Download - Multiple Linear Regression II and ANOVA I


Survey Design II

Lecture 9
Survey Research & Design in Psychology
James Neill, 2011

Multiple Linear Regression II
& Analysis of Variance I

7126/6667 Survey Research & Design in PsychologySemester 1, 2011, University of Canberra, ACT, AustraliaJames T. NeillHome page: page:

Image sources Public domain'License: CC-by-A 2.0Author: lumaxart (

Description: Explains advanced use of multiple linear regression, including residuals, interactions and analysis of change, then introduces the principles of ANOVA starting with explanation of t-tests.

This lecture is accompanied by two computer-lab based tutorial, the notes for which are available here:


Multiple Linear Regression II

Analysis of Variance I

Image source: Public domain

Multiple Linear Regression II

Summary of MLR I

Partial correlations

Residual analysis


Analysis of change

Image source: Public domain

Howell (2009).
Correlation & regression
[Ch 9]

Howell (2009).
Multiple regression
[Ch 15; not 15.14 Logistic Regression]

Tabachnick & Fidell (2001).
Standard & hierarchical regression in SPSS (includes example write-ups)
[Alternative chapter from eReserve]

Readings - MLR

As per previous lecture

Summary of MLR I

Check assumptions LOM, N, Normality, Linearity, Homoscedasticity, Collinearity, MVOs, Residuals

Choose type Standard, Hierarchical, Stepwise, Forward, Backward

Interpret Overall (R2, Changes in R2 (if hierarchical)), Coefficients (Standardised & unstandardised), Partial correlations

Equation If useful (e.g., is the study predictive?)

These residual slides are based on Francis (2007) MLR (Section 5.1.4) Practical Issues & Assumptions, pp. 126-127 and Allen and Bennett (2008)

Note that according to Francis, residual analysis can test:Additivity (i.e., no interactions b/w Ivs) (but this has been left out for the sake of simplicity)

Partial correlations (rp)

rp between X and Y after controlling for (partialling out) the influence of a 3rd variable from both X and Y.

Image source: IVs are correlated then you should also examine the difference between the zero-order and partial correlations.

Partial correlations (rp): Examples

Does years of marriage (IV1) predict marital satisfaction (DV) after number of children is controlled for (IV2)?

Does time management (IV1) predict university student satisfaction (DV) after general life satisfaction is controlled for (IV2)?

Image source: IVs are correlated then you should also examine the difference between the zero-order and partial correlations.

Partial correlations (rp) in MLR

When interpreting MLR coefficients, compare the 0-order and partial correlations for each IV in each model draw a Venn diagram

Partial correlations will be equal to or smaller than the 0-order correlations

If a partial correlation is the same as the 0-order correlation, then the IV operates independently on the DV.

Partial correlations (rp) in MLR

To the extent that a partial correlation is smaller than the 0-order correlation, then the IV's explanation of the DV is shared with other IVs.

An IV may have a sig. 0-order correlation with the DV, but a non-sig. partial correlation. This would indicate that there is non-sig. unique variance explained by the IV.

Semi-partial correlations (sr2)
in MLR

The sr2 indicate the %s of variance in the DV which are uniquely explained by each IV.

In PASW, the srs are labelled part. You need to square these to get sr2.

For more info, see Allen and Bennett (2008) p. 182

Part & partial correlations in SPSS

In Linear Regression - Statistics dialog box, check Part and partial correlations

Image source: IVs are correlated then you should also examine the difference between the zero-order and partial correlations.

Multiple linear regression -

Image source: James Neill, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Australia,



.46.52.34YX1X2Image source: James Neill, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Australia, partial correlation between Worry and Distress is .46, which uniquely explains considerably more variance than the partial correlation between Ignore and Distress (.18).

Residual analysis

Image source: UnknownResiduals are the distance between the predicted and actual scores.Standardised residuals (subtract mean, divide by standard deviation).

