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Neoexodus: A house Divided campaign setting

Written By Joshua Cole, Richard Farrese, Lee Hammock with Louis Porter, Jr.

Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook, Third Edition, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This product utilizes updated material from the v.3.5 revision.





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Designed by: Joshua Cole, Richard Farrese, Lee Hammock, with Louis Porter, Jr.

Additional Development: Scott Moore, Leland Charles Schaidle and Casey Smith

Graphic Design, Layout & Logo: Louis Porter, Jr Design

Cover & Interior Art: Anthony Cournoyer

NeoExodus: A House Divided created by Louis Porter, Jr.

Louis Porter, Jr Design350 NW 87th TerracePlantation, FL 33324

[email protected]

For supplemental material, visit Louis Porter Jr. Design and NeoExodus: A House Divided website: www.lpjdesign.

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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

NeoExodus: A House Divided Campaign Setting Copyright 2007, Louis Porter Jr. Design, Inc.

Mercenaries, Copyright 2002. Alderac Entertainment Group





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the world of ExodusThe magical fantasy world of Exodus is a place of political intrigue, arcane wonder, deadly monsters, and dark secrets with infuses the landscape of the world. Due to several various empires at conflict with each other over beliefs from religion to magic to military, Exodus on always in the edge of falling into the abyss of death and destruction. But with all that danger there is an opportunity. There is an opportunity for certain individuals to do the right thing. More than ever, the world of Exodus needs heroes…

ABBADDON “The hard and frozen nature of Abbaddon is reflected in its people and culture. They are as unwelcoming as the rocky hills they inhabit, though the northern Flatlands are not quite so inhospitable.”

Excerpt from the travel memoirs of Labitair Tross, Itinerant Scholar

OverviewLocated in the southeastern corner of the mainland of Exodus, Abbaddon is a rocky and mountainous land that changes quickly in elevation. Its northern and western edges begin as flat plains, but quickly change to rocky hills and then mountains, the tops of many of which are covered in glaciers. It is a land where the climate changes quickly and its people have learned to adapt equally quickly.

In the northern and western regions border by the Abbaddon River, Abbaddon’s soil is very fertile, allowing for vast tracts of crops and several large forests to grow. These regions are the most densely inhabited of Abbaddon and produce the bulk of its food. This area is called the Lowlands by most and is considered by outsiders to Abbaddon to be its most hospitable area. Among the people of the Arman Protectorate the Lowlands are considered where the weak live and those who are from the region are often the targets of scorn by their country men. This is largely due to the fact the Lowlands were once a separate nation, called Cardos, inhabited by humans of a different ethnic group than the Armanians, that has since been conquered by the Arman Protectorate. The cultural divide between the two groups has never really decreased. Despite supporting a large part of the population of Abbaddon, the Flatlands make up less than ten percent of its area.

The Flatlands quickly transform into the Lowlands, the rocky hills that make up almost half of the terri-tory of Abbaddon and form its cultural and political heart. These hills were carved by the glaciers that now rest in the mountains to the south and are extremely rocky. Most hills are covered in short grasses and weeds with there rarely being enough soil to support larger growth. There are forests in a few of the valleys of the Lowlands, but they have been shrinking due to lumbering projects under the Arman Protectorate. The Lowlands hold the capital of the Arman Protectorate and roughly half of the nation’s population.

The Highlands dominate the southern and western sections of Abbaddon. Covered by mountains created by seismic activity long ago, they have been further rearranged by the glacier that now rest in the far southern regions of the realm. These areas are the most sparsely inhabited in Abbaddon, though there are several points of magical interest in the mountains. The Arman Protectorate considers the mountains a haven for magical beings and influence, and thus views it as a region to be conquered rather than settled. Most towns in the mountains are more fortresses than settlements. The mountains are rife with orcs, undead, dragons, and even the remainders of the sorcerer-kings who once dominated this region if some legends are to be believed.

