ditoiak -. ac~e~serv'ed onl all Euiropvan Fronts, and 'taze over the Greeks in their con-scrptin 'f te shoo'., who "'as taken fromt she trenches test toiday. having beaten them once(onnudoPar3YALE-EXETER GAME ~collecton -of tediin hof Veilpr'Zisi to he made an (mfliciaul cartoonist at- before. The Romans are favored RED CROSS SWVIMMING

IS SCORELESS TIE w'orks This description, which i alil t \lTe.rie. a rt u hr s appsiiiyta TESTS ARE VALUABLE- ~~~~~troduces an article onl \Veril Iv tell sev'eral successful plays and the Greeks wuill do the unexpected I ____Neiter Teni howsVeryGreat Mr (ilp len w- wite - aiid win. 'Robinson wvho had pre- Physical Recreation Is Promoted

Strength In ffensive Mr Phillip Alln. was writen I ____________________played__iplayed innte linebmayyeTByeThem I APPracticaPlaying Prf obs r lnsatcl Cnn'Io fg ) - iis(d in . the -backfield. As there -atells of discovering~ the( brauti ofSaturday, October 25, the Exeter thle poet's wr'itinags thirty %'ears 1rontintied on Page 2) Evidence that universitv faculities,eleven duplicated the Freult of its after suffei'ing undter tih' daily MANY BOYS RECEIVE ae giving thought' to the -need oifa

encounter with the Harvard Fresh- griiid of qtuidying hliz WOrks. Tt HO O S THIS RATING Ushers Needed For Andovr prsporm~lih~'l trcmen by holding Yale '33 to a score- his story, he tells how hI(' accideni- ExtrFotalCots entral participation on the part oflesstie.Thegamewasplayd i taly beani intresed i th I~aitiFourteen Students Ear-n Crades Ofth tdnsiterisitio. sless tie. The game was played in tallEightyaOr OverrintAlliTheir Ushers anditicket-takersIarelthehstudents in theiriinstitutionsaisNrew Haven during very cold and poems w~hile searciiin- for exam- Subjects liledlerl for the Andov'er-Exeter seen by Red Cross, representativeswvet weather, and rain was falling ples of old hailidniade paper aind fobigaenNvmer1.llh.aving extensive contacts with thle

-lightly duiring the first half. The wius so faseihnated that lie citnn 'efloig eevdhnr interested please see - fr. 'Peck a-,dctoalcneso tecutyExeter eleven seems a bit stronger tied to read other ~ok. lie adI- .all their subjelicts: soon aspsil.Tcesfrti Tn omeli instances;. as oneW ohser-____________________- - -~~-Frederick 5. \llis- \mherst, .\Mass,.

___(Continued on Page 3) (Continued no l':ire 21 Thomas P.. Catmpion~~1Columhus, gm ilg nsl oebe,0 ntnel~ ae2

Edison And Ford Were Far From Successful Gardner C'. ('igsinian-Witichester. Professor Mitchell, Leader Of United--At The Youthful Age Of Seventeen f!a ;~ Is q n.,NcvYok States Expedition, Writes About Eclipse

Thomlas Edisoin's secondl attempt ('supported as it wv:, hy I lenryv .V uk~'s~ibu trie len h ih n gi n~ wF-ord) to select an-, able youth. naturally causes tis tro wrindier whlat thg i'ai G. TDnrr-liuicaster. Mass. limiirs b~efore tcitalitv' hut it cleared;'in time, and the total elpeo hgrea me thmseles ver lik attheageof sveneen Tl~~e.twohadDavid C. Tenney' Nantucket. Mass. sunl that "'e have traveled thousands of miles to obsierve w~ag seen throughlitte eucaton henthey~vee yung.Doe ths lech s t hele~' th tioulas; I. I.ev Springfield. Mass, clear s;kies w~ith a verv slight haze. The entire program w'a, carried

z'nius spritigs forth of its own accord, or does itJiavj'to lie developed ihr T. Tiikn -ake houh uceslytuhoforetepoogphw-lok ee- - rack. N. J. , ~~~~~~~todlay Ni'ill prov'ide material for gtuds' for nianivnmonthsg after w~e returnby carefuil study and attention? a--k. MasoT- osn.M st

Mahlon R,.. an-otn.'ag t the States.They were both born and reared in the middle west, back in thle clays~biefore the era of modern machinery. Suich things as, railroads, w~ere julst Thoa-T Pt~a-uh. mNooTh suingtu'scoron. wavofhile mased oiimt-aotn th lr lil, hbeginning to develop at that timec. Boys were restricted- ill their choice H.moI(iigtoai.']'softemdimtp thiat is to he expectedl atTLorimier P~obey-NVlAsn-ton. Mass,. such a timec as this. u'h%-eti we are ahotit hal f-way' betweenl a times ot miaxi-the cotinter of some little store, or, if they sought a glightly miore ad-CareITRoe ilsOho mmunstsndoeftiiu.Tw pooncdtea rsfteventurous career, they-might even secure a ioh'on one of thle new and 1-ehrtSoile-aoIcCon cr-orona pro-jected out fromt the glow~ wh'lich comnpletely' surrounded thegrowving railroads. But the day in which a lad might choosge his work. We'bstecr T-. AN Wilsn-ack. ' sun. - \Ve also saw~ half a dozen prominences,. red flamnes ,of hvdrogen.

Page 2: New Ten ANDOVER UNDERGOES CAPT. BRUCE BAIRNS.. VARSITY … · 2008. 9. 9. · encounter with the Harvard Fresh- griiid of qtuidying hliz WOrks.


___________________________ Nuevouu~wuuu~sdSSSSUW~luuuuuuu

tities and measured by quizzes and l f4


BOARD OF IRECTORS reached the heights had they neverseevac~iolbook or had they

Editor-in.Chiecsenfeasi post-graduante work. W crtth'rtnLEE. PEROT HOWARD. '31 Nspeegrttt yearst tin D

flusines Afira~cr A real genius' is, btound to surtniottnt- ~stfal.P\ reic -faKING HOWARD, '31 The conditions, (nic matter what they turel 'knee Sa't tita in the Am-

Managing Editor are) in which hie finds himself. A herst-Weskeya footkall 'gan*.

