Download - MYFORD ELEMENTARY - Tustin Unified School District · Myford Elementary has high standards for ... Students receive “Think Slips” for minor offences and Discipline ... Administrative



ELEMENTARY A California Distinguished School 2006, 2010, 2014

A Gold Ribbon School 2016

School Procedures &

Student Handbook Revised 2017

Rena Fairchild, Principal

3181 Trevino Drive

Irvine, CA 92602

Phone: (714) 734-1875

FAX: (714) 731-7614

Maximizing student learning and social responsibility with high expectations for all!


Attendance and Tardy Procedures

The Board of Education believes that regular and punctual attendance in school is essential to a student’s success.

Absence from school is one of the greatest contributing factors to unsatisfactory schoolwork. Pupils are required by

law and Education Code 48260 to attend school punctually and regularly: any pupil subject to compulsory full-time

education who is absent from school without valid excuse three days in one school year or tardy or absent for more

than any 30-minute period during the school day without valid excuse on three occasions in one school year is a truant

and shall be reported to the attendance supervisor or to the superintendent of the school district.

Regular attendance at school is important for every student for the following reasons:

Students need to be in class to learn.

The teaching-learning process builds on lessons previously taught.

Lessons often involve hands-on activities, which cannot be duplicated with paper and pencil assignments outside

of class.

Students who miss a day of school suffer because that day of instruction cannot be retrieved.

Students develop the habits of good attendance and punctuality for future careers.

School funding is dependent on student attendance.

EXCUSED ABSENCES: Excused absences as defined by school laws of the State of California are absences for the

student’s illness, medical, dental, or optometric appointments, or attendance at a funeral service for a family member.

Students should not be sent to school when they are ill; students must be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to

school. It is the parents’ responsibility to pick up their children in a timely manner if they are being sent home from

school due to illness. Students must be checked out of school by an authorized adult; students are not allowed to

leave on their own under any circumstances.

UNEXCUSED ABSENCES/TRUANT: Absences for any reason other than those listed above should be avoided.

All absences are coded as truant until verified by parent. Truancy and excessive tardiness may cause a transfer permit

to be revoked.

TARDIES/EARLY OUTS (updated 2015): Tardies/Early Outs are counted for any student not “in seat” at 8:15 a.m.

or who leave before the end of the day. In addition, tardies/early outs in excess of 30 minutes are considered truant.

Students arriving after 8:45 a.m. will need to bring a packed lunch as it will be too late to be included in the school

lunch count. Excused tardies/early outs include medical or dental appointments for the student only, illness, funeral

of immediate family member, or court appearance. Perfect attendance will recognize complete days only.

REPORTING AN ABSENCE: On the morning of an absence the parent/guardian should contact our Office

Assistant, Linda McCord at (714) 734-1875 x70100 or email [email protected] stating the specific reason for

the absence. If no communication is received, the absence will be considered a truancy.

CONSEQUENCES (updated 2015): If students are absent with no notification from their parent/guardian, a phone

call will be made to their home. Further monitoring through an automated TUSD program includes:

At 3+ unexcused absences: First Notification of Truancy (L1)

At 6+ unexcused absences: Second Notification of Truancy (L2)

After Second Notification of Truancy (L2): Scheduled Conference with Administrator

At 9+ unexcused absences: Third Notification of Truancy (L3) and classification as Habitual Truant

After Third Notification of Truancy (L3): District Attorney Truancy Conference


Discipline Plan

Myford Elementary has high standards for behavior and academic achievement. Teachers help students follow clear

standards of behavior through a school-wide discipline plan. This plan is designed to create a positive, safe, and

orderly learning environment by encouraging all students to behave in such a manner that they will be a credit to

themselves, their parents, and Myford Elementary. The staff has been trained in PBIS (Positive Behavioral

Interventions and Supports) – a system that promotes the use of positives in order to influence behavior.

All students are expected to comply with the following behavioral guidelines:

PAWS Practice Peace kind with peers

Act Responsibly respectful with adults

Work Together work habits/scholarly behaviors

Stay Safe physical safety around campus

The PBIS Matrix is used to teach PAWS for all areas of the school including the classrooms, library, computer lab,

hallways, playground, multi-purpose room, etc. Students are taught these expectations the first week of school.

