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Ramienski: 270116 US45 U1 TEST ONE PAGE Student First and Last Name: _____________________ Seat: __________Period: ____________________Date: ______________________

United States History1945 to the Present


Directions: This is an open book test. You may use your textbook, any textbook from any history course, all note and handouts.

Value: This test is worth 100 points. There are 50 selected response questions and one essay. Each selected response question is worth 2 points-100 points total. The Essay Question is worth 30 points. Your raw score will be a percentage resulting from points earned over total points available (YRS/130). Top Dog scoring will be in effect for those who turn in the test-scantron and essay complete on the due date. Turning in after the due date will incur regular scoring.

Question book instructions: If you are given a physical copy of the test-Fill out the pink or yellow test book question sheet completely. Make sure you use your first and last names. You will lose 10 points for failure to follow instructions –“FTFI”

Scantron instructions: Read and follow instructions on the scantron carefully. a. You must use a number 2 pencil. b. NAME: Make sure you use your first and last names. Also list your seat number and the color of your test book (Pink or Yellow) EXAMPLE: “Anthony Ramienski Seat 14 PINK” (Hardcopy) or “Anthony Ramienski Seat 14 Online” for the online version-if issued. c. Subject is “US45 TEST ONE” Write this in word for word exactly. d. Make sure you put in the date on which you turned the test in. (Example: 17 January 2012)e. Be sure to put your block number in the period box. Again failure to follow instructions concerning the scantron will result in a 5 point penalty.-“FTFI”

Issue date Wednesday, 18 December 2013Early Bird Date is ….. (Must be complete exam)This test is due by 2: 30pm, Thursday, 2 January 2014If turned in Friday, 3 January 2014, -50 pointsIf turned in Monday, 6 January 2013, -75 pointsIf not turned in by Monday, 6 January 2013, NO CREDIT, “0”


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1. What has become the ironic but appropriate title for this photo taken on VJ Day in Times Square, New York City?

a. “Any Storm in a Port” c. “Unconditional surrender”b. “The Best Medicine” d. “Naval Maneuvers”

2. What caused scientists like Albert Einstein to write to President Roosevelt asking for research into Atomic Bombs?

a. The Japanese had just attacked Pearl Harbor c. The Germans were conducting nuclear researchb. The Soviets just exploded an A Bomb d. There were high US casualties in the Pacific

3. How did the United States develop pro-Allied, pro intervention policies prior to December 1941?a. Roosevelt had comfortable majorities in Congress and convinced Democratic legislators to vote his

policies into law.b. Public clamor to, “ something...” helped Roosevelt to push pro-British, anti-Axis policies.c. Increasing Japanese aggression in China and then the victories of Germany Europe helped stir public

sentiment. At the same time, Congress was pushing Roosevelt to do what he could to “protect the homeland.”d. Given traditional American isolationism, public apathy, and questionable Congressional support

Roosevelt overused, even abused executive power to push for support of the Allied cause


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Ramienski: 270116 US45 U1 TEST ONE PAGE Examine the following photograph

4. What was the popular name given to these Allied leaders?a. The Three b. The Big Three c. The Big Guys d. We Three

5. Which of the Allied leaders pictured above remained in power after the end of World War II?a. Truman b. Roosevelt c. Churchill d. Stalin

6. How did the Allied forces end the war in Europe? a. invading Italy. b. liberating Paris. c. bombing Hiroshima. d. capturing Berlin.

7. Which of the following groups of words best characterizes underlying causes for war in both 1914 and 1939?

a. Imperialism and Nationalism c. Communism and Fascismb. Humanism and Secularism d. Prosperity and Poverty

8. Which of these battles was a turning point after which the United States took the offensive in the Pacific?a. Pearl Harbor b. Midway c. Iwo Jima d. Burma

9. How did Roosevelt first attempt to negate the Neutrality Acts and support Great Britain? a. Traded old Destroyers for British military basesb. He strictly followed Congress’ lawsc. Formulated a secret plan to illegally trade with Great Britain d. He developed a lending and leasing program

10. Why wasn’t the Atomic Bomb used against Germany?a. The Allies were afraid the Germans would retaliate. c. The Allies respected the Germans.b. The Allies couldn’t find a suitable target in Germany. d. Germany had already surrendered.

