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  • 7/28/2019 Murdo Coyote, June 20, 2013





    $1.00$1.00Includes tax

    Number 25Volume 107

    June 20, 2013Coyote

    Lee Johannsen Jones Countyfunds application due July 18

    This years application for fundsfrom the Lee Johannsen-JonesCounty funds is due July 18, 2013.

    Funds for 2013/2014 will beawarded August 2, 2013, by the St.Marys Foundation Board of Direc-tors.

    A total of $10,000 will be award-ed to projects and programs formedical equipment or medicalhelp to the needy in Jones County.Funds are from an endowment setup by Lee Johannsen and awardedannually.

    Past awards have includedfunds for equipment for the MurdoClinic, medical equipment for

    Jones County Ambulance, AEDand supplies for organizationsthroughout the county, hot traysand railings for the Senior Center,and mental health services withCapital Area Counseling Service,Inc. Past award amounts very byproject from $100 to $5,000.

    Lee Johannsen was a JonesCounty resident who established aLasting Legacy Fund with the

    Oahe Foundation to benefit educa-tion and health in Jones County.Interest paid on the endowment is

    awarded yearly to St. MarysFoundation to help meet thehealth needs of persons in JonesCounty and Central South Dakota.

    To receive an application, go towww.stmarysfoundation.comunder Grants or contact:

    Julie Moore, St. Marys Founda-tion, 800 E. Dakota Avenue,Pierre, SD 57501 (605) 224-3451,


    Murdo Chamber of Commerce and Murdo Lions

    Club provide man power to spruce up local home

    Flag Day commemorated at Murdo Cemetery June 14

    Community volunteers, menand women alike, from two localorganizations worked together toprovide Deb and Ryan Kirscherwith cosmetic renovations to theirhome on Garfield Avenue.

    The Murdo Chamber of Com-merce took on the task of repaint-ing Kirschers house with the helpof Paint South Dakota.

    Paint South Dakota is a pro-gram through the South DakotaHousing Development Authority.SDHDA purchases the paint andprimer needed, and volunteergroups throughout the state areresponsible for providing the toolsneeded, as well as preparing andpainting the house nominated.

    The Murdo Lions club selected

    the Kirscher house for a summervolunteer project, keeping withtheir motto, To Serve, after itwas brought to the organizationsattention that the home was inneed of repair.

    The Lions funded the roofingproject and provided the volun-teers needed to complete the proj-ect.

    The two organizations actedseparately to complete a mutualproject.

    The Lions Club holds fundrais-ers throughout the year to fundsuch projects. All funding raisedduring such fundraisers is putdirectly back into the communitythrough projects, scholarships,and other giving opportunities.

    Priming Greg Glaze was among volunteers taking time outof their evenings to help prepare, paint and shingle the Kirsch-er house.

    Community effort A group of volunteers work together toprepare Deb and Ryan Kirschers house for a fresh coat of paint.

    Caring and Sharing Group Back, left to right: BarbRust, Marilyn Seymour and Kate Bradley. Front: Ella Fuhrer,Margie Peters, Pastor Ray Greenseth and Leila Geisler.

    Avenue of Flags A slight breeze whipped through the Avenue of Flags displayed at the Murdo Cemetery on Flag Day, Friday,June 14.

    Photos by Karlee Moore

    Veterans Memorial An American Flag and a POW MIA flagwere displayed on Flag Day at the Murdo Cemetery next to theVeterans memorial at the end of the Avenue of Flags.

    New shingles Lions Club members and other volunteerstear old shingles off the Kirscher house, getting ready to placethe new shingles.

    Caring and Sharing Cancer

    Walk successful in third yearThere was a gentle breeze and

    warm sunshine on the morning ofSaturday, June 15, 2013 as volun-teers, walkers, and supportersgathered at the track for the Third

    Annual Jones County Caring andSharing Cancer Walk. Festivitiesbegan with a prayer by Pastor RayGreenseth, and the inaugural lapby cancer survivors.

    Approximately 60 people partic-ipated, and the president of JonesCounty Caring and Sharing hadthis to say, We appreciate the con-tinued support and efforts of ourlocal community to help those whoare fighting cancer.

    Registered attendees had theopportunity to win a variety ofdoor prizes which had been donat-ed. At the conclusion of the walk,the winners of the raffle of two

    beautifully handmade quilts weredrawn. These quilts were madeand donated by past recipients ofsupport and financial assistancefrom Jones County Caring andSharing. One quilt was won by

    Lisa Kinsley; the other was won byRose Elrod.

    When asked why they volun-teered for this walk, one partici-pant said, I walk to honor thememory of my family and friendswho have lost their battles withcancer.

    An estimated $2,500 was raisedwith this event. These funds willhelp ease financial burdens thatare faced by families afflicted withcancer. The mission and purpose ofthe Jones County Caring andSharing group is to provide sup-port, encouragement and assis-tance to families affected by can-cer. All of the funds stay local,within Jones County to help ourfriends, neighbors, and relatives.sss

    If you or someone you know is

    struggling with cancer, the JonesCounty Caring and Sharing groupis here to help. Jones County Car-ing and Sharing meets the secondMonday of each month, at 7:00p.m., at the Messiah LutheranChurch in Murdo.

    See ourcity-widegarage


    special onpage 8!

  • 7/28/2019 Murdo Coyote, June 20, 2013


    Jns Cn Nws Murdo Coyote June 20, 2013 Page 2

    Murdo Coyote Murdo, SD

    P.O. Box 465Murdo, SD 57559-0465Phone: (605) 669-2271

    FAX: (605) 669-2744E-mail: [email protected]

    USPS No.: 368300

    Don Ravellette, PublisherKarlee Moore,Reporter/Photographer/Sales

    Lonna JacksonTypesetter/Office

    SUBSCRIPTION RATES:Local $34.00 + Tax

    Local subscriptions include the towns and ruralroutes of Murdo, Draper, Vivian, Presho, WhiteRiver, Okaton, Belvidere, Kadoka and Midland

    In-State $39.00 + taxOut-of-State $39.00

    Periodicals Postage Paid atMurdo, SD 57559

    Postmaster:Send address changes to:

    Murdo CoyoteP.O. Box 465

    Murdo, SD 57559-0465

    Deadlines for articles and letters isThursdays at 5:00 p.m. (CT)

    Items received after that time will be

    held over until the next weeks issue.


    Fridays at 4:00 p.m. (CT)

    ADVERTISING DEADLINE:Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. (CT)




    Local Newsby Jody Lebeda 669-2526 [email protected]

    Bill and Ellen Valburg attendedfuneral services in Pierre on Mon-day, June 10 for LyRanda Fuossfather, Steve Hadlestad.

    Bill and Ellen Valburg wereamong many who attended BradFuoss wedding Saturday eveningat Log Heaven Resort north ofPierre.

    Bill Valburg attended FlorenceWilliams Halligans memorialservices on Monday morning,June 17.

    Bob and Diane Fuoss, alongwith many family and friends,attended the wedding of their son,Brad, to McKinsie Simons on Sat-urday. The outdoor wedding washeld north of Pierre at the LogHeaven Resort overlooking theMissouri River on a beautiful,sunny evening. A reception anddance followed the ceremony atthe resort.

    Again, there was a very goodturnout of mowers and clippers atthe Draper Cemetery last Thurs-day evening. Thanks to our rains,the grass really grows. Again,kudos to our dedicated workers, itlooks very nice again.

    Dianne Marshall hosted theCourt Whist Card Club at theauditorium annex last Wednesdayafternoon. Prize winners wereBev, Esther and Helen. VirginiaLouder and June Nix joined thegroup for lunch. Dianne servedsandwiches, pickles, chips and diptopped off with a delicious heathchip cake dessert.

    Karen Miller and son Craig lefton Thursday to spend the week-end with Jen and Tom Walsh,Makenzie and Gavin at their

    Okoboji lake home. They got insome boating and shopping andreturned home on Sunday.

    Our sympathy to Ken Halliganand family members in the pass-ing of his wife, Florence. Memori-al services were held Mondaymorning at the Lutheran Memori-al Church in Pierre.

    Helen Louder and VirginiaLouder spent Saturday in Pierre,went out for lunch, shopped, thensupper and home.

    Dorothy and Darin Louderspent Saturday in Kadoka withDwight. Saturday was their 63rdanniversary.

    The Magnuson girls brought acarry in dinner on Fathers Day tothe home of parents Eldon andEsther. Spending the day were:Kathie Mason, Ernie Kessler,Moriah and Will; Terri Pelle; Shel-ley Boehmer; and Lori Owens.Ginger was unable to be there asher hubby, Twix, ended up with anappendectomy.

    Joe Thorne and daughter Traithosted a Fathers Day cookoutSunday evening. Enjoying theevening were Dean, Terri, Jack-son and Tana Volmer; Mike, Lori,Mikayla and Sage Waldron.

    Jason Seamans, Rapid City,arrived at parents David andLill's Saturday. Later, David andJason attended the wedding/reception/dance of Brad Fuoss andMcKinsie Simons held at the LogHeaven Resort near Lake Oahe.Brad is the son of Bob and DianeFuoss. Congratulations, newly-weds.

    Lill Seamans went to nephewTravis Thompsons home north ofReliance on Saturday. The occa-sion was a graduation/going awayparty for his daughter, Riley, grad-

    uate of Chamberlain High School.She has joined the Army and willbe leaving soon.

    On Fathers Day, Jason Sea-mans took his parents, David andLill, out for dinner at a cafe inMurdo before returning to RapidCity.

    Kris Bradley spent Friday withMargaret and Greg Rankin. OnSunday, Karen Authier and Krisspent the day.

    Ray and Janice Pike headed forthe hills last Thursday to a camp-ground south of Rapid City tospend the Fathers Day weekendwith family. Arriving Thursdaywere Drew and Kati Venard andgirls; Tyler and Chelsee Rankinand family; and Katie Hunt andfamily. Arriving later that eveningwere Jill Rankin, Riley and Pey-ton following Rileys ball game inMurdo. On Friday, Bob and Andy

    Rankin, and Mike, Joni and Ash-ley Hunt all arrived. There waslots of eating, swimming, golf,

    playing, and did I say eating? Allin all it was reported as a perfectFathers Day weekend. Allreturned home on Sunday.

    Del and Christy Brost, Kadeand Hannah spent the FathersDay weekend camping at LakeOahe.

    Following church Sunday, RosaLee Styles, Margie Boyle, LilaMae Christian, Alice Horsley and

    Virginia Louder had dinnertogether in Murdo at the local icecream shoppe.