Rewards for following school rules:

Classroom Rewards: Classroom rewards and positive reinforcement will be given on a regular basis to

recognize students for academic achievement, good citizenship and overall positive behavior and attitude.

“PAWS Pride” Ticket: Staff members will present a “PAWS Pride” ticket to students who demonstrate

responsibility and outstanding citizenship. Students can save their “PAWS Pride” Tickets to trade in for special

prizes and privileges. There is also a “Golden Ticket” that is worth 5 “PAWS Pride” tickets!

Awards Assembly: Throughout the year teachers will select students from their classes to be recognized for

citizenship, academics, or a teacher’s choice award.

Consequences for not following school rules: Students receive “Think Slips” for minor offences and Discipline Referrals for major offences that are more serious

in nature. Discipline Referrals are also given when students receive 3 or more “Think Slips” for the same offense.

Teachers: Classroom consequences may include: warning, time out, loss of privileges, telephone calls home,

behavior or homework citations sent home.

Principal: For students who have been referred to the Principal, consequences may include: parent conference,

letter sent home, in-house suspension, suspension from school, and in severe cases, expulsion.

General School Rules:

1. Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.

2. Respect peers, teachers, and all other adults. Use appropriate language at all times.

3. Follow directions the first time they are given.

4. Always respect and take care of school property.

5. Follow teacher directions as you walk around campus in a quiet, straight line.

6. All students must be dressed in our school uniform.

Assembly Rules:

1. Always enter and leave assemblies quietly following the directions of your teacher.

2. Give your complete attention. Applaud at the appropriate times using the Myford “spirit clap.”

3. NEVER boo or whistle.

4. Sit quietly and correctly on the carpet or chair. Keep your hands and feet to yourself at all times.


“PAWS” Reward Menu

Price Sample Menu Items Paw Pride small Eraser

Paw Pride Sticker

Paw Pride Pencil

“Smelly” Bookmark

Paw Pride Bookmark Ruler

Paw Pride large Eraser

Paw Pride Smelly Crayon

Hat Day, Stuffed Animal, or Shoes Off (you must wear socks) in class for a day as

agreed on by teacher

Paw Pride Bracelet

Paw Pride Pencil Sharpener

Paw Pride Mechanical Pencil

Paw Pride Highlighter

Paw Pride Pen

15 minutes of extra reading time or computer time as agreed on by teacher

Assist Mrs. Fairchild, librarian, secretary, or custodian for 15 minutes

Paw Pride Stick Eraser

Paw Pride Pencil Pouch

Paw Pride Folder

Play a game of your choice during computer time as agreed on by teacher

Paw Pride Keychain

Paw Pride Water Bottle

Spirit Sticks


Eat lunch in the classroom with a friend and your teacher

10 extra minutes of recess for your class

Enjoy 10 minutes of “dance” time with your class

Game time with Mrs. Fairchild

50 Paws Win a popcorn and movie lunch with Mrs. Fairchild and 3 friends

Italicized items will be sold once a month on Wednesday during lunch – students must remember to bring

their Paw Prides.


Discipline Referral Form – Major Violation

Student: (First) _______________ (Last) _______________ Date: __________________

Teacher: ____________________________________________ Time: __________________

Referring Staff: ______________________________________ K 1 2 3 4 5

Principal/Designee Signature: _________________________________________________

Parent Signature: _____________________________________________________________

Parent Comments: ____________________________________________________________





Lunch Tables



Library/Computer Lab

Other: _______________



Problem Behavior: Administrative Decision(s):



Inappropriate Language


Physical Aggression




Property Damage/Vandalism

Dangerous Object/Weapon

Other: ____________________________

Conference with student

Loss of privilege: _____________________

Loss of recess/lunch (__ days)

Parent Contact/Conference

Consequences in Class


Other: ______________________________

Others Involved:

None Students Staff

Teacher Substitute Other: _______________

Perceived Motivation:

Avoid peer

Avoid adult

Avoid task


Obtain peer attention

Obtain adult attention

Obtain item/activity

Other: ______________________________ White: Parent Yellow: Teacher Pink: Principal

3 “Think Slips” with the same violation = Major Violation, entered into TUSD system


Standards of Behavior: Technology Lab

Students and parents will sign a “Technology Use Agreement” at the beginning of the year which will give

guidelines for appropriate computer use at school. Part of the TUSD Acceptable Use Policy includes:

1. All use of the Internet must be in support of educational and research objectives consistent with the

mission and objectives of TUSD.

