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The  Mainspring  –  April  2012  

Contents  President’s  Message  ........................  1  Upcoming  painting  workdays  ..........  2  Annual  meeting  ...............................  2  Proposed  by-­‐law  changes  ................  2  March  happenings  ...........................  3  Spot  a  clock  ......................................  4    Save  the  date    April  14/15  9:00  a.m.  –  5:00  p.m.  Painting  and  Stenciling  work  day  Holloways’  in  Pflugerville  

April  28  10:00  a.m.  –  1  p.m.  Annual  Meeting  Program  –  Darrah  Artzner  Rockford  Watch  Company  Windermere  Clubhouse  16800  Gower,  Pflugerville  May  19  10:00  a.m.  Chapter  program  Don  Bugh  “Moving  a  Seth  Thomas  Street  Clock  to  Texas”  and  “Sidewalk  Clocks  of  Texas”      Current  Board  Members  

President  –  Ken  Reindel  President@nawcc-­‐  

Vice-­‐President  –  Bob  Rasmussen  VicePresident@nawcc-­‐    

Treasurer  –  Tom  Tarpy  Treasurer@nawcc-­‐    

Secretary  –  Pat  Holloway  Secretary@nawcc-­‐  

Director  of  Programs  –  Gary  Sertich  Programs@nawcc-­‐  

President’s  Message    Dear  Members,  

Well,  we’ve  had  a  busy  beginning  of  the  year,  and  now  holidays  are  upon  us  again!  

Bea  Copeland  was  ONCE  AGAIN  kind  enough  to  open  her  home  last  week   and   allow  us   and  members   of   San   Jacinto   Chapter   139   to   tour   her  fine  clock  collection.    We  are  all  very  thankful  to  her  for  her  hospitality  and  the   encore   opportunity   to   see   her   fine   collection.     Several   Chapter   15  members  could  not  resist  the  opportunity  to  repeat  the  event;  others  who  had  been  unable  to  attend  the  first  tour  joined  them.      

We   would   also   like   to   thank   Mary   Ellen   for   the   fascinating  presentation  on   the   topic   of  “Treasures   of   the  Czars.”     It  was   a   fantastic  summary  of  her  travels  to  visit  horological  articles  in  Russia.    Her  excellent  pictures  and  narrative  made  us  feel  like  we  were  right  there  with  her  in  her  travels,  and  left  us  wanting  to  learn  more.    Thanks  much  Mary  Ellen!      

Again   as   stated   in   last   month’s   Mainspring,   Darrah   Artzner   will  present  at  our  Annual  Meeting  on  the  Rockford  Watch  Company.    Then,  in  May,  we  will  get  a  special  treat  from  Don  Bugh  as  he  presents  on  “Moving  a  Seth  Thomas  Street  Clock  to  Texas.”      

Last  week’s   tour  was  another  example  of   some  of   the  benefits  of  interacting   with   other   NAWCC   Chapters.     Everyone   benefits   from   these  interactions.    Indeed,  Chapter  15  has  done  quite  a  few  things  with  the  local  Texas  Chapters,  but  we  would  enjoy  doing  more.    Just  about  1  year  ago,  we  were   the   instructors   for  a   training  program   in  Grapevine   for  Chapter  124  on  the  subject  of  clock  case  refinishing.     It  was  a  great  way  to  meet   folks  from  our  area  as  well  as  share  some  knowledge.      

Recently,   several   Chapter   15   members   shared   in   a   Lathe  Fundamentals   class  with  other   Texas   chapters,   held  near   College   Station.    Several  Chapter  15  folks  are  also  active  members  of  the  Capital  Area  Watch  and  Clock  Guild.  

I  want  to  both  encourage  and  thank  those  who  go  out  of  their  way  to  take  active  membership  roles  with  other  Chapters  and  societies  here  in  Texas.    A  great  deal  can  be  learned  from  interacting  with  Chapters  outside  of   Texas   as   well.     Some   of   you   know   that   I   am   an   electrical   horology  enthusiast.    As  such,   I   interact  with  several  members  of  Western  Electrics  Chapter   133   on   the  West   Coast   as   well   as   the   Electric   Horology   Society  Chapter  78.    With  my  longtime  interest  in  alarms,  I  share  my  passion  with  members  of  the  Howard  Banta  Alarm  Clock  Chapter  178  as  well.    From  this,  I  have   learned  the  value  of  these  relationships.    These   interactions  create  opportunities  to  make  friends  and  learn  new  things  from  one  another,  and  of   course   to   help   each   other   out   on   issues   related   to   mutual   interests.    With  modern  technologies  and  services  such  as  Skype,  you  can  even  “tour”  each  other’s  collections.    It’s  fun!        (Continued  on  page  2)  

