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  • 7/24/2019 Muestrario Botellas II


    BOTTLE BASICSDigger Odell Publications 2003

    How to Tell the Age of a Bottle: Lips

    Beginning collectors often wonder how to tell the age of a particular bottle.One of the ost iportant clues to the age of a

    bottle is the st!le of the lip. In the picture below are shown a nuber of lip st!les coon during the last centur!.

    Lips of Nineteenth Century Bottles

    All of the abo"e lips were applied to the nec# of the bottle after it was reo"ed fro the old. A hot piece of glass wasapplied to the nec# and then hand tooled to the proper shape. The lips of bottles ade before $%&' were often crudel!

    applied and careful e(aination shows these irregularities. Soetie around $%%' it becae coon practice to tool the

    lips with a lipping tool) an ob*ect which fit one piece into the opening of the nec# while two other pieces claped on theoutside of the applied band of glass. Then with a twisting otion) the top was uniforl! shaped. Bottles produced during

    the last twent! !ears of the last centur! will show e"idence of this twisting otion which left faint concentric rings around

    the outh and upper part of the nec#. This otion also erased the old sea in the process. This is shown in the picturebelow on a bottle ade soetie between $%+' and $+$'. The lip) a round band) was finished with a lipping tool which

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    erased the old sea and left its tell tale concentric rings. Earlier bottles) those ade before $%&') will not show theserings and lip a! be ore crudel! applied with soe dripp! areas under the applied band. ,hen the old sea stops

    before the top of the bottle then the bottle is said to ha"e been hand finished..

    How to Tell the Age of a Bottle: Bases

    Loo#ing at the base of a bottle is also helpful in deterining the age. -ost bottles ade

    before $%% will ha"e a /pontil/ ar#. This ar# was left when the /punt! rod/ was

    snapped off the botto of the bottle. The punt! rod was used to hold the hot bottle whilethe lip was fored and finished. The punt! rod was dipped into hot glass and attached to

    the base of the bottle b! one of the helpers. The glassblower then fored the lip in the

    appropriate st!le and the punt! rod was bro#en off. In the picture are saples of the ost

    coon t!pes of /pontil ar#s/. Larger bottles and especiall! soda bottles ade between$%0' and $% ha"e pontil ar#s. -ost bottles dating before $% will ha"e an open pontil.

    There are se"eral t!pes of open or pontil ar#s but the #e! is the presence of a rough area

    on the base.

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    !ue"a un resi"uo #af$ o ro%i&o en la 'otella #uan"o se utili&( pontil "e

    hierro) *iron pontil+

    Other Types of Bases

    The practice of using pri"ate olds becae popular around of the iddle of the nineteenth centur!. These old were

    ordered fro the glass factories b!edicineanufacturers)soda and ineralwater bottles and anufacturers of other

    household goods. 1ri"ate olds could be had with ebossing or for bottles of unusual design. Ebossed bottles becaecoonplace.

    Soetie around $% a tool called a snap case was in"ented which allowed the glassblower to hold the bottle forfinishing without using a punt! rod. the snap case left no ar#s and ore iportantl! no pontil. -olds were designed

    with a particular base called a /#e! old/ this old left a distincti"e ar# on the base of bottles ade between $%'2$%&'. 3e! old bottles can be found both pontiled and sooth based
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    Bitters Bottle Base Showing ,ey Mol"Cir#a -./0

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    Sooth Base Bottles

    As old a#ing technolog! progressed the sea across the base of the bottle disappeared.

    Ebossed bases becae ore coon and other ar#ings began to appear on bottle bases

    such as initials for the glass wor#s producing the bottles. 4or the period fro $%&'2$+$'bottles had hand tooled lips and sooth bases. Then in $%+5 a sei2autoatic bottleachine was in"ented. ,ith this achine the entire lip was olded along with the bod! of

    the bottle and the need for hand finishing disappeared. Earl! achine ade bottles carr! a

    distincti"e ar# #nown as the Owens ring) naed after the in"entor of the autoaticachine at the Owens 6lass Copan!. The fruit *ar shown below was ade about $+5'

    and shows the Characteristic Owens ring. B! the id $+5'7s e"er! bottle was being assed

    produced b! achiner! and the era of the hand blown bottle ended. All achine2adebottles ha"e the old sea go up and o"er the lip. The letters AB- 8autoatic bottle

    achine9 are used to refer to these bottles.