JAIM.9 HILIPSLARDER.'31 1),qt1do-gcnius will never succeed no The pmomising 1ph ottlore guardAssignment Editor mte o oglesuis h-fedna

ARTIItTR MURRAY PRESTrON. '31 matrhi ogb tde.was carried w theEield neaCirculation Mtmagr ~~~Mere tests can not possibly (le- the end of the -cmd half and is

FRANK IT. PLA'IT. 2ND,'3! cide such things,, whlich is a heart- nlow *in th6 Infir -ry. W estfall wiillAdssistant Mfanaging Editar enling fact to those Of uts who bave und1(oubtedly' b~e ... ablet o Play fori

I.Y3IAN Si'rrz~it. in.. '31a wav of flunking them. NNC. aIt the remainder of flhe seasonIIn Passing Editoi escn l osldIvtetogtn Individual.

Glikilwiu, A. HIiLL. '~2lesatecnoed1thtogtAlumni Editoihtprhp u ahilities are far Johin Scherick. '.A. '30, is play-

- JOW~I. PnR'STON. '32 - too splendid to ble judged 1wv any- Ser icjug,, football on the Princeton f resh-

.Aswcite Editors thing common aind worldly as a. lit-J. 1:1110ITT. '30 11. TowNEND. '31- n . . ai team and h;,- Lole into several' L lte yL N R CJ. C. Tui.~,-J30 W. K. DoDD. '31 tIe exantinattiot.AL clte by AN R C

H 11. lbu'31 ___.L. JR.. '31 gamnes as second :-: ing qtiarterhack-.R. 1r. CaliFFINc. JR.. '31 .L~ast vear Scher~k did not go out are hand-t'ailored. If you are

SC . W oti Fn. I 3 I..'T.W -CAS, '32 Communication for football at .\vidover. but isre

R1. 1). oonirm.s '31 R. . Dao.sE.'2mmir s itrimt ldifficult to fit we offer theR. T. Ci~oven. '32 -To thle Editor: track- team." in

,A5qiStanlt Business Alanager Those inlterestedl in Astronom'cutment-maur nioitm F. TAYLOR. '31 *n tJviul evie

Businesis Board ai t kiinlred sciences. have long 'iiulsrieR. II. C~OR%. JR.. '31 R.E NAVE, '31 felt the need for some sort of ob- Francis Tngelftv-er, wbo gradu-'

W. F.. Kyrmy. '32_ servatorv or. at least, a mode~rate- ated 'Cum T.aude 'fromt Andover in Our selection of exclusive Fallllublishcd ever' Wednesday and Satur- sized telescope. This, of course, if -98 isoolensnnowigh honorsya

d~- a% during the school %ear. houlght from n -I -astronomical corn-YaeanhsbrtonheD n' wolsnwondsaypanv. woulid entail considerable e\ itcnssety Te c nee

TrP1u1t1ti1`10 in'ite, commnunications.civ h-

hunt does not assuine re~ponsihi~tv for tle pense. Tt has heen sugzges;ted. how- colleie. lttgeril fit..aer reeie hi'.entimrntq expres*,ed Therein. All cornt ever. that it would be possible for 'ast etri ~ittl eeadTi4AND0VE1RIPH`CPmnunication~ must be-signed. although the N iintatdetr.Hhaname of the author will he withheldl from those concerned to huild~a reflectili wa proinenta- ielZatr. IIc halLAPOUOCpublication if hie ro de~ire-. telescope, which can he quite well

- ma~~~le 1* amak'urs. They would use team at ~~~~~~~~Yale for le laqt tw 'ar.Mi~re-:-- Ilarvard. 1'rinceton. Yale, Brown, Williams,NOTIwr. To Anrris-rISMI " xEeirr. Lawreiiieville. New Yi'rk City. 49 Broadway

____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ as a. -base of op-leration,. a sm all * *

To irn'11T" chanar of aIherti-emnent. enp% house simjilar to that of thle Radio Laist Satuirdav Swhen Dartttouttthmus;t be recei~ed not later than noon of Clubl. Suich aI plitn wouldc necessi- defeated THarvar' at Catnibridg adlav preectding Tnublication.

Term%: S3.50 per yeaTr: SI.5O per term. tate hut a fraction of the cost of a ituiner of Andw-. (' students had

. ... nfdcla-- matter.___________________ - - bring real in~~~~~struction to its builders ta.PA.'&a *areFIgad Red Cross Swimming cottrs., thle (distinctive emblem' of

Genius ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~P. -\. '33 P. A. '27. plai for D~rmft. . . - Tests Are Valuable thle Ii fe-saver. , Should the graduateMeasuring GeisHi-iifarr- pla-vcLL fihrr;i-ttghout thc _____ --

ROMAN SOCCER TEAM wh~Iole ganle exr tfor the closing it.(rnlinueff front Page 1 lyialeuainashsfed\\'CIii-ily ecomend ,till - O D IR TP A E minutes: Frigar I went tit. a'. sub- hie has a valuable asset in this of-

readers of TIIF Il''t iN That rti-er lenr 'nulien1110ted . to)o specialized ath- ticial recognition of, his effort.

they g~ive Thle articlte at thle bot totni Gauls Are Still In Second Place * -,letic-sha' resuilted itt what mighet ble These facts are 'generally reo-

rif the first page onl the yBuith of With Four Victories To Intercn rrull-aesc ernvdl a coutrse in "sport applre- gidaogcleelaeron

Edison~l atid Ford miore than a Ia'.'.- . Their Credit (rci.whh eBhewo4. "t ls'11.I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~e ae hc tefu o - ito"ln a deln xr '(tetly each year sees a closertug_ plerattsl It is --woithv---nf a rn ie \ 2.hl oy credit'. ti . the individual stttdent't

eithr caefulreadng Tle I nia, ~tll ]aid i ~tJui- recrh'\ hapo neitions ffre-degree 'f coopieratiotn between therather careil readiti. _ Th. one.stl ili istla~ of the halfba~k poztosfor r'~~.Wa snee--p~rit

