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  • 7/31/2019 MWSG Fahrenheit 451


    Running head: MWSG: FAHRENHEIT 451 1

    MWSG: Fahrenheit 451 by Rad Bradbury

    Tim Stone

    West Career and Technical Academy

  • 7/31/2019 MWSG Fahrenheit 451



    Reference and Publication Information:

    Bradbury, Ray. (1952/1991). Fahrenheit 451. New York: Del Ray Books.

    Biographical Information:

    Ray Bradbury was born on August 22, 1920 in Waukegan, Illinois. In the book Montag

    remembers meeting his wife, Mildred, in Chicago, Illinois. Chicago a long time ago. Millie and

    I. Thats where we met! (Bradbury, 1953/1991, pg. 160). Ray Bradbury grew up in a loving

    family and has graduated from Los Angles High School in the year of 1938. The four years after

    him graduating from high school Ray Bradbury spent his nights in the public library. This is

    relate to the book because in the book firemen burn all books.

    Historical Information:

    Ray Bradbury was born in the year of 1920. This would make him a teenager during World War

    II. Ray Bradbury saw Hitler burn books in Berlin in the year of 1933. In the bookFahrenheit 451

    the government also burned books. While the books went up sparkling whirls and blew away on

    a wind turned dark with burning. (Bradbury, 1953/1991, pg. 3). Also during World War II there

    was a threat of a nuclear bombing in the United States. This influence Ray Bradbury to write

    about the city bombing.

    Genre and Its Characteristics:


    Characteristics: the setting is set in the future and describes a society which people do not want

    to live in.

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    The bookFahrenheit 451 is a dystopian because it describes a future where reading and thinking

    is against the law. In the book there is a Mechanical Hound which is like a robot police dog, and

    this would be more evidence that the book is set in the future.

    He drove forty miles an hour and they jailed him for two days. (Bradbury, 1953/1991, pg. 9).

    The Mechanical Hound slept, but did not sleep. (Bradbury, 1953/1991, pg. 24).


    Future, United States of America

    Is it true long ago firemen put out fires instead of going out to start them? (Bradbury,

    1953/1991, pg. 8).

    Title and Epigraph

    The title Fahrenheit 451 means two things. The first meaning is the number 451 is the station

    number Montag works at. The second meaning is 451 is the temperature books paper needs to be

    at to be able to burn.

    EpigraphIf they give you ruled paper, write the other way. Juan Ramon Jimenez

    This quote means to think outside the box and doesnt be bound to boundaries. This is related to

    the book because Montag pushes against the law to be able to get things done.

    Narration or Point of View

    Third PersonOmniscient


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    Montagbrave, smart, caring

    Thats the good part of dying; you got nothing to lose. (Bradbury, 1953/1991, pg. 85)


    Mildred: self-center, selfish, oblivious

    Its only two thousand dollars. (Bradbury, 1953/1991, pg. 20)


    Beatty: brave, clever, smart

    The pink face of Beatty didnt show the faintest panic. (Bradbury, 1953/1991, pg. 39)


    Faber: coward, old, wise

    I am a cowardly old fool. (Bradbury, 1953/1991, pg. 90)


    Granger: patient, smart, brave

    What do we do tonight? asked Montag. Wait, said Granger.


    Man vs. Society: Montag and Society

  • 7/31/2019 MWSG Fahrenheit 451



    Resolution: Montag cannot make people listen to him about how great books are, so Montag

    waits until society is ready to read again. Montag is made an outcast and is wanted by the police

    for possessing books and for murder.

    Man vs. Man: Montag and Beatty

    Resolution: Beatty makes Montag burn his own house then he keeps insulting Montag with

    quotes from books until Montag snaps. Montag then uses the same flamethrower he was given

    by Beatty to burn Beatty to death.


    Python = Firemen

    The python represents firemen because the python kills with its poison. Firemen kill with their


    This great python spitting its venomous kerosene upon the world. (Bradbury, 1953/1991, pg.


    Phoenix = Mankind

    The phoenix represents mankind because the phoenix burns itself up and from the ashes the

    phoenix is born again. Mankind is like this because mankind can learn from its mistakes and rise

    up again.

    But every time he burnt himself up he sprang out of the ashes he got himself born all over

    again. And it looks like were doing the same thing. (Bradbury, 1953/1991, pg. 163)

    451 = the temperature at which books burn

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    This is the reason why the book is called Fahrenheit 451. This gives the reader what the book is

    about because it tells them that it is about the burning of books.

    With his symbolic helmet numbered 451 on his stolid head, and his eyes all orange flame

    (Bradbury, 1953/1991, pg. 3)

    Message/Universal Truth

    Explicit: Do your own bit of saving, and if you drown, at least die knowing you were headed

    for shore. (Bradbury, 1953/1991, pg. 86)

    You should be thankful and dont take anything for granted. They live are in a society where the

    first amendment doesnt exist, and it isnt a future where people want to live in.

    Implicit: Technology doesnt always make things better.

    The author is saying that we should be careful with technology because if we arent careful will

    become blind and ignorant like the characters in the book. He also says that not all technology is

    helpful for society like the nuclear bomb that was used on the city.

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    Bradbury, Ray. (1952/1991). Fahrenheit 451. New York: Del Ray Books.

    Not Available. (Not Avialable). Fahrenheit 451. Retrieved from