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Page 1: Music Magazine Contents Page Analysis

Music Magazine Contents Page


Page 2: Music Magazine Contents Page Analysis

This contents page is very informative for the reader. It has obvious guidelines and page numbers for the reader finding their way through the magazine.

In the typography, the main titles are in reversed out but with yellow and black. They are clashing colours so it makes them stand out more to the readers eyes.

The use of images on the page is quite frequent as they have pictures of bands and single band members with the main stories.

At the top left of the page, we have an editor’s note. Also a thumbnail of the front cover of the magazine.

On the top right of the page there is the main title/masthead of the contents page, and uses the same editing as the other titles.

Underneath we have a quote from a band member of Metallica. Which could attract a readers interest as they know a popular band has been involved in this magazine.

Page 3: Music Magazine Contents Page Analysis

This contents page is also very informative for the reader and also has bold guidelines and page numbers for the reader finding their way through the magazine.

In the typography, the main titles are in reversed out but with yellow and black alike the magazine contents page I analyzed before. They are clashing colours so it makes them more appealing to readers.

The use of images on the page is quite frequent as they have pictures of bands and single band members with the main stories. The expressions on the faces fit with the sub-headlines that are with them.

At the top left of the page, we have an editor’s note. Also a thumbnail of the editor herself. This is good as this is like they are involving the readers with the people involved in the magazine.

On the top right of the page there is the main title/masthead of the contents page, and uses the same editing as the other titles.

Underneath we have another quote from someone from Anti-flag.

In the main headlines, the sub-headlines have been made more visible as they are main stories they would like the reader to view.

Page 4: Music Magazine Contents Page Analysis

In Q this magazine it is quite simple with how it is set out. It is very textual but still uses images with the main stories.

This has a much more subtle tone compared to my previous analyses.

They have used colouring of red, black, white and a beige colour on their ‘Oasis special’ section. They have gone along with the theme of the magazine logo colours or white and red. But calmed it down a tone with the black behind the main titles.

They have a main image for their main/most popular story. They have a thumbnail sized photo near the section of their reviews.

All along the left side of the page are a list of their contents. Also at the bottom of the list is another section for monthly things like ‘crossword; and subscriptions etc;

Along the top right of the page they have the issue number, date and year of the magazine. Which helps readers keep in track of what’s what with which magazine.