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Page 1: Mustang matmen reign - · win"'· he pinneJ \\.'ibun's Ju~ un I .tmpnun in 2:05 the s~:mi-.. cbim~:d

Mustang matmen reign

Mtke Wertman TheJoumal


Mak1ng a sue:· CP.SSiui IItie tlelense the Mcd1na H1gh wrest11ng squad captured a !;P.C:· ond stra1ght N1agara-Orle<lns Leogue ch.lmpt· onsh1p by taktnq Top honors al Saturday's All League T ouma mont held at Roy· Hart as sen1or James Tee, Rhown here. enmcd MVP hon· ors Holley also cnpturcd the Gen· nsee Af'g1on Len guo T ourna · ment chnmp!onsh1p SaMday Sec pnges 1 B and 2B tor compete tour· nament results <md photos

Page 2: Mustang matmen reign - · win"'· he pinneJ \\.'ibun's Ju~ un I .tmpnun in 2:05 the s~:mi-.. cbim~:d



~ONDAY, fEBRUARY 12 , 2001

Inside Class1f1ed




Mustangs retain N-0 chatnpionship MIDDLEPORT - Making a

suc~.:essful title ucft•nst', Medina High cal)tuwd top honors at the annual All· League Tournament hdJ here Saturday to repeat a-. Ni,tgara· Orlean~ I ~a~ue wre-.tlinv, champions.

Pbdng eight grappler<, in the finals. Medina garnt•rcd a rota! of 178 points to daim thL· rourne} rille b} JO over run­nerup Nrwf<.tne. Harker fin­ished rhirJ wl[h 119' puinrs followed D} C,tarpomr 90, Albion H7. Akron 81. Rm llan 74 and Wil'ion (,9. ·

Medina, which pn!>lcJ a per­fect 7-0 duel match record rhb season, wa" leu by a 4uinll'l of indi\iJual wt•i!!hl das" L'ham­pions induding j,tkc llartwny (ll<)) , Matt Rom (135), CrrL'I-( HoJgins ( 145). J.J. Bujalskt (160) and James Tee (215) whu earned MVP honor-..

The Mustangs alsl.l ~ot se<.·· ond pla<.:c tinishe" fmm N..ttc Hartway (103), j .R Roberts (US) and Matt Crandall <18CJ) as well as tlmJ plan•., from Herm,mn (llll Jlld

}evon Cccthim <275). ·The kiJ., have "'nrked

really bJrd thi-. year .mJ everybody wrestled thctr butts off todav," '>JiJ Medina Coach Mike · CrJndJII "'.l.t• had ten place timshers ,md (" I ·I·' ~ jo;

prctry awesome. Ncwfanl' had threc champ1·

ons <.:ro\\ned induJin~ Jeremy Stopa <L03l, Ryan Needle (125> and Jus tin l.nvewd l ORlJ ).

Albion had two ~hampions in Mike Sanders (112> aml Oan

Udcritz (}40) 3S did Barker in lknnb Reinard (130) and Mark Wilson (275). RounJin~ out the individual

weight ci;ISS champions were R\l)'-Han'c; Keith Donnelly (152), Starpuint's Brian Marmo C<J6J and Akron\ Cory Hubert (171).

·1 e~ nipped Ray Barry of '-ltarpuint 3-2 in his title bout to avenge a rel!\Jlar sc,tson loc;s .tnd earn ~tvP honors. Now at 27-ll on the season, he ..tJv.mcc.:J to the finals by pin· ning Newfane's K.J. Searc; in 1:21l in rhc quarterfinals and c.lccisiuning Albion's Brad Watkms 3-1 in the semis.

"Jaml'S has rcalJy worked harJ and I'm glaJ for him to cam MVP honors," said <'randall.

Hujalski earned his third :-;traight N-0 title hy pinning Starpoint's Derek Cutter in 2:57. Now Jt 33-5 on the sea­son and 98~15 for his career. he pinned Akron's Mike <.,mith in :4~ in the quarterfinals anJ Newfane'<, Dave Cdotto in 4: IR 10 the semis.

lake Hanwav earned his '>econd straight N-0 title by d~.·cisioning Newfane\ Tom lctchcr Il-l. Now at 20·11 on the ... ca~un, he pinned Wil­son's Charlie King in 1:25 in the semifinals.

1:1 ' thnllcr. Rnm rallied f~~r [Wll l.JI..i-. pUllll~ \~ llfl JU'>L [& L..

