Download - NASA · NASA CR-170131 NSG-5303 N83-73848 Summary of Rocket 27.048 UG. Semi-Annual Report. Colorado University, Boulder. (Lab for Atmospheric and Space Physics.) January 18, 1983.


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NASA Technical Memorandum 84421

Technical Publications of theNASA Wallops Flight Facility1980 through 1983

J. N. Foster

June 1984

NASANational Aeronautics andSpace Administration

Qoddard Space Flight CenterWallops Flight FacilityWallops Island, Virginia 23337 2020-04-14T20:43:45+00:00Z

NASA Technical Memorandum 84421

Technical Publications of theNASA Wallops Flight Facility1980 through 1983

J. N. Foster, Compiler

NASA Goddard Space Flight CenterWallops Flight FacilityWallops Island, VA 23337

NASANational Aeronautics andSpace Administration

Goddard Space Flight CenterWallops Flight FacilityWallops Island, Virginia 23337


This bibliography lists the publications sponsored by the NASA Wallops Flight Center/

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Wallops Flight Facility during the period 1980 through

1983. Most citations were obtained from the NASA central file of scientific and technical

information utilizing the NASA/RECON computerized system. Some published works, therefore,

may not be included in this list.

The bibliography contains citations listed by type of publication; i.e., NASA formal

report, NASA contractor report, journal article, or presentation; contract/grant number;

and accession number. The contract/grant numbers marked by an asterisk (*) indicate

that the work was sponsored in part by other organizations. An author index is included.

NASA unlimited reports are placed on sale at the National Technical Information

Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161. When ordering NASA

publications, use the N accession number. Documents identified by an X accession number

may be limited or classified and available only to certain individuals or organizations.

Government personnel, who are working at NASA Wallops Flight Facility, can arrange

to borrow the scientific and technical reports from the NASA Wallops Flight Facility

Technical Library.

I am indebted to Donald Scott, co-operative student, and Gerry Laws, summer aid,

for their interest and time spent in collecting the data for this bibliography.



NASA Contractor Reports (NASA CR- )

NASA CR-156889 NAS6-3117 N83-23653

Brooks, R. L., and G. A. Norcross, SEASAT Radar Altimeter Measurements over the Florida

Everglades. Final Report. GeoScience Research Corporation, Salisbury, Maryland.

February 1983.

NASA CR-168342 NAS6-3072 N83-22543

Horn, W. J., and L. A. Carlson, THEEMTRAJ: A FORTRAN Program to Compute the Trajectory

and Gas Film Temperatures of Zero Pressure Balloons. Texas A&M University, College

Station. February 1983.

NASA CR-168343 NAS6-2726 N83-28826

Nestler, M. S., A Comparative Study of Measurements from Radiosondes, Rocketsondes, and

Satellites. Pennsylvania State University, University Park. March 1983.

NASA CR-168344 NAS6-3200 N83-32180

Brown, W. C., Design Study for a Ground Microwave Power Transmission System for use with

a High-Altitude Powered Platform. Final Report. Raytheon Company, Microwave Power Tube

Division, Waltham, Massachusetts. June 1983.

NASA CR-168345 NAS5-26930 N83-34276

G. A. Norcross, and R. L. Brooks, Balloon-Borne Pressure Sensor Performance Evaluation

Utilizing Tracking Radars. GeoScience Research Corporation, Salisbury, Maryland.

July 1983.

NASA CR-170131 NSG-5303 N83-73848

Summary of Rocket 27.048 UG. Semi-Annual Report. Colorado University, Boulder. (Lab

for Atmospheric and Space Physics.) January 18, 1983.

NASA CR-172663 NAG5-613 N83-76828

Kohl, J. L., Coronographic Observations and Analyses of the Ultraviolet Solar Corona.

Semi-Annual Progress Report, 1 October 1982 - 31 March 1983. Smithsonian Astrophysical

Observatory, Cambridge, Massachusetts. April 1983.

NASA Technical Memorandums (NASA TM- )

NASA TM-84417 N83-74269

Krabill, W. B., and C. F. Martin, Analysis of Aircraft Vertical Positioning Accuracy

using a Single Accelerometer. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Wallops Flight Facility,

Wallops Island, Virginia. February 1983.

NASA TO-84418 N83-22909

Parsons, C. L., Total Ozone and Surface Temperature Correlations during 1972-1981.

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops Island, Virginia.

February 1983.

NASA TM-84419 N83-22254

Maurer, H. E., W. Oderman, and W. F. Croswell, An Atlas of November 1978 Synthetic

Aperture Radar Digitized Imagery for Oil Spill Studies. NASA Goddard Space Flight

Center, Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops Island, Virginia. February 1983.

NASA TM-84420 N83-34275

Parsons, C. L., Determining the Operating Characteristics of an Ultraviolet Interfero-

metric Spectrometer. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops

Island, Virginia. July 1983.


NAG6-1* A84-11294

Sydora, R. D., J. S. Wagner, L. C. Lee, E. M. Wescott, and T. Tajima, Electrostatic

Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in a Radially Injected Plasma Cloud, Physics of Fluids,

Vol. 26 (October 1983), 2986-2991.

NGL-50-002-044 A84-11472

Franco, J., and D. P. Cox, Self-Regulated Star Formation in the Galaxy, Astrophysical

Journal, Part 1, Vol. 273 (October 1, 1983), 243-248.


Hoge, F. E., Oil Film Thickness using Airborne Laser-Induced Oil Fluorescence Backsoatter,

Applied Optics, Vol. 22 (November 1, 1983), 3316-3318.


Huang, N. E., P. A. Hwang, H. Wang, S. R. Long, and L. F. Bliven, A Study on the Spectral

Models for Waves in Finite Water Depth, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 88 (November

20, 1983), 9579-9587.

NSG-6004 A84-14076

Hale, L. C., Experimentally Determined Factors Influencing Electrical Coupling Mechanisms.

In: Weather and Climate Responses to Solar Variations; Proceedings of the Second Inter-

national Symposium of Solar-Terrestrial Influences on Weather and Climate, Boulder,

Colorado, August 2-6, 1982, (A84-14051 03-46); Boulder, Colorado, Colorado Associated

University Press (1983), 309-322.

NSG-7459* A83-16523

Timothy, J. G., and R. L. Bybee, Multi-Anode MicroChannel Arrays: New Detectors for

Imaging and Spectroscopy in Space. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,

Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 21st, Reno, Nevada, January 10-13, 1983. (AIAA Paper


NSG-6020* A83-18304

Kintner, P. M., and M. C. Kelley, A Perpendicular Ion Beam Instability: Solutions to the

Linear Dispersion Eelation, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 88 (January 1, 1983),



Hoge, F. E., and R. N. Swift, Experimental Feasibility of the Airborne Measurement of

Absolute Oil Fluorescence Spectral Conversion Efficiency, Applied Optics, Vol. 22

(January 1, 1983), 37-47.

NGL-50-002-044 A83-19492

Franco, J., Protostellar Rotation: Turbulence and Heating of Molecular Clouds, Astrophysi-

cal Journal. Part 1, Vol. 264 (January 15, 1983),.508-516.

NSG-6035 A83-20100

Thornton, D. C., and N. Niazy, Effects of Solution Mass Transport on the ECC Ozonesonde

Background Current, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 10 (January 1983), 97-100.

NGR-21-001-001* A83-20296

Feldman, P. Di, Ultraviolet Spectroscopy and the Composition of Cometary Ice, Science,

Vol. 219 (January 28, 1983), 347-354.


Silbert, M. N., Deployment of a Spin Parachute in the Altitude Region of 260,000 Feet,

Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 20 (January-February 1983), 11-14.

NGL-50-002-044 A83-21141

Cox, D. P., and R. J. Edgar, Another Self-Similar Blast Wave: Early Time Asymptote with

Shock-Heated Electrons and High Thermal Conductivity, Astro-physical Journal, Part 1,

Vol. 265 (February 1, 1983), 443-450.

NSG-6035 A83-21556

Thornton, D. C., and N. Niazy, Effects of Solution Mass Transport on the ECC Ozonesonde

Background Current: Electrochemical Concentration Cell, Geophysical Research Letters,

Vol. 10 (February 1983), 148-151.


Croswell, W. F., J. C. Fedors, F. E. Hoge, R. N. Swift, and J. C. Johnson, Ocean Experi-

ments and Remotely Sensed Images of Chemically Dispersed Oil Spills, iKhitt Transactions

on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. GE-21 (January 1983), 2-15.

NAS6-2810* A83-22677

Miller, L. S., The Application of Near-Nadir Delta-K Radar Techniques to Geodetic

Altimetry and Oceanographic Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote

Sensing, Vol. GE-21 (January 1983), 16-24.

NSG-7459* A83-23082

Snow, T. P., J. G. Timothy, and C. G. Seab, The Depletion of Calcium in the Rho Ophiuchi

Cloud, Astrophysical Journal, Part 2, Letters to the Editor, Vol. 265 (February 15, 1983),


NSG-5138 A83-24108

Gorenstein, P., and C. Mauche, High Throughput Non-Dispersive Hard X-Ray Spectrograph

with Angular Resolution for Cosmic Bursts, Transients and Sources, IKFR Transactions on

Nuclear Sciences, Vol. NS-30 (February 1983), 491-498.

NAG5-100 A83-25744

Nousek, J. A., and S. H. Pravdo, IUE Observations of E2405-4S1: A New AM Herculis Type

Cataclysmic Variable, Astrophysical Journal, Part 2, Letters to the Editor, Vol. 266

(March 1, 1983), L39-L43.

NSG-5178* A83-25749

Orrall, F. Q., G. J. Rottanan, and J. A. Klimchuk, Outflow from the Sun's Polar Corona,

Astrophysical Journal, Part 2, Letters to the Editor, Vol. 266 (March 1, 1983), L65-L68.