    The Erikson family reunionwas held Friday, Saturday andSunday at the Vivian hall withapproximately 100 in attendance.Descendants of Norman and

    Velma Erikson there were: sonStan and wife Cindy of Rapid City(I understand Stan did some cook-ing); Ray and Jacquie Erikson,Paul and LaTonya Erikson,Bridger and Titan of Murdo;Cindy and LeRoy Louder ofPierre; Jared and Bonnie Dowlingand family of Murdo.

    Nelva and Janet Louder left forRapid City Friday morning andstopped in Kadoka for a visit withDwight and then to DeannaByrds for a visit with her and theStone family. In the afternoon,

    they visited Sonny and EvelynTornow over cookies and coffee.That evening, sons Brian and Jay

    joined them for supper at Don andCara Pearsons. Saturday, Don,Cara, Calli, Aria and Nelva andJanet took in the art festival atWilson Park. There they sat andwere entertained by the bellydancers. They came in all shapesand sizes. They were very good;Janet doesnt remember watchingthat before. While there, they sawformer neighbor VaLinda, daugh-ter of the late Bob and Dora LeeChristian. One of the vendorsthere were Terry and Kim Deuterwith their carvings. In the after-noon, Cara, Calli and Janet did alittle wedding shopping as Calliplans to tie the knot in September.That evening, the Pearsons,Brian, Jay and Nelva and Janetwent out for supper. Sundaymorning, Brian took Nelva andJanet to the moose for a FathersDay breakfast. They got in a visitwith one of the cooks, Pat (Christ-ian). Small world, isnt it? Nelvagot to see three of his kids onFather's Day and heard fromdaughter Vicki. Plus, they sawthree grandkids and three greats,so was a good weekend.

    Exercise room noticeReminder: Anyone wishing to

    use the exercise room at theschool needs to fill out a waiverto have your card reactivated.Call the high school at 669-2258with any questions or to verifyour summer hours.

    Al-AnonFor AlAnon meetings call

    669-2596 for time and place.

    Open AA meetingsThursdays 8:00 p.m. at the

    East Commons. Call 530-0371or 280-7642.

    Murdo CemeteryPlease remove all memorials

    and flowers from Murdo Ceme-tery by midnight on June 22.

    CorrectionOur apologies to Jones Coun-

    ty States Attorney Anita Fuossfor the misspelling of her lastname in the June 13 countycommissioners story.

    To have your NON-PROFITmeeting listed here, pleasesubmit them by calling 669-2271 or emailing to [email protected]. We will runyour event notice the twoissues prior to your event atno charge. PLEASE KEEP INMIND, if you charge for anevent, we must charge youfor an ad!

    Coyote News Briefs

    East Side Newsby Janet Louder 669-2696

    Janet Olson Alvis returned toher home at Laguna Niguel, Calif.,Wednesday after spending time atthe Russell and Cliff Olson homes.

    Jason Olson and familyreturned home to Rockford, Ill.,after spending a week in Murdo,the Black Hills and White River

    after being with the Olsons andDoris Vos.

    Meridee Graham was a noonguest at Russ and Wanda Olsonsrecently.

    Russ and Wanda Olson attend-ed church in White River Sundayand attended the lunch and 90thbirthday party for Doris Vos.

    Russell Olson had a doctorsappointment in Pierre on Thurs-day.

    Several friends, relatives andneighbors met at the GaleRichardson ranch to work hiscalves. Those helping included:Roger and Wanda Larson; Travisand Kade Larson; Kelly andDonna Green; Brad Larsen; RandyLebeda; Gene and Chad Brink;

    and Dale and Bev Richardson fromBelle Fourche. They all helpedround up and get the job of brand-ing and vaccinating done. What abeautiful day they had to do it.

    Wanda and Roger Larson tookJessie Harrison-Roghair fishing onThursday and had a really good

    time.Sunday being Fathers day

    brought many families togetherfor a special time of sharing withtheir fathers. Ernie Kessler andhis kids got in a day of fishing atlocal dams.

    Tom and Jody Lebeda had com-pany that came to help RussellBeck celebrate his 80th birthday.Leone Kreager, Toms sister, of

    Valley, Nebraska, came and spentthe weekend visiting other familyand friends. On Sunday theypicked up Julia Broeacher andwent to Pierre to attend the birth-day party held at the communitybible church in Pierre. Darsey andSharada Beck and family fromCalifornia were surprise guests.

    Summer Baseball ScheduleJune 20 Murdo at WallJune 25 Murdo at PhilipJune 27 Murdo at KadokaJune 29 B Paulson Tourney at PhilipJuly 2 Murdo at WallJuly 9 Kadoka at MurdoJuly 11 Philip at MurdoJuly 18 A Tourney at High SeedJuly 20 A Tourney at Kadoka***B Team games start at 6:30 p.m. CT with ATeam games to follow.

    Summer T-ball ScheduleJune 20 Murdo at MidlandJune 27 Presho at Murdo DBL HEADER

    DBL HEADERS will be 2 innings for each gamefor total of 4 innings. Regular games will be 3innings. Games start at 6:00 p.m. CT

    Students in the news

    Minnesota State UniversityTaylor Green, daughter of Kelly

    Green and Cindy Spiegel has beennamed to the Minnesota StateUniversity Moorhead Deans Listin recognition of academic achieve-ment for the 2013 spring semester.Students must maintain a 3.25 orhigher grade point average andcarry 12 graded credits to qualifyfor the honor.

    Green graduated from Water-town High School in 2010 and is aMass Communications major atMSU Moorhead.

    Minnesota State UniversityMoorhead is a comprehensiveregional university enrollingapproximately 7,000 students.MSUM is a member of the Min-nesota State Colleges and Univer-sities system.

    Lake Area Technical InstituteDeb Shephard, Lake Area Tech-

    nical Institute President,announces the current Presidents

    List. The Presidents List is a listof outstanding students who,through their initiative and abili-ty, have indicated a seriousness ofpurpose in their educational pro-gram. The Presidents List is limit-ed to full-time students who haveachieved a semester grade pointaverage of 3.5 to 4.0.

    Included in Lake Area TechnicalInstitutes Presidents List is

    Draper local, Joshua Frederick-sen, earning a 4.0.

    Black Hills State UniversityThe Office of Academic Affairs

    at Black Hills State Universityhas released the deans list for thespring 2013 semester. A total of697 students maintained a gradepoint average of 3.5 or above whiletaking at least 12 credit hours tobe named to the list this semester.

    Erica Uhlir, Murdo, daughter ofChris and Beth Feddersen, wasamong those named to the BHSUspring 2013 deans list.

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    Jones County Weather

    6-12 86.6 51.5 .186-13 70.6 53.9 0

    6-14 77.0 59.5 0

    6-15 83.2 57.3 0

    6-16 80.9 56.3 .01

    6-17 77.8 55.4 .17

    6-18 78.9 55.9 .05

    Date High Low Prec.

  • 7/28/2019 Murdo Coyote, June 20, 2013


    Chch an Cmmni Murdo Coyote June 20, 2013 Page 3

    Catholic Church of St. Martin502 E. Second St., Murdo, S.D. Father Gary Oreshoski

    Saturday Mass: 6 p.m.

    St. Anthonys Catholic ChurchDraper, S.D. Father Gary Oreshoski

    Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.

    Draper United Methodist ChurchPastor Rick Hazen

    Sunday Worship: 11 a.m.

    Murdo United Methodist ChurchPastor Rick Hazen Corner of E. 2nd and Jefferson Ave.

    Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. and Fellowship Time Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.United Methodist Women: 1st Wednesday at 2 p.m. ALL WELCOME!

    Okaton Evangelical Free ChurchOkaton I90 Exit 183 Pastor Gary McCubbin 6058372233 (Kadoka)

    Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. (CT) Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. (CT)

    Messiah Lutheran Church308 Cedar, Murdo, S.D. Pastor Ray Greenseth

    Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Bible Study: Tuesday 7 a.m.Thursday 9:30 a.m. Midweek: Wednesday 3:15 p.m.

    St. Pauls Lutheran ChurchDraper, S.D. Pastor Ray Greenseth

    Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Bible Study: Wednesday 9 a.m.

    Community Bible Church

    410 Washington, Murdo, S.D. Pastor Alvin Gwin 6692600Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.

    Wed. Night Bible Study: 7 p.m.


    GrahamsBest Western


    First National

    Bank6692414 Member F.D.I.C.


    PHONE: 6692271 FAX: [email protected]

    Super 8Motel6692437

    Dakota PrairieBank

    Draper and Presho6692401 Member F.D.I.C.

    Not Always So Bad!

    by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam

    Have you heard the story of Honus? Honus was a wicked old renegade who lived in a s mall country town. When he died his body lay in the funeral par-

    lor for three days without anyone even taking notice. Finally, on the day of the burial, a few of his old cronies did stop by to at least pay their respects.

    As they gathered, the funeral director said: Now fellows, we cant bury Honus like a dog. Weve got to have some kind of service for him. Wont some-

    body here take charge? But the silence was profound, so finally the funeral director himself agreed to take charge.

    He began by asking whether there wasnt someone who had some good word to say for Honus before they buried him. Again there was a deep silence,

    until finally one old man stood up and said: Well, I can say this much for Honus; he wasnt always as bad as he sometimes was.

    To be honest, isnt this true of all of us? Some people take offense at Rom. 3:22,23, which says: For there is no difference, for all have sinned and come

    short of the glory of God. They think there is a difference, and that they have not been as sinful as others. Ah, but while there may be a difference in the

    nature or the degree of our sins, Romans 3 is right when it says that there is no difference in this: that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

    A person may put up a good front, feeling that he is not nearly so great a sinner as others, but whether a bridge is ten feet or a hundred feet short of span-

    ning the chasm, it is still useless, so dont try crossing it.

    This is why we all need the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of [God's] grace (Eph. 1:7). And we may have this by trusting in the Christ whodied for our sins (1 Cor. 15:3). For by grace are ye saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God (Eph. 2:8).

    Two minutes with the bible

    Chamber Yard of the Week... The home of John and PatBrunskill at 24215 Van Metre Road in Murdo was chosen as thisweeks winner for the Murdo Area Chamber of Commerce Yardof the Week. They will receive $25 in Murdo Bucks.

    ~Photo by Lonna Jackson

    But they all alike began to

    make excuses.... (Luke 14:18a)

    How is your summer going so

    far? Going well, I hope! In a few

    days the calendar will declare

    that its officially summer.

    Have you included God and the

    worship of God in your summer

    plans? Yes? No? What?