Residual analysis

Three key assumptions can be tested using plots of residuals: Linearity: IVs are linearly related to DV

Normality of residuals

Equal variances (Homoscedasticity)

These residual slides are based on Francis (2007) MLR (Section 5.1.4) Practical Issues & Assumptions, pp. 126-127 and Allen and Bennett (2008)

Note that according to Francis, residual analysis can test:Additivity (i.e., no interactions b/w Ivs) (but this has been left out for the sake of simplicity)

Residual analysis

Assumptions about residuals:Random noise

Sometimes positive, sometimes negative but, on average, 0

Normally distributed about 0

Residual analysis

Image source: James Neill, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Australia,

Residual analysis

Image source: James Neill, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Australia,

Histogram of the residuals they should be approximately normally distributed.This plot is very slightly positively skewed we are only concerned about gross violations.

Residual analysis

The Normal P-P (Probability) Plot of Regression Standardized Residuals can be used to assess the assumption of normally distributed residuals.If the points cluster reasonably tightly along the diagonal line (as they do here), the residuals are normally distributed.Substantial deviations from the diagonal may be cause for concern.
Allen & Bennett, 2008, p. 183

Image source: James Neill, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Australia,

Normal probability plot of regression standardised residuals.Shows the same information as previous slide reasonable normality of residuals.

Residual analysis

Image source: James Neill, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Australia,

Histogram compared to normal probability plot.Variations from normality can be seen on both plots.

Residual analysis

The Scatterplot of standardised residuals against standardised predicted values can be used to assess the assumptions of normality, linearity and homoscedasticity of residuals. The absence of any clear patterns in the spread of points indicates that these assumptions are met.
Allen & Bennett, 2008, p. 183

Image source: James Neill, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Australia,

A plot of Predicted values (ZPRED) by Residuals (ZRESID).This should show a broad, horizontal band of points (it does).Any fanning out of the residuals indicates a violation of the homoscedasticity assumption, and any pattern in the plot indicates a violation of linearity.

Why the big fuss
about residuals?

assumption violation Type I error rate
(i.e., more false positives)

Why the big fuss
about residuals?

Standard error formulae (which are used for confidence intervals and sig. tests) work when residuals are well-behaved.

If the residuals dont meet assumptions these formulae tend to underestimate coefficient standard errors giving overly optimistic p-values and too narrow CIs.


Image source: license: Public domainImage author: User:Booyabazooka,


Additivity refers to the assumption that the IVs act independently, i.e., they do not interact.

However, there may also be interaction effects - when the magnitude of the effect of one IV on a DV varies as a function of a second IV.

Also known as a moderation effect.

Interactions occur potentially in situations involving univariate analysis of variance and covariance (ANOVA and ANCOVA), multivariate analysis of variance and covariance (MANOVA and MANCOVA), multiple linear regression (MLR), logistic regression, path analysis, and covariance structure modeling. ANOVA and ANCOVA models are special cases of MLR in which one or more predictors are nominal or ordinal "factors.

Interaction effects are sometimes called moderator effects because the interacting third variable which changes the relation between two original variables is a moderator variable which moderates the original relationship. For instance, the relation between income and conservatism may be moderated depending on the level of education.


Some drugs interact with each other to reduce or enhance other's effects e.g., Pseudoephedrine ArousalCaffeine ArousalPseudoeph. X Caffeine Arousal


Image source: CC-by-A 2.0, comedynose,

Image source: CC-by-SA 2.0, Teo,


Physical exercise in natural environments may provide multiplicative benefits in reducing stress e.g., Natural environment StressPhysical exercise StressNatural env. X Phys. ex. Stress

Image source: CC-by-A 2.0Author: Hamed Saber,


Model interactions by creating cross-product term IVs, e.g.,:Pseudoephedrine


Pseudoephedrine x Caffeine

Compute a cross-product term, e.g.:Compute PseudoCaffeine = Pseudo*Caffeine.

Example hypotheses:Income has a direct positive influence on ConservatismEducation has a direct negative influence on Conservatism Income combined with Education may have a very -ve effect on Conservatism above and beyond that predicted by the direct effects i.e., there is an interaction b/w Income and Education


Y = b1x1 + b2x2 + b12x12 + a + eb12 is the product of the first two slopes (b1 x b2)

b12 can be interpreted as the amount of change in the slope of the regression of Y on b1 when b2 changes by one unit.