Zheng, Q. A., V. Klemas, G. S. Hayne, and N. E. Huang, The Effect of Oceanic Vfhitecaps

and Foams on Pulse-Limited Radar Altimeters, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 88

(March 20, 1983), 2571-2578.

NSG-6032* A83-26857

Morrison, M. D., A. J. Cunningham, and A. B. Christensen, Vacuum Ultraviolet Monochromator

Calibration using Measured Atomic Branching Ratios, Applied Optics, Vol. 22 (March, 15,

1983), 769-770.

NSG-5103 A83-28323

McCoy, R. P., Thermo spheric Odd Nitrogen 1. NO, N( S), and 0( P) Densities from Rocket

Measurements of the NO 6 and Y Bands and the £„ Herzberg I Bands, Journal of Geophysical

Research, Vol. 88 (April 1, 1983), 3197-3210.

NGR-23-005-360* A83-28326

Sharp, W. E., D. Ortland, and R. Cageao, Concerning Sources of 0( D) in Aurora: Electron

Impact and Dissociative Recombination, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 88 (April 1,

1983), 3229-3232.

NGL-50-002-044 A83-29544

Cox, D. P., Self-Regulating Star Formation: The Rate Limit Set by Ionizing Photons,

Astrophysical Journal. Part 2, Letters to the Editor, Vol. 265 (February 15, 1983), L61-


NAG5-96* A83-30183

Cash, W., High Efficiency Spectrographs for the EUV and Soft X-Rays, IEEE Transactions on

Nuclear Science. Vol. NS-30 (April 1983), 1535-1538.

NGR-21-001-001 A83-31452

Durrance, S. T., P. D. Feldman, and H. A. Weaver, Rocket Detection of Ultraviolet Emission

from Neutral Oxygen and Sulfur in the 10 Torus, Astrophysical Journal, Part 2, Letters to

the Editor, Vol. 267 (April 15, 1983), KL25-L129.

NAS6-3072 A83-32579

Carlson, L. A., and W. J. Horn, New Thermal and Trajectory Model for High-Altitude

Balloons, Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 20 (June 1983), 500-507.

NGL-50-002-044* A83-33198

Cassinelli, J. P., L. Hartmann, W. T. Sanders, A. K. Dupree, and R. V. Myers, Simultaneous

X-Ray and Ultraviolet Observations of Epsilon Orionis and Kappa Orionis, Astrophysical

Journal, Part 1, Vol. 268 (May 1, 1983), 205-216.

NSG-6032 A83-33944

Christensen, A. B., G. G. Sivjee, and J. H. Hecht, 0 I (7990 A) Emission and Radiative

Entrapment of Auroral EUV, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 88 (June 1, 1983), 4911-


NGL-50-002-044 A83-34623McCanmon, D., D. N. Burrows, W. T. Sanders, and W. L. Kraushaar, The Soft X-Ray Diffuse

Background, Astrophysical Journal, Part 1, Vol. 269 (June 1, 1983), 107-135.

NGL-50-002-044 A83-37910

Morrison, R., and D. McCanmon, Interstellar Photoelectric Absorption Cross Sections, 0.03-

10 keV, Astrophysical Journal, Part 1, Vol. 270 (July 1, 1983), 119-122.


Link, L. E., W. B. Krabill, and R. N. Swift, A Prospectus on Airborne Laser Mapping

Systems, Advances in Space Research, Vol. 3, No. 2 (1983), 309-322.

NAS5-25496* A83-39036

Webb, D. F., J. M. Davis, M. R. Kundu, and T. Velusamy, X-Rdy and Microwave Observations

of Active Regions, Solar Physics, Vol. 85 (June 1983), 267-283.

NAS6-3077 A83-39807

Rand, J. L., Balloon Film Strain Measurement, Advances in Space Research, Vol. 3, No. 6

(1983), 45-48.


Hoge, F. E., and R. N. Swift, Airborne Dual Laser Excitation and Mapping of Phytoplankton

Photopigments in a Gulf Stream Warm Core Ring, Applied Optics, Vol. 22 (August 1, 1983),


NSG-7459* A83-43062

Grady, C. A., T. P. Snow, Jr., and J. G. Timothy, Observations of Of-Star Wind Variability,

Astrophysical Journal, Part 1, Vol. 271 (August 15, 1983), 691-701.

NSG-6020 A83-43210

Kelley, M. C., C. L. Siefring, and R. F. Pfaff, Jr., Large Amplitude Middle Atmospheric

Electric Fields: Fact or Fiction? Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 10 (August 1983),



Bufton, J. L., F. E. Hoge, and R. N. Swift, Air-borne Measurements of Laser Baokscatter

from the Ocean Surface, Applied Optics, Vol. 22 (September 1, 1983), 2603-2618.

NAS6-3018 A83-46913NAS6-2940 Abd 4byid

Huang, N. E., S. R. Long, C. C. Tung, Y. Yuan, and L. F. Bliven, A Non-Gaussian Statis-

tical Model for Surface Elevation of Nonlinear Random Wave Fields, Journal of Geophysical

Research. Vol. 88 (September 20, 1983), 7597-7606.

NAG6-10* A83-47075

Roth, I., C. W. Carlson, M. K. Hudson, and R. L. Lysak, Simulations of Beam Excited Minor

Species Gyroharmonics in the Porcupine Experiment, Journal of Geophysical Research,

Vol. 88 (October 1, 1983), 8115-8122.

NGR-14-005-181 A83-47466

Smith, L. G., M. K. Mclnerney, and H. D. Voss, Electron Density and Energetic Particle

Precipitation Observed During the Eclipse of 26 February 1979, Journal of Atmospheric and

Terrestrial Physics. Vol. 45 (July 1983), 427-436.


Mitchell, J. D., L. C. Hale, C. L. Croskey, and R. 0. Olsen, Eclipse-Related Measurements

of Middle Atmosphere Electrical Parameters, Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics,

Vol. 45 (July 1983), 515-525.

NGR-22-009-730 A83-47588

Barstow, M. A., M. Lewis, and R. Petre, Linear Absorption Coefficient of Beryllium in the

SO-ZOO-A Wavelength Range, Journal of the Optical Society of America, Vol. 73 (September

1983), 1220-1222.

NAS5-25727* A83-47666

Acton, L. W., W. A. Brown, M. E. C. Bruner, B. M. Haisch, and K. T. Strong, Transport and

Containment of Plasma, Particles, and Energy Within Flares, Solar Physics, Vol. 86 (July

1983), 79-90.

NAS5-25496* A83-47707Kahler, S. W., J. M. Davis, and J. W. Harvey, Comparison of Coronal Holes Observed in Soft

X-Ray and HE I 10830 8 Spectroheliograms, Solar Physics, Vol. 87 (August 1983), 47-56.

NGR-14-005-181* A83-47791

Gardner, C. S., C. F. Sechrist, Jr., and J. D. Shelton, High Resolution Lidar System for

Measuring the Spatial and Temporal Structure of the Mesospherio Sodium Layer. In: Optical

and Laser Remote Sensing (A83-47766 23-35); Berlin, Springer-Verlag (1983) 199-204.


Hoge, F. E., R. N. Swift, and J. K. Yungel, Feasibility of Airborne Detection of Laser-

Induced Fluorescence Emissions from Green Terrestrial Plants, Applied Optics, Vol. 22

(October 1, 1983), 2991-3000.

NAG5-613 N84-13071

Kohl, J. L., G. L. Withbroe, C. A. Zapata, and G. Noci, Spectroscopic Measurements of Solar

Wind Generation. In: Solar Wind Five, NASA CP-2280 (N84-13067 03-92); Jet Propulsion

Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena (November 1983), 47-60.

NSG-5178* N84-13082

Rottman, G. J., and F. Q. Orrall, Observational Evidence for Solar Wind Acceleration at the

Base of Coronal Holes. In: Solar Wind Five, NASA CP-2280 (N84-13067 03-92); Jet Propul-

sion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena (Noveniber 1983), 199-210.


LeVine, D. M., and V. Mazur, Correlated Measurements of UHF Radar Signatures, RF Radiation,

and Electric Field Changes from Lightning. In: Eighth International Aerospace and Ground

Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity: Lightning Technology Roundup, FAA CT-83-

25 (N83-31163 19-47); FM Technical Center, ACT-340, Atlantic City, New Jersey (June 1983),

13-1 - 13-11.


Mazur, V., J. C. Gerlach, and W. D. Rust, Lightning Flash Density versus Altitude and

Storm Structure from Observations with UHF- and S-Band Radars. In: Eighth International

Aerospace and Ground Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity: Lightning Technology

Roundup, FAA CT-83-25 (N83-31163 19-47); FAA Technical Center, ACT-340, Atlantic City,

New Jersey (June 1983).

N83-31236Mazur, V., B. D. Fisher, and J. C. Gerlach, Conditions Conducive to Lightning Striking

cm Aircraft in a Thunderstorm. In: Eighth International Aerospace and Ground Conference

on Lightning and Static Electricity: Lightning Technology Roundup, FAA CT-83-25

(N83-31163 19-47); FAA Technical Center, ACT-340, Atlantic City, New Jersey (June 1983).

Bush, G. B., E. B. Dobson, R. Matyskiela, C. C. Kilgus, and E. J. Walsh, An Analysis of a

Satellite Multibeam Altimeter, Marine Geodesy, Vol. 8, No. 1 (1983). •

Gerlach, J. C., and R. E. Carr, Facilities for Meteorological Research at the NASA Goddard/

Wallops Flight Facility. Fifth Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumen-

tation of the American Meteorological Society, 1983, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Gerlach, J. C., and V. Mazur, UHF and S-Band Radar Observations of Electrically Active

Storm Cells. 21st Conference on Radar Meteorology, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, September

19-23, 1983, American Meteorological Society, Boston, Massachusetts.