11. Which of the following nations remained neutral in the Pacific War until 1945?a. United States b. The Netherlands c. The Soviet Union d. Canada


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12. What did most people believe “GI” stood for? a. galvanized iron b. general issue c. general infantry d. general idiocy

13. What was the Allied policy towards all Axis countries? a. Surrender, then a peace conference c. Force the Axis to the conference tableb. The Allies were not sure as to what to do. d. Unconditional surrender, no negotiations

14. At what conference did Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill decide on the “Second Front”?a. Casablanca b. Yalta c. Potsdam d. Tehran

15. When and where did the Allies finalize plans to end the war against Japan?a. Yalta, 1945 b. Tehran, 1943 c. Potsdam, 1945 d. Washington, 1946

16. What was the purpose of the meeting at Yalta?a. To plan how the defeated countries and liberated territories should be governed after the war.b. To plan how the defeated countries would pay back the allies for costs of the war.c. To plan what to do with the many Jews liberated from concentration camps.d. To discuss a plan to put an end to Communism in Eastern Europe and Asia.

17. After the Potsdam Conference; what did the Allies do with respect to Japan?a. The Allies told the Japanese to surrender or else they would be “A Bombed”.b. The Allies told the Japanese that they must unconditionally surrender or suffer a very severe but unspecified fate.c. The Allies decided to set the Atomic bomb off in the ocean to scare or impress the Japanese; hoping that they would surrender. d. The Allies decided to invade Japan and told the Japanese they had 48 hours to surrender “or else”.

18. What was the type of warfare called in the Pacific?a. Island hopping. b. Leap frogging. c. Back tracking. d. Island tripping.

19. What initial justification did the US government officially give for using the Atomic Bomb on Japan?a. Retaliation for the sneak attack on Pearl Harborb. Attempt to minimize casualties on all sidesc. Attempt to minimize Japanese civilian casualties d. Attempt to warn the Soviet Union about its aggression in Eastern Europe

20. Where and when did the formal surrender of Japan take place?a. August 14, 1945, the Emperor’s Palace, Tokyob. September 1, 1945, United Nations HQ, New York Cityc. September 2, 1945, Battleship USS Missouri, Tokyo Bayd. December 31, 1945, town hall, Hiroshima, Japan

21. Where were the European War Crimes Trials held?a. Washington DC. b. Berlin. c. Nuremberg. d. London.

22. How could one characterize the victorious European Powers after World War II?a. Countries such as Great Brittan and France were economically strong and militarily powerful.b. European colonial powers such as Belgium and France were willing to change their colonial rule.c. The European powers as a whole were exhausted, if not vanquished by the fightingd. The European powers were ready to challenge American hegemony over the Allied Alliance


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Examine the map below and answer questions 23 to 25.

Area “D” Pink

Area”A” Area “B” Area“C” Pink White Gray

MAP Number 1

23. Which area was annexed by the Soviet Union at the end of World War II? a. Area “A” b. Area “B” c. Area “C” d. Area “D”

Now, examine the following statements: STATEMENT A: Poland gained a significant German minority population in 1945STATEMENT B: Poland lost mineral-rich lands to the Soviets in 1945STATEMENT C: Poland gained lands rich in minerals-coal- from the Germans in 1945STATEMENT D: Poland gained a narrower and more militarily more defensible western border in 1945

24. Which statements are correct?a. Statements A and B c. Statements C and Db. Statements B and D d. Statements A and C

25. Which nation lost area to Poland in 1945?a. The Soviet Union b. Czechoslovakia c. Germany d. The Ukraine

26. In the contemporary United State, to what “war” does the term “Post War” usually refer? a. World War I. b. Vietnam War. c. The Gulf War d. World War II.


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Examine the following statements and answer question 27: STATEMENT A: Secretary of State Byrnes knew the Soviets were attempting to develop an “A” bombSTATEMENT B: Secretary of State Byrnes was looking forward to the elections of 1946, wanting a Democratic led WWII victory.STATEMENT C: Secretary of State Byrnes wanted to thwart British intentions with respect to India STATEMENT D: Secretary of State Byrnes wanted to thwart Soviet intentions in the Pacific

27. What factors lay behind Secretary of State Byrnes’ belief that the US should use the Atomic Bomb against Japan?

a. Statements A and D c. Statements A and Cb. Statements B and C d. Statements B and D

Examine the following statements and answer question 28.STATEMENT A: The US actively pursued two distinct ways to explode an Atomic BombSTATEMENT B: The Soviet Union was unaware of US atomic research until it was informed of it at

the Potsdam Conference.STATEMENT C: Soviet actions in Europe influenced President Truman’s decision to drop the Atomic

Bomb on Japan.STATEMENT D: At least one Presidential cabinet member wanted a demonstration of the Atomic

Bomb’s effects for the Japanese

28. Which statement is absolutely false and not truth or even scholarly conjecture? a. Statement A b. Statement B c. Statement C d. Statement D

29. At which conference did the Allies decide on the “Unconditional Surrender policy”?a. Cairo Conference b. Yalta conference c. Casablanca Conference d. Tehran Conference

30. What characterized the European colonies after World War II?a. The colonies of Asia and Africa were vanquished and exhausted by the fighting.b. The colonies of Asia and Africa saw the European powers as their only hope for stabilityc. The colonies of Asia and Africa looked to the Communists for their freedom.d. The colonies of Asia and Africa yearned to be free of European domination

