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  • 8/14/2019 Much of the Computers Architecture / Organization



    EE 4504 Section 7 1

    EE 4504Computer Organization

    Section 7The Instruction Set

    EE 4504 Section 7 2


    Much of the computers architecture / organization is hidden from a HLLprogrammer In the abstract sense, the programmer should

    not care what the underlying architecture reallyis

    The instruction set is the boundary wherethe computer designer and the computerprogrammer can view the same machineThus, an examination of the instruction setgoes a long way to explaining thecomputers CPU itself This section investigates the design of theinstruction set and the impact of the set onthe design of the overall computer systemReadings: Chapters 9 and 10

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    EE 4504 Section 7 3

    Instruction content

    Each instruction must contain 4 basicpieces of information Operation code: specifies the operation to be

    performed, expressed as a binary code Source operand references: operands required

    for the instruction are specified Result reference: where should the result of the

    operation be placed? Next instruction reference: how / where is the

    next instruction to be found In most cases, this is not explicitly stated in

    the instruction Next instruction is the one that logically

    follows the current one in the program(sequential / linear progression through theprogram)

    EE 4504 Section 7 4

    Instruction types

    An instruction set should be functionallycomplete Permit the user to formulate any high-level data

    processing task

    Five categories of instructions

    Arithmetic operations Logic operations Data movement (internal to the system) I/O (data movements between the computer and

    external devices) Control operations

    Instruction sets have been designed with Small numbers of instructions (1) Hundreds of instructions Trend today is to use enough to get the job

    done well (more on this in the RISC/CISCdiscussions to come)

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    EE 4504 Section 7 5

    Until the 1980s, the trend was to constructmore and more complex instruction setscontaining hundreds of instructions andvariationsIntent was to provide mechanisms to

    bridge the semantic gap , the difference inhigh and low level functioning of thecomputer Reconcile the views of the HLL programmer

    and the assembly level programmer Provide a diverse set of instructions in an

    attempt to match the programming style of HLL Permit the compiler to bridge the gap with a

    single instruction rather than synthesizing aseries of instructions

    Did not always have the desired impact

    EE 4504 Section 7 6

    Wulff asserts that compiler writers mightmake the better architects Have had to deal with poor architecture


    Wulffs attributes of a good instruction set

    Complete: be able to construct a machine-levelprogram to evaluate any computable function Efficient: frequently performed functions

    should be done quickly with few instructions Regular and complete classes of instructions:

    provide logical set of operations Orthogonal: define instructions, data types, and

    addressing independently

    Additional attribute: Compatible: with existing H/W and S/W in a

    product line

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    EE 4504 Section 7 7

    Addresses in an Instruction

    In a typical arithmetic or logicalinstruction, 3 addresses are required -- 2operands and a resultThese addresses can be explicitly given orimplied by the instruction

    3 address instructions Both operands and the destination for the result

    are explicitly contained in the instruction word Example: X = Y + Z With memory speeds (due to caching)

    approaching the speed of the processor, thisgives a high degree of flexibility to thecompiler

    Avoid the hassles of keeping items in theregister set -- use memory as one large setof registers

    This format is rarely used due to the length of addresses themselves and the resulting length of the instruction words

    EE 4504 Section 7 8

    2 address instructions One of the addresses is used to specify both an

    operand and the result location Example: X = X + Y Very common in instruction sets

    1 address instructions Two addresses are implied in the instruction Traditional accumulator-based operations Example: Acc = Acc + X

    0 address instructions All addresses are implied, as in register-based

    operations Example: TBA (transfer register B to A)

    Stack-based operations All operations are based on the use of a

    stack in memory to store operands Interact with the stack using push and pop


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    EE 4504 Section 7 9

    Trade off: Fewer addresses in theinstruction results in More primitive instructions Less complex CPU Instructions with shorter length

    More total instructions in a program Longer, more complex programs Longer execution times


    Y = (A-B) / (C+D*E)

    3 addressSUB Y,A,BMUL T,D,E


    EE 4504 Section 7 10



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    EE 4504 Section 7 11

    0 address Convert to postfix (reverse Polish) notation

    Y = AB-CDE*+/



    EE 4504 Section 7 12

    Types of Operations

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    EE 4504 Section 7 13 EE 4504 Section 7 14

    Control Operations

    Common operations Branch

    Conditional or unconditional Jump to another part of the program for the

    next instruction by modifying the programcounter

    Skip Useful in loop control


    Subroutine call / return Jump to routine with the expectation of

    returning and resuming operation at thenext instruction

    Must preserve the address of the nextinstruction (the return address)

    Store in a register or memory locationStore as part of the subroutine itself Store on the stack

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    EE 4504 Section 7 15

    Parameters can be passed to / from thesubroutine in similar ways

    Use of the stack is the only reentrantapproach

    Each called subroutine is allocated a stack frame on the stack

    Contains variable to be passedReturn addressResults to be returned

    EE 4504 Section 7 16

    Endian Wars

    Architects must specify how data is stored(its byte ordering) in memory and registers This leads to the endian wars