2. Proper codes of conduct in electronic communication must be used. In news groups, giving out personal

information is inappropriate. When using email, extreme caution must always be taken in revealing any

information of a personal nature.

3. Network accounts are to be used only by the authorized owner of the account for the authorized purpose.

4. All communications and information accessible via the network should be assumed to be private


5. Subscriptions to mailing lists and bulletin boards must be reported to the system administrator. Prior

approval for such subscriptions is required for students and staff.

6. Mailing list subscriptions will be monitored and maintained, and files will be deleted from the personal

mail directories to avoid excessive use of fileserver hard-disk space.

7. Exhibit exemplary behavior on the network as a representative of your school and community.

8. From time to time, TUSD will make determinations on whether specific uses of the network are

consistent with the acceptable use practice.

Technology Lab Rules: 1. Sit only at your assigned computer.

2. Keep hands clean.

3. No food or drinks allowed.

4. Do not touch or tamper with cords and plug-ins.

5. Follow the directions of your teacher. Do not go to any programs unless directed by your teacher.

6. Use quiet voices.

7. Before leaving:

- Close any programs that you were using. Your computer should be at the “blank desktop” before


- Hang headphones on monitor.

- Push in your chair.

Consequences for not following rules in Technology Lab:

1st Violation - Students are denied tech lab use for 1 week.

2nd Violation - Students are denied tech lab use for 1 month.

3rd Violation - Students are denied tech lab use for the current school year.


Standards of Behavior: Playground

It is our goal to make our playground a safe and fun place for students to exercise through games and

activities. We will work with students in a positive manner while instilling attitudes of respect,

responsibility, and appropriate decision-making skills, which will support the academic and social

foundations of Myford Elementary.

Please review the following playground rules with your child. We thank you for working with us to support

a safe and fun playground area.


In any situation, do not engage in any activity that will endanger your safety or the safety of others.

THINK before you act, and ask an adult if you do not know what is allowed.

Designated Areas

With the exception of getting a drink, using the restroom, or moving from the eating area to the playground,

students should stay on the blacktop before school and on the blacktop and grass during recess and lunch

periods. Students should not be between or behind buildings, or in any unsupervised area. When

playgrounds get wet or muddy, students are required to stay on the blacktop play area.

General Rules

Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

Practice good sportsmanship and use appropriate language.

Absolutely NO FIGHTING – you will be sent to the office, and your parents will be called. There will

be severe consequences which may include suspension.

When you hear the bell, STOP playing and freeze. Hold all equipment. At the sound of the whistle,

quietly walk to your class line. Students not in line will lose future recess privileges.

Recess/Lunch Break – Recommended snacks: fruit, vegetables, cheese and crackers. Snacks must be

eaten in the lunch area. Always clean up your paper and food scraps. Absolutely NO GUM, CANDY,

SODA, or SPORTS/ENERGY DRINKS permitted on school grounds.


Always stay in designated areas.

You may not loiter or play in the restrooms or at the drinking fountains.

Do not climb on cement walls, planters, or fences.

Students leaving the playground to go to the office must have a hall pass from their teacher or

playground supervisor.


Games rules should be followed at all times. The first three children waiting in line are the judges

during a dispute; their decision is final.

Handball: Those waiting for their turns must stand along the marked line. Anyone who leaves the line

must go back to the end of the line.

There will be no football or any contact sport.


Standards of Behavior: Games

Play Structures

Go only one direction on bars and rings

No “death drops” on bars

No climbing on top of bars

Wait until clear, slide in a sitting position, move out of the way at bottom of slide

At the bell, move away from equipment and squat

For a turn on spinning toy, count to 25 for every spin, then say, “My turn, please.”


Wait in front of the swings a fair distance away so as not to get kicked

For a turn, count to 25 when feet come forward, then say, “My turn, please.”