GEOGRAPHYAbbaddon is a stark, bleak country where only in the Flatlands does plant life flourish. Its soil is extremely rocky and barren in most areas, becoming more so as one goes further south. The further one goes in to Abbaddon the steeper, colder, and more inhospitable it gets.

the Abbaddon River Forming the western border of Abbaddon, Abbaddon shares this river with its western neighbor Cordel. The Abbaddon River is largely responsible for the swath of arable land found in western Abbaddon, creating one of the most densely populated areas in the region. The Abbaddon River region is largely flat and during the spring the river sometimes over-flows its eastern bank, flooding some low lying areas. These areas are usually used for growing rice and other crops that need a lot of water. This river is also a thriving trade route, eventually turning east and running to the sea. Due to the stalagmites and many small islands that have formed in the river navigating




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it is difficult, something only attempted by skilled sailors. Most locals use large rafts with extremely shallow draft to travel the river.

the Broken CliffsForming the far eastern edge of Abbaddon, the Broken Cliffs are thought to be the result of the same seismic activity that created the Highlands of Abbaddon. These sheer cliffs range in height from fifty to one hundred feet and dominate the coastline of Abbaddon. There are only a small number of places where the waterline can be easily reached, and each of these is home to a trading settlement of some type. The lack of easy access to the water has spawned several floating cities built of old ships and other refuse that less reputable traders and pirates use to exchange goods. These are destroyed by the Arman Protectorate when found, but most are mobile so finding them can be difficult.

FlatlandsThe furthest north and west portions of Abbaddon, the Flatlands occupy ten percent of the territory of Abbaddon but hold thirty percent of the popula-tion. The most crowded region of Abbaddon by far, it is covered in farms, vineyards, aquifers, and ubiq-uitous dirt roads. While most roads in the Arman Protectorate are stone, there are so many roads in the Flatlands that many remain simple dirt paths with wagon ruts cut deep into them. The Flatlands are considered the most pleasant section of Abbaddon due to their mild weather and fertile soil, and it is the region most outsiders visit, but most Armanians think it is a place that breeds weakness and complacency. Long ago the Flatlands were a separate nation from the Arman Protectorate, but its people were conquered by the more warlike Armanians. The ethnic differ-ence between the Flatlanders, who are tan and dark featured, and the Lowlanders, who are pale and blonde haired, is easy for most to recognize.

LowlandsThe central region of Abbaddon, its rocky hills and freezing winter winds have formed the culture of the Arman Protectorate for centuries. Little of its territory is suitable for crops, though some areas have been terraced for growing various crops and herd animals are common in the Lowlands, especially a local breed of shaggy-haired cows called shigs. The Lowlands are known for mild summers and cold winters, and living there is not an easy prospect, a fact that has been instrumental in forging the Arman Protectorate. The forests of the Lowlands are the prime source

of lumber in the Arman Protectorate, a fact that is expected to cause them to cease to exist within two hundred years.

Highlands The southernmost area of Abbaddon, its frozen peaks are largely uninhabited by anything most people would call civilization. The Highlands are rife with monsters and strange creatures, thought to be the left over parts of the sorcerer-kings that died there centuries ago. The continuing corruption of the Dead Mountain occasionally spawns new creatures as well, forcing the Arman Protectorate to create a permanent garrison across the Highlands in a series of connected fortresses. Only those who are mad or seek magical power go beyond this fortress, called the Sanguine Barrier. The Highlands themselves were created by seismic activity and then carved by retreating glaciers, which still cover some of the far southern reaches of the region.

Ice CragsThe farthest south region of Abbaddon, no one is sure exactly where it ends if it ever does. An endless expanse of glaciers, ice, and mountains, the Ice Crags are only inhabited by a few small tribes of indigenous peoples, all of whom have been forced to become adept at fighting off the creatures that wander out of the Highlands. Yetis, snow demons, and other threats are common in the Ice Crags.

ClimateOnly in the Flatlands can the climate of Abbaddon be considered really pleasant. In the northern reaches of the region the climate is temperate, but the Lowlands begin a transition to colder climates that ends with the arctic temperatures of the Highlands. The entire region is very dry, experiencing little precipitation outside of the spring rainy season, during which the Lowlands turn into green hills dotted with flowers and thistles. Summer is a short lived season in Abbaddon, and winter seems to never leave. Snow is common in the Lowlands and the Highlands, with some regions of the Highlands experiencing snow year round.

