Download - MYMY APPOINtmentAPPOINtment workbookworkbook€¦ · booth/bridal leads, or networking leads. Work to get 150 contacts, as you will need more than 30 once you get going. Not having

Page 1: MYMY APPOINtmentAPPOINtment workbookworkbook€¦ · booth/bridal leads, or networking leads. Work to get 150 contacts, as you will need more than 30 once you get going. Not having


“Booking is about building relationships.Once a woman likes you, trusts you

and experiences your product she will want you to meet her mom, sisters and best friends.It is the ORGANIC way to build

your business.”

NSD Linda Toupin





Compiled by NSD Jeanie Martin and her National Area

using the brilliance of many Nationals and Directors who shared

their expertise.



“Bookings are the lifeline of your business.” Mary Kay Ash

Page 2: MYMY APPOINtmentAPPOINtment workbookworkbook€¦ · booth/bridal leads, or networking leads. Work to get 150 contacts, as you will need more than 30 once you get going. Not having

Most people in sales give up after the initial contact, when in fact most sales are made at 5+ contacts with a prospect! WOW! Especially with today's fast pace, they can quickly forget, or you can get lost in their messages.

Check out these astounding statistics:

2% of sales & bookings happen on the 1st contact3% on the 2nd contact4% on the 3rd contact10% on the 4th contact81% on the 5th contact or after!!

48% of people give up after their first contact.24% give up on their 2nd try12% give up on their 3rd try6% on their 4th10% on their 5th.

Highlighters:Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Pink

Hanging File Box

12 Hanging File folders(letter size)

7 File Folders(letter size)



30 Leads, old or new

Printed Scripts

5x7 Index Cards

Supplies needed:

Your 30 contacts can be friends & family, customer profile cards, referrals, booth/bridal leads, or networking leads. Work to get 150 contacts, as you will need more than 30 once you get going. Not having leads to pull from will stop the process, so this preparation is key.

You got this! let’s get started!

Page 3: MYMY APPOINtmentAPPOINtment workbookworkbook€¦ · booth/bridal leads, or networking leads. Work to get 150 contacts, as you will need more than 30 once you get going. Not having

My Monthly Sales Goal Tracking Sheet Name: Month:

I’m Saving For: I Need To Profit:

.40 =

The Retail Amount I Need to Sell:

A Picture of My Goal!

Ready. Set. GOAL!

“Give yourself something to work toward. Constantly. A good goal is like a strenuous exercise - it makes you stretch.” - Mary Kay Ash

$ $

Total Wholesale Orders Placed This Month 50% of your sales:

An average of $600/month = STAR CONSULTANT!!

50% Wholesale: 10% Section 2/ Supplies: 40% Profit:

Halfway There! I CAN DO IT!

1/4 of my Goal! I CAN DO IT!

3/4 of my Goal! I CAN DO IT!


Projected Breakdown:

It’s amazing how our focus and commitment increases when we are working towards something of value! Your goal this month could be something you wouldn’t normally purchase for yourself with your family budget, a weekend vacation, a new pair of cute shoes, a new outfit, a new grill, the payment of a household bill, or a family in need. When you’re really excited to accomplish a goal, you’ll always find a way. If you don’t, it’s easy to let circumstances and excuses get in the way!


(Include the tax in your profit total)

Page 4: MYMY APPOINtmentAPPOINtment workbookworkbook€¦ · booth/bridal leads, or networking leads. Work to get 150 contacts, as you will need more than 30 once you get going. Not having

from your old job?from school or college?you know from your favorite sport or hobby?from your child’s activity?from your church?from community activities?from whom you rent?to whom you sold a house?that you met through your husband/significant other?

who checks you out at the grocery store? who helps you at the cleaners? that you met on vacation? who checked you in at your last hotel? who gives your child lessons? who cuts your hair? who fills your prescription? who leads the PTA? girl/boy scouts? who works the desk at the health club? who booked your last vacation? who sells baskets? candles? who bought a house last on your street? who is your bank tell? who is your florist? who was your nurse at the office/hospital? who was your maid of honor?

who is your cleaning lady?who you met in the grocery/bank line?who was the bride you saw in the newspaper?who is your child’s/your friend’s child’s teacher?who sells you your clothes?who sells you your shoes?who sells you your glasses?who is the wait staff at your favorite restaurant?who you met at your last business luncheon?who helped you at the last jewelry store you were in?who helped with your last decorating purchases?the last salesperson to give great service?who did I miss?