Robinson, A. R., N. E. Huang, C. D. Leitao, and C. G. Parra, A Study of the Variability of

Ocean Currents in the Northwestern Atlantic Using Satellite Altimetry, Journal of Physical

Oceanography, Vol. 13, No. 4 (April 1983), 565-585.

Walsh, E. J., D. W. Hancock, III, D. E. Hines, and R. N. Swift, Contamination of the

Fetch-Limited Directional Wave Spectrum by Waves Emanating from an Embayment. IGARSS»

San Francisco, California, August 30 - September 2, 1983.

Walsh, E. J., D. W. Hancock, III, D. E. Hines, and J. E. Kenney, The Electromagnetic Bias

of Altimeter Measurements of Mean Sea Level as Determined by an Airborne 36 GHz Radar,

Marine Geodesy, Vol. 8, No. 1 (1983).

Walsh, E. J., F. M. Monaldo, and J. Goldhirsh, The Influence of Rain and Clouds on a

Satellite Dual Frequency Radar Altimeter System Operation at IS and 35 GHz. IGARSS,

San Francisco, California, August 30 - September 2, 1983.



NASA Contractor Reports (NASA CR- )

NASA CR-156885 NSG-6026 N82-30298

Raines, P. A., and J. K. Luers, Aerodynamic Penalties of Heavy Rain on a Landing Aircraft.

Final Report. Dayton University, Ohio. (Research Institute.) July 1982.

NASA CR-156886 (Vol. 1) NAS6-3163 N82-30823

White, J. V., NOSS Algorithm Specifications for Ocean Current Mapping: National Oceanic

Satellite System. Analytic Sciences Corporation, Reading, Massachusetts. July 1982.

NASA CR-156886 (Vol. 2) NAS6-3163 N82-30824

White, J. V., NOSS Algorithm Specifications for Ocean Current Mapping: National Oceanic

Satellite System. Analytic Sciences Corporation, Reading, Massachusetts. July 1982.

NASA CR-156887 NAS6-3232 N83-22689

Brooks, R. L., and G. A. Norcross, Ice Sheet Surface Features in Southwestern Greenland

from Satellite Radio Altimetry. GeoScience Research Corporation, Salisbury, Maryland.

May 1982.

NASA CR-169375 NAS6-2706* N82-33974

O'Neill, K., Observations of Vertically Propagating Equatorially-Trapped Waves in the

Deep Western Indian Ocean. Ph.D. Thesis. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,

Massachusetts. March 1982.

NASA CR-169791 NGR-14-005-181 N83-16715

Dettro, G. J., and L. G. Smith, A Rocket-Borne Electric Field Meter for the Middle

Atmosphere. Illinois University, Urbana. (Aeronomy Lab.) December 1982.

NASA CR-170148 NAS6-3109 X83-73901

Holzworth, R. H., Middle Atmospheric Electric Fields over Thunderstorms. Final Report.

Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, California. (Space Sciences Lab.) November 1982.

NASA CR-170301 NSG-6035 N83-23989

Thornton, D. C., Optimal Preparation of the ECC Ozonesonde: Electrochemical Cells.

Final Report. Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Department of Chemistry.)

December 1982.


NASA Reference Publications (NASA RP- )

NASA RP-1083 N82-16683

Hancock, D. W., R. G. Forsythe, and J. D. McMillan, NOSS Altimeter Algorithm Specifica-

tions. NASA Wallops Flight Center, Wallops Island, Virginia. January 1982.

NASA Technical Memorandums (NASA TM- )

NASA TM-73293 N82-24605

Hancock, D. W., and J. D. McMillan, NOSS Altimeter Detailed Algorithm Specifications.

NASA Wallops Flight Center, Wallops Island, Virginia. March 1982.

NASA TM-73297 N82-28606

Parsons, C. L., J. C. Gerlach, and M. Whitehurst, A Fourier Transform Spectrometer for

Visible and Near Ultra-Violet Measurements of Atmospheric Absorption. NASA Wallops

Flight Center, Wallops Island, Virginia. June 1982.

NASA TM-73298 N82-28690

Krabill, W* B., F. E. Hoge, and C. F. Martin, Baseline Monitoring using Aircraft Laser

Ranging: Spaceborne Laser Simulation and Aircraft Laser Tracking. NASA Wallops Flight

Center, Wallops Island, Virginia. June 1982.



NAS5-25496* - A83-12578

Davis, J. M., and A. S. Krieger, Properties of Coronal Arches, Solar Physics, Vol. 80,

(October 1982), 295-307.

NAS5-23563 A83-12728

datura, R. C., W. A. Brown, E. G. Joki, and R. A. Nobles, Calculated Performance of a

Walter Type I X-Ray Telescope Coated by Multilayers. In: High Resolution Soft X-Ray

Optics; Proceedings of the Meeting, Brookhaven, New York, November 18 - 20, 1981,

(A83-12721 02-74); Bellingham, Washington, The International Society for Optical

Engineering (1982) 157-163.

NGR-21-001-001 A83-13394

Feldman, P. D., Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Comae. In: Comets. University of Arizona

Press, Tucson, Arizona (1982) 461-479.

NGR-05-003-450 A83-14206

Malina, R. F., S. Bowyer, and G. Basri, Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry of the Hot

DA White Dwarf HZ 43: Detection of He II in the Steller Atmosphere, Astrophysical Journal,

Part 1, Vol. 262 (November 15, 1982), 717-726.


Goldhirsh, J., and J. R. Rowland, A Tutorial Assessment of Atmospheric Height Uncertainties

for High-Precision Satellite Altimeter Missions to Monitor Ocean Currents, IKKE Trans-

actions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. GE-20 (October 1982), 418-434.

oNSG-5128* A83-15114

Withbroe, G. L., J. L. Kohl, H. Weiser, and R. H. Munro, Probing the Solar Wind

Acceleration Region using Spectroscopic Techniques, Space Science Reviews, Vol. 33,

No. 1-2 (1982), 17-52.

NGR-21-001-001 A83-17022

Cebula, R. P., and P. D. Feldman, Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Zodiacal Light,

Astrophysical Journal, Part 1, Vol. 263 (December 15, 1982), 987-992.



Hoge, F. E., and R. N. Swift, Delineation of Estuarine Fronts in the German Bight using

Aii-borne Laser-Induced Water Raman Backscatter and Fluorescence of Water Column

Constituents, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 3 (October - December 1982),


NAS5-25496* A83-19134

Davis, J. M., and A. S. Krieger, The Growth of Filaments by the Condensation of Coronal

Arches, Solar Physics, Vol. 81 (December 1982), 325-338.

NSG-5138 A83-20038

Gorenstein, P., Modulated Multiple Slit Camera for Improved Localization of Gamma Ray

Bursts. In: Gamma Ray Transients and Related Astrophysical Phenomena; Proceedings of

the Workshop, La Jolla, California, August 5-8, 1981, (A83-20001 07-90); New York,

American Institute of Physics (1982), 453-467.

NAS6-2726 - A83-29688

Nestler, M. S., and J. J. Olivero, Satellite in situ Measurement Intercomparisons at

Wallops Island, Virginia, Advances in Space Research, Vol. 2, No. 6 (1982), 69-72.

NAG5-211* A83-32015

Timothy, J. G., C. L. Joseph, and S. C. Wolf, High-Resolution Spectroscopy with the

Multi-Anode MicroChannel Array Detector Systems. In: Instrumentation in Astronomy IV;

Proceedings of the Fourth Conference, Tucson, Arizona, March 8-10, 1982, (A83-31976

14-35); Bellingham, Washington, The International Society for Optical Engineering (1982),


NAG5-211 A83-32016

Butcher, H. R., C. L. Joseph, and J. G. Timothy, Speckle Spectroscopy: An Application for

the Multi-Anode MicroChannel Array Detector System. In: Instrumentation in Astronomy IV;

Proceedings of the Fourth Conference, Tucson, Arizona, March 8 - 10, 1982, (A83-31976

14-35); Bellingham, Washington, The International Society for Optical Engineering (1982),



NSG-5088* A83-34177

Winckler, J. R., The Use of Artificial Electron Beams as Probes of the Distant Magneto-

sphere. In: Artificial Particle Beams in Space Plasma Studies; Proceedings of the

Advanced Research Institute, Geilo, Norway, April 21 - 26, 1981, (A83-34176 15-75);

New York, Plenum Press (1982), 3-33.

NSG-6027 A83-34212

Williamson, P. R., W. F. Denig, P. M. Banks, W. J. Raitt, N. Kawashima, K. Hirao,

K. I. Oyama, and S. Sasaki, Measurement of Vehicle Potential using a Mother-Daughter

Tethered Rocket. In: Artificial Particle Beams in Space Plasma Studies; Proceedings of

the Advanced Research Institute, Geilo, Norway, April 21 - 26, 1981, (A83-34176 15-75);

New York, Plenum Press (1982), 645-653.


Schmidlin, F. J., M. Carlson, D. Rees, D. Offermann, C. R. Philbrick, and H. U. Widdel,

Wind Structure and Small-Scale Hind Variability in the Stratosphere and Mesosphere during

the November 1980 Energy Budget Campaign, Advances in Space Research, Vol. 2, No. 10

(1982), 125-128.

NGR-21-001-001 A83-44859

Henry, R. C., Particle Physics Meets Cosmology: The Search for Decaying Neutrinos,

Physics Teacher, (November 1982), 530-539.


Bush, G. B., E. B. Dobson, R. Matyskiela, C. C. Kilgus, and E. J. Walsh, An Analysis of

the Multibeam Altimeter. In: 1982 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium,

Munich, West Germany, June 1-4, 1982, Digest. Vol. 1 (A83-46101 22-43); New York,

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (1982), 3.