Places of Interest the Burrowed HillsFound in the northern Lowlands, the Burrowed Hills are a large series of hills through which numerous underground passages run. Thought by some to be the product of underground springs and by others to be the works of ancient inhabitants of Abbaddon,




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these tunnels stretch for dozens of miles and contain large chambers in addition to tunnels. The Arman Protectorate uses these tunnels as storage, living quar-ters, and a means to quickly move about the region unseen. Any invasion of Abbaddon is likely to face a difficult time due to these caves, which stretch under almost a third of the Lowlands.

the Dead MountainLegends surrounding the Dead Mountain are many and often conflict. What is none that some past deed of magical power has turned the mountain into something of an anti-life zone. Nothing lives on the mountain, and anything that approaches quickly feels weak and dies within hours of coming within five miles of the mountain. It is an immense, black basalt formation that most can easily spot and avoid, though its magic does claim a few accidental victims each year. The reason behind for the Dead Mountain are greatly debated, with some saying it is where the last sorcerer-king died and others say it is part of an immense prison built to ensure whatever sleeps below the mountain is never awakened. The strange magics surrounding the Dead Mountain occasionally spawn undead and other creatures, which then rampage across the Highlands until they are put down.

Frost MountThe last mountain before the frozen expanse of the Ice Crags completely takes over from the Highlands, Frost Mount is covered in a vast glacier several miles across and hundreds of feet thick, and it seems to be growing each year. According to legend a magical artifact of immense power is at the center of the glacier and its influence causes the glacier to grow slowly. The story goes if this artifact is not destroyed the glacier will eventually cover all of Abbaddon, though this will not happen for many thousands of years. In addi-tion some travelers to the region have reported seeing the shapes of people and creatures frozen in the ice, evoking curiosity in some particularly brave historians and scholars.

the GodpointeOnce the home of the sorcerer-kings who ruled Abbaddon in ancient times before the Arman Protector arose and threw them down from power, the Godpointe considered a cursed place few venture. The Godpointe is a massive city, five miles on a side, built on a plateau created by leveling an entire mountain. The city was once a magnificent place of jewels and magic, but now it is a crumbling ruins that few visit. Among the Abbaddonians it is considered

haunted by the sorcerer-kings, some of whom walk its streets and liches waiting for they day they can return to power. Few venture there, and even fewer return.

Mirsu PlateauA large plateau found at the center of the Lowlands, it has become the center of the Arman Protectorate and Armanian culture, holding the capital city of Rostom and a large segment of the Abbaddonian popula-tion. The Mirsu Plateau is linked to all the major trade routes through Abbaddon and is the home of the nation’s fledgling glider and airship fleets. The Mirsu Plateau is arguably one of the best defended places in all of Exodus.

the Sanguine BarrierA string of interconnected fortress cutting through the Highlands, the Sanguine Barrier was constructed after the defeat of the sorcerer-kings at the hands of the fledgling Arman Protectorate. Built using manual labor and advanced architectural sciences, the wall took more than three hundred years to complete, but now stretches several hundred miles and has a uniform height of sixty feet. It has numerous garri-sons along its length, all of which have signal fires to warn when the wall is breeched.

PEOPLE OF ABBADDONFavored ClassesThe people of Abbaddon are a tough and cunning breed. The Cardosians of the Flatlands who are called to a life of adventure are mostly rogues or bards, favoring cunning and guile when faced with problems. The Armanians of the Lowlands and Highlands are usually clerics or fighters, while the primitive tribes of the Ice Crags are most often barbarians. All Armanian clerics worship the Sanguine Lord, the one god of Abbaddon, or are considered heretics.

Popular Starting SkillsAbbaddonians are a determined breed of people used to dealing with harsh conditions, though only the Cardosians are really skilled in the arts of dealing with other people. Armanians favor Balance, Climb, Craft (Clockwork), Craft (Airships), Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering), Listen, Sense Motive, Spot and Survival. Cardosians mean-while are skilled in Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Knowledge (History), Profession, Search, Sense Motive, Survival, and Swim.




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Popular Starting FeatsAbbaddonians are a determined and subdued people who dislike magic in all forms but the miracles of the Sanguine Lord. The feats favored by the Abbaddonians are Alertness, Athletic, Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Diehard, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Power Attack, Self-Sufficient, Toughness, Track, and Weapon Focus. Cardosians also often select the feats Combat Expertise, Deceitful, Diligent, Investigator, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Negotiator, Persuasive, Skill Focus, and Weapon Finesse.

