Download - Nasca 2010 100 200 300 400 500 Which of the following is NOT an ethical character trait? Happiness Honesty Justice Integrity Happiness 100.


Nasca 2010

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Consumer Law and contracts

(Chapter 7)

Personal Property

(Chapter 8)

The Law and the Courts

(Chapter 1)Renting or Owning a Home

(Chapter 9)

Which of the following is NOT an ethical character trait?

Happiness Honesty Justice




Suing your neighbor for damages to your property is an example of what type of court






Laws passed by the U.S. Congress and signed by the President are called


administrative regulations legislative statutes

administrative articles federal statutes

federal statutes


Laws define the

conflict between a society and its morality. legal rights and duties of the people.

ethics of a city, state, or country. morality of a city, state, or country.

legal rights and duties of the people


The common law is a set of laws made by

the courts which provide consistent rules that later courts must follow.

the courts in each state which are then complied to create federal law.

administrative agencies so that common regulations are followed.

Congress which provide consistent rules for all citizens to follow.

the courts which provide consistent rules that later

courts must follow.


Business that crosses state lines is called: 

interstate commerce intrastate commerce

the Federal Trade Commission The Department of Consumer Affairs

interstate commerce


As long as the price of a product is less than $500, 

a written contract is necessary in order for the contract to be enforceable. the UCC rules do not apply.

any means available to accept the offer is considered reasonable.

an oral contract for the sale of goods is enforceable.

an oral contract for the sale of goods is



Consumer protection laws do not protect you if you purchase


goods from out of state. goods from another consumer.

goods online. a product considered dangerous.

goods from another consumer.


The UCC laws govern all of the following business transactions EXCEPT the sale of


cars stocks




The Better Business Bureau is a 

private agency that hears consumer complaints at the local and state level.

public agency that hears consumer complaints at the federal level.

public agency that hears consumer complaints at the state and local level.

private agency that hears consumer complaints at the federal level.

private agency that hears consumer complaints at the

local and state level.


If you find abandoned property, you  

may keep it. must leave it where you found it.

must advertise in the local paper for the owner.

have the legal duty to try and find the owner.

may keep it.


If you have in your possession something that belongs to someone else, you are a

bailorbailee donor donee



In a bailment, there is no 

intent to provide any standard of care by the bailee or bailor.

obligation to return the property to the bailor. intent to pass title to the property.

obligation for the bailee to care for the property.

intent to pass title to the property.


Patents, copyrights, and trademarks refer to

bailments intangible personal property tangible personal property

intellectual property

intellectual property


When a bailor lends goods without charge, he or she creates a

pledge. mutual-benefit bailment.

gratuitous bailment. bailment by necessity.

gratuitous bailment.


Which of the following is NOT considered personal property?

trademarks ceiling fans

a house CD players

A house


If you own real property and rent it to someone, you are a

 landlord. master. lessee. tenant.



The agreement that creates the landlord-tenant relationship is called a

mortgage. tenancy. lease.




If the tenant installs a ceiling fan, it becomes real property and

  must be maintained by the tenant.

belongs to the landlord. is considered waste when the tenant moves out.

belongs to the tenant.

belongs to the landlord.


The four types of tenancies are

tenancy for years, lessee tenancy, tenancy at will, and tenancy at sufferance.

tenancy for rent, tenancy for owners, tenancy for lessors, and tenancy for buyers.

tenancy for years, periodic tenancy, tenancy at will, and tenancy at sufferance.

tenancy for rent, tenancy for lessee, tenancy at will, and tenancy on rent day.

tenancy for years, periodic tenancy, tenancy at will,

and tenancy at sufferance.