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Page 1: My Friday
Page 2: My Friday

I get up at 6:30 every morning.

I and my little brother go to

school at 7:20. After school

I go to have lunch. My brother

quickly goes from school at

home, because he doesn't need

to do any homework. It's 15:30

on Friday, I am going out. I am

out longer than other days. I am

going for my friends and we go

to the town. In the town, we

usually go to cinema.

Sometimes, we only sit down in

the corridor and we talk.

Page 3: My Friday

On Friday I get up at

7 o´clock. Then, I  go to the bathroom and I clean my teeth and face. Next I go to my room

and I get dressed. I go to school. On Friday we have 6 lessons. After school I go home. Then, I watch Tv for some minutes.

I go out with my friends.

We go to the café

or to the town. When my mother

calls me, I must go home. It´s

no fair because my friends are

outside longer than me. Now I´m

writing this letter. It is a bit boring.

Page 4: My Friday

Hello! How am I? I am fine,thanks.

What am I doing at the moment?

So, I am writing this text

and I am surfing on the internet, too.

Do I usually go out on Friday evening?

So, I usually go on the English lesson

on Friday. English lesson lasts about

two hours. Then, I go to my mother´s work.

She takes me home. At home, I watch TV

or I surf on the internet. I usually go to

the cinema or shopping with my parents

in the weekend. I like walking in

the nature. ANYWAY, do you like walking

in the nature? Do you like watching films?

Page 5: My Friday

It is 16:30 on Friday and

I am coming back from English,

now. I am sitting at my computer.

I am writing with my friends.

We are going to see my cousin.

Do you go out on Friday evening?

My friends are coming at my home at

the moment. We usually go to the

town,but we are going to go to see a

hockey today. We always have a lot of

fun! We are a big group. I always go

out in the evening. How are you today?

Are you going to go out with us today? ?..:):)

Page 6: My Friday

„Hello. It´s 6.45 in the morning and

I´m getting up. I am going to have

breakfast. I clean my teeth and then

I go to school. I go home after

the lessons finish.“

LATER ... Martin says: „I´m having

lunch at home now. I´m  switching on

the computer. I´m on PC about two

hours. After, it will be about half past

three p.m. I will go out with my

friends. I will come back about eight


... He answers: „I am coming home

and I am taking a shower. I´m going to

watch TV. I´m going to bed at ten o´clock.

Page 7: My Friday

I usually listen to music, read books or go out

with my friends on Friday.

But today I am watching TV and playing with

my niece. Me, my sister and our parents are

in Rudinská. We usually go here almost every

Friday. My brother lives there with his wife

and one year-old daughter. Her name is Natália.

We usually go sledging out with her in winter.

But today it is a cold evening and we are

watching the film. Natália is running around me

and throwing the ball into me at the moment.

After playing she goes sleeping and we can

spend our time by watching TV.

Page 8: My Friday

Today it is a Friday. I´m playing computer games.

I´m listening to the music.

I´m watching TV.

I´m having a rest. I play the

football with my friends every

Friday. I´m going to go out

at 18 o´clock. I go to the Fast

Food every Friday and

I eat chips with some ketchup

and with some cheese.

I watch the crime

serial " NUMB3RS " every Friday .

Page 9: My Friday

It was a difficult week. I had a lot to learn.

At least it is Friday!! It is 5.45 on Friday

afternoon and I am sitting at my friend´s

computer. I usually go out with my friends

on Friday, but I am tired, today.

We go on the playground or somewhere

outside,and we always have a lot of fun.

I am coming back from English now.

It was fun. I like learning English and

I want to start learning Spanish.

I want to go to Spain. It is my biggest

dream. I think, it is a nice country and

a beautiful language.... Do you have

some dreams?? Do you usually go out

on Friday evening??....:)

Page 10: My Friday

It´s 13:15PM, Friday. I´m going hom from school.

When I arrive at home so I sit at my computer.

I  listen to music and chat with my friends.

I am waiting till 16:00PM for my mom.

When she arrives at home so I have a yop with

her: how was it at school and how was it at work.

I usually go out at about 17:30 with my friends.

Friday is a day when I meet all friends and

we go out altogether. We normally meet at school

at Clementisova Street. We sometimes play

football on the playground with artifcial grass.

But only boys play the football, girls watch it.

After we go to „Extra“, we have something

go eat. Then, we go to the town, we talk, laugh,

we solve some problems... When we do not

spend Friday like this, so we go to an Ice Hockey

or dancing at the training.

Page 11: My Friday

I get up at 6:20 every Friday.

I go to school at 7:15.

 usually accompany my sister to

school. My schoolday on Friday

has 6 lessons. I and my friends

attend afternoon activity - English language.

Sometimes , I  go out with my

friends. Sometimes ,I listen to the

radio. I  watch TV in the evening.

I don´t do homework on Friday.

I like Friday, because it is

the end of the week.

Page 12: My Friday

It´s 6:30 on Friday evening and

my parents are going to the

restaurant. I´m going to play football

with my friends . We usually go to

drink some Cola, too. It´s 8:15 and

I ´m arriving home. I have a shower

every day at half past eight. When

I have a shower, I go to have a

dinner. When I finish, I go to the living

room and I watch Tv. It´s 9:00 p.m

and my parents are coming home.

I am going to play my favourite

games on computer. It´s 10:30

and I am going to sleep.

Page 13: My Friday

I go home from school at 13:30.

I have lunch with my brother.

When my stomach is full

I watch tv. Sometimes, I write

on chat with my friends. When

I finish writing, I go out with

my friends. We speak about

something what is interesting

for us. I come home at seven

o'clock. I have dinner and

I always watch TV. Later on,

I study something to school.

When I am tired, I go to bed.

Page 14: My Friday

My Friday starts about six

o´clock. As the first, I eat my

breakfast. Then I go to school.

I´m at school from 7 o´clock to

13 o´clock. When I come home,

I eat my lunch. Later, I watch TV

and wait for my friend. We go out.

We ride on bicyle and have fun.

I come home at 6 o ´clock.

I watch TV and then I go to bed

at 9 PM. That´s my Friday.

Page 15: My Friday

It´s 13:15 on Friday afternoon and

I go from school. I usually watch TV

and I surf on the internet. Sometimes,

I write my homework. Then, I go to

eat. At 15:00 I go out with my friends.

We are usually in a pub. We drink

some juice. I come back at 19

o´clock or I come back later in

summer. I am at home and I´m

bored. At 21:00 in the evening I go to

eat my dinner. Then I watch TV and

I´m on the computer .At about 22:30

I go to wash my teeth and at 23:30

I go to sleep.