Favored Prestige Classes As the home of worship of the Sanguine Lord, Purifiers are very common in Abbaddon. Iron Legionaires comprise the elite shock troops of the nations, while Peacekeepers are agents who help keep the law in place in the more outlying settlements of the land. Those Abbaddonians who enter the service of the Imperial Alliance often due so as Apothecaries after completing their studies as clerics of the Sanguine Lord.

CORDEL“A flat land, a dry land, a land of sand. Such is the place called Cordel.”

— Excerpt from The Lost Dream: A Short History of the People of the Sand, by Nestul Vartog

Overview Dominating the southwestern portion of the Exodus mainland, Cordel seems like a wide, flat, and hot expanse of dark rock and pale sand. Framed by the high, jagged peaks of the Black Mountains to the northwest, the deadly Troll Wastes to the northeast, the wide expanse of the Abbadon River to the east, and the tumultuous ocean waters of the southwestern sea, the bulk of the land called Cordel is a flat plain of dusty sand.

While the Cordelian Desert dominates most of this region, the northwestern portion of the land is composed of a wide mountain range of cutting black rocks. At the foot of this range, which is simply called the Black Mountains, are high, rolling, and barren hills of the same dark coloration. To the west of these, the coastline is especially high, making access to the waters below an almost impossible task in some places. The southern portion of the western coast of

Cordel, however, is made up of long beaches that blend almost perfectly with the desert sands.

The utmost south of Cordel is a dangerous place where high winds and mighty creatures dwell. To the north east of this terrible wilderness is the Abbadon River, which forms a natural border between Abbadon and Cordel. The source of this wide and winding stream is somewhere in the highlands between Abbadon and Sametia, and its eastern bank is composed of a fertile soil where most of the Cordelian flora grow. Northwest of the Abbadon River and east of the Black Mountains is a wide and dry land of uniquely shaped siltstone structures. This region is called the Troll Waste. It borders both Nas and Sametia.

GeographyMost of Cordel is a wide desert plain dominated by the powerful Shifting Sand, but some areas of this region set themselves apart from the main landscape. The geography of this land can be equally beautiful or intriguing and barren or terrifying.

the Burning LandThe Cordelian Desert, called the “Burning Land” by the local populace, is the single most important feature of the Cordelian geography. While the land-scape of this region somewhat varies from one place to the next, most of it consists of a large, very flat, and seemingly homogenous plain, which is burnt dry by the intense rays of the sun. The landscape of the Cordelian Desert is not as immutable as it originally appears, however. In fact, it is a land that constantly changes, as hills and valleys of dusty sand are formed or destroyed by the frequent high winds — which makes the area almost impossible to map.

The Burning Land is a deadly place, where great masses of Shifting Sand, pushed by strong winds, gradually reshape the geography of the land. This process usually takes several months — or even years — to accomplish, but the Shifting Sand is sometimes fickle and occasionally impose quick, unpredictable, and often deadly changes upon the land of Cordel.

Occasionally cutting through this ever-moving mass of sand are small but resilient oases, where sturdy vegetation struggles to survive. Because of the Shifting Sand, however, any of the various oases can quickly be engulfed by the desert, but in places where underground water lie close to ground level, the oases eventually resurface. Those who travel through this region of Cordel believe that the Burning Land is a




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simple arid plain where vegetation is almost nonex-istent, but those familiar with the ways of the desert can find small clusters of trees or grass, and what little water they need to survive.

the Black MountainsNorth of the Burning Land and bordering the southern part of Nas is a wide range of high peaks called the Black Mountains. These tall promontories are made from black, lustrous volcanic rock and form an imposing wall between the Cordelian Desert and the colder northern climate of Nas. There is less vegeta-tion in the Black Mountains than there is in the great Burning Land of Cordel. While most of the peaks are barren and made from the sharpest volcanic rock, the utmost portion of the mountainous range is covered in a perma-nent blanket of ice and snow, which takes a pale blue shade during the daylight hours.