Who do you know ?Who do you know ?In addition to the obvious - your immediate family, in-laws, cousins, neighbors, friends and work associates, what about the person...

add your own!

Page 5: MYMY APPOINtmentAPPOINtment workbookworkbook€¦ · booth/bridal leads, or networking leads. Work to get 150 contacts, as you will need more than 30 once you get going. Not having

Pretend Wedding ListPretend Wedding ListMake a list of everyone you know who knows you and your family. They can give their opinion and

allow you to practice on them. Write everyone down, then go back and circle the top 30 you love to be around. Please list name and phone number in box.

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Page 6: MYMY APPOINtmentAPPOINtment workbookworkbook€¦ · booth/bridal leads, or networking leads. Work to get 150 contacts, as you will need more than 30 once you get going. Not having

In a notebook, put name & # of ten contacts on day 1.On day 2 put name & # of next 10 contacts. On day 3 put name & # of last 10.

ON DAY 1...Call 10 contacts using scripts and then text immediately using the booking script.

Use a marker!!! Next to each contact, highlight accordingly based on resultsfrom the contact. (The POWER BOOKING VIDEO on gives agreat visual of this highlighting process)

folder system. If they don't reply after 3rd & 4th attempts, roll their card ahead 3 days again in your folder system. Make

ON DAY 2...Text or call 10 contacts using scripts.

ON DAY 3...Text or call 10 contacts using scripts.

ON DAY 4...

This system prevents you from making snap judgments, like "nobody's calling me back," or "this isn't working."These are feelings and thoughts that might make you quit calling sooner than you should.

HIGHLIGHTER KEY• Yellow – Contact Made• Blue – Responded but no solid booking yet• Pink –Booked!• Green—Contact About Business Opportunity• Orange – No, not now•

Page 7: MYMY APPOINtmentAPPOINtment workbookworkbook€¦ · booth/bridal leads, or networking leads. Work to get 150 contacts, as you will need more than 30 once you get going. Not having





Vendor Event/Facial Box

Hi _____________! How are you? Okay, random question, so I am now aMary Kay beauty consultant and part of my training is to give 30women a free facial in my first month. Basically, you get a satin handstreatment, a microdermabrasion treatment, an anti-aging facial, plusexpert foundation matching. Any chance you could be one of my 30? If I don't hear from you, I will follow up in a few days. ty _________. You can call or text me at______________.

Hi _______! How are you? I just got my new spring products and Ineed a few guinea pigs to give feedback on them so I can determinewhat to stock. Thought I'd ask you! Wanna be my guinea pig? Hugs,_____ You can call or text me at______________.

Hi ____! This is ____. I'm really excited about a fun challenge I'mdoing called #GlowAndTell. I'm looking for 21 girls who will try oneof my skin care sets for 21 days. Sound interesting?? Maybe wanna beone of my 21?!! You can call or text me at______________.

Hi _______! This is ______ with Mary Kay. I don’t think we’ve met,but ______ was gifted with ten $25 gift cards that include acomplimentary facial & she wanted one of them to go to you! Should Itext or call you with the details? PS – I’m sending you a photo of us soyou know that I’m a real person and not a robot or a telemarketer! :)You can call or text me at______________.If you want to use the above message as a voice message script youwould leave out the PS part that says “I’m sending you a photo…”

tsuj I !swen nuf emos hti w gnillac m’I & ,yaK yraM hti w ______ s’ti , _____ iH ev’uoY .wohs ____ eht morf srenniw ym fo eno sa eman ruoy dekcip

a DNA sdneirflrig ruoy fo 5 ot pu dna uoy rof noisseS gnirepmaP a now htiw sliated erom erahs ot tiaw t'nac I !stargnoC !__ $ rof etacifitrec tfig

I fI ._______ si rebmun yM !kcab txet ro llac a em evig esaelp os ,uoydon't hear from you, I'll follow up in a few days.


Type Script #1 - Day 1 - Contact 1Make sure that your first contact is a PHONE CALL. On the same day use Script #2 and TEXT.Essentially this is the same message but in a text. If they answer live, have your datebook readyand set up the date and time and do a little coaching.