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The  Mainspring  –  April  2012  –  Page  2

President’s  message  (continued)  Recently   I   was   approached   by   Rich   Newman  

([email protected]).     Rich   is   President   of  British   Horology   Chapter   159.     Members   are  interested   in   anything   related   to   British   clocks,  watches,   and   tools.     They   also   have   many   cross-­‐functional  interests  that  include  a  wide  range  of  topics  such  as  chronometers,  sundials,  tower  clocks,  colonial  period   clocks   and   watchmaking,   as   well   as  import/export   trade.     If   you   are   interested   or   think  you  might  be  interested  in  these  topics,  don’t  hesitate  to   contact   Richard   at   the   link   above.     The   Chapter  dues   are   very   modest   and   the   Newsletters   very  informative.      

At   our  meeting   in   April   we  will   be   voting   on  several   important   modifications   to   our   By-­‐Laws.    Please   see   the   summary   of   these   issues   later   in   this  issue  of  the  Mainspring.  

We  want  to  welcome  back  Patrick  Russell  and  Desmond   Kittelson   to   our   membership.   Patrick   and  Desmond,   we   look   forward   to   seeing   you   and   your  wives  in  upcoming  meetings!  

Treasurer’s  Report  

Chapter  Account    Exp:         March  Newsletter                Inc:         Membership  and  renewals      (net  of  PayPal  fees)  Balance  

$6,845.62  -­‐16.89  




Regional  Account  (unchanged)   $4,163.60  

Upcoming  painting  workdays  April   14th   and   15th,   there   will   be   an   informal  

transfer   painting/stenciling   workday   at   Jay   and   Pat  Holloway’s.     If   you  have  a  clock   tablet  project  you’ve  been  working  on   and  need   a   little   incentive   to   get   it  finished,   or   if   you’d   like   to   learn   how   to   stencil   on  glass   or   paint   tablets   using   the   transfer   method,  please   plan   to   join   us   from   9   a.m.   to   5   p.m.   on  Saturday  and  Sunday.      

Basic   materials   will   be   supplied.     No   prior  painting   or   stenciling   experience   is   required   –   just   a  desire   to   have   some   fun  while   learning   and  working  with   others   who   have   similar   interests.     If   you’re  interested,   or   have   questions,   please   give   Pat   a   call  (512.252.3881)   before   Thursday   the   12th   to   discuss  what  you’d  like  to  work  on.      

 Annual  meeting    Our  Annual  meeting  will  be  held  on  Saturday,  

April   28th   from   10:00   a.m.   until   noon.   In   addition   to  the  business  meeting  and  voting  on  the  proposed  by-­‐law  changes,  Darrah  Artzner  will  be  presenting  on  the  Rockford   Watch   Company.   Darrah   is   familiar   with  many   aspects   of   Rockford   from   collecting   ephemera  to   restoring   the   wooden   presentation   boxes   to  repairing   the   movements.     You   won’t   want   to   miss  this   fascinating   look   at   the   history   of   the   company,  their   watch   movements   as   well   as   some   interesting  and  unusual  Rockford  collectibles.      

There  is  no  charge  for  this  year’s  meeting  and  although   we   won’t   have   a   catered   meal,   there   are  several   restaurants   nearby   where   everyone   is  welcome   to   gather   for   a   Dutch-­‐treat   lunch   and  continued   fellowship   after   the   meeting.     We’re  looking  forward  to  seeing  you  on  the  28th!  

Proposed  by-­‐law  changes  One   last   reminder   that   at   our   April  meeting,  

we  will  be  voting  on  several  changes  to  our  bylaws.    A  full   explanation   of   the   changes   was   included   in   the  November  Mainspring.   In   summary,   the   changes   are  as  follows:  

 Constitution  Article  IV  –  Officer  Change   from   three   directors,   Education   and  Workshops,   One   Day   Marts   and   Programs   to   one  Program   Director   in   charge   of   Education   and  Workshops.    Bylaws:  Article  I.  Officers  Section  1.  Duties  Section  1b  Duties  of  the  Vice  President  Remove   the   following   paragraphs   from   the   duties   of  the  vice  president:  

“The   Vice   President   shall   be   the   General  Chairperson   for   the   Annual   Chapter   meeting,  otherwise   known   as   and   herein   referred   to   as   the  Great  Southwest  Regional  meeting  of  the  NAWCC.  As  General  Chairperson  the  Vice  President  shall  have  the  overall   responsibility   for   coordinating   all   activities  undertaken   during   such   meeting,   including   but   not  limited   to   the   organizing   of   any   and   all   displays,  exhibits,   programs,   marts,   lectures,   and   educational  demonstrations.   As   General   Chairperson   the   Vice  President  shall  update  the  records  maintained  by  the  

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The  Mainspring  –  April  2012  –  Page  3

Meeting   Director   and   Educational   Director   for   the  meeting  under  his  or  her  production.    

