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Annexure 3 to Response to First Written Questions – Q10.1 Written Scheme of Archeological Investigation

River Humber Gas Pipeline Replacement Project





Application Reference: EN060004

Deadline 2 Submission – 12th October 2015

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National Grid

Feeder No. 9 River Humber Pipeline Replacement Project

Goxhill Archaeological Trial Trench Evaluation

Written Scheme of Investigation

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Feeder No. 9 River Humber Pipeline Replacement Project—Goxhill Archaeological Trial Trench Evaluation

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Hyder Consulting (UK) Limited


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National Grid

Feeder No. 9 River Humber Pipeline Replacement Project

Goxhill Archaeological Trial Trench Evaluation

Written Scheme of Investigation

Author J Wylie

Checker J Gidman

Approver N Hartley

Report No

Date March 2015

This report has been prepared for National Grid in

accordance with the terms and conditions of appointment for

Goxhill Archaeological Trial Trench Evaluation dated July

2013. Hyder Consulting (UK) Limited (2212959) cannot

accept any responsibility for any use of or reliance on the

contents of this report by any third party.

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1 SUMMARY ....................................................................................... 1

2 Introduction ....................................................................................... 1

2.2 Project background ........................................................................... 1

2.3 Location, geology and topography ..................................................... 1

3 Archaeological and Historical Background ......................................... 1

4 Archaeological Investigations ............................................................ 2

5 Aims and Objectives ......................................................................... 2

6 Excavation and Recording Methodology ............................................ 3

7 Programme ....................................................................................... 7

8 Monitoring ......................................................................................... 7

9 Reporting, Publication and Archive Methodology ............................... 7

10 Health and Safety.............................................................................. 9

11 References ..................................................................................... 10

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2 Introduction

2.1.1 This Written Scheme of Investigation outlines the scope and methodology for a programme of

archaeological trial trench evaluation to be carried out within the Goxhill site of the Feeder

Number 9 River Humber Replacement Project. The evaluation is being carried out as part of the

archaeological assessment of the site to support a Development Consent Order (DCO)

application which was submitted to The Planning Inspectorate (PINS) in March 2015.

2.2 Project background

2.3 Location, geology and topography

2.3.1 The Goxhill site is located on the southern bank of the River Humber approximately 2.6km east

of the village of Goxhill in North Lincolnshire. The central grid reference of the site is 513815,


2.3.2 The Goxhill site comprises two fields to the northeast of East Marsh Road and two fields to the

southwest of East Marsh Road (Figures 1 and 2). The existing Goxhill AGI is located within the

southern of the two fields northeast of East Marsh Road. The site is mainly under arable

cultivation with frequent drains and occasional hedges, both of which form field boundaries.

2.3.3 Solid geology underlying the majority of the application site comprises Flamborough Chalk

Formation; sedimentary bedrock which formed approximately 71 to 86 million years ago. The

far southwest area of the application site is Burnham Chalk Formation, which formed 84 to 94

million years ago (British Geological Survey online map viewer, accessed January 2014). The

majority of the superficial deposits within the application site area are inter-tidal in nature and

form bands; from the shore these are Beach and Tidal Flat deposits, then Tidal Flat deposits

and lastly Devensian Till. Just outside the southern edge of the application site there are

alluvial deposits of clay, silt, sand and gravel formed by riverine activity (ibid.).

2.3.4 This is a flat, low-lying, estuarine environment. The only higher ground is the sea defence

embankment within the northeast of the application site.

3 Archaeological and Historical Background

3.1.1 The following section presents a brief synthesis of the archaeological and historical background

of the Goxhill site. For a full baseline description please refer to the River Humber Pipeline

Replacement Project Cultural Heritage Desk-based Assessment (DBA) and Environmental

Statement (ES) chapter (Hyder Consulting, 2014).

3.1.2 There is a general potential for archaeological remains dating to the Prehistoric period to be

present within the site. This was identified in the DBA by the presence of Prehistoric remains in

the wider study area including evidence of Mesolithic and Neolithic flint working, Neolithic and

Bronze Age flint artefacts and a general potential for Iron Age activity in the area. However no

features of Prehistoric date have been recorded within the site itself.