<.;cconJs tll go co <:!aim a nar· row 7 6 title clinching victory over Rnv-Han's Chris Schultz. He dcdsioneJ Akron's Jared 1- rvinc 4-0 in the ~em is.

l loJgins earned his second

Dennis StlererfThe Joumal-Reg1ster

Medtna s J A Roberts. leh and Newfane's Ryan Needle battle for the 1251b lllle tn a key clash between defndtng champtons stratght N < > ~.h.Jmpmnshlp h> pinnin~ Nl'\\ fanl''" Jnn Ottn 10 3:0ll in the tinals. l'o<o\\ Jt 27-4 on the sca!'otnn. he aJvan<.:cJ tu the.: tin.tls hy pinning Albion·-. Matt Allport in 2:25 in th<' qu.Irtcrfinals anJ Akron's ~ean Pequc~.·n in 1.29 in the "Cinh.

th t r rJ r ' J contest matdlln~ twu Jclcnd· in~ ch.tmplllll'i ""ho hcmccn them have not<.:heJ ov~.·r 200 ~areer v•ctoric.:s. NecJic JccJ· sioncJ Rnhcrto; 7 3. Nl)\.\ <1

four-time.: N·O champion,

Needle wok the le.1J fur \!ond at -H with :.~ p;m ,,,. · liN pl'riod rakednwn" '-11. orin~-: anllth.:r takcdnwn in th1. ... cc­onJ pcrioJ he t1lok ,, 7·2 lead into 1hc final penoJ. Roberts, a t\.m·time N-0 champ who i" no\\ 32-2 on rhc season and !U,·20 for his c.:are~r. d~ci·

II inn'c: Tustin t~nnpc- r

l~-i tn thl' scmt!->. Udcnt1 likcwJsl l'arned hi-.

fourth N-0 title hv Jcci'iinn · in~ Akrun's DaH' · Kempston C•-4 in the finals. Nll\\ ,1t 32·2 un the season ( 134 carrcr

win"'· he pinneJ \\.'ibun's Ju~ un I .tmpnun in 2:05 in the s~:mi-.. cbim~:d hi<> second 'trai~ht N·O titil' h> Jeu,.inn· ing H,trkcr's Brian SJiadin l<l-1 in the Now at 2'>·3 nn the seasnn. he Jecisioned Ncwianc·-. f'1m ~lartin 10-3 in ttwc:•' ni~

l!l. •llll ·Jh CdfllcJ hllst k•" llilrl a tltk· hy decisionu)g Wil-.un'-. Jc1hn Kin!! 4·1 in the lin.ds. He S(orcd as 15-0 ll.'lh nll',ll f.J!I wm over Akron., Milt '-lh<.·chan in th..:

quarkrtin:~ls and then hlankeJ "'tarpoint'!:i I m1 f-au t 7·0 in tht• semi'>.

In the c.llher titk· nutches, Marino blanh·d B:trker'::. Nick D.min~burg 15-n. jeremy Swps dcdsioncd ~tt>dina's 'late Hanw.IV ()·!. Reinard pinned Nc\\.iane',; lc.:~ rcm) H.11lett in 5:25. Hubert Jcc..'i-.,, I l 9-c,, I ""e'H·ll de<.:tsmm•J Cr;mJall t•·ll and Wilsnn pinned Rny-f [.trt 's N<ltl' Hun· tingtun in 2:311.

T numcy summary p. ZH

Page 3: Mustang matmen reign - · win"'· he pinneJ \\.'ibun's Ju~ un I .tmpnun in 2:05 the s~:mi-.. cbim~:d


N-0 Wrestling Tourney Results TamScofttl

MNan.a, 178; Newfane 148: S3J'ker, 1195, Starpomt. ')(.); Albaon, 117: tUron, 81; RII)I·Hart, 74, Wtlwn. fil)

96lb. Quartertirulls: Bnan Manno IS) ,J

Rtlbert Zehl<.'r tN> lb·l St!mitinals: Marmn p. Nick Mole~

(\\') 1:31; Naclo: Danangburt¢ (IU p. Grl.'j( Donnelly IRHl 2:3().

Cunsolatiun: Dunnelly p. Mole) Z:Sl. Marmo d. Danint¢burg lS-0.

1031b. Semifinals: [crem>' Smpa IN) d.

Mi.kl· Cutlc.<r (5_ 13-J. NJtc H.mwa)l tM) J . Dan ChaOee (Ak) 14 1.

Consol.ation: Cutter d. Chaffee LJ-3. finals: Stopa d. Hartway 6-L

w ... Quarterfinals: Tim Marun <N> p.

Erric:k Chelowa ($) 2:31. Semifinal:.: Mike S;mJers (Alb) d.

Manin J0-3; Bl3in Saladin (8) d. Andy Hen:n.~nn ( M > 14-\0.

Consolatjon: Hermann d. Martin 5·3. finals: Sanders d. Salad an IO.L

09 ... Q!.t.arterfmals: Tom Letcher (N) p.

Make Manne.' l~) S:IO. Semtfinals: Jake Han\1-a)l CM) p.

Charles Kmg I W) 1:25. Let, her d. Andy Kemps~on <Ak> 2-0.

Coru.ol.~tt(ln. KempMon p. M2rmo 4:07

Fanal~ Hanwa) d. Letcher U·l l251b.

~erflJlals: Ju~ttn Cooper (Alb) p. Bt'n Tnpletl tR·Hl U3. Dan Klonowski CAll p. Chn,; Braman (8) 1:52: Rrm N.-eillc INl r Bob Farnham (S) 3.0l

Semalianl~: I R. Robens (M) d Coo­PI!T 18-7; Nt!cdle u. Klonowskll2· l

CoAA)Iation. Klonowski d. Cooper 7-50T

Final~. Needle u Robert~ 7·3. IJOib.