    If the church youre attendingis anything like the churches

    where I am a pastor, there will be

    the usual summer worship

    attendance slump. The worship

    of God may not be on the minds

    or hearts of very many folks

    these days. Many seem to think

    God is only present in church

    from September through May,

    the time when the kids are in

    school. Thats sad! How soon we

    forget God, once the outside tem-

    peratures are over 70 degrees.

    You might be saying to yourself,

    Well, the pastor takes a vaca-

    tion, why cant we? Im not criti-

    cizing your summer vacation.

    My question and the question my

    colleagues in ministry have for

    you is this, Have you included

    God in your summer plans? I

    know that while Im on vacation,

    I make every effort to find a

    church where I can worship God

    with other believers. Besides, I

    might make some new friends. A

    commitment (not to a religion but

    to a relationship) to follow Jesus

    Christ is the key!

    We most certainly will commit

    ourselves and our families to out-

    door summer activities that have

    nothing to do whatsoever with

    God, and then we follow up with

    all kinds of excuses as to why

    summer keeps us away from God

    and the life of the church. Some-

    times we forget about our tithe to

    God and the church because

    financially weve over-extended

    ourselves having too much sum-

    mer fun.

    Perhaps what we need locally

    are faith-focused, Christianbased activities during the sum-

    mer. Perhaps our churches need

    to get more involved in your sum-

    mer activities so that you become

    more active and involved in the

    life of the church the whole year.

    My brother-in-law has suggested

    that perhaps there needs to be

    more church-sponsored softball

    teams. Not a bad idea.

    Jesus told the parable of the

    Great Dinner. The invitations

    went out. One person made the

    excuse that hed bought a piece of

    land and after he bought it, he

    needed to go out to see it. Anoth-

    er person bought a yoke of oxen

    (today it would be a new tractor,

    pickup, car, piece of machinery)

    and wanted to try them out.

    Another person just got married,

    and he sent his regrets, too.

    Excuses! The invitation was sent.

    Those who were invited and who

    probably needed the Great Din-

    ner the most, rejected the invita-

    tion. The Master of the Great

    Dinner sends his slave out into

    the streets and lanes to invite the

    poor, the crippled, the blind, and

    the lame to the Great Dinner.

    Why? Because, they know the

    Master, Jesus, best. The Great

    Dinner is a foretaste of the Great

    Heavenly Banquet one day with


    The Great Dinner is also about

    communing with the Lord right

    now, by receiving His body and

    His blood with other believers in

    a house of worship.

    Are you active? Inactive? No

    church at all? We arent here to

    judge you, but to help you grow inyour faith and to love you into

    the kingdom of God. We are not

    talking about organized religion

    here. Being a good United

    Methodist, Roman Catholic,

    Lutheran, or Community Bible

    Church member wont get you

    into heaven. Denominational

    names dont cut it with God.

    Good works, being a good person,

    saying the right prayers or doing

    the proper rituals or li turgy does-

    nt count where God is concerned

    either. Even the Pharisees

    (Jesus strongest critics) did all

    those things in Jesus day and it

    didnt help them. God wants you

    to get right with Him. The only

    way to do that is through the sav-

    ing cleansing blood of Jesus

    Christ. You need to have a rela-

    tionship with Jesus say Yes

    to Him. You need to get out of

    your comfort zone and decide to

    follow Jesus Christ and what

    that all means. By being hot or

    cold at least Jesus Christ will

    know where you stand and

    whether you accept Him or reject

    Him. Just dont be a lukewarm

    Christian. My prayer is that you

    become hot and committed to

    Jesus Christ. Its up to you!

    Seizing the Hope Set Before Us

    ... Heb 6:18by Pastor Rick HazenUnited Methodist ChurchMurdo and Draper

    Community Bible Vacation Bible School

    Community Bible Vacation Bible School The Community Bible Church held vacationbible school June 3-7 and had a great turnout. Pictured above are students, and in back from leftto right are teachers: Pastor Alvin Gwin, Holly Gwin, Linda Labrier, LaVonne Kinsley, Jane Daumand Jamie Klingberg. Courtesy photo

    Pathway toHeaven VBS

    VBS was held at the MessiahLutheran Church May 28-30. ThePathway to Heaven theme wascarried out during those days.Jody Lebeda supplied puffy clouds.The children enjoyed the Bible sto-ries, serving, crafts, music, and ofcourse the supper and recess! Wehad about 10 adult helpers who

    made it interesting for the youth.Ask a child how to make stainedglass! They are very creative.

    A picture was submitted andprinted in the June 6 edition of theMurdo Coyote. The children in thepicture are back: ColleenGreenseth, Ty Fuoss, Ryan (visit-ing Geislers) Dylan Fuoss, Jas-mine Shulz, and Madelyn Host.Middle row: Emily Nemec, RachelNemec, Ryker Anderson, TristenHost. Front: Ryan Fuoss, GarretHatheway and Tayah Anderson.

    Zane George Nelson

    Zane Nelson, age 28, of Philip,died Sunday morning, June 16,2013, in Philip.

    Zane George Nelson was bornon January 11, 1985 to Dennis andDiana (Terkildsen) Nelson in Rose-bud, S.D. He became the littlebrother to Heath Kennedy andHeather Nelson, and later theolder brother of Dane Nelson, sonof Dennis and Jana (Klug) Nelson.Zane attended kindergarten inPhilip and graduated from Philip

    High School in 2003. He playedfootball all four years of high

    school and was an outstandingwrestler, placing at the State Bwrestling tournament his fresh-man through senior years. Zane

    loved everything about being out-doors, though fishing was hisgreatest passion. Everywhere hewent, his fishing pole could befound packed in the back seat.

    After graduation Zane attendedMitchell Technical Institute study-ing Electrical Construction andMaintenance. Upon becoming anapprentice electrician in 2005, hemoved to Ft Collins, Colo., wherehe worked on numerous commer-cial construction projects untilmoving back to Philip in 2012.Zane loved the great outdoors ofColorado and took every advan-tage to snowboard, camp, hike,skateboard, and of course, fish.

    Zane was a friend to everyone,never speaking a bad word aboutanyone, and possessed a knack oflistening to others without judg-ment. He always had a contagioussmile on his face and his laughwas, and always will be, unforget-

    table.Grateful for having shared his

    life, Zane is survived by his moth-er, Diana (Scott) Olivier, his father,Dennis Nelson, two brothers,Heath (Kim) Kennedy and Dane

    (Amanda) Nelson, his sister,Heather (Nathan Kjerstad) Nel-son, four nieces, Kate and GraceKennedy and Allie and NatalieKjerstad, maternal grandparents,Lavern and Dianne Terkildsen,and his paternal grandmother,Frances Nelson. He was precededin death by his niece, Kaya LynnHuling and his paternal grandfa-ther, Jake Nelson.

    Visitation will be held 5-7 p.m.Thursday, June 20, at the Ameri-can Legion Hall in Philip, with aprayer service to follow at 7:00p.m.

    Funeral services will be held2:00 p.m. Friday, June 21, at the

    American Legion Hall in Philip,with Pastor Frezil Westerlund offi-ciating.

    Interment will be at the Mason-ic Cemetery in Philip.

    Arrangements are with theRush Funeral Home of Philip.

    His online guestbook is avail-able at

    ObituaryPrairie Home Ladies

    The PHL met at the church onTuesday, June 11. Roll call aquick dessert was answered by

    Velma, Rosa Lee, Margie andJanet. Secretary Margie read theminutes of the last meeting;approved. Treasurer Rosa Leereported no change. The bazaarhas been set for October 6. LilaMae ordered the beef. The MissionFair will be September 14 inPierre. Velma is working on bagsfor the school kids. We will send12. Anyone wanting to make otherkits are welcome to do so. Itemsfrom the Mission Fair are sent tothe Dakota Market Place in SiouxFalls and then to UMCOR.

    Adjourned. Janice joined thegroup. Rosa Lee had the lesson,The Power of Silence, and she alsoread a humorous article plus someinteresting Draper facts. Shebrought albums of pictures andfacts of the 100 plus years of PHL.This was a no-hostess meeting, socrackers and cheese and a pump-kin spice dessert were brought bymembers for lunch.

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    Cmmni Murdo Coyote June 20, 2013 Page 4Rodeo Dance added SaddleBronc Chute-Out events

    Organizers of the Saddle BroncChute-Out in White River on June29, 2013 are pleased to announcethat a Rodeo Dance will also beoffered to the public following the

    bronc ride performances.Twin River Band, featuringlocal member John LeBoeuf, willbe headlining the dance in thebowery, immediately following thebronc ride.

    As with the bronc ride thatnight, the dance will be an alcohol-free event.

    We have been asked to providemusic or a dance for after thebronc ride, Joyce Glynn comment-ed. People wanted something todo afterwards, and we are thrilledthat Twin River Band was able tofit it into their busy summerschedule.

    There will be no additional feeto attend the dance, although gateadmission will continue to becharged throughout the night.

    So come out to watch some

    great bronc riding action, Glynnadded, and stay for the dance, allfor one low admission price! Andbring your family and kids - therewill be no alcohol on the grounds!

    The bronc ride begins at 6:00p.m. CT with the Calcutta. TenMutton Busters begin the action,followed by 16 youth on miniaturehorses in the Mini-Bronc Event,and the featured performances of25 top area saddle bronc ridersvying for a $5,000 added purse intwo progressive rounds of action.

    Gate admission is $10 foradults, $5 for all school agedyouth, and age 5 and under is free!

    Deer hunting seasons finalizedThe Game, Fish and Parks

    Commission has finalized all 2013South Dakota deer hunting sea-sons.

    The online application processfor the hunting seasons will openin mid-June. A new paper applica-tion including all deer seasons willbe available later this month.Deadline dates for submission of

    applications will vary and arespecified within the application.

    East River Deer season datesare November 23-December 8 forall tags, and December 29-Janu-ary 5 for antlerless tags only. Thedeadline for license lottery appli-cations is August 30.

    The West River Deer season willrun from November 16-December1 for all tags; except Gregory andMellette counties will run fromNovember 2-5 and November 18-24, and Dewey, Ziebach and Cor-son counties will run from Novem-ber 2-24. The season will be openin all areas December 29-January5 for antlerless tags only. Deadlinefor license lottery applications isJuly 19.

    Additional seasons, seasondates and application deadlines

    are as follows:Black Hills Deer, November 1-

    30 for all tags, application dead-line July 19

    Custer State Park Deer, Novem-ber 2-15, application deadline July19

    The Archery Deer season willrun from September 28-December31 for all tags. In addition, antler-

    less tags will be valid from Janu-ary 1-15.