Most people of Exodus avoid the Black Mountains simply because they are almost impossible to cross. Not only are these peaks

extremely high and jagged, but also most of the water coursing through them is poisonous. Moreover, the Black Mountains are said to be the home of terrible fiends that require no sustenance of any kind to support themselves. Legends speak of the Dead Host, a legion of men who died in the mountain range thou-sands of years ago. Many believe that these undead creatures continue to haunt the area, slaughtering anyone crossing their paths.

the Black HillsHalfway between the Black Mountains and the Cordelian Desert is a narrow area of rolling hills that

separates the volcanic mountains and the desert. The Black Hills, as they are called, are almost as barren as the mountains

towering them to the north, but vegetation grow is sparse patches here. A fair amount of evergreen shrubs can also be found there.

the troll WastesEast of the Black Mountain is an area of badlands where constant wind and water carved the gray sandstone into eerily strange formations, which appear in no other places

in the world. This strangely disquieting

— and seemingly unreal — landscape is

marked with bare and rocky hills. Cutting these

steep hills is a variety of natu-rally sculpted siltstone

structures, which take on various

strange forms — the least

unusual of




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which are mushroom-like pedestals of various heights and sizes.

the Bank of the Abbadon RiverA wide stream forms a natural frontier between Cordel and Abbadon. Called the Abbadon River, this stream is filled with ancient stalagmite-like rocky formations hidden under the strong water current. The cease-lessly winding river also holds a variety of small barren isles. While extremely difficult to navigate, the Abbadon River is home to a multitude of edible fish and algae. Because of this as well as the fact that it is the best source of fresh water in the land, several crea-tures live in and around this river.

The western bank of the Abbadon River is the only area of truly arable land in all of Cordel. While the west coast of this region holds good earth that can easily be used as farmlands. Because of the arable land found there, the fields on the western bank of the Abbadon River, often referred to as the “Green Lands” or more simply the “Eastern Fields” are of high importance to the people of Cordel. These fields, however, are not very wide. Over the centuries, several wars were fought for dominion of these arable lands.

the Barren FieldsWhere the Green Lands of the western bank of the Abbadon River end, the Barren Fields begin. This area marks the limit of the Cordelian Desert and is extremely influenced by it. The soil of the Barren Fields is covered with dusty sand and tiny rocks, and the vegetation here is low and, in most places, extremely scarce. The landscape of the Barren Fields is flat and unremarkable. Very few creatures live in this desolate area.

the Northwestern Cordelian CoastTo the north and west of the Cordelian Desert, and to the southwest of the Black Hills, is wide plateau that looms high above sea level. The entire length of the northwest portion of the Cordelian coastline forms a tall wall of dark gray stone, which makes the area almost impossible to reach from sea level. The high plateau, however, is a relatively lush place. With the exception of the western bank of the Abbadon River, this region is the most fertile in Cordel. In the summer months, a hundred different types of flowers bloom there, but in the dry season and in the winter only grassland and low shrubs can be seen in these parts.

the Southwestern Cordelian CoastSouth of the high plateau is a sharp precipice, which abruptly demarks the area. The southern portion of the coast of Cordel — which easily makes up ninety percent of the region’s entire coastline — is low and flat. This coastline is formed by long beaches composed of the finest sand, which open unto the sandy promontories of the Cordelian Desert. In some areas, the beaches are made of finely crushed rocks and seem to defy the otherwise even landscape of the area. In other places, the sandy beaches run for several miles inland before finally rising to the level of the desert. In these parts, the tides rise quickly and suddenly, which can sometimes be deadly for the unwary creatures lingering upon the beaches.

the Southern ReachesThe southernmost portion of Cordel is an unknown territory. Many believe that the deep desert eventually comes to an end at a place called the Frost Mounts — a place believed to be a thick and eternal blanket of the coldest ice. Others imagine that the desert eventually arrives at an open sea, where countless riches are to be found. Many legends hold that ancient civilizations once lived in the Southern Reaches, and many adventurers have traveled there seeking fame or fortune. Instead, they found only death.

CLIMAtECordel is, in great part, a desert land, and its climate is extremely arid. Because of the sparse and low vegeta-tion of the region as well as the massive mountains to the north and east, high winds occasionally assail parts of Cordel. Most of the time, however, the wind is a gentle breeze that quickly evaporates any moisture in the air.