The   Vice-­‐President   shall   be   the   Program  Chairman,   and   is   charged  with   the   duty   of   preparing  the  technical  portion  of   the  program  of  each  chapter  meeting.   During   this   period,   he   shall   preside   and  introduce  the  speaker.”    Bylaws:  Article  II.  Meetings  and  Elections  Section  2.  Elections  Currently,  a  spouse  cannot  be  nominated  to  the  Board  of   Directors   if   his   or   her   spouse   is   also   nominated.    Change  to:  A  member  cannot  hold  nor  be  nominated  to  any  officer  or  director  position  if  his  or  her  spouse  already   holds   or   is   nominated   for   the   office   of  President  or  Treasurer.    Bylaws:  Article  VI.  Miscellaneous  Section  3.  Dues  Currently  annual  dues  are  $10  and  the  amount  can  be  changed   as   expenditures   require,   upon   approval   of  the  membership.        Change   to:  The  annual  dues  shall  be  $15   for   the   first  family  member   and   $10   for   the   spouse.   The   amount  can   be   changed   as   expenditures   require   upon  approval  of  the  membership.      This   change   was   approved   at   last   year’s   annual  meeting,   but   because   it   had   not   been   announced  beforehand,  the  official  vote  will  take  place  this  year.    

March  happenings  As  Ken  mentioned  in  his  message,  March  was  

another  busy  month.    We  started  off  with  a  couple  of  informal  stenciling  and   painting  workdays   on   the  17th   and   18th.    These   workdays  provided   a   great  opportunity   for  the  participants   to  experiment   with  

some  new   techniques   and  materials   and   continue   to  hone   their   skills.     As   you   can   see   from   the   picture,  there   were   a   wide   variety   of   projects   started,   and   a  

couple  of  efforts  were  even  completed.     It  was  a   fun  and  productive  couple  of  days.      

At  our  regular  meeting  on  the  24th,  Mary  Ellen  Bell   gave   a   presentation   on   the   “Treasures   of   the  Czars.”     In   addition   to   the   presentation,   Mary   Ellen,  who   is   President   of   Chapter   179,   the   Horological  Travel   Chapter,   gave   us   a   sneak   peek   at   a   couple   of  upcoming   trips   that   are   being   planned.     Like   the  Chapters  Ken  mentioned  in  his  message,  this  Chapter  provides   another   great   way   to   share   horological  interests   with   people   from   other   areas.     If   you’re  interested  in  hearing  more  about  this  Chapter,  please  don’t  hesitate  to  contact  Mary  Ellen.  

 Mary Ellen Bell sharing additional photos March  wrapped   up  with   an   encore   field   trip  

with   San   Jacinto   Chapter   139   to   San   Antonio   to   visit  with   Bea.     In   addition   to   another   chance   to   enjoy  Bea’s  clocks  and  hospitality,  this  trip  included  a  group  lunch  at  a  local  Mexican  food  restaurant  followed  by  a  trip  to  the  Southwest  Museum  of  Clocks  and  Watches  for  those  who  were  able  to  attend.  

Part of the group from the second tour (Jay and Darrah were taking pictures and several attendees had departed)

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Newsletter  Editor  NAWCC  Chapter  15  1105  Lafayette  Lane  Pflugerville  TX  78660    

Spot  a  clock     Thanks  to  Don  Bugh  for  providing  this  month’s  clock  spottings.  

 This   beautiful   street   clock   is   located   in   front   of  Haltom’s   at   the   corner   of   Third   and   Main   in  downtown  Fort  Worth.  


 Brown  street  clock  purchased  by  McCarley's  Jewelers  in  the  20s  and  stood  in  front  of  their  downtown  location  until  they  moved  the  store  to  its  present  location  on  the  north  side  of  Longview.    Remarkably,   it  was  not  converted  to  an  electric  motor   and   still   contains   the   original   Brown   mechanical  movement.