Page 8: MYMY APPOINtmentAPPOINtment workbookworkbook€¦ · booth/bridal leads, or networking leads. Work to get 150 contacts, as you will need more than 30 once you get going. Not having





Vendor Event/Facial Box


Type Script #2 - Day 1 - Contact 2This second communication includes how you contacted them. Important to say you will befollowing up in a few days and give your number.

Sample text for new consultant: "Hi_________, it's_________! I left you a voicemail earlier today and wanted to make sure you received it! You were on the top of my list for a free pampering session. I can't wait to share more details with you. If I don't hear from you, I will follow up in a few days.

Text: "Hi_____, it's ______ with Mary Kay. I left you a voicemail earlier today and wanted to make sure you received it! I want to fill you in on all the details. If I don't hear back from you, I will follow up in a few days.

Text: Hi ____its____. I'm really excited about a fun challenge I'm calling #glowandtell. I'm looking for 21 girls who will try one of my skin care sets for 21 days. Sound interesting? Want to be one of my 21? Left you a voicemail today. If I don't hear back from you, I will follow up in a few days.

Text: "Hi____, it's____with Mary Kay! I left you a voicemail earlier today and wanted to make sure you received it! A friend of yours reserved a fabulous gift for you. Please get back to me ASAP for details. If I don't hear back from you, I will follow up in a few days.

Recommended to send in three separate texts so it feels more real.Modify as needed.

TEXT 1: Hi ______! This is _______ with Mary Kay! I left you a voicemail earlier today and wanted to make sure you received it. You entered to win a free facial and gift card at ___. You are my Grand Prize Winner! Please get back to me ASAP for details. If I don't hear back from you, I will follow up in a few days. TEXT 2: You will get a free pampering session at my studio in ____! You will receive a satin hands treatment, anti-aging facial with Microdermabrasion and expert foundation matching for you and a couple friends! TEXT 3: My studio is called Studio Pink! Are you okay with just texting or would you prefer that I call you to set up the appointment?You can call or text me at______________.

Page 9: MYMY APPOINtmentAPPOINtment workbookworkbook€¦ · booth/bridal leads, or networking leads. Work to get 150 contacts, as you will need more than 30 once you get going. Not having





Vendor Event/Facial Box

Hi _______! Just wanted to follow up with you real quick. My next 2appt openings are ___ or ____. Are you available? Please connect with me when you can! I know you're super busy, so I will follow up again in a couple days if I don't hear from you. Thanks again.

Hi _______! I still need a few guinea pigs (lol). Wanna be one? Please connect with me when you can! I know you're super busy, so I will follow up again in a couple days if I don't hear from you. Thanks again.

Hi ____! This is ____. Touching base real quick to see how I can getyou the details. Please connect with me when you can! I know you're super busy, so I will follow up again in a couple days if I don't hear from you. Thanks again.

Hi ______! It's ______ with Mary Kay. Just wanted to follow up andsee if you were interested in the details of your pampering packagefrom ______. It's totally fine if you aren't interested. I just always liketo double check bc I know how easy it is for texts to get buried haha!Hope you are having a good week!

m’I & ,yaK yraM w ______ s’tI .liameciov a uoy tfel tsuj I !_____ iH :1 txeTtexting w some fun news! I just picked your name as one of my winners from the Kid's Expo. You’ve won a Pampering Session for you & up to 5

ot tiaw t'nac I !stargnoC !__ $ rof etacifitrec tfig a DNA sdneirflrig ruoy foshare more details with you, so please give me a call or text back! :)When they say text me the details respond:

slaicaf gniga itna /w noisses gnirepmap a denrae uoY !emosewA :2 txeT complete with microdermabrasion and satin lip & hand treatments for you & up to 5 friends. I can come to you or you could come to me, whichever you prefer. Are you available during the day or are evenings better?


Type Script #3 - Day 4 - Contact 3You can text or call or facebook private message.

Page 10: MYMY APPOINtmentAPPOINtment workbookworkbook€¦ · booth/bridal leads, or networking leads. Work to get 150 contacts, as you will need more than 30 once you get going. Not having





Vendor Event/Facial Box

Hi _______! I really want to reach my 30 makeover goal and I can do4 women as easily as 1. If you share your appt with 3 friends, you get$30 (or $50) FREE MK! Would you prefer a private facial or inviteothers? Either way, I’d love to meet with you!! Let me know what works best.

Hi_____, it's _____ with MK. Just wanted to follow up. I have a couple products______I'd really like you to see. It will be a fun girl time. Please connect with me when you can or I'll get back with you.