To tts~ it seenmll a very straitig M (thib o.XT(r withl six games, to Yae 'iefo en ebrl.i rga hc svlal Red _A rfrs. andl the country's edui-

thing thiat these Two nien bothl of their 'credit. T Mat lodav the otesocrtatrt'Chsbtito aill stuidents primarily as phiy'i- --atioiial minlittttiness. ducators are,whoni ,ee dsa alie.a ats h re '.eco n(I rasdteral~le'sair r w 'asadcal r('creation. alpd which has., be- 111otttd tnimng the imipor.tant groutp,

-eventeen shi ruld tl~~~e the methodtial of victorir'- to foutr. Mli('tler lwlamatitituber tell-'ide'. a certain practical aspect. if h'ed C ros, l'aders in the count-- ttT~t they do t select the co~nig defeated the Saotis 3-1 . in a -erv 111 teaml lit wa, Captain Af three 1'r'r t- Ners the Red ('ro-' ha'. t r\. while tilte contact or s-tmictit-

niechan ical 'geni tts of .\ T ks anipww; c)(Ir;-s hectY- at \tidilr o'r. hckey,. liwen welcomed in uttiver;itie'. and with the practical values of Red

Th aerg aget ')-f those ta-kitg resttng game. Thiwit is-png. Cos gavit ittens wasan

thehe- ionTes ws bot eve-earedbyman srimaesboointtntiarkaedhaehll. ' cvegmawitnis rorarofswm-tno''. .eyte o hemelesannt* * * - ut~~~~~itg instruction, life-saving, mid fth, communutities over the tUnited

teen. The sturI~nts were al chosen the goals atA may fine stops ~ I Terster~arre'.". plavitig at righ first aid.tTaid. Til ttrs co have eeve h -tate' , (I ilritwniintollocallleade

f,'r exceptio'a ablt i hirtegal gulards c'f both t Ais ~ cdfoYl aura a n of adopterl as offcial requirement- itt 'lt ip'f R~ed Cross Chapters many

studies ati' their piectiat' amlitittt!I the regiiiar Saxon goal-keeper wias fte bright spots of the'Yl -~ certai-i~nsti~ttionz %i'here phy'.ical jyotunger -niell a-, they. have grad.

for tlte ~cietitiic. \11 were fellows unlable to ply ir crstangm. Jm Seiat p 9 dttcatiott is stressed. Ihi tei1' V S. tiated and started -eircl careers."y who haid proveti thetuselves sttit- M)nmr cr, hn,,it.Tn tw t . '( Iilitar Acadentiv at W\es;t I ott

dents of the first tank. ~~~~~~usutal slipped in ,Prescott scored phived at left guard for Yale dur-'stta, of the fir-,t oal for the Gairtigothes. an mos f01 Gauls Retain Lead

Ill conltras;t, at the- tender ag ofteIrtgalfrteGus atrlgpr-o h ie e.e; fthe Red ('ros;. certificate -is - I lbFoblsevitliteetl Ed i'. in I ad( alreadi' ~eceivin11 a nice pass fromn P.itb- PhillipBultn. tchiesaw lfo iritg

entiled.outP~foneschol -nd ock..far lter n tle arn e Pck-Recently Published and life-savittg. Tut technical itis- I Cintinued from Pnre It

<tutdied clI!,tltoril .at another CTt 'I talliied fater a pass from Cooper. I .niudfo w'I - titutions, such as schools of milling

- his seventeenth birthda~~~i' lie- -~was Prescott 'and Cooper starred foi the Iniegnerg tltomlshlshave-not been aiiy injuries, the teaiifn~iedat s''Ie sch tas~k as, clerk vises cvervonle to don the samne. 4treezing physical edlucation. thle ilrmnitchhesaeshr-

in a raili~oarl baggage *Thce.THad Gin nlHm 'r ~ackimer hias written a dis- tir'.t aid cotirsei eonwdfris fre lTre.o h oits

lie would not even ham'e been aIn-- alshoe amrkdipv- tile small college atid the uiniver- The Red Crocs. it iq explaiid' edisaIi'l pa ihtesc

vitel itr tr\ thema Ili,' schoolingl ni-i i hi psi fe a tvst': this; article has already ap- li,ts no part in a dis;cti,;iot of t'Oond enatlMthl ilfl i

~ia- e~'i'reielv scantv. -Wdedyssrmaeiihtepae nTt~Pti iii. Tn it speccialized sports : iteverthele";,. as 11l:ce if lie is; able to start. Mitch-

IFordl al-sof failed ni-i-scrahblv ac a - '1r t.aiIte ilpoal elie has, included %ev'eral interesting the problem hias ris;en, it has snil- elli may not ble tised becattse of his-choar ie son ost nteest tid(qtite a -threat to the Romlans, dtir- fratnigec.lzkbetraie hti h e

clinlar lie (coil lo,;tinteret andreasons o tedn ah deik ,wl elzdthti h e iiijttred' leg. H allet also is hurt, andran ai¶'v to a ob iii Detroit as a tu h rs f h eao.Nmber nineteen of 'Mr. Para- Cros programn which is a. partofiisotcranwehrewlle

titechanic. N4.i~uŽ., atseventeen, we - In the ther game Monday. the dise'-s series- of short biographies on fthe work ait so mainy institut ion- of able to play or not. I hgm

tItdEinan olwta"bo Rnas vetdw toa-0reet !nauin,'u Aiidorer-Ahanii appears higher leart'ing. there is anl allswer wvith thle Giauls a weel-ago, the

knowledge'~ -o -li a'. t" he almo..tbefore thle Greeks. The Greek il thir issu oftePull This readvin't hand. Romianq had to dlo without the