Likewise, power terms (e.g., x squared) can be added as independent variables to explore curvilinear effects.


Conduct Hierarchical MLR

Step 1:Pseudoephedrine


Step 2:Pseudo x Caffeine (cross-product)

Examine R2, to see whether the interaction term explains additional variance above and beyond the direct effects of Pseudo and Caffeine.


Possible effects of Pseudo and Caffeine on Arousal:None

Pseudo only (incr./decr.)

Caffeine only (incr./decr.)

Pseudo + Caffeine (additive inc./dec.)

Pseudo x Caffeine (synergistic inc./dec.)

Pseudo x Caffeine (antagonistic inc./dec.)


Cross-product interaction terms may be highly correlated (multicollinear) with the corresponding simple IVs, creating problems with assessing the relative importance of main effects and interaction effects.

An alternative approach is to run separate regressions for each level of the interacting variable.

For example, conduct a separate regression for males and females.Advanced notes: It may be desirable to use centered variables (where one has subtracted the mean from each datum) -- a transformation which often reduces multicollinearity. Note also that there are alternatives to the crossproduct approach to analysing interactions:

Interactions SPSS example

Image source: James Neill, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia,

Fabricated data

Analysis of Change

Image source: license: CC-by-SA, and GFDL, author: Bjrn som tegner,

Analysis of change

Example research question: In group-based mental health interventions, does the quality of social support from group members (IV1) and group leaders (IV2) explain changes in participants mental health between the beginning and end of the intervention (DV)?

Analysis of change

Hierarchical MLRDV = Mental health after the intervention

Step 1IV1 = Mental health before the intervention

Step 2IV2 = Support from group members

IV3 = Support from group leader

Step 1MH1 should be a highly significant predictor. The left over variance represents the change in MH b/w Time 1 and 2 (plus error).Step 2If IV2 and IV3 are significant predictors, then they help to predict changes in MH.

Analysis of change

Strategy: Use hierarchical MLR to partial out pre-intervention individual differences from the DV, leaving only the variances of the changes in the DV b/w pre- and post-intervention for analysis in Step 2.

Analysis of change

Results of interestChange in R2 how much variance in change scores is explained by the predictors

Regression coefficients for predictors in step 2

Step 1MH1 should be a highly significant predictor. The left over variance represents the change in MH b/w Time 1 and 2 (plus error).Step 2If IV2 and IV3 are significant predictors, then they help to predict changes in MH.

Summary (MLR II)

Partial correlation

Unique variance explained by IVs; calculate and report sr2.Residual analysis

A way to test key assumptions.

Summary (MLR II)


A way to model (rather than ignore) interactions between IVs.Analysis of change

Use hierarchical MLR to partial out baseline scores in Step 1 in order to use IVs in Step 2 to predict changes over time.

Student questions


MLR practice quiz

MLR practice quiz (Wikiversity)

For example, conduct a separate regression for males and females.Advanced notes: It may be desirable to use centered variables (where one has subtracted the mean from each datum) -- a transformation which often reduces multicollinearity. Note also that there are alternatives to the crossproduct approach to analysing interactions:


Analysing differences t-tests One sample



Image sources: Public domain'License: CC-by-A 2.0Author: lumaxart (

Howell (2010):Ch3 The Normal Distribution

Ch4 Sampling Distributions and Hypothesis Testing

Ch7 Hypothesis Tests Applied to Means

Readings Analysing differences

Analysing differences

Correlations vs. differences

Which difference test?

Parametric vs. non-parametric

Image source: Public domain

Correlational vs
difference statistics

Correlation and regression techniques reflect the
strength of association

Tests of differences reflect
differences in central tendency of variables between groups and measures.

Correlation/regression techniques reflect the strength of association between continuous variables

Tests of group differences (t-tests, ANOVA) indicate whether significant differences exist between group means

Correlational vs
difference statistics

In MLR we see the world as made of covariation.
Everywhere we look, we see relationships.