    The Muzzleloader Deer seasonwill run from December 1-31 forall tags. In addition, antlerlesstags will be valid from January 1-15. Deadline for license lotteryapplication for the limited AnyDeer tags available is August 30.

    The National Wildlife RefugeDeer seasons have various start-ing dates within each refuge.Deadline for license lottery appli-cations is August 30.

    The Youth Deer season will runfrom September 14-January 15.

    Application information forthese deer hunting seasons will beavailable online through the GFPwebsite at begin-ning in mid-June.

    Jones County 4-H members participate in horse showOn June 13, 2013, Jones County

    4-H members Austin Olson andWyatt Olson participated in theCounty 4-H Horse Show at theWhite River Arena. Also compet-ing in the days events were 4-Hersfrom Mellette County, Todd Coun-ty, and the Haakon and JacksonCounty 4-H programs. AustinOlson received Top Purple in Jr.Western Showmanship and WyattOlson received a Blue ribbon inBeg. Western Showmanship. ErisTanner traveled from the Penning-ton County area to judge the daysevents and lend her knowledge ofhorsemanship to all who attended.

    Amy Lehman worked as ring stew-ard while Donna Adrian was clerkfor the show, both ladies areinvolved with the Mellette County

    4-H program.In the Jr. Stock Seat Equitation

    class, Austin Olson earned a TopPurple ribbon while brother Wyattreceived Top Purple in the Begin-ner class. Austin went on to run atime of 20.53 seconds in the Jr.Barrels which was good enough forTop Purple in that class whileWyatt broke the pattern andreceived a white ribbon. In Jr.Poles Wyatt Olson had a time of26.53 earning him Top Purple inthat class while Austin came in aclose second at 28.72 earning hima purple ribbon. There were no calfroping or breakaway animalsavailable so 4-Hers wishing tocompete in those classes can trav-el to neighboring counties to workthose events. Contestants earning

    others and the horses/ponies. 4-Hmembers gain horsemanship,patience and understanding skillswhen handling horses/ponies andappreciate horseback riding as ahealthy and wholesome form ofrecreation.

    In addition to meeting theabove objectives, 4-Hers develop asense of responsibility as the

    human/animal bond is strength-ened. Last year, over 600 youthparticipated in the South Dakota4-H Horse Project.

    purple ribbons are eligible to com-pete at the State 4-H Horse ShowJuly 23 -25 on the State Fair-grounds in Huron, South Dakota.

    The objectives of the 4-H HorseProject are to help youth developleadership, initiative, self-reliance, sportsmanship and otherdesirable character traits. Theyalso learn about the care, feeding,

    management and costs related toowning an equine in addition tostudying safety procedures for pre-venting injuries to themselves,

    Austin Olson Eris Tanner judging Austin Olson and hishorse in the Western Showmanship class.

    Courtesy photos

    Wyatt Olson Working with his horse to get the pattern rightin Jr. Barrels, Wyatt Olson.

    Over $5.6 million announced for31 SD counties, including Jones

    U.S. Senator Tim Johnson (D-SD) announced that the Depart-ment of the Interior has designat-ed over $5.6 million in 2013 Pay-ment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) pro-gram payments to 31 counties inSouth Dakota. The PILT programprovides funding to local govern-ments for public schools, countyroad projects, firefighting andpolice protections, forest manage-ment projects and other importantprograms in counties with largetracts of federal lands.

    South Dakotas Black HillsNational Forest, national grass-lands and national parks aretremendous assets to our state,but they are not part of the localproperty tax base, Johnson said.The PILT program ensures thatthese communities have addition-al resources to support localschools, county roads and other

    services people rely on. I have longsupported fully funding the PILTprogram to aid counties in SouthDakota in funding essential publicservices, and I will continue work-ing with my colleagues to addlong-term certainty to this vital

    program.Eligibility for the PILT program

    is reserved for counties that con-tain non-taxable federal landswithin their boundaries. Thisfunding is especially important inSouth Dakota, which is home toseveral national monuments,parks, national forests and nation-al grasslands.

    Since 2008, PILT has been fully-funded, first under the EmergencyEconomic Stabilization Act of 2008and this year under the Moving

    Ahead for Progress in the 21stCentury Act. Mandatory fundingdiscontinues at the end of this fis-cal year. If mandatory funding isnot extended, the program will besubject to annual appropriations,which could result in a much lowerfunding level for these vital publicservices.

    For the 2013 fiscal year, Jones

    County will receive $47,098, calcu-lated as a result of 19,557 acres offederal land.

    A full list of funding by stateand county is available at

    Some teen political campscholarships still remain

    Students interested in politicsstill have a chance to apply for tenremaining $100 scholarshipsavailable for the upcoming TeenLeadership Camp in the Black

    Hills. The camp, sponsored by theTeen Age Republicans (TARs), isattended by students from acrossthe state and features a variety offun and educational opportunities.

    Middle school and high schoolstudents interested in politics orpublic service are invited to partic-ipate in the camp, which will be

    July 22-27, 2013. In previousyears, students have spent timewith top elected officials, includingU.S. Senator John Thune and Gov-ernor Dennis Daugaard, visited

    Mt. Rushmore, spent an afternoonat the Rushmore Waterslides, par-ticipated in educational sessions,and enjoyed the beauty of theBlack Hills.

    Those interested in the $100scholarships can visit or contact State AdvisorDusty Johnson at [email protected] or 605-280-5511.

    Youth In Action Day resultsThe final results are in from the

    2013 4-H Youth In Action Day. Inaddition to the Iron Chef Contest,Demonstrations, Illustrated Talksand Public Speaking reported ear-lier, 4-Hers participated in a Con-sumer Decision Making contestwhere they were asked to rank

    consumer products one throughfour and give reasons for the waythey placed those products.

    The ability to make wise deci-sions is a vital 21st Century learn-ing skill. Decision making is animportant life skill that young peo-ple need to develop for use in indi-vidual decision making as well asin making decisions in groups.

    The classes presented for judg-ing at the Jones County Youth In

    Action Day this year included

    flash drives, ways of saving money,digital cameras, toothpaste andlaundry soap. A Top Purple waswon in the Beginner division byWyatt Olson with purples beingearned by Matthew Birkeland, TyFuoss, Madelyn Host and SethSchoon. A red ribbon went to

    Dylan Fuoss. In the Junior divi-sion Morgan Feddersen took homeTop Purple honors with JacobBirkeland, Jake Dowling, andMolly Dowling winning purple rib-bons with Austin Olson taking ablue ribbon. Kathlene Boyleearned a Top Purple in the Seniordivision. Also participating in theConsumer Decision Making con-test were beginners AnnaleeRoghair, Mesa Roghair and guestSophie Dowling.

    Youth In Action decision making contest WyattOlson studies the possibilities so he can choose the best flashdrive for the money.

    Courtesy photo

  • 7/28/2019 Murdo Coyote, June 20, 2013


    yh & Sps Murdo Coyote June 20, 2013 Page 5

    GFP emphasizing boating safetyLocals participate inOmaha Color Run

    Summer baseball league in full swing with loaded schedule

    Caring and Sharing fundraising walk continued...

    With the approach of the Fourthof July Holiday, the South DakotaGame, Fish and Parks Depart-ment is joining a national effort tohighlight boating safety.

    Operation Dry Water will takeplace June 28-30, and is a nationalweekend promoting boating safetyand responsible use of alcoholwhile boating.

    Approximately 17 percent of allboating fatalities nationwide arealcohol-related. As part of thenational event, GFP will be con-ducting extra boating safetypatrols across the state to promotesafe and responsible boating prac-tices heading into the Fourth ofJuly holiday.

    Our conservation officers con-duct these safety patrols through-out the year, Brandon Gust, GFPboating safety coordinator, said.As we move into the peak boatingseason, we feel we can use ourpresence to share the messagethat safety is an essential elementof any boating experience.

    Having a safe and sober opera-tor is always a critical part of boat-ing but Gust added there are otheritems to account for as well.

    Before heading onto the water,check your equipment, he said.Fire extinguishers, life jackets,throwable seat cushions and otherequipment must be in good work-ing condition. The best way to pre-

    vent an unwanted tragedy on thewater is to be prepared.

    The majority of boats in SouthDakota are required to carry:

    One U.S. Coast Guard-approvedwearable, properly sized person-able flotation device for each per-son aboard. One U.S. CoastGuard-approved throwable typeflotation device (seat cushion orring buoy) for vessels 16 feet or

    longer. One U.S. Coast Guard-approved fire extinguisher of B-1type or larger for vessels withenclosed gas compartments.

    Gust noted that state regula-tions require all children underage seven to wear an approvedpersonal flotation device anytimea boat is moving at greater thanno-wake speed. He recommendstaking the next step and keeping apersonal flotation device on alloccupants in the boat at all times.

    If boaters are uncertain whatsafety equipment they arerequired to have onboard, Gust

    suggests that they pick up a copyof the South Dakota BoatingHandbook at the nearest GFPOffice, state park, GFP-licenseoutlet or by going online ath t t p : / / g f p . s d . g o v / f i s h i n g -boating/boating/

    Boating is all about having fun.Our boating safety patrols have asecondary role of law enforce-ment, Gust said. Our primarygoal is to share the message withthe boating public that safety isthe most important factor to a funouting. We want everyone to havean enjoyable boating season.

    Happiest 5K on the planet Karlee Moore, left, and Shan-non Sealey participated in Omahas Color Run, a 5K in which acolored, corn-starch textured substance is thrown at runners indesignated color stations along the run route. The object of therun was to have fun, and to soak up as much color as possible.

    Volunteers Jim Butt was a volunteer first base coach dur-ing the B team game, and is shown here giving advise to a baserunner. Some other volunteers included umpires Zach Hespe andGarlise Boni and A team first base coach Andy Rankin.

    Sliding effort A Wall base runner slides into home, notquite escaping Jake Dowlings glove. Home plate umpire ZachHespe called the runner out.

    Lisa Kinsley

    Lisa Kinsleywas the winner of a quilt madeby Murdo resident Mickie Ibis,raffled as part of the Caringand Sharing fundraiser.

    Rose Elrod Rose Elrod

    won the raffled quilt made byLinda Daughters, daughter ofEverett and the late LoisZaugg.

    Cancer survivor

    Dixie Warner is the member of the Caringand Sharing group who has been in remission the longest. Warn-er survived breast cancer in July of 1989. She has been in remis-sion for 24 years.

    Out at first First baseman Christian Nelson snags a ground ball headed for right field as pitcher Jake Dowling races to coverNelsons base. The teamwork earned an out for the A team in their game against Wall.