'i-elcl.-. *\nd( vet theyn are attenipt- team hasz improved greatly in ~-te timne the althtlr deals, with T-Tenrv \sq oNe Red Cross; instrtictor 1)itt services; of both A. Johnson and

ntl to -eetterstcs.o' rn attowekadte bitil \iutt olatd. the scientis't, it. "thle college tinat is uposr to Nli'lhell, two backfield stars. The

boys who are atI thle sate ae in ttplaved the chlub learlers in the Professori RnwlH~nd spetit less; than' have higher academic qutalificati'"I's Cre ek 1pa,;es, will prove a. threat to

Iranir-trically ''ii~ed conditions to game' Monday. Hincks plnved a a ~'ar here. because in his student thatn one who is tnot college tr';Iilid~ thle Roaintis whose of~le~icc is-also(

the( rite; which thei' were in fine z-ame for thle Greeks. scoring da~'s thle Class;ics were practically, --\ why shouild hie Tint lie bletter 'tronlg. Todd and, Swope niay get

I 'erhat s a great respect for the ortee. and~ pa~slng for the other th ontly subjects tatight. while equtipped for practical sport Ile iln tl' gamne today. -

'atilue of learningl. gained by cx- s;core of the "ameT Nnrlersonn Rowlandl's mind hadl il~re~ady been- vi-rN . likely. will he a golf enthu- Thlintpsae sf,;_~~sIr('rietiC(' in the passin'g of years. has played well for th -ertitnan as did dleveloped along scientific lines. ijast. a te~ziis-rlevotee.atid-in-sunl- C(AULS --- SAXN

eatt'.r'd ther' milen to place schrl a raes\r. Shields haq done his, ustial itier at least, will spend part of hi,; Ywi~t. r.e. -- r,,c.. Holland

highe e-tiiimtc onl the abili~v itt a goorld job with the division onl .th- itime oil, the water. W-c a' ilaTorn. r.t. r.t.g..owr Pinpel

vytlth to accunmulate factt, Certaini WOODCOCK DENIES- Ietics; in describing the progress of y oorl hatd at thle former ~anes Bumi c. c.. Fryit is; that tol pa-- rele (if thirtc-t sec- L.DOPAR Y Alexander. 1~g. - .g.. Francik

ol(,111;tle jrjI-6It-dwthe'irl YAE IL RO A fa-ll -ports. while '.Mr. Eaton's ~c and through Red Cross, instruction Walker. I.i. - .t,. Angel'Ite titust lie aci-Ittailitr-d with 'all a'.- ' - - ~~~~~~~~~~tion oti "Alumini Tiltterests" and the he( canl he sure of hlis qualifications Suiphia,,. I.e' c. K. Howard

arra% nlit arrayq. harold F. W~~oorcock-. graduate '.cit eoelt GnrlSho sasimr",fl'.i' (Capit.i, g. - g., iindsaytopics. (uth~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~bert'.c'tt. r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ht~~~~~h,. Sr~~~~~~~~~0hlieb-in rb Wolf~,, Wl

Their OW-n eaxbanie p- lire. Itnatnager of thIle Ya,,le \thoeti \-' TInterests" are certain to be of valuie Thle degree of integres in thes;e Cl'ark. Il.h.I I.hbLindenbe'r~

tmc~-r'rhelessi'that. norr matter how s~oc~itiotl. todlay (letier reports; that to all elra-dtate~s. 'Red Cross college sports, is itidli- S1111htt, f.b., Hold~m

great the Fchlolarship winners Ile- \rmlv hla- beien dlroppedl froin the \Mtlmerotis itnteresting~ pCtte ae b h atta a o1Zdr CRrhtEEK. ROMArNS.Cie (ew

conw. an - to select ati otti- s~~~~cterlitle for tiext i'ear because of acnatvthe articles,. ..... part .f the inncn is; by r~t.. Hallet

standing- bloy by thlis mepthod is th lee ocrtdatc pn everal of these are of the newv Inn. qtialifled stutdents; miho give volatiu7 R'aotinw''in. rc. a~., Bstraltl

niere rhancc. tor the examinatiotCoceteiatak tpn -I 'al taia. . .. Statomerc qhance. forhie foth I-Iexairinaetion both interior and exterior. There, teer service. This service has its; Pratt. I.g. l.g.. Walden

which can inrlicate wyhere genius, lies are mianyv ictitre of other Acad- Ireward in a certificate fromn the Red Dot.nZ I.t. L.-t..~o ucingliam

Page 3: New Ten ANDOVER UNDERGOES CAPT. BRUCE BAIRNS.. VARSITY … · 2008. 9. 9. · encounter with the Harvard Fresh- griiid of qtuidying hliz WOrks.


Andover Undergoesrt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Serious Defeat atTHSC E rG L O V E S- ~~~~~~~~~~~~Hands of D~ean Team TH SC E E

(Cozntinued fromi P BUSINESS

~~ ~~ Love l'~~~~~ideout. A pa.ts was -Just- missedin attempting to scnre the cx~a.

luIinlt, After Andover kick('d, forTo Touch 0 hsqurtrthe third timCin thsqrre.they

again approached our goal, huit theAnnouncing Arrival of qure ended then with aI scoreco DE ,PINNA,

PIGSKIN .- MGCHA - GOATSKIN- - SUEDE - FUR LINED 12-0 for Dean.AND DEERSKIN GLOVES A~t the beginning of the second 5hAeu id5n he

MITTENS IN SHEEPSKIN - SUEDE OR LEATHER quarter. King made a long kick to- WXOK

Fine Assortment of remove all danger. This, quarter A mnIabty Indtantry. misrnaa futrnm .its COMPLETE OUTFITTERS

GLOVES AND MITT'ENS FOR SPORT was vn \dvrhvn tewn in.Zrr TO COLLEGE ANDOR STREET WEAR behind them. 'Many kiacks were ex- oul inl1c ,c u etr c~) r"REP" SCHOOL