No jumping off swings

Swing only front to back, not side to side

At freeze bell, bring swings to a stop and get off swings and squat


Play inside designated soccer area

Always include those who ask to play

Share the field if more than one game is being played

At freeze bell, hold the ball and squat


One ball per court, 2-4 students play at a time

“Waiters” wait in line outside of the court

If you hit the ball outside the court boundaries, you are out

At freeze bell, hold the ball and squat


All “waiters” wait outside the circle

If you “hold” the ball, touch the rope, or double-hit the ball, you are out

At freeze bell, stop the ball and squat

Lining Up

At freeze bell, students freeze and squat

At the second bell or whistle, students walk to line up and wait quietly for teachers

Students holding the ball at the bell will quickly return the equipment before joining their class line


Traffic: Parking Lot Safety

We know you will set a good example for our children to follow. At Myford Elementary we establish

PAWS behavior standards – Be Peaceful, Act Responsibly, Work Together, Be Safe. Our number one

priority is keeping your children SAFE. To that end, we feel it is very important that you and your children

review the rules for arriving and leaving the school safely. We understand that sometimes you are in a

hurry, but it is not worth jeopardizing children’s safety. Please note that the local police department does

patrol our school area. Be sure you pick up your children promptly if they aren’t walking home - there is

NO SUPERVISION on campus ten minutes after dismissal. Please cooperate fully with the Myford

Staff on parking lot patrol as they have your child’s safety as their highest priority.


Stay in your cars and keep moving with traffic, leaving no space between your car and the car in front of


Do not pass other cars. Do not cut in line.

Drop off and pick up your children as quickly as possible to help keep traffic moving.

If parents are parked across the street from the school, their children must cross in the crosswalk.

Do not park in staff designated spaces. Violators will be towed at the owner’s expense.

If parents park in the parking lot, always cross at the designated/marked crosswalk only.

In case of rain, pre-arrange a meeting place with your children. Students will not be allowed to call

home from the office. Students need to wait under a protected area.

DO NOT DOUBLE PARK in front of the school or in the parking lot. Violators will be towed at the

owner’s expense.

Enter the parking lot at the specified entrance.

No parking in the drop off zones.

Do not drop off or pick up students in the bus zone when buses are present.

LOADING AND UNLOADING IN WHITE ZONES ONLY. No parking, loading, or unloading in

any red zone. In this case, our on-duty personnel are not able to monitor children’s safety and it also

creates a major traffic problem.


Students are to wait behind the blue line and under the clock tower at the front gate (after school).

All students and parents will cross the street in marked crosswalks only.

Students are to follow the directions of the staff on duty.

Only 4th & 5th grade students may ride bicycles or scooters to school and they must wear a helmet.

Students riding bicycles are to ride in the same direction as traffic, walk bicycles in the crosswalks to

cross streets, and walk their bicycles when on any part of the campus.

Students on bicycles and scooters must wear helmets at all times.

Students are to use appropriate language at all times.

Skateboards, roller blades, roller shoes, and skates are PROHIBITED on school grounds AT ALL


We appreciate you being courteous to all who are working hard to

keep your children safe.


Traffic: Parking Lot Flow

Front of School Drop-Off and Pick-Up

Drop-off and Pick-up are to be CURBSIDE ONLY

Do not leave your car at any time

Back of School Drop-Off & Pick-Up

Drop-off and Pick-up are to be CURBSIDE ONLY

Do not leave your car at any time







Homework Policy

The staff at Myford Elementary believes that homework is a valuable part of the instructional process.

Homework provides a structure to ensure learning of the skills and knowledge gained in the classroom and

lays the foundation for students taking responsibility for their own learning.

Teachers’ Homework Responsibilities:

Require that homework meaningfully reflects and reinforces the curriculum/standards.

Ensure that homework assignments are well prepared.

Explain homework assignments to students and review study skills, homework guidelines, and


Facilitate student access to the resources necessary to complete assignments.

Check the homework as it is returned.

If homework is not completed, students will be given a homework alert.

Parents’ Homework Responsibilities:

Arrange a routine quiet time and study area including proper lighting.

Provide appropriate materials for homework such as pencils, paper, crayons, glue and scissors.

Initially review assignment with your child and review the finished products checking for accuracy and


Call or e-mail your child’s teacher if you have any questions regarding homework.

Students’ Homework Responsibilities:

Ask questions in class so the homework is clearly understood.

Take homework assignments and materials home.

Complete and return homework assignments on time.

Produce a high quality of work including accuracy and neatness.

Complete homework assigned during absences within designated time period.

