Download - National Cooperation Centre Project. Thank you The following course work and project proposal was created as part of the „KEN Practitioner Certification.


National National Cooperation Cooperation

Centre Centre Project Project

Thank you

• The following course work and project proposal was created as part of the „KEN Practitioner Certification Course“ delivered at RITSEC, Cairo in April and May 2005 in collaboration with Entovation Internation Ltd.

• The Knowledge Innovation Assessment Methodology was developed and is copyrighted by Debra M. Amidon (

• A special thank you for their support is given to (alphabetically listed by given name):• The Egyptian Ministry of Administrative Development• RITSEC Management

• Effat El-Shooky• Hisham Sherif• Mahmood Rezk

• RITSEC Staff• Amin Lotfy (Local project management and facilitation)• Ahmed Sobky (Local project management and facilitation)• Neven Noshy (Local IT support)• Sophia Korayem (Local project management)

• International supporters• Debra Amidon, Entovation International Ltd (Content expert)

• Oliver Schwabe, Eurofocus International Consultants Ltd, (Facilitator)

• And the whole participant group

• Mohamed Atiya MSAD

• Nermeen Salah El-Den MFTI

• Ola A. Bakry MFTI

• Hany Mohamed Nabil MSEA/EEAA

• Reham Raafat Mostafa MOY

Executive Summary

• Due to lack of coordination, communication, information and knowledge transferring between the ministries, time has proved that we need an innovative project to activate the coordination of the information transferring between the ministries in both levels tangible (i.e.: using a stock of one ministry’s store to another which is not in use by this ministry) and intangible (i.e.: information exchange).

• One of the main ideas of the project is to develop a questioner in the appropriate ministries to increase the knowledge of their needs

Project Description

The project basic idea is to;• Enhance the communication system between the governmental sites

and developing a new concept strategy to maximize the beneficial teamwork between various governmental work including training and education.

• Releasing work stress, which leads to maximum leadership power to improve quality and economic factors depends on that communication idea. Tangible and intangible sources are the main core of cooperation between different Ministries and governmental sites.

• Start a new focal point person, which will be responsible for information sharing between the employees on three levels (i.e.: first; within one ministry, second; within all ministries, third; within a global scope).

• Initiating a new database between different governmental sites with open network area for exchanging different knowledge aspects. This idea also, enhance the unit attraction to the ministries with incentive work to join us and make use of that project centre.

• Make useful alliances among ministries and how to manage them efficiently by information transparency within the Ministries, which will enable supplies transfer between each other and share data to improve the quality of work performance. This will enhance the ability to use knowledge to maintain the competitive edge.

Expected Financial Value

• Reducing financial costs.

• Reducing efforts.

• This better communication will reduce time, effort, and that will cause the financial value to increase.

• Reducing financial cost.

• Reducing efforts.

• Increasing number of beneficial projects accomplished; technical, financial and administrative.

• Saving the overall time consumed for all activities within the governmental sites and ministries; tenders, training, meeting ideas and others.

Expected Non-Financial Value

• Improving the relations and trust between the ministries.• Improving the quality of work.• Empowering the total governmental performance as cooperation

and collaboration takes place.• Gaining knowledge between all governmental sites and ministries

in both levels; employees and strategic.• Enhancing the e-government as a new main pre-ministerial

objective.• Attracting sponsors, which support that project to maximize the

benefits.• Public satisfaction and trust will be increased within the

governmental services performance as the work of the ministries will be enhanced.

• Diurnal report for all cooperation processes will support learning from past studies to the future ones.

• Avoid efforts duplications, which leads to reduce efforts• Improving work harmony.

Measurement of non-financial value

• Number of projects implemented between different ministries.• Budget optimization percentage.• Percent of governmental communications.• Number of training courses held within the network.• Improving the relations and trust between the ministries.• Percent of public complaints.• Knowledge increase for employees level within all governmental

sites and ministries.• Percent of communication and feed back.• Increasing public service’s quality.• Decreasing needs for each Ministry and governmental site per

year.• Percent of efforts to finish missions and activities before and after

the system starts.• Increasing jobs oppertinuties for newly graduated youth.

Key Proposed Activities

• Creating a focal point in each ministry & governmental site, which will creating a knowledge transfer activity within the governmental site.