"Nio In. "onti~ ol.1 anti Li.-Iel..m., ~it i STUDENTS- changed] aird wh~en Andrvove r was th"a-i of tlss lRu.-kRrf -f c, , I

forced back on he~~r 2.5-yard tlwy istarit-d oin it. n)01 JOR4iliR, OIRRR) Our representative 'exhib.'its

~~~~W~~~~~~~j~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~line. K~ing ran the ball to About the (113rfl reaIly Snod I,,g. l .,,adrij ,,. bi ireekly iit 141 Main St.

middle of the field. Swa~~~~~Inklooks Ilkis. litis. flat inn *i. Im *.1 i:.middle of the field. ~~However, it an undt silp itni. Nr. in to "lickL. t.d..orstille. Cuclir triim und i , Gulni l.I-ii, I r

Profeissor Mitchell, Leader Of ruenber.. of our party, however, Dafeandgt the 1 i( ball aginb ior the inssa~ritsleagv. r.ucu.i n, trt Ii.-United States Expedition, wilrtr ytemr ietrue afeddadran the allo lip to t Jr1r4u,,,m Varsity Soccer Team

Writes About Eclipse l)r \iai Vai membrs ath line. wvlirt \ndlover Defeats Worcesterr. Adans and member of theregaind the all all] remoed allBy Three To Nothing

I Continued from Pae I I, New Zealand party, who also hIad reainged thfe thal haiilfrno l (continued from Page 1)

.. hadow hands appeared also on the coniplete success, will also return _LwDvin~h-4h-halvcs. tIle ficld was u *earth's surface before the beginning homne a, soon as they can dismantle dlesertedr while all the pl)(ctators, and Sph ll\iNi h~v the gpalkecper andi sev-

thicir alplaratus. both teamis took Shelter. There S W -A Kmrupnlisaais h oetaandtaftuTrrhe-end af re-aliry! TcnaltieOKagainst tthe home team

totalit idese _______________________________________turning team was escortedl by only pi-eventLIKfuAther-scr riigr(lark ripples were about an inch Many Boys Receive some liftv survivors-of the we-ather. Made. by th.. B~arr & W i .. dk.,. leiThe oditfur ofther c fing. pro

widle and about eight inches apart. Honors This Rating -l *vcondl hal f oa with .wnxt, Light..r. . . . ,I. I.r,- M,

Thev traveled- over the earth at a I-Cln eans, kick-off agaiu..t thle wirnd. h!,tday"tri nete'otinued from Page ( )'C'onnor played well as halfback CRIMNSON SCRIMMAGES teaml. but both plaved well together.

-iwecl of twelve miles an hour in a*north-northwest direction. No bands 1-dward S. Jacobson--l~ackcnsack, iiit acl of identit mn thle third - TO POLISH UP ATTvIACK They liner! ill a, follow~s

N. quarter. and showed that lie also ~~~~~ANt)O\Elt .3 WORCESTER-0were seen (luring totality. N. r-(Ilater. nl, showed jhat leaklso Ar~dfowe cimge(hsIa~.9 ue

AVe were also interested in watch- Meiig.-r pake1)bi.cudgi rud'o ~ftc~e .\nod oweisrmae n han. I.f gr~~.. NuncwaPla. pilays. In tIs- quarter the Mlue H arvard u-airsite' football squad forMegi. fkrfb.Hawy -

Ing the natives of this little island - Wllrrfi..fblinas the magnificent spectacle of a ~~~~~~'evenit('vn H-ours came within -;coring di1,;anrce of the thle Iicot!..ceiksivc afternoon Holltandl. IJ.h.b r.h,.b. Richardron

toal teclagipsentappecarcdli -the a~ lvnC.CoY-NwYik . goa .A long~ kick hN;. Kimng put the vesterda -wlirhen sen.;(it his charges W4o,',,Jii aCapt.;. rll. Fogg - -

heavens. They were interested in (;ladw~iii A\: I Iill-Wellcslev H~ills. aal nama'. 2-tr lineadIimmie .lKlf's second var- iNfooni.ri~i Ihb. evmit, but wcre' quiet and (lid not seem Mass. .zaoWkfcd h etpav enw.Pnhel~ fra 4 -iuesrgl o!;~~RAr ;,~O¶

Ra~lph Lzao Wkfed'Mass, - enn -J .f.. W. Gonzalesfrightened. -~~~~~~~~~Fax F \Fll~~~~~~~k Pl_;, Cal'f a funible o Dens1-vard line. 1poldish ithe offrensiepa o vr i',[

Thlis is the eighth eclipse ex- laF. illiati-asa~edc t IMama~n. R 1r.I i.l.. Wellmanliedition that I have participated in Edward 11. Porter- Peabody. Mass. howefver, a bad pas.; from center ind~ividtual. No scores were kept. l.t,,~ Crr o.r.pediton tht I ave prticpatedin Fward I. Prter-Peabdv. 'ass.Ing ) her- T,.l.- R. -Gonizale,

and the seventh eclipse that T have Robjert NV. Sides-Yo~nkers~~ N. Y. was missedelre-T\ lie secotid team was onl defenseseen, for in Norway in: 1927, on my Lymirani Spit?.er-TdlIedo, -Ohio coee!i.adtrngo utrialafroo adwa kpter Yale-Exeter Gameseventh expedition. myi luck failed. John IT, Woolsey-New York. N. his opponentk(' ran back trv-the 35> bti~v b)y the 'nale inside and out'- Is S~breless Tie -

yard line. Witl\( our attack- checker!.and clouds prev'entedl aniy observa- ".ide of tackle mnade by Jack Crick-tions. Blefore this trip I had traveled S;ixteen I Tours Dawaabetgonthofe-ard~ aiid Eddie Mavs. (Ctiudro Pae)about 60.000 miles for eclipse 01)- D eWitt l~ornror-New~ York. N. Y., s gi.btdrlio eiulthreaten that~ period'. \Srituaiiioii Capt. ken Tlicknivr. who is; resting on the rlefe'nse. in vIeW of the f.3ct,~crvations. hut had seen the sun I ifteen IThours 'Caqhttt~lfrONil tteti ek ace h play from thiat E~xeter helrl the team that b~eate-clipsed for only. a paltry fifteeni Morton Granit-A\ndo\ Tr. M.\ass. end of the quarter thle ;ideliiies. though in uniform. thle Mlue 6-0.. _Howev'rc- neit-hermfinuates altogether. Now I have huilian M Gravelv- Newv 1Haven. Denmrehrlstsoei h e prob)ahly wvill not practise fhis Exeter nor- Yale show mttsh 4tor--sreen it e~clipsed for about a. minute Conn. foufth period. anrl -\ndover had a week. lBob O-ggj II arid Bernard irig punh lhuh al-saoaunl a halif longer. The length of Philip P. Johntstoni -Jamaica. N. Y~. hard time holrding them against the \Vhitke %\ere also spectatorr. Bloth games and predictioiis can 'never hethis eclipse was; -not quite as long A\rthur S. 'Malsin New York, N. win8j. Dean againi made the attack were in s~treet cloth".' Whitc had reliedl on.' still the Anrdover elevena.. wve had expected, for while thre Y.

