Download - nd 10:00 a.m. - · 02.02.2018 · Schumann: Piano Quartet, Opus 47 Piazzolla: Adios Nonino, La Paloma, and Libertango Amon: Horn Quartet

Page 1: nd 10:00 a.m. - · 02.02.2018 · Schumann: Piano Quartet, Opus 47 Piazzolla: Adios Nonino, La Paloma, and Libertango Amon: Horn Quartet

North Presbyterian Church 2nd Sunday in Lent

February 25, 2018 – 10:00 a.m.

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WE GATHER TO WORSHIP GOD We ask that you refrain from casual conversation when the music begins.

Prelude Cross of Jesus Callahan

Greeting, Welcome, and Opportunities for Discipleship Welcome to our guests and visitors! As a church of hospitality we invite you, if you feel comfortable, to introduce yourself at this time. We are glad you are here. We hope you will fill out the welcome pad (found in the pew holder) to help us get acquainted. We also invite you to join us today for coffee following worship.

Everyone—please silence your cell phones.

Call to Worship Let us worship God, to whom we are reconciled through Christ. We are new creations; the old has gone, the new has come! Let us worship God as Christ’s ambassadors. Through us and through our worship may we announce the good news to all. Let us worship God in spirit and in truth. Praise God! We are reconciled, redeemed, renewed!


*Hymn 655 What Shall I Render to the Lord (During the singing of the hymn, please pass Joys & Concerns to center aisle.)

*Call to Confession Hymn 183 (vs. 1 only) (next page)

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*Prayer of Confession Merciful God, we confess that we have not been sincere Christians. We claim to follow Jesus but have not taken his path of sacrificial love. We profess to be disciples, but we are not willing to bear the cost of discipleship. We affirm the virtue of self-denial, but we indulge our selfish desires and seek earthly gain. Forgive us, we pray. Free us for sincere repentance through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

*Kyrie Hymn 579 (next page)

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*Assurance of Forgiveness

Hear the good news! God loves us. God forgives us.

*Response Gloria Patri et Filio by Jacques Berthier

Glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

All music used by permission from license no. A-700789

*Passing of the Peace Having received Christ’s peace, let us share it by turning to our neighbors and greeting them, saying “May the peace of Christ be with you!”

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Anthem Prayer of St. Francis Pote

Godspeed for Wynn Colt

Children’s Time

WE HEAR THE WORD OF GOD Prayer for Illumination

Scripture Readings Psalm 22:23-31 p.501 Mark 8:31-38 p.44 Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church. Thanks be to God.

Sermon “The Life We Lose” The Rev. William T. Hennessy

Resting in God’s Care


*Affirmation of Faith We believe in God: Who has created and is creating, Who has come in Jesus, the word made flesh, to reconcile and make new, Who works in us and others by the Spirit. We trust in God. We are called to be the Church: to celebrate God’s presence, to live with respect in creation, to love and serve others, to seek justice and resist evil, to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, our Judge and our Hope. In life, in death, in life beyond death, God is with us. We are not alone. Thanks be to God! Amen. (© The Iona Community from The Iona Abbey Worship

Book, published by Wild Goose Publications, Iona Community, Fourth Floor, Savoy House, 140 Sauchiehall St., Glasgow G2 3DH, UK)

*Hymn 718 Take Up Your Cross, the Savior Said

Prayers of the People

Offering Offertory: A Tune from Tallis arr. McKinney

*Doxology (Hymn 607) Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Christ, all people here below; Praise Holy Spirit evermore; Praise Triune God, whom we adore. Amen.

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*Prayer of Thanksgiving and The Lord’s Prayer The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise.

…and now we pray: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.


*Hymn 819 Be Still, My Soul



Congregational Amen Hymn 568

*Postlude Toccata Speth

*Those who are able, please stand.

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Calendar of Events/300 North Forest Road Sunday, February 25

8:30am Worship/Chapel

9:15 Bible study/RC

10:00 Worship/Sanctuary

11:15 Adult Ed./Lib.

12:45-4:30pm BRAVO Workshop

3:00pm BRAVO concert/Sanctuary

Monday, February 26

10:15-11:00am Chair yoga/WH

4-8pm Dress-a-Girl/WH

Tuesday, February 27

8:00am Prepare FONP/Kit.

9:30am Staff mtg./Lib.

5:00pm Serve FONP/Hudson St., Buffalo

5:45-7:30pm Lenten soup supper & study/WH

Wednesday, February 28

10:15 Chair yoga

1:00pm Book group/Lib.

Thursday, March 1

6:30pm Handbells/s151

7-8:30 Girl Scouts/SB

7:30 Adult choir/choir room

Saturday, March 3

12-4pm Recitals/Chapel


8:00am Worship/Chapel

9:00 Bible study/RC

Adult Ed./Lib.

9:15 Children’s Choir rehearsal/SB

Yoga in the Chapel

10:15 Worship/Sanctuary

Sunday school/NB

11:30am-12pm Soul Feast/Chapel

Monday, March 5

10:15-11:00am Chair yoga/WH

Tuesday, March 6

9:30am Staff mtg./Lib.