Hi ______! Totally don't want to bother you, but just wanted to see ifyou wanna be one of my 21. If not, no worries, just let me know. Havea wonderful week and thanks for getting back to me either way!

Hi ______! Totally don't want to bother you, but just wanted to see ifyou wanted to take advantage of your Mary Kay pampering packagefrom ______? If not, no worries! Just let me know so I can selectanother winner. Have a wonderful week and thanks for getting backto me either way!

Hi _______! This is ______ with Mary Kay. Totally don't want tobother you, but just wanted to see if you are interested in claimingyour prize with me. If not, no worries, just let me know. Have awonderful week and thanks for getting back to me either way!


Type Script #4 - Day 7 - Contact 4Usually by this contact you are texting or facebook messaging or if land line, youare calling.

Page 11: MYMY APPOINtmentAPPOINtment workbookworkbook€¦ · booth/bridal leads, or networking leads. Work to get 150 contacts, as you will need more than 30 once you get going. Not having





Vendor Event/Facial Box

Hello _______! Wanted to follow up with you one last time. I am stillworking to finish up my 30 and would love your help. If I don’t hear from you, I will assume you are super busy right now and makea note to touch base with you in a few months. Hugs, ______

Hi _______! This is ______ with Mary Kay trying one last time toreach you. If I don't hear from you, I will assume you’re superbusy right now and will follow up in a few months!

Hi _______! This is ______ with Mary Kay trying one last time toreach you regarding our #GlowAndTell. Please call or text me back. IfI don't hear from you, I will assume you’re super busy right nowand will follow up in a few months!

Hi _______! This is ______ with Mary Kay checking in one last time.Please call or text me today. If I don't hear from you, I willassume you’re super busy right now and will follow up in a fewmonths :)

Hi _______! This is ______ with Mary Kay trying one last time toreach you regarding your pampering session. If I don’t hear fromyou, I’ll assume you’re super busy right now and will follow up in afew months!


Type Script #5 - Day 10 - Contact 5Text or call

Page 12: MYMY APPOINtmentAPPOINtment workbookworkbook€¦ · booth/bridal leads, or networking leads. Work to get 150 contacts, as you will need more than 30 once you get going. Not having

OK! So excited for you! Your complimentary package includes our BestSelling Anti-aging Skincare System paired with lip and hand treatments andquick spring color look! Plus, you'll get a gift card AND a swag bag with freeproduct! Most people love doing this experience with a few girlfriends andyour swag bag will get sweeter if you have friends join you – so you can totallyhave up to 5 people join you as long as they're over 18 and not with anotherconsultant already. Where are you located and we can compare calendars?

Awesome I have this and that available. Would either of those work for you?

***confirm booking

I'm so excited to give the swag bags to you and your girls! Go ahead and copyand send the text below. I would send it to 15 people… That way 7–8 will show.And if all 15 RSVP yes… Then I'll just have to go ahead and break the rules andgive more free stuff away! Excited to meet you on the 31! I'll keep you updatedon who responds!

Hey friend! I'm super excited! I was gifted a pampering package for myself and5 of my friends from Mary Kay on Thursday March 31 at 6pm! You know howmuch I LOVE you so you are one of the 5 that I picked! Part of my package wasthat you get a customized Swag Bag with some fun products in it! Can you textmy consultant ______ at xxx-xxx-xxxx with your RSVP so that she can makesure she customizes your swag bag with products YOU WILL LOVE!

To Guest Friend:Super excited to meet you tomorrow! For your gift bag, do you want more make up or skincare/body care? Also if you could answer these questions: 1. Have you ever tried Mary Kaybefore? 2. What is the one thing you would change about your skin if you could? 3. What colorare your eyes? 4. What would you most like more of in your life right now? :)

If She Has a Consultant:Thank you so much for supporting our company! When you support one of us, you support all ofus, so you are incredibly appreciated! Thank you for letting me know and I will leave you in your consultant’s capable hands! Keep my number in case anything changes!



Page 13: MYMY APPOINtmentAPPOINtment workbookworkbook€¦ · booth/bridal leads, or networking leads. Work to get 150 contacts, as you will need more than 30 once you get going. Not having

Here are the exact texting conversations I had in the last two days to book appointments.