    A achine ade bottle base

    In the photograph there is a saller ring and then a larger one 8not as clearl! "isible9. The

    larger one is the Owen7s ring. Both rings are "er! s!etrical and did not lea"e a rough

    ar# li#e the punt! rod. Around the turn of the centur!) the t!pical color of glass used for

    bottles changed fro aua to clear. 4ewer bottles were ebossed and b! the late $+;'7s andinto the $+0' and $+'s) painted label bottles 8especiall! for soda and il# bottles9 becae

    popular. Bottles lost their indi"idualit! as food anufacturers deanded ore regular

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    containers) bubbles and the charing irregularities that collectors lo"e disappeared as the

    5'th centur! progressed.*Copyright 1998 by Digger Odell Publications)

    Bottle Colors

    A1ua 2reen

    Cottage In#A1ua Blue

    -cTTO? CI?CI??ATI pontilled


    4eep Co'altCatherdral 1eppersauce

    Teal Blue

    =>-4O=< CHE-ICAL,O=3S

    Pea#o#5 Blue

    A@E=S HAI= I6O=

    4eep A3ethyst

    ALLE?S ,O=L< HAI=


    Burgun"y Pu#e

    1uce Iron 1ontilled


    Pin5 Pu#e

    A=?AS ,his#e!4eep Copper Pu#e

    6III2$+ 4lora Teple 4las#
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    Plu3 Pu#e

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    Iron 1ontil wD graphite residue rusted but stillintact


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    Tubular 1ontil

    B=A?T7S I?L-O?A=@ BALSA-


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    H.. HEI?G 1ic#le 8AB-9

    Sooth base with ebossing 8there is ne"er

    ebossing on a pontil base9.aber =ichond A Coca-Cola

    Sooth base with hinge old ar#)

    which lea"es rough glass on edge of base

    8circled in red9.Altas -edicine fro Henderson) ?C

    Antique Bottle Tops

    1art of identif!ing a bottle is describing what t!pe of top it has. Here are

    e(aples of soe of the an! different tops found on antiue bottles.

    An! help fro the e(perts out there in ipro"ing this new page would be


    An! interested in helping start a web page on the different t!pes of bottle


    Crown Top on

    Aber Straight2SidedCo#e

    Blob Top on

    SEITG Soda

    Blob Top on


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    Sheared Lip onCobalt

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    Rounded taper lip, circ: !"#-$%, &ccurs on oer ,000 bottles.This type of lip is often called a (blob( top by collectors. )t was first used on sodashaped bottles and later on arious shapes of soda and mineral water bottles. )tsrounded shape preented chipping and proided the strength needed to mountarious closures. )t was used almost exclusiely on pony shaped bottles. )t was byfar the most common type of lip used on pre*crown soda bottles.Tapered lip, circ: !""-!, &ccurs on oer +00 bottles.This type of lip was first used on late pontil soda shaped bottles. &n soda bottles itsuse followed the short tapered lip and proided a heaier and larger area forsecuring the string or wire used to secure the cor in the nec. )ts use faded on the-ast coast by 18+0, but remained popular in the %idwest for a number of years later.)ts use was replaced by the rounded taper lip.Tapered lip 'it rin, circ: !"!-!#%, &ccurs on + bottles.This type of lip is often called a Twitchell top by collectors. eorge Twitchell of/hiladelphia was the first to use this top in the late 1840s and used it almostexclusiely on his bottles. This lip style was later used by other bottlers in ew or,eorgia, )llinois, and /ennsylania, but was neer really that popular. )t is nown onsoda, pony and drug store shaped soda and mineral water bottles.Sort tapered lip, circ: !*!-!",&ccurs on 28 bottles.This type of lip was used on some of the earliest soda bottles. )t was replaced with

