Download - New resi bulletin deakin break week 1



Works to the Fusion Cafe of

Building LB at the Melbourne

Burwood Campus are schedule

to commence on Friday 19

June with an expected comple-

tion date of Sunday 12 July

2015. The area will be closed to

the public during this time.

Fusion Cafe will reopen for trading on Monday 13 July 2015.

The Annual Resi Ball will be held on 4th August so save the date more de-

tails and ticket information will be coming soon.

Watch this space!!


Sophie Parrôt from Back In Motion Camberwell is the on-campus Physiotherapist at Deakin Burwood for


Sophie has a special interest in spinal injuries, sports injuries, Women’s Health and Neuromuscular Dry



Physiotherapy and massage services are available to Deakin Burwood students and staff on Wednesday

and Friday afternoons from 1-4pm. Appointments can be made by calling the Deakin Medical Centre on

9244 6300 (ask for Student Life).

In addition to the above services, Pilates and GaitScan (gait assessment +/- custom orthotic prescription)

are also available at our Clinic in Camberwell (Toorak Road).

Physiotherapists specialise in the assessment and management of:

Musculoskeletal injuries

Postural correction

Spinal injuries

Post-surgical rehabilitation

Women’s Health

Aged Care

Workplace injuries.


All Deakin University staff and students are offered a FREE Initial Assessment – to assess any pain you

may have, or discuss your health goals.

Payment for any treatment is processed on site (EFT, C/Card, HICAPS only). Private Health insurance

extras cover can be used therefore only a small fee may be required.

Clients are able to receive Physiotherapy services from third party providers including: Transport Accident

Commission (TAC), Work Cover and the Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) Program.

Do not hesitate to contact Sophie, she can easily be contacted by phone or email.

Phone: 9889 3903

Email: [email protected]

Service Normal


Student Rate

Physiotherapy $80 $72


- 20min

- 40min

- 60min








Please note that construction will be taking place on Saturday

27th of June. The construction site will be located at the MB

roundabout. One side of the road will be blocked for all traffic

therefore a two way lane will be set up. Please be careful if

you are driving while this is taking place.


Residents can continue to

use the chutes for SMALL

rubbish items only.

If you have a large item you

wish to dispose, please come

down to reception to organise

access to the rubbish room.

Residents using the chutes

inappropriately will be


Thursday 25/6 is $8.00 Params @the DINER !!!!


Name: Justin Baldori

Nickname: Juzz

Age: 19

Hometown: Myrtleford

Course: Bachelor of International

Studies/Bachelor of Commerce

Favourite food: Pizza

Favourite movie: Space Jam

Favourite sporting team: Richmond Tigers

Most memorable moment on res: Resi mixed Netball

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?: Somewhere

in Europe

Dream job: Businessman

If you could have dinner with any one person, who would it be?:

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson

What 3 things would you choose if you were stranded on a deserted is-

land?: Duct tape, broccoli and a knife!


Q: What did the duck say when he bought lipstick?

A: "Put it on my bill." If you have an appropriate joke or limerick that you’d like fea-

tured in the bulletin, send it through to the reception team at:

[email protected]

Be the first to resi reception to answer

the following question correctly and

win yourself a movie voucher!

Q. Name 5 annual resi events.

New opening hours (as of 29th June)

Mon & Fri: 7am-3.30pm

Tues, Weds & Thurs: 7am-9pm

Room service & meal plans starting very soon!!

(Enquire at The Diner to open a room service account!)

Not using the rubbish chutes cor-

rectly therefore causing blockages Checking out or Moving rooms in a

timely manner


Please direct any queries to Reception at [email protected]

The Apple Tart


1 cup (2 dl) all-purpose flour

1 cup (2 dl) sugar

7 tbs butter (100 g) butter

1 egg

1 tsp baking powder

3 apples, peeled and sliced

Cinnamon, to taste


1. preheat the oven to 350° (175 c°). Butter a round springform pan with but-

ter or margarin.

2 .mix together the sugar, flour, and baking powder in a medium sized bowl.

3. melt the butter, mix together the dry ingredients. 4 spread the dough

along the bottom of the springform.

5 .push down apple slices into the dough. Sprinkle sugar and cinnamon over

the tart.

6 .bake in the bottom of the oven for 40 minutes