You'll see that some ignore me. When I get ignored, I just remind myself they are busy, at work or didn't get my text. Either way, I message SO MANY people that I wouldn't actually be able to handle ALL THE VOLUME if everyone responded, so I pray that not everyone responds. I do believe it's in God's hands and he puts the people in front of us that we are meant to meet or that will lead us to the people we are meant to meet. So if they don't respond or say no, that's a blessing because it would have been time wasted. And WE can't waste time because WE are on a mission to change the lives of SO MANY WOMEN around the world by sharing these incredible products and this insanely awesome opportunity and WE can't waste a second! I get SO fired up about the possibilities that lie ahead for me and you. It's truly a gift to be a part of this company. Anywho..without further ado, my texts...

This one said NO.Me: Hi Theresa! How have you been?! It's Michelle with Mary Kay :) I just got my new spring products in and I need a few guinea pigs to give feedback on them so I can determine what to stock. Thought I'd ask you! Wanna be my guinea pig?? Hugs, Michelle 12:32 PM Theresa: Thank you for the offer but i don't i fit it into my schedule. resesrch paper. however, i do need more concealer, the same color i bought last time, and that exfoiliating cleaner that i also bought last time. Me: Good luck on the research paper love. I remember those days. You are a beige 1 con-cealer and your cleanser Timewise. Total is $32.40 and if you spend just $6 more you get a free travel set that has eye makeup remover, mascara and a makeup bag. Need to restock anything else? Great to hear from you! Theresa: i meant the $55 cleaner set that my funny friend and i tried last time. is that the same thing? 12:23 PM Me: Oh got it..the's like the aluminum oxide crystals that get deep into your pores and clear everything out? That one? That stuff is insanely obsessed Theresa: yes thats the one. Do you want me to text you my credit card info? Me: You can call my private office line if you would feel "safer". I only check it. That is xxx-xxx-xxxx. You'll hear my voice on the machine. It's $64.80 and you get the free eye makeup travel kit too plus a gift card..(they are new and super cute). Theresa: ok i will do that right now Me:: Okay! It's out the door in 3 minutes to you :) Thanks again Theresa! Get an A+! :) Theresa: thank you! have a great day! 12:38 PM

Page 14: MYMY APPOINtmentAPPOINtment workbookworkbook€¦ · booth/bridal leads, or networking leads. Work to get 150 contacts, as you will need more than 30 once you get going. Not having

This one said YES and still firming up details.Me: Hi Ashley! I just got my new spring products in and I need a few guinea pigs to give feedback on them so I can determine what to stock. Thought I'd ask you if you want to rally a few friends to be my guinea pigs?? Hugs, Michelle 4:40pm Ashley: That sounds like it could be fun. I could talk to kris too. Just let me know when and where. I don't know if you want to come to my house or whatever works best. Me: Awesome! Sorry for the delay I was at the gym. :). Yes totally invite kris! I'm am doing them at my house on Thursday night and Saturday at 1pm but I do travel If you had two or three girl that would want to be guinea pigs too. What's easier for you? Coming to me or me comin to you? Ashley: Sorry. I left my phone at home. I would like to come to your house on Saturday at 1. I just have to ask kris. Me: okay that would be perfect. I'll pencil you in for Saturday at 1...and let me know about Kris. If you bring two friends, I'll throw in a free Mary Kay at Play gift for you (it's our new line and it's so fun!) Thanks again! I can't wait to catch up! 9:57pm I will send her a follow up text in the morning like this:

Hi Ashley! Looking forward to Saturday! I penciled you in for 1pm...did that work for Kris too? Did you want me to save seats for anyone else? Thanks again love! I can't wait to show ou the new spring line. It's amazing....! Hugs, Me

When I text the wrong number...Me: Hi Melanie! How have you been?! I just got my new spring products in and I need a few guinea pigs to give feedback on them so I can determine what to stock. Thought I'd ask you if you want to rally a few friends to be my guinea pigs?? Hugs, Michelle 3:34 PM Melanie: You have the wrong number. 3:54 PM Me: Whoopsie sorry! Have a nice day. 6:57 PM Melanie: You have a nice evening. 7:14 PM

Page 15: MYMY APPOINtmentAPPOINtment workbookworkbook€¦ · booth/bridal leads, or networking leads. Work to get 150 contacts, as you will need more than 30 once you get going. Not having

When I get ignored... P.s. 7 out of 10 ignore me. Me: Hi Bonnie! I just got my new spring products in and I need a few guinea pigs to give feedback on them so I can determine what to stock. Thought I'd ask you if you want to rally a few friends to be my guinea pigs?? Hugs, Michelle

Reply: SILENCE. My thoughts: It's a blessing.Maybe she is busy.Maybe she changed her number.Maybe she forgot to reply.

