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Mystical origin of Atheism and the politics of idolatry.

Faisal Rahman

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Topic:• I , here , going to show that

Atheism has root in Mysticism. And that idolatry came to existence for political reasons.

• Atheism is Mystical.

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• Atheism

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Atheism came from Islamic Mysticism:

• The Basic Kalma is -La ilaha illa Allah .

• = there is no god but God.• It has 2 parts : La ilaha =there is

no god and illa Allah =but one God..

• We put numbers , we get :• God=0 and God =1• The Kalma is a binary.

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• The binary concept of God is also found in Quran:

• Say you, He is Allah, the one.• God=1• Allah the Independent, Care free.• He begot none‘• God=f(0) nor was He begotten. 0=f(God)• And nor anyone is equal to Him.• God=0• (Sura Ikhlas)

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• The Islamic concept of the God is scientific , because it is a binary contradiction.

• God is 0 and 1.• Like binary contradiction in

nature : Day and Night.

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• Leibnitz discovered the binary number .

• It came to him through oracle. Oracle of the kalma.

• This is why Leibnitz believed that binary number has mystical significance.

• it is actually saying God is 0 and 1 simultaneously.

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• Morse discovered the Morse code, which is :

• _ . _. _._ ._._._• Putting : _ =1 and .= 0• We get: 0101010101.• Morse got the Oracle of the

Kalma that’s where he got his idea from.

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• I some times wonder why Arabic writings resembles telegraphic writings.

• _._._._._._. _._._._._._. _._._._._._. _._._._._._. _._._._._._. _._._._._._. _._._._._._. _._._._._._. _._._._._._. _._._._._._. _._._._._._. _._._._._._. _._._._._._. _._._._._._. _._._._._._. _._._._._._.

• Did Morse got idea from Arabic texts?• Anyway, that’s out side the scope of

our discussion.

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Epicurus• God, he says, either wishes to

take away evils, and is unable; or He is able, and is unwilling; or He is neither willing nor able, or He is both willing and able. If He is willing and is unable, He is feeble, which is not in accordance with the character of God.(Wikipedia)

• Epicurus is showing that there is a self contradiction in existence of God. So there is no God.

• God=0

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Bertrand Russell• I do not think the existence of the

Christian God any more probable than the existence of the Gods of Olympus or Valhalla. To take another illustration: nobody can prove that there is not between the Earth and Mars a china teapot revolving in an elliptical orbit, but nobody thinks this sufficiently likely to be taken into account in practice. I think the Christian God just as unlikely.(Wikipedia)

• Russell is saying , God =0

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Einstein• It was, of course, a lie what you read

about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it. (Albert Einstein, 1954, The Human Side, edited by Helen Dukas and Banesh Hoffman, Princeton University Press)

• Einstein is saying ,God =0

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• Epicurus , Russell , Einstein , Marx they are saying “There is No God”. Why ?

• If We look at their character they are all some kind of friar .We translate the sentence “there is no God” in Arabic it becomes “ La Ilaha “

• God=0; first part of the Kalma.• They had oracle from the first part of

the Kalma. That is why they became atheists.

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Atheism is scientific because it is the first part of the kalma.

atheists are not Non-

Muslims ,they are pre-Muslims or Para –Muslims.

Or we can say that Muslims are Null-theist, they worship a 0 God.

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• Psychic power comes from zero ness .When mind breaks all the idols inside it , it becomes 0. 0 is the most powerful thing in the universe.

• This is why Muslims are iconoclasts.

• Buddhist say the same thing : concentrate on 0.

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State Atheism and Iconoclasm.• Throughout the history of the Soviet

Union(1922–1991), Soviet authorities suppressed and persecuted various forms of Christianity to different extents depending on the particular era.

• The state was committed to the destruction of religion, and destroyed churches, mosques and temples, ridiculed, harassed, incarcerated and executed religious leaders, flooded the schools and media with atheistic teachings, (Wikipedia)

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• Now Christianity is idolatry , They worship idol of the Christ.

• Now destroying church means destroying idolatry.

• So the Atheist government was destroying idolatry .

• Atheists are iconoclasts like Muslims.

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• For example , Lenin was an atheist , that is he is saying first part of the Kalma “ La Ilaha (=there is no God)”.

• Then he is moving to break the Churches , that is Christian idolatry.

• So Lenin is behaving like a Muslim .• It is the reason why atheist are


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• Now one can argue that atheist destroyed both the Temple and the Mosque. While Muslim dictators broke only temples.

• We can say :• Atheist = Destruction(Temple +

mosque).• Muslims= Destruction(temple + 0)• Therefore, Atheist = ½ Muslim. • Atheist behave like Muslims that is

why they are powerful.

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• Politics of idolatry

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• God=0.• The psychic power originates

from a 0 mind.• Then where does the idolatry

come from?

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• The great powers like Xerxex , Alexander , Julius Caesar , Attila had Psychic power ,that is the cause of their success.

• Where does their power come from ? Their power comes from a 0 mind, which they achieved through breaking all the icons that reside in their mind .

• They were Null-theists or atheists.

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• Now They thought if common people become atheist or 0 theist like them ,common mass will capture their power.

• So they devised a trick; they put up idols for them. They fooled the common people into idolatry.

• This way the great powers sealed the masses access to the psychic powers.

• This way idolatry came to existence.

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Interpretation of Marxism• Society is divided into two layers.

Master and slaves. It is the Masters who poses the means of production.

• Why masters are powerful? Because they are atheist ; they achieved a 0 mind which renders them psychic force.

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• Now, these masters were afraid, if the slaves gain access to the psychic power they will lose their thrones.

• So devised a religion of idolatry for them. They tricked them into idolatry . This way they sealed the slaves’ access to the psychic power.

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• For example , The Christian nobilities were null- theists , they believed in a 0 God. That’s why they had powers. Now , in order to subjugate the surfs they invented an idolater religion for them, namely Christianity.

• They gave the surfs the idol of Jesus and tricked them into worshiping it .And sealed their path to psychic powers.

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• Marx calls the proletariats and tells them , “look ,the masters are exploiting you with idolatry, they are fooling you. They have sealed your access to psychic powers. Break all the idols , be an atheist , this way you will be able to free yourselves from the masters.”

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• This explains ; why the Romans were so persuasive about forcing the Christians to worship roman gods.

• They wanted to block the channels of psychic powers of the Christians.

• When They failed to do so ; they , the Romans , introduced the idolatry of Jesus for the Christians , that is , substituting the Roman idols with a Christian idol . This way the Christians were tricked into idolatry and lost their channel to psychic powers.

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• The Claudius – Tiberius dynasty introduced the concept of worshipping the Christ as God for the Christians ,so Christians’ channel to psychic power could be blocked .

• And they could be ruled by the Romans.

• An example of Spiritual interpretation of Marxism.

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Conclusions.• Atheism came from the first part

of the Islamic Kalma.• Atheists are iconoclasts like

Muslims, that’s why they are powerful.

• Muslims are Null –theist they worship 0. power comes from 0 ness.

• Great powers invented Idolatry for their political needs.

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