Suggested Times:

Each student should plan on setting aside a reasonable portion of each school evening, Monday through

Thursday, for homework assignments. As a rule, homework will not be assigned on weekends or holidays,

and teachers will be sensitive to special school activities. If your child spends substantially more or less

time each day on homework than indicated, please communicate with your child’s teacher


Kindergarten: 15 minutes per night

First grade: 15-30 minutes per night which includes 15 minutes of reading

Second grade: 30-40 minutes per night which includes 20 minutes of reading

Third grade: 35-45 minutes per night which includes 20 minutes of reading

Fourth & Fifth grades: 45-60 minutes per night which includes 30 minutes of reading


Dress Code: TUSD Student Uniform Policy

To ensure continuity among the elementary schools, the District developed a standard uniform dress code to

be followed by all schools. Guidelines for the TUSD uniforms are as follows:

Shoes should be closed-toed.

Pants should fit well ~ no more than 2” bigger than natural waist size.

For girls, bike shorts should be worn under skirts.

NO jeans, sweatpants, leggings, logos on any clothing, or makeup.



Grey, White, Blue, or Teal:

- Polo shirt

- Dress shirt

- Myford Spiritwear T-shirt

Grey, White, Blue, or Teal:

- Polo shirt

- Blouse with collar

- Myford Spiritwear T-shirt


Khaki, Navy Blue, or Blue Plaid:

- Pants

- Shorts

- Jeans ONLY on Free-Dress Friday

Khaki, Navy Blue, or Blue Plaid:

- Pants

- Shorts

- Skirts (with bike shorts underneath)

- Skorts

- Jumpers (with bike shorts underneath)

- Jeans ONLY on Free-Dress Friday

The following stores carry year-round stock of uniform clothing suitable for wear at school: Walmart,

Target, J.C. Penney, Nordstrom, Talbot’s Kids, and Lands’ End (on-line). Parents may choose to shop

anywhere they wish as long as the purchased clothing meets the Myford and TUSD uniform guidelines.

Myford PTO has a special contract with Lands’ End on-line to provide our PAW PRIDE polo shirts

at a discounted price for all students. Just go to, click on the “School Uniform”

tab, and type in “Myford Elementary” at the prompt. You can then order the clothing and

accessories with our logo and get the special discount.

Additionally, your Myford PTO will have “Spirit Wear” available for purchase. This will include

polo shirts, t-shirts, and sweatshirts that can be worn as an addition to the school uniform.


Dress Code: Regulations

In addition to the TUSD School Uniform policy, the following dress code regulations apply:

No bandanas

No red, blue or green shoe laces

No monikers or other gang markings

No combat-type or steel-toed boots

No combination deemed gang-related by law enforcement agencies

No military uniforms

No trench coats

Dangerous Jewelry/Objects

No chains

No dangerous objects

No riveted dog collars or raised rings

No safety pins

No chains for wallets or jewelry apparel

No laser light pens (Student shall be sited as per Penal Code Sections 417.25 and 417.27)

Other Inappropriate Attire

Clothing, apparel, and jewelry shall be free of writing, pictures, or any other insignia that is crude, vulgar,

profane, demeaning, sexually suggestive, or which advocates or promotes racial, ethnic, religious, sexual

prejudice or strife, or which pertains to the use of tobacco, drugs, or alcohol.

No sex/sexual comments/innuendoes

No drugs or references to drugs (blunt, 13, hemp, marijuana leaf, 4:20, etc.)

No tobacco product names or trademarks

No liquor products or bar names or trademarks/logos

No depicting a person engaged in illegal activities (tagging, weapons etc.)

No sleep wear or slippers – except on specially designated days)

No hats other than school authorized hats

No head covering indoors unless of a religious nature

No visible tattoos

Parent support encourages students to dress appropriately. What is considered appropriate attire may

change as fashion trends change. Parents may call the school at any time for clarification prior to purchase

of any clothing for school attire. If students attend school dressed inappropriately, parents will be called to

bring a change of clothes to school for their children or be asked to take their children home to change

clothes. Repeat violations will result in disciplinary action.

Site administrators may set dress standards for special school occasions or activities with prior notice to the



Other Important Information


We care about your children, but believe that school is not the setting for birthday parties. If you would like

to acknowledge your children’s birthdays at school, you may bring school supplies or books to be donated

or passed out to classmates at the end of the day. Due to allergies, no food items may be distributed.