3.1.3 There is evidence for Roman activity within the site in the form of cropmarks, which also extend

beyond the site boundary. In the wider study area settlement activity dating to the Roman period

has been recorded indicating that the site has strong potential for remains of this date to be


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3.1.4 The Goxhill site is located in a known area of medieval activity, with Goxhill moated site located

a short distance to the south and Hogcote Close moated site to the north. There is also

cropmark evidence of medieval field systems in the vicinity of the site. Some of the cropmarks

within the site may also date to the medieval period.

3.1.5 There is documentary evidence for three large manors in Goxhill in the 17th century; the Royal

Manor, which was originally owned by Thornton Abbey but passed to the Crown in 1547, Sutton

Manor and Hildyard’s Manor. There is extensive evidence for post-medieval activity around the

site, this is mainly agricultural in nature and of local significance but there is some diversity in

the form of small industrial brick works. Within the site itself the highest potential for post-

medieval activity is for features associated with agricultural activity.

4 Archaeological Investigations

4.1.1 A geophysical survey was carried out at the Goxhill site, recording two areas of clear

archaeological activity. In the northeastern portion of the site a cluster of features was recorded.

These were mainly small rectilinear enclosures and groups of pit-like features. The survey team

also noted a surface scatter of Roman pottery in this part of the site.

4.1.2 This collection of features represents a clear continuation of the Roman settlement activity that

was previously identified in cropmarks and by earlier geophysical survey carried out in 2007

within the site.

4.1.3 Two further archaeological features were identified by the geophysical survey in the western

portion of the Goxhill site. These were a linear feature probably indicating a drainage ditch and

a former field boundary. It is likely that these two features are associated with the medieval

activity previously recorded through cropmarks and geophysical survey.

5 Aims and Objectives

5.1.1 The aims and objectives of the archaeological evaluation are:

� To determine the existence or absence of archaeological remains, and where these exist,

to establish the character and complexity of any remains by sample excavation;

� to attempt to establish the date of the deposits encountered through recovery of artefacts;

� to establish the environmental significance of deposits with evidence of potential by

targeted environmental sampling, processing and assessment;

� to place any archaeological discoveries into the local and, where appropriate,

regional/national context, and to assess the implications of any such discoveries for our

current understanding of the development of settlement in the area;

� On the basis of the evaluation results, to inform the need for further archaeological

mitigation of all or part of the evaluated areas.

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6 Excavation and Recording Methodology

6.1.1 Trenches will be laid out based upon the layout given in this WSI, and any variations will be

recorded by GPS and transferred to a digital plan of the site. A shapefile of the trench layout will

be provided to the Archaeological Contractor and the co-ordinates of the centre-point and each

end of the trench are provided in table 1.

Table 1: Trench Co-ordinates






centre point


trench end A


trench end A


trench end

B easting

trench end B


1 513116 423523 513102 423544 513129 423501

2 513874 423370 513883 423393 513863 423346

3 513213 423353 513213 423368 513212 423338

4 513019 423271 513019 423285 513018 423256

5 513125 423311 513110 423310 513140 423311

6 513207 423256 513204 423270 513209 423241

7 512992 423176 512989 423190 512995 423161

8 513119 423221 513115 423235 513123 423206

9 513298 423156 513282 423158 513312 423154

10 513216 423139 513225 423150 513205 423128

11 513148 423104 513149 423118 513147 423088

12 513070 423148 513070 423162 513069 423132

13 513037 423034 513037 423048 513036 423018

14 512965 423075 512950 423075 512980 423074

15 513186 423052 513170 423054 513200 423050

16 512930 422977 512941 422986 512918 422967

17 512852 423013 512842 423024 512861 423001

18 512774 422986 512789 422986 512759 422986

19 512827 422930 512824 422944 512828 422915

20 512695 422903 512700 422917 512689 422888

21 513388 423042 513388 423057 513387 423027

22 513218 422912 513202 422911 513232 422912

23 513452 422968 513451 422983 513451 422953

24 513364 422884 513349 422884 513379 422884

25 513275 422812 513274 422826 513274 422796

26 513368 422791 513357 422802 513378 422780

27 513547 422842 513535 422851 513558 422831

28 513228 422836 513216 422845 513239 422826

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29 513398 423300 513397 423314 513397 423284