NSG-5088 A82-17804

Winckler, J. R., The Use of Artificial Electron Beams as Probes of the Distant Magneto-

sphere. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Aerospace Sciences Meeting,

20th, Orlando, Florida, January 11 - 14, 1982. (AIAA Paper 82-0142.)


NSG-6020* A82-17805

Kintner, P. M., Explosive Plasma Releases in the Earth's Ionosphere. American Institute

of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 20th, Orlando, Florida,

January 11-14, 1982. (AIM Paper 82-0144.)

NAG5-96 A82-18788

Cash, W., and R. Kohnert, Very High X-Ray Efficiency from a Blazed Grating, Applied

Optics. Vol. 21 (January 1, 1982), 17-18.

NAG6-2 A82-20133

Erdman, P. W., and E. C. Zipf, Closed-Cycle Cryogenic Pump Suitable for Sounding Rockets

Use., Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 53 (January 1982), 106-107.

NAG5-96* A82-23867

Cash, W., Echelle Spectrographs at Grazing Incidence, Applied Optics, Vol. 21 (February

15, 1982), 710-717.

NAG6-1 . A82-27013

Deehr, C. S., E. M. Wescott, H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, G. J. Romick, T. J. Hallinan, and

H. Foeppl, A Critical Velocity Interaction Between Fast Barium and Strontium Atoms and

the Terrestial Ionospheric Plasma, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 9 (March 1982),


NSG-5128* A82-27376

Withbroe, G. L., J. L. Kohl, H. Weiser, G. Noci, and R. H. Munro, Analysis of Coronal

H I Lyman Alpha Measurements from a Rocket Flight on April IS, 1979, Astrophysical

Journal. Part 1, Vol. 254 (March 1, 1982), 361-370.


Hayne, G. S., and D. W. Hancock III, Sea-State-Related Altitude Errors in the SEASAT

Radar Altimeter, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 87 (April 30, 1982), 3227-3231.

NSG-5128 A82-31373

Kohl, J. L., and G. L. Withbroe, EUV Spectroscopic Plasma Diagnostics for the Solar Wind

Acceleration Region, Astrophysical Journal, Part 1, Vol. 256 (May 1, 1982), 263-270.


NSG-5100* A82-32680

Abbott, D. C., R. C. Bohlin, and B. D. Savage, Copernicus Observations of the N v

Resonance Doublet in 53 Early-Type Stars, Astrophysical Journal. Supplement Series,

Vol. 48 (March 1982), 369-393.

NAS6-2996* A82-32757

Brown, R. A.j and W. T.'Liu, An Operational Large-Scale Marine Planetary Boundary Layer

Model, Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol. 21 (March 1982), 261-269.


Hoge, F. E., Laser Measurement of the Spectral Extinction Coefficients of Fluorescent,

Highly Absorbing Liquids, Applied Optics, Vol. 21 (May 15, 1982), 1725-1729.

NSG-5103 A82-33061

Earth, C. A., and R. E. Steele, Rocket Observation of the Nil 2143A Dayglow, Geophysical

Research Letters, Vol. 9, No. 5 (May 1982), 559-561.

NAS5-24242 A82-33120

Vira, N. R., and D. N. Fan, Closed-Form Solutions of Supersonic 'Ming-Body Interference,

AIAA Journal, Vol. 20 (June 1982), 855-857.


Parsons, C. L., J. C. Gerlach, and M. E. Williams, An Intercomparison of Ground-Based

Total Ozone Instruments, Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol. 21 (May 1982), 708-724.


Thomas, R. W. L., W. A. Pearce, A. C. Holland, and D. U. Wright, Validation of the BUV

Satellite Ozone Sensor using the Rocket Ozonesonde, Applied Optics, Vol. 21 (July 1, 1982),


NSG-5131* A82-37260

Zolcinski, M. C. S., S. K. Antiochos, A. B. C. Walker, and R. A. Stern, International

Ultraviolet Explorer Observations of Hyades Stars, Astrophysical Journal, Part 1,

Vol. 258 (July 1, 1982), 177-185.



Walsh, E. J., Pulse-to-Pulse .Correlation in Satellite Radar Altimeters, Radio Sciencej

Vol. 17, No. 4 (July-August 1982), 786-800.

NAS5-24242 A82-37936

Vira, N. R., and D. N. Fan, Supersonic Wing-Body Center of Pressure with Finite After-

bodies, AIM Journal, Vol. 20 (August 1982), 1144-1146.

NAS5-25727* A82-39818

Bonnet, R. M., M. Decaudin, B. Foing, M. E. C. Bruner, L. W. Acton, and W. A. Brown,

Rocket Photographs of Fine Structure and Wave Patterns in the Solar Temperature Minimum,

Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. Ill, No. 1 (July 1982), 125-129.


Goldhirsh, J., and E. J. Walsh, Rain Measurements from Space using a Modified SEASAT-type

Radar Altimeter, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. AP-30 (July 1982),


NSG-5178* A82-42706

Rottman, G. J., F. Q. Orrall, and J. A. Klimchuk, Measurements of Outflow from the Base

of Solar Coronal Holes, Astrophysical Journal, Part 1, Vol. 260 (September 1, 1982),


NSG-5103 A82-42754

McClintock, W. E., C. A. Earth, R. E. Steele, G. M. Lawrence, and J. G. Timothy, Rocket-

Borne Instrument with a High-Resolution MicroChannel Plate Detector for Planetary UV

Spectroscopy, Applied Optics, Vol. 21 (September 1, 1982), 3071-3079.


Bandy, A. R., P. J. Maroulis, L. A. Wilner, and A. L. Torres, Estimates of the Fluxes

of NO, SO,,, H~S, CSp, and DCS from Mount St. Helens Deduced from in situ Plume

Concentration Measurements, Geophysical Research Letters. Vol. 9, No. 9 (September 1982),




Friend, J. P., A. R. Bandy, J. L. Moyers, W. H. Zoller, R. E. Stoiber, A. L. Torres,

W. I. Rose, Jr., M. P. McCormick, and D. C. Woods, Research on Atmospheric Volcanic

Emissions, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 9, No. 9 (September 1982), 1101-1104.


Schmidlin, F. J., J. J. Olivero, and M. S. Nestler, Can the Standard Radiosonde System

Meet Special Atmospheric Research Needs? Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 9, No. 9

(September 1982), 1109-1112.

NSG-6032* A82-45503

Chakrabarti, S., S. Bowyer, F. Paresce, J. B. Franke, and A. B. Christensen, Long Term

Variability of Transmission of Thin In-Sn and Sn-C Films for EUV Instrumentation, Applied

Optics, Vol. 21 (October 1, 1982), 3417-3418.

NSG-6035 A82-47990

Thornton, D. C., and N. Niazy, Sources of Background Current in the ECC Ozonesonde,

Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 87 (October 20, 1982), 8943-8950.


Gurkin, L. W., Development and Flight Tests of a New Middle Atmosphere Electric Field

Pay load. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Sounding Rocket Conference,

6th, Orlando, Florida, October 26 - 28, 1982. (AIAA Paper 82-1715.)


Gurkin, L. W., and E. B. Jackson, The International Ozone Intercomparison Program.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Sounding Rocket Conference, 6th,

Orlando, Florida, October 26-28, 1982. (AIAA Paper 82-1716.)


Patterson, R. A., Flight Performance Summary for Three NASA Terrier-Malemute II Sounding

Rockets. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Sounding Rocket Conference,

6th, Orlando, Florida, October 26-28, 1982. (AIAA Paper 82-1727.)



Flores, C. G., and L. W. Gurkin, Performance Enhancement of Existing Two-Stage Sounding

Rocket Vehicles through the use of Tandem Booster Systems. American Institute of

Aeronautics and Astronautics, Sounding Rocket Conference, 6th, Orlando, Florida,

October 26-28, 1982. (AIAA Paper 82-1742.)


Brence, W. A., J. W. Hardin, E. D. Crook, and H. Roberts, Project Centaur: For Earth

Dayside Magnetic Cleft Investigation. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,

Sounding Rocket Conference, 6th, Orlando, Florida, October 26-28, 1982. (AIAA Paper


NSG-5088 A82-48073

Winckler, J. R., Large Sounding Rockets as a Base for Probing the Distant Magnetosphere.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Sounding Rocket Conference, 6th,

Orlando, Florida, October 26-28, 1982. (AIAA Paper 82-1718.)

NASA CASE- WLP-10055 N82-26632

Rand, J. L., Thin Film Strain Transducer: For Strain Monitoring of High Altitude Balloons.

U. S. Patent Application SN-352827; NASA Wallops Flight Center, Wallops Island, Virginia.

Huang, N. E., Survey of Remote Sensing Techniques for Wave Measurement, Measuring Ocean

Waves. Washington, DC, National Academy Press (1982), 38-79.

Mazur, V., J. C. Gerlach, and W. D. Rust, Distribution of Lightning Flashes in Thunder-

storms From Observations with VHF and S-Band Radars. American Geophysical Union Fall

Meeting, San Francisco, California, December 7 - 15, 1982.

McClain, C. R., N. E. Huang, and P. E. LaViolette, Measurements of Sea-State Variables

Across Oceanic Fronts Using Laser Profilometry, Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 12,

No. 11 (November 1982), 1228-1244.

Samuels, W. B., N. E. Huang, and D. E. Amstutz, An Oil Spill Trajectory Analysis Model

with a Variable Wind Deflection Angle, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 4 (1982), 347-360.


Walsh, E. J., D. W. Hancock, III, D. E. Hines, and J. E. Kenney, Comparison of SCR

Microwave Measurement of Directional Wave Spectra with ARSLOE In-Situ Sensors. Institute

of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; Marine Technology Society Conference, Washington,

DC, September 20 - 22, 1982.

