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Nation-building in Malaysia 1946-1974, James P. Ongkili, Oxford University Press, Singapore, 1985.

Muka surat 10The governor of the straits settlement was also High Commissioner to the Malay States, from 1888. He presided over both the settlement executive councils and the faderal council, thus ensuring the coordination of British direct and indirect rule in the colony and the nine Malay states. As the Higiest-ranking British in Malaya, the governor cum High Commissioner, with the aid of his usually, energetic Residents and advisers, was able not only to represent the view of Whitehall but also to promote the growth of British Malaya in which, from days of intervention in the late 19th century until the Japanese invasion in 1941, his advice had to be asked and acted upon all questions other those touching Malay Religion and Customs . The Malay Rulers, though nominally still sovereign, had come under the effective dominance of the British officials.Mukasurat 11Walaupun jelas bahawa British impose an effective administration control over Malaya between 1874 and the Second World war, it is important to bear in mind that not the whole of the Peninsula was directly colonized. While the Straits Settlement were a Crown Colony from 1867, the nine Malay states remained legally autonomous. Each states had it own civil service, albeit heavily influenced by the British Resident or Adviser and the Kerajaan functioned in the name of the Ruler.The indirect rule over the Malay states allowed the survival of a lingering impression and belief among the Malay Ruler that they still held the patrimony of their states and that the British were in theor mids as friends and protectors who therefore should be treated with Malay traditional courtesy and afforded the dignity due to any well-meaning ally.Muka surat 39.Since it was British policy for post-war Malaya which highlighted Malay loyalist and patriotic sentiments. (Malayan Union)Muka surat 53.Although the Malayan Union scheme had been attempted and found unacceptable to the community that mattered most, namely the Malays, Britain had no intention of relinquishing Malaya forthwith. The only feasible alternative was to placate the nationalistic Malay by agreeding to modify the original British proposals as much as necessary to suit the circumstances of time.Muka surat 88.The imposition of rigid and wide-ranging Emergency Regulations in June 1948 prompted most of the earlier political groupings either to dissolve voluntarily or to suspend activities.Hence, constitutional discussions on the countrys future were apparently placed in abeyance until the stringency and threat to stability of the Emergency abated.The 1952 Ordinance maintained the provisions on language qualifications as they existed in the 1948 Federation Agreement. Among other things, reasonable proficiency in Malay or ENglis was required of the applicants for registration or naturalization as federal citizen.Muka surat 105.Under British rule and protection befor 1946, the Strait Settlements, the Federate Malay States and the Unfederated Malay States had a systematically thought-out programme of education which was subtly geared to the maintenance of a plural society in Malaya and which the Malay backward and rural.Malay pupils were given free elementary education in Jawi and Romanized Malay from the beginning of the 20th century