Download - My Organized Chaos Making Time - Amazon S3 · ★Hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do all the crappy time suck jobs that you don’t like doing, so that you have more time to do the

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Making TimeMy Organized Chaos

Bonus: Making Time

© Jo Ebisujima 2014

Page 2: My Organized Chaos Making Time - Amazon S3 · ★Hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do all the crappy time suck jobs that you don’t like doing, so that you have more time to do the

Copyright ©Jo Ebisujima 2014

I Want To Do It But... I Don’t Have Time !!!

No matter who we are, from Oprah to Richard Branson to the guy next door, we all have the same 24 hours in a day.

And I’m sure you have felt that time does not pass at a constant rate, when you are doing something you hate then the time drags but if you are totally loving what you are doing then the time flies by! Which makes me believe that we can manipulate time.

But mostly making time is all about being Time Savvy and changing your mindset from I Don’t Have Time to I Will Make Time.

These are the tips that I use myself and with my clients, they work, and will work for you if you are prepared to make some changes too.

Page 3: My Organized Chaos Making Time - Amazon S3 · ★Hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do all the crappy time suck jobs that you don’t like doing, so that you have more time to do the

I Don’t Have Time

I Will Make Time

Copyright ©Jo Ebisujima 2014

Page 4: My Organized Chaos Making Time - Amazon S3 · ★Hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do all the crappy time suck jobs that you don’t like doing, so that you have more time to do the

If you want to become a Time Ninja and get the most out of your day and you believe that right now, you can’t possibly fit anything else in. Then, you are going to have to make some changes.

Not all these ideas will work for you, but by just applying some, you can make a big difference!

Get Real!

Copyright ©Jo Ebisujima 2014

Page 5: My Organized Chaos Making Time - Amazon S3 · ★Hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do all the crappy time suck jobs that you don’t like doing, so that you have more time to do the

Yes, it’s time to pull on the Big Girls Pants

Are you ready?

Copyright ©Jo Ebisujima 2014

Page 6: My Organized Chaos Making Time - Amazon S3 · ★Hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do all the crappy time suck jobs that you don’t like doing, so that you have more time to do the

First things first, print out a copy of the next page, use this to generally block out time so you have a good idea of how your week looks. Then print 7 copies of the the page after and take 10 minutes to fill in your weekly schedule. This will be easier for those who have fixed working hours, if you have flexi hours base it on a typical work week. Be aware of what you are REALLY doing vs what you think you should be doing!Make sure you include:

★ Work★ Fixed times such as the kids ballet class or your yoga class★ Include times such as commuting and school runs★ When you typically go to bed and get up★ Meal times★ Anything else you do on a regular basis

Get Real!

Copyright ©Jo Ebisujima 2014

Page 7: My Organized Chaos Making Time - Amazon S3 · ★Hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do all the crappy time suck jobs that you don’t like doing, so that you have more time to do the

Monday Tuesday SaturdayFridayThursdayWednesday Sunday

Copyright ©Jo Ebisujima 2014

Page 8: My Organized Chaos Making Time - Amazon S3 · ★Hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do all the crappy time suck jobs that you don’t like doing, so that you have more time to do the

Copyright ©Jo Ebisujima 2014

00.00 6.00 12.00 6.00

00.30 6.30 12.30 6.30

1.00 7.00 1.00 7.00

1.30 7.30 1.30 7.30

2.00 8.00 2.00 8.00

2.30 8.30 2.30 8.30

3.00 9.00 3.00 9.00

3.30 9.30 3.30 9.30

4.00 10.00 4.00 10.00

4.30 10.30 4.30 10.30

5.00 11.00 5.00 11.00

5.30 11.30 5.30 11.30

Day ______________________________

Page 9: My Organized Chaos Making Time - Amazon S3 · ★Hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do all the crappy time suck jobs that you don’t like doing, so that you have more time to do the

Now you have your schedule and it might be pretty scary. Take a few minutes to see how it could work better for you.

★ If you are always rushing around like a blue-arsed fly, what can be cut?

★ What can be swapped or moved to give you more breathing space?