Walsh, E. J., D. W. Hancock, III, D. E. Hines, and J. E. Kenney, Development of the Fetch-

Limited Directional Wave Spectrum. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers;

Marine Technology Society Conference, Washington, DC, September 20 - 22, 1982.

Walsh, E. J., D. W. Hancock, III, D. E. Hines, and J. E. Kenney, Remote Sensing of

Directional Wave Spectra Using the Surface Contour Radar. Proceedings of the Symposium on

Wave Dynamics and Radio Probing of the Ocean Surface, Miami, Florida (1982).


Page Intentionally Left Blank


NASA Contractor Reports (NASA CR- )

NASA CR-156866 NAS6-3006 N81-27401

Brown, W. C., Design Definition of a Microwave Power- Reception and Conversion System for

use on a High Altitude Powered Platform. Raytheon Co., Waltham, Massachusetts. (Micro-

wave and Power Tube Division.) May 1981.

NASA CR-156871 NASA Order P-74271 N81-21084

Blanchard, W. S., Jr., A Flight Investigation of the Ultra-Deep-Stall Descent and Spin

Recovery Characteristics of a 1/6 Scale Radiocontrolled Model of the Piper PASS Tomahawk.

Final Report. Blanchard, Hampton, Virginia. March 1981.

NASA CR-156874 NAS6-2388 N81-19532

Gross, E., and J. H. Scott, Jr., General Description and Operation of the Agro-Environ-

mental System. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg.

March 1981.

NASA CR-156875 NAS6-3077 N81-20406

Rand, J. L., Thin Film Strain Transducer. Final Report. Southwest Research Institute,

San Antonio, Texas. January 1981.

NASA CR-156876 NAS6-3077 N81-30270

Wilbeck, J. S., Nonlinear Viscoelastic Characterization of Thin Polyethylene Film. Final

Report. Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas. July 1981.

NASA CR-156877 NAS6-3117 N81-31605

Brooks, R. L., Ice Sheet Altimetry. Final Report. GeoScience Research Corporation,

Salisbury, Maryland. March 1981.

NASA CR-156878 NAS6-3117* N81-31604

Brooks, R. L., Terrain Profiling from SEASAT Altimetry. GeoScience Research Corporation,

Salisbury, Maryland. March 1981.


NASA CR-156879 NAS6-2960 N81-32581

Schneider, E., and E. E. Epstein, Millimeter-Wave Sensing of the Environment. Aerospace

Corporation, El Segundo, California. May 1981.

NASA CR-156880 NAS6-3075 N82-12734

Martin, C. F., and R. L. Taylor, Boundary Detection Criteria for Satellite Altimeters.

EG&G Washington Analytical Services Center, Inc., Poccmoke City, Maryland. November 1981.

NASA CR-156881 NAS6-3075 N82-12447

Nesterczuk, G., Ionospheric Propagation Correction Modeling for Satellite Altimeters.

EG&G Washington Analytical Services Center, Inc., Riverdale, Maryland. November 1981.

NASA CR-156882 NAS6-2639 N82-15498

McMillan, J. D., A Global Atlas of GEOS-3 Significant Waveheight Data and Comparison

of the Data with National Buoy Data. EG&G Washington Analytical Services Center, Inc.,

Poconoke City, Maryland. November 1981.

NASA CR-156883 NAS6-2947 N82-15678

Follansbee, W. A., and L. W. Chamberlain, III, An Automated Technique for Estimating

Daily Precipitation over the State of Virginia. Final Report. Computer Sciences

Corporation, Pocomoke City, Maryland. September 1981.

NASA CR-156884 NAS6-3072 N82-16048

Carlson, L. A., and W. J. Horn, A Unified Thermal and Vertical Trajectory Model for the

Prediction of High Altitude Balloon Performance. Final Report. Texas A&M University,

College Station. (Department of Aerospace Engineering.) June 1981.

NASA CR-156888 NGL-47-004-67 N83-17017

Tieleman, H. W., The Measurement of the Ground Wind Structure at Wallops Island. Virginia

Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg. (Department of Engineering

Science and Mechanics.) November 1981.

NASA CR-164534 NSG-6022 N81-27720

Arnoldy, R. L., Rocket Study of Auroral Processes. Final Report. New Hampshire Univer-

sity, Durham. June 1981.


NASA CR-164649 NSG-6004* N81-76055

Ionospheric Research. Semi-Annual Status Report, October 1, 1980 - March 31, 1981.

Pennsylvania State University, University Park. (Ionosphere Research Lab.) March 1981.

NASA Technical Memorandums (NASA TM- )

NASA TM-73290 N81-25604

Torres, A. L., ECC Ozonesonde Performance at High Altitudes. NASA Wallops Flight Center,

Wallops Island, Virginia. May 1981.

NASA TM-73291 N81-29408

Walsh, E. J., Altimeter Rain Detection. Final Report. NASA Wallops Flight Center,

Wallops Island, Virginia. July 1981.

NASA TM-73292 N81-26156

Aaron, J. B., Jr., and G. G. Morris, Development and Evaluation of a Prototype In-Flight

Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) Procedures Trainer. NASA Wallops Flight Center, Wallops

Island, Virginia. June 1981.

NASA TM-73294 N81-30325

Hayne, G. S., Radar Altimeter Waveform Modeled Parameter Recovery. NASA Wallops Flight

Center, Wallops Island, Virginia. August 1981.

NASA TM-73295 N81-33760

Parra, C. G., R. G. Forsythe, and C. L. Parsons, Gulf of Mexico Satellite Radar Altimetry.

NASA Wallops Flight Center, Wallops Island, Virginia. August 1981.

NASA TM-73296 N82-15027

Parks, J. L., Jr., and J. G. Haidt, Automated Pilot Advisory System. NASA Wallops Flight

Center, Wallops Island, Virginia. November 1981.


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NAS6-3072 A82-10411

Carlson, L. A., and W. J. Horn, A New Thermal and Trajectory Model for High Altitude

Balloons. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Aerodynamic Decelerator

and Balloon Technology Conference, 7th, San Diego, California, October 21 - 23, 1981.

(AIAA Paper 81-1926.)


Silbert, M. N., Development of a High Altitude Spin Parachute. American Institute of

Aeronautics and Astronautics, Aerodynamic Decelerator and Balloon Technology Conference,

7th, San Diego, California, October 21-23, 1981. (AIAA Paper 81-1942.)

NAS6-3077 A82-10422

Rand, J. L., A Balloon Strain Gage. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,

Aerodynamic Decelerator and Balloon Technology Conference, 7th, San Diego, California,

October 21 - 23, 1981. (AIAA Paper 81-1946.)

NAS6-3077 A82-10423

Wilbeck, J. S., and J. L. Rand, Balloon Material Characterization. American Institute

of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Aerodynamic Decelerator and Balloon Technology Conference,

7th, San Diego, California, October 21 - 23, 1981. (AIAA Paper 81-1948.)


Schmidlin, F. J., Repeatability and Measurement Uncertainty of the United States Meteoro-

logical Rocketsonde, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 86 (October 20, 1981),



Batson, V. M., J. J. Hatfield, and N. E. Novack, A Unique Integrated Flight Testing

Facility for Advanced Control/Display Research. AIAA, SETP, SFTE, SAE, ITEA, and IEEE

Flight Testing Conference, 1st, Las Vegas, Nevada, November 11 - 13, 1981. (AIM Paper



NAS6-3109 A82-16491

Holzworth, R. H., High Latitude Stratospheric Electrical Measurements in Fair and Foul

Weather Under Various Solar Conditions, Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics,

Vol. 43 (November 1981), 1115-1125.

NAG6-1 A82-16879

Swift, D. W., and E. M. Wescott, Numerical Simulation of a Radially Injected Barium Cloud,

Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 86 (December 1, 1981), 11379-11387.

NSG-6025 A82-18781

Dudis, J. J., Interpretation of Phase Velocity Measurements of Wind-Generated Surface

Waves, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 113 (December 1981), 241-249.

NSG-6022* A82-23883

Arnoldy, R. L., Review of Auroral Particle Precipitation. In: Physics of Auroral Arc

Formation; Proceedings of the Chapman Conference on Formation of Auroral Arcs, Fairbanks,

Alaska, July 21 - 25, 1980 (A82-23876 09-46); Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union

(1981), 56-66.

NAG6-1 A82-23896

Wescott, E. M., The Electric Field Structure of Auroral Arcs as Determined from Barium

Plasma Injection Experiments. In: Physics of Auroral Arc Formation; Proceedings of the

Chapman Conference on Formation of Auroral Arcs, Fairbanks, Alaska, July 21 - 25, 1980

(A82-23876 09-46); Washington, DC, American Geophysical Union (1981), 175-184.


O'Neil, R. A., F. E. Hoge, and M. P. F. Bristow, The Current Status of Airborne Laser

Fluorosensing. In: International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 15th,

Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 11 - 15, 1981; Proceedings, Vol. 1 (A82-27576 12-43); Ann Arbor,

Michigan, Environmental Research Institute of Michigan (1981), 379-398.


Parsons, C. L., J. C. Gerlach, M. E. Williams, and J. B. Kerr, Preliminary Results of an

Intercomparison of Total Ozone Spectrophotometers. In: Quadrennial International Ozone

Symposium, Boulder, Colorado, August 4-9, 1980; Proceedings, Vol. 1 (A82-36401 17-46);

Boulder, Colorado, International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics

(1981), 80-87.



Gerlach, J. C., and C. L. Parsons, A Preliminary Assessment of the Problems in the use of

Interference Filter Photometers to Determine Total Ozone. In: Quadrennial International

Ozone Symposium, Boulder, Colorado, August 4-9, 1980; Proceedings, Vol. 1 (A82-36401

17-46); Boulder, Colorado, International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric

Physics (1981), 204-211.