Quarterfinals: Denna~ kt:lnan.l 18) p.

Kurt Fne!>Chlag (W) p. 1:42; Justin Sha.rpsteen (S) p. Ben Turrell (R-Hl 2-l<•; leremy Hatlett <N> d. K}•le Plccrr· Llh tAibl 12.(): Bob Lucciano (Ak) d. AdamS} lvi.'Ster IM) 16-0.

Senuiin.ll!>. Rei!W'd p. Sharpst~n 3:10: Hazleu p. lucdano 4:45.

Consolation. Lucdano \1. Picctnlli l-l

ftnals: ReanarJ p. Hazlett S:ZS. US lb.

QuMterlinals: jared Ervme (Ak) d. Anthony Hallows (8) 5-3: Andy Coder (N) p. Dave Hoover {W) 4:35: Chris xhult7 tR-Hl p. John furJi <Sl 2:35.

Scmilioals: Matt Root CM) d. Ervine 4-0: Schultz d. Coder 8-6.

Consolauon: Corder d. Ervine 7-4. Finals: Root d Schull~ 7-6.

1<40 lb. Quarterfinals: Justin Lampman (W)

d Elijah Garcia <Ml 17·12: Noall Phillips (8) d. Matt Dr3lce (N) 4·2.

Semifmab: Dan Udt>ritz (Alb) p. Lampman 2:0S: Dave Kempston (Ak) d. llhiiiJps 9-0.

Consolatton: Phillips d. LampllWl ~-

FinaJs: Udc.<ri12 d. Kempston b-4. 145 lb.

Q! Greg Hodgson (,M) p. Matt Allport <Alb) 2:25: Tim Hanna (W) d. Tim Heat~eriater (8) 23-lS.

Semifinals: Hodgins p. Sean Pequeen (Ak) 1:29: jon Olio (N) d. Hanna 20-4.

Consolation. Heaueriater p. Allport 3:02.

Fin.ili: Hcx.lgson p. Otto 3:06. IS11b.

Qu.arterlinrus: Keith Donnelly tR·H) d. Milt ~beehan (Ak) IS-(): Lou Faust (5) d. lay Hughes (N) 7-4; Rich Wodlc.1 Ui) d. Adam Lake (Alb) 12-1.

Semifinals: Donnelly d. Faust 7-0: John King (W) d. Wodka 7·L

Consolation: Faust d. Hughes 6-0.

Fmah: Donnell) d Km~:t4 I. l6() lb.

Quanerfinal.s: II IJujahlu t~ll p Mike muh tAk) AX. )~lll l~oofrut' !Alb) d John Dtll.ln IW) 10·5; Der,•k Cuner tS) p Nate Sut(h tR) 3:52.

Sernifmals; Butahkl p. 0Jve Cdorc,, CN) 4:411; Cutrer p Lei-rots Jt;(l

Consolatlnn. LeFroas 1.1. Oallvn 7·1. Fanal!>: Bujal~k• p. Cutter 2'57

1711b. Qu.merfinab: Nack HennJ.nn IM) p.

M.att Wilkins (1\lb) 4:$!1; Alex Ottll tNl d. Matt Mundion (H.·H) 17-3. I !.X! Jowk) <Wl p. Tirn Smidcr (fj) 2:31.

Semifinal~: Cory Hul'>ert C AJ<) d. H~.·r mann 10·3: jowley p. Otto 1:54.

Co:msolatilm: Otto d. Srnh.ler 11-R. finals: Hubert d. }ow ley 9·6.

l891b. Quarterfinals: Matt Crandall (Ml p.

Andrew Ebbs (AJh) 1:53: Rub Eiler (W) p. Btll Cambell (Ak) 1:34.

Semifinals: Crandall p. Jo~h Bujal\ka (R·H) .:24: JustUl LoveweJJ tNl d. EiJc:r IS-2.

Consolauon: Eiler p. Butal~k• 3:04. Finals: Lovewell d Crandall cr<).

21S •• Q).lanerfinals. Chuck Malcomb IIJ l

p. Mark Triplett IRHl .3l; James Tee IM) p. K.) . Sears (Nl 1:20.

"errulin.lls R..l) Barry (~) d. MaJ· comb S·l. Tee d. Brad Watlons <Albl 3-2.

CollS()I:uion. Watka~ d Malcomb 4-L

Finals rt.-e d Barry 3·ZOT 2751b.

Qunrterftnals Je\on Cecchm• (M) o.1 Scllll Jones (Nl 4-J.

SetnJI1nal': Nt~te Hununl(tvn tR H> p. Cecchlm l·t7: Mark Wilson ( IH p. Adam Kantor (5) ;40.

Consolation: Cecchini p. Kwnur 3:14. Finals: Wll~on p Huntin~'lon :?:JIJ

Dennis Tterer!The Joumai·Regiater

Albion's Mtke Sanders work toward a wtn over Barker's Blain Salad1n tn the 112 lb. finals at Saturday's Niagara·Or1eans All-League Tournament.