★ What can be changed in the everyday routine that could make your life easier? ○ Packing bags the night before? ○ Setting up a menu plan for the week?○ Deciding what to wear the next day before you go to bed?○ Having everything organized so there is no lost time looking for


Take A Long Hard Look At Reality

Copyright ©Jo Ebisujima 2014

Page 10: My Organized Chaos Making Time - Amazon S3 · ★Hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do all the crappy time suck jobs that you don’t like doing, so that you have more time to do the


Time to get everyone else on board and pulling their weight! Call a family meeting, explain that you are just snowed under with all the jobs and that you need the rest of the family to help out.

Before the meeting draw up a list of jobs you want help with and at first, let them choose what they want to do (more likely to happen if they make the decision)

Make a family jobs board and hang it somewhere everyone can see it. For reluctant kids you might want to set up a reward chart or challenge them to a month to get a family reward.

Even toddlers can help, find them ability suitable jobs and get them used to the idea when they are young - you will thank yourself in the long run!

Copyright ©Jo Ebisujima 2014

Page 11: My Organized Chaos Making Time - Amazon S3 · ★Hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do all the crappy time suck jobs that you don’t like doing, so that you have more time to do the

Delegate Part 2

Another thing to consider is to take on extra help.

★ Do you hate cleaning? Take on a cleaner for a couple of hours a week, the time it saves you could make up the cost

★ Hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do all the crappy time suck jobs that you don’t like doing, so that you have more time to do the jobs you love!

★ Use a food preparation service, so you can still feed your family healthy meals but cuts down on your time in the kitchen

★ Are their other jobs that you can get help for? If money is an issue, how about a college intern or hiring a local teenage?

Copyright ©Jo Ebisujima 2014

Page 12: My Organized Chaos Making Time - Amazon S3 · ★Hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do all the crappy time suck jobs that you don’t like doing, so that you have more time to do the

Is there anything you can ditch?

This comes down to priorities, successful people always have their priorities in line. Time for you to do the same.

★ Do you have commitments that you keep out of habit?

★ Is there something you do that doesn’t really light you up like it used to?

★ Is there anything that you really hate doing that you can ditch?

Ditch It!

Copyright ©Jo Ebisujima 2014

Page 13: My Organized Chaos Making Time - Amazon S3 · ★Hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do all the crappy time suck jobs that you don’t like doing, so that you have more time to do the

To help you figure out what is really important to you and what your priorities are, make a list below of ALL the things that are important...


Copyright ©Jo Ebisujima 2014

Page 14: My Organized Chaos Making Time - Amazon S3 · ★Hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do all the crappy time suck jobs that you don’t like doing, so that you have more time to do the

Now, take the top 5 and list them in order, these should be your non-negotiables AND must include YOU time.

★ ____________________________

★ ____________________________

★ ____________________________

★ ____________________________

★ ____________________________


Copyright ©Jo Ebisujima 2014

Page 15: My Organized Chaos Making Time - Amazon S3 · ★Hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do all the crappy time suck jobs that you don’t like doing, so that you have more time to do the

Divide and conquer!Is there anything job you can share, for example, if you do the school run and you share the run with another parent and take it in turns, maybe one week on, one week off?

Same applies to kids classes, maybe take it in turns with another parent to take them and pick them up?

Grocery shopping, usually takes a good chunk of time, are you doing it efficiently? Is one big shop a week better than 5 ‘quick’ visits? Could you order online and get it delivered? Could your partner do it?

Divide It!

Copyright ©Jo Ebisujima 2014

Page 16: My Organized Chaos Making Time - Amazon S3 · ★Hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do all the crappy time suck jobs that you don’t like doing, so that you have more time to do the

Multi-tasking is a double edged sword, sometimes it works in your favour but not always. It serves to be smart when you are wearing many hats!

I don’t recommend multi-tasking when you are trying to get work done, to write etc. It screws with your concentration and it is a very inefficient process.

If you are working on your computer, close ALL the windows except for the one(s) you need open.

If social media is your kryptonite, there are various applications to help you stay focused, try these...www.http://selfcontrolapp.com

Work Smarter , Not Harder

Copyright ©Jo Ebisujima 2014

Page 17: My Organized Chaos Making Time - Amazon S3 · ★Hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do all the crappy time suck jobs that you don’t like doing, so that you have more time to do the

But then, multi-tasking can be handy when you are trying to squeeze in more time around the home.