30 513452 423252 513442 423263 513462 423240

31 513539 423277 513540 423291 513536 423261

32 513642 423328 513654 423336 513628 423320

33 513729 423474 513732 423488 513725 423459

34 513646 423414 513638 423426 513653 423401

35 513901 423514 513903 423528 513899 423498

36 513980 423552 513981 423566 513979 423536

37 513540 423346 513532 423359 513547 423333

38 513938 423393 513950 423401 513926 423384

39 513663 423230 513653 423242 513672 423218

40 514044 423465 514049 423479 514039 423451

41 514170 423495 514183 423501 514155 423489

42 513567 423163 513580 423169 513553 423155

43 513626 423200 513611 423201 513641 423198

44 513787 423415 513796 423439 513776 423391

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6.1.2 When laying out trenches the archaeological contractor will give regard to specific ecological

requirements as outlined in the Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) and no

trench will be located with 30m of a badger set. The trench plan included within this WSI has

ensured that no trenches are located within 30m of a known badger set.

6.1.3 Trenches will be excavated by machine using a toothless bucket under close archaeological

supervision, down to the top of the first archaeological horizon, or failing that, to the surface of

the underlying geology. Spits will be no more than 100mm thick. The spoil and the exposed

surface will be scanned for finds by eye and, if deemed appropriate, using a metal detector.

When excavating the trenches the topsoil will be excavated first and stored along one side of

the trench and the subsoil stored along the other side of the trench. When backfilling the

trenches the subsoil will be returned to the trench first, followed by the subsoil.

6.1.4 Careful stripping of areas by machine under archaeological supervision should leave a surface

that can be planned and photographed without the need for further hand-cleaning. Any areas

left obscured or unclear after machine-stripping will be hand-cleaned before photographing and


6.1.5 The revealed surface will be inspected for archaeological features, and where necessary

cleaned by hand before being photographed and planned.

6.1.6 Discrete deposits will generally be excavated by hand, unless otherwise agreed with the

Monitoring Archaeologists. Should thick sterile or well-dated recent deposits be encountered,

these may be sampled by hand-excavation but further excavated by machine under

archaeological supervision. Discrete features will be half-excavated by hand, unless particularly

large, when an alternative strategy may be agreed with the Monitoring Archaeologists. A

minimum of 10% of any linear features will be hand-excavated, or a minimum of 1m length if this

is larger.

6.1.7 If colluvial deposits are revealed within a trench and it is believed there is a potential for

palaeoenvironmental remains to be present the archaeological contractor will excavate a

sondage within the colluvium to test for any such remains. Following the excavation of the

sondage the colluvium may be removed by machine unless specifically requested otherwise by

the Monitoring Archaeologists.

6.1.8 All investigated archaeological deposits and features will be recorded on pro-forma context

sheets, and will be recorded in plan and section. Single context planning will not be used within

features unless these are of especial significance, but extensive deposits ending within the

trench (layers) will be individually planned.

6.1.9 Unexcavated deposits will be numbered and described.

6.1.10 Plans and sections will be at a scale of 1:20 or 1:50, unless the level of information requires a

more detailed graphic record at 1:10 or even greater scale. Unless a trench is devoid of

archaeological features as a minimum of one long section from each trench will be drawn along

with a section of each excavated feature.

6.1.11 Levels will be taken along the base of all trenches, and (where it survives) on the surface of the

adjacent topsoil. The Archaeological Contractor will maintain a level of accuracy of ±50mm

when taking levels.

6.1.12 Photographs will be taken in colour and in black and white. All photos will contain a photo board

and north arrow.