• Creating a central authority (Government Cooperation Centre Project).• Creating cooperation protocols between ministries.• Hiring consultants, which will take the responsibility of revising the

ministerial knowledge through diurnal visits and provides them with all needed information about the key activities to enhance the coordination process.

• Publish and distribute a booklet with complete information about the central authority and its services to the government.

• Diurnal reports should be established for both levels; within the ministry through the focal point and within the central authority. The first report type will be revised by the minister for each ministry and the last report type will be revised by the pre-minister to comment on the ministries cooperation and recommend new activities.

• We will respond to the ideas of new cooperation.• Allocating investment capital for new ways of cooperation.• Creating technology infrastructure in every ministry & governmental site.

Resources Required

• Building with high communication infrastructure technology.

• Teamwork Staff, which are qualified with the abilities for communication.

• Training courses.

• Consultants for creating attractive advertisement and Database with web design ability.

• Create a new database system to be the core of communication and to link between the central authority, the ministers and the prime-minister directly.

Time Required

Five years starting from the central authority

construction and the project ideas

dessimination till the final excution of the


Organizational Readiness

It is a new concept idea in the governmental

sites, but few weak protocols between

ministries through weak achievements are


Success Criteria

The project succeeds if : • There is a constructive cooperation among the ministries as

within employees each other and also with the management.

• This central authority idea reaches the public in the right methodology message.

• The group can show the ministries the real needs for those alliances as they are a worldwide trend and without this idea each ministry will have very limited role

• There is feed back to data and information collected.

• There are a considerable speed of information transfer as the use of the suggested database network plate form

Projected Start Date

The project needs to start and being

established a time fram of about three months

to five months of preparations (building

construction, building infrastructure, data

collection and database design).

The Assessment Results

Collaborative Process

Performance Measures

Education / Development

Learning Network

Market Positioning

Products / Services

Market Penetration

Market Image

Leadership / Leverage

Technology / Internet

The Detailed Results

• Collaborative Process: Collaborative Process:

• Performance Measures: Performance Measures:

• Education / Development: Education / Development:

• Learning Network:Learning Network:

• Market Positioning: Market Positioning:

• Products/Services: Products/Services:

• Market Penetration:Market Penetration:

• Market Image:Market Image:

• Leadership / Leverage: Leadership / Leverage:

• Technology / Internet:Technology / Internet:

1.111.11 8.678.67

1.701.70 8.508.50

0.500.50 9.009.00

0.560.56 9.339.33

1.001.00 5.445.44

1.001.00 9.209.20

5.005.00 8.708.70

2.902.90 6.506.50

5.435.43 9.439.43

5.135.13 9.759.75

Activities: Collaborative Process

• Urgent (address immediately)

• Having an identified contact person for the overall innovation process in the organization.

• This contact person must have a leadership support .• The resources and tools which have been allocated to the

innovation process within the organization must be adequate to ensure efficient operation of the process

• The innovation process within The organization must be a collaborative venture involving all levels of personnel.

• An explicit innovation process must exists within all the governmental organizations.

• All of the organization’s stakeholders (investors, customers, suppliers) have to be involved in the innovation process.

• The criteria for measuring the success of innovations within the organization have to be clearly defined. The organization must be capable of supporting the development of innovation from idea creation through commercialization.

• The organization’s business strategies have to be aligned to maximize results of a successful innovation process

Collaborative Process Idea

• Enhance the Cooperation between the different Ministries and governmental organization to exchange in both levels tangible (i.e.: using a stock of one ministry’s store to another which is not in use by this ministry) and intangible (i.e.: information exchange) .

Activities: Performance Measures

• Urgent (address immediately)• The firm must have an identified person who is responsible for

performing the Assessment of Knowledge Innovation within the organization.

• The organization’s business strategy must be clearly defined. • This business strategy have to be clearly communicated within

all levels of the organization • The organization’s performance measures must be designed

to gauge both tangible and intangible indices. • The organization’s measurement systems must provide a

means to promote value in the eyes of customers and stakeholders.

• The instrumentation needed to ensure proper, consistent calibration over time must be in place.

• Incentives have to be in place within the organization which promote idea creation, responsible risk-taking, and application of inventions or concepts into development of products/services.