Sometimes I'll text her three days later and say this:

Hi Bonnie! It's Michelle with Mary Kay. Not sure if you got my text a few days ago about being a guinea pig for our new spring line...? If you're interested, shoot me a message back. If not, that's cool too! Thanks so much! Sometimes I'll send her the same message on Facebook as a private message. Sometimes I'll email her. Sometimes I don't message if I'm SO BUSY with new bookings. And I never worry about how it pans out cause it's in God's hands and He is in control. My goal is to be pleasantly persistent without being annoying. So I always give them an out by saying, "If not, that's cool too!" I am always honored when someone tells me that I am one motivated Mary Kay lady which means they hear from me once a quarter and they respect my work. So BE MOTIVATED and DEDICATED and PLEASANT they will remember you and will refer friends to you. You never want someone to ask you, "Do you still sell Mary Kay?" It should be VERY CLEAR that you still sell Mary Kay by your texts or calls sent to them once a quarter asking them to participate in something.

This YES turned into a party by the way I asked her... Me: Was gonna ask you the other night...I just got my new spring products in and I need a few guinea pigs to give feedback on them so I can determine what to stock. Thought I'd ask you if you want to rally a few friends to be my guinea pigs?? Hugs, Michelle 12:03 PM Heather: Sure. Can you do a sunday early evening say 530/6 12:05 PM Me: Yeah, totally...5:30. Best if I come to you or you come here? 12:05 PM Heather: I am thinking my place but let me ask couple of gals. 1:32 PM Me: I could do Sunday the 16th or the 23rd of March. What's good for you? 2:42 PM

Page 16: MYMY APPOINtmentAPPOINtment workbookworkbook€¦ · booth/bridal leads, or networking leads. Work to get 150 contacts, as you will need more than 30 once you get going. Not having

Heather: Prolly 23rd at this time 3:51 PM Me: Sweet. Okay let's do the 23rd at 5:30 at your place. I can send out adorable invites. Wanna send me addresses and I'll take care of inviting everyone? 6:58 PM Heather: Okay cool. Thank 7:12 PM

I will text her tomorrow and say, "Hey girl! Excited for the 23rd. I lined up a sitter so we are all good to go. I have my assistant coming tomorrow to mail out invites. Any chance I could get your guest list by tonight so I can have it ready for her? My new mailed invites are super cute and we get a better attendance when they have it on their fridge for some's like a good reminder or something. Chat soon!"

This is very, very COMMON...the unfinished conversation... Me: Hi Bonnie! I just got my new spring products in and I need a few guinea pigs to give feedback on them so I can determine what to stock. Thought I'd ask you if you want to rally a few friends to be my guinea pigs?? Hugs, Michelle 3:32 PM Bonnie: Sure! 5:14 PM Me: Okay awesome. Are you free Thursday night at 6:30 or Saturday at 1? 6:53 PM I hear CRICKETS.... Here's how to handle.1. Make sure you write her name in a notebook of "Spring Makeover Guinea Pigs Interested." This is just a list on notebook paper with her name to remind you she is interested.2. She gets a sticker next to her name when she has booked her date finally.3. No sticker means you need to follow up. This is what I say tomorrow or the next day, "Hi Bonnie! Sorry I forgot to follow up last night! Ok, so happy you want to be a guinea pig for me for the new spring line. I'm setting up my schedule for this week and next. Is this weekend good for you or would next week be better?" Still hear crickets? This is what I would say two days after that, "Hi Bonnie! Sorry I didn't follow up, but I have you on my little list here of guinea pigs for the spring line. Are you still able to swing it or should I open your spot up to someone else? Either way is cool! I know how busy life gets! Chat soon! Hugs :) Michelle" Still hear crickets? I'd move on. Or you can try to message her on Facebook if you want to give it one last shot.