Townsend, W. F., J. T. McGoogan, and E. J. Walsh, Satellite Radar Altimeters. In:

Oceanography from Space; Proceedings from the Symposium, Venice, Italy, May 26 - 30,

1980 (A82-47431 24-48); New York, Plenum Press (1981), 625-636.

NSG-6022* A81-24584

Arnoldy, R. L., and J. R. Winckler, The Hot Plasma Environment and Floating Potentials

of an Electron Beam-Emitting Rocket in the Ionosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research,

Vol. 86 (February 1, 1981), 575-584.


Hoge, F. E., and R. N. Swift, Absolute Tracer Dye Concentration using Airborne Laser-

Induced Water Raman Backscatter, Applied Optics, Vol. 20 (April 1, 1981), 1191-1202.

NAS6-1667* A81-32200

Pulliam, D. M., H. R. Anderson, K. Stamnes, and M. H. Rees, Auroral Electron Acceleration

and Atmospheric Interactions: (1) Rocket-Borne Observations and (2) Scattering Calcula-

tions, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 86 (April 1, 1981), 2397-2404.


Brown, G. S., H. R. Stanley, and N. A. Roy, The Wind-Speed Measurement Capability of

Spaceborne Radar Altimeters, IKKE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. OE-6 (April 1981),


NAS6-3109* A81-37596

Schroeder, K. R., P. M. Kintner, C. R. Cornish, R. R. Green, and R. H. Holzworth, In Situ

Data Analysis on High Altitude Balloons using Microprocessors, IPTKF Transactions on Geo-

science and Remote Sensing, Vol. GE-19 (July 1981), 129-132.


NAS6-3109 A81-41410

Holzworth, R. H., M. H. Dazey, E. R. Schnauss, and 0. Youngbluth, Direct Measurement of

Lower Atmospheric Vertical Potential Differences, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 8

(July 1981), 783-786.

NAS6-2639 A81-43260

Krabill, W. B., and R. L. Brooks, Land Subsidence Measured by Satellite Radar Altimetry.

In: Satellite Hydrology; Proceedings of the Fifth Annual William T. Pecora Memorial

Symposium on Remote Sensing, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, June 10-15, 1979 (A81-43176

20-43); Minneapolis, Minnesota, American Water Resources Association (1981), 683-688.

NAS6-3109* A81-44021

Holzworth, R. H., A. Kishi, J. Wygant, F. Mozer, C. Gonzales, R. A. Greenwald, M. Blanc,

and J. Vickrey, Global Ionospheric Electric Field Measurements in April 1978, Journal of

Geophysical Research, Vol. 86 (August 1, 1981), 6859-6868.

NSG-6004* A81-44486

Maynard, N. C., C. L. Croskey, J. D. Mitchell, and L. C. Hale, Measurement of Volt/Meter

Vertical Electric Fields in the Middle Atmosphere, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 8

(August 1981), 923-926.

NSG-6004* A81-44487

Hale, L. C., C. L. Croskey, and J. D. Mitchell, Measurements of Middle-Atmosphere Elec-

tric Fields and Associated Electrical Conductivities, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 8

(August 1981), 927-930.

NAS6-2820* A81-45174

Wu, J., S. P. Haimbach, and Y. H. L. Hsu, Scanner for Measuring Fine Sea-Surf ace Struc-

tures, Review of Scientific Instruments. Vol. 52 (August 1981), 1246-1251.


Hoge, F. E., and R. N. Swift, Airborne Simultaneous Spectroscopic Detection of Laser-

Induced Water Raman Backscatter and Fluorescence from Chlorophyll a and other Naturally

Occurring Pigments, Applied Optics, Vol. 20 (September 15, 1981), 3197-3205.


NAS6-1667* A81-49700

Robinson, R. M., R. R. Vondrak, E. A. Bering, H. R. Anderson, and P. A. Cloutier,

Simultaneous Rocket and Radar- Measurements of Currents in an Auroral Arc, Journal of

Geophysical Research, Vol. 86 (September 1, 1981), 7703-7717.


Hoge, F. E., and R. N. Swift, Application of the NASA Airborne Oceanographic Lidar to the

Mapping of Chlorophyll and other Organic Pigments, Chesapeake Bay Plume Study (N82-10661

01-48); NASA Langley Research Center (October 1981), 349-374.


Schmidlin, F. J., C. R. Philbrick, and D. Offermann, Atmospheric Density, Temperature

and Wind Measurement Techniques during the 1980 Energy Budget Campaign, Sounding Rocket

Program Aeronomy Project; Energy Budget Campaign 1980. Final Report (N82-25680 16-46);

Wuppertal University, West Germany (December 1981), 382-396.


Parks, J. L., Jr., Automated Pilot Advisory System Test and Evaluation at Manassas

Municipal Airport, The 1980 Aircraft Safety and Operating Problems, Part 1 (N81-19035

10-03); NASA Langley Research Center (March 1981), 113-125.


Carr, R. E., and J. C. Gerlach, Wallops Severe Storms Measurement Capability, The 1980

Aircraft Safety and Operating Problems, Part 1 (N81-19035 10-03); NASA Langley Research

Center (March 1981), 279-291.

Huang, N. E., Comment on 'Modulation Characteristics of Sea Surface Waves' by A.

Ramamonjiarisoa and E. Mollo-Christensen, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 86, No. C3

(March 20, 1981), 2073-2075.

Huang, N. E., S. R. Long, and L. F. Bliven, On the Importance of the Significant Slope

in Empirical Wind-Wave Studies, Journal of Physical Oceanography, Vol. 10, No. 4 (April

1981), 569-573.

Huang, N. E., S. R. Long, C. C. Tung, Y. Yuan, and L. F. Bliven, A Unified Two-Parameter

Wave Spectral Model for a General Sea State, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 112 (1981),



Schmidlin, F. J., Observational Characterization of Internal Gravity Waves in the Polar

High Stratosphere and Mesosphere. International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric

Physics, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, August 1981.

Schmidlin, F. J., C. R. Philbrick, and D. Offermann, Energy Budget Campaign (November 1980):

Stratospheric and Mesospheric Temperature and Wind Structure. International Association of

Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 1981.

Walsh, E. J., D. W. Hancock, III, D. E. Hines, and J. E. Kenney, Surface Contour Radar

Remote Sensing of Wave Spectra. Proceedings of the Conference on Directional Wave Spectra

Applications, Berkeley, California, September 14 - 16, 1981.



NASA Contractor Reports (NASA CR- )

NASA CR-156862 NAS6-2947 N80-22758

Dwyer, R. E., and R. H. Godin, Determining Sea-Ice Boundaries and Ice Roughness using

GEOS-3 Altimeter Data. Computer Sciences Corporation, Wallops Island, Virginia. March


NASA CR-156863 N80-23908

Bower, D. R., J. Halpenny, M. K. Paul, and A. Lambert, Investigation of Tidal Displace-

ments of the Earth's Surface by Laser Ranging to GEOS-3. Department of Energy, Mines

and Resources, Ottawa (Ontario) Canada. (Gravity and Geodynamics Division.) April 1980.

NASA CR-156864 NAS6-2810 N80-22662

Hayne, G. S., Radar Altimeter Mean Return Wave Forms from Near-Normal Incidence Ocean

Surface Scattering. Final Report. Applied Science Associates, Inc., Apex, North

Carolina. April 1980.

NASA CR-156865 NAS6-2810 N80-26743

Priester, R. W., A Study of GEOS-3 Terrain Data with Emphasis on Radar Cross Section.

Final Report. Applied Science Associates, Inc., Apex, North Carolina. May 1980.

NASA CR-156867 NAS6-2639 N80-26054

McMillan, J. D., Arc Program Documentation. Wolf Research and Development Corporation,

Poconoke City, Maryland. March 1976.

NASA CR-156868 NASA Order P-78192* N80-27873

Goldhirsh, J., and J. R. Rowland, Assessment of Atmospheric Height Uncertainties for High

Precision Satellite Altimeter Missions to Monitor Ocean Currents. Applied Physics Lab.,

Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, Maryland. June 1980.

NASA CR-156869 NAS6-2810 N80-29637

Hayne, G. S., Wallops Waveform Analysis, of SEASAT-1 Radar Altimeter Data. Final Report.

Applied Science Associates, Inc., Apex, North Carolina. July 1980.


NASA CR-156870 NAS6-2619 N80-76402

Hofmeister, E. L., B. N. Keeney, T. W. Godbey, and R. J. Berg, Data User's Handbook and

Design Error Analysis: GEOS-3 Radar Altimeter. Vol. 1. General Electric Company,

Utica, New York. (Aircraft Equipment Division.) May 1976.

NASA CR-156872 NAS6-2639 N81-14601

McMillan, J. D., Catalog of Sea State and Wind Speed in the South Atlantic Bight. EG&G

Washington Analytical Services Center, Inc., Pocomoke City, Maryland. January 1980.

NASA CR-156873 NAS6-2456 N81-12677

Luers, J. K., Effect of Rawinsonde Errors on Rocketsonde Density and Pressure Profiles:

An Error Analysis of the Rawinsonde System. Dayton University, Ohio. January 1980.

NASA Reference Publications (NASA RP- )

NASA RP-1053 N80-16682

Schmidlin, F. J., J. R. Duke, A. I. Ivanovsky, and Y. M. Chernyshenko, Results of August

1977 Soviet and American Meteorological Rocketsonde Intercomparison held at Wallops

Island̂ Virginia. NASA Wallops Flight Center, Wallops Island, Virginia. February 1980.

NASA RP-1066 N81-11438

Stanley, H. R., and R. E. Dwyer, 'NASA Wallops Flight Center GEOS-3 Altimeter Data

Processing Report. NASA Wallops Flight Center, Wallops Island, Virginia. November 1980.