Book Replacement Policy

The textbooks and library books are an important part of your children’s reading program and we need your

help in maintaining the books at our school. As part of our reading, research, and library program, your

children will be checking out library books on a weekly basis and encyclopedias and other reference

materials on an overnight basis. The students who check out a book are responsible for keeping it in good

condition and returning it when it is due.

As you can imagine, these materials are expensive and there are no funds to replace them. Therefore, if a

book is lost or damaged, the student is responsible for the cost of replacing or repairing the book. If a book

you have paid for is located within 30 days after payment, your money will be refunded to you. We

appreciate your cooperation in helping your child develop a strong sense of responsibility for our school



Textbook Full price to replace textbook

Paperback book $5.00

Permabound Book $10.00

Hardbound Book $15.00

Encyclopedia Volume $25.00

Reference Book Actual Cost + $5.00

Media Actual Cost + $5.00

Change of Residence/Emergency Card

Any changes in residence or emergency contact information need to be updated online immediately.

If an emergency arises which necessitates taking your children early from the classroom, your children

will be released only to an adult whose name appears on their Emergency Card unless the parent/legal

guardian has provided prior written authorization. Teachers are not permitted to release children

without written permission from the office.

Closed Campus

Please be aware that Myford Elementary is a closed campus. Occasionally organizations will contract with

the school district to use our facility. However, if you see any unusual occurrences and/or behavior

(loitering, skateboarding, etc.) on campus after school or on weekends, please contact the Irvine Police

Department 949-724-7000 or Tustin Unified School District Security 714-412-4833 (days) or 714-981-3962


Grading System

Students will be evaluated each trimester with a report to parents evaluating students’ participation and

progress towards Common Core State Standards. Progress reports will be explained at Parent Conferences.

Student work is evaluated on tests, teacher observations, portfolios, and rubrics. Please review all work that

is sent home with your children and continue to review any academic areas in which your children may

struggle. Contact the teacher if you notice that your children are having difficulty with any content area.

Report Cards:

Students receive scores in the Common Core State Standards according to the following:


(Academic and Learning Behaviors) EFFORT

4: Advanced Performace Level

3: Proficient Performace Level

2: Approaching Performace Level

1: Minimal Performace Level

N/A: Not addressed

E: Excellent

G: Good

S: Satisfactory

N: Needs Improvement

U: Unsatisfactory

Independent Study

We understand that on rare occasion you must be away from school for an extended length of time. For

these unforeseen situations, parents may request a Limited Independent Study which is valid only for 5 to 10

days. Limited Independent Study must be approved by the Principal and Teacher.

Parent/guardian of the students shall complete the Master Agreement for Limited Independent Study in

the school office no less than 10 school days prior to the absence.

Limited Independent Study will only be authorized if the students will be missing no less than five (5)

school days and no more than ten (10) school days for the school year.

The teacher will provide the work to the students on the last day the students are present at school.

The students must return the completed work to the teacher on the first day of their return. No partially

completed work will be accepted for credit.

Truancy and excessive tardiness may cause a transfer permit to be revoked.


Students will receive a meal application form in their opening packet. Parents need to complete the

application every year for free or reduced-price lunch. Applications can be completed online or turned

in to the office.

Lunches are offered daily for $3.00. Milk is sold separately for $.50.

Students who are tardy must bring a sack lunch as they will have missed the lunch count.

Parents can prepay for (as many) student lunches by sending a check (payable to the TUSD) or cash

with their children. Students have a prepaid computerized account and are able to access their account

by using their student number.

Outside lunches will not be delivered to students except in emergencies. In these instances, please

bring the lunch before 11:15 so that the noon supervisors can take them to the lunch area.


When your children’s physician prescribes medication to be administered during school hours, state law

requires that the physician sign the appropriate district form indicating the dosage and related information,

which is kept on file in the health office. Parents must sign the release allowing the school personnel to

dispense medication. All medication (including over-the-counter medication such as Tylenol and Benadryl)

must be under the supervision of school personnel. Absolutely no medication may be kept in students’

possession. Forms for medication are available in the office.