    Photos by Karlee Moore

    Plenty of back up Third baseman Colby Scott reaches for a ball and tags his base in an effortto get an out from a runner coming from second base. Short stop Riley Rankin and pitcher JakeDowling are on hand to back him up.


    The Sheriffs report is printedas received by Jones County Sher-iffs Office. It may or may not con-tain every call received by thedepartment.Sheriff and Deputy calls:June 10

    Sheriff Weber responded to areport of a bull out along I-90,at mm 209. The owner was con-tacted and the bull was put backin.June 11

    Deputy Sylva responded to amotorist assist on US Hwy. 83,mm 63. Amotorhome had a flattire and assistance was calledto replace tire.June 15

    Deputy Sylva and the SD High-way Patrol responded to a onevehicle rollover on I-90, mm205. The Jones Co. Ambulanceresponded with both ambulances.Murdo Rescue also responded toextricate subjects that weretrapped inside. Both occupants inthe vehicle were transported to

    Avera St. Marys.Deputy Sylva assisted in

    resolving a civil issue inMurdo between two peopleregarding personal property.

    Deputy Sylva responded to acivil issue in the county betweentwo land owners regarding cat-tle continuously getting out

    on the others land.Deputy Sylva responded to a

    report of a dead deer on theroadway on I-90, westbound,mm209. The deer was removed.

    Deputy Sylva responded to andremoved a tire from the road-way on I-90, eastbound, mm207.June 16

    Deputy Sylva responded to amotorist assist and helpedchange flat tire.

    L s knwwhn a nws

    vn ishappning.MurdoCoyote669-2271

    [email protected]




    June 21

    is the

    first day

    of summer

  • 7/28/2019 Murdo Coyote, June 20, 2013


    ral Murdo Coyote June 20, 2013 Page 6

    SDSU Extension Wheat Walks

    SDSU Extension held a series of

    Wheat Walks June 11 and 12 near

    Delmont, Ideal, Dakota Lakes

    Research Farm and Gettysburg,

    SD. These events were partially

    funded by the South Dakota

    Wheat Commission, with contribu-

    tions from Agland Coop, Winner

    Seed, Simplot Soil Builders, Coun-

    try Pride Coop, AgriPro Wheat and

    Northern Plains Coop. Farm Cred-

    it of Pierre also attended one of the

    walks and provided refreshments.

    Altogether, approximate ly 80

    producers, agronomists, crop con-

    sultants and chemical representa-

    tives attended the events and

    gained information on wheat pro-

    duction. SDSU Extension Special-

    ists contributing to the program

    included Nathan Mueller, Exten-

    sion Agronomist, Ruth Beck,

    Agronomy Field Speciali st,

    Emmanuel Byamukama, Exten-

    sion Plant Pathologist, Bob Fan-

    ning, Plant Pathology Field Spe-

    cialist, Connie Strunk, PlantPathology Field Specialist, Ada

    Szczepaniec, Extension Entomolo-

    gist, Ron Gelderman, Extension

    Soils Specialist, Darrell Deneke,

    IPM Coordinator, and Mark

    Rosenberg, Weeds Field Specialist.

    Dwayne Beck, Manager of the

    Dakota Lakes Research Farm,

    hosted the event at that location,

    and Randy Englund, Executive

    Director of the South Dakota

    Wheat Commission attended each

    of the walks and provided a report

    from the Wheat Commission. Clair

    Stymiest, from AgriPro Wheat

    attended the walk at the Dakota

    Lakes Research Farm and provid-

    ed information on the AgriPro pro-

    gram and the varieties they have

    to offer.

    Attendees received a wealth of

    information from the Extensionpersonnel and others involved,

    were provided with a large offering

    of handout material, and given the

    opportunity to interact with the

    specialists present to get their

    questions answered.

    While a large number of winter

    wheat acres were abandoned in

    the spring of 2013, spring rains

    transformed the remaining fields,

    and the majority of spring wheat

    fields into respectable condition.

    Emmanuel Byamukama found low

    levels of tanspot in the fields visit-

    ed, and reported that while both

    leaf and stripe rust have been

    found in Nebraska, they had yet to

    move north and have not been

    reported in South Dakota. Produc-

    ers will want to be on the lookout

    for rust and can visit the Cereal

    Disease Laboratory website:

    docid=9757 to monitor its

    progress. Growers who have wheat

    planted into corn, wheat, grain

    sorghum or millet residue will also

    want to monitor their risk for scab,

    and can periodically visit the

    Fusarium Head Blight Prediction


    to do so. A few fields near where

    the wheat walks were held had

    some level of wheat streak mosaic


    Cutworms had not posed a prob-lem for winter wheat in 2013,

    aphids were currently present but

    in low numbers, and the grasshop-

    per risk for this year is low to mod-

    erate. Research trials are also

    being conducted to evaluate vari-

    ous new fertility products that

    have come on the market in recent

    years such as ESN. The big issue

    in the weeds area is herbicide

    resistance and the efforts being

    directed to develop control options.

    For the next opportunity to gain

    information on wheat production, and watch for upcoming

    crop tours across the state.


    6/25-26/2013 Oahe Farm &

    Ranch Show, Oahe Speedway, 13

    miles north of Pierre, SD

    6/27/2013 Dakota Lakes

    Research Farm Tour, 4:00 pm, 17

    miles east of Pierre, SD

    6/27-28/2013 IPM Field School,

    Dakota Lakes Research Farm, 17

    miles east of Pierre, SD

    7/1/2013 Winter Wheat Variety

    Plot Tour, time TBA, JorgensenFarm, Ideal, SD

    Extension News Bob Fanning (605) 842-1267

    gible to vote in a county commit-tee election and reside in the localadministrative area in which theperson is a candidate.

    Farmers and ranchers maynominate themselves or others,and organizations representingminorities and women also maynominate candidates. To become acandidate, an eligible individualmust sign the nomination form,FSA-669A. The form and otherinformation about FSA countycommittee elections are available

    online at Nomination forms forthe 2013 election must be post-marked or received in the localUSDA Service Center by close ofbusiness on August 1, 2013. Elec-tions will take place this fall.

    FSA will mail ballots to eligiblevoters beginning November 4. Thevoted ballots are due back to thelocal county office either via mailor in person by December 2.Newly elected committee mem-bers and alternates take office onJanuary 1, 2014.


    July 15: 2012 ACRE ProductionJuly 15: 2012 NAP ProductionJuly 15: Final 2013 Acreagereporting deadline

    August 2: DCP sign-up endsNovember 15: 2013 NAP Produc-tionNovember 15: 2014 Acreagereporting deadline on perennialgrasses and winter wheat

    Feel free to call the office if youever have questions on any of ourprograms 605-669-2404 Ext. 2.

    FAILED WINTER WHEATNEEDS TO BE REPORTEDFailed acreages must be report-

    ed within 15 days of the disasterevent and before disposition of thecrop. Filing an accurate acreagereport for all crops and land uses,including failed acreage and pre-vented planting acreage, can pre-vent the loss of benefits for a vari-ety of programs. Acreage reportsare required for many Farm Serv-ice Agency programs. All acreagereports are to be certified by the

    July 15, 2013 deadline.Acreage reports on crops forwhich NAP assistance may be paidare due in the county office by theearlier of July 15, 2013 or 15 cal-endar days before the onset of har-vest or grazing of the specific cropacreage being reported.


    The nomination period for localFarm Service Agency (FSA) countycommittees began on Monday,June 17.

    FSA county committees makedecisions on disaster and conser-vation programs, emergency pro-grams, commodity price supportloan programs and other agricul-tural issues. Members serve three-year terms. Nationwide, there areabout 7,800 farmers and ranchersserving on FSA county commit-tees. Committees consist of threeto 11 members that are elected byeligible producers.

    To be eligible to serve on an FSAcounty committee, a person mustparticipate or cooperate in a pro-gram administered by FSA, be eli-

    JC FSA News David Klingberg

    with ketchup which landed on my

    shirt. The messy French fry par-

    ticularly irritated me so I renewed

    my resolve to pay attention. That

    seemed to work and the droppage

    stopped for the most part except

    that we tend to always fumble and

    lose hold of a few things from time

    to time and just accept it as nor-


    I occasionally have to tell myself

    to shape up in other areas as well.

    When Im playing hymns for con-gregational singing at church and

    hit more sour notes than usual, I

    quickly realize that I havent been

    practicing enough. If you dont

    practice regularly, there gets to be

    a glitch in coordination of eye on

    the music, brain in motion, and

    finger agility. The only remedy is

    to get in more practice time so I

    make a mental note to do that and

    usually follow through with it.

    Some things, however, you are

    never going to be any good at no

    matter how much you scold your-

    self. My memory for names is a

    case in point. I can be introduced

    to someone and not remember

    their name five minutes later. Its

    a hopeless deal. Whats worse, no

    one will be able to judge if Im

    going senile by my lack of memory

    for names. Ive never had any so it

    isnt apt to get a lot worse. Shoot,

    sometimes under pressure I have

    trouble remembering my wifes

    name. With certain people, Ive

    had to resort to all sorts of mental

    gymnastics and word pictures to

    dredge up their names. For some

    reason, I could never remember

    the name of Spinsby until I start-

    ed thinking of their mailbox with

    a bee sitting on top running a

    spinning wheela spinning bee,

    so to speak. Thats continues to

    work. Another name that has

    given me trouble is Stillwell. I

    remember that by thinking of that

    fellow looking down a well and

    stating that the water is quiet, or

    still, down there. Good grief.

    Luckily, most times you dont need

    to say names. You can just say,

    Hi. How are you doing? without

    using the actual moniker of theperson youre talking to. Introduc-

    tions can still be a torment, but

    greetings can be simple and non-


    There are other times when you

    just have to re-familiarize your-

    self with an idea or concept due to

    lack of recent usage. I have this

    happen every year when we sell a

    bull or two and I need to record

    the sale on my books. Normally,

    when you sell a critter, you just

    debit cash and credit sales. When

    you sell something youve depreci-

    ated, though, you have to do it dif-ferently. It takes four entries

    including cash, bull inventory,

    reserve for depreciation, and gain

    on a fixed asset. This used to give

    me real fits, but Ive done it

    enough times now that, after a

    moment or two, it usually comes

    to me how to proceed. If it doesnt,

    I can always look on last years

    books and see how I did it then.