(Supersedes NASA TM-X-69357.)

NASA Technical Memorandums (NASA TM- )

NASA TM-73279 N80-20564

Townsend, W. F., An Initial Assessment of the Performance Achieved by the SEASAT-1 Radar

Altimeter. NASA Wallops Flight Center, Wallops Island, Virginia. February 1980.

NASA TM-73284 N80-15727

Parsons, C. L., Dobson Spectrophotometer Ozone Measurements during International Ozone

Rocketsonde Intercomparison. NASA Wallops Flight Center, Wallops Island, Virginia.

January 1980.


NASA TM-73285 N80-26193

Foster, J. N., Technical Publications of the NASA Wallops Flight Center, 1973 - 1979.

NASA Wallops Flight Center, Wallops Island, Virginia. May 1980.

NASA TM-73286 N80-26023

Leitao, C. D., N. Huang, C. L. Parsons, C. G. Parra, J. D. McMillan, and G. S. Hayne,

GEOS-3 Radar Altimeter Study for South Atlantic Bight. NASA Wallops Flight Center,

Wallops Island, Virginia. May 1980.

NASA TM-73287 N80-27782

Krabill, W. B., J. G. Collins, R. N. Swift, and M. L. Butler, Airborne Laser Topographic

Mapping Results from Initial Joint NASA/U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Experiment. NASA

Wallops Flight Center, Wallops Island, Virginia. June 1980.

NASA TM-73288 N80-33046

Stanley, H. R., and R. L. Taylor, An Atlas of 1977 and 1978 GEOS-3 Radar Altimeter Data

for Tropical Cyclone Studies. NASA Wallops Flight Center, Wallops Island, Virginia.

August 1980.

NASA TM-73289 N81-23996

Oberholtzer, J. D., Research and Technology Developments in Aeronautics, Atmospheric

and Oceanographic Measurements, Radar Applications, and Remote Sensing of Insects using

Radar. Annual Report. NASA Wallops Flight Center, Wallops Island, Virginia.

November 1980.

NASA Technical Papers (NASA TP- )

NASA TP-1570 N80-16676

Parsons, C. L., The Role of Satellite Altimetry in Climate Studies. NASA Wallops Flight

Center, Wallops Island, Virginia. January 1980.


Page Intentionally Left Blank



Collins, J. G., and W. B. Krabill, Airborne Laser Acquisition of Cross-Section Data. In:

Civil Engineering Applications of Remote Sensing; Proceedings of the Specialty Conference,

Madison, Wisconsin, August 13-14, 1980 (A82-12589 02-43), New York, American Society of

Civil Engineers (1980), 175-181.


Bell, H., and J. Strock, Telemetry Computer System at Wallops Flight Center. In: ITC/

USA/'80; Proceedings of the International Telemetering Conference, San Diego, California,

October 14 - 16, 1980 (A82-27176 12-32), Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, Instrument

Society of America (1980), 169-183.

NSG-6020* A81-10303

Kelley, M. C., P. M. Kintner, E. Kudeki, G. Holmgren, R. Bostrom, and U. V. Fahleson,

Generation and Propagation of an Electromagnetic Pulse in the Trigger Experiment and Its

Possible Role in Electron Acceleration, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 85 (October

1, 1980), 5055-5060.


Huang, N. E., and S. R. Long, An Experimental Study of the Surface Elevation Probability

Distribution and Statistics of Wind-Generated Waves, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 101

(November 13, 1980), 179-200.

NAG6-1 A81-17427

Wescott, E. M., H. C. Stenbaek-Nielsen, T. J. Hallinan, C. S. Deehr, G. J. Rcmick,

J. V. Olson, J. G. Roederer, and R. Sydora, A High-Altitude Barium Radial Injection

Experiment, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 7 (December 1980), 1037-1040.

NAS6-2751* A81-20932

Leonard, D. A., B. Caputo, J. L. Guagliardo, and F. E. Hoge, Remote Sensing of Subsurface

Water Temperature by Laser Raman Spectroscopy. In: Ocean Optics VI; Proceedings of the

Sixth Seminar, Monterey, California, October 23 - 25, 1979 (A81-20926 07-48), Bellingham,

Washington, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (1980), 198-205.



Hoge, F. E., R. N. Swift, and E. B. Frederick, Water Depth Measurement using an Airborne

Pulsed Neon Laser System, Applied Optics, Vol. 19 (March 15, 1980), 871-883.

NAS6-3018 A80-28293

Tayfun, M. A., Narrow-Band Nonlinear Sea Waves, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 85

(March 20, 1980), 1548-1552.


Hoge, F. E., and J. S. Kincaid, Laser Measurement of Extinction Coefficients of Highly

Absorbing Liquids, Applied Optics, Vol. 19 (April 1, 1980), 1143-1150.

NSG-6022 . A80-36331

Moore, T. E., Modulation of Terrestrial Ion Escape Flux Composition (by Low-Altitude

Acceleration and Charge Exchange Chemistry), Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 85

(May 1, 1980), 2011-2016.

NAS6-2697 A80-36470

Deirmendjian, D., A Survey of Light-Scattering Techniques used in the Remote Monitoring

of Atmospheric Aerosols, Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics, Vol. 18 (May 1980),


NSG-6013* A80-39552

Zanetti, L. J., Jr., R. L. Arnoldy, L. J. Cahill, Jr., D. A. Behm, and R. A. Greenwald,

Comparative Rocket Observations of Ionospheric Electric Fields in the Auroral Oval,

Space Science Instrumentation, Vol. 5 (June 1980), 183-196.


Townsend, W. F., An Initial Assessment of the Performance Achieved by the SEASAT-1 Radar

Altimeter, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. OE-5 (April 1980), 80-92.


Hancock, D. W., R. G. Forsythe, and J. Lorell, SEASAT Altimeter Sensor File Algorithms,

IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. OE-5 (April 1980), 93-99.



Acquista, C., and A. C. Holland, Energy Conservation: A Test for Scattering Approxima-

tions. In: Light Scattering by Irregularly Shaped Particles; Proceedings of the Inter-

national Workshop, Albany, New York, June 5-7, 1979 (A80-49156 21-70), New York, New

York, Plenum Press (1980), 169-175.


Holland, A. C., Problems in Calibrating a Polar Nephelometer. In: Light Scattering by

Irregularly Shaped Particles; Proceedings of the International Workshop, Albany, New York,

June 5-7, 1979 (A80-49156 21-70), New York, New York, Plenum Press (1980), 247-254.


Hoge, F. E., and R. N. Swift, Oil Film Thickness Measurement using Airborne Laser-Induced

Water Roman Backscatter, Applied Optics, Vol. 19 (October 1, 1980), 3269-3281.

NAS6-2810 A80-53891

Hayne, G. S., Radar Altimeter Mean Return Waveforms from Near-Normal-Incidence Ocean Sur-

face Scattering, IKRF. Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. AP-28 (September 1980),


Leitao, C. D., N. E. Huang, and C. G. Parra, Sea Surface Topography from Seasat and GEOS-3,

Marine Technology (October 1980), 451-457.