• Important (address within 3 months)

• The organization have to rewards idea creation, responsible risk-taking, and development of innovations into products/services.

Performance Measures Idea

Its recommended to establish Collaboration committee in

each Ministry, it will be responsible for collecting the data

about the needs and unused supplies in each department,

and also it will be responsible for measuring the use of this

data and it will report to the prim Minister and the Minister

in each Ministry.

Activities: Education / Development

• Urgent (address immediately)• The location / locations where knowledge is created within the

organization have to be identified.• A mechanisms must exist within the organization to capture

“fugitive” or “tacit” knowledge.• A Mechanisms must exist within the organization to evaluate

the usefulness of “fugitive” / “tacit” knowledge to the organization.

• Educational programs and processes within the organization have to be learner-centered.

• Teaching strategies used in the organization’s educational programs must provide for dynamic dialogue among participants.

• The organization’s educational programs must be designed to include a variety of teaching strategies.

• All employees within the organization have to view learning as an integral, day-to-day responsibility.

• Systems must be in place within the organization to capture knowledge.

• Systems must be in place within the organization to track the flow of knowledge.

• Systems must be in place within the organization to incorporate knowledge in planning business strategy.

• The expanding global community have to be utilized as a learning resource for personnel within the organization

• Allocation of organizational resources for education have to be seen by management as an investment in the future value of the organization.

Education / Development Idea

• We need to improve work quality through well-organized education and training related to the assigned governmental sites. This idea includes;

- Creating a focal point in each ministry & governmental site.

- Creating a central authority.

- Creating cooperation protocols between ministries.

Activities: Learning Network

• Urgent (address immediately)• The geographic centers have to provide opportunities

for dialogue and learning.• Communication systems must be in place to

effectively promote cross-fertilization of knowledge between centers.

• All participants in the “network” have to share a common vision.

• All participants in the “network” must share the same purpose.

• The organization must have an incentives in place which encourage participation in the network.

• The organization must have an effective worldwide presence.

• Communication within the network must be facilitated by computer/communications technology.

• Centres of Excellence which recognize and leverage complementary competencies must be established within the network

• The organization have to mechanisms in place to document the economic wealth of the network.

Learning Network Idea

• We need to make available each sharable knowledge to every governmental site of concern. This idea includes;

- Creating a focal point in each ministry & governmental site.

- Creating a central authority.

- Creating cooperation protocols between ministries.

Activities: Market Positioning

• Urgent (address immediately)• The organization must have a mechanisms and/or systems

in place to align the internal environment with the external environment.

• These mechanisms and/or systems have to be integrated into organizational strategies and policies.

• The organization’s range of vision have to be consistently and accurately captures signals from diverse competitors (both current and future).

• Techniques have to be developed within the organization to prioritize new business opportunities within the context of current strategy.

• These techniques have to applied consistently so that insights can be compared and contrasted with validity in the marketplace.

• The organization’s intelligence-gathering system must be linked to the corporate library / information system.

• The organization’s intelligence-gathering mechanisms must be sufficiently sensitive to capture critical information from non-traditional sources.

• The role of “Information Technology Manager” has to be re-defined as “Knowledge Manager,” or a comparable title.

• Data obtained by the organization’s intelligence-gathering system have to be quickly integrated (fed-forward) into the day-to-day operations of all personnel who have a need to know.

Market Positioning Idea

• The tracking system will be a mechanism to integrate data collected & being sensitive to critical information from non-traditional sources and introduced them to personnel who have the need to know and to achieve that Both main authority and the subunits at each ministry should be delivering day-to-day reports to facilitate the delivery of the data collected .

Activities: Products / Services

• Urgent (address immediately)• The organization must have Methods to standardize some

customized services, so that the revenues can be optimized.

• The organization must has the ability to create products and services to meet the unarticulated needs of the marketplace .

• The organization has to set aside investment capital to fund and nurture a sufficient percentage of new ideas to stay ahead of the competition.

• The organization must develop a sufficient percentage of new products and services each year to stay ahead of the competition.

• The organization must has the ability to create products and services to meet the unarticulated needs of the marketplace .

• The organization must has the ability to create products and services to meet the unserved needs of the marketplace.