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6.1.13 All finds will be retained, bagged and marked with the site code and context number, unless

bulk deposits of finds of recent date are encountered, in which case only a sufficient sample to

characterise and date them will be retained.

6.1.14 Environmental samples will be taken from deposits of environmental potential and from a

representative range of deposit types across the site.

6.1.15 If human remains are encountered they will be left in situ until a Licence for the Removal of

Human Remains has been obtained from the Ministry of Justice. Should preservation in situ not

be possible, then as a minimum excavation will follow the guidance set out by Historic England

(English Heritage 2006). Prior to the commencement of fieldwork the Archaeological Contractor

will prepare a specific Method Statement for excavation and recording of graves for agreement

by the Monitoring Archaeologists. This method statement will be invoked in the event of the

discovery of human remains

6.1.16 All potential graves will be scanned with a metal detector prior to excavation, and if metal

objects are indicated, or other grave goods are suspected.

6.1.17 Any finds or environmental remains will be recovered, processed and assessed in accordance

with Historic England guidelines and the archaeological contractor’s standard procedures.

Where possible all recovered pottery sherds will be identified and recorded with reference to

and in line with the appropriate (North) Lincolnshire type series.

6.1.18 Bulk finds will be bagged by context. Small finds (special finds), including in situ flint-working

deposits, will be 3-dimensionally recorded on site to an accuracy of ±50mm and will be bagged

and registered individually.

6.1.19 Finds will be washed as work proceeds, and spot-dating will be carried out at weekly intervals.

Finds collected during the week will be taken back to the offices of the archaeological contractor

to complete processing, and to check spot-dating.

6.1.20 Should finds of particular sensitivity or value be located, a conservator will be called to site to

advise or supervise recovery from the ground. The Monitoring Archaeologists will be informed

immediately and a site meeting convened. Appropriate security arrangements for protection of

any such remains while still subject to recording in the ground will be made.

6.1.21 Finds, discovered by the Archaeological Contractor, falling under the statutory definition of

Treasure (as defined by the Treasure Act of 1996 and its revision of 2002) will be reported

immediately to the relevant Coroner’s Office, the North Lincolnshire Finds Liaison Officer (FLO)

who is the designated treasure co-ordinator for North Lincolnshire, the landowner and the

Historic Environment Officer. A Treasure Receipt (obtainable from either the FLO or the DCMS

website) must be completed and a report submitted to the Coroner’s Office and the FLO within

14 days of understanding the find is Treasure. Failure to report within 14 days is a criminal

offence. The Treasure Receipt and Report must include the date and circumstances of the

discovery, the identity of the finder (put as unit/contractor) and (as exactly as possible) the

location of the find.

6.1.22 A structured programme of environmental sampling appropriate to the aims of the evaluation will

be implemented. The strategy and methodology for the sampling, recording, processing,

assessment, analysis and reporting of deposits with environmental archaeology potential will be

in accordance with Historic England Centre for Archaeology Guidelines “Environmental

Archaeology – A guide to the theory and practice of methods, from sampling and recovery to

post-excavation” (March 2002).

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6.1.23 Bulk samples will be taken from deposits of high environmental potential and a representative

range of deposit types across the site. All bulk environmental samples will be 40L, unless the

deposit is less than 40L, in which case all of the deposit will be sampled. Column and

incremental samples will be taken if appropriate.

6.1.24 Environmental samples will be returned to the offices of the archaeological contractor for

processing at the end of each working week. Once processed, they will be scanned by a

qualified environmental archaeologist to provide initial information about their environmental


6.1.25 Samples for radiocarbon dating will normally be extracted from bulk environmental samples, but

in exceptional circumstances specific sampling for radiocarbon dating will be taken, should the

context and its potential significance warrant it. In such cases, the Monitoring Archaeologists will

be informed of the potential significance of the deposit in advance.

7 Programme

7.1.1 Prior to commencement of work on site the archaeological contractor will provide to National

Grid, the Monitoring Archaeologist and the North Lincolnshire Historic Environment Officer a

programme for the site works. This programme will detail the proposed start date on site and the

proposed length of time the archaeological contractor intends to be on site.