    Another area we often have

    trouble with is worry. When you or

    a loved one has health problems,

    cash is running out faster than

    the bills, you need rain and it isnt

    coming etc., worry can set in and

    make you miserable. After Ive

    stewed around for a while and got-

    ten all tense, I finally see what Im

    doing and ask myself, And why

    arent you praying about this

    instead of working yourself into

    some kind of state? After all, the

    apostle Peter reminds us to Cast

    all your cares upon Him because

    He cares for you. This is sterling

    advice which makes worry a com-

    pletely pointless and unnecessary

    endeavor. Whats more, God not

    only cares what happens to us but

    also has the power and ability to

    change things so they will come

    out okay. He looks after us if we

    just trust him. Ive seen it happen

    time and again, but I still occa-

    sionally have to sternly counsel

    myself to quit fussing and start


    So, if you find yourself lacking in

    an area and having trouble, some-

    times you just need to remind

    yourself to shape up and get a

    grip. Alternately, you can pray,

    which isnt a bad idea either. It

    tends to work for me anyway.Give it a try. It will probably work

    for you too.

    I was a little afraid last Sunday

    that I might be losing my grip.

    No, I dont mean that way. Im not

    talking about losing my grip on

    reality or, that is to say, my mind.

    Im talking about my ability to

    keep a firm hold on things with

    my hands. At the church hall, I

    dropped a metal cake-pan lid

    which made quite a clatter. A bit

    later I dropped an empty cake

    pan. Whats going on? I asked

    myself. Pay attention to whatyoure doing. I started paying

    attention after that so I didnt

    drop anything else for a while.

    The next day, though, I was back

    at it. A plastic lid went flying one

    time, a mushroom another, and

    worst of all, a French fry loaded

    Lookin Around Syd Iwan

    No foul play suspectedin Philip mans death

    by Del BartlesAccording to the South Dakota

    Attorney Generals office, as ofMonday morning there is no foulplay suspected in the death of aPhilip man.

    Zane George Nelson, 28, son ofDennis Nelson and Diana Olivier,

    both of Philip, was found in down-town Philip just after midnightSunday morning, June 16. He hadearlier been at the local demolitionderby and was celebrating hisPhilip High School 10-year classreunion.

    According to Sara Rabern, pub-lic information officer with the

    Attorney Generals office, there isno foul play expected. A full autop-

    sy is being conducted by the state.The body was first discovered

    by a citizen. The incident was ini-tially investigated by personnelfrom the Philip City Police,Haakon County Sheriffs Depart-ment and the South DakotaDepartment of Criminal Investiga-

    tion. The investigation is stillongoing.

    As far as the cause of death, wedont have a clue as of yet, saidPhilip Police Chief Kit Graham.We have a lot more questionsthan we do answers, but thatscommon. Its going to take time.

    Services for Nelson are pendingwith Rush Funeral Home. A fullobituary will be published.

    by Del BartelsThe seventh annual Philip Invi-

    tational Matched Bronc Ride, Fri-day, June 14, was again a successby almost everyones standards.

    The Philip roping arena was thesite of 25 top Professional RodeoCowboys Association cowboys try-ing to survive three progressive

    rounds of bronc riding to take topwinnings.

    With 50 of the best, or up-and-coming, broncs available, theaction was hot, unpredictable andunforgettable. Livestock compa-nies supplying the broncs wereThree Hills Rodeo of Bernard,Iowa, Korkow Rodeo of Pierre,S.D., and Burns Rodeo of Laramie,Wyo.

    The first round of the bronc ridewas full of crowd-pleasing highscores. Cole Elshere, Faith, toppedthe pack with 81 on Bandito Gold.Jesse Bail, Camp Crook, earned 79points on top of Satin Sheets. RyanElshere (pictured right), ElmSprings, spirited 78 points withGrey Ghost. Ty Thompson, Wan-blee, rode Diamond Trail and J.J.Elshere, Hereford, rode StormWarning, both for 77. JeremyMeeks, Alzada, played Jukebox

    and Louie Brunson, Interior, rodea reride option horse, both for 76points. Troy Crowser, Whitewood,

    stayed on Sweetheart and DelbertShorty Garrett, Dupree, stayedon Kosheese to both earn 74points. Getting 73 points each,Jade Blackwell, Rapid City, stuckto Boogers Pet and Kaden Deal,Red Scaffold, held on to ChromePlated. Dawson Jandreau, Ken-nebec, made the cut in order to gointo the second round by ridingHarry Mary for 71 points.

    The progressive round pitted the12 remaining cowboys against up-and-coming livestock that may besomewhat green, but have energyand possibilities to go far in thebucking bronc arena. J. Elsherestayed on top and rode a wild-bucking Blind Date for 79 points.Bail went Haywire for 77. ColeElshere hung all over Screwdriverand Ryan Elshere survived Morn-

    ing After, both for 76 points. Gar-rett put his score of 75 in DixieCup. Making the cut to move on tothe short go was Jandreau, earn-ing 74 points on a reride option.

    In the final round of only sixcowboys, J. Elshere could not stayon, but went out with a Blaze ofGlory. Garrett rode Paint Chip for75 points, but found that even thisrespectfully high score could nothold up with this caliber of broncriders. Jandreau kept on his BigWig and Cole Elshere did it Span-ish Style, both for 78 points each,but even this high of a score wasntgood enough. Bail and Bull Frogtogether scored 79, only to also bebeat out. Ryan Elshere stayed tiedto the bucking bronc Fraid Knot toearn 80 points and the top title forthe 2013 Philip InvitationalMatched Bronc Ride.

    Elshere takes matched bronc ride

  • 7/28/2019 Murdo Coyote, June 20, 2013


    Pblic Nics & Sawi Nws Murdo Coyote June 20, 2013 Page 7Notice of Intent to

    Continue Operations

    Jones County Highway Department

    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT themining operations conducted by theJones County Highway Department POBox 307, Murdo, SD 57559, will continuetheir operations at the following loca-tions:

    Frank Iversen- N Section 4; T3NR29E, Stanley County

    Turner- W Section 8; T2N R28E,Jones County

    Darrell Iversen- S NE Section 5;T44N R31W, Mellette County

    Miller- S Section 20; T2N R26E,Jones County

    Smith- NE Section 14; and SW Section 13; T3S R27E, Jones County

    Material being mined: Gravel

    The operations originally advertised tobe completed on 01/01/2010 will now beextended to 01/01/2024. Proposedfuture use of the affected land will remainas originally advertised.

    Additional information about the opera-tion may be obtained from either theJones County Highway Department,(605) 669-7102 or the South DakotaDepartment of Environment and NaturalResources, Minerals and Mining Pro-

    gram, 523 East Capitol Avenue, Pierre,SD 57501-3182, (605) 773-4201.

    Published June 20, 2013, at the totalapproximate cost of $16.61.

    Proceedings of theJones County School

    District #37-3

    Regular SessionJune 10, 2013

    The Board of Education of the JonesCounty School District No. 373 met inregular session on June 10, 2013 in theHigh School Library with the followingmembers present: Michael Hunt--Presi-dent, Carrie Lolley--Vice President, BrettNix, Chad Whitney and Scott Mathews.

    Board President Hunt called the meetingto order at 7:00 p.m. with Board mem-bers present answering roll call. Allactions in these minutes were by unani-mous vote by members present unlessotherwise stated.

    Others Present: Larry Ball--CEO/Princi-pal, Lorrie Esmay--Principal, TamiSchreiber--Business Manager.

    EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by Lol-ley, seconded by Whitney to enter exec-utive session at 7:08 p.m., in accordancewith SDCL 1-25-2 subchapter d. BoardPresident declared session over at 7:46p.m.

    Angie Kinsley arrived 7:46 p.m.

    AGENDA: Motion by Mathews, second-ed by Nix to approve the agenda.

    MINUTES: Motion by Mathews, second-ed by Whitney to approve the minutes ofthe May 14, 2013 Regular Meeting andthe May 17, 2013 Special Meeting.

    EXPENDITURES: Motion by Whitney,seconded by Lolley to approve theexpenditures and the issuing of checkson June 10, 2013. PAYROLL BY DEPT:FICA paid through First Fidelity Bank,Retirement check issued to SD Retire-ment System and Health Insurancecheck issued to Wellmark. PAYROLL:$80,344.59; EMPLOYER SHARE: FICA$5,762.87, RETIREMENT $4,462.71;HEALTH INSURANCE $8,872.43.

    GENERAL FUND: Audio Video--Labor$174.90; Award Emblem--Pins $114.85;Larry Ball--Mileage $159.10; Black HillsChemical--Repairs $618.20; Diana Boni--Transportation $1,824.10; StaceyBooth--Supplies $14.47; Cristy Brost--Transportation $520.96; Pat Brunskill--Judge $25.00; Century Business--CopierAgreements $80.89; City of Murdo--Water $223.86; Corkys--Supplies$61.27; Country Pride--Fuel $79.51;Jostens--Cords $96.45; Days Inn--Lodg-ing $590.00; Tarra Dugan--1/2 Trans-

    portation $723.35; Esmay Electric--Repairs $7,523.10; Farmers Union--Fuel/Gas $861.62; First Fidelity--Checks$54.71; Freeman--Services $60.17;Golden West--Phone $80.08; StephanieHespe--Transportation $806.60; HillCity--Region Golf $36.00; Hillyard--Sup-plies $1,864.76; Betty Hoar--Refund$102.04; Holiday Inn--Lodging $342.00;Amoco--Gas/Fuel $1,217.93; MarilynIverson--Fee $50.00; Jen Jankord--Transportation $1,456.32; JC Clinic--BusPhysical $29.00; PTO--Labor $2,000.00;Kadoka School--Track Fee $100.00;Gary Knispel--Consultant $1,000.00;

    Ann Kustar--Transportation $1,824.10;Jennifer Larson--Transportation$395.16; Kym Lebeda--Judge $25.00;McLeods--Supplies $78.54; Moores--Supplies $161.46; Coyote--TRAX/BoardMinutes/Election $188.69; Murdo Foods--Snacks $109.28; Tami Flynn--Trans-portation $569.80; Officemax--Supplies$610.53; Peak Fitness--Services$255.00; School Specialty--Supplies$360.65; SD Air & Space Museum--Fee$60.00; SD Dept of Safety--Boiler Certs$180.00; Servall--Mops/Towels Cleaned$403.93; SHI--Licenses $1,619.86; Tro-phies Plus--Pins $118.00; Post Office--Stamps/Box Rent $368.00; Venard Inc--Repairs/Maint $1,142.49; Verizon--Phone $95.55; Lori Waldron--Trans-portation $372.96; West Central--Elec-tricity $1,229.79; WW--Tires $1,087.00.