    the tapered lip starting in 1842. )t was used exclusiely on the early and late pontiledshaped sodas. These lips are often ery crudely applied and add greatly to thecharacter of a bottle.Rounded lip, circ: !%-! and !!%-$, &ccurs on oer 1,000 bottles.This type of lip is sometimes referred to as a doughnut by collectors. )t was used onsome early soda shaped bottles, usually manufactured at /ittsburgh glass worsduring the era that pontiled bottles were produced. )ts use then stopped until the3utchinson stopper became popular. "ince this stopper was sealed internally, therewas no need for a heay lip to fasten the closure to on 3utchinson shaped bottles. )tis also used on other internally stopped bottles such as those that used thealtimore loop seal or !oobach's second patent, which used 3utchinson shapedbottles. oth of these later patents hae a ring inside the lip that is part of the sealingmechanism.

    Lon tapered lip, circ: !#-$+%, &ccurs on 01 bottles.This type of lip was used mostly on 5odd shaped bottle. )t was primarily used withbottles that used 5odd's patent closure or those of a similar function such as theearly !oobach's stopper. There is often a ring inside the lip with a rubber gaset thatseres as a sealing mechanism.nerted tapered lip, circ: !%-! and !.-!!,&ccurs on 18 bottles.This type of lip was used on soda shaped bottles manufactured in the /ittsburghregion during the era that pontiled bottles were being manufactured. )ts use thenstopped and was reintroduced when %atthew's graitating patent shaped bottleswere manufactured. )t was used almost exclusiely on these graitating shapedbottles. 6hen 3utchinson's patent closure was introduced, this style of lip was useduntil the rounded lip replaced it./lare 'it taper lip, circ: !#%-!#,&ccurs on 1 bottle.

    This type of lip was primarily used on one style of bottle for Taylor's 187 patentclosure. )t was used on a pony shaped bottle and comes with and without a holethrough the lip.

    0ouble tapered lip, circ: !-!!,&ccurs on 287 bottles.The type of lip first made its appearance on blac glass wine and beer bottles. Theshape second taper was a refinement of the earlier lips used on these bottles. Thesecond taper was used to hold wire that was wrapped around the bottle and oer thecor to hold it in place. This type of lip was the mainstay on "aratoga shaped bottles.)ts popularity started to fade during the 1880s when it was replaced with the rounded
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    taper lip.1ea2 3lared lip, circ: !-!#, &ccurs on + bottles.This type of lip was used primarily on "aratoga salt jars from the third #uarter of thenineteenth century. They are often ery crude and uneen in appearance. &nepatented closure from a ew or manufacturer also used this lip.

    Matte's earl2 lip, circ: !."-!.., &ccurs on 1 bottles.

    This type of lip was only used on pony shaped bottles that used the first %atthew'spatent. $lthough this lip appears wide, it is really hollow inside and was used tohouse a spring mechanism that would seal the bottle.

    0ouble Rounded lip, circ: !$%-$%%,&ccurs on 8 bottles.This type of lip was not extensiely used, but does occur on a few soda bottles. Theheight of each of the rounded collars on these lips aries greatly. $t least one3utchinson shaped bottle from ew ersey used this lip.

    Square collared lip, circ: !.%-$+%, &ccurs on oer +00 bottles.This type of lip was used extensiely on siphon bottles, but does occur on a fewother types of soda and mineral water bottles. The height of the s#uare band onthese lips aries greatly. This lip occurs on most cylindrical spring water, root beerextract and bottler's supply bottles.

    Applied square rin lip, circ: !*-$,&ccurs on 9 bottles.This type of lip was rarely used on soda and mineral water bottles. %ost of thebottles shapes hae single occurrences of this lip.

    Applied rin, circ: !+-$%%,&ccurs on bottles.This type of lip was neer really popular and was occasionally used on mineral waterbottles.

    0ouble applied rin collar lip, circ: !"!-!+,&ccurs on 4 bottle.This type of lip was only used on one soda water bottle from the ew or area.

