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Page 1: My Computer Literacy

By Bradley Scott Melis

My Computer Literacy

Page 2: My Computer Literacy

1. Understand Word Basics 2. Use AutoText3. View a Document4. Set Margins and Specify page orientation 5. Insert page breaks6. Create sections7. Insert a cover page8. Select Printing Options9. Customize Word10. Check spelling and grammer

Microsoft Word

Page 3: My Computer Literacy

Computer Fundamentals Input Processing Output Storage

Types of Computers Computers for individuals Computers for Organizations

How the Internet Works Interoperability= The ability to work with a computer even if it is a different brand or model.

Exploring Internet Services E-mail Instant Messaging Internet Relay Chat File Transfer Protocol Usenet: Joining Online Discussions

CAYF Ch 1 & 2Computer s and You/The World Wide Web

Page 4: My Computer Literacy

• 1. Define Worksheets and workbooks• 2. Use spreadsheets across disciplines • 3. Plan for good workbook and worksheet design• 4. Enter and edit data in cells• 5. Display Cell formulas• 6. Insert and Delete rows and columns • 7. Format worksheets• 8. Manage cell comments• 9. Identify Excel window components • 10. Select page setup options and printing

Microsoft Excel

Page 5: My Computer Literacy

Moving Data: Bandwidth and Modems Bandwidth=Refers to the amount of data that can be transmitted through a given communications

channel. Modems= Communication devices used to transmit data over telephone lines.

Wired and Wireless Transmission Media Twisted Pair Coaxial Cable Fiber Optic Cable Infrared Radio Microwaves

Wired and Wireless Applications Internet Telephony Faxing Satellite Radio, GPS Text, Picture, and Video Messaging

The Operating System Starting the Computer Managing applications Providing the User interface

System Utilities Backup Software Antivirus Software Managing Files Troubleshooting

CAYF Ch 3 & 4Communication/System Software

Page 6: My Computer Literacy

1. Identify PowerPoint user interface elements 2. Open and Save a slideshow3. Get Help4. Create a storyboard5. Use slide layouts6. Apply Themes7. Add a table8. Insert clip art9. Use transitions and animations 10. Print with PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint

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General-Purpose Applications Personal Productivity Programs Multimedia and Graphics Software Home and Educational Programs

System Requirements and Software System Upgrades Distribution and Documentation

Managing Application Software Installing Applications Launching Applications Choosing Options

Inside the System Unit Motherboard Power supply Cooling Fan Internal Speaker Drive bays

The Motherboard The motherboard contains the computer’s CPU

Outside of the Box The front panel Connectors and Ports

CAYF Ch 5 & 6Application Software/System Unit

Page 8: My Computer Literacy

Input Devices Keyboard The Mouse and Other pointing devices Speech and Voice Recognition Scanners

Output Devices Monitors Printers Speakers Projectors

Storage Memory Versus Storage Hard Drive Disks Floppy and Disk Drives

Network Fundamental s Network= A group of two or more computer systems liked together. LAN WAN Communication Devices (Computers, Modems, etc…)

CAYF Ch 7 & 8Input, Output, Storage/Networks

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Local Area Networks (LANs) Two or more computers that communicate with each other and with peripheral

devices. Peer-to-Peer Networks Client/Server Networks LAN Topologies LAN Protocols

Wide Area Networks (WANs) WANs are similar to long distance telephone systems Point of Presence Backbones WAN Protocols WAN Applications

CH 8 Networks Cont…

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Privacy in Cyberspace Collection of information without consent is one of the major problems in

cyberspace Technology and Anonymity Protection

Computer Crime and Cybercrime Types of Cybercrime

Identity Theft Computer Viruses Rouge Programs

Security UPS Controlling Access Firewalls

The Encryption Debate Encryption= coding or scrambling process that renders a message

unreadable by anyone except the intended recipient. Public Key Encryption

CAYF Ch 9Privacy, Crime, and Security

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Open a fileSave a filePrint a documentSelect text to editInsert textMove and copy textUse language toolsCopy formats with the format painter Apply font attriubutes

Microsoft Office 2007

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I have very much enjoyed taking this class and enhancing my computer literacy.

The things I have learned so far will sincerely help me in my future career and throughout the following years of my College education.

Thank you!
