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Page 1: Music Magazine Construction

Music Magazine Construction

Page 2: Music Magazine Construction

when looking through a variety of fonts , this was the first one that stood out to me however when choosing this font I noticed it had more of a horror style to it.

When coming across my second font it looked more like something you would see in a pop magazine

The third and final one I came across was perfect as It was a basic font which was what I wanted.

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I didn’t want to much on the front of my magazine as when doing my magazine research the magazines with too much on the front I lost interest in as there was just to much to read so therefor I wanted to make it as straight forward as possible, by doing this it would appeal to my young target audience as they also lose interest quickly when the see a lot of information at once.

When first designing my magazine flat plan I chose to put the features on the right hand side as I though this is where it would look best however when designing the real thing visually the features looked better on the left. As it meant I could fit everything on one side such s the barcode and quotes

I created Nemours layers for each feature and headings as I wanted each of these to have a different font and font size, as when doing my magazine research I notched on most magazine all the text had a different font and font size. In contras to my first design of my front cover as all the text was the same

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When I decided where to position my features , I then went on to choose a suitable image for my front cover.

i then chose this picture and uploaded it onto Photoshop, the editing process for this picture was very basic as at this point I was not that experienced in using Photoshop therefor during the editing process of this picture all I did was erase the background and adjust the contrast of the image.

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Once the editing process this image was complete, I then created a new layer on InDesign and place the image on my front cover. When doing this I realised it wasn’t the right image for my front cover as the image of the model didn’t look very professional as her facial express showed her as looking very shocked as this wasn’t the image I wanted to portray.

After looking through my images I decided to upload and start editing a close up image on Photoshop to be my main image

After flicking through my images I uploaded a close up image onto Photoshop and started the editing process of erasing the background and opening the image onto filter gallery which automatically improved the standard of my image.

My main image was the last thing added to my front cover as I wanted the text on first so I had a cleat indication of the right image and where to position it which is why I chose a close up image instead of the midshot.

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I then created a new layer on InDesign then replaced my previous mid shot image with my new close up image. This now meant my front cover was now completed to how I imagined it.

My main image was the last thing added to my front cover as I wanted the text on first so I had a cleat indication of the right image and where to position it which is why I chose a close up image instead of the midshot.

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I then went onto creating my double page article, firstly I created my grey back ground on Photoshop and uploaded it onto InDesign

After doing this I created the main title for my double page article which was a question and answer with a famous grime artist

I wanted this to be the largest content on my double page article as the question and answer interview was the main feature advertised on the front of my magazine therefor it had to standout

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The next step was positioning my questions I previously wrote on Word and copy and pasted them onto InDesign, when copy my question I had a separate layer to the answers as it made it easier to resize and change the font colour.

after placing the question and answers where I wanted them, I then went onto making the text stand out.

I then added a outer glow effect to my question to make them standout, as when I looked and other magazine which included interviews the questions stood out the most on the page.

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When I got my question's how I wanted them I then added my first image on my double page article.

The editing process for this pictures was very simple as all had to do was cut out the background. After this I placed the image onto InDesign. Once it was on InDesign I new I had to enlarge and stretch the image to make it stand out as when doing my research I noticed that larger image looked better as they stood out and were more powerful than the smaller images

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The next step was adding my final image to my double page article, similarly to the image the editing was very basic and because of this when uploading it onto InDesign I had to enlarge the image as much as possible, when doing this I noticed the standard of the pictures was very poor as that when I was cutting out the image on Photoshop I missed parts of the background out out

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When enlarging both images as much as possible my double page article was then complete

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When creating my contents page I spent the least amount of time on this as I spent most of my time on the front cover and the double page article which is why I could not design my contents page as good as I wanted too.

The first step was creating my background on InDesign I wanted to keep my colour pallet the same throughout my magazine I chose a black background with a blue bottom strip.

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When first designing the flat plan for my contents page I decided to title the contents ‘features’ however when doing more research into contents pages I didn’t come across many magazine with contents pages were titled as features therefore I changed it to ‘contents’

After designing the masthead for my contents page I then when on to positioning the page numbers and what was going to the feature on that page

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I first decided to place all the features and page numbers into rectangular boxes I then added colour to these boxes and placed the writing over the text. After looking over this I didn’t feel it looked like something you would see in a real magazine

I then decided to remove the boxes and leave the page numbers and features plain which I felt looked better.

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The final stage to my music magazine was editing the contents picture for my magazine which like the others is was very basic editing of erasing the background and changing the contrast on the image

After resizing the image all that was left to do was place it where I wanted it