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Page 1: My Own Experience at Bangalore

My Own Experience at Bangalore………………….

Hello Friends,

I have been leaving in Bangalore. I have seen many advantages and disadvantages our here.


Good Weather ( But now it is changing and becoming Hot as per native people)……Green city……….

Good Companies ( All major world best companies have offices in Bangalore)

Good Business (Lot of money coming and going)

Page 2: My Own Experience at Bangalore


Much Costly (No Savings)……( 1KM auto ride can cost INR 100, 4 KM Government Volvo Bus cost…..INR 50, All local store will have 2X+ rate compare to original price. Grosary, Healthcare, Higher road tax, House rant, Education, Transport everything………….much costly……only milk cheaper )

Far from our own Home………….

Job Security ………..

Worst electricity problem ever seen…… electricity many hours……….

Language Issue……….Kaunda hard to speak and understand

Worst road condition………..much road traffic……..4 km travel will take 30 mins(Total time waste)………..can take hour in peak hour……..Metro in very few area…………..

Oh………..Basic drinking water is also not pure…………..need to pay INR 30+ for 20 liter bottle (which is also not pure)……………

Still all IT Engineer love Bangalore…………Because no opportunity any ware………………………..