• The organizations must have some unrealized competencies (i.e., content and process) which could be used to develop unique, highly marketable products and services.

• The organization has to follows product design principles and processes which emphasize the development of products and services which have embedded knowledge support

• Important (address within 3 months)•The organization has to find a way for the products and services which are currently being marketed to customers as part of the normal business sale to be either “unbundled” or “bundled,” and marketed at a premium

Products / Services Idea

• We will work on expanding the activities of the centre by introducing new services that would represent a way of cooperation between ministries we will respond to the new ideas and suggestions that will enhance cooperation

Activities: Market Penetration

• Urgent (address immediately)• Within its network of strategic alliances, the organization

should maintain a balance between cooperative and collaborative relationships.

• The organization should have strategies in place to monitor the strategic alliances of its partners.

• Important (address within 3 months)• The organization should use alternative channels of distribution for

its products and services.• The organization’s view of the “enterprise” should be enlarged to

includes stakeholders, partners, and customers.• The organization’s strategic alliance process should define new

rules of participation.• The organization should defined a map of its existing network of

strategic alliances.

Market Penetration Idea

• We need to join the ministries together in a way that makes them work more easily and more efficient. And to do that we should have a way to show those ministries how useful it is for them to work in alliances

Activities: Market Image

• Urgent (address immediately)– The organization’s advertising should define its uniqueness in

the marketplace.– Within the organization, the difference between a marketing

strategy and an advertising campaign must be clearly defined.

• Important (address within 3 months)• The organization’s culture and competencies should support its

marketing messages.• The organization’s image campaign is sufficiently multifaceted to

penetrate existing markets and penetrate new markets.

Market Image Idea

• Establishing a campaign that will clearly explain the role of our unit in creating coordination among ministries.

Activities: Leadership / Leverage

• Important (address within 3 months)• The organization leader, must use the knowledge gained from

external leadership activities to develop new internal business strategies.

• The organization leader, should develop internal mechanisms to capture and codify expertise in ways that enhance the organization’s business performance.

• The organization leader, should put mechanisms in place to encourage employee’s sharing and of knowledge and expertise.

• The organization leader, must put mechanisms in place to reward employees for sharing knowledge and expertise.

• The organization leader, should put mechanisms in place to legitimize employees’ sharing of knowledge and expertise.

• Continue (keep supporting)• The organization leader, must define your sphere of influence

within the world community.• The leader, must have effective strategies in place to disseminate

the knowledge to the marketplace.• The organization leader, should perceive external leadership

activities as integral to the business.

Leadership / Leverage Idea

• knowledge sharing and knowledge economy are demanded both for a successful innovation strategy which increase the reliability and efficiency of the organization.

Activities: Technology / Internet

• Urgent (address immediately)• The persons comprising the network must be easily identified

by employees.

• Important (address within 3 months)• Within the organization, there must be a well-defined technical and

managerial infrastructure.• The most current advances in information technology should be in

use within the organization.• The organization should have sufficient flexibility to capitalize on

the benefits of current information technology.• A network of expertise must exist within the organization to

provide assistance to employees in the areas of technology, organizational behaviour, and general information about the business.

• Within the organization, roles must be clearly defined to motivate optimal innovation.

• Within the organization, career paths should be developed to motivate optimal innovation.

• Within the organization, incentives/rewards must be built into the system to motivate optimal innovation.

• Within the organization, technology should be perceived as an enabler, rather than an end in itself.

• Within the organization, innovative ideas should be well-received• .Within the organization, the locus for project initiation must be

clearly identified.• Technology must be used within the organization to promote

collaboration between employees who work in different areas.• Collaboration and interaction of employees across organizational

boundaries must be tracked.• Collaboration and interaction of employees across organizational

boundaries must be measured in terms of value-added contributions.

• The organization should use cyberspace as a learning tool.

Technology / Internet Idea

• Every organization must have a department responsible for information sharing between the employees and each other and the employees and the management within the organization it self ,also responsible to share the information between the organization and other organization within the region or within a global scope

We request that this project We request that this project applied as soon as possible applied as soon as possible because The Projects Lies because The Projects Lies

Within The Main Objective of Within The Main Objective of the Government.the Government.

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