    0ouble ciseled rin lip, circ: !.%-!#%, &ccurs on 1 bottle.This type of lip was only used on one soda water bottle from the altimore area.This style of lip was more common on citrate of magnesia bottles.

    4round scre' lip, circ: !!-!!., &ccurs on 1 bottle.This type of lip was only used on one soda water bottle from )owa and is associatedwith a specific patent.

    Seared lip, circ: !%%-$+%, &ccurs on 4 bottles.This type of lip was only used mainly on pottery jugs used to bottle mineral waterbottles or to bottle bottlers supplies.

    5rescription lip, circ: !-$, &ccurs on 8 bottles.This type of lip was rarely used on mineral water bottles. enerally it was used onbottles sold by druggists that contained prescriptions. &ne from :irginia dates tothe mid 18+0s and another from $labama dates from about 1;10 to about 1;1+.
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    Rounded 6ollar 'it Square Band lip, circ: !!%-$%, &ccurs on 1 bottle.This type of lip was only used on on a juice bottle from ew ersey.

    6ro'n lip, circ: !$+-+%%%This type of lip was extensiely used on soda and mineral water bottles after 1;00and were standard after 1;0. They were mostly used on pony shaped soda andmineral water bottles.

    Bottle Attributes - Beer Bottle Lips

    The form of a bottle's lip can say something about a bottle's age. !egional preferences and dictate what lips were popular and for how long. "ome lips are noticeably rare or absent fromthe country. )n ew or 5ity, early porter bottles were produced with a tapered or rounded c/hiladelphia, a mere ninety miles away, the double taper lip was used almost exclusiely on bottles. 5onsidering that both these city's bottles were manufactured at the

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    Applied rin, circ: !"-!$%,&ccurs on 10 bottles.This type of lip was neer really popular and was occasionally used on some beer bottles. often used on pottery cider bottles and ery rarely glass bottles.

    1ea2 3lared lip, circ: !-!#, &ccurs on 1 bottle.

    This type of lip was used primarily on pottery beer bottles from the second #uarter of the niThey are often ery crude and uneen in appearance.

    Rounded 'it tapered rin lip, circ: !%-!#, &ccurs on ;7 bottles.This type of lip was neer really popular and was only used on some beer bottles. This stylin -ngland and without a doubt, $merican bottles tried to identify their wares with the -nglistyle was used on porter and early export beer shaped bottles.

    Rounded taper 'it insert lip, circ: $%%-$+%, &ccurs on 12 bottles.This type of lip was neer popular in the =nited "tates, but examples do exist. )t was muchermany. The insert in the side of the lip allowed the eccentric part of a wire closure to be eliminated the need for a wire band under the lip to secure it. This lip was used almost excchampagne beer shaped bottles.

    .Taper 'it insert lip, circ: !$%-$+%, &ccurs on 10 bottles.This type of lip was mainly used on transfer print ginger beer bottles from 5anada and the insert in the side of the lip allowed the eccentric part of a wire closure to be mounted and efor a wire band under the lip to secure it..

    nerted tapered lip, circ: !"!-!, &ccurs on 29 bottles.This type of lip was used on some porter shaped bottles manufactured in the /ittsburgh anregion during the era that pontiled bottles were being manufactured.

    0ouble rounded lip, circ: !.%-$%, &ccurs on 49 bottles.This type of lip was not extensiely used, but does occur on a few beer bottles. The height

    collars on these lips aries greatly. These bottles range from a porter shaped bottle from ?oshaped weiss beer bottle from ew or and a champagne shaped beer from /hiladelphia

    Square collared lip, circ: !.%-$%,&ccurs on 42 bottles.This type of lip was not extensiely used, but does occur on a few beer bottles. The height on these lips aries greatly. This lip occurs on some mead bottles and some champagne sh

    6ro'n lip, circ: !$+-+%%%This type of lip was extensiely used on beer bottles after 1;00 and were standard after 1;mostly used on champagne shaped beer bottles, but do occur on porter shaped beer bottle