31. Which of the following ideas supported Stalin’s views for maintaining peace and security for the Soviet state in the post war world?

a. Sponsoring free multi-party elections in Soviet occupied areas. b. Reunification of Germany and restoration of its economic powerc. Creating and maintaining a satellite buffer zone

d. Appeasing Anglo-US policy towards Germany and Eastern Europe

32. What was the basis for Truman’s initial belief that the US could control Soviet designs for post war Europe?a. Belief in the UN Security Council and General Assembly c. US beliefs in freedom of thought and fair tradeb. The Anglo-French alliance and a divided Germany d. US atomic hegemony and economic assistance

33. What was one major disagreement between the US and the Soviets over Germany’s future?a. The US wanted to keep Germany divided and powerless. The Soviets wanted unification.b. The Soviets wanted to the US to leave Germany and allow the people to form a Communist government.c. The US wanted to restore Germany to full economic and political power; the Soviets wanted to keep Germany powerless and occupied.d. The US wanted to turn Germany into a nuclear power. The Soviets did not want this to happen.


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34. Why did the Western Allies, the US and Great Britain begin to reconsider their original concept – The Morgenthau Plan-for the occupation of Germany?a. High casualties during the last days of the war in Europe caused the Allies to reconsider the “four power occupation concept” discussed at Tehran and Yalta. b. High casualties during the invasion and seizure of Iwo Jima and Okinawa caused the British and especially the Americans to shift forces to the Pacific for the invasion of Japan. c. Deterioation of relations with the Soviet Union forced the Allies to reconsider economic policies and military policies towards Germanyd. The success of the Nuremberg Trials and the adoption of the “Deutschmark” by the German government showed the Allies that many Germans had actually rejected Nazi policies.

Examine the following cartoon and answer questions 35 through 36.

Source: Beers, Burton F. World History: Patterns of Civilization. Teacher's Resource Book., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1988. P. C75.

35. According to this cartoon, what major problem is Western Europe really facing in 1947?a. Overpopulation b. Economic Chaos c. Communist Military Attack d. Disease

36. What remedy could “Doctor Congress” be bringing to rescue Western Europe?a. The North Atlantic Military Alliance Billb. The United Nations Organization led by the USc. The Marshall Pland. The Potsdam Declaration

37. What was the object of the Truman Doctrine?a. Spread Capitalism everywhere. c. Keep Communism “contained” or prevent it spreading.b. Overthrow of Communism. d. Keep Capitalism competitive with Communism.


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38. At the end of World War II in 1945, what was the Soviet Union’s best “trump card” with respect to the US and the other Western Allies?

a. Legal Communist and Socialist Parties in most West European countriesb. Isolationist tendencies on the part of the Republican Party and southern Democratsc. A massive military presence in Eastern Europe-over 300 divisions d. Secret research on nuclear weapons and the “Atom bomb” spies

Examine the cartoon and answer question 39.

39. In April and May 1945, what “remedy” did many people in the world think would best answer this soldier’s plea? a. The formulation of the Truman Doctrine c. The development of the Atomic Bombb. The founding of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization d. The signing of the United Nations Charter

40. Beginning immediately after the German surrender and continuing for the next two years, the U.S. pursued a vigorous program to harvest all technological and scientific know-how as well as all patents in Germany. a. True b. False

Examine the following statements:STATEMENT A: The economic and military weakness of Great Britain influenced US foreign policy

with respect to the Middle EastSTATEMENT B: United States foreign policy during the late 1940s was influenced by the concepts of

anti-communism and containmentSTATEMENT C: During the period of the late 1940s, the US was motivated by a desire to promote

democratic government in the Middle EastSTATEMENT D: By the late 1940s; the United States was no longer self sufficient in petroleum, oils

and lubricants, and so had to “pay attention” to the Middle East.

41. What factor or factors least influenced the initial post-war US involvement in the Middle East? a. Statements A and B b. Statements C and D c. Statement C d. Statement D


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42. During the late 1940s and early 1950s; which attribute figured most in US policy makers’ views towards foreign governments?a. Local attitudes towards internal racial integration c. Local attitudes towards the Communist menaceb. Local attitudes towards nuclear disarmament d. Local attitudes towards free trade

43. What statement best describes the benefits given in the “G.I. Bill”?a. Tuition assistance for higher education, unemployment benefits and low-interest loans.b. Free housing, a low-interest car loan, and tuition assistance for college. c. Free college tuition, guaranteed housing and assistance for single parent mothers.d. Guaranteed civilian job, a free television set and low-interest business loans.