8 Monitoring

8.1.1 All archaeological works will be monitored by a Monitoring Archaeologist appointed by National

Grid and by the North Lincolnshire Historic Environment Officer (HEO). Advance notice of the

commencement of the evaluation will be given to the Monitoring Archaeologists and the HEO.

8.1.2 The Monitoring Archaeologists will have free access to the site, and all records to ensure that

the work is being carried in accordance with this WSI and all other relevant standards.

8.1.3 Updated plans of evaluated areas will be provided by email on a weekly basis to the Monitoring

Archaeologist and the HEO.

8.1.4 The frequency of monitoring visits thereafter will depend upon how much archaeology is being

found and the specific requirements of the Monitoring Archaeologist and the HEO.

9 Reporting, Publication and Archive Methodology

9.1.1 Upon completion of the archaeological site works the archive will be assembled in line with the

recommendations provided in English Heritage’s ‘MoRPHE Project Planning Note 3:

Archaeological Excavation (PPN3)’ and other relevant guidelines.

9.1.2 In addition to the site records, artefacts, ecofacts and other sample residues, the archive shall

contain all the data collected during the excavation, including records, finds and environmental

samples. It will be quantified, ordered, indexed and internally consistent. Adequate resources

will be provided during fieldwork to ensure that all records are checked and internally consistent.

Archive consolidation will be undertaken immediately following the conclusion of fieldwork and

will involve:

� the site record being checked, cross-referenced and indexed as necessary;

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� all retained finds being cleaned, conserved and packaged in accordance with the

requirements of the recipient museum;

� all retained finds being assessed and recorded using pro forma recording sheets, by

suitably qualified and experienced staff. Initial artefact dating will be integrated within the

site matrix; and

� all retained environmental samples being processed by suitably experienced and

qualified staff and recorded using pro forma recording sheets.

9.1.3 In addition to the site records, artefacts, ecofacts and other sample residues, the archive shall


� site matrices where appropriate;

� a summary report synthesising the context record;

� a summary of the artefact record;

� a summary of the environment record.

9.1.4 The integrity of the primary field record will be preserved. Security copies will be maintained

where appropriate.

9.1.5 Provision will be made for the deposition of the archive, artefacts and environmental material,

an index and copies of all reports, subject to the permission of the relevant landowner (and if no

further archaeological work is to be initiated), in the appropriate recipient museum. The museum

will be advised by the archaeological contractor of the timetable of the proposed investigation

prior to excavation commencing and a Site Code applied for before site works commence.

Provision will be made for the stable storage of paper records and their long-term storage.

9.1.6 Upon completion of the investigations, the artefacts, ecofacts and stratigraphic information shall

be assessed as to their potential and significance for further analysis. This will include X-

radiography of all ferrous objects, a selection of non-ferrous artefacts, a sample of industrial

debris and all coins. Immediate conservation work will be undertaken if recommended by a

conservator. All finds will be treated in accordance with UKIC guidelines and good practice as

outlined in First Aid for Finds (Leigh et all, 1998).

9.1.7 A Post-Excavation Assessment (PEA) report will be prepared within an agreed timescale

following the completion of on-site archaeological investigations. This report will include the


� a non-technical summary of the results of the work;

� a summary of the project’s background, outlining the circumstances of the project, the

archaeological background, the site descriptions, and the objectives of the archaeological


� the site location;

� an account of the fieldwork methodology including a detailed narrative description of the

excavations, trench by trench, with reference to context numbers;

� the results of the excavation, including phasing and interpretation of the site sequence

and spot-dating of artefacts, if recovered;

� an assessment of the stratigraphic and other written, drawn and photographic records;

� a catalogue of the archaeological material recovered during the excavations supported by

illustration and specialist reports where appropriate ;

� a summary of the contents of the project archive and its location; and

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� appropriate photographs as required to illustrate the report;

9.1.8 The PEA report will be supported by an overall plan of the site, accurately identifying the

location of all trenches, as excavated and detailed plans of trenches containing features.