In ANOVA we see the world as made of differences.
Everywhere we look we see differences.

In MLR we see world is made of covariation. In ANOVA we see the world as made of differences.In MLR, everywhere we look, we see patterns and relationships. In ANOVA we view everything as having the same, more or less than other things.

Correlational vs
difference statistics

LR/MLR e.g.,
What is the relationship between gender and height in humans?

t-test/ANOVA e.g.,
What is the difference between the heights of human males and females?

Are the differences in a sample generalisable to a population?

Image soruce: Unknown

How many groups?
(i.e. categories of IV)More than 2 groups = ANOVA models2 groups:
Are the groups independent or dependent?Independent groupsDependent groups1 group =
one-sample t-testPara DV =
Independent samples t-testPara DV =
Paired samples t-testNon-para DV =
Mann-Whitney UNon-para DV =

Which difference test? (2 groups)

Image source: James Neill, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Australia,

A t-test is used to determine whether a set or sets of scores are from the same population.
- Coakes & Steed (1999), p.61

Parametric vs.
non-parametric statistics

Parametric statistics inferential test that assumes certain characteristics are true of an underlying population, especially the shape of its distribution.Non-parametric statistics inferential test that makes few or no assumptions about the population from which observations were drawn (distribution-free tests).

Parametric vs.
non-parametric statistics

There is generally at least one non-parametric equivalent test for each type of parametric test.

Non-parametric tests are generally used when assumptions about the underlying population are questionable (e.g., non-normality).

Parametric statistics commonly used for normally distributed interval or ratio dependent variables.

Non-parametric statistics can be used to analyse DVs that are non-normal or are nominal or ordinal.

Non-parametric statistics are less powerful that parametric tests.

Parametric vs.
non-parametric statistics

So, when do I use a
non-parametric test?

Consider non-parametric tests when (any of the following):Assumptions, like normality, have been violated.

Small number of observations (N).

DVs have nominal or ordinal levels of measurement.

Some Commonly Used Parametric & Nonparametric Tests

Compares groups classified by two different factorsFriedman;
2 test of independence2-way ANOVACompares three or more groupsKruskal-Wallis1-way ANOVACompares two related samplesWilcoxon matched pairs signed-rankt test (paired)Compares two independent samplesMann-Whitney U; Wilcoxon rank-sumt test (independent)PurposeNon-parametricParametricSome commonly used parametric & non-parametric tests

Image source: James Neill, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Australia,

Adapted from:



One-sample t-tests

Independent sample t-tests

Paired sample t-tests

Image source: Public domain

Why a t-test or ANOVA?

A t-test or ANOVA is used to determine whether a sample of scores are from the same population as another sample of scores.

These are inferential tools for examining differences between group means.

Is the difference between two sample means real or due to chance?

A t-test is used to determine whether a set or sets of scores are from the same population.
- Coakes & Steed (1999), p.61


One group of participants, compared with fixed, pre-existing value (e.g., population norms)

Compares mean scores on the same variable across different populations (groups)

Same participants, with repeated measures

Major assumptions

Normally distributed variables

Homogeneity of variance

In general, t-tests and ANOVAs are robust to violation of assumptions, particularly with large cell sizes, but don't be complacent.

Use of t in t-tests

t reflects the ratio of between group variance to within group variance

Is the t large enough that it is unlikely that the two samples have come from the same population?

Decision: Is t larger than the critical value for t? (see t tables depends on critical and N)

Image soruce: Unknown


Ye good ol normal distribution

Image source: Unknown

One-tail vs. two-tail tests

Two-tailed test rejects null hypothesis if obtained t-value is extreme is either direction

One-tailed test rejects null hypothesis if obtained t-value is extreme is one direction (you choose too high or too low)

One-tailed tests are twice as powerful as two-tailed, but they are only focused on identifying differences in one direction.

One sample t-test

Compare one group (a sample) with a fixed, pre-existing value (e.g., population norms)

Do uni students sleep less than the recommended amount?
e.g., Given a sample of N = 190 uni students who sleep M = 7.5 hrs/day (SD = 1.5), does this differ significantly from 8 hours hrs/day ( = .05)?