lwgitining was o t~lle the egrilw~us David C. S~rgent- Greenwichthrotigh ruins. anrl arpproachedl An- to take air esamination andl Ogden ray prove itself suifficiently strong-a bit early. Such slight rleviations t 'onn. ~~~~~~~~~~~~dover's, goal byv steary runs of .5 i.. ;till reting. I-red Richards 4nd er in offensive playing to tritumph

andI 10 Yards'. initil she came to (hariet (~n Iiha both Iusin xtr nti gimt olfrom prerhictiori. however, arc to lie Fotirt~~~~~~'eui l-Toiirs ~the Andov'er 7-varrd line where eruitcles.' wvere onl thle sidelines. Broa from the. group oflStexl~~ected. John I I. Eniez~~~~sour- \Vest N~~~wton, Ridleotit scored oil an off-tackle ('unnisihanu will lproalfaly lhe on year's Andover men on t~he qquad

Mirs. 'Mitchlell anid T caine lie-re liv Mass. pa.Tekc o h xr point crutche.. all season, while Richards-,~ pain o aewvaV of San Francisco, Irtit we shall David K. Trevvett-(Tarnrrel. CaIi f. uta fetotesiefi xpced 'back for the Mlichigan The lieu fo'h gmI.~sa

keel) on going around the world. Praok XV. Vkrc jl-~ a fw fet t tie 'du-Slwlbv. i cp fo tich. thes akee) o gong Ireandtheword. rak X. Vl-iit-hi-1w.'Mih. hegoal-post. Deaut kicked off, and gvame. Novcniher $. 11arry Wood, follows:

returning by way of Europe anidl N orman E. Vnle l e- aganthetne u dner r-tough in monleskins. was not used. YIEFEI~E EXETEftNcW~l York early in January. Other cheeIter. N. KilciIi- fro. II e. - I.e.. hircber

IT. ~~~moved by Kiiig's, good kicking.Th IIci..rfri fo acol.T( 1.. i..Tlr

___________________________________________________________________________ agam enrle wiwithtthebhal -outtof -Barnarnum lg.. !.g..Leeeerin

for either team. , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ker~itelr. A". c.. DyerESTAULIENED - - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~scoring dista nce frete em tlolrnibe. r.r. 1r.g.. Blis

sure ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Deafi winning with a sore of 18-0.tai. r.i. Al- CurtinTheIDean backficiSdan all Played Theag' all 22;. ne r* FiNlgu

* gains, -captain Twitchell. Dean S- lrusIiee. r.h.b., IUckecaptain and yen' l'l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~illii~~~~. fb f.b.. ('larkcaptainandcenter, played vn well q5RRtI)..i on.: Bru nner for Eli i. Sull i-

ma lad lnyi -odtakeRKnRif for Brunner. hlras foar Curtin. Chuarch

1111AVISO111 AVEINUE CON. FOMTYFOUNTH svmggT lurli.ed his usual go-playinig iii-. it tokn-frTeein

NEW YORK ~ ~ ~ *the backfield, anrl (O'Neill -played

, I ~~~~E RF~lnnrc. r.e. e.v. O'Nei~ll~.f~ M 4

r.i., Strati- EA _~~~~~~~~..DRi e'n thouph 'tis wicked Y

'T~WiR~lRR~ll. (:~1 1t.' -st ltege"n~'t weather out. Another triumph M 0'EMfor modern science. Tower eB3

Ilrakewian. l.g. l.g., Gardiner can take. men, a meeting-placel.t.. Foremaii anA ansommxte l

flielad..vir~~l,. l~c~ I~e.. C~iffR~r~l oget':er. and get the men 'RARichlovt'l. I'x ~ e. Clfffril homc dry from head to foot.-She~rry. cj.IRb rh. King. Walpt., (This guarantee applies to ex- JWR ihtomkasalin

Ridrout. r.lR.l. r.lR.b.. Bairolzlv ten~or only.) xellr git t) ie il f ks aOCOIRRRR. lilIR. I.IR.II..Bird F'ish Brand Varsity Slickers Ci~R.V itt ieltl ok twri~ilm-r. 1.101. Bird are roomy, smartly cut, long- hiiiriie' %ou %illI be sure to please if

f.b.. Fit7 wearing. Full-linedfo)'Rir..Cla bo'c of CRAYOLA'WaxSttbstitutie~i-~ ~nt~ier: l~e'wi.. f,.~ warinth as well as rain pro- Cra%011.

Ilegeman. 2RRRI Ii~~~~lInio f,.r tection. Lighter models-the KOidRieC. lose ii) color and iou will find!tl~~jW~~dt~l "Topper" and -the feather- VarioRts as'.ortnicntq of CKA4VOLk at

!.ewk'. 3rd tiR.narier: Withington f..r weighit "Kitcoat," Variety, of anl% .f thle leading .htatinnes annd chiumn-O'Neill. 3rd qua:rt.'r: `Zhea for- F'oremait.: colors. Sold everywhere. Look ..tores,.

Clothes for Fall your assuraSrirn.. ncethatevryrii NO. BCRAYi- stil andardpit, nolinar ,,r litentt. iid cent you pay will be well c'i'ir. fRr i'nloring outiline' drawings.

RiRRarlRr: llifli.nui foir oConnor. dIariRR spent. A. J. Tower Company. Rnne.. et't..T erm 0 the 1111%e4: ~~~O'Coirm.~r for rxidrout. .3rd 2- Simmons Street. Boston. NO. 24 CR %YOLAI. EjlRI~~~~~~~rtR'r. ~~~~Massachugetts. CRRRItaliRR, ii~enty4lour qticL'k; f brilliant

.~~fnd for "d il'ardro/~~~~,' ~pr ______quarter hneC'~ . ... f~r Mtother. Si~er. and ths(AUmt~hIr SPOE Wadeefa othie feiltous Si-ter for stenciling and

AUTUMN SPORT" ~~W'. H-. WELCH COMPANY 10 ER 11nin oin fahric,;. Get Your best ,IlBRANCH STORKS jto, decorate a custhion foir Your d~r

Page 4: New Ten ANDOVER UNDERGOES CAPT. BRUCE BAIRNS.. VARSITY … · 2008. 9. 9. · encounter with the Harvard Fresh- griiid of qtuidying hliz WOrks.




with prices reduced fromi $75.00 to ,$65.00 on the suit, "and also showing

-with a new full -line of woolens


\1~~T *R. HILL The- Andover Fruit Store Edison and Ford Were Far From ponor, since he had had no guidance. Capt. 'Bruce Bairn-*

W . R. HILL .1 ~~~~~~~~~Successful at the Youthful lie was never satisfied with his fte ilTetr

A. BASSO, Proprietor Age of Seventeen lEII( ee,'e ~ vitcigH v~~~~Here Thursday Night