Page 17: MYMY APPOINtmentAPPOINtment workbookworkbook€¦ · booth/bridal leads, or networking leads. Work to get 150 contacts, as you will need more than 30 once you get going. Not having

This one said YES Me: Hi Mildred! How are you? I just got my new spring products in and I need a few guinea pigs to give feedback on them so I can determine what to stock. Thought I'd ask you! Wanna be my guinea pig? Hugs, Michelle 5:22 PM Mildred: Sounds great !! I really would love too! 6:34 PM Me: Awesome. How's Thursday night look for you? 6:30 to 8? 9:41 PM I hear CRICKETS for two days...aka SILENCE. Me: Hi Mildred! I'm setting up my spring guinea pigs and I know you were interested in helping out too. Let's see..I have this Thursday at 6:30 or Saturday at 1pm. Do either of those work for you love? Thanks again! Cant wait to catch up..been FOREVER. 12:17 PM Mildred: Lets do sat can we make it 130 might be a few mins behind at 1 1:45 PM Me: Any chance you could do 2:30 to 4pm instead? That would be perfect if that works for you? 2:35 PM Mildred: Sounds perfect !! 2:48 PM Me: Sweet. Okay, I have you confirmed for 2:30 to 4pm on Saturday which is Global Makeover Day so you are going to be treated like a princess. We are trying to break a record for having the most makeovers in one day. If you can rally 2 friends to join you, I'll hook you up with a free product from the Mary kay at Play line too :) I'll text you my address. 2:50 PM Me: My address for Saturday is: 1 main street, Anytown. And makeovers start right at 2:40, so I'll see you at 2:30. Thanks love!! See you Saturday :) 2:51 How did I remember to follow up with her after two days of silence? 1. I had her name on a line in my notebook page that was labeled at the top "Spring Makeover Guinea Pigs Interested" with her name.2. There was no sticker next to her name which means, she showed an interest in being a guinea pig but didn't set a date yet. 3. No sticker reminded me to follow up with her. 4. Once we set a date, I give her a sticker. 5. My goal is that everyone gets a smiley face sticker next to their name.6. And I feel like I've done a job well done when I get a sticker :) Like I'm a little school girl or something. ha!

Page 18: MYMY APPOINtmentAPPOINtment workbookworkbook€¦ · booth/bridal leads, or networking leads. Work to get 150 contacts, as you will need more than 30 once you get going. Not having

This one said YES Me: Hi Missy! How are you? I just got my new spring products in and I need a few guinea pigs to give feedback on them so I can determine what to stock. Thought I'd ask you! Wanna be my guinea pig? Hugs, Michelle 5:18 PM Missy : Sure! Sorry havent been in touch! 5:19 PM Me: Awesome. How's next week Thursday night look for you? 6:30 to 8? Or is this Sunday afternoon better? 9:46 PM Missy: Next week, thursday! 9:48 PM Next day....Me: Okay awesome..let's do Thursday at 6:30. I will just ask a few people to come and give feedback on the new line that night. Good for you? And you're welcome to bring a friend or two that likes make and would be good at giving feedback 12:26 PM Me: I put you in my Calendar for Thursday, March 6th at 6:30pm :) And just let me know as it gets closer if you want me to save spots for anyone else love :) Thanks! Michelle :) 12:36 PM Missy: Ok cool!!! 12:37 PM Me: Thanks so much! See you then! 1:01 PM Two days later....Me: Hi Missy! Just reconfirming your spot for Thursday march 6th (in two days) for a makeover with the new spring line. Thanks for coming and giving feedback. I've actually sweetened the pot a little here...for anyone that brings friends...If you can rally two friends or family (an-yone really) to join you, I'll hook you up with a limited edition Mary Kay at Play product as a gift. :) See you Thursday! Hugs, Michelle 12:15 PM So far, I haven't heard back from her. The event is two days away.So tomorrow I will write, "Hi Missy! Just wanted to check in to make sure Thursday at 6:30 still works for you to be a guinea pig for me for the new Mary Kay line? I've reserved you a seat and still have a few more openings if you wanna bring friends along too. Let me know love! Thanks! Michelle" Let's say on the day of the event I haven't heard from her and it's been two days since we last chatted. I say this, "Hi Missy! Just wanted to reconfirm. I have you down for today at 6:30 for a make-over but haven't heard back..just wanted to make sure everything is okay? If I don't hear from you by 2:30, I'll assume we are rescheduling and I'll cancel my sitter. But if you CAN make it, just let me know by 2:30 love. I hope to see you and I pray everything is okay! Hugs!" I never sit around waiting and wondering if someone is going to come. I also never drive to someone's home if I haven't talked to them (live or by text) that day.

