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My Nativity Story

More than 2,000 years ago the angel Gabriel visited a young woman called Mary he told her that she was going to have a baby boy and must call him Jesus.

Mary and Joseph started their long journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Mary sat on their donkey as she was tired and Joseph led the way.

Mary and Joseph found a kind innkeeper who said he had a stable for them to stay in. Mary and Joseph was very grateful as Mary was about to give birth.

The shepherds were watching over their sheep one night, when they saw a bright light in the sky and an angel appeared telling them that a king had been born. The Shepherds did what they was told and went to find the new born baby.

The three kings saw a bright star in the sky and knew it meant a special king had been born. They followed the star which would take them to the king.

The shepherds arrived at the stable and three kings gold and frankincense and myrrh

The End