Morning Drop-Off

Gates are open at 8:00 to allow students on campus with supervision. Students are to go directly to their

line up area and wait seated. We have found that it is much safer and calmer for students when they are

sitting quietly in line. You are more than welcome to provide a small towel for them to sit on. They are not

to go to their classrooms to drop off backpacks as there in no supervision in the hallways. We ask that

parents exit the gates before they are locked at 8:12 and to allow students to walk independently with their

classmates and teacher once the bell rings.

Parent Involvement

We welcome your participation at school and we urge you to join us as a volunteer. It is by working

together that we can provide the highest quality education for our children. Some ways to get involved are

through the following parent groups: English Language Advisory Council (ELAC), School Site Council

(SSC), and Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO). School volunteers must apply at the school and meet basic

health and safety requirements to ensure the well-being of all students and staff. Volunteers must have the

Principal’s approval.

Personal Property

Cell phones are NOT allowed during school hours. They must remain “off” and stored where they are

not visible. Cell phones seen or heard during school hours will be confiscated and returned to the parent


Students are urged to leave all personal items or items of value at home.

Children are NOT to bring iPods/MP3 players, toys, video games, make-up, perfumes, candy, gum,

soda, sports drinks, or any item that causes a distraction to school. Skateboards, roller skates, and shoes

with wheels are unsafe and therefore also not allowed. All these items will be confiscated.

Myford staff is NOT responsible for any lost or stolen items.

Student Fees

The California Constitution mandates that public education be provided to students free of charge, unless a

charge is specifically authorized by law for a particular program or activity.

Visitors to School Campus

TUSD campuses are closed to ensure the safety of our students. Student gates are locked at 8:10 a.m.

each day and parents should exit the campus before 8:15 to ensure the start of the instructional


Visitors must go to the main office to receive a Visitor’s Badge to wear while on campus.

Visitors must sign in and out.

Visitors must have the consent and approval of the Principal/designee. Visitors may not interfere with

or disrupt the classroom or school activity. Any individual who fails to follow the school

rules/guidelines is subject to removal from the school site and further restricted from visits.

Classroom observations/visitations should be limited to 20-30 minutes and no more than two per month.


Bell Schedule 2017-2018


Early Cubs 8:00-11:23 Recess: 9:30-9:55

Late Cubs 10:00-1:23 Recess: 11:20-11:45

Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri Wed/Minimum Days

1st/2nd GRADES 1st/2nd GRADES 8:15 Instruction begins 8:15 Instruction begins

9:50-10:15 Recess 10:00-10:15 Recess

11:30-12:20 Lunch 11:35-12:20 Lunch

2:29 Dismissal 1:15 Dismissal


8:15 Instruction begins 8:15 Instruction begins

10:20-10:45 Recess 10:30-10:45 Recess

11:55-12:45 Lunch 12:00-12:45 Lunch

2:29 Dismissal 1:15 Dismissal

4th/5th GRADES 4th/5th GRADES

8:15 Instruction begins 8:15 Instruction begins

10:30-10:45 Recess 10:30-10:45 Recess

11:55-12:45 Lunch 12:09-12:45 Lunch

2:43 Dismissal 1:15 Dismissal


School Procedures and Student Handbook Signature Form

Student: ________________________ Teacher: ________________________ Grade:_____

The Myford Elementary School Procedures & Student Handbook is available from the school office or online at The handbook includes guidelines on the following:

Attendance & Tardy Policy Discipline Plan Lunches Standards of Behavior

Bell Schedule* Dress Code Medication Traffic Guidelines

Birthdays Emergency Card Parent Involvement Visitors to School Campus

Book Replacement Policy Grading System Personal Property

Change of Residence Homework Policy Positive Behavior Support

Closed Campus Independent Study Matrix (PBIS)

* Wednesdays are Minimum Days for 1st-5th grade students. Dismissal is at 1:15 pm and students must be picked

up on time.

I have signed and returned the following forms:

TUSD Book Replacement Agreement Emergency Information Card

TUSD Parent/Student Rights & Responsibility Card School Disaster Release Form

We verify that we have read and understand all the information listed above:

___________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________

Student Name (Print) Student Signature Date

___________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________

Parent Guardian Name (Print) Parent Guardian Signature Date

___________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________

Parent Guardian Name (Print) Parent Guardian Signature Date

Please return this card by the first week of school.