HARDWARIE -`C HOICE FRUITS - (Continued trom Page 1) proved by his cldlers, and all hope --(Continued from Page 1)

MAIN STREET ANDOVER for himn was gjvetn up by theni. HeFishing Tackle,. Shells; Pocket fanit. used to N% tch the -hoards of ;-ai't t~ rlaail1o rec The Better Ole" ran on two

people boundtrhalifoaiacinn-Idec nhsa continents for years and has beenKi~nves, fetc. etc. AGENTS FOR bond Caiforia-in ha ofdneihsaiiy twice macic into a motion picture.

THE PARKER AND CHILTON sacofgl. htanirs-which later WoII him so much. This The part of "Old Bill" has been31 MAIN STREET Tel. 12sion-it must havt made!

192 - ~~~PENS wa hia.Edison at the age of played 'by ,something like twelve

LOWE 0 COMPANY - hni 84 re odvlpseventeen: famous actors f rom time to time.

THE STRATFORD SHOP ~~~~BARNARD BUILDING, t. Sixteen vears after the birth of "Twenty years after peace is de-SODAS . LUNCENfE.- __________________fork oldghparen~tN entered . dared," wrote an old soldier, "there

S~~~kND~~~~~tC_________-___CANDY______-___CIGARSi ~ede.this iiiveiitor.--l-krv F`ord came in-wilbnomrptetsmuusoS-XNDWICIIES CANDY CIGARS ~~~~~~~~~~~~himi in a little so:1 -,Iin P'ort H uron, toithe worlm ottpatfarmsnearlDearo

MAGAZINES The COMPMUNITY CUPBOARD t h vrdo 1fr erDa-nuTel. 'Al1B6 o - ichigaii. Tlien hie failed miser- recollections than his fidelity and

')6'~ MAJX~hTR~ET ANDOVEB and LUNICHEONETTE abiy and wa accodnly. l l- * or. icia.oiJl 30. 1863. his po-wer of exrssn a condition- . . *uic~~~~~~~~~~alui~~~~~~. T~~here %va, alwavs plenty tro he done of mini."

A.- F. -RIVARD 26SAI ST-ADJE ee ~ nte .. hol isralo the farm:e so-young)-Henri was -- No admission feec will be charged.

Optometrist ~ttidy began insihesB-wth.rsdiseldsalway, losy. )n1e1 4- his chie (I-and ihe general public is invited to_______________________________ father was _suite- disheartened, Ile -

School Jewelry lights. whnVCI he was lnot occtipied. attend..36 Main Street.~- Andover. Mass. Th l y o d Ofteu sat at his !,replace, half dloz-wa tog vitanehbrn --

keep your hair do~vn , 89 mai ret- ing. reflecting onr his son's -peculiar wsnitoiv 1 ewthdtemnsA TWT LW R

with -Large Airy Rooms attitudes, his lIwint towvard th pro- i hesadipeet,(f l eerpe nwe ntmvith * ~~Delicious Home Cooked Meals cbeses of nature. audI his love frearwelanimeetsfalTlgapdAyhreAyte

Oleaqua Hair Tonic Telephone 8108'2 science, about which he -himself ..ort,-, .\ six lie was atudent in J. H. PLAYDONSOLD AT - ________ one of the country schools jiear the

Bennie's Barber Shop -.- knew nothing. Th by as coni- fif-i orrather-relatvly ner > 60 Main Street ,Tel. 70Hartigan'sDrug Store - taihtly experunniuthin. trying to di----

________________________________________________two miles. which H-enry used to

PHILLIPS ANDOVER coe h cin fvrosgsswalk every (lay. His chief interest S UB ' O T ATand - cetnica~. lieoften houghtat- school was nmathematics. although and -a

Riding Stables that a person :c-ould -float in air if he hews o (ll inhs te str.SUB O T R SHart~~gan's pirat -L EQN~~ - bod something to liohlh ~ hemwa l ourilhig i, thu~ w e r rttudilu

Riding.PooadJmigLEO Sonvhd-onti-t o hmu.SUB TO T BR HLes.n - T '.323- Duiigtissm yar, Henry ble-

Ioaaon Sunday afternoon 700Frt-ICncinrtdi atanrodel75 vluH"Aour. $1.00 Eve" or y tr btt TC ial nue

little f riend of hlis, to swallow a ofen'-Bottht' -it h fahe.- 49c

-JAMES I.W N A E 1 Jese Ile thought~t that the gase'~ would lhe I -oHsidergais mahineacysuIfcicin1tlit the box'N ininiedliate- there,, onl that country roa'd, the

- - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~appointmient it fie.and he lost a farmer~ lad'~s mind, that, sonic day' REPAIRING AND SHINE

friend] thereby. At the age of thle transportationi of the worldl PARLOREdi. would change. ~~~~~~Musgrove Building

FURNITURE - Sand~~~~~~~~~iches ~~twelve. Edson began to sell news-wolchne* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~papers oni the Grand -Trunk R~ail: At thirteen Henry became known: BEST LEATHER USED

INTERIOR DECORATIONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~road lbetween Port HuItron and Dc- as the best watch~nmakcr in) - thle Low Prices Work Guaranteed-troit. Chn this jqiilroad thle youith- vicinity. I-Te bad often tinkeredl ON STW Rfi l g-eniuts es;tabhi~hed, a p~rosperotws with clocks, andl watches whenheelJH BUYER ART

563 Boylston St. Boston, Mass. business, ~~~~~~and finally set up a, press; was but a small lad in the firs;t ~ ~Ii a ba-ae ear. I-le *rite the grade. Whether to cotiu t*. Cast Off fofldng and Shes*

- - ~~~~~~~~weeOk\ I lerald-on thle traini. perhaps trade, or whether to build road en- 10 Bartlet Street, Andover,the first and only paper ever printedl gines for farmi wor~k, was thea eter-

LOUIS M . U N TRESS onl 'I railr''ad. It cost eight cents nal problem of the boy?- h'ut at th6- Bennie's Sanitary Barber Shop-PHO TO GR APHER ~~~~~~~~~~per month and subscribers miulti- point his mother died, leaving th Has always been the choice ofPH 'OTOGRAPHER ~~~~plied. Tin this baggage car he set family in (lirneult straits. S~eeing PHILLIPS ACADEMY STUDENTS

lu~t t w~id-Chr~tnii i~; ti~t'aroun~thecorne-andi'att everyone workingratr hard oni theroneFwrurnFirarto ClassForBarberslasatayour a sour viceu-ian w r- rtuaisn- r idthcon-adta l)arlaotoantisall the time. Tel. 1289.M--~~~ tinallv coiled his railroa4I career. nedghhoring farms, and - thinking 9 MAIN STREET ANDOVER