Also called: One sample t-test

One-sample t-test

Image source: James Neill, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia,

Fabricated data

Independent groups t-test

Compares mean scores on the same variable across different populations (groups)

Do Americans vs. Non-Americans differ in their approval of Barack Obama?

Do males & females differ in the amount of sleep they get?

(Indep. samples t-test)

LOMIV is ordinal / categorical

DV is interval / ratio

Homogeneity of Variance: If variances unequal (Levenes test), adjustment made

Normality: t-tests robust to modest departures from normality, otherwise consider use of Mann-Whitney U test

Independence of observations (one participants score is not dependent on any other participants score)

Adapted from slide 23 of Howell Ch12 Powerpoint:IV is ordinal / categorical e.g., gender

DV is interval / ratio e.g., self-esteem

Homogeneity of VarianceIf variances unequal (Levenes test), adjustment made

Normality t-tests robust to modest departures from normality
(often violated without consequences)

look at histograms, skewness, & kurtosis;

consider use of Mann-Whitney U test if departure from normality is severe, particularly if sample size is small (e.g., < 50)

Independence of observations
(one participants score is not dependent on any other participants score)

Do males and females differ in in amount of sleep per night?

Image source: James Neill, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia,

Fabricated data

Do males and females differ in memory recall?

Image source: S;ode 23 pf Howell Ch12 PowerpointIndependent samples t-test

Same Sex Relations in
Single Sex vs. Co-Ed Schools

Image source: James Neill, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Australia,

Opposite Sex Relations in
Single Sex vs. Co-Ed Schools

Image source: James Neill, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Australia,

Independent samples t-test
1-way ANOVA

Comparison b/w means of 2 independent sample variables = t-test
(e.g., what is the difference in Educational Satisfaction between male and female students?)

Comparison b/w means of 3+ independent sample variables = 1-way ANOVA
(e.g., what is the difference in Educational Satisfaction between students enrolled in four different faculties?)

Also called related samples t-test or repeated measures t-test

Paired samples t-test

Same participants, with repeated measures

Data is sampled within subjects

Pre- vs. post- treatment ratings

Different factors e.g., Voters approval ratings of candidates X and Y

Also known as: Related samples t-test and Repeated measures t-testHow much do you like the colour red?
How much do you like the colour blue?
Is there a difference between peoples liking of red and blue?

(Paired samples t-test)

LOM:IV: Two measures from same participants (w/in subjects) a variable measured on two occasions or

two different variables measured on the same occasion

DV: Continuous (Interval or ratio)

Normal distribution of difference scores (robust to violation with larger samples)

Independence of observations (one participants score is not dependent on anothers score)

Does an intervention have an effect?

There was no significant difference between pretest and posttest scores (t(19) = 1.78, p = .09).

Image source: James Neill, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia,

Data based on Howell (2010), pp. 485-587dsaf

Adolescents' Opposite Sex
vs. Same Sex Relations

Image source: James Neill, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia,

Paired samples t-test
1-way repeated measures ANOVA

Comparison b/w means of 2 within subject variables = t-test

Comparison b/w means of 3+ within subject variables = 1-way ANOVA
(e.g., what is the difference in Campus, Social, and Education Satisfaction?)

(Analysing Differences)

Non-parametric and parametric tests can be used for examining differences between the central tendency of two of more variables

Develop a conceptualisation of when to each of the parametric tests from one-sample t-test through to MANOVA (e.g. decision chart).

(Analysing Differences)

t-tests One-sample


Paired samples

What will be covered in ANOVA II?

1-way ANOVA

1-way repeated measures ANOVA

Factorial ANOVA

Mixed design ANOVA



Repeated measures MANOVA


Allen, P. & Bennett, K. (2008). SPSS for the health and behavioural sciences. South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Thomson.

Francis, G. (2007). Introduction to SPSS for Windows: v. 15.0 and 14.0 with Notes for Studentware (5th ed.). Sydney: Pearson Education.

Howell, D. C. (2010). Statistical methods for psychology (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

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