5:45-7:30pm Lenten soup supper & study/WH

Wednesday, March 7

10:15am Chair yoga

10:30 Conversation with Pastor Bill &

Rabbi Alex/Lib.

Thursday, March 8

6:30pm Handbells/s151

7:30 Adult choir/choir room

Sunday, March 11 COMMUNION

8:00am Worship/Chapel

9:00 Bible study/RC

Adult Ed./Lib.

9:15 Children’s Choir rehearsal/SB

Yoga in the Chapel

10:15 Worship/Sanctuary

Sunday school/NB

11:30am-12pm Soul Feast/Chapel

Want to see more calendar events? Go to

north-star/. If you see an error or want to add an event,

please e-mail [email protected].

EGA—Embroidery Guild

DR—Dickinson Room

FJC—Family Justice Center

FONP—Friends of Night People


LE3—Before and After School Program


NB—north basement


RC—Resource Center

SB—south basement

WH—Westminster Ha

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Last month Worship Committee and Session devised an online and paper copy survey to

gather your thoughts on worship times at North Church. A total of 66 people responded

online; another 53 filled out paper surveys. Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill

out the survey, express an opinion, and offer a solution. The results have been tallied, and the

worship times that you indicated you want are 8:00 and 10:15 a.m. Session has voted to

begin these new times on Sunday, March 4.


This weekend we hosted BRAVO Workshop, an international chamber music opportunity that

features coaching and master classes with Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra (BPO) musicians.

Twenty-eight local musician-students, ranging in age from 10 to 18, participated in this

prestigious workshop. You are invited to the concert today at 3:00 p.m. Cost

is $6.00 at the door. BPO Principal cellist Roman Mekinulov, who played at

worship on January 21, is BRAVO co-founder and co-artistic director. The

concert, which features student-musicians from the BRAVO weekend at

North Church, promises to delight lovers of chamber music. The repertoire

includes the following:

Mozart: Piano Trio in G major K564

Mozart: Piano Quartet in G minor K478

Schumann: Piano Quartet, Opus 47

Piazzolla: Adios Nonino, La Paloma, and Libertango

Amon: Horn Quartet Opus 109

Tchaikovsky: String Quartet #1


Gather for a quiet half hour in the Chapel from 11:30 a.m. to noon on Sunday mornings in

March. Feed your soul with different approaches to prayer including lectio divina (a practice

of praying the Scriptures), body prayer, mindfulness meditation, and simple handcrafts. Each

session will be (loosely) based on one or more of the Sunday lectionary readings for the day.

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March 4: Lectio Divina

March 11: Mindfulness

March 18: Prayer in motion

March 25 (Palm Sunday): Prayer boxes


This study happens weekly on Sunday at 9:15 a.m. We will study the Sunday lectionary. The

study leaders are volunteers.


It’s the time of year when the Personnel Committee is meeting with church staff for employee

evaluations. We invite you to share your comments—positive or constructive—with members

of the committee: Marty Shafer, Warren Marcus, or Jeff Ebsary. If you have something to

share please reach out to any one of these folks this week or email [email protected].


Next Sunday, March 4, is the kick-off for our annual One Great Hour of

Sharing special offering. We begin by distributing “Fish Banks” to the children

in the congregation and then we help to fill these banks with coins. Please

bring your loose change to the 10:15 service and show the children how easy it is to fill their

banks. It proves the point, “If we all do a little, it adds up to a lot!”


The Chapel is available during church office hours for prayer and contemplation during Lent.


We are “cooking up” a new North Church cookbook to raise money to be split equally

between two worthy causes: major repair of the church organ and the church operating

budget. The new cookbooks will be available in the fall. What we need from you on or before

October 1, are your recipes—main dishes, desserts, vegan, gluten-free, cooking for a crowd,

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soups—you name it! Please email your submissions to [email protected]. If you have

questions about this fundraiser, please contact Sue D’Angelo at [email protected].


Chair: “Happiness is contagious” especially when you’re doing chair yoga at North Church!

We will be meeting every Monday and Wednesday (except second Wednesday of the month),

from 10:15-11:00 a.m. in Westminster Hall. Donations are welcome and some insurances


Mat: Also, beginning Sunday, March 4, from 9:15-10:00 a.m., Livy will lead Yoga (bring your

mat for the floor) in the Chapel every Sunday. Everyone is invited! Questions? E-mail

[email protected].


Seamstresses, doll makers, ironers, cutters, and runners: come sew with us! We'll be meeting

in Westminster Hall on Monday, February 26, from 4:00-8:00 p.m. Stay for the whole time or

for as long as you can. Please bring a salad ingredient for our build-a-salad supper. Dessert

and beverages will be provided. Dress-a-Girl meets the fourth Monday of each month.


We serve a meal at Friends of Night People at 394 Hudson St., Buffalo, the fourth Tuesday of

every month. We need volunteers on Tuesday, February 27.

At 8:00 a.m. that day, volunteers prepare the meal in the kitchen at North Church. If

you can help one time or regularly, please contact Ann Eisenlord at 632-7487 or

[email protected].