Page 19: MYMY APPOINtmentAPPOINtment workbookworkbook€¦ · booth/bridal leads, or networking leads. Work to get 150 contacts, as you will need more than 30 once you get going. Not having

This one said YES Me: Hi Allie! How have you been?! It's Michelle with Mary Kay :) I just got my new spring prod-ucts in and I need a few guinea pigs to give feedback on them so I can determine what to stock. Thought I'd ask you! Wanna be my guinea pig?? Hugs, Michelle 12:01 PM Allie: Yeah sure id love to! 12:02 PM Me: Yay! Thanks love! Any chance...Are you free on Thursday night at 6:30 or is Saturday at 1pm better? 12:03 PM Allie: Yeah 630 should be fine! 12:03 PM Me: Sweet. Done deal. And...If you can rally two friends or family (anyone really) to join you, I'll hook you up with a limited edition Mary Kay at Play product as a gift. :) Sound good? I'll text you my address too :) 12:04 PM Allie: Yeah sure I'll ask someone! :) 12:05 PM Me: Sweet. YOU ROCK. :) Okay, so you are confirmed for this Thursday at my makeup land in AnyLake. 1 Main Drive. It starts at 6:30 and ends at 8. I'll have all the new products for you to give feedback on. Thanks again Allie! I'll reach out tmrw to get a head count from you. 12:09 PM For someone that books this fast and easy, I always follow up with multiple reminders to make sure it landed in her calendar. Reminder one goes out the day before the event: Hi Allie! Thanks again for being a guinea pig for the new Mary Kay line for me. I'm just planning the night out right now and reserving seats. Did you want to save seats for anyone else? Thanks love! Michelle Reminder that goes out the day of the event: Hi Allie! Excited to see you tonight at 6:30! Still work for you? And still bringing 3 guests? Thanks again! We start makeovers right at 6:40 so as long as you are here by 6:30, that's perfect!

Page 20: MYMY APPOINtmentAPPOINtment workbookworkbook€¦ · booth/bridal leads, or networking leads. Work to get 150 contacts, as you will need more than 30 once you get going. Not having

This is a YES! Me: Hi Nicole! How are you? I just got my new spring products in and I need a few guinea pigs to give feedback on them so I can determine what to stock. Thought I'd ask you! Wanna be my guinea pig? Hugs, Michelle 5:46 PM Nicole: Hi Michelle, how have you been? Are you enjoying motherhood? I know Kelly is enjoying her little one and she is beautiful. It will kill her to come back to work. So you need some guinea pigs. What do I have to do? 6:17 PM Me: Hi!! Sorry for the delay! I LOVE being a MOMMY! We get together for an hour and you give me feedback on the new products. Are you free during the week or do you prefer a weekend? 9:43 PM Me: How old is Kellys's baby?! 9:44 PM Nicole: Kellys's baby was born in Dec. I think around the 13th. I am usually in the Anyville area Mon. day, and Weds., Fri. nights. I live in Lafall so during the week is better. Of course my schedule does tend to change. 9:52 PM Me: I'm thinking maybe Wednesday at noon. Work for you? You can message me tmrw too. Thanks! 10:12 PM Nicole: My schedule for next week comes out tomorrow. I'll text you. 10:13 PM Next day, I check in....

Me: Hi Nicole! Let me know how your schedule looks for next week, I'm lining up my appoint-ments today. I have Wednesday openings and Friday openings during the day :) 12:37 PM Nicole: I keep checking on-line for my schedule, it's supposed to be posted on Fri. but I actu-ally might get to work before that happens so I might not be able to let you know until tomorrow. 12:42 PM Me: that's cool! No rush :) Message me anytime :) 12:43 PM She doesn't message. So I check in the next day like 30 hours later... Me: Hi Nicole! Just wanted to follow back up with you. How's your schedule looking for this week? I have some openings during the week and on the weekend too :) 5:11 PM Nicole: Michelle I'm so sorry I didn't get back to you. We had a death in the family and my 3 nephews have just been so distraught. Next week would probably be better. I'm sure my schedule will probably be: Mon. 10 am, Weds. 4 pm and Fri. 3 pm. 5:17 PM Me: Wow, I am so sorry to hear that. No rush! Next Wednesday or Friday would work for me. Do you have to be at work at 4 or you can come at 4? 5:23 PM