Page Intentionally Left Blank


Aaron, J. B., Jr., 25

Abbott, D. C., 17

Acquista, C., 39

Acton, L. W., 8, 18

Amstutz, D. E., 20

Anderson, H. R., 29, 31

Antiochos, S. K., 17

Arnoldy, R. L., 24, 28, 29, 38


Brown, G. S., 29

Brown, R. A., 17

Brown, W. A., 8, 13, 18

Brown, W. C., 1, 23

Bruner, M. E. C., 8, 18

Bufton, J. L., 8

Burrows, D. N., 7

Bush, G. B., 10, 15

Butcher, H. R., 14

Butler, M. L., 35

Bybee, R. L., 3

Bandy, A. R., 18, 19

Banks, P. M., 15

Barstow, M. A., 8

Earth, C. A., 17, 18

Basri, G., 13

Batson, V. M., 27

Behm, D. A., 38

Bell, H., 37

Berg, R. J., 34

Bering, E. A., 31

Blanc, M., 30

Blanchard, W. S., Jr., 23

Bliven, L. F., 3, 8, 31

Bohlin, R. C., 17

Bonnet, R. M., 18

Bostrcm, R., 37

Bower, D. R., 33

Bowyer, S., 13, 19

Brence, W. A., 20

Bristow, M. P. F., 28

Brooks, R. L., 1, 11, 23, 30

Cageao, R., 6

Cahill, L. J., Jr., 38

Caputo, B., 37

Carlson, C. W., 8

Carlson, L. A., 1, 6, 24, 27

Carlson, M., 15

Carr, R. E., 10, 31

Cash, W., 6, 16

Cassinelli, J. P., 6

Catura, R. C., 13

Cebula, R. P., 13

Chakrabarti, S., 19

Chamberlain, L. W., Ill, 24

Chernyshenko, Y. M., 34

Christensen, A. B., 5, 6, 19

Cloutier, P. A., 31

Collins, J. G., 35, 37

Cornish, C. R., 29

Cox, D. P., 3, 4, 6

Crook, E. D., 20


Croskey, C. L., 8, 30

Croswell, W. F., 2, 4

Cunningham, A. J., 5


Davis, J. M., 7, 9, 13,

Dazey, M. H., 30

Decaudin, M., 18

Deehr, C. S., 16, 37

Deirmendjian, D., 38

Denig, W. F., 15

Dettro, G. J., 11

Dobson, E. B., 10, 15

Dudis, J. J., 28

Duke, J. R., 34

Dupree, A. K., 6

Durrance, S. T., 6

Dwyer, R. E., 33, 34

Edgar, R. J., 4

Epstein, E. E., 24

Erdman, P. W., 16


Follansbee, W. A., 24

Forsythe, R. G., 12, 25, 38

Foster, J. N., 35

Franco, J., 3, 4

Franke, J. B., 19

Frederick, E. B., 38

Friend, J. P., 19

Gardner, C. S., 9

Gerlach, J. C., 9, 10, 12, 17, 20, 28,

29, 31

Godbey, T. W., 34

Godin, R. H., 33

Goldhirsh, J., 10, 13, 18, 33

Gonzales, C., 30

Gorenstein, P., 5, 14

Grady, C. A., 7

Green, R. R., 29

Greenwald, R. A., 30, 38

Gross, E., 23

Guagliardo, J. L., 37

Gurkin, L. W., 19, 20


Fahleson, U. V., 37

Fan, D. N., 17, 18

Fedors, J. C., 4

Feldman, P. D., 4, 6,

Fisher, B. D., 10

Flores, C. C., 20

Foeppl, H., 16

Foing, B., 18


Haidt, J. G., 25

Haimbach, S. P., 30

Haines, P. A., 10

Haisch, B. M., 8

Hale, L. C., 3, 8, 30

Hallinan, T. J., 16, 37

Halpenny, J., 33

Hancock, D. W., 10, 12, 17, 21, 32, 38

Hardin, J. W., 20


Hartmann, L., 6

Harvey, J. W., 9

Hatfield, J. J., 27

Hayne, G. S., 5, 16, 25, 33, 35, 39

Hecht, J. H., 6

Henry, R. C., 15

Hines, D. E., 10, 21, 32

Hirao, K., 15

Hofmeister, E. L., 34

Hoge, F.-E., 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14,

17, 28, 29, 30, 31, 37, 38, 39

Holland, A. C., 17, 39

Holmgren, G., 37

Holzworth, R. H., 11, 28, 29, 30

Horn, W. J., 1, 6, 24, 27

Hsu, Y. H. L., 30

Keeney, B. N., 34

Kelley, M. C., 3, 7, 37

Kenney, J. E., 10, 21, 32

Kerr, J. B., 28

Kilgus, C. C., 10, 15

Kincaid, J. S., 38

Kintner, P. M., 3, 16, 29, 37

Kishi, A., 30

KLernas, V., 5

Klimchuk, J. A., 5, 18

Kohl, J. L., 1, 9, 13, 16

Kohnert, R., 16

Krabill, W. B., 2, 7, 12, 30, 35,

Kraushaar, W. L., 7

Krieger, A. S., 13, 14

Kudeki, E., 37


Huang, N. E., 3, 5, 8, 10, 20, 31, 35,Kundu, M. R., 7

37, 39

Hudson, M. K., 8 ]

Hwang, P. A., 3

Lanibert, A., 33

I LaViolette, P. E., 20

Lawrence, G. M., 18

34Ivanovsky, A. I.,

Jackson, E. B., 19

Johnson, J. C., 4

Joki, E. G., 13

Joseph, C. L., 14


Lee, L. C., 3

Leitao, C. D., 10, 35,

Leonard, D. A., 37

LeVine, D. M., 9

Lewis, M., 8

Link, L. E., 7

Liu, W. T., 17

Long, S. R., 3, 8, 31,

Lorell, J., 38

Luers, J. K., 11, 34

Lysak, R. L., 8



Kahler, S. W., 9

Kawashima, N., 15


Malina, R. F., 13

Maroulis, P. J., 18

Martin, C. F., 2, 12, 24

Matyskiela, R., 10, 15

Mauche, C., 5

Maurer, H. E., 2

Maynard, N. C.,30

Mazur, V., 9, 10, 20

McCanmon, D., 7

McClain, C. R., 20

McClintock, W. E., 18

McCormick, M. P., 19

McCoy, R. P., 6

McGoogan, J. T., 29

Mclnerney, M. K., 8

McMillan, J. D., 12, 24, 33, 34, 35

Miller, L. S., 5

Mitchell, J. D., 8, 30

Monaldo, F. M., 10

Moore, T. E., 38

Morris, G. G., 25

Morrison, M. D., 5

Morrison, R., 7

Moyers, J. L., 19

Mozer, F., 30

Munro, R. H., 13, 16

Myers, R. V., 6


Nesterczuk, G., 24

Nestler, M. S., 1, 14, 19

Niazy, N., 4, 19

Nobles, R. A., 13

Noci, G., 9, 16

Norcross, G. A., 1, 11

Nousek, J. A., 5

Novack, N. E., 27


Oberholtzer, J. D., 35

Odennan, W., 2

Offermann, D;, 15, 31, 32

Olivero, J. J., 14, 19

Olsen, R. O., 8

Olson, J. V., 37

O'Neil, R. A., 28

O'Neill, K., 11

Orrall, F. Q., 5, 9, 18

Ortland, D., 6

Oyama, K. I., 15

Paresce, F., 19

Parks, J. L., Jr., 25, 31

Parra, C. G., 10, 25, 35, 39

Parsons, C. L., 2, 12, 17, 25, 28, 29,

34, 35

Patterson, R. A., 19

Paul, M. K., 33

Pearce, W. A., 17

Petre, R., 8

Pfaff, R. F., Jr., 7

Philbrick, C. R., 15, 31, 32

Pravdo, S. H., 5

Priester, R. W., 33

Pulliam, D. M., 29


Raitt, W. J., 15

Rand, J. L., 7, 20, 23, 27

Rees, D., 15

Rees, M. H., 29

Roberts, H., 20

Robinson, A. R., 10

Robinsc.-n, R. M., 31

Roederer, J. G., 37

Romick, G. J., 16, 37

Rose, W. I., Jr., 19

Roth, I., 8

Rottman, G. J., 5, 9, 18

Rowland, J. R., 13, 33

Roy, N. A., 29

Rust, W. D., 9, 20

Samuels, W. B., 20

Sanders, W. T., 6, 7

Sasaki, S., 15

Savage, B. D., 17

Sohmr.dlin, F. J., 15, 19, 27, 31, 32,


Schnauss, E. R., 30

Schneider, E., 24

Schroeder, K. R., 29

Scott, J. H., Jr., 23

Seab, C. G., 5

Sechrist, C. F., Jr., 9

Sharp, W. E., 6

Shelton, J. D., 9

Siefring, C. L., 7

Silbert, M. N., 4, 27

Sivjee, G. G., 6

Smith, L. G., 8, 11

Snow, T. P., 5, 7

Stamnes, K., 29

Stanley, H. R., 29, 34, 35

Steele, R. E., 17, 18

Stenbaek-Nielsen, H. C., 16, 37

Stern, R. A., 17

Stoiber, R. E., 19

Strock, J., 37

Strong, K. T., 8

Swift, D. W., 28

Swift, R. N., 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 29,

30, 31, 35, 38, 39

Sydora, R. D., 3, 37

Tajima, T., 3

Tayfun, M. A., 38

Taylor, R. L., 24, 35

Thomas, R. W. L., 17

Thornton, D. C., 4, 11, 19

Tieleman, H. W., 24

Timothy, J. G., 3, 5, 7, 14, 18

Torres, A. L., 18, 19, 25

Townsend, W. F., 29, 34, 38

Tung, C. C., 8, 31

Velusamy, T., 7

Vickrey, J., 30

Vira, N. R., 17, 18

Vondrak, R. R., 31

Voss, H. D., 8


W Zheng, Q. A., 5

Zipf, E. C., 16

Wagner, J. S., 3 Zolcinski, M. C. S., 17

Walker, A. B. C., 17 Zoller, W. H., 18

Walsh, E. J., 10, 15, 18, 21, 25, 29,


Wang, H., 3

Weaver, H. A., 6

Webb, D. F., 7

Weiser, H., 13, 16

Wescott, E. M., 3, 16, 28, 37~

White, J. V., 11

Whitehurst, M., 12

Widdel, H. U., 15

Wilbeck, J. S., 23, 27

Williams, M. E., 17, 28

Williamson, P. R., 15

Wilner, L. A., 18

Winckler, J. R., 15, 20, 29

Withbroe, G. L., 9, 13, 16

Wolf, S. C., 14

Woods, D. C., 19

Wright, D. U., 17

Wu, J., 30

Wygant, J., 30

Youngbluth, O., 30

Yuan, Y., 8, 31

Yungel, J. K., 9

Zanetti, L. J., Jr., 38

Zapata, C. A., 9


1. Report No.NASA TO-84421

2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No.

4. Title and Subtitle

Technical Publications of the NASA Wallops Flight Facility1980 through 1983

5. Report Date

June 1984

6. Performing Organization Code

7. Author(s)

J. N. Foster, Compiler

8. Performing Organization Report No.

10. Work Unit No.

9. Performing Organization Name and Address

National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationGoddard Space Flight CenterWallops Flight FacilityWallops Island, Virginia 23337

11. Contract or Grant No.

12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address

National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationWashington, DC 20546

13. Type of Report and Period Covered

Technical Memorandum

14. Sponsoring Agency Code

15. Supplementary Notes

NASA Technical Memorandum 73285 published April 1980 lists the NASA Wallops Flight Centerpublications for the period 1973 through 1979.

16. Abstract

This bibliography lists the publications sponsored by the NASA Wallops Flight Center/NASA Goddard

Space Flight Center, Wallops Flight Facility during the period 1980 through 1983. The compilation

contains citations listed by type of publication; i.e., NASA formal report, NASA contractor report,

journal article, or presentation; by contract/grant number; and by accession number.

17. Key Words (Suggested by Author(s))


NASA Programs

Research Projects

18. Distribution Statement

Unclassified - unlimited

STAR Category 82

19. Security Oassif. (of this report)Unclassified

20. Security Classif. (of this page)Unclassified

21. No. of Pages49

22. Price"

For sale by the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22151

National Aeronautics andSpace Administration

Goddard Space Flight CenterWallops Flight FacilityWallops Island. Virginia 23337

Official BusinessPenalty lor Privale Use. $300


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