44. Which statement is most accurate about the GI Bill?a. The GI Bill was essential in the desegregation of suburban housingb. The GI Bill was essential in transforming US society from an industrial economy to a service economyc. The GI Bill did not help in establishing equality between men and women in contemporary societyd. The GI Bill was the most important factor in the growth of American population during the post war era.

45. Why did so many women enter the labor force during World War II?a. Labor laws were liberalized. c. With the men in the war, women had to work to eat.b. Women were cheaper to hire. d. With the men away at war, jobs opened up for women.

46. The Second World War essentially put the civil rights movement on hold until after the war, with little or no agitation by African American leaders to end racist laws and or segregationist policies.

a. True b. False

47. Which of the major Axis powers was actually granted a concession under its “Unconditional Surrender”?

a. Germany b. Japan c. Italy d. Soviet Union

48. Why wasn’t Italy-a former Axis country-occupied by the Allies after World War II?a. Italy had declared itself to be neutral and so the US and USSR kept it unoccupied.b. Italy paid each of the major Allies reparations to prevent post war occupation.c. In 1943, Italy surrendered to the Allies and immediately joined the Allied sided. Italy ceased to be of strategic importance after the war.

49. Which document created an anti-Communist “National Security State” based upon overwhelming military power, economic assistance, and covert action?

a. National Security Council Report 68 c. The Marshall Planb. The Campaign for Truth d. The Truman Doctrine

Examine the following music styles and the photo below

Music A: a style of jazz characterized by fast tempo, instrumental virtuosity and improvisation based on the combination of harmonic structure and melody.

Music B: a form of jazz music, using a strong anchoring rhythm section which supports a lead section that can include brass instruments, including trumpets and trombones, woodwinds including saxophones and clarinets or stringed instruments including violin and guitar; medium to fast tempos; and a "lilting" time rhythm.


Page 10: Name: _____________________ - Frederick County · Web viewMusic A: a style of jazz characterized by fast tempo, instrumental virtuosity and improvisation based on the combination of

Ramienski: 270116 US45 U1 TEST ONE PAGE Music C: a genre of popular music that evolved in the United States from a combination of the rhythms of the blues, from the African American culture, and from America's country music and gospel music scenes.

Dizzy Gillespie50. Which of the above musical styles was introduced by Dizzy Gillespie in 1942 with his song “A Night in

Tunisia?”a. Music A b. Music B c. Music C d. None of the selections cited above

Turn the page>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


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Student First and Last Name: _____________________ Seat: __________Period: ____________________Date: ______________________

United States History1945 to the Present


Essay: The GI BillValue: 30 points

Prompt: “The G.I. Bill” (officially titled Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, PL346, 58 Statutes at Large 284) provided for college or vocational education for returning World War II veterans (commonly referred to as GIs or G.I.s) as well as one year of unemployment compensation. It also provided many different types of loans for returning veterans to buy homes and start businesses.

Action: In a multi-paragraph essay, trace the origins, provisions, immediate and long term social, economic and political effects of the “GI Bill” on the America.

Grading Rubric1. General Directions Followed Not FollowedThese are deductions made prior to my reading your essay

a. The essay was the student’s own work and not plagiarized in any way(Failure to follow this direction will result in an automatic failure) ________ ____________b. Your essay will have this grading sheet attached when handed in. (Failure to do this will result in a loss of 10 points) ________ ____________c. You will research this topic using the Internet, books and the textbook. (You must list all sources used in a bibliography and show me that you used all resources with endnotes or foot notes) ________ ____________d. Your essay will be a minimum of five paragraphs long. More paragraphs are better. ________ ____________e. Your essay will include an introduction and a summarizing conclusion. ________ ____________f. Your essay will be grammatically correct, spellchecked, and PROOFREAD ________ ____________g. Your essay will be typed, not written or ripped out of a notebook.

(Use Times New Roman or Arial 10 to 12 pt) ________ ____________

You will loose 2 points off your final score for each general direction c through g not followed.

2. Specific Instructionsa. The student’s essay discussed the origins of the GI Bill (3 points) _________ _____________b. The student’s essay discussed in sufficient detail the provisions of the bill (3 points) _________ _____________c. The student’s essay discussed the positive and negative short term or immediate effects of the bill in the following broad areas: 1) social (3 points) __________ ______________ 2) economic (3 points) __________ ______________ 3) political (3 points) __________ ______________d. The student’s essay discussed the positive and negative long-term effects of the bill in the following broad areas: 1) social (3 points) __________ ______________ 2) economic (3 points) __________ ______________ 3) political (3 points) __________ ______________e. The student’s essay contained an overall assessment or conclusion explaining the GI Bill’s effects on American society (3 points) ___________ _____________f. The student’s thesis was supported by sufficient facts, details, analysis and citations (3 points) ___________ ____________ Total Score: ___________/30