That evening from about 4:30-7:00, volunteers help serve the meal. If you would like

to help serve, contact Barb Beall at [email protected] or call 716.479.5794.

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Join us for Lenten soup suppers in Westminster Hall on Feb. 20 & 27; and March 6, 13, and

20, from 5:45-7:30 p.m. Enjoy homemade soup, fresh bread, salad, and a dessert for

$5/person. Children eat free. The study is titled "Eclipsing Empire: Paul, Rome, and the

Kingdom of God." Pastor Hennessy will lead the discussion of this DVD study that retraces

Paul's footsteps throughout the Roman Empire. The study explores fresh insights into Paul's

message of the Kingdom of God, its challenge to Roman imperial theology, and the apostle's

radical relevance for today. If you plan on coming, please call 716.632.1330 or email

[email protected]. We want to be sure to have enough soup!


Whoever welcomes a child in my name, welcomes me—Mark 9:37

Imagine you are a child who has to suddenly leave your home and family with only what you

are wearing and a few personal items stuffed into a trash bag. Unfortunately this happens to

many children entering foster care. In some instances, children are picked up at school and

can't even return home to collect personal items. There are currently more than 1,000

children in foster care in Erie County. They shouldn't need to keep everything they own in a

garbage bag.

The mission of Care Cases of WNY is to provide comfort, hope, and dignity to local children

placed into foster homes by providing each child with a "Care Case." These duffel bags and

small suitcases are filled with new/unused comfort and care items that are customized for

boys and girls in varying age groups. Cases are filled with personal care items, books, a comfy

blanket, and other items. Each case includes a tag that states, “You matter.” Social workers

distribute the cases through local foster care agencies. Collection begins today.

During the season of Lent, our congregation will be collecting items to complete Care Cases

for local children. There are several ways that you can help. You may wish to donate a duffel

bag or perhaps some items needed to stock a Care Case. Or, if you are able, you and your

family may wish to complete an entire Care Case (it is estimated that it costs approximately

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$50 to assemble each Care Case). Monetary contributions are also greatly appreciated. The

items needed to complete a care case are:

A duffle bag or small suitcase

Fleece blanket (60" x 80")

Stuffed animal (approximately14-16" tall)

Toothbrush and toothpaste

Shampoo and conditioner

Body wash or soap

Body lotion


Coloring book and crayons

Books (toddler through teens)

Journals, pens, pencils

There will be a table in the narthex each Sunday during Lent where you can donate items or

make a monetary contribution to this project. Checks may be made out to NPC with Care

Cases of WNY on the memo line. Thank you in advance for your generosity in helping these

children who live in our community.


February 28 at 1:00 p.m.: The Shoemaker’s Wife by Adriana Trigiani

March 28 at 1:00 p.m.: Vanishing Act by Thomas Perry

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Mission Statement

Brought together by our shared faith in

Jesus Christ,

Called by God to live as faithful disciples,

Blessed by our diverse gifts and experiences,

We commit ourselves to:

Worship together,

Teach and learn from one another,

Nurture each other with care and love, and

Reach out in ministry and mission to

the world.

Minister: The Rev. William Hennessy Coordinator: Michael Kreppel

Pianist/Organist (10:00): Marlene Harrington Counters: Bill Clark, Linda Gowans

Lock-up: Chris D’Angelo Liturgist (10:00): Duncan Hemink

Ushers (10:00): Michael & Sue Kreppel; Ushers (8:30): Dorcas Alford & Gloria McDowell

Laurie & Paul Kullman

Visitors—You are important to us. Please fill out a visitor card and put it in the offering plate

if you wish to be contacted. You may also approach an usher—likely wearing a yellow ribbon

today—to find out more about North Church.

Ministers: The Congregation

Pastor/Head of Staff: The Rev. William T. Hennessy Coordinator of Sacred Arts: Olivia Ebsary

Administrative Assistant: Cynthia Machamer Bookkeeper: Karen Thomas

Facilities Coordinator: Mike Callaghan Childcare Supervisor: Regina Koteras

Director of Music, Organist: Marlene Harrington Webmaster: Tara Martin

Director of Music, Children & Youth: Alanna Carlins Musical Assistant: Kurt Ebsary

Youth Director, Northtowns: Mack Barker

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Elders (Session)

Clerk of Session: Sylvia Bigler

Class of 2018

Joe Alber

Ralph Doerzbacher

Bill Ervin

Class of 2019

Bill Clark

Sue D’Angelo

Shevaun Donelli O’Connell

Scott Marshall

Marsha Villano

Class of 2020

Anselm George

Warren Marcus

Rob Powell

Class of 2021

Joe Alber

Mary Atwood

Ralph Doerzbacher

Debbie Hutton

Marty Shafer


Moderator: Glenn Hopkins

Class of 2018

Glenn Hopkins

Shirley Mazourek

Garry Ostermeier

Pam Ostermeier

Class of 2019

Karen Hopkins

Connie Littlewood

Sheridan Skura

Carol Suckow

Class of 2020

Kerri Bigler

Olivia Ebsary

Heather Randall

Class of 2021

Chris Gunther

Glenn Hopkins

Garry Ostermeier

Pam Ostermeier

Karen Roesser