    Big endian Little endian

    Consider the hex value $12345678 andhow it is stored in memory starting ataddress $100 Big endian stores most significant byte in the

    lowest address:100 12101 34102 56103 78

    Little endian stores the word in reverse:100 78101 56102 34103 12

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    EE 4504 Section 7 17

    Observations: In storing several data items into a memory

    segment, each item will have the same address(big or little endian does not change this)

    Endianness does not effect the ordering of itemsin a data structure

    No general consensus as to which is best Little endian: Intel X86, Pentium, VAX Big endian: S370, Motorola 680x0, RISCs

    No real advantage in one style over the other Decision is based on supporting previous

    machines in many cases Biggest problems:

    Data transfers between machines of different endianness

    Must go though a format conversion

    process Manipulation of individual bytes (bits) of

    multibyte word

    EE 4504 Section 7 18

    Addressing Modes

    Once we have determined the number of addresses contained in an instruction, themanner in which each address fieldspecifies memory location must bedetermined

    Want the ability to reference a large rangeof address locationsTradeoff between Addressing range and flexibility Complexity of the address calculation

    Immediate Mode The operand is contained within the instruction

    itself Data is a constant at run time No additional memory references are required

    after the fetch of the instruction itself Size of the operand (thus its range of values) is


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    EE 4504 Section 7 19

    Direct mode The address field of the instruction contains the

    effective address of the operand No calculations are required One additional memory access is required to

    fetch the operand Address range limited by the width of the field

    that contains the address reference Address is a constant at run time but data itself

    can be changed during program execution Some machines use variations of direct

    addressing: direct and extended addressing onthe 68HC11 -- 8 and 16-bit addresses

    EE 4504 Section 7 20

    Indirect addressing The address field in the instruction specifies a

    memory location which contains the address of the data

    Two memory accesses are required The first to fetch the effective address The second to fetch the operand itself

    Range of effective addresses is equal to 2 n,where n is the width of the memory data word

    Number of locations that can be used to holdthe effective address is constrained to 2 k , wherek is the width of the instructions address field

    Register-based addressing modes Register addressing: like direct, but address

    field specifies a register location Register indirect: like indirect, but address

    field specifies a register that contains theeffective address

    Faster access to data, smaller address fields inthe instruction word

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    EE 4504 Section 7 21

    Displacement or address relativeaddressing Two address fields in the instruction are used

    One is an explicit address reference The other is a register reference

    EA = A + (R) Relative addressing A is added to the program counter contents

    to cause a branch operation in fetching thenext instruction

    Base-register addressing A is a displacement added to the contents of

    the referenced base register to form theEA

    Used by programmers and O/S to identifythe start of user areas, segments, etc. and

    provide accesses within them

    EE 4504 Section 7 22

    Indexing Essentially the same impact as base addressing Our book says that the A field is a memory

    address and the referenced register contains thedisplacement value that is added to A

    This is not necessarily the case! Indexingas used and defined by Motorola for the68HC11 is exactly as our author definesbase addressing

    Better distinction of the base and indexingmight be who / what does the reference.Examples:

    Indexing is used within programs foraccessing data structures

    Base addressing is used as a controlmeasure by the O/S to implementsegmentation

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    EE 4504 Section 7 23

    Pentium and PowerPC addressing Text shows 9 addressing modes for the Pentium

    Range for simple modes (e.g., immediate)to very complex modes (e.g., bases withscaled index and displacement)

    The PowerPC, in contrast has fewer, simpleraddressing modes

    EE 4504 Section 7 24

    Instruction Formats

    The instruction format defines the layoutof instruction word in terms of itsconstituent partsMost basic issue is the instruction length Longer instruction lengths permit more

    opcodes, addressing modes, addressing ranges,etc. Longer does not imply a significant increase in

    functionality, however Instruction lengths are equal to the basic

    memory transfer data size or a multiple of thatsize

    If the memory system retrieves 32 bitwords, instructions should be 32 bits (or 64)

    Allocation of bits Tradeoff between number of opcodes supported

    (rich instruction set) and the power of theaddressing capability

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    EE 4504 Section 7 25

    PDP-8: 12-bit fixed format

    Figure 10.4 PDP-8 instruction format

    EE 4504 Section 7 26

    PDP-10 36-bit fixed format Stressed orthogonality, completeness, and

    direct addressing Trade off ease of programming with increased

    H/W expense

    Figure 10.5 PDP-10 instruction format

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    EE 4504 Section 7 27

    PDP-11 variable length format 16-bit word length minicomputer Variable length instructions to provide

    flexibility -- more opcodes and memoryaddressing modes

    Cost of the flexibility is a significantincrease in the CPU complexity

    Figure 10.6 PDP-11 instruction formatsEE 4504 Section 7 28

    PowerPC format

    Figure 10.8 PowerPC instruction formats

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    EE 4504 Section 7 29


    In this section, we have looked at theinstruction set of the machine Content

    types of information contained in them Functional completeness

    Addressing in instructions Number of addresses included and theimpact on the program

    Addressing modes -- how is the effectiveaddress determined

    Instruction format Size and amount allocated to different fields Fixed and variable formats Complexity