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My Results

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Female Male

Above are the results showing who participated in my survey. As you can see there were 69% males participants and 31% female participants. In my survey I have created a wide range of age to choose from; the reason for this is because I was not sure of the type of Teaser Trailer I was going to create and needed a different variety of aged audience to see what today they like to watch or do not like to watch. In the age results, most of the public that have answered the survey were teenagers aged 15-17 and the least that answered the survey were age between 27-29, 30-32 and 40+.

12 to 1415 to 1718 to 2021 to 2324 to 2627 to 2930 to 3240+

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Most of my participant audience have chosen the genre action because they enjoy the action scenes, where there are chase scenes and gun fire. The second most favourite genre chosen was comedy because it humours the audience and lifts up the bad mood. The genres that were not chosen by the participants are horror and Sci-Fi. The reason for this is that most of the participants do not enjoy watching Sci-Fi because it is boring and horrors tend to be mostly cliché and some participants don't like a scare.

Film genre watched

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The amount of Teasers Trailers were watched in a month

A lot of the participants of the survey mostly only watch Teaser Trailers once or twice per month because either they do not have time to watch more or they rather just wait till the trailer of the new film comes on and then see what type of film it is. There are some participants that watch Teaser Trailers often because they want to be updated about the upcoming films and know if they will be worth seeing.

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Some samples of the type of teaser trailers the public taking part in my questionnaire have seen and what they liked/disliked about teaser trailers as a whole

We are the MillersKick Ass 2Rec 2The Conjuring

The results show what the public like about teaser trailers and what they are more likely to expect to see in a teaser trailer to be presented well and what would make the teaser trailer good.

These results show what the public disliked about the teaser trailers and what they would expect to be improved when watching a teaser trailer next time.

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Where do you come across Teaser Trailers





Most of the public would most likely see a Teaser Trailer on YouTube as you can see there were 53%, because it is easily found and you can select the Teaser Trailer you want. 25% of the public who took part in my survey would spot Teaser Trailers on TV, if they have been watching TV and would see the type of movies that would be coming out next year or sooner. Also, 22% participants that often go to the cinema to watch films are most likely to see Teaser Trailers on the big screen in cinema and be informed on upcoming films.

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Do you read Film Magazine?

No Yes0






Are they useful?

A lot of the participants that have completed my survey do not read magazines and the ones that do read magazines, most of them 53.85% find that they are useful because they provide information about the new films and what made the films successful and unsuccessful. The film magazines also provide star rating on the films, which allows the audience to decide if it worth seeing a film or not and finding out the characters that are going to be in upcoming film also appeal to the readers of the film magazines because if a favourite actor/actress is going to be in next new upcoming film then it is likely that the person would go and watch the film.

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What features mostly attracted the public of Film Magazine

Film Magazines read

A lot of the participants that took my survey said that when they see a magazine they would look at the front cover first and if it looks interesting they would pick it up and if doesn't then they wouldn't. Others like film magazine front cover to be brightly coloured because it is eye catchy. Actors being at the front of the cover are also important because if an audience favourite character is at the front of the film magazine it makes them want to know what film that character is in next and what has he been doing. Directors being mentioned was another thing participants said would attract them to pick a film magazine up and prizes such as, posters of movies or figure toys.

Participants named a couple of film magazines they have read before; for example, Empire, sight and sound.

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Are magazines useful?

53.85% of the participants said that magazines are useful because they provide information about the upcoming films and about the main actors.

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What attracted your attention about the film poster?





Characters Font Colour AwardsTag Lines Director Headings

The 30% of the participants said that the characters attracted their attention the most and the thing that caught their attention the least was the ‘director’ with only 7% of the participants selecting the ‘director’ to be on the poster. Colour was another element that the seemed to attract participants to be on the poster because brighter colours show that its a comedy or romance and duller, darker colours represent horror, thriller and documentaries are shown more often.

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Do reviews help decide if you want to watch the film?

Would you promote the films you liked and watched?

Yes No0





100This shows that the public do interact together and offer each other movies to watch to each other. This means that the public today still watch movies and the films are spread by word of month. Films that are not promoted are more likely not to be a success and not appear on cinemas for a longer period of time, were as if it is a successful movie then the public would promote it and it is more likely to gain rewards and be shown in the cinemas for a longer period of time.

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The results have provided me insight into what the public watch, read and look for today, when they pas posters, magazine stands and when searching for a teaser trailer. I found out that most of the audience enjoy watching action films, which means when creating an idea for my teaser trailer, I would need to try and bring in some action element into my teaser and maybe some comedy because they were the most popular choices by the audience. As well as finding out about the genre I should be aiming to make my teaser, I also found out that when making my magazine cover and poster, I should be aiming to include main characters, colours that stand out, awards and other similar things, which would attract the audience to want to see my teaser trailer, magazine and poster. Also if I was to put my teaser trailer out for the audience to see, I would need to embed it on YouTube for everyone to see and get it noticed. I should also be targeting a younger audience aged between 17-22 because the participants where in between those ages that answered my survey, which means they would be the audience that are most likely to watch my teaser trailer.
