Download - Munich March 2015 - Cassandra + Spark Overview



Christopher BateyTechnical Evangelist for Apache Cassandra

Cassandra Spark Integration


Who am I? What is DataStax?• Technical Evangelist for Apache Cassandra• Cassandra related questions: @chbatey• DataStax- Enterprise ready version of Cassandra- Spark integration- Solr integration- OpsCenter- Majority of Cassandra drivers


Agenda•Cassandra overview• Spark overview• Spark Cassandra connector•Cassandra Spark examples




Cassandra for Applications




Common use cases•Ordered data such as time series-Event stores-Financial transactions-Sensor data e.g IoT


Common use cases•Ordered data such as time series-Event stores-Financial transactions-Sensor data e.g IoT•Non functional requirements:-Linear scalability-High throughout durable writes-Multi datacenter including active-active-Analytics without ETL




• Distributed masterless database (Dynamo)• Column family data model (Google BigTable)


Datacenter and rack aware


• Distributed master less database (Dynamo)• Column family data model (Google BigTable)• Multi data centre replication built in from the start





• Distributed master less database (Dynamo)• Column family data model (Google BigTable)• Multi data centre replication built in from the start• Analytics with Apache SparkAnalytics


Scalability & Performance• Scalability- No single point of failure- No special nodes that become the bottle neck- Work/data can be re-distributed• Operational Performance i.e single digit ms- Single node for query- Single disk seek per query


Cassandra can not join or aggregate


Where do I go for the max?


But but…• Sometimes you don’t need a answers in milliseconds• Data models done wrong - how do I fix it?• New requirements for old data?• Ad-hoc operational queries• Reports and Analytics- Managers always want counts / maxs


Apache Spark• 10x faster on disk,100x faster in memory than Hadoop

MR• Works out of the box on EMR• Fault Tolerant Distributed Datasets• Batch, iterative and streaming analysis• In Memory Storage and Disk • Integrates with Most File and Storage Options




Spark SQLStreaming ML

Spark (General execution engine)





Spark architecture


org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD• Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD)• Created through transformations on data (map,filter..) or other RDDs • Immutable• Partitioned• Reusable


RDD Operations• Transformations - Similar to Scala collections API• Produce new RDDs • filter, flatmap, map, distinct, groupBy, union, zip, reduceByKey, subtract

• Actions• Require materialization of the records to generate a value• collect: Array[T], count, fold, reduce..


Word count

val file: RDD[String] = sc.textFile("hdfs://...")

val counts: RDD[(String, Int)] = file.flatMap(line => line.split(" ")) .map(word => (word, 1)) .reduceByKey(_ + _) counts.saveAsTextFile("hdfs://...")


Spark shell


Spark Streaming


Cassandra + Spark


Spark Cassandra Connector• Loads data from Cassandra to Spark• Writes data from Spark to Cassandra• Implicit Type Conversions and Object Mapping• Implemented in Scala (offers a Java API)• Open Source • Exposes Cassandra Tables as Spark RDDs + Spark



Analytics Workload Isolation


Deployment• Spark worker in each of the

Cassandra nodes• Partitions made up of LOCAL

cassandra data






Example Time


It is on Github

"org.apache.spark" %% "spark-core" % sparkVersion"org.apache.spark" %% "spark-streaming" % sparkVersion"org.apache.spark" %% "spark-sql" % sparkVersion"org.apache.spark" %% "spark-streaming-kafka" % sparkVersion"com.datastax.spark" % "spark-cassandra-connector_2.10" % connectorVersion


Boiler plateimport com.datastax.spark.connector.rdd._import org.apache.spark._import com.datastax.spark.connector._import com.datastax.spark.connector.cql._object BasicCassandraInteraction extends App { val conf = new SparkConf(true).set("", "") val sc = new SparkContext("local[4]", "AppName", conf)

// cool stuff}

Cassandra Host

Spark master e.g spark://host:port


Word Count + Save to Cassandra

val textFile: RDD[String] = sc.textFile("") val words: RDD[String] = textFile.flatMap(line => line.split("\\s+")) val wordAndCount: RDD[(String, Int)] =, 1)) val wordCounts: RDD[(String, Int)] = wordAndCount.reduceByKey(_ + _)println(wordCounts.first())wordCounts.saveToCassandra("test", "words", SomeColumns("word", "count"))


Denormalised tableCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS customer_events( customer_id text, time timestamp, id uuid,

event_type text, store_name text, store_type text, store_location text, staff_name text, staff_title text, PRIMARY KEY ((customer_id), time, id))


Store it twiceCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS customer_events(customer_id text, time timestamp, id uuid, event_type text, store_name text, store_type text, store_location text, staff_name text, staff_title text, PRIMARY KEY ((customer_id), time, id))

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS customer_events_by_staff( customer_id text, time timestamp, id uuid, event_type text, store_name text, store_type text, store_location text, staff_name text, staff_title text, PRIMARY KEY ((staff_name), time, id))


My reaction a year ago


Too simple

val events_by_customer = sc.cassandraTable("test", “customer_events") events_by_customer.saveToCassandra("test", "customer_events_by_staff", SomeColumns("customer_id", "time", "id", "event_type", "staff_name", "staff_title", "store_location", "store_name", "store_type"))


Aggregations with Spark SQLPartition Key Clustering Columns


Now now…val cc = new CassandraSQLContext(sc) cc.setKeyspace("test")

val rdd: SchemaRDD = cc.sql("SELECT store_name, event_type, count(store_name) from customer_events GROUP BY store_name, event_type")




Lamda architecture


Network word countCassandraConnector(conf).withSessionDo { session => session.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.network_word_count(word text PRIMARY KEY, number int)") session.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test.network_word_count_raw(time timeuuid PRIMARY KEY, raw text)") } val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(5))val lines = ssc.socketTextStream("localhost", 9999), _)).saveToCassandra("test", "network_word_count_raw") val words = lines.flatMap(_.split("\\s+")) val countOfOne =, 1)) val reduced = countOfOne.reduceByKey(_ + _)reduced.saveToCassandra("test", "network_word_count")


Summary• Cassandra is an operational database• Spark gives us the flexibility to do slower things- Schema migrations- Ad-hoc queries- Report generation• Spark streaming + Cassandra allow us to build online

analytical platforms


Thanks for listening• Follow me on twitter @chbatey• Cassandra + Fault tolerance posts a plenty: •• Github for all examples: •• Cassandra resources:• In London in April?