★ Whilst you are waiting for the kettle to boil, ‘Do The Kettle’ challenge yourself to see how much you can get cleaned up and put away in the 3 minutes it takes for the kettle to boil - you will be surprised at the results!

★ When preparing one meal, can you also chop up the veg or whatever for the next one? You have all the equipment out, and it means only washing up once!

★ If you are making meals from scratch, double up the ingredients and pop one lot in the freezer - easy meal for the following week.

Work Smarter , Not Harder

Copyright ©Jo Ebisujima 2014

Page 18: My Organized Chaos Making Time - Amazon S3 · ★Hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do all the crappy time suck jobs that you don’t like doing, so that you have more time to do the

★ Cleaning / housework - which jobs can be done together?

★ Commuting time, which productive things can you be doing on your commute? Listening to podcasts in your ‘field’, making notes, reading suitable articles?

★ Think about other parts of the day where you have ‘dead time’, where you usually whip out your phone and hang out on Facebook, how can you be using those snippets of time better?

Work Smarter , Not Harder

Copyright ©Jo Ebisujima 2014

Page 19: My Organized Chaos Making Time - Amazon S3 · ★Hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do all the crappy time suck jobs that you don’t like doing, so that you have more time to do the

One of my favourite, time saving methods! Blocking.

This is simple, yet effective.

Think of all the jobs you have to do, whether for work or at home and block similar jobs together.

For emails - check them ONLY twice a day, give yourself a set amount of time and stick to it.

For writing - from a book to blog posts, again set a timer, turn off distractions and plough through. I usually write a weeks worth of blog posts on a Monday morning and schedule for throughout the week. All the photos are done in one go too. MUCH, MUCH faster!


Copyright ©Jo Ebisujima 2014

Page 20: My Organized Chaos Making Time - Amazon S3 · ★Hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do all the crappy time suck jobs that you don’t like doing, so that you have more time to do the

Often we find it hard to focus because there is so much going on between our ears. Make it a daily habit to have a brain dump, just write everything down that is going through your head.

Once you have dumped it all out, pick out anything that is super important and get it in your schedule.

Cross out anything that is just ‘noise’ and forget about it.

Everything else can be referred back to at anytime.

I prefer to Brain Dump at night before I go to bed, that way I sleep better and I already know what I have to do when I get up the next day, puts me in ‘automatic’ mode when I might still be sleepy.

Brain Dump

Copyright ©Jo Ebisujima 2014

Page 21: My Organized Chaos Making Time - Amazon S3 · ★Hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do all the crappy time suck jobs that you don’t like doing, so that you have more time to do the

As Marie Forleo says “If it’s not in the schedule, it doesn’t exist”

If you are serious about writing that book or exercising or whatever it is that you want to make more time for


Just use one schedule and use it for everything otherwise it’s easy to miss appointments or screw up dates. I use google Cal because I can sync it across devices and share calendars with my VA and husband.

If you schedule writing time or exercise into your day, you are showing yourself and everyone else that this is serious. By saying to yourself, ‘I’ll do it after dinner’ we all know you are more likely to turn the telly on and have a glass of wine!

Schedule It!

Copyright ©Jo Ebisujima 2014

Page 22: My Organized Chaos Making Time - Amazon S3 · ★Hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do all the crappy time suck jobs that you don’t like doing, so that you have more time to do the

Now it is time to apply the information, if you don’t, nothing will change and you will still have no time!

★ Change your mindset & language★ Understand your current situation!★ Prioritize★ Delegate★ Ditch It★ Divide It★ Work Smarter, Not Harder★ Blocking★ Brain Dump★ Schedule it!

Round Up!

Copyright ©Jo Ebisujima 2014

Page 23: My Organized Chaos Making Time - Amazon S3 · ★Hire a VA (virtual assistant) to do all the crappy time suck jobs that you don’t like doing, so that you have more time to do the

Quick plug for one of my books here, this was developed for my private clients as a way to stay accountable and to get into the habit of preparing for each day. I actually use it myself too!It is a 60 day journal with space for a daily Brain Dump, 3 big To-Do’s, money tracking, gratitude sections and more…

Available on Amazon: the book depository

(free international shipping)

Done It!

Copyright ©Jo Ebisujima 2014