9.1.9 The report will outline the archaeological significance of the deposits identified, and provide an

interpretation of the results in relation to other sites in the vicinity.

9.1.10 Copies of the report (paper and/or digital as preferred by the recipients) will be supplied to

National Grid, the monitoring archaeologist and the HEO for comment.

9.1.11 Following the submission of a draft version of the PEA, and the receipt of any comments from

the above parties, a final PEA report will be produced.

9.1.12 It is possible that the excavation findings will warrant wider dissemination through formal

publication in an appropriate local archaeological journal. A contingency sum will be included in

the post-excavation costs provided by the archaeological contractor to cover this potential

element of reporting.

9.1.13 A draft copy of the report will be supplied to the Monitoring Archaeologist and National Grid to

enable suggestions and/or comments to be made. This will be completed within a period of 4

weeks following completion of fieldwork, unless specialist reports are awaited. In the latter case,

a revised date should be agreed.

9.1.14 A period of two weeks after the return of this draft report will be provided to allow any changes

to be made before a final report is produced. The evaluation will also be entered on to the

Online Access to Index of Archaeological Investigations (OASIS) project. The overall aim of the

OASIS project is to provide an online index to the mass of archaeological grey literature that has

been produced as a result of the advent of large-scale developer funded fieldwork. The

archaeological contractor will therefore initiate an OASIS form immediately before fieldwork

commences, and complete this once the project is finished. It will include a .pdf version of the

final report. A copy of the OASIS form will be included in the final report.

10 Health and Safety

10.1.1 All fieldwork associated with the archaeological evaluation will be subject to a site specific Risk

Assessment Method Statement (RAMS) which will be produced by the archaeological contractor

and submitted to Hyder Consulting and National Grid for review prior to the commencement of


10.1.2 The RAMS will:

� Detail the work activities, tasks and steps that will be undertaken during the

archaeological evaluation.

� Identify all hazards and foreseeable causes of harm that may be associated with the

evaluation activities.

� Identify who or what might be harmed and how.

� Assess the risks associated with the hazards.

� Detail how risks will be controlled/mitigated.

� Detail how Health and Safety will be managed and monitored throughout this element of

the project.

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10.1.3 The RAMS will also detail the archaeological contractor’s scope of work, programme, staff

responsibilities, welfare provision, PPE, equipment and tools, safe method of working,

environmental protection measures, work-specific emergency procedures and hazard and near

miss reporting procedures.

10.1.4 All staff working on site will undertake the Feeder 9 Safety induction and will read and sign the

RAMS prior to starting work on site.

10.1.5 There are a number of existing high pressure gas pipelines located within the Goxhill site

(Figures 1 and 2). No excavation can take place within 10m of these pipelines. Prior to

commencement of fieldwork the Archaeological Contractor will liaise with National Grid or their

agents to arrange for the routes of these pipelines to be pegged out on the ground.

10.1.6 Prior to the excavation of any trenches the archaeological contractor will use a CAT scanner

across the proposed trench location to check for any live cables that may be present below the

ground. If any such cable is identified the excavation of that trench will not proceed.

11 References

Chartered Institute for Archaeologists. 2014. Standard and guidance for archaeological field


English Heritage. 2006. Management of Research Projects in the Historic Environment

English Heritage. 2006. Guidance for Best Practice for Treatment of Human Remains

Excavated From Christian Burial Grounds in England

Hyder Consulting, 2014. River Humber Pipeline Replacement Project Cultural Heritage Desk-

based Assessment

Hyder Consulting, 2014. River Humber Pipeline Replacement Project Environmental Statement

Chapter 6 Cultural Heritage

Leigh et al. 1998. First Aid for Finds; Practical Guide for Archaeologists

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LegendEval TrenchesF9 Replacement pipelineperm pipelineTemporary spoil handling and storage areasTemporary environmental mitigation and managementTemporary Works AreaTemporary monitoring areaLimit of DeviationLimit of Deviation 12.5m offsetred line

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