    CAPITAL OUTLAY: PermaBound--Books $293.38; Push Pedal Pull--WeightRoom Equip $16,000.00; West Central--Electricity $1,948.19.


    $12,750.44; EMPLOYER SHARE FICA$944.901, RETIREMENT $742.62,HEALTH INSURANCE $1,443.14.EXPENDITURES: Childrens Care--Serv-ices $170.00; Parent--Mileage $163.54;Diane Mueller--Eval/Staffing $1,188.80;Murdo Foods--Snacks $41.24; Office-max--Supplies $379.56; SD Achieve--Tuition $2,149.54.

    PENSION: None.

    FOOD SERVICE: Esmay ElectricRepairs $539.07; Lunchtime Solutions--Meals $7,266.73.

    Karlee Moore, Andy Rankin and GaryKnispel arrived 8:05 p.m.

    FINANCIAL REPORTS: Motion by Whit-ney, seconded by Nix to approve as fol-lows: GENERAL FUND: Bal. Bro't Fwd$530,682.20; RECEIPTS Ad ValoremTaxes $194,436.66, Mobile Home Taxes$2,743.27, Prior Yrs Taxes $358.43,Penalties $52.19, Interest $61.47, Rental$1,525.00, Co Apportionment $797.50,

    State Aid $33,767.00, 21st Attendance$363.000, Exp Reimb $513.88, Other$500.00. EXPENDITURES $125,617.26;Bal on Hand Checking $285,274.53;MMDA $104,908.81; Investments$250,000.00.

    CAPITAL OUTLAY: Bal Bro't Fwd$267,635.72; RECEIPTS: Ad ValoremTaxes $57,313.76; Mobile Home Taxes$453.41, Prior Yrs Taxes $71.41, Penal-ties $10.64, Interest $6.97. EXPENDI-TURES $10,115.27; Bal on Hand Check-ing $176,770.31; MMDA $90,865.41;Investments -0-.

    SPECIAL EDUCATION: Bal Bro't Fwd$976,270.71; RECEIPTS: Ad ValoremTaxes $83,353.39, Mobile Home Taxes$659.30, Prior Yrs Taxes $101.49,Penalties $15.12, Interest $28.76.EXPENDITURES $26,105.63; Bal onHand Checking $503,915.36; MMDA$212,355.35; Investments $260,000.00.

    PENSION FUND: Bal Bro't Fwd$309,280.75; RECEIPTS: Ad Valorem

    Taxes $18,059.21, Mobile Home Taxes$143.01, Prior Yrs Taxes $25.69, Penal-ties $3.84. EXPENDITURES$5,382.500; Bal on Hand Checking$309,280.75; MMDA -0-; Investments -0-

    FOOD SERVICE: Bal Bro't Fwd$29,589.70; RECEIPTS: Headstart$554.84, Fed $5,171.35, NSLP Reimb$185.16. EXPENDITURES $10,823.48;Bal on Hand Checking $24677.57;MMDA -0-; Investments -0-.

    TRUST & AGENCY: Bal Bro't Fwd$66,107.64; RECEIPTS $2,229.95;EXPENSES $3,184.50; Bal on Hand$65,153.09.

    Tony Benda arrived 8:05 p.m.

    FEDERAL PROGRAM AGENT: Motionby Mathews, seconded by Lolley toapprove Tami Schreiber as Federal Pro-

    gram Agent for the Jones County SchoolDistrict for the 2014 fiscal year.

    FISCAL YEAR END MEETING: TheSpecial Board Meeting for the expresspurpose of closing final transactions forthe fiscal year 2013 was set for Wednes-day, June 26, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. in theHigh School Library.

    WORK AGREEMENTS: Motion by Lol-ley, seconded by Whitney to accept thesigned and returned work agreementsfor the 2013-2014 school year.

    SDHSAA BOARD OF DIRECTORS:Motion by Mathews, seconded by Nix tovote for Dan Whalen as Division II Rep-resentative and Mike Miller as the LargeSchool Group Board of Education Rep-resentative for SDHSAA Board of Direc-tors in the run-off election.

    OFFICIAL ELECTION CANVAS: Motionby Nix, seconded by Whitney to canvasthe election and certify the votes cast.

    School BoardCandidate Total

    Andy Rankin 144Dean Volmer 101Cheryl Saunders 65Trent Manecke 42

    OAHE CHILD DEVELOPMENT: Motionby Mathews, seconded by Lolley toapprove the contract for operation for the2013-2014 and 2014-2015 school years.

    RESIGNATION: Motion by Lolley, sec-onded by Whitney to accept the resigna-

    tion of Betty Hoar.


    DISCUSSION: Handbooks, Fitness Cen-ter, Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan, Janitor-ial, Murdo Aud Projects.

    EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by Whit-ney, seconded by Lolley to enter execu-tive session at 9:14 p.m., in accordancewith SDCL 1-25-2 subchapter d. BoardPresident declared session over at 10:30p.m.

    Motion by Mathews, seconded by Whit-ney to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at10:31 p.m.

    Tami Schreiber,Business Manager

    Published June 20, 2013, at the totalapproximate cost of $82.20.

    Notice ofPositions Open

    Jones County School District #37-3

    The Jones County School District hasthe following positions open for the 2013-2014 school year:

    Summer Lawn CareHigh School Librarian

    Assistant Football Coach

    Send letter of application or resume toJones County School District Attn: TamiSchreiber, Business Manager, PO Box109, Murdo, S.D. 57559 or call 605-669-2258 for more information. Positionsopen until filled.

    Published June 20, 2013, at the totalapproximate cost of $9.03.

    The Clinical View Dr. P.E. Hoffsten

    The previous three columns inthis series of seven devoted tostress management laid the basicsof stress talk psychology. The con-cept is that what you say out loudis instantaneously stated in yourown mind before you say it out

    loud.Dr. Herman Witte recognizedthat there seemed to be a series ofself talks that people with poorstress management techniquesused repeatedly. He first lecturedabout the basic irrational self talk,it upsets me. For a number ofreasons previously discussed, itupsets me gives away self controland places control with it. Plac-ing control of your actions with itleads to very ineffective stressmanagement.

    He subsequently delineatedgeneral irrational self talks onethrough six, the first two of whichhave already been presented inthe previous columns. The firstgeneral irrational self had to dowith demandedness and how thisgenerates resistance in other peo-ple. The second irrational self talkhad to do with helplessness andlack of understanding. The nextgeneral irrational talk numberthree has to do with horrib-lizaition.

    Inflation is a property of humanbehavior. It is a very human trait

    to exaggerate what one is describ-ing. Examples might include theperformance of a grandchild or thesize of the fish that got away.These are trivial harmless exam-ples. But if we are talking aboutstressful events, the exaggeration

    tends to be negative. Most impor-tantly, since a self-talk is said qui-etly internally before the wordsare ever spoken out loud, the exag-gerated adjectives used will moldthe feelings the person has. Thisleads to self talks such as:

    1. It was a horrible storm. (Mayreally be only 2 inches of snow).

    2. He is a terrible drunk.3. This is so bad I cant stand it.

    (In fact you are already standingit.)

    4. I cant cope with this divorce,I am falling apart. (The divorcemay be horrible but I have neverexperienced a person actuallyfalling apart).

    This type of language begins aschildren. Their vocabulary is limit-ed and children tend to view situa-tions as black or white, yes or no,best or worse. If they hear this lan-guage from their parents itbecomes even more inbedded. Inaddition, as we grow up, we hearabout events in other people. If wehave never experienced the eventthat they are talking about andthey place a horribilizing adjective

    in front of it, the event becomessomething to dread even though itmay only be a two inch snowstorm.We hear about horrible bullys,dangerous accidents, the heart-break of psoriasis, the horriblemigraine headaches and the pain

    of childbirth. Granted that some ofthese events do have extreme con-siderations, but when events havea horrible-izing adjective in frontof the word the event becomes hor-rible. This is called attachingemotional value to the event bythe words we use to describe it.Note this habit takes control awayfrom the person and shapes theresponse to the event.

    The fact is the words we use todescribe an event will shape howwe react to it. A fatal or paralyzingautomobile accident is horrible butdropping a carton of milk on thefloor and having it burst is not hor-rible. It may be inconvenient,wasteful, or damaging to propertybut it is not horrible.

    The self defeating aspect of hor-ribilizaiton is that it tends toimmobilize the person. If the eventis horrible or you cant stand it,some degree of inaction will follow.If something is horrible, then theperson experiencing it will requiresoothing attention. This leads to adependent attitude. Bodily achesand pains tend to be amplified.Preoccupation with bodily percep-tions leads to a decreased scope ofinterest as one ruminates about anevent. Coping skills are aban-doned just when they are neededmost.

    Dr. Witte offered as an alterna-tive, a group of self talks wherebythe individual appropriatelygrades the importance of an eventavoiding attaching intrinsic emo-tional value to an event. This leadsto more constructive self talk suchas:

    1. I feel this is just too bad (mildnegative response).

    2. I feel very disappointed overthis event (moderate negativeresponse).

    3. I feel very sad over this event(strongly negative response).

    4. I feel serious concern evenfear over what is or has been hap-pening but my feelings are myown. I know that my stomach willnot be turned inside out, that myheart will not be broken and myhead wont split open because ofthe emotions that I have over anevent.

    5. I may not do as well as Iwould like but I will handle (stand,tolerate, endure) what is about tohappen. I will be in control of me.

    As an exercise, think about a timewhen you had a bad streeful expe-rience and see how the followingself-talks apply to your responsethen:

    1. It upsets me (Basic irra-tional self-talk).

    2. He should not do that (Gen-eral irrational self-talk #1).

    3. I do not understand why hedoes that. (General irrationalself-talk #2).

    4. It is horrible. (General irra-tional self-talk #3).

    The mission of the South Dako-ta Department of Veterans Affairsis to serve the over 75,000 veter-ans residing in South Dakota in allmatters pertaining to veteransbenefits. This responsibility fallsinto two basic tasks: informingveterans and their families abouttheir benefits and directly assist-ing and advising veterans and

    their families in securing the ben-efits to which they are entitled.Advocating with purpose and

    passion for South Dakota veter-ans, our team is at the forefront ofthe most demanding challengesconfronting our states veterans,whether they are veterans fromthe World War II generation, theKorean War, Vietnam, the ColdWar, or veterans who most recent-ly served in support of OperationEnduring Freedom, OperationIraqi Freedom, or Operation NewDawn.