- ~~~~PHOTOGRAPHS - efl).w ewseprmnig ta h okwsetrhtofi-Bennie Ventura, Prop.

Ii'. timw even now ito arrange for sitting-- any of last Ou iy sh a xeietnta h okwsetrl'todf

fi ring', -group picuire, are still litre. P'leace let fiiie know~ whviat I lc flolrr. elo h iut -er'(eielt ne Tii For HOT BUTT'ERSCOTCHpici lre- v.on want 'InryI a-pir~fl,-;utd ll theml ren'ly foir yroitl 11''o. setting tho ear onl fire. The Chilies to make the lalor eaiter.l~ O UG UDE

- baggaige miaster %vas~ so enragedl that tried to construct anl engine n ot HOan aFUll E Sineof DAgaiESFrame them t. in. if von wish> . li~~~~~~e dealt a blow onl the ear, which variotvs-ndd pieces which lie f.iunrd*tth

_________________________ ______ ~~~~~~~catvsed Erdison'S' rlafness;. .\t the In' his father's barn. Put it wasvitth

'Iext station, thle lad wvas ridiely uiseless,: lhe could not build oine. Andover Candy Kitchen- ~~~~kicked oil the train. Scholet irked him:- hiq spirit urged

Speaking About Clothes-'-*During the next couiple of years. him to make things. A- few dlays

We imc lo C1othe 1-e1 thinwl.II all we di' elothe Thoiiia, did tnot accomplish mitichl. later lie was reported missing from B" A AIf-V( ii ~- d .i~ll the ~dl (lre~eilown? 11Hi-1 father dispaired and his mnotherj, -chool. It was discovered that the tF A1I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J \l 'I \ ~ ()k El) ~ ,~ worried. (ne evening. a-, lie was lnd had gone to Detroit and- had Scesrt

dowvn in thle railroad yar. wvatch- secured a job as a machinist~s ap- -

carl E Elander ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ing tihe trains go hy. the youing soni prentice at $2.50 per week. - A sutit- H. F. CHASECa l . El n erof the station master wandered ouit able boarding hotise room cost

TAILOR AND HABERDASHER on the tracks, in the path of an in-; $3.00 a'week. Not long atfterwirds; Full Line of56 MAIN ST. ANDOVER ~~~~~~~~~~ train. Fdison rushed outi Mr. Ford found Ilik; son, and uirged

andi snatched the child into safetv'. hirf to return to school. Buit Henrv. - FOOTBALL-TFhe station master was so gratetul now seventeen, determined to stay AND SOCCERthat lie offered Edison anything lie at his joh. His father rettiruedctiuldl.-iVC. -Teach mie telegraphy'.' alone. A night job with a watch- SUPPLIES

!The .1ebi V iJllipg3J nvs h reply. Here he worked maker finally solved thc financial Developing PrintingfiligetntlN. andr intelligently, invent- problem, 'and froni that point heEnagg

J. M. STEWART, Proprietor ,~~[fi man ulew devices,. At thle age made stea~lv progress uintil the pres-

Opened September,- 15 - o eeuteih vsasledctdctdy.Outfitter for allhoy. I-Ie had read unutch. knew far W~hat do we learn fromn the lives,

- -too mtuch for his age, And thirsted of these -two geniuses? Both had PhillipsAaem em