At night, however, Cordel suddenly seems blanketed in cold. While the changes of temperature between night and day are sudden, it is not as extreme as during a change of season. Those traveling through Cordel, however, would be wise to bring extra clothes. In higher altitudes, the temperatures are less extreme and not has hot, but nights are nevertheless cooler.

PLACES OF INtERESt There are few special landmarks in Cordel, but some of them are truly amazing sights to behold.

the Crimson OceanIronically named, this wide landmass at the center of the Cordelian Desert is a sheer bed of red rocks.




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While large portions of the area are covered in sand all year round, a wide part of it is always bare, as constant winds blow the dusty sands away. Nothing grows in the Crimson Ocean.

Fire MountainHigh upon the southern face of the Black Mountains is one peculiar elevation. This wide peak is made from the same black rock as the remainder of the massive Black Wall, but its summit opens into a deep hole from which burning lava can be seen. While it has been over four centuries since Fire Mountain erupted, it frequently lets out smoke, which can often be seen for days hovering about the tall peak. Locals fear this place, as many of them are familiar with the tales of olden days when Fire Mountain bled, burning every-thing and everyone around it.

the Star SeekerThis high tower of black, lustrous, and sharp volcanic rock can be found in the middle of the Black Hills. It is a strange natural formation some 500 feet high. At its base, the Star Seeker is roughly 50 feet wide. It rises unevenly and forms a large and almost even 70-foot wide plateau at its highest point. Over the years, many diviners used the high platform of the Star Seeker to perform their strange magic.

PEOPLE OF CORDELFavored ClassesThe men and women of Cordel are equally attracted to the priesthood and the learning of arcane magic. Thus, almost thirty percent of characters in this land become Clerics, Sorcerers, or Wizards. Bards and Rogues are also numerous, as many Cordelians enjoy acting, singing, and dancing.

Popular Starting SkillsPeople hailing from this arid region are cunning, charismatic, and used to dealing with other people. They are also avidly religious, and many among them take a peculiar interest in the arcane forces. The most popular skills of the Cordelian population are varied. They are: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (pottery), Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Forgery, Gather Information, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (architecture and engineering), Knowledge (history), Knowledge (local), Knowledge (religion), Perform, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device.

Popular Starting FeatsThe people of Cordel are careful, perceptive, and smart in their training, and most characters in this land

select feats accordingly. The most popular starting feats in Cordel are: Animal Affinity, Diligent, Dodge, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Mounted Combat, Negotiator, Persuasive, Quick Draw, Run, and Self-Sufficient. Combat casting, Eschew Materials, and other metamagic feats are also favorite picks among spellcasters.

Favored Prestige ClassesAs they gain experience, many people in Cordel become Apothecaries and Wyrdcasters. Both of these prestige classes are highly regarded in this land.

GAVEA“The land of Gavea is a land of extremes: Extreme colds in winter and extreme heats in summer. While many fear the Gavean winters, the summers here are more comfortable and luscious than any other place on the planet. One, however, must thread carefully in Gavea, as the weather here is as unpredictable as the flora is beautiful.”

— Excerpt from A Concise and Practical Anatomy of the World, by Baruk the Sage.

OVERVIEW The topography of Gavea is as diverse as its fauna. This is a region where all types of terrains exist. From the lush pine forests of the north to the sparse mixed woods of the south, Gavea is a land of rolling green moors and high hills filled with flowers in the spring. It is a realm of tall green mountains and deep valleys, of blue rivers cutting through the land, and of fertile ground perfect for farming and cattle grazing.

About half of the landscape of Gavea is composed of moors of the darkest green, where cattle abound. These gently rolling hills surround the island. Strong waves from the ocean below come crashing upon the rocky precipices of the Gavean coastline and drown the long beaches of multicolored pebbles found in several places. Powerful winds also ensure that most of the south and west coast remain barren, as only grass and stubby shrubs can endure the mighty and shifting air currents.

The southern part of the island is packed with high mountains and deep valleys of the pale green, while the northern area holds a great coniferous forest denser than can be imagined. The middle portion of Gavea is a wide flat land cut by countless streams and small clusters of oaks, maples, and birches. Fruit producing shrubs and trees are also found in great