    According to the VAs FY 2012Summary of Expenditures, SouthDakota veterans receive morethan $489.2 million annually inmedical, compensation, education,and pension benefits. Although

    this number is impressive, thereare many eligible veterans inSouth Dakota who are not takingadvantage of the many benefitsavailable to them.

    This month we are encouragingall veterans to verify that theyhave utilized all the educationalopportunities afforded to them.

    As the State Approving Agency,

    the South Dakota Department ofVeterans Affairs is responsible forapproving and supervising pro-grams in South Dakotas universi-ties and technical schools as wellas the on-the job training andapprenticeship programs.

    Currently South Dakota has140 veterans participating in theOJT/Apprenticeship programs andover 2,500 veterans using GI Billbenefits for college and technicalschools. But that number can andshould grow. OJT programsinclude such positions as apprais-ers, funeral directors, police offi-cers, correctional officers, electri-cians, plumbers, parts technicians,mechanics, IT specialists, radiotechnicians, fire fighters, welders,chefs, and many more.

    We encourage all veterans tomake sure that they have utilizedtheir education benefits.

    For more information regardingyour educational benefits and theprograms available to you, weencourage you to contact ouredu-cation team at (605.773.3269).

    SD Veterans Affairs Larry Zimmerman, Secretary

    of Veterans Affairs

    Delta Dental of SD celebrates50 years by giving backIn celebration of its 50th

    anniversary, Delta Dental of SouthDakota provided $1,000 dollars toeach employee and board memberto give to a nonprofit organizationof their choice through a projectcalled We Give.

    Nearly $90,000 dollars wasdonated to 68 nonprofit organiza-tions across the state of SouthDakota ranging from a local volun-teer fire department in Agar toseveral Boys and Girls Club organ-izations.

    Delta Dental of South DakotaPresident and CEO, Scott Jonessays, We think the We Give pro-gram is a wonderful way for DeltaDental to celebrate our employeeshard work, dedication and gener-ous spirit.

    The We Give program is oneway for Delta Dental of SouthDakotas employees to celebrate amilestone and to also continue ful-filling Deltas nonprofit mission bygiving back to the communitiesthey serve.

    State reminds of LabelingLaw for fuel pumpsState officials are reminding

    consumers and gasoline retailersthat the 2013 South Dakota Legis-lature passed a law limiting where85 octane fuel may be sold andrequiring cautionary labels onpumps.

    The law, which took effect inMarch when signed by GovernorDennis Daugaard, requires thatpumps selling 85 octane fuel carrya warning label that says: Thisoctane level may not meet mini-mum manufacturer specifications.Consult your owners manualbefore fueling.

    The same law limits the sale of85 octane fuel to nine westernSouth Dakota counties. Gasolinesold in all other parts of the state

    must have a minimum octane rat-ing of 87. Many engine manufac-turers recommend a minimum of87 octane fuel.

    The Legislature recognizedthat 85 octane fuel has been mar-keted for decades in the westernpart of South Dakota, said TrevorJones, Secretary of the Depart-ment of Public Safety. The lawcontinues to allow sale of thatproduct in nine counties. However,the law also says the proper warn-ing label must be conspicuouslyplaced on the pumps. This is areminder to both consumers tocheck the labels and for retailersto know and follow the law.

    The law allows the sale of 85octane fuel with proper labeling in

    Butte, Custer, Fall River, Harding,Lawrence, Meade, Pennington,Perkins and Shannon counties.The sale of 85 octane in SouthDakota is prohibited outside ofthese counties.

    Karlee and Lonna wish to senda heartfel t thank-you to those

    members of the community thatmake an effort to help us cover

    community events. Weappreciate you understanding

    that as much as we woul d lik e

    to, we c an t mak e it to a llevents. Anyone with newswort hy ide as, even ts or

    pictures can contact th e Murdo

    Coyote at669-2271 [email protected]


  • 7/28/2019 Murdo Coyote, June 20, 2013


    C Classifis Murdo Coyote June 20, 2013 Page 8experience necessary. Applyonline #con-structionjobspaybetter.

    PLANKINTON SCHOOL DIS-TRICT is accepting applicationsfor 7-12 Math Teacher w/woCoaching/Activities. PositionOpen Until Filled. Contact Supt.James Jones at (605) 942-7743.PO Box 190, Plankinton SD57368.


    TRICT OPENING: Preschool-W/WO SPED, Contact: MichelleGreseth, 516 8th Ave W, Sisseton,SD 57262, (605)698-7613. Positionopen until filled. EOE.

    ENGINEERING/CAD TECHNI-CIAN City of Spearfish. Per-forms wide variety of computer-aided drafting and engineeringsupport activities. EOE. Foressential job duties and applica-tion process please visit our web-site at

    NORTH DAKOTA HIGHWAYPATROL TROOPER - Begin achallenging and rewarding careerwith opportunities for growth andadvancement. Apply at or call 701-328-2455.Closing dates: 6/19/13 for appli-cants testing in Grand Forks andFargo and 7/2/13 for applicants

    testing in Bismarck. EOE.

    THE ROAD TO THE RIGHTCAREER - STARTS HERE!Statewide construction jobs,$12.00 - $18.00 OR MORE. Noexperience necessary. Applyonline #con-structionjobspaybetter.

    SISSETON SCHOOL DIS-TRICT Openings: SPED K-12 (2Positions), SPED Early Child-hood. Contact: Dr. StephenSchulte, Supt., 516 8th Ave. W.Sisseton, SD 57262, (605)698-7613. Positions open until filled.EOE.

    RYANS HANGAR RESTAU-RANT is seeking experiencednight cook. Must be reliable, workwell with others, enjoy fast-pacedenvironment in a professional

    kitchen. Apply online

    DOUGLAS COUNTY COMMIS-SION is taking applications forfull-time Douglas County High-way Superintendent. Must havevalid Class A Drivers License.Experience in road/bridge con-struction/maintenance. For appli-cation contact: Douglas County

    Auditor (605) 724-2423.

    SISSETON SCHOOL DIS-TRICT OPENING: Vocal 6-12,Contact: Jim Frederick, 516 8th

    Ave W, Sisseton, SD 57262,

    (605)698-7613. Position open untilfilled. EOE.

    THE ROAD TO THE RIGHTCAREER - STARTS HERE!Statewide construction jobs,$12.00 - $18.00 OR MORE. Noexperience necessary. Applyonline #con-structionjobspaybetter.

    POWERCOM ELECTRIC ISSEEKING full-time electrician atany level. Excellent pay/benefits!Submit resumes to [email protected]. Questions,call Rod or Matt, 605-869-2220.

    FULL TIME TECHNOLOGYINSTRUCTOR with or withoutcoaching (4 day school week) atthe Edgemont School District.Position open until filled. Formore information contact Dave

    Cortney at 605-662-7254 or [email protected].


    LILA HUPP QUILT SUPPLYSALE (30 Years worth of sup-plies). Friday, June 21, 401 ElmSt., Presho, SD 57568, 2 pm-close.Contact Beth Hupp for informa-tion, (605) 730-3172.


    CHEAP LAND IN SOUTHDAKOTA! - 40 to 640 acres start-ing at $399 acre. EZ seller financ-ing, no credit checks! Best dealUSA! Joan (949) 722-7453.


    DAKOTA LOG HOME Buildersrepresenting Golden Eagle Log

    Homes, building in eastern, cen-tral, northwestern South & North

    Dakota. Scott Connell, 605-530-2672, Craig Connell, 605-264-5650,


    ADVERTISE IN NEWSPA-PERS statewide for only $150.00.Put the South Dakota StatewideClassifieds Network to work foryou today! (25 words for $150.Each additional word $5.) Callthis newspaper or 800-658-3697

    for details.

    SEARCH STATE-WIDEAPARTMENT Listings, sorted byrent, location and other SouthDakota Housing Development



    DRIVERS WANTED: CDL,owner operators, freight fromMidwest up to 48 states, homeregularly, newer equipment,Health, 401K, call Randy, A&AExpress, 800-658-3549.

    Deadline is Tuesdays at 10 a.m.

    Call: 669-2271


    CLASSIFIED RATE: $5.00 minimum for up to 20 words.10 per word afterinitial 20. Each name and initial must be counted as one word.

    CARD OF THANKS: Poems, Tributes, Etc. $5.00 minimum for up to 20words.10 per word after initial 20. Each name and initial must be countedas one word.

    NOTE: $2.00 added charge for bookkeeping and billing on all charges.

    DISPLAY AD RATE: $5.20 per column inch.

    PUBLISHERS NOTICE: All real estate, advertised in this newspaper issubject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal toadvertise any preference, or discrimination on race, color, religion, sex, ornational origin, or any intention to make any such preference, limitation, ordiscrimination.

    This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estatewhich is a violation of the law. Our readers are informed that all dwellingsadvertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.

    For SaleFOR SALE: Alfalfa seed, grassseed and high test alfalfa hay.Delivery available and volume dis-count available. Call 798-5413.


    NoticeROUGH COUNTRY SPRAY-ING: Specializing in controllingCanada thistle on rangeland. ATVapplication. Also prairie dogs. CallBill at 605-669-2298. M21-24tp

    Thank YouThank you Kamaria Labrier for

    the beautiful shower. Thanks to allwho attended. I really enjoyed thisspecial day.

    Heather McKenney

    Thank you Velma V., Flavia,Jill, Sherry, Richard, Joni andLori. Thanks for sponsoring me forthe Caring and Sharing walk. A

    good cause for the community anda good experience for me.


    Our sincere thank you to theChamber of Commerce for honor-ing us with the Yard of the Weekand the Murdo Bucks. We have ayard genie now that helps us, sowe are passing on our congratula-tions to Faye the best yard genieyou can find!

    Orville and Lola

    Thank you to the Murdo AreaChamber of Commerce for award-ing us Yard of the Week. TheChamber Bucks are appreciated.

    Curt and Faye Chambliss

    Thank you Caring and Sharingfor the beautiful quilt I won inyour raffle.

    Lisa Kinsley

    Murdo NutritionProgram Menu

    June 24Spaghetti w/ MeatsauceCauliflowerTossed SaladFrench BreadApricots

    June 25Baked HamMashed Potatoes w/ CheeseCornBreadBaked Apples

    June 26French Dip w/ Au JusMacaroni SaladMixed VegetablesMandarin Oranges & Pineapple


    June 27Barbeque Chicken

    Baked PotatoBroccoliDinner RollBanana Pudding w/ Vanilla Wafers

    June 28Salisbury Steak in GravyMashed Potatoes & GravySliced BeetsBread



    SD. We have lowered the price &will consider contract for deed.